Presentation on the topic of Buddhist temples. Features of Buddhist temple painting. Ten Black Non-Virtues of Buddhism

Topic: Features of temple architecture Buddhist temples and Islamic buildings
Municipal budgetary educational institution Sadovskaya secondary school branch of the village of Lozovoye, village of Lozovoye, Tambov district, Amur region
MHC. 8th grade Compiled by teacher of Russian language and literature Efimova Nina Vasilievna

Checking homework.
Group work using cards

In Southeast Asia, on the island of Java in Indonesia, the traditions of Buddhist temple architecture are most fully represented.
Java is an island in Indonesia (the capital of Indonesia, Jakarta, is located on this island). Area - 132 thousand km².

In the central part of the island there is one of the largest monuments of Buddhism - Borobudur - “many Buddhas”. The temple is located on the top of a hill, so it is clearly visible from a distance.
Borobudur. VIII century.

The temple buildings of Borobudur are cubic structures topped with a pyramidal covering. Borobudur consists of nine parts: a rectangular base, five square terraces of three round tiers, strung on one axis.
Borobudur. VIII century. General form.

Borobudur Temple was perceived as the center of the world, in which the Buddha's home is located.
Its buildings and decoration had a symbolic meaning, reflecting the beliefs of believers about the structure of the universe.

The plan of Borobudur shows circles within several squares. The ancient sages believed that the world rests on the balance of good and evil, heaven and earth. The square is the sign of the earth, the Circle is the sign of the sky, the circle inscribed in the square symbolized the Universe.
Borobudur. VIII century. General view from above.

Borobudur is associated with the idea of ​​a stepwise ascent to the top - the path to enlightenment. Pilgrims, crossing the path through open galleries at different levels, acquired varying degrees of such enlightenment.
The purpose of their ascent is to visit a stupa - a bell-shaped tower with a spire.
Borobudur. VIII century. Upper stupa.

Sculpture and reliefs were also intended to embody the Buddhist “realization of truth.” They reproduce numerous scenes from the earthly life of Buddha.

In the X-XI centuries. Borobudur was abandoned. Only in the 70s of the 20th century was Borobudur restored. And again he found many pilgrims and visitors from all over the world.

Religious buildings of Islam
The main temple building of Muslims is the mosque (“a place for making prostrations”). Initially, it was an open, fenced area where worshipers, seated in transverse rows, faced towards Mecca.

Since the 7th century, a type of columnar Arab mosque has developed, reminiscent of a fortress, surrounded by blank walls, in which entrances are marked. Divine services were carried out inside an open square or rectangular courtyard, surrounded by arched galleries.
View of a columned Arab mosque

Mihrab is a niche indicating the direction towards Mecca. Minbar is a raised platform intended for preaching by a priest. The floor of the mosque, on which Muslims sat, was covered with carpets or reed mats.

The mosque was not only a prayer building, but also a public building. In the first centuries of the existence of Islam, cathedral mosques were built near the residence of the ruler, in which the treasury and important documents were kept.
Cathedral Mosque (model)

The main facade of the entire structure from the street side was decorated with an ivan - an arched portal of large scale. The entrance to the mosque was kept open, this meant entering the limits of happiness, i.e. into the possession of Allah.
Jama Masjid Mosque. Delhi. India.

From the 8th century Minarets (“lighthouse”) began to be erected next to the mosque - towers, from the top platform of which a priest (muezzin) called believers to prayer five times a day. A mosque can have several minarets (no more than 8). The minaret and the mosque form a single ensemble.
Suleymaniye Mosque. 1550-57 Istanbul. Türkiye.
Minaret of Kutlug-Timur. XII-XIV centuries
Kul Sharif Mosque. 1996 Kazan

The Qutub Minar (“power of Islam”) in India has a second name – Victory Tower. Extremely strict in architecture, height - 73 m, base diameter - 16 m. Until now, the Qutub Minar is considered one of the most beautiful and tallest buildings of Islamic architecture.
Minaret Qutub Minar. 1191-1236 Delhi. India.

Sultan Hassan Mosque-Madrassa. XII century Cairo. Egypt
Such an architectural complex often includes madrassas - Muslim educational institutions. They differ from the mosque in that the courtyard galleries are divided into small rooms - hujras, in which seminarians live.

Ulugbek and Shirdor madrasahs. 1619-1636 Samarkand. Uzbekistan
Ulugbek and Shirdor madrasahs are the pearls of architecture in Central Asia. The façade of the building overlooking the square is decorated with a grand portal.

A portal niche and a door open the way into the depths of the space, and the high wall of the facade forces those entering here to stop in respectful amazement at the grandeur and beauty of the building. Four slender minarets rise in the corners of the entire ensemble.
Ulugbek Madrasah
Shirdor Madrasah

Fixing the material. What do the concepts mean: Borobudur, madrasah, hujras, minarets, muezzin? What is the structure of traditional Buddhist temples? What is Borobudur - the largest monument of Buddhist architecture? How are the ideas of believers about the structure of the universe reflected in it? What masterpieces of Islamic architecture do you know?

Literature. Textbook "World artistic culture". Grades 7-9: Basic level. G.I. Danilova. Moscow. Bustard. 2010 The world of artistic culture (lesson planning), 8th grade. N.N.Kutsman. Volgograd. Corypheus. year 2009. Wikipedia – D0%B0%D1%8F_%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%85%D0%B8%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BA%D1%82%D1%83%D1%80%D0% B0

This presentation will help introduce students to the world religion - Buddhism. The presentation reflects the main teachings of Buddhism, photographs of temples, and talks about holidays. At the end, a small test is offered to consolidate the material.



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Religion founded in India in the 6th century. BC.

The creed of Buddhism Buddhism is the first world religion in terms of its origin. The founder of the teaching is Buddha Shakyamuni (enlightened, wise) or Siddhartha Gautama (successful)

Four Noble Truths 1. There is suffering. 2. Suffering has a cause. 3. There is a cessation of suffering. 4. There is a way to end suffering.

The concepts of good and evil in Buddhism EVIL Taking the life of a living being Theft Lie Using rude words Idle talk Greed Anger GOOD Protection and protection of someone else's life Reconciliation of warring Truthfulness Tolerance Useful conversations Moderation Mercy Faith in the Buddha and his teachings

Vinaya - Pitaka (basket of regulations, rules of conduct) Sutra Pitaka (basket of conversations, sermons) Abhidhamma Pitaka (basket of teachings of the Law) Tipitaka - Buddhist scripture, it means “Three baskets of wisdom”

Buddhist temple

Buddhist temple

Tea ceremony

Drum of prayers

Buddhist holidays Buddha's birthday

Buddhist New Year - Sagaalgan

TEST YOURSELF The founder of Buddhism was born in India, Palestine, Arabia

TEST YOURSELF The Buddhist scripture is called the Torah Tipitaka Koran

TEST YOURSELF The Buddhist temple is called – Minaret Pagoda Synagogue

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There are a total of 16 presentations in the topic

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Buddhism is the most ancient world religion. It arose in the 6th century. BC. in India. Buddhism is practiced by about 700 million people. Buddhism is widespread in the countries of South, Southeast, Central Asia and the Far East. The founder of Buddhism was a real historical figure - Siddhartha Gautama (from the Gautama family), who belonged to the Kshatriya varna and lived in northern India.

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The origin of Buddhism Buddhism became the state religion in Tibet from the second half of the 8th century, in the Tangut state of the 9th-13th centuries. (northwestern part of modern China) - in the 10th century, in Mongolia - in the second half of the 16th century. From that time on, it was also accepted by the Oirats (Western Mongols), who formed it in the 17th-18th centuries. the huge Dzungar Khanate (extended from Semipalatinsk and the steppe Altai to Tibet in the south and Tuva in the east), as well as the Kalmyk Khanate, which entered the mid-17th century. to the Moscow kingdom. At the same time, Transbaikalia was included in it, which at the same time as the Russians was populated by Buryats, who already professed Tibetan Buddhism.

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Currently, Buddhism is widespread in Taiwan, Thailand, Nepal, China, Mongolia, Korea, Sri Lanka, Russia, and Japan. Tibetan Buddhism is successfully developing in Western countries.

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Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama) years of life: 563-483. BC. The son of the ruler of one of the kingdoms in northern India. The father hid the bad things from Gautama, he lived in luxury, married his beloved girl, who bore him a son. Four meetings served as the impetus for the spiritual upheaval for the prince. First he saw a decrepit old man, then one suffering from leprosy and a funeral procession. Thus Gautama learned old age, illness and death - the lot of all people. Then he saw a peaceful beggar wanderer who needed nothing from life. All this shocked the prince and made him think about the fate of people. He secretly left the palace and family, at the age of 29 he became a hermit and tried to find the meaning of life. As a result of deep reflection, at the age of 35 he became Buddha - enlightened, awakened. For 45 years Buddha preached his teachings.

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Tripitaka is the “holy book” of Buddhists. Tripitaka (Sanskrit: तरपटक, “Three Baskets”; Pali: Tipitaka) is a set of Buddhist sacred texts compiled shortly after the death of the Buddha at the First Buddhist Council in Rajagriha (about 477 BC). The Tripitaka received its final edition at the Third Buddhist Council in Pataliputra in the 3rd century BC, and was written down in the 80s BC. in Ceylon. The Tripitaka consists of three sections: 1. Vinaya Pitaka (collection of disciplinary rules: contains mainly the rules of conduct for a Buddhist and the organization of the Buddhist community). 2. Sutta Pitaka (collection of texts: contains a presentation of the teachings of Buddhism in its original form and consists of five parts): a. Digha Nikaya (collection of long discourses). b. Majjhima Nikaya (collection of discourses of medium length). c. Samyutta Nikaya (collection of related discourses). d. Anguttara Nikaya (collection of discourses, one member longer). e. Khuddaka Nikaya (collection of short discourses). 3. Abhidhamma Pitaka (presentation of the teachings of Buddhism in a scholastic manner).

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Ideology of Buddhism Based on the study of the philosophical heritage of Vedism and Brahmanism, six years of hermitage, and practicing yoga, Gautama discovered 4 great truths and became enlightened - Buddha. The basis of the doctrine is ideology. THE MOST IMPORTANT PRINCIPLE OF BUDDHISM IS ORIENTATION ON INDIVIDUAL SPIRITUAL LIFE

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Features of Buddhism: Buddhism lays down one of the first principles characteristic of all world religions - preaching to all people, regardless of their ethnic and social origin. Shifting the emphasis from collective to individual religious life. A person can break out of samsara only through individual effort, realizing and formulating his own personal righteous path,” and, influencing fate, changing the reward.

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Fundamentals of faith. The essence of the teachings of Buddhism comes down to a call for every person to take the path of seeking inner freedom, complete liberation from all the shackles that human life brings. Nirvana translated from Sanskrit means “fading”, “extinction”. This is the internal state of a person, in which all feelings and attachments fade away, and with it the entire world around a person. The meaning of nirvana is that it puts a person on the other side of necessity, those. Nirvana - freedom Enlightenment and nirvana are achieved at the cost of one’s own efforts by following the path along the “eightfold road”

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Buddhist monasteries A Buddhist monastery is a complex complex with a temple, stupas (pyramids - places of burial of saints or sacred objects), buildings for monks to live, canteens, philosophical schools, with special halls for meditation, etc. Each monk must follow 308 rules, which are twice per month are read out at the general meeting. To do this, all the monks gather in the Buddha Hall, and the novices gather in the adjacent one. Moreover, novices do not obey the 250 rules of bhikkhus and 58 bodhisattvas - they are guided only by the initial 10. The daily routine includes sutra reading, meditation, work, food breaks and rest. It is violated only during the period when school begins: in winter or summer for three months. During this time, monks cannot leave the monastery, and even hermits must return to their home community. Sometimes such studies can continue for years: the monk builds a hut of reeds and bamboo within the monastery. Without leaving it for a long time, the monk meditates and reads sutras. He meditates in the lotus position, on the only piece of furniture - a bamboo bed. His novice provides food. At the same time, both remain completely silent.

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Holidays of Buddhism. Vesak. This is the birthday of Gautama Buddha, as well as the moment of his enlightenment and death. The holiday falls on the full moon day of the second month of the Indian calendar. On this day, it is customary to decorate local temples and light lanterns at nightfall, which symbolizes enlightenment coming to this world. Asalha, Dharma day. Having achieved Enlightenment, the Buddha rushed to Benares to five ascetics known to him, so that they would learn about their Dharma and achieve Enlightenment. This happened in July (lunar month of Asalha), on the day of the full moon. Celebrating Asalha, Buddhists appreciate that the Buddha enlightened people about the Dharma through the “Teaching of Setting in Motion the Wheel of Truth,” his first teaching. In addition, the very celebration of Asalha indicates the emergence of the Sangha. On this day, the first five adherents began to be considered members of the Community due to the fact that they were guided by the words of the Buddha. Catekhina, Sandhi day. Catechin is celebrated on the day of the full moon in the month of the same name (October). The lay people present the monks they have been caring for for the past three months with a special robe (kathina-chivara). This robe is bestowed by the Sangha on an eminent bhikkh whose name is called during the Kathin celebration. On this day, lay people can again show their generosity and their gratitude for the teachings received from the Sangha in the form of giving before they set out on their journey again.

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Buddhism in Russia. In 1741, by decree of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, Buddhism was officially recognized in Russia. For the peoples of Buryatia, Tuva and Kalmykia, Buddhism, inextricably linked with their more ancient traditions, became part of the national culture. In 1763, the first Pandita Khambo Lama Damba-Darzha Zayaev (1702–1777), who was the main spiritual figure and leader of all datsans in Buryatia, was elected at a meeting of the Shireete Lamas (abbots) of the datsans of Buryatia. D-D. Zayaev was educated in Goman-datsan in Tibet. Traditional Buddhism of the Gelug school is widespread in 10 regions of Russia: Buryatia, Tuva, Kalmykia, Yakutia, Khakassia, Ust-Ordynsky and Aginsky national districts. The Buddhist Church is headed by the Central Spiritual Administration of Buddhists. The chairman of the board has the title "Bandido Hambo Lama". His residence is located in the Ivolginsky datsan, not far from Ulan-Ude. In total, more than 60 Buddhist communities are registered in Russia. Several centers have been opened in Russia for the study of various forms of world Buddhism. Japanese schools are popular - a secular version of Zen Buddhism; there is a monastery (in the Moscow region) of the Buddhist Order of the Lotus Sutra, founded in 1992-93. and related to the Nichiren school. In St. Petersburg, the Light of Buddha Society of Chinese Buddhism is engaged in educational and publishing activities; since 1991, a Tibetan temple dedicated to the deity Kalachakra has been operating.

“Without committing any sins, Do virtue completely, Calm your consciousness - This is the teaching of Buddha"


Buddhism arose around the 6th century BC. e.

in Ancient India. This is one of the oldest world religions. Buddha Shakyamuni is considered the founder of the teaching. Buddha means enlightened one. He cleared his mind and gained all his virtues.

Any being can be a Buddha.


Buddha did not consider himself God "a supernatural being" or "a mediator between people and higher powers." Buddha also spoke out strongly against the cult of himself. Buddhism recognizes the existence of various gods (devas), demons and other similar creatures. Buddhism does not say that you need to believe in gods, but points out the possibility of “testing” this, for example, through meditation.

Meditation in Buddhism

Meditation - exercises to train concentration of attention and thoughts


The goal of everyone in Buddhism is to achieve the state of Enlightenment, Buddhahood. The essence of the teaching is non-harm to others, compassion, morality, wisdom.


Unlike many religions, Buddhism does not - almighty God the creator; - eternal soul; - atonement for sins; - belief in supernatural forces; - absolute devotion; - a religious organization similar to a church; - a single canon of texts; - dogmas common and indisputable for all schools.

Ten Black Non-Virtues of Buddhism

  • Murder.
  • Theft.
  • Promiscuity.
  • Lie.
  • Slander.
  • Rough speech.
  • Gossip.
  • Malice.
  • Stinginess
  • Lack of faith.

Spread of Buddhism in the world

China, Japan, Korea, India, Asian countries

Buddhism in Russia

One of the most widespread religious traditions in the country. Traditional areas: Buryatia, Tuva, Kalmykia, Altai Republic, Trans-Baikal Territory and Irkutsk region. There are also Buddhist communities in St. Petersburg, Moscow and other cities.

Total about 700 thousand people

Buddhist buildings

Stupa - “top of a head, a pile of earth, stones, an earthen hill.” The first stupas appeared in India in pre-Buddhist times. They served as monuments on the graves of rulers. And then the stupa became a monument, erected in honor of some event.

In China, the role of stupas was played by buildings of a special shape - pagodas. Later they appeared in Vietnam, Korea and Japan.

  • When entering the lobby, remove your hats.
  • In the dugan (altar hall), move in the direction of the sun, i.e. from left to right, trying not to turn your back to the altar.
  • You can also make offerings and donations (this helps us develop generosity and suppress greed).
  • You can't talk on the phone or with each other.
  • Then you can go to the altar and bow.

  • You can sit on benches, on the carpet in the lotus or half-lotus position.
  • You cannot cross your legs or stretch your legs towards the altar.
  • After the service, the lama gives a blessing by touching the head of the parishioner with a cult object or a sacred book.
  • Then we go to the kettle with sacred water) pour a little into the left palm and take three small sips (we cleanse the body, speech and mind), wash our face and head.

The abbot of the datsan is a lama. Religious teacher (guru). Prayer service - khural.

Altar Hall

Famous Buddha statues

"Great Buddha Wuxi"

(Spring Buddha)

China, 108 m.

Famous Buddha statues

Golden Buddha,

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, 23 m.

Famous Buddha statues

Buddha Shakyamuni, Myanmar, 115 m.

Buddhism in Russia

Aginsky datsan. Transbaikal region.

Buddhism in Russia

Ivolginsky datsan. Buryatia.

Buddhism in Russia

YES. Medvedev in Buryatia

Kalmykia is the center of Buddhism in Russia

"Golden Abode of Buddha Shakyamuni"

Buddhism in Russia

President of the Republic of Kalmykia

Kirsan Ilyumzhinov

Prepared primary school teacher, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 47 Malakhovka village, Moscow region Ivanova N.E.