Composition “The Tale of Lost Time. Composition “The Tale of Lost Time Fairy tales invented by schoolchildren about lost time

Tarasova Kristina

Last summer I watched a movie - "The Tale of Lost Time". I really liked him. How happy I was when Andrey Nikolaevich said that we would read the fairy tale by E. Schwartz “The Tale of Lost Time”.
I read this book with pleasure and realized how much time we waste in vain, and then we say: “I don’t have enough time.” You look around, chat on the phone, look at how much time has passed, and then you are surprised that you do not have time to do anything.
In the fairy tale, I liked the school cloakroom attendant Aunt Natasha, with the help of which Petya Zubov found out that he was not at all a student of the 3rd grade of the 14th school, but a grandfather. Petya was very frightened when he saw himself in the mirror. He couldn't understand what had happened to him. When it was necessary to do something, he said: “I will have time and I will have time.” But it was not there.
Evil wizards lived in the world, who were just waiting for one of the guys to lose time. They took it for themselves to prolong their lives. After all, a person who wastes time does not notice how he is aging.
Chief among the wizards was Sergei Vladimirovich. He explained to the evil guys that the guys they turned into old people can turn back into children, and told how.
And at this time, Petya Zubov just woke up in the wizards' house and heard everything. He, without wasting time, ran to look for the guys turned into old men. He ran all day looking for the guys. First he met Marusya, who lost all the time in games. Then he found Nadia, who loved to jump on one leg. The last to see was Vasya, who rode the "sausage" of the tram and did not suspect anything. All the children wanted to be children again. They quickly drove to the forest in order to have time to move the hands back by 12 o'clock. In the house, evil wizards guarded the stolen time. The guys were lucky that they were sleeping, and they managed to turn the hands of the clock and turn into children again. And the wizards disappeared, as if they had never existed.
This is a very instructive tale that reminds many people how easy it is to lose time and how difficult it is to find it.

Nekrasova Lena

I believe that time is not eternal and cannot be lost or found, but it can be wasted or vice versa. For example, the boy Petya Zubov from The Tale of Lost Time did not save his time at all and was punished for it.
He did not like to study, to work, and in general he did not like anything but to play and mess around. He left all the important things for later. Time went on and on, and things remained undone.
One fine morning, Petya woke up as an old man with a beard. The same thing happened to the three guys who were wasting their time fasting. Petya was so upset that he went aimlessly and ended up in a hut where four wizards shared the time they stole from the children. Petya accidentally overheard their conversation, from which he learned that he and his comrades in misfortune have only one opportunity to return their time, and with it their former appearance. They needed to get together today, come to this house and turn the hands of the clock exactly at midnight exactly 77 turns back.
Petya had only one day at his disposal, he did not know where to look for other children - old people, but, surprisingly, he was not afraid, did not lose his head, and without wasting a minute, set off in search. He went around almost the whole city and by the evening he still found the "old people". One "old woman" was jumping rope in the yard, the other was playing ball, and the "old man" was riding some kind of "sausage" of the tram and laughing with joy. Together they rushed to the wizard's hut, but got lost in the forest. Only a few minutes remained until 12 o'clock. It was then that the guys realized what it is to waste time, how easy it is to lose it and how difficult it is to find it. They were already completely desperate, not knowing what to do, Petya climbed a birch and saw a house, which turned out to be very close. They quietly made their way into it and moved the arrows of the clocks 77 turns back, before our eyes they turned back into children. And evil wizards - first into old men, and then disappeared altogether.
The children laughed with joy - they became children again. If they were even one minute late, it would be too late. They were lucky that Petya Zubov turned out to be brave and resourceful. But not all of them are. Therefore, the lesson they received is very useful for all the guys. As it is written at the very end of the fairy tale: "A person who wastes time does not notice how he grows old."
Of course, this is a fairy tale, but very instructive, because many guys do not know how to value time. They do not turn into old men, like Petya Zubov, but they will definitely be punished sooner or later. And not everyone, moreover, will have the opportunity to catch up, like Petya.

Chernova Masha

Time is easy to lose and hard to find. For example, "The Tale of Lost Time". In this tale, Petya Zubov lagged behind in almost all subjects, because he was wasting his time. In order not to lose time, I do not advise you to sleep in class, be late everywhere, skip, be lazy, be distracted from work.
For each quarter, Pete was given bad marks, but he looked forward to the next quarter, doing nothing to improve. So he would have lived as a stupid boy, if not for the evil wizards who took away Petya's youth because he wasted his time. Wizards need this wasted time to be young again. And Petya realized that for a person who lags behind, time passes quickly. But only in a fairy tale can you turn back time. Petya was able to dispel the evil forces and become a boy again. Friends and a great desire helped him in this. True, this is just a fairy tale, but you better not waste your time in vain!

Levillen Danya

What is time for us? These are seconds, minutes, hours, weeks, months, days. What do we do in a day? In the morning, brush your teeth, have breakfast, go to school for classes, do your homework, play games, attend clubs, drive home, eat dinner, watch TV and go to bed on time. In order to keep up with everything, you need to appreciate every fraction of a second. Time is an amazing thing - there is so much of it when you are waiting and so little when you are late.
I read the work of E. Schwartz "The Tale of Lost Time". It tells about the guys who did not know how to properly spend time. Main character fairy tales - Petya Zubov. He was bewitched, turning into an old man because he was constantly late and put off all things for later. And he was bewitched by four evil wizards. Petya Zubov was not the only victim of wizards. He had friends in misfortune: Marusya Pospelova, Nadenka Sokolova, Vasya Zaitsev. They were bewitched for the same reasons as Petya. It was possible to escape from evil spells like this: come to the hut of wizards exactly at midnight and turn the arrow seventy-seven circles back. But for this, Petya had to find the guys and come there four of them. They succeeded. They became children again, and the wizards died.
They were saved, but you remember: a person who wastes time in vain does not notice how he grows old. From this fairy tale, I realized how important it is to do everything on time, without postponing anything for later.

Larionova Dasha

Petya was the name of the boy who lagged behind and did not grieve. And I think that he did not grieve in vain. For example, Christina and Lena are happy when they have fives, and upset when they have fours. But it would be good for Petya if he got at least a four. And Dasha is sad when she has threes, and when she has twos, she is also sad, but she doesn’t show it to anyone, but just laughs in response, no matter how sad it may be. Good thing she rarely has them. I don’t feel that time flies from me on the wings of a dream, like Petya’s. I feel like I only get more years when it's my birthday.
They, these moments, do not leave, do not fly away, do not crawl from me. But if they swim away from someone on a lifeline, then these moments cannot be returned.

Popova Dasha

Time is a very important thing. It is very, very easy to lose it, and very difficult to find it. For example, the boy Petya. He simply wasted time, studied poorly, skipped classes. This Petya himself did not notice how old he was. Evil wizards took away his youth and several other children. But in his heart, Petya was a child, and evil wizards were old men. Time is life. If we connect a clock at the beginning of our life and keep it for the rest of our lives, then we will notice how quickly time goes by when we don't take care of it. And how there is enough time for everything, when we allocate it correctly.

From the site administration

The main characters of The Tale of Lost Time are schoolchildren, two boys and two girls. They differed from other schoolchildren in that they often lost time in vain, studied poorly and believed that they would be in time for everything. Once one of these guys, Petya Zubov, came to school, as usual, but the cloakroom attendant did not recognize him and called him grandfather. Petya looked in the mirror and was very frightened. A real old man with a beard looked at him. He ran home, but his mother did not recognize him either.

Petya went wherever his eyes looked and ended up in the forest. There he came across a house, in which he fell asleep on a pile of hay that lay in the corner. And at night the old boy woke up from the conversation. Two boys and two girls were sitting at the table, who, groaning like old men, were counting something on the abacus. From the conversation, Petya learned that these are evil wizards who take time from the guys who are wasting it in vain, and they themselves become younger from this. Petya also learned the secret of wizards. If the schoolchildren from whom they stole the time come together and turn the clock hanging in the house seventy-seven turns back at exactly midnight, then they will become children again, and the wizards will die.

Having waited until the house was empty, Petya ran into the city to look for the guys who had become old. First he met an old woman who played ball like a little girl. Her name was Marusya Pospelova. Then the two of them found another old woman who was jumping in the yard on one leg. It turned out to be a schoolgirl Nadya Sokolova.

But the fourth comrade in misfortune could not be found for a long time. It was already evening when they saw an old man hitching a tram. It was Vasya Zaitsev. Wasting no time, the whole company went by tram to the forest. The house had to be searched for a long time, and only five minutes before midnight it was possible to find it. Evil wizards slept in a house on a pile of hay. They kept time. Slowly, the old guys made their way into the house and at exactly midnight began to turn the arrows in the opposite direction. The wizards tried to stop them, but they couldn't move. They gradually matured, and then began to age. The guys were getting younger with every turn of the shooter. On the last turn of the shooter, the wizards disappeared, and the guys became the same schoolchildren. They managed to get back the lost time.

Takovo summary fairy tales.

The main meaning of "The Tale of Lost Time" is that in real life, lost time cannot be returned and one must properly manage one's time. The fairy tale teaches to appreciate every moment of life, not a single minute in a person’s life should be wasted, so that later you don’t have to regret the lost time.

In the fairy tale, I liked Petya Zubov, who, although he lost a lot of time in his life in vain, managed to cope with a difficult situation. He found all his comrades in misfortune and with their help he returned the lost time and defeated the evil wizards.

What proverbs are suitable for "The Tale of Lost Time"?

You can't make up a missed hour for a year.
You will not get to know your friend without trouble.
Life cannot be turned back.

MOU Nikolaev secondary school

Abstract of an open lesson

in literary reading

Compiled and hosted by:

Topic: E. Schwartz. "Tale of Lost Time"

Target: continue work on The Tale of Lost Time.


Educational : to instill interest in works; improve expressive reading skills;

Developing: to form and develop the ability to carry out the transfer of acquired knowledge to another learning situation; to promote the development of creative inclinations of students; develop skills in working with text, the ability to analyze; develop monologue speech; Educational : cultivate respect for your time and the time of others; to cultivate a responsible attitude to their duties; to cultivate interest in classes; develop the ability to work in pairs. Health saving : monitor the correct fit of children during the lesson; contribute to the creation of a favorable psychological climate; comply with eye protection.

Equipment: computer with multimedia projector; portrait of the writer; textbooks; exhibition of the writer's works; illustrations: bushy beard, walkers, kerosene lamp; newspaper "Pionerskaya Pravda", tests for work in pairs, leaflets for dictation and Reflection.

During the classes

I.Organizing time.(On the desk)

Our lesson motto:

Think intensively!

Work quickly!

If you argue, it's proof!

Everyone- necessarily!

II. Checking homework.

1.2-3 students reread the beginning of The Tale of Lost Time, then the students read or tell a continuation of the tale they made up at home. The teacher can ask students about which continuation of the tale they liked the most and why.

2.– We heard a lot interesting options what could happen to children who lost their time, further. How did Yevgeny Schwartz's fairy tale end?

- Thanks to what schoolchildren managed to become children again?

What have they learned from their history?

- What did she teach you?

What lines contain the main idea of ​​the piece? Read them. Evgeny Schwartz became famous in the 20th century thanks to his wonderful fairy tales. Some you read in the last lesson and at home. And what kind of person do you imagine E. Schwartz to be?

3. Communication of pre-prepared students about.

Listen to the children's report about the writer, remember as much information about him as possible. Showing presentations.

III.Speech warm-up

1. Skill development different types reading.

Textbook. (On the desk)

The teacher is in my bag!

Who? It can not be! Really?

Take a look please! He is here,

It's called a textbook.

(V. Berestov)

Read the poem on your own, paying attention to the punctuation marks.

Read in syllables.

Read expressively.

Read by role.

2. Conversation on the content of the poem.

How did you understand the meaning of the poem?

Who do you think determines how a student learns? Conclusion about the meaning of teaching.

IV. Learning new material. Setting to save vision. Ex.

1. Vocabulary and spelling work. (on the board) (illustrations on slides)

OKADISTAYA (beard) - wide and thick

kerosene lamp - a lamp that illuminates with kerosene.

WALKERS - a small wall clock of a simplified device with weights.

FLOORS, FLOORS - the lower part of the clothing that opens in front, for example, the hem of a jacket, the hem of a coat.

Choose synonyms for the words:

gloomy (gloomy, gloomy)

grow old (rejuvenate)

to work (to be lazy, to be lazy)

2. Work on the content of the tale and selective reading.

What was the name of the hero of the fairy tale? (Petya Zubov)

What happened to him? (He suddenly aged).

When did the events described in the work take place? (In the middle of the XX century).

Why do you think so? (A kerosene lamp, abacus, clock-clocks, the Pionerskaya Pravda newspaper are signs of that time).

Where did this story take place? (In the town).

Where did Petya go? (To the forest, to the hut of evil wizards)

Read this episode on the page.

How did the hero of the story act? Find and read aloud this passage


How does Petya characterize his decision to look for old schoolchildren?

What happened as a result of this decision?

Who did Petya find first?

How? (Selective reading on pages)

When Petya found all the old children, what happened next? How did the fairy tale end?

Why were the children able to defeat the wizards?

Children's findings.


Ugly duck

Princess Frog

Little Red Riding Hood

Wild swan

Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf


sleeping Beauty

Swan geese

seven ravens

Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka

V. Group work.

A) 1 group (1 row)

Choose those character traits that help you achieve your goal.








Strength of will








lack of will

2 group (2nd row)

Read. Mark with a green pencil the 5 most important actions aimed at achieving your goal.

be persistent

Be decisive

Do not get upset at failure, mistake

Do not rush

Don't expect quick results

Believe in success

Believe that everything can be learned

Support friends in difficult times

Do not be sad

To not give up

Do not succumb to failure or difficulties

Don't be shy to ask for help

Don't quit what you started

3rd group (3rd row)

Choose the appropriate proverbs for the lesson.

Every day has its own care.

Hurry up and make people laugh.

On desire - there is patience.

Don't rush with your tongue, hurry up with your deeds.

Boring day until evening, if there is nothing to do.

To live without work is only to smoke the sky.

Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils.

It's good to walk after work.

Work time, leisure hour.

B). Work on proverbs. catchphrases

Find the phraseological units that the author uses in the fairy tale and explain their meaning.

Everything is gone (p.6)

Wasting time in vain (p. 8)

Keep your eyes open (p.10)

How he fell through the ground (p. 13)

And it doesn’t blow in the mustache (p. 13)

Do not waste time (p. 14)

VI. Summary of the lesson.

Graphic dictation.

If you agree with the statements, put "+", if you do not agree, put "-"

1. Children wasting time in vain turned into old people.

2. Evil wizards counted the time on the calculator.

3. The house of wizards was lit by a kerosene lamp.

4. A person who wastes time in vain does not notice how he is aging.

5. When the arrows began to spin, the wizards could no longer interfere with the children.

Answers: + - + + +.

Did you like the fairy tale? How? What does she teach?

Find main idea fairy tales read it (page -

“... you remember: a person who wastes time in vain does not notice how he is aging”).

How do you understand the title of the story? What other advice does the writer give? (Page - “... sometimes it’s better to spend a little time in order to save it later”)

What is the title of the textbook section? (“Cause time is an hour for fun”). How do you understand the meaning of this proverb? What other sayings about time do you remember? ("Finished business - walk boldly")

Do you think Petya is a positive or negative character? Why do you think so?

What new did you learn at the lesson today?

What qualities did you develop during the lesson?


Will you be more careful with time now?

If you were interested in the lesson and everything is clear, draw a mood emoticon on a piece of paper

VI I .D / s prepare for reading by roles, draw an illustration for the passage you like.