Decayed whale oil. How dead whale carcasses are disposed of. Bottom sea squid

Fishing in World of Warcraft has always been a meditative activity for those who have nothing else to do or just need something to keep themselves busy before the next raid. In Legion, fishing, in fact, has remained the same, only expanded in breadth and received its own fishing artifact. So, legion Fishing Guidebegins - make some tea, sit back and you can read.

Fishing in the Legion

Fishing remained the main occupation in fishing, which is not surprising at all, but new awards for patient fishermen were generously delivered - here even a waterfowl mount was worn out - the Sea Bottom Scavenger. Also, you can now fish when you fish, and more specifically - special fish, which increase the fishing skill by 5 units. for a little thing and that are needed to obtain and pump an artifact.

Long-runners from Pandaria and Draenor did not go anywhere - they can still run on water, making it easier to find a secluded place where no gnomes will flounder right at the float. The raft, with the help of which you can swim somewhere in the distance and be left alone with the sea, also did not disappear anywhere, but became a toy.

But they decided to abandon the Draenor innovation - fish fillet. They all use fish again just like that, in scales and with fins - but because there is no need to litter bags with tons of assorted fish meat.

So, if something has changed in fishing, then for the better.

By the way, you can order fishing pumping and all fishing achievements in WoW on our website so as not to waste too much time on this lesson.

Darklight Fishing Pole Artifact in WoW Legion

The biggest innovation is a special fishing rod for anglers to brag about how long they took to get it. The fishing rod, of course, is impressive, but not at all decorative and provides several new possibilities at once, such as teleportation to the nearest school of fish or fast swimming - a useful, in a word, a joke.

Fish in Stormheim

The Thunder Storm Ray is a proud fish, and therefore will not just swim up to you. First you need to catch a moose horn hook, and then catch a silver minnow with it. Repeat until the result is obtained.

A gray-bellied lobster pecks at a wet dragon scale, which, as usual, is floating somewhere in the water.

Fish in Suramar

    The maneating frog loves magic baits - just catch one.

    Corrupted Runescale Koi bites on demonic detritus - it must be caught too.

    The Pufferfish of the Prophetic Ridge tribe does not bite on anything - it is obtained by murlocs deep in the sea with their bare hands. To get yourself a few, you need to catch the sleeping murloc in your own person - if you scare him, he will run away, scattering blowfish everywhere.

Sea fish

    The bottom sea squid again does not bite on anything - it can be found in the belly of a shark. The stunned angry shark is caught just like any other fish.

    The hatchet is caught with the help of a message in an empty bottle - sometimes instead of letters they put fish bait there, but it is not clear why.

    The old black barracuda loves flies, but not simple, but predatory. A predatory fly can be found by catching and spilling decomposed whale oil - just wash yourself thoroughly afterwards.

And finally, the main thing - lures are more often caught in schools of fish, and not just where they have to.

Magician Margoss

This time, Nat Pagle decided to take a short break - a magician is puffed out for him in giving out awards to fishermen, but it's not so easy to get to him.

Margoss is an extremely useful character for anglers, and not only because he sells fish mounts. You can buy magic bait from him, without which catching bait for rare fish will definitely take a week or two, so it makes sense to visit the magician early.

Margoss lives on a flying island in the northwestern part of Dalaran. Demon hunters or lucky owners of goblin gliders can easily get there. Everyone else needs to first go down to the Cloaca and catch the emblem of Margoss there - it teleports to the magician's hut, but every time it disappears after use. This emblem is fished out of the glowing vortices in the Sewer near Dalaran.

Margoss, seeing that guests came to him, will give you a task - to catch drowned mana from the pond. The same mana is used at the same time to buy fishing rewards from the magician. Note that it will take a lot of mana if you want to buy everything that Margoss has in the bins. In addition, at first you will have to spend drowned mana just to make friends with the merchant - without this, he will not want to do business with you.

The only way to get more mana than usual is to summon Akvos the Unchained. This elemental appears after using the Mark of Aquos, which is caught right in the pond. After defeating Aquos, the pond will begin to sparkle - do not hesitate and immediately begin to violently cast the line.

Fishing achievements in Legion

In addition to the Darklight Fishing Rod and the Margoss range, Legion has added a number of fishing-related achievements.

The most obvious and simple achievement is the Legion Fisherman - all you need to do is raise your fishing skill to 800. Next is Legion Aquaculture - you need to catch 100 fish in Legion, and Fishing Rod First - catch rare fish in Legion.

The fun begins with the "Island Fishing" achievement, for which you need to complete all world questsrelated to fishing. There are many quests on the Broken Isles and the reward in the form of a bag of fish is often offered, so over time everyone will get this achievement - the main thing is not to try to do it on purpose, and you are not far from a nervous breakdown.

But where a nervous breakdown is almost impossible to avoid is when you get the achievement "Collecting Desires". To get it, you need to catch all the coins in the Dalaran fountain, and only in the new fountain. There are a lot of coins, they come across quite rarely, despite the bait sold nearby, so before taking on the achievement, drink chamomile tea.

The guide came out small, but we hope that it brought you benefit. Until next time.

You may find this interesting:

Incredible facts

When the dead body of a very large sperm whale was thrown onto the Scottish coast by the current, the first thing that beach visitors thought of was regret for the death of this amazing creature.

However, immediately after the thought arose that what to do now with this mountain of rotting flesh?

The giant body of a sperm whale, which was almost 14 meters long, was found early on Sunday morning off the coast of one of the most famous beaches in Scotland - Portobello.

Due to its enormous size, the dead animal could not be simply cut into pieces and taken out separately, therefore sperm whale and dangled in shallow water for several days.

Photos of the sperm whale were taken four days after the discovery of the body.

First, the dead animal was dragged to the nearest port by the forces of several brigades, and then a crane took it out of the water and loaded it into a truck on 18 wheels.Only after doing all this, the unfortunate animal was taken to the place of burial and buried.

This is certainly not the first problem of its kind. How were the issues of burial of large sea animals solved before?

Whale explosion

The most tragically famous solution idea This problem was proposed in 1970 by an "expert" from Oregon.

Then the carcass of a whale, washed ashore, was filled with explosives, hoping that after the explosion only small pieces would remain of the poor animal, which would be removed very quickly.

For safety reasons, there was no one in the 2-kilometer radius of the incident. However, when the explosion happened, bones and pieces of flesh whales not only fell on the heads of those passing at a very decent distance from the site, but they also damaged cars standing far away. In this way, empirically, it became clear that this method of solving the problem was no good.

The proposal to burn the bodies of dead whales proved to be equally ineffective. Firstly, because of the size, and secondly, because of the large fat layer in their bodies.

Natural decomposition

Allowing nature to deal with dead beings on its own is also not an option, because this will take too long, during which the body will publish extremely unpleasant odors.

Dead whales

When a dead body of this size falls to the bottom of the sea or ocean, then it is capable feed an entire ecosystem for 50-100 years.

Carcasses that are washed ashore and lie in shallow waters begin to decompose much faster, but, nevertheless, the option of natural decomposition may be acceptable only for those regions that are at a decent distance from settlements.

Towing the body far out into the sea is also not an option, since it can again be thrown onto some other beach. Moreover, it can be dangerous for small vessels.


In 2012, the body of a whale was washed ashore in one of the American cities in the state of New York, which had to be buried there, because somehow move the carcass was not possible.

But this option is accompanied by many problems, because I had to dig a huge hole, immerse the unfortunate animal in it and bury it, adjusting to the ebb and flow.

This was also the case in Uruguay. Officials resolved the issue by transporting the animal's body to one of the city's landfills. For this, a special machine was used with flatbed platform.

However, the process of transporting a whale can be just as dangerous. For example, in 2004 in Taiwan while transporting the body of an animal around the city, but suddenly exploded, leaving on all buildings, cars and all passers-by stinking goo.

In Uruguay, the body was also transported through the city, but there were no troubles. A huge hole was dug at the dump with the help of a tractor, which also consisted of garbage, and a whale was lowered there. and immediately buried.

Apparently, this is the most optimal way out today. Moreover, the decomposing body fills the soil with nutrients and elements, because it is a natural part of the life cycle.

Whales are mammals that are fully adapted to living in the water. Scientists believe that the progenitors of whales, along with dolphins and porpoises, were land animals, who returned about 50 million years ago to the water element, having lived before that for many million years on earth.

There are two suborders of these animals: toothywho like to feast on large fish, and mustachioed, which are living filters because of their comb-like mouth, through which a huge amount of water is filtered. The baleen feed on plankton and krill.

Whales, like dolphins, should occasionally appear on the surface due to peculiarities respiratory system... Therefore, at a given time, only half of their brain systems can sleep.

Most scientists - etymologists believe that the word whale in English ("whale") comes from the German "hwal". But there is another version, according to which the English whale may come from the word " wheel "because the back of a whale, especially when seen from the surface of the water, is very similar to a wheel submerged in the sea.

As mammals, whales are also warm-blooded, so maintain a body temperature similar to that of a human. Being in cold water, whales keep the temperature in place with a thick layer of fat just under the skin. He protects internal organs from hypothermia.

Whale life

Whales and cetaceans move on water with a tailby moving it up and down vertically. This is how they differ from fish, which move their fins in different directions during swimming.

The blue whale is the largest of all whales. He is considered the largest of all animals that have ever existed on earth. An adult blue whale can be up to 33 metersand weigh more than 200 tons.

Sperm whales can dive 3.5 kilometers under the water, because their bodies are endowed unique physiological characteristics to adapt, allowing them to survive in the cold and withstand the strongest water pressure.

Being at such a depth, sperm whales restrict the work of all vital organs, including the brain.

For example, their heart beats at a maximum speed in such conditions 10 beats per minute in order to store oxygen, they also compress the lungs so that they do not feel the pressure of the water.

Before deep-sea research vessels were created, the main source of information about ocean depths was sperm whale stomach content analysis.

Whales in general do not drink sea waterthey get fluid from food through fat metabolism.

Experts still do not know why whales love to jump out of the water so much. Biologists have suggested that perhaps this is how they demonstrate their power in front of their relatives, while the whalers of antiquity believed that whales thus tease them.

Baleen whales use to communicate with their own kind sonar, making sounds of a very low frequency, which spread over very long underwater distances. These sounds are considered the loudest natural noises in the animal kingdom.

Among animals, whales have no enemies due to their incredible size. Their only enemy is peoplewho have hunted them for meat and other raw materials for thousands of years.

- Hearing is the main way of orientation whales are underwater, so their eyes are extremely small in relation to the general proportions of the body.

In many world cultures, there are legends that tell how whales and sperm whales saved the lives of sailors. According to one such legend, the fisherman-whaler James Bartley, by a ridiculous accident, fell overboard of his ship in 1891, and was swallowed by a sperm whale.

However, the man survived, despite the fact that he spent an hour in the stomach of this amazing creature, until his comrades helped him.

Experts say that this story is fictionbecause, in their opinion, a person is not able to stay in the stomach of a whale for more than a few minutes.

Sperm whales were very valuable in the whaling era. And all because of their unique organ - spermaceti, located under the forehead of a huge animal. This bag contains about 2,000 liters of wax-like spermacet oil, which is still actively used in medicine and cosmetology.

The height of whaling dates back to the late 19th and early 20th centuries. During this period, a huge number of whales were destroyed, and baleen whales were in special demand.

This made itself felt, so today the population of these animals is extremely small. Of the 11 known species of baleen whales, at least 9 are endangered.

1986 is the year of announcement moratorium on whaling... Today only a few countries practice it.

Beluga whales are the only cetaceans that express emotions with the help of facial expressions. They know how to "smile" and "frown" thanks to the structure of their lips and the fat on their forehead.

- The fastest among cetaceans are killer whales... They can swim at speeds up to 60 km / h. Only swordfish, marlin, tuna and sailfish are faster than them.

All killer whales have white spots on their black skin. They are unique in almost every individual, therefore they can distinguish each other even when swimming in troubled waters.

Gray whales used to be called "sea devils" during whaling times because of the cruelty with which the newly-mother female protected her babies. Oftentimes, whalers were able to kill little babies mother took revenge and turned over boats.

The blue whale, despite the fact that it weighs more than 200 tons, consumes extremely small crustaceans. Most of the weight is gained during feeding. As a rule, daily during the first three weeks the life of a whale is gaining more than a hundred kilograms.

In the 15th and 16th centuries, the fangs of a toothed whale passed off as the horns of a unicorn, while they cost 4 times more expensive than gold.

Biologists say that the life span of blue whales is equal to human... Still, some individuals are so elusive that it is sometimes difficult to track them. The oldest whale known to science was captured on camera in 1970 and then again in 2008.

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With the release of the Legion, players have gained access to new artifact weapons. The developers took care of the fishermen, giving them a special artifact - Darklight Fishing Rod... This fishing rod has special bonuses - for example, it increases the amount of fish caught, teleports its owner to the nearest hole and gives him the ability to quickly move under water. In this guide, we will tell you in detail how to get and pump the Darklight Fishing Rod.

1. Requirements for obtaining an artifact fishing rod

To receive an artifact, a character must meet the following requirements:

  • Level 110.
  • Skill 800. By this time, you are likely to have completed the achievement listed below.
  • Achieving the fish of my dreams.
  • To complete the achievement, you need to catch 18 rare fish in different locations on the Broken Isles. To do this, you need to catch a rare bait. The chance of catching the bait is quite small, but with it you can catch rare fish almost every time you cast. To make your life easier, you can visit him and buy bait for a rare bait from him.

2. The fish of my dreams

Let's start our discussion with this achievement, because it is extremely time consuming. The exact lead time depends on luck. As mentioned above, the execution takes place according to the following scheme:

  1. You fish in any body of water and get a rare bait.
  2. You use the bait and get an effect that increases the chance of catching rare fish for 2 minutes.
  3. You are trying to catch rare fish for 2 minutes.

Before listing all types of fish and their associated baits, it is necessary to mention a way to increase the chance of getting a rare bait.

2.1. Magician Margoss (optional)

This vendor sells Arcane Bait, which doubles the chance of getting Rare Bait within 10 minutes. You can fish without Arcane Bait, but it will save you a lot of time.

The sorcerer Margoss lives on an island northwest of Dalaran. To get to the island, head to the Black Market in Dalaran's Sewer.

Fish there until you catch the Emblem of Margoss. This item allows you to teleport to Margoss. Remember that the emblem disappears with use, and you will need to catch a new one every time. Alternatively, you can get to the island using a glider or slow fall. Travel to the northwest of Dalaran and look for a hole in the wall:

Fly through it to the island with a pond.

For these purposes, you can use the Goblin Glider Build Kit, Demon Hunter class ability, etc.

Once on the island, talk to Margoss and take the task from him. Fish in the pond until you catch Drowned Mana. This currency is used to buy Arcane Bait. Depending on your luck, you will need 20-40 units. Drowned mana. You will have to spend a little time, but in the long run, these costs will pay off.

Let's move on to the description of the achievement. As mentioned above, you need to catch 18 rare fish in 6 zones of the Broken Isles - Azsuna, Val "Share, Stormheim, Highmountain, Suramar and in the ocean (it is in any location).

Note # 1. Many players note that the probability of catching rare bait and rare fish in holes is higher than in open waters. This fact has not been fully confirmed. It is also assumed that the chance of being caught grows in proportion to the skill level, so you can use ordinary bait - for example, the Royal Worm. If you have any data confirming or refuting these hypotheses, please share them in the comments! Once you receive the bait, do not use it until you find the hole to catch as many rare fish as possible.

Note # 2. Although the bait and fish types are numbered in the list, you can fish in any order.

Note # 3. In patch 7.0.3, the decoy is not tied to a character or account, and it can be bought at the auction, saving a lot of time.

Note # 4. If you prefer video format, you can watch the video below:

2.1. Azsuna

Skrog's claw. After using the bait, you attract the murlocs for 2 minutes. When the effect dissipates, a murloc attacks you. Kill him and collect Smelly Murloc Slime. You will then have a chance to catch the Energized Blend. If this does not happen within 2 minutes, repeat all over again.

Nar "Talas hermit crab

In the case of the crab, the situation is much simpler. Fish until you catch the Nar Mother-of-Pearl Clam Nar Talas Hermit Crab.

Phantom horse mackerel

Fish until you catch a Rusty Horse Mackerel Brooch. You will then be able to see shoals of ghost mackerel in Azsuna for 5 minutes. One of the shoals is located in the lake next to the academy, according to coordinates (see map). Unlike the previous two rare fish, the chance of catching the Phantom horse mackerel in the hole is 100%.

2.2. Val "ball

Old mossgill perch

Fish until you catch Rotten Fish Bones. After using the bait, a druid will appear, which will apply a two-minute effect on you, giving you a chance to catch an Old Mossgill Perch.

Spiked flounder

Fish until you catch a Thistleleaf Drowned Thorn Flounder.


Fish until you catch a Nightmare Night Crawler. By using the bait, you will get a two minute effect. allowing you to catch Malevolent

2.3. Highlands

Mountain puffer

You need to catch a Swollen Murloc Egg as bait. Using the bait spawns a small murloc and has a 2 minute effect, allowing you to fish for the Mountain Blowfish.

Ancient Highmountain Salmon

2.4. Stormheim


Again, the process is similar to capturing the Phantom Horse mackerel in Azsuna. Fish until you catch an Ancient Vrykul Ring. Use the bait to be able to see the shoals of the udelfisk for 5 minutes. One of the jambs is located at coordinates (see map), but there are others in Stormheim. As with the Phantom Horse mackerel, the chance of catching Udelfisk in the hole is 100%.

Thunder Storm Ray

The way of catching this fish is slightly different from those described above. First of all, you need to catch a rare bait - the Moose Horn Hook. With this bait you can catch another bait - the Silver Minnow. Use the second decoy and try to catch the Thunder Storm Ray within two minutes.

Gray-bellied lobster

Fish until you catch a Wet Dragon Scale. Use the bait and try to catch the Gray-Bellied Lobster within two minutes.

2.5. Ocean

Let's move on to ocean fish. There is access to the ocean in any location on the Broken Isles. Take a look around to make sure you are there. There should be holes with Black Barracuda nearby.

Bottom sea squid

Fish until you catch a Stunned Angry Shark. Use it, kill the shark and take the Bottom Sea Squid. Remember that the shark does pretty heavy damage.


Fish until you catch the Message in an empty bottle. Open the bottle and take the Bait from the ax. Apply the bait and try to catch the Hatchet within two minutes.

Old black barracuda

Fish until you catch Decayed Whale Oil. Throw it on the ground to lure a predatory fly. Click on it to get a Predatory Fly. Use the bait and try to catch the Old Black Barracuda.

2.6. Suramar

This location is inhabited by level 110 monsters.

Maneater frog

Fish until you catch the Maneater Frog Magic Lure for two minutes.

Corrupted Runescale Koi

Fish until you catch Demon Detritus. Use it and try to capture the Corrupted Runescale Koi within two minutes.

Fish until you catch the Sleeping Murloc. Using this item spawns a frightened murloc that runs away from you, scattering fish. Run over the fish to collect it and receive the Prophetic Ridge Puffer.

3. The maximum skill level of Fishing (800)

After pumping your character and fishing skill and completing the achievement, you can go for an artifact. Once all the requirements are met, you will be able to fish. The pearl can be caught in any location.

The pearl makes it possible to complete the task of the same name (). Follow the instructions and travel to Dalaran to visit Khadgar's old friend. He will give a task

To pump the artifact, you need to return to the Dalaran fountain with a pearl. The power of the artifact is gained in the process of fishing with the Darklight Fishing Rod. For rare fish you can get 50 units. the strength of the artifact (instead of the previous bonus to the skill level). This way, you will be able to make good use of all the rare fish left over after completing the Fish of My Dream achievement.

The most convenient way to pump the artifact is on the jambs of the cursed horse mackerel and udelfisk. In patch 7.0.3, these jambs constantly stay in one place and do not disappear. If you find the hole right after using the Rusty Mackerel Brooch or Ancient Vrykul Ring, you can catch 20-30 rare fish!

6. Significant talents

The Darklight Fishing Rod is a full-fledged artifact, similar to a class artifact weapon. It passively increases your fishing skill by 60. In addition, it allows you to teleport to the nearest hole within a radius of 300m using the Darklight ability. The artifact has several useful talents:

  • Surface tension.Allows you to walk on water, does not work in combat, is removed when taking damage. The talent is useful to everyone except shamans and death knights, because many holes in the Legion are inaccessible to those who cannot walk on water. Cannot be used in a saddle.
  • Bloody fishing.Allows you to catch Blood of Sargeras. Blood is used to craft high-level items.
  • Fish help.Transforms into a fish, allows you to breathe and move quickly underwater. Similar to the aquatic form of a druid, but the bonus to movement speed is greater. The appearance remains in battle and when receiving damage.
  • Lucky next time!Allows you to fish for boots when fishing in the Broken Isles.
  • Flounder path.When you cast a fishing rod, you get the Stealth effect, and your range of sight for monsters is reduced to 5m.

7. Hidden talents of the artifact fishing rod

The artifact for anglers has hidden talents. At the moment, only a few of them are reliably known.

  • Increase the duration of the bait.As the artifact is pumped, the duration of the bait action on it increases proportionally. After you put 10 points into the talent tree, the standard (2-minute) decoys will last for 5 minutes, and the Rusty Horse-mackerel Brooch and Ancient Vrykul Ring will last for 10 minutes.
  • Barrels of fish. When fishing from a school, barrels of different types of fish may appear (to be checked).

8. Other talents

The artifact tree has talents that increase the chances of catching fish in open water and operate in a specific location:

  • Fishing for Mossgill Perch. Increases the chance of being caught

Whales were hunted off the North American coast in the seventeenth century. Even then, these mammals began to interest people. The goal was to get whale oil. The most varied types of these creatures were suitable for this.

Application methods

Until the second half of the nineteenth century whale oil played the role of a product that was the only one able to satisfy any need for fatty fibers. It has been used for many processes. Whale oil was used abundantly to make soap and to produce manganese. Certain breeds could be suppliers of raw materials for the chemical industry.

In general, at that time there was a fairly wide range of what whale oil was used for. It was extracted from animals that were caught in the vastness of the Arctic and Antarctic. The most favorable time for this was considered to be spring and summer.

At this time, whale oil is especially concentrated in the well-fed bodies of animals. If you consider the blue representative of the species, it can supply the hunters with 19 thousand liters of fatty fiber. If you manage to catch a sperm whale, you will become the proud owner of 7.9 thousand liters.

The need to keep the look

Whale oil was extracted with great intensity, the use of which found more and more interesting options... However, this did not have a positive effect on the population, because the number of blue, white and gray representatives of this species dropped critically. They have almost completely disappeared. In view of the excitement that whale oil generated, a special international commission was created to protect these animals.

Thus, it was possible to establish control over the number. Of course, there are many things for which whale oil is needed, but if you do not catch it in moderation, then soon there will be no one to use.

The International Whaling Commission appeared on December 2, 1946. At first, there was no effect, and the pace of hunting for mammals was just as murderous. The population of the blue, humpbacked species became more and more small. The fin whale has almost completely ceased to exist.

Relevant today

In our time, the question "why is whale oil for a modern person?" there are plenty of answers too. It is still used in many industries today. The question of limiting hunting is also acute. Indeed, over the centuries, the number of animals decreased. So that they do not become extinct, this issue needs to be regulated.

The importance is really difficult to overestimate. Many useful things can be learned from his products. If we look more closely, we will see that many of the valuable substances that are obtained from the results of catching a whale are really of great importance. For example, blubber (the so-called fat-containing subcutaneous tissue) is suitable for producing excellent fat. It is used to power a lamp or when making soap.

Other useful substances

In addition to valuable fat, whale families are suppliers of delicious meat products. The bone of this animal is suitable for the manufacture of substances fertilizing the earth. Sperm whales benefit from spermacet, a fat that is located in the head. This substance is well used for the preparation of ointments, cosmetics and candle products.

The sperm whale is an excellent supplier of the beneficial material ambergris, which these animals produce inside their intestines. It is used in the manufacture of perfumery products. The tusks and tooth that the narwhal possesses is a very valuable bone, which is not inferior to that of an elephant. The skin worn by the white whale is suitable for making leather goods.

An interesting fact is that any cetacean creature is a mammal. The predecessors of these animals were terrestrial. Even with fins, their appearance is similar to hands with five fingers. For many centuries of underwater life, the environment has contributed to the adaptation to this way of life.


As part of the fight against excessive destruction of whales, it was forbidden to use their fat for cosmetic purposes.

The shopping arcades that fill the world market must cleanse themselves somewhat of cosmetics containing an effective and rare ingredient called spermaceti. It is very similar to the human sebum under the skin. Its action is simply amazing. Wounds heal instantly along with any. The skin is rejuvenated and fundamentally moisturized. Back in the eighteenth century, it was mined to make cosmetics.

Nowadays, a large number of animals are killed to extract spermacet. cooled and filtered by placing on a compact. 1986 saw the adoption of a prohibition against the extraction of this substance. However, this did not stop the poachers, and they continued to hunt and illegally sell fat. Now there are organizations that are engaged in combating the criminal activities of hunters for a valuable substance.

Criminal hunt

Russia can be confidently called the main exporter of illegally obtained fat. Most of the prohibited products come from the Primorsky region. Aroma Jazz is a domestic-made brand that manufactures cosmetics that include spermaceti.

Manufacturers of creams do not want to give up this substance, because synthetic analogues are not subject to such an amazing effect. This is what cosmetologists and dermatologists say. The composition is so complex that scientists have not yet found a way to fully recreate it in the laboratory. Because of this, no one is in a hurry to exclude spermaceti from the composition of their cosmetic products. Of course, such an effective product is popular with the consumer.

Youth elixir

If you want to study spermaceti in its pure form, you will see frozen blocks of fat. Regrettably, poachers do not seek to hide their intentions and are actively posting advertisements for sale on the websites of the cities of Vladivostok and Khabarovsk.

This business is profitable and not cheap. For 1 kilogram, you need to pay at least a hundred dollars. More than one merchant may try to assure you that his actions are legal and legal, but in the overwhelming majority of cases this is just a banal lie for the sake of profit. It may also be argued that these products are from old batches. There is a very small percentage of the likelihood that this is not a lie, because spermaceti makes it possible to store it for many years.

In this case, damage does not occur. But think about it, because with such abundant demand and good prices, old stocks would have been sold out long ago and smeared on the faces of consumers who want to preserve their own youth.

Such products are purchased both by companies that do not want to be held responsible for their actions, and by cosmetologists who make creams at home for their own use or personal small business. Some may simply smear the skin with spermacet without any treatment, believing that this is more effective, and they will certainly be forever young.

In any case, when buying this product, carefully study everything.