The Wizard of the Emerald City chapter by chapter. Emerald City - \u003d Books \u003d. How it all started

We all read in childhood the fairy tale by Alexander Volkov "The Wizard of the Emerald City". But at that time it did not matter at all where our favorite heroes came to us - Ellie with the dog Toto, and her friends the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman and the Cowardly Lion. Together they walked merrily along the yellow brick road to Emerald City to the Great and Terrible Wizard Goodwin. He had to bring the girl back to her native Kansas. The fact that Kansas was too exotic for us then, we also did not think - a fairy tale!

But now, when we have already become adults, it is probably interesting to learn about the origins of the Emerald City.

"The Wizard of the Emerald City" is a very successful (as they would say now) "localization" of the fairy tale by the American writer Lyman Frank Baum "The Amazing Wizard of Oz", written in 1900. America loves this fairy tale just as we adore Volkov's text. She even filmed a musical, which is considered the most successful and best adaptation of Baum.

Movie poster "The Wizard of Oz"

The Wizard of Oz turns 75 this year and became the first children's film in color.He is dearly loved by American audiences and is even listed by the UN as a UNESCO World Heritage Site! We, unfortunately, do not have a comparable adaptation of our favorite fairy tale (except perhaps a puppet cartoon). But our imagination was helped by wonderful illustrations by the artist Leonid Vladimirsky

They say it's better to see once. Let's see how these tales and the characters themselves differ.

1. The plot in both versions is the same, they differ emotional background, subtext and various details. In the original book, the girl's name is not Ellie, but Dorothy. She is an orphan and lives with her uncle and aunt.

2. Baum describes Dorothy's life in dull and gray Kansas very darkly. In the musical, this is perfectly conveyed by the color and musical solution. While in Kansas, Dorothy dreams of a vibrant life and adventure. She so wants to escape from her gray existence that she sings the song Over the Rainbow - There, above the rainbow. This song won the Oscar for Best Song of the Year. You probably know her.

3. There is one more significant difference. Moreover, the film is from both fairy tales. In the books, both girls wear silver shoes, which they received as a reward for destroying the evil sorceress.

Ellie and Totoshka. Illustration by Leonid Vladimirsky in the book by A. Volkov "The Wizard of the Emerald City"

And in the film, the shoes are red!

It was a very interesting directorial idea - to increase the surprise effect. After all, this musical was the first children's film in color! And even more so a fairy tale!

4. Our Toto in the Magic Land becomes speechless, Baum remains speechless, and in the film he is generally played by the Cairn Terrier dog Terry.

Doll Adora Dorothy. 75th anniversary of the Wizard of Oz

On the left is a still from the movie "The Wizard of Oz", on the right - an illustration from the book "The Wizard of the Emerald City"

5. Ellie gets a prediction from Volkov that she should help to fulfill cherished desires three beings, then she can return home. Dorothy is simply advised to go to the Emerald City to the powerful wizard ruling there, she meets three friends along the way and takes them with her just like that.

Illustration by Leonid Vladimirsky for the book by A. Volkov "The Wizard of the Emerald City"

6. When meeting a good sorceress, Dorothy says: "I thought all sorceresses were evil." Moreover, despite the fact that in english language there is an analogue of the word "sorceress", all sorceresses of the Land of Oz (and even good ones) are called "witches".

In our tale, even evil witches are called sorceresses.

Ellie and Sorceress Stella. Illustration by L.Vladimirsky from the book by A.Volkov "The Wizard of the Emerald City"

7. At Baum, all witches, except Glinda, are nameless, while Volkov gives them names. The evil Witch of the West corresponds to the evil sorceress Bastinda.

The evil sorceress Bastinda. Illustrations by L. Vladimirsky

And the Good Witch of the South (Glinda) is named the Good Witch Stella.

Doll Adora Glinda good witch - Wizard of Oz

8. Volkov also calls the wizard Goodwin (maybe from the English "good win" - a good victory), Baum's name is the same as the country - Oz.

What is "Oz" is not very clear, and there are several versions of how Baum came up with such a name: O-Z was on the drawer with a file cabinet, Oz is an abbreviation for the measure of weight "ounce", Oz is an interjection, consonant with aham and ohams.

Goodwin. Illustrations by L. Vladimirsky

9. In the original, the Lumberjack was made of tin, i.e. he is not Iron, as we are used to, but Tin Man. In both books, the Wizard solders a soft heart made of silk into the Lumberjack's chest, and in the film he only gives a heart-shaped watch.

Tin Woodman. Illustrations by L. Vladimirsky

10. At Baum the Scarecrow, when he becomes the ruler of the Emerald City, does not change at all - and remains in the clothes of the scarecrow: in a shabby blue caftan and worn out boots, Volkov's Scarecrow becomes a dandy and his transformation begins with a renewal of the costume.

Cowardly lion. Illustration by L. Vladimirsky

12. In both books the girl is coming home after a real adventure. Differences arise only in the continuation of the tale. With Volkov, Ellie remains forever in Kansas, and access to the Magic Land is closed to her, and with Baum, on the contrary, Dorothy moves to live in the Land of Oz. And only in the film, the amazing country was just a dream of a sick girl who wakes up, recovers and understands: “There is no other place like home in the world”.

Doll Dorothy Home Is Where The Heart Is

If we discard minor inconsistencies and look at the two books as a whole, then the sensations after reading the tales of Baum and Volkov will also not coincide.

Despite the fact that Baum's text in particular is quite harsh in the narrative, it is still more frivolous and hilarious. Our compatriot Fairyland is almost not magical, everything is quite serious there, and in the six books of the continuation of the tale this feeling only intensifies.

Baum also wrote the sequels of his tale (as many as 13 books!), And they, too, continue the original trend of slight extravagance and absurdity. From this point of view, Baum's books are more fun and fun to read.

And in any case, it is interesting to get acquainted with the book that inspired Volkov to write one of the most beloved books of our childhood.

The book The Wizard of the Emerald City by Alexander Volkov has a very interesting story... Once an unusual letter came to one of the Moscow publishing houses. The author of the letter asked to republish the book, which he cannot find in any library, and even offered to send this book for a sample, if the editorial office does not have one. He intended to copy the sample by hand, since the copy he has is so old that it will not work for the editorial board. It was about the book The Wizard of the Emerald City by Alexander Volkov.

We read the book The Wizard of the Emerald City in childhood, now our children and grandchildren read it. Probably, many people remember the author of the book. This is the writer Alexander Melentyevich Volkov.

A few words about the writer Alexander Volkov

The writer Alexander Volkov was born at the end of the century before last. All his life he strove to gain new knowledge. He graduated from a university and two institutes, knew several foreign languages, including Old Church Slavonic and Latin. He taught physics, mathematics, natural science, geography and history. The range of subjects taught in the best way possible speaks of the breadth of knowledge of this person. Alexander Volkov learned new languages \u200b\u200bin a peculiar way - he took a book and translated it into Russian.

Book The Wizard of the Emerald City

Once a fairy tale by the American writer Baum, published in English, fell into the hands of Volkov. It was a story about a sage from Oz. In the process of translation, a new book was born about a wizard from the Emerald City.

All this happened before the Great patriotic war... The book was published from a distance, it was quickly sold out, and then they forgot about it, new interesting books appeared. And then came the letter mentioned above. The publishing house fulfilled the reader's request. The book about the wizard of the Emerald City was printed, followed by six sequels, written by the author not as a translation, but as completely independent works.

According to the writer Alexander Volkov himself, the main goal of his books is to show that there is nothing better and more expensive in the world than friendship and mutual gain.

If you have not read the book The Wizard of the Emerald City by Alexander Volkov, we recommend that you do this, you will enjoy it.

Year: 1939 Genre: story

Main characters: Ellie's girl, Totoshka the dog, Goodwin the wizard

The girl named Ellie lives in Kansas. She has both a father and a mother. They are farmers. The whole family lives in a small, but roomy enough van. One day a strong whirlwind rushes into their territory, which carries the girl along with the van and her dog, whose name is Totoshka.

They find themselves in an unusual land - a magical one. There are magical creatures. Plus there are good characters and bad characters. And the little girl has to fight with many bad personalities, but she soon finds friends who are missing something in their life. They all go to the Emerald City to ask the Wizard, the ruler of that country, for what they want to have. Ellie, for example, really wants to go home.

Summary of the Wizard of the Emerald City Volkov

The main character of the work is a girl named Ellie. She has a faithful friend - a dog named Totoshka. One day, the girl, together with Totoshka, find themselves in an unusual mysterious country. Although Ellie loves this magical place, where everything is built differently from the usual world, the main character really wants to return home. In this she is helped by a kind sorceress who gives the young heroine practical advice.

It turns out that in this amazing country lives a wizard named Goodwin. Only he can help Ellie and her friend Toto return home. But before asking Goodwin for help, you need to find him. The kind sorceress tells the main character that this great wizard lives in the beautiful Emerald City. After that, Ellie sets off on her journey, which is filled with various adventures. On the way to Goodwin, the girl will meet many new friends who will help her get to the Emerald City.

The lumberjack becomes the very first acquaintance of Ellie. He has one long-standing dream, he wants to get a heart in order to become kind. Later, on the girl's path, she meets a lion, who dreams of courage incredibly strongly. After a while, Ellie meets a scarecrow who also has one desire. The scarecrow dreamed of getting a brain.

Having met and become friends, Ellie, the scarecrow, the lion and the woodcutter continue their journey. Finally reaching the Emerald City, they find a woodcutter there. It soon turns out that he is not a magician at all, so he cannot fulfill them in any way. cherished dreams... Goodwin got into the magical land with the help of the ball and now can not return home. But this is where the tests of the main characters only begin. Ellie and her new friends will successfully overcome all difficulties. And soon the lion, the scarecrow and the woodcutter will get what they have long dreamed of.

After a while, Goodwin decides to fix the balloon in order to return home with Ellie. But a strong wind breaks the rope, by which the ball was holding and the "magician" flies away without the girl. But Ellie doesn't despair. She learns that there is a kind sorceress in the Pink Land who can do everything that the girl returned home. Once in this country and finding a sorceress, the main character learns a big secret. It turns out that the magic silver shoes she wears can return her home. After that, Ellie safely returns to her home.

Picture or drawing Wizard of the Emerald City

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A. Volkov

The Wizard of Oz

Ellie lived in the great Kansas steppe. Her uncle, the farmer John, worked all day in the fields, while her aunt Anna was busy with the household.

They lived in a van, removed from the wheels and put on the ground.

The furnishings of the house were poor: an iron stove, a wardrobe, a table, three chairs and two beds. In the middle of the floor there was a hatch through which one could go down to the "hurricane cellar". The family sat in the cellar during storms.

The Kansas hurricanes have overturned Uncle John's home more than once. But John was not discouraged: when the wind died down, he raised a light house, the stove and beds were put in place, Ellie collected tin plates and mugs - and everything was in order until the next hurricane.

A dull, gray steppe stretched all around to the very horizon. The mistress of the house was a match for the dull steppe.

Aunt Anna never smiled: Ellie's laughter and noisy games with the cheerful dog Toto surprised her. She did not understand how to play and laugh in such a boring country.

Kansas was Ellie's birthplace. She was born in the same small house, and the same steppe was around, and in the same way, in a storm, her parents sat in a "hurricane cellar." And when Ellie was orphaned, Uncle John took her to him.

Ellie helped her aunt Anna with the housework. Uncle John taught her to read, write and count. He promised to take her to a fair in a nearby town, and the girl was looking forward to the trip. More than once she dreamed of fairground booths with toys and sweets, a circus, the cages of a wandering menagerie with monkeys and lions.

The girl loved to play with Totoshka. It was a black dog with long silky hair, a shaggy muzzle, pointed ears and small, funny black eyes that glittered with amusement. Totoshka was always cheerful. He was ready to play with the girl all day.

But Ellie had no time for him today. Uncle John sat on the doorstep and gazed uneasily at the sky, grayer than usual. Ellie was standing next to her uncle with Toto in her arms. Aunt Anna washed dishes in the house. Soon Uncle John and Ellie heard the roar of the wind from the north. The grass lay flat on the ground and waves ran over it. At the same time, an approaching sound of wind was heard from the south. Uncle John jumped up.

There will be a hurricane! I'm going to drive the cattle into the barn! - he hastened.

Aunt Anna ran to the door.

Hurry, Ellie! she cried shrilly. - To the cellar!

Aunt Anna threw open the cellar door and went down into the dark pit. Toto slipped out of the girl's hands and hid under the bed. Ellie tried in vain to get him out of there. Finally she caught Totoshka and was already near the hatch, but the gust of the hurricane shook the house so that the girl involuntarily sat down on the floor.

A strange thing happened.

The house rolled over two or three times like a merry-go-round and slowly rose. The north and south winds collided where the light house stood. He found himself in the center of the cyclone. A whirlwind whirled him, lifted him up and carried him through the air.

The room was half dark, and the wind was howling around. The house swayed through the air. Toto was displeased. He ran around the room with a gambling bark, unhappy with what was happening around. Ellie sat perplexedly on the floor. Suddenly Totoshka ran to the open hatch and fell into it. The girl screamed in horror and grief. But soon the sharp little ears of the dog appeared from the hole. The air pressure pushed Toto back, and he floated among the hatch, squealing with fear. The girl crawled to the hole, pulled the dog by the ear and slammed the door.

Ellie felt very alone. The wind buzzed so hard that it deafened her. It seemed to her that the house was about to fall and break. But time passed, and the house was still flying. Ellie scrambled onto the bed and lay down, hugging Toto. Ellie fell fast asleep to the roar of the wind that gently rocked the house.

Ellie in Munchkin Country

Ellie woke up from a strong jolt and remembered what had happened. Toto licked Ellie's face with a hot wet tongue and whined. The girl jumped out of bed. The house did not move. The sun was shining brightly through the window. Ellie, ran to the door, opened it - and screamed in surprise.

The hurricane brought the house into a country of extraordinary beauty. Green lawns spread all around; trees with ripe, juicy fruits grew along their edges; in the meadows were beautiful flower beds. Unprecedented, brightly feathered birds fluttered and sang. A transparent stream gurgled in the distance; silver fish frolicked in the water.

This picture amazed Ellie. It seemed to her that she was having an amazing dream. Ellie even rubbed her eyes, but everything remained in place.

As the girl stood hesitantly in the doorway, the funniest and cutest people imaginable appeared from behind the trees. They were no taller than Ellie. The men were dressed in blue velvet caftans and tight pantaloons; blue over-the-knee boots glittered on their feet. But most of all, Ellie liked the pointed hats: crystal balls adorned the top of them, and small bells gently tinkled under the wide brim.

An old woman, all in white, stood importantly ahead of the three men; tiny stars glittered on her pointed hat and robes. The old lady's gray hair fell over her shoulders.

In the distance, behind fruit trees, a whole crowd of little people could be seen; they stood whispering and exchanging glances, but did not dare to come closer.

The ambassadors of these timid little people smiled affably and somewhat timidly at Ellie. Then they moved forward together and took off their hats at once. "Ding-ding-ding!" bells rang out. Ellie noticed that the jaws of the little people were constantly moving, as if they were chewing on something.

The old woman turned to Ellie:

Mighty Fairy! We welcome you to the country of the East! You killed the evil sorceress Gingema and freed the Munchkins!

Ellie was amazed. Why is she called a fairy and who could have been destroyed by her, Ellie, who had not even killed a sparrow in her life ?!

The little old lady was waiting for an answer.

Ellie said:

You are very kind, but this is a mistake: I did not kill anyone.

The house did it, but, of course, at your command, ”said the white old woman.

And the little men exclaimed in chorus:

This is your house - krak! crack! - killed the evil sorceress Gingema! - and at once waved their hats.

"Ding-ding-ding!" bells rang out.

Look! - the old woman pointed to the corner of the house. - There are her legs!

Ellie recoiled with a cry of horror. From under the house protruded a pair of legs in pretty silver shoes.

Oh, what a grief! - cried Ellie, clenching her hands. - It's all the nasty hurricane to blame! What to do?


(Based on the tale by A. Volkov)

A script for a children's theater, where the children themselves will play.





STORYTELLER: A long time ago, there was a girl in distant Kansas. And her name was Ellie. She was from a poor family. They only had a small house that stood in the Kansas steppe. And then, one day, a terrible hurricane swooped down, picked up the house where the girl Ellie and her beloved little dog Toto were, and carried them away in an unknown direction. They flew for a long time and now, finally, the house sank to the ground.

(Music. The curtain opens. Ellie and Toto are on stage.)

ELLIE: Where are we?

TOTO: Av-Av! We got to some unknown place!

ELLIE: Totoshka!
My dear dog!
You can speak?

TOTO: Av-Av! For some reason I can speak human language!

ELLIE: Well then, we must have found ourselves in a magical land!

(The Sorceress appears.)

ENCHANTRESS:Yes, my child! You really have entered a magical land. And she is beautiful!
But our country is divided into four parts, and each part is ruled by sorceresses.
We have two sorceresses who are good and, unfortunately, two are evil. Your house fell on evil
the sorceress Gingema and crushed her. Now we have only one evil sorceress Bastinda left.

ELLIE: Madam, what are the names of good sorceresses?

ENCHANTRESS: One kind sorceress, Willina, is me, and the other is Stella.
Where are you from, my child?

ELLIE: I'm from Kansas. I would like to go back home. Do you know how to do it?

VILLINA: Now, my child, I will look at the magic book. From it we can learn our future.

(Opens the magic book. Reads.)

VILLINA: "The Great Wizard Goodwin will bring home a little girl, brought to his country by a hurricane, if she helps three beings to achieve the fulfillment of their most cherished desires ..."

ELLIE: Who is Goodwin?

VILLINA: This is the greatest and most powerful sage in our country, and he lives in the Emerald City.

ELLIE: Where is the Emerald City?

VILLINA: It is located in the center of our country.
The road to the Emerald City is paved with yellow bricks. Follow it and you won't get lost.

ELLIE: Thank you, kind sorceress Willina.

VILLINA: Wait, my child!
The evil sorceress Gingema still has silver shoes. Take them. They will be useful to you. (gives the shoes.)

ELLIE: Thank! (takes the shoes.)
Goodbye, good sorceress Willina!

VILLINA: Good journey, my child!


STORYTELLER: So, the girl Ellie and Totoshka went to the Emerald City. On the way, many different adventures awaited them ...
First, they met a garden scarecrow, which was standing on a pole or simply on a stick.

(Music. The curtain opens. There is a garden scarecrow attached to a pole. Ellie and Toto come up to him.)

Please help me off the pole!

(Ellie and Totoshka help the Garden Scarecrow off the pole.)

GARDEN SCOOTER: Many thanks!
My name is Scarecrow.

ELLIE: And I'm Ellie.

TOTO: I am aw, aw Totoshka!

SCARED: Where are you going?

ELLIE: We go to the Emerald City to the Great Goodwin to ask him to fulfill our desire.

SCARED: What is your desire?

ELLIE: We want to ask him to send us home to Kansas!

Now, if someone could fulfill my wish!

ELLIE: What is your desire?

SCARED: I want to have brains!
After all, my head is full of straw and I often say not what is needed, but if I had brains, I would become very smart!

ELLIE: Come with us.
Great Goodwin can do anything, and he will give you brains.

STORYTELLER: And the Scarecrow went with the girl Ellie and Toto along the road paved with yellow bricks ...

(Music. Curtain closes)


STORYTELLER: ... When the road turned into the forest, our travelers saw the Tin Woodman in the forest. He stood with a raised ax and did not move.

(The curtain opens. The Tin Woodman stands on the stage with a raised ax and does not move. Our travelers appear.)

WOODCUTTER: Help me please!
I got caught in the rain and rusted, and I can't budge.
Please lubricate me with oil.

ELLIE: Of course, we will help you now.

(Ellie smears the lumberjack with oil and he starts to move.)

WOODCUTTER: Well, thank you. Now I can move.
Where are you going?

ELLIE: We are going to Great Goodwin so that he will fulfill our cherished desires: he sent me and Totoshka home, and gave the Scarecrow brains.
Do you have a cherished desire?

WOODCUTTER: Yes, I really want to have a heart, real, not iron.

ELLIE: Then come with us. Great Goodwin can do anything, and he will give you a real heart.

STORYTELLER: And the Tin Woodman went to the place with them.
On the way, they met Leo. (Leo jumps out.)
He growled!

A LION: Rrrrrrr!

(Toto jumped forward.)

TOTO: You are a coward, since you growl at those who are weaker than you!

A LION: (lowered his head.)
Yes, I am a coward ... And I growl only because everyone would think that I am brave.
This is my most cherished desire - to become brave!

ELLIE: Come with them!
We go to the Great Goodwin to fulfill our most cherished desires. And he will give you Courage!

STORYTELLER: And the Lion went with them ...

(Music. The curtain closes.)

STORYTELLER: ... Now Ellie was accompanied by three creatures who had cherished desires. But, as we remember, in the magic book it was said that if Ellie helps the three beings to fulfill their most cherished desires, then Great Goodwin will send her home.
So they walked to Great Goodwin. If only they could get to the Emerald City!


STORYTELLER: Our travelers met many obstacles on their way: they almost drowned in a mountain river, on their way they met a saber-toothed tiger. But still they made it to the Emerald City!
... A soldier met them at the main gates of the city.

(Music. The curtain opens. Our travelers and soldiers are on the stage.)

ELLIE: Hello mister soldier!
We would like to see the Great Goodwin.

SOLDIER: Goodwin - The Great and Terrible Nobody has ever seen!

ELLIE: Why has no one ever seen him, and why is he terrible?

SOLDIER: Because nobody saw his face!
He always appears in different guises: now in the form of a fireball, then in the form of a huge head, then in the form of a disgusting monster, and if you are lucky, you can see him in the form of an ordinary person, although it is not known, in fact, this is real its kind or not.

ELLIE: Soldier, please report to the great Goodwin that we are asking him to receive us.

SOLDIER: Okay, I'll report back.
But if your business is not very important, then Great Goodwin will get very angry, and then you will not get it!

(Music. The curtain closes.)


STORYTELLER: And so, finally, our travelers were led to Great Goodwin.

(Music. The curtain opens. On the stage we see a huge head. Our travelers appear.)

GOODWIN: I am Goodwin, Great and Terrible!
Why did you come?
What do you want?

SCARED: I want you to give me brains so that I have smart thoughts!

WOODCUTTER: I want you to give me a heart, real, not iron!

A LION: I want you to give me courage so that I can become a real king of beasts!

ELLIE: And I ask you to send Toto and me home to Kansas!

GOODWIN: I will fulfill all your desires if you fulfill what I tell you!

ALL: What?

GOODWIN: You must defeat the evil sorceress Bastinda!

ELLIE: How do we do this?

Otherwise, your wishes will not be fulfilled!
Now go!

(Everyone leaves. Music. The curtain closes.)

STORYTELLER: So Goodwin's name came true - Great and Terrible!
Great because he can fulfill all their desires, and Terrible because he demands the impossible from them. How can they: a little girl, a little dog, a lion who does not yet have courage, an iron lumberjack and a straw man without brains, can defeat the evil sorceress?
But Ellie really wanted to get home, and her friends, of course, could not leave her alone, without help. Therefore, they all decided to go together to the land of the evil sorceress Bastinda.



(Music. The curtain opens. The evil sorceress Bastinda is on the stage. She holds her hand under her visor and looks into the distance.)

STORYTELLER: Here she is, the evil sorceress Bastinda!

Who is there that entered my domain? (Looks.)
A little girl with a dog, some kind of scarecrow in the garden, an iron man and a lion! ...
Where is my magic hat?

(Bastinda puts on a hat, turns it).

Bambara, chufara, eriki, loriki, moriki!
Report to the Flying Monkeys, attack these aliens and bring them here!
I will deal with them here!

(Music. Bastinda continues to watch. The curtain closes.)

STORYTELLER: The Flying Monkeys flew in, grabbed their friends and brought them to the Evil Sorceress Bastinda.


STORYTELLER: Bastinda put the Lion, the Scarecrow, the Woodcutter and Toto in an iron cage. And she did not dare to touch the girl Ellie, because I saw silver shoes on her. She knew that they were magical, and that she, Bastinda, could do nothing to their owner.
Bastinda decided to take the shoes from the girl Ellie by cunning.

(Music. The curtain opens. Ellie and Bastind are on stage. All the other travelers are in the cage. Bastinda walks over to the cage.)

BASTINDA: I will harness you, Leo, to my carriage and you will take me around the city!

A LION: (growls) Rrrrrr! I will eat you!

BASTINDA: Oh you damned!
Then I will starve you to death, and you still agree to take me in a carriage!

A LION: (growls) Rrrrrr! I will eat you!

BASTINDA: Ah well? Well then, sit here! (turns to Ellie)
And you will work in the kitchen!

(Bastinda leaves. Music. The curtain closes.)


STORYTELLER: So Ellie started working in the kitchen. At night, when the evil Bastinda went to bed, Ellie carried food to her friends, who were sitting in an iron cage, and together they thought about how they could defeat the evil sorceress Bastinda.

(Music. The curtain opens. Ellie and the Cook are on stage. They are preparing food.)

ELLIE: Is Bastinda really a powerful sorceress?

COOK: Yes. She's only afraid of one thing!

ELLIE: What?

COOK: She's afraid of water!
She never washes her face, brushes her teeth and always walks with an umbrella!

(Bustinda enters, throws something under Ellie's feet. Ellie falls. One shoe slides off her. Bastinda grabs the shoe.)

BASTINDA: Ha ha ha! And the second shoe will be mine!

ELLIE: Ah well?

(He takes a bucket of water and pours it onto Bastinda.)

BASTINDA: What have you done?
After all, water is my death!

(Music. Bastinda begins to melt, ie writhes and is covered with clothes. From her, (as if) only clothes, a key and a golden hat remain. Ellie takes the key and opens the cage. Her friends leave the cage).

ALL: Hurrah! ! !
The evil sorceress Bastinda is gone!

(Ellie puts on her slipper, takes her hat, and addresses the Cook.)

ELLIE: Do you know what kind of hat it is?

COOK:This is a magic hat!
If you put it on your head, turn it around and say: “Bambara, chufara, eriki, loriki, moriki! ", Then a flock of Flying Monkeys will arrive and take you wherever you wish.

(Ellie puts on a gold cap and turns it over.)

ELLIE: Bambara, chufara, eriki, loriki, moriki!
Flying Monkeys, take me and my friends to the Emerald City of Great Goodwin!

ELLIE: Can you take me home to Kansas later?

MONKEY: No, we can only fly within the magic land!

ELLIE: Very sorry!
Well then, take us to Great Goodwin!

(Music. The curtain closes.)


STORYTELLER: And now our travelers are again at Great Goodwin. This time they saw him in human form.

(Music. The curtain opens. Our travelers are on the stage. Goodwin appears in the guise of a man.)

GOODWIN: You have completed my assignment!
And now I can fulfill your cherished desires!
Here's your brains, Scarecrow! (gives, for example, a pouch.)

SCARED: Thank you Great Goodwin!
Now I will have smart thoughts!

GOODWIN: You Lumberjack, real, not iron heart! (gives)

WOODCUTTER: Thank you Great Goodwin!
Now I will all feel like a person!

GOODWIN: And you Leo Courage, although all the time you very bravely defended your friends! (gives).

A LION:Thank you Great Goodwin!
Now I can become a real king of beasts!

ELLIE: Will you send me and Totoshka home to Kansas now?

GOODWIN: Yes, girl!
It's very easy to do!
You're wearing silver shoes. They are magical. As soon as you turn around you, say: "one, two, three" - and they will take you wherever you want.

ELLIE: Why didn't you tell me this at once, but sent it to the evil sorceress Bastinda?

GOODWIN: Because I read in a magic book that a girl in silver shoes will be able to solve the mystery of Bastinda and rid our country of the evil sorceress.

ELLIE: Well then, goodbye, my friends!
Totoshka and I will always remember you!

ALL: Goodbye! (wave to them).
And we will not forget you!

(Ellie takes Toto by the paw, turns around.)

ELLIE: One two Three!
Silver shoes, take me home to Kansas to my parents!

(Music. The curtain closes.)

STORYTELLER: So the girl Ellie visited a magical land, met the Great Goodwin, helped her friends fulfill their most cherished desires, and liberated the country from two evil sorceresses at once.
