Download a presentation on geography on the topic Eurasia. Presentation on the topic "Continent Eurasia". Learning new material

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Africa and North America 54 million km 149 million km What is the surface area of ​​the Earth? 510 million km What is the land surface area? What is the area of ​​the continent of Eurasia? Which continents can fit into the territory of Eurasia combined? Sizes of the continent

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Extreme points Cape Chelyuskin Cape Dezhneva Cape Roka Find the extreme points of the continent on the map, determine their coordinates 77°43" N 169°40" W. d 9°30"w. d 1°16"n. w. Cape Piai

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Extreme island points Cape Dezhnev South Island (Cocos Islands) 12°4" S. Ratmanov Island (Diomede Islands) 169°0" W. d Cape Fligeli (Franz Josef Land archipelago), 81°51" N. rock of Monchique (Azores) 31º16" W. d.

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Extent of Eurasia Calculate the extent of Eurasia from west to east along 60°N latitude. (1° – 55.8 km). 30°E 170°E (170°-30°) x 55.8 km = 7,812 km 55.8 111

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Calculate the extent of Eurasia from north to south along 80°E. 73°N 13°N (73°-13°) x 111 km = 6,660 km Length of Eurasia

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The border between Europe and Asia Europe Asia Name the geographical objects along which the border between Europe and Asia passes. The Ural Mountains - the Emba River - the northern coast of the Caspian Sea - the Kuma-Manych Depression - the Sea of ​​Azov - the Kerch Strait - the Black Sea - the Bosphorus Strait - the Sea of ​​Marmara - Dardanelles – Mediterranean Sea – Strait of Gibraltar

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Coastline sea, peninsula islands sea, peninsula islands sea, peninsula islands sea sea, strait sea, peninsula sea, island sea, islands sea, islands, peninsula bay, peninsula sea, peninsula strait, sea, channel sea, peninsula strait islands peninsula, sea

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Coastline Mark the following objects on the contour map with numbers 1 2 3 4 5 10 9 8 7 6 11 12 13 14 15 16 20 17 18 19

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Literature Dushina I.V., Letyagin A.A. Outline map with tasks. Continents, oceans, peoples and countries - M.: AST-Press School, 2009 - map of Eurasia /win/2005/01/15/n012_portugal_lisbon - Cape Roca - Cape Dezhnev /large/33509793.jpg - Cape Piai - Cape Chelyuskin D0%B2%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B7%D0%B8%D1%8F – extreme points - Cocos Islands http:// - Diomede Islands jpg - Cape Fligeli - Azores – approximate list geographical objects (nomenclature) - Sea of ​​Marmara

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Flora and fauna The fauna of Eurasia is very diverse. The distribution of modern wild fauna across the territory depends on the characteristics of natural conditions and on the results of human activities. The most common large mammal of the tundra is the reindeer. Arctic fox, lemming and mountain hare are also found in the tundra. The most common birds are white and tundra partridges. In the summer, seagulls, loons, eiders, geese, ducks, and swans fly to the tundra. The fauna of the forest zone is best preserved in the taiga. Wolves, brown bears, moose, lynxes, foxes, squirrels, wolverines, and martens live here. Birds include black grouse, wood grouse, hazel grouse, and crossbill. Steppe animals - steppe ferret, gophers, various mice. Of the large animals, the saiga has survived. There are a variety of birds - larks, swallows, falcons. Semi-deserts and deserts are dominated by reptiles, rodents, and ungulates. Bactrian camels and wild donkeys - kulans - live in Central Asia. In the mountain forests of Southern China, the bamboo panda bear, the Himalayan black bear, and the leopard have been preserved. Wild elephants still live in Hindustan and on the island of Sri Lanka. India and Indochina are characterized by an abundance of monkeys and a large number of various reptiles, especially poisonous snakes. Many animals living in Eurasia are listed in the Red Book: bison, Ussuri tiger, kulan, etc.

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