When and how did Hitler die. The last days of Hitler's life Is Hitler alive?

Documentary essay

The spring of 1945 turned out to be surprisingly early; in all likelihood, she wanted to give people exhausted by the war an abundance of flowers and young foliage on trees that had just woken up from a long and very cold winter.

Yuri Bogatikov glorified the unforgettable spring of 1945 in his song. I will quote just a few lines from this now popular song:

The earth has turned towards spring,

The weather is nice today,

This is how I sometimes remember

Spring of '45.

Years pass, but it does not fade in the distance

And grief, and the feat of the people,

We have walked the difficult road to victory

In the spring of '45.

Nature blessed the Soviet soldiers to successfully complete one of the most difficult military operations - the capture of Berlin, the stronghold of German fascism.

On April 25, the combined efforts of three fronts: two Ukrainian and Belarusian, completed the complete encirclement of the capital and began the assault on Berlin - the last line of defense of the Nazis.

The Wehrmacht command prepared in advance and very carefully to defend the capital. The Berlin group consisted of about 300 thousand soldiers and officers, 3 thousand guns and 250 tanks, in addition, nine defense sectors were created, and selected air force units protected the skies.

Intense battles continued day and night, T-34 tanks and new heavy IS (Joseph Stalin) combat vehicles, created by the illustrious team of the Kirov plant in Chelyabinsk, under the leadership of the labor front commander Isaac Moiseevich Zaltsman, took an active part in them. I would like to note in passing that I worked at this plant throughout the war years and am proud that many tanks have parts made by my own hands.

Fierce bloody battles continued for several days on the streets and squares of Berlin, the battle went on for every house, for every street. Ahead were government buildings, which were defended by selected SS divisions.

On the evening of April 30, soldiers of the 150th Infantry Division stormed the Reichstag, and the next morning they hoisted a storm flag over it. However, the battle for the Reichstag continued all day and only on the night of May 2 did the Reichstag garrison capitulate.

In the Central Museum of the Armed Forces of the country, in the Znamenny Hall, the most expensive relic of the Great Patriotic War is exhibited - the Victory Banner. It was erected by Sergeant Mikhail Egorov and Junior Sergeant Meliton Kantaria, who were awarded the high title of Heroes of the Soviet Union.

So, the delusional plan of the possessed Fuhrer about a thousand years of German domination has sunk into eternity, and the plans for Germany’s conquest of Europe have also sunk.

Hiding in a bunker built next to the Reich Chancellery, Hitler not only closely monitored how events were developing in the capital, but also tried to use the remaining time to predict how the fate of the German people would develop in the 21st century.

So that readers have the opportunity to imagine the state of the Fuhrer in the final period of the war, I will refer to the last three days of his life, namely: April 28, 29 and 30, 1945.

On this day, General Weidling reported to Hitler that the Berlin garrison would be able to resist Soviet troops for no more than two days. In response to this message, Hitler ordered Field Marshal Greim to urgently fly to one of the airfields near Berlin and assemble all the aircraft to support the army of General Wenck created from disparate units. However, by evening Hitler realized that his last hope had collapsed.

This information stunned the Fuhrer, he called his secretary and dictated two wills to her: personal and political. The personal one said:

My wife and I choose death so that our bodies will be immediately burned.

Hitler's logic was simple: with the death of National Socialist Germany, its Fuhrer must also cease to live; any other outcome would turn the high tragedy into a market farce.

On that memorable night, the wedding of Hitler and Eva Braun took place. The witnesses at this wedding were the Fuhrer's closest assistants - party manager Martin Bormann and propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels.

And now I will briefly introduce readers to the biography of Eva Braun. She was born in 1912 in Munich, in the family of a school teacher. The girl graduated from the monastery primary school, and then there was a lyceum and an institute for English ladies-in-waiting.

Eva met Adolf in 1929, when she was 17 years old and Hitler was 40. They began to meet often and spent their free time together. The young girl learned that her admirer was not indifferent to women with large busts, but she could not boast of large breasts and was forced to fill her bra with scarves.

This circumstance, together with other adversities, led to two attempts by Eva to commit suicide. The first time she shot herself in the neck, and the second time she took poison. In both cases, doctors saved her.

The last bodyguard of the Fuhrer, Rochus Musch, who is now 95 years old, spoke about meetings on the eve of Hitler’s wedding with Eva Braun:

The Fuhrer looked like a man deprived of daylight and fresh air. Pale, heavily hunched over, with an unsteady gait, looking like a prisoner - so he shuffled past my telephone exchange.

Eva was a woman who carefully looked after herself, blushed her cheeks and dressed as if she were in secular society, and not before her last day.

At the end of April 1945, Martin Bormann received an assignment from Hitler to establish contact with a journalist from one of the neutral countries and deliver him to the bunker.

A day before Hitler’s suicide, Swiss journalist Kurt Speidel conducted his last interview with the Fuhrer. It is large, takes up several pages, and therefore I will focus only on the main issues.

Question: 27 years ago, when entering the political struggle, did you imagine that such an ending awaited you?

Answer: I don’t think that we lost, Germany - yes, it lost the war, the Wehrmacht was defeated. But we gave impetus to a powerful idea. National Socialism has clearly demonstrated its absolute superiority. The future belongs to National Socialism, I am not afraid to say that it will be the 21st century. I would not be surprised if National Socialism wins in Russia in the 21st century.

Question: You said you won the idea and lost the war. The natural question is: was this war necessary?

Answer: I know that after our death all the dogs will be unleashed on us. We will be called aggressors and warmongers. But it is not true that I or anyone else in Germany wanted this war. The British, Americans and Jews all over the world did everything to start this war, to strangle the sprouts of the young National Socialist movement.

Question: Looking back, are you not afraid of some of your actions? Let's say the final solution to the Jewish question.

Answer: In this tragic hour for Germany, I cannot think about the Jews.

And now we should remind the leader of the Third Reich when he first determined his attitude towards the Jews.

The First World War ended with the defeat of Germany. Two million Germans did not return home from the battlefield.

Jews and communists began to be blamed for the defeat. In 1919, Hitler wrote a letter to the country's military leadership about the need for an “uncompromising removal” of Jews from German society. Germans cannot live under the same roof with Jews, he argued.

Before the outbreak of World War II, about 500 thousand Jews were forced to leave Germany, Austria and Czechoslovakia.

Further development of Hitler's attitude towards the Jewish question is contained in his book “Mein Kampf” and in many anti-Semitic speeches.

Meanwhile, scientists suggest that Hitler had Jewish ancestors. It turns out that the creator of the Holocaust was a quarter Jewish.

Now let's return to the events of Hitler's last interview. Journalist Kurt Speidel was killed during the storming of the Reich Chancellery, and a notebook with a transcript of the conversation, along with many other documents, was delivered to Moscow, where until recently they lay in the archives of the Museum of the Soviet Army.

One of the employees of this museum deciphered the notes made in the notebook and was amazed at the uniqueness of this historical document.

Why did the possessed Fuhrer, with one foot in the grave, decide to give a lengthy interview to a journalist from a neutral country?

Hitler, apparently, decided to stay for a short time in order to determine the future of the people of Germany, to leave his testament to the younger generation of the country. And he accomplished his plan in his dying interview. It says that the 21st century will be the century of Germany, which will be led by the National Socialists, they will prove that the white German race is superior to all others, that the revived fascism, which crashed during the last war, will be able to prove to everyone its real strength and unlimited possibilities.

It must be admitted that Hitler’s will, which he outlined in his last interview, found a response not only in Germany, but also in many European countries. Isn’t this evidenced by the pro-fascist protests of young people in Moscow and other cities of Russia, the publication of books by the leaders of fascist Germany? Recently, a book from the “Prose of the Great” series by Joseph Goebbels, a comrade-in-arms of Adolf Hitler, went on sale in Moscow bookstores. Goebbels is considered one of the main fascist criminals.

Goebbels' novel entitled “Michael. German fate in diary entries,” tells readers about a good German and a bad Jew.

The sports community was outraged by the action of fans who, during a football match that took place in Yaroslavl, demonstrated a fascist swastika in one of the stands.

This day, the final day in the Fuhrer’s life, passed in agonizing anticipation: despite words about his determination to commit suicide, Hitler still hesitated. The doubts were put to an end when Goebbels brought sad news from Italy: Benedito Mussolini and his mistress Clara were killed by partisans and hanged by their feet in the city square of Milan.

It was a precise psychological blow: Hitler was most afraid of shameful captivity. The thought that the victors would put him in an iron cage and put him on public display constantly haunted the Fuhrer. “I will not fall into the hands of the enemy, either alive or dead,” he immediately declared.

Having said goodbye to their last comrades, officers, secretaries, Hitler and Eva Braun retired to the bunker, in which the Fuhrer committed suicide with a firearm, and his wife took poisonous powder - potassium cyanide.
This happened on April 30, 1945 at approximately 15:30. At this time, Hitler and Eva Braun were already dead. They were taken to a neighboring garden, doused with gasoline and burned. The burned remains were reburied near Magdeburg and later exhumed, cremated and scattered over the Oder River.


Some time after the assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin in 1995, I had the opportunity to visit this country. I usually began my acquaintance with a state that was new to me by visiting bookstores, where I was interested in the latest in documentary literature and, above all, books dedicated to the head of government who was killed by a religious student. I came across a small book with a bright cover, published by a local publishing house, which said that Yitzhak Rabin was alive, that he had been rescued and was continuing his activities underground.

Some kind of monstrous distortion of reality, because I visited the cemetery where the former prime minister is buried.

Something similar happened with the description of events related to Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun. It turns out that they were revived by the famous Argentine publicist Abel Basti in his book “Hitler in Argentina”.

Using special instruments, we (that is, the author of the book) recorded that three German submarines rest at a depth of 300 meters. Further, Abel Basti claims that Hitler and Eva took a trip around the country.

The author of the book provides numerous evidence designed to convince the reader that they saw Hitler and Eva Braun. For many years, Catalina Gamero worked as a maid, who is still alive and remains in sound and sound memory. She told how in 1949 she served Hitler in a small hotel. According to Besti, in the mid-60s of the last century, Hitler moved to neighboring Paraguay.

This is the summary of the book by Argentine writer Abel Basti. Some people believe in the authenticity of the events described in it, but most readers consider it a fiction from beginning to end.

...In conclusion of the essay, let’s return to Yuri Bogatikov’s wonderful song about the spring of 1945:

And it will fly up like a rocket

Into the transparent blue of the sky.

For all generations, for all times

Spring of '45.

Anatoly Gorokhovsky,
journalist, Honored Worker of Culture of Ukraine.



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The rampant Nazism in the 30-40s of the last century is one of the most terrible and bloody events in history. Take a look at rare photos of the one who was at the head of criminal acts against humanity.

The main figure, founder and executor of the embodiment of the bloody Nazi dream was Adolf Hitler, whose portrait became the face of fascism and Nazism throughout the world.

In our article you will see a large selection of photographs from the life of this most terrible dictator. Many of the photographs are rare and appeared in the public domain quite recently, when they were sold under the hammer at one of the auctions in the spring.

When you look into the face of this man, your blood runs cold and you are overcome with horror from the realization that all the most terrible events - millions of deaths, hellish experiments and abuse of people and children - happened on our Earth precisely because of him.

Root of Evil

Hitler's parents, father Alois (1837-1903) and mother Clara (1860-1907), were formally relatives, so his father had to obtain marriage licenses. Alois was a very difficult person with a tough character; he often started drunken brawls in the house and assaulted people. The unfortunate mother saw the light in the window only in her little son Adolf and completely gave him her love and hyper-care. He was her fourth child; the first three died at an early age from illness.

Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889 in Austria in the small village of Ranshofen.

The boy drew well from an early age, which his father was terribly dissatisfied with and forbade his son to do this. The mother, on the contrary, tried to develop the boy’s skills behind Alois’s back and constantly inspired him that he was immensely talented and would become famous. When the father caught the eye of his son’s drawings, he became furious and gave the two a beating, to which his wife shouted at him in despair that he was mistaken, his son would still be famous throughout the world. And she turned out to be right, but he became famous not for his artistic drawings.

Adolf Hitler's school years

During his school years, Hitler was distinguished by good studies, leadership qualities, and he had already begun to show the inclinations of nationalism and the desire to join the ranks of the Boer soldiers. He colorfully demonstrated all this in drawings, showing them to his peers. As experts note, this behavior could be caused by an emotional protest to the oppressive father, who demanded unquestioning obedience from his son.

According to the memoirs of Alois Jr., Hitler's half-brother, Adolf was distinguished by cruelty and could become furious over minor reasons, he loved no one except his mother, and was a narcissistic person. He was also overly spoiled - his mother indulged Adolf in everything, so he didn't care. got away with it.

The beginning of the dictator's path

Munich 08/02/1914 Hitler at a rally on Odeonplatz during the mobilization of the German army to participate in the First World War.

Having matured, Hitler tried to enter art school and was completely confident that he would succeed without difficulty. But what a blow it was for him when he was not enrolled, saying that his drawings were good, but not sufficient for an art school; with such skills he was recommended to go to the Faculty of Architecture. Adolf was furious; he believed that the school was staffed by mediocrities who had no way of appreciating truly talented things.

For several years he tried to enter art schools, but was rejected everywhere. The feeling of an ideal artist nurtured by his mother haunted him, although in reality it turned out that he did not have the talent that Clara, blinded by her mother’s love, idealized.

After unsuccessful attempts to become an artist, the death of his mother, impoverishment and wandering, Hitler volunteered to join the ranks of the German army, which then unleashed the First World War. According to the recollections of fellow soldiers, Adolf was brave, quiet and efficient, for which he quickly received the rank of corporal in the service, but Hitler was not given a leadership rank, since he was considered an excellent performer who lacked leadership qualities. Fellow soldiers also noted his inexplicable luck: Hitler always returned from the battlefield alive and unharmed, even if his entire squad was defeated, and when injuries occurred, they were light and did not threaten the life of the future Fuhrer.

Front-line photos of Hitler during the First World War

During the First World War, Adolf's nationalist sentiments and beliefs only grew and strengthened, and by leaps and bounds. When Germany began to lose and give up ground, protest sentiments began in the rear due to poverty and hunger, which Hitler regarded as a betrayal.

What are the Jews to blame for?

The beginning of Hitler's ascent to political Olympus in 1921.

At the end of the war, Hitler left military service, which never became his career, but allowed him to have like-minded people, of whom there were only 7 people. With these people, Hitler began his political career, and later the realization of his dreams. He wanted little: “to become the sole leader of Germany and begin the fight against the hated Jews and enslave the whole world.” Hatred of Jews fueled his sick imagination; Adolf believed that this nation wanted to seize power over other nations and make them faceless.

Hitler was not always an anti-Semite; throughout his life he had Jewish friends who helped him to varying degrees. Bitterness and hatred began to grow after the death of her mother, who was sick with cancer, and her doctor was a Jew. Hitler repeatedly thanked this doctor for trying as hard as possible to cure his mother. But, most likely, Hitler had a subconscious resentment against the doctor for not saving his mother, and she was the only person whom the Fuhrer madly loved, and after her death he grieved greatly. Therefore, over time, the resentment grew into an obsessive hatred of the entire Jewish people.

First successes and the Beer Hall Putsch

Hitler's career grew rapidly in the political sphere, he was a great speaker who could hold the attention of a crowd and captivate them with his ideas.

In his speeches, the future chancellor played on the patriotic sentiments of the population that reigned in Germany after the war and the failed capitulation, which led the country to huge foreign debts and economic decline.

When the audience of listeners who came to his speeches grew to 2,000 people, Hitler began to suppress by force everyone who shouted out discontent: they were dragged out and beaten by his stormtroopers.

Without significant obstacles from the authorities, Adolf became more aggressive and staged entire massacres with those protesting against his actions and ideas with the help of entire self-defense units he created, for which he once spent 5 weeks in prison.

Hitler enlisted the experience and support of Mussolini, the Italian dictator who had successfully gained power in Italy in the 1920s through conquest and violent suppression of resistance.

The Bürgerbräukeller beer hall (1923), where the Beer Hall Putsch began. Photo from the German Federal Archives

Seizure of the War Ministry building by Rem fighters during the Beer Hall Putsch. With a banner - Himmler

In 1923, Hitler staged a putsch in Germany to seize power, which was called the “beer hall.” The seizure of power failed due to the betrayal of some of his supporters, although it was initially successful. During these events, 18 people died, including law enforcement officers and Nazis.

The birth of the famous Mein Kampf

Hitler was arrested and sentenced to five years in prison as an organizer of mass riots, but was then released early in December 1924. In prison, he wrote his famous two-volume memoir, consisting of an autobiography and a political campaign, which he called Mein Kampf, translated from German as “My Struggle.” Also, during the year of imprisonment, Hitler reflected for a long time on his mistakes and realized that Mussolini’s scenario for the violent seizure of power was not suitable for Germany, and built a new plan of action.

At Ludendorff's trial, from left to right: lawyer Holt, Weber, Roder General Ludendorff and Adolf Hitler, 1923

After being released from Landsberg prison in Landsberg am Lech in Bavaria, December 1924.

Two documents of Adolf Hitler have been preserved in the German federal archive: the first is a permit to carry weapons, the second confirms his membership in the National Socialist German Workers' Party, as the first person under No. 1.

Hitler's election speeches

German Nazi meeting in Munich 1929

Hitler is an excellent speaker. Early 1930s, during the election race.

Photo portrait 1932.

At the construction site of the new building of the Reichsbank (the central bank of the German Empire), May 1932.

When Hitler came out of prison, he made a new plan, political, to achieve his goal. His calculation was to play on the national sentiments of the population and the middle class, which at that time was experiencing difficult financial difficulties, and also to put pressure on the authorities. Every now and then he staged various kinds of provocations.

At the pinnacle of power

After 14 years of ups and downs in the political arena through violent and political actions, several rounds of elections and pressure on the German government, Hitler came to power as chancellor on January 30, 1933. Celebrations of this event resulted in the famous torchlight procession through Berlin.

No one then could have guessed which beast in human form was entrusted with power. After all, in recent years, during the election race, Hitler hid and restrained his anti-Semitic aspirations and desire to resort to radical measures to implement the idea of ​​​​cleansing Germany and the world from the Jewish race.

Mass Nazi rally in Bückeburg, 1934

A visit to his prison cell in Landsberg prison 10 years later, where Hitler wrote his book "Mein Kampf" 1934.

Olympic Games 1936, top German officials sign autographs

Berlin 1936, Hitler's farewell at the New Year's banquet with the guests present

Wedding of the Nazi elite

All those in power who helped Hitler get such a high position in the government were under the illusion that this “Nazi upstart” would become a cornered puppet in their hands, but they soon paid bitterly for this and belatedly realized their irreparable mistake.

In pursuit of power, Hitler decided to take care of his health in order to have time to bring his vile ideas to life and, as he believed, save Germany. Therefore, the Fuhrer became a true vegetarian, as a result of which he actively created laws to protect animals and toughened punishment for their violations.

Communication with animals

The Fuhrer's favorite German shepherd Blondie

Hitler with his Scotch Terriers

Communication with children

Also, Hitler always demonstrably showed concern for German children as the future of a pure nation.

Various events during Hitler's reign

The first statement that Hitler made as chancellor was about rearming the army and restoring its full combat capability, after which it would be possible to conquer lands in the East with their complete Germanization.

Bückeburg, 1937. Thanksgiving Day

Regular rallies

Reichstag, decision was made on the peaceful annexation of Austria 1938.

Preparations for the performance of the Leopoldhall orchestra Munich 1938.

Visit to the city of Graslitz, temporarily occupied Sudetenland 1938.

Nazi rally in Czechoslovakia, Eger 1938

Hitler with Austrian fans in 1939.

Events before the start of World War II

Performance on May Day at the stadium in 1939.

After Hitler came to power, the holiday received official status in 1933 - National Labor Day.

Hitler at the Charlottenburg Theater, May 1939.

First voyage of the ship Robert Ley, Hitler on board the ship.

Tea drinking at his residence in Obersalzberg (Bavarian Alps) 1939.

The height of World War II

Hitler has lunch on the front line, 1940.

France 40th year

Hitler with Emmy and Edda Goering 1940

Emmy is a German theater and film actress, the second wife of Hermann Goering, and was secretly considered the first lady of Germany. Together with Magda Goebbels (wife of the German Minister of Education), she led various charitable events. Edda's godfather was Hitler himself.

Christmas celebration with German senior military officials, 1941.

Adolf Hitler greets German military personnel at the airfield in Uman.

In the photo, Hitler is in the Ukrainian city of Uman and greets his soldiers. Hitler flew here to inspect the German and Italian military in the summer of 1941.

A symbolic gift to Hitler on the occasion of the capture of Sarajevo.

The soldiers hastened to remove this sign hanging on the wall near the Latin Bridge and hand it over to the Fuhrer almost immediately after the capture of Sarajevo, as a symbol of their victory and the spread of Hitler’s power in these territories.

Visits to the hospital with wounded officers, 1944.

Hitler and Goebbels at a press conference in Berlin

Hitler's presentation to Marshal Goering - “Lady with a Falcon” (1880).

Both figures were collectors of paintings and other works by famous authors; by 1945, Adolf’s collection amounted to more than 6,000 paintings, Goering’s - more than 1,000. The paintings were purchased or confiscated by personal agents of political figures. The rights to these paintings are disputed to this day.

Hitler with Eva Braun

Hitler discussing the Bulge with Göring and Guderian in October 1944

Inspection of the destruction after the bombing of Soviet troops, spring 1945.

The rarest recent footage

These are rare shots of Hitler in the last days of his life, since after the massive attacks of the Soviet army on the fascist detachments of German troops, Hitler preferred to hole up in his underground bunker.

Last photo during life

Photo from the FBI database, USA. Possible change in Hitler's appearance during his escape attempt.

According to the official version, on April 30, 1945, together with his wife Eva Braun, Adolf Hitler committed suicide. Eva died after taking a poison capsule without any visible signs of violence, and Hitler first shot his beloved German Shepherd before putting a bullet in his head.

Death of Adolf Hitler

According to information from members of Hitler's staff, the day before they were ordered to prepare cans of gasoline to burn the corpses. On April 30, 1945, Hitler, having shaken hands with people from his inner circle, went with his wife to his room, and soon a shot was heard from it. After a while, the servants looked into their room, where they saw the corpse of the Fuhrer with a gunshot wound to the head and the corpse of Eva Braun without visible injuries. After which they wrapped the bodies in army blankets, doused them with previously prepared gasoline and burned them, as ordered.

The photo shows a burnt corpse being examined by Soviet specialists.

But there is a version that Hitler and Brown fled to South America, where they met their old age, and left the corpses of their doubles in their place. Even Stalin at one time put forward the version that Hitler was alive and hiding with the Allies.

The photo shows supposedly seventy-five-year-old Hitler on his deathbed.

In 1980, some Argentine newspapers published sensational news that Adolf Hitler did not commit suicide, but remained alive. In 1953, he met with his personal pilot Hans Baur, released from Soviet captivity, and he gave him a message from the Minister of Internal Affairs Lavrentiy Beria. In it, the all-powerful head of the Soviet intelligence services informed the former Fuhrer of the Third Reich about plans to recreate a united Germany and offered, through the Black International, which has great weight in many countries of Western Europe, to provide him with political support.

Two corpses

Of course, it is impossible to verify this incredible information that came out 20 years ago. But to answer the following questions: “How substantiated is the version of Hitler’s death in April 1945?” and “Could Hitler have been hiding for many years in a place inaccessible to the Allies?” - quite possible.
Let's start with the first question. On May 5, 1945, two charred corpses, belonging to a man and a woman, were found in a shell crater next to a bunker in the courtyard of the Imperial Chancellery. According to the captured SS man Harry Mengerhausen, who was involved in the cremation of the Hitler couple, they were Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun.
Stalin was immediately informed about this discovery. But he did not believe it and made an official statement to the leaders of the United States and England that Hitler was alive and hiding somewhere. At the Potsdam Conference held in June
1945, Prime Minister Attlee of England - the country with the best intelligence at the time - also declared that Hitler was alive.
Many years later. Secret archives were opened. They were carefully studied by the Russian writer Leon Arbatsky and the British physician-historian Thomas Hugh. And both came to a unanimous opinion: Hitler did not commit suicide, but remained alive, and the evidence of death of both himself and Eva Braun is fake.
From archival documents it followed that no traces of a bullet wound were found on the skull of Hitler’s corpse, although, according to many witnesses, he committed suicide by shooting himself with a pistol. An examination of the blood stains on the sofa where the Fuhrer shot himself showed that it was imitation blood, not blood, and the blood type of the body found in the crater did not match Hitler’s blood type.


The declassified autopsy reports of Eva Braun noted that her chest was torn apart by a direct hit from shrapnel. Moreover, her blow hit a living body. How, one wonders, could Eva Braun get such a wound in the bunker? The corpse had a golden bridge in its mouth. However, according to doctors, Eve was not given a bridge, although one was made.
L. Arbatsky believes that, most likely, the replacement of the Fuhrer with a double and the staged suicide occurred on April 30. On this day, at approximately 13:00, Hitler said goodbye to his subordinates and retired with Eva Braun to the bunker. Of the surviving witnesses, only one person saw Hitler dead - Linge's personal valet! Everyone else watched only the removal of the body, wrapped in a blanket.
Hitler at this time changed his clothes, changed his appearance and left the bunker. Hitler's adjutant Günsche testifies in his testimony that he ordered the guards to leave the premises adjacent to Hitler's apartments and removed the sentries from the emergency exit.
The following fact can serve as indirect evidence that Hitler could escape from besieged Berlin. After the official death of the Fuhrer, on May 1, 1945, a group of German tanks broke through in the sector of the 52nd Guards Rifle Division from Berlin, leaving at high speed to the northwest. In the center of the tank group, powerful Horchs and Maybachs were seen, having left the tank formation on the outskirts of the imperial capital. The next day, May 2, the tanks were completely destroyed by units of the 1st Army of the Polish Army about 15 kilometers from Berlin. Nothing is known about the fate of the vehicles whose breakthrough was covered by tanks.

"Fuhrer's Convoy"

Most likely, Hitler could head to the Baltic Sea coast in Hamburg. Here, at the pier, 10 ocean-going submarines were stationed, intended to evacuate the Reich government. On April 13, 1945, the submarine U-530 from the special unit “Führer Convoy” left Kiel with boxes of documents and Hitler’s personal belongings. Several mysterious passengers also sailed on this boat, their faces hidden by surgical bandages. Later in May, the boat U-977 set sail, what and who it was carrying is unknown. It is natural to assume that the Fuhrer’s personal belongings and himself were heading to the same place.
Now all that remains is to determine where this place is located, in which Adolf Hitler could have been hiding for several decades.
On the eve of World War II, Hitler unexpectedly showed keen interest in the distant and lifeless continent. An expedition to Antarctica, unique in terms of the scale of research and the amount of funding, was organized. The budget of the expedition at that time was huge, it amounted to about 3 million Reichsmarks. It was sponsored directly by the state and the Luft-Hansa company. The ship "Schwaben-land" was used to carry out the expedition. He was stuffed with all sorts of equipment, which included a seaplane, and prepared for a long journey. The ship's crew was carefully selected and underwent special training.
On December 17, 1938, the ship left the port of Hamburg and headed for Antarctica. A month later, on January 19, the expedition safely reached the coastal ice of the mainland. Germany declared itself the owner of a vast territory called “New Swabia” (Queen Maud Land).
Submarines with the “sea wolves” of Admiral Karl Doenitz secretly headed to the shores of Antarctica. The secret exploration of the ice continent has begun. After the end of World War II, documents were discovered in the top-secret SS archives indicating that in Antarctica there was a whole system of interconnected caves with warm air.

The battle for "earthly paradise"

Reporting on the results of the expedition, K. Doenitz uttered a mysterious phrase: “My submariners discovered a real earthly paradise.” And in 1943, another phrase, incomprehensible to many, came from his lips: “The German submarine fleet is proud that on the other side of the world it has created an impregnable fortress for the Fuhrer.”
It was to this impregnable fortress that Adolf Hitler could have headed in May 1945. Moreover, long before the death of the Third Reich, it was being prepared for an autonomous existence. From the beginning of 1939, for several years, mining equipment, trolleys and huge cutters for tunneling were delivered by submarines. According to Vitaly Shelepov, who studies the history of the Germans' exploration of Antarctica during the Second World War, thousands of concentration camp prisoners, prominent scientists with their families, as well as members of the Hitler Youth - the gene pool of the future "pure" race - were transferred to the southern continent as a labor force.
The existence of a secret base in Antarctica was well known to the leaders of the allied states. At the end of 1946, American Admiral Richard E. Byrd, an experienced polar explorer, received a special assignment to lead a research expedition to Antarctica, codenamed “High Jump”, which included: an aircraft carrier, 13 ships of various types, a submarine, 25 aircraft and helicopters. The personnel composition of this “scientific expedition” is curious: 25 scientists and... 4,100 marines, soldiers and officers!
A year later, in May 1948, a sensational article appeared on the pages of the European magazine Brisant. It turns out that the expedition’s work was interrupted due to “stiff enemy resistance.” During the collision, one ship and four combat aircraft were lost, and dozens of people were killed. Nine more aircraft had to be abandoned as unusable.
V. Shelepov, together with some other Russian and foreign scientists studying German activity in the Southern Hemisphere, believe that it was in this impregnable fortress after the defeat of the Nazis that Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun, who lived to a ripe old age under the ice of the southern continent, could have found a safe refuge .

"Hitler escaped from the judgment of nations"
I. V. Stalin

“If the stars light up, it means someone needs it”
V. V. Mayakovsky

The newspaper "AiF" on 11/08/06 and 11/15/06 published sensational material that Hitler died of natural causes in 1964 and about a number of facts that accompanied such a long life of the Fuhrer. Below we publish all the material on this topic. Let us immediately note that such a long life of the Fuhrer would have been impossible without permission from the “world behind the scenes.” That is, Hitler and fascism are the “children” of globalizers. But this is a separate topic. Now here's what.

This is not the first time that AiF has published information about Hitler and fascism. However, this is done not only by AiF, but also by almost all central popular newspapers. We have already drawn the attention of site visitors to this fact more than once. Moreover, this is being done at a time when the country’s leaders, primarily the State Duma deputies, are determined to fight extremism, including fascism. A law is being adopted on the responsibility of those who spread extremist ideas. The Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs R. Nurgaliev demands that the entire Internet be classified as mass media and strictly discipline those who distribute extremist information on the Internet. And at this time the newspaper “AiF”...

The question is, don’t newspaper editors understand that any publication about Hitler, fascism, etc. attracts the attention of millions of people, even those who previously had no idea about the so-called. “extremism,” but having learned about it from the central media, he became interested and decided to “deepen” the information received. This means that such media must be held criminally liable for disseminating information about extremism and fascism.

Someone will object that this is history! Every cultured person should know it. But then the “Law on Extremism” must be repealed, since according to it the “swastika” is a symbol of fascism, the propaganda of which should be subject to criminal punishment. However, in fact, the “swastika” is an ancient symbol of our ancestors who professed the Slavic faith. And then let the State Duma also adopt the “Law on the Prohibition of History and Historical Information,” and also ban its teaching in schools and universities. And what? If we are to bring the situation to the point of absurdity, then bring it to the most absurd! They adopted the “Electoral Law” without voter turnout - and nothing! As Yeltsin said about the “Russians” in a similar situation when appointing the oligarch-thief-bandit Berezovsky to the post of Secretary of the Security Council of Great Russia: “Nothing, they’ll swallow it...”

But these are all, as people say, “seeds.” This whole situation around the so-called. “extremism in Russia” and “Russian fascism” are created specifically and purposefully to prepare the country and people for transfer to management according to the “hard option”. That is, just for the tough fascist regime.

The media, most likely, without realizing it themselves, exercise unstructured control over millions of people, primarily young people.

And young people, etc. “fascists”, “nationalists” and “extremists” in this scenario will have to play the role of stormtroopers of Rem, Hitler’s comrade-in-arms, who, after coming to power overnight, “long knives” were cut out by order of Hitler, as waste material that had become unnecessary.

All these and other similar “tricks” of the “world behind the scenes” have long been revealed in KOB and the mechanism for their implementation is described in detail.

However, the so-called “leaders” of all so-called “extremist parties and movements” stubbornly refuse to master KOB themselves, much less bring it to their charges. In connection with this obvious fact, only two conclusions can be drawn:

  1. Either these “extremist leaders” are provocateurs and carry out orders.
  2. Or they are fools who don’t understand what they are doing.

Hence, thinking people should ask: “Who is the customer?”

We are not a special service, so we cannot provide “names, addresses and appearances” to site visitors. But seeing and understanding the “general course of things,” we can safely say that the most extreme in the chain of intermediaries from the perpetrators of “extremism” to the customer are those who do not need Russia strong and prosperous, but need it as a territory with huge reserves of raw materials. And we never tire of talking about this “customer” - these are the real (we emphasize - real) owners of transnational banks and corporations.

It is useless to resist their methods and forms of work without knowledge and understanding of these forms and methods, as well as without developing your own forms and methods that would be stronger than them. Such forms and methods, more powerful than those of the “world behind the scenes,” are offered by KPE. Learn COBA!

“Hitler died in... 1964”

The writer is sure: the Reich Chancellor and his wife fled Berlin on the day when his suicide was announced.

What's special about this 50-year-old documentary writer from Argentina is not that he puts forward such theories. Perhaps Abel Basti was the first to support the theory of Hitler’s disappearance with real documents and photos from the archives of the special services. In 2004, the writer published his first book, which brought him international success, “The Nazis in Bariloche.” However, it was impossible to predict what kind of “bomb” he would explode in the second part of his story - the bestseller “Hitler in Argentina.” Having conducted research, interviewed dozens of witnesses, and published documents declassified by the FBI, Basti wants to prove that Hitler could have hidden in South America and lived there to old age. Let the readers of AiF judge how well he succeeded. The writer kindly agreed to give an interview to the largest Russian weekly magazine.

The Fuhrer's jaw was not examined for DNA

According to Basti, this photo shows 75-year-old Hitler in the last hours of his life.

- SENOR Basti, in your book you claim that on April 30, 1945, Hitler managed to escape from Berlin by plane. How could he do this if by that time the airfields were destroyed and the Allies controlled the skies?

My book contains previously classified evidence from the FBI archives that on April 30 at 16:30 (that is, an hour after the alleged suicide), Hitler was seen next to his personal Ju-52 plane. At night, throughout the last week of April, air transport of the Fuhrer's trusted representatives landed on Unter den Linden Avenue, where street lighting poles were preserved. For example, Reich Minister Speer left the “Führerbunker” on the 20th, and three days later he calmly returned back on the Fieseler-Storch plane. As you can see, the Allied air defense did not stop him. On April 25, a secret meeting was held in the “Führerbunker” to evacuate Hitler, in which the female pilot Hanna Reitsch, the famous pilot Hans Ulrich Rudel and Hitler’s personal pilot Hans Baur took part. The secret plan for the safe movement of the Fuhrer from the besieged capital of the Third Reich was codenamed “Operation Seraglio”.

- And who exactly, in your opinion, carried out the evacuation of Hitler?

Two days later, five Storch planes arrived in Berlin (each with seats for ten passengers), and on April 28, the same Ju-52, piloted by pilot Bosser, arrived - this was officially confirmed by Allied intelligence. A day later, on the orders of General Adolf Galland, the last forces of the German Air Force were unexpectedly lifted into the air over the capital of the Reich - a hundred Me-262 jet fighters. They covered Hannah Reitsch’s plane: she managed to break through the fire of Soviet anti-aircraft guns and fly away from Berlin - it was an experimental flight, and the fact that it was carried out is not disputed by any historian. The next day, according to the scenario already tested by Frau Reitsch, Adolf Hitler also left Berlin - he was heading to Spain, from where at the end of the summer he sailed on a submarine to Argentina. He was accompanied by Eva Braun, Müller and Bormann.

- Okay, but what about the fragments of Hitler’s jaw, which are stored in Moscow in the archives of the FSB? Research by both Soviet and independent experts unanimously confirmed that it belonged to the Fuhrer. What happens then - Hitler had part of his jaw torn off, but he still escaped?

Experts only had the opportunity to compare this charred jaw with x-rays of the era, which were of terrible quality, and with the testimony of Hitler’s personal dentist - and he could say anything. If you know, no DNA testing has ever been carried out: Russia systematically refuses to allow such analysis. Meanwhile, this is the only way to find out the truth: it is necessary to compare DNA samples that can be obtained from the remains of Adolf Hitler’s sister, Paula, who died in 1960 and was buried in the Bergfriedhof cemetery. I formally appeal to the Russian authorities to allow me to examine this jaw to obtain final proof that I am telling the truth.

- You know, people love conspiracy theories. For so many years there has been talk about the mysterious disappearance of “Nazi number two” - Martin Bormann, who evaporated from Berlin on May 1, 1945. A lot of people swore that they saw him in South America with their own eyes and could not be mistaken. But in 1972, a skeleton was found while digging a pit in Berlin, and a double DNA study showed that these were Bormann’s bones...

The funny thing is: both are right here. Martin Bormann really escaped, lived in Argentina and Paraguay: I found a lot of evidence of this, including documentary - especially the photo of Bormann taken in the fifties. Therefore, it is quite possible that when Bormann died of natural causes, his remains were secretly transported to Berlin, after which a performance was staged with their “find”.

“Submarines found off the coast of Argentina”

Perhaps, having put on make-up, Hitler managed to leave the burning Berlin (the photo montage was made by FBI employees in 1945).

An archived report (above) from an FBI agent in Argentina dated November 13, 1945 supports this sensational version.

- AGAIN: in your book you write that Hitler and Eva Braun, along with an extensive retinue and security, arrived in Argentina on three submarines, which were then sunk in the bay for purposes of conspiracy. Indeed, in the place that you indicated, at a depth of approximately 30 meters under water, with the help of special equipment, teams of divers discovered large objects covered with sand. But where is the evidence that these are Nazi submarines?

I relied on the testimony of witnesses who, after the war, observed the arrival of three submarines with swastikas in the tiny bay of Caleta de los Loros, located in the Argentine province of Rio Negro. You say: Argentina has formally been at war with Germany since March 27, 1945 - maybe these are traces of past naval battles? However, in the archives of the Argentine Ministry of Defense there is not a single word about the sinking of any German submarines. Then where did these sunken ships lying on the ground come from? I submitted a request that the submarines be brought to the surface and thoroughly examined. German submarines sailed to Argentina several times after the war - for example, the U-977 submarine arrived in the country on August 17, 1945: it is assumed that its commander Heinz Schaeffer was transporting gold and other valuables of the Third Reich.

- You published a US FBI document that casts serious doubt on the official version of the death of Adolf Hitler. This paper, dated November 13, 1945, contains a report from an American agent in Argentina, who works as a gardener for wealthy German colonists - the Eichhorns. The agent reports that the couple, who live in the village of La Falda, have been preparing the estate since June for the arrival of Hitler, which will take place in the very near future. Is this document real?

This is a very strange question because I legally obtained this document after it was declassified from the FBI archive: file number 65-53615. And this is far from the only documentary evidence of Hitler’s escape. There are several more secret reports from the FBI, CIA and MI5 about the living Fuhrer - but, unfortunately, the USA, Britain and Russia have not yet fully declassified all materials relating to this topic. For example, there are three shorthand recordings of a conversation between Joseph Stalin (one of them with US Secretary of State Byrnes) - where the leader of the USSR openly says that the Fuhrer managed to escape. Over fifteen years, I conducted hundreds of interviews with direct witnesses to Hitler's presence in Argentina. Most of them have only started talking now - many Nazis in Argentina have died, they have nothing to fear anymore, although not everyone is still making contact. A letter from Nazi General Seydlitz, dated 1956, has also been preserved - he reports that he is going to attend a meeting in Argentina between Hitler and the Croatian “Führer” Pavelic.

- You often refer to the testimony of witnesses. But how, in this case, should we treat the words of other witnesses who saw Hitler dead and buried his corpse?

There is not a single person who saw with his own eyes how Hitler saw through an ampoule of poison and shot himself in the head. The story of the Fuhrer's suicide from beginning to end was invented by people from his inner circle - it was a special plan to confuse everyone. But even at first glance, there are several contradictions in the eyewitness accounts of Hitler's death if you study the archival documents. At first it was said that he was poisoned. Then - no, he shot me in the temple. After - excuse me, first he poisoned himself, and then he shot himself. Potassium cyanide causes instant death and convulsions: how did the person then pull the trigger of the gun?

Abel BASTI: “Eva Braun may still be alive. Absolutely, he and Hitler had children in Argentina.” Read the end of the interview in the next issue of AiF.

Georgy ZOTOV, Buenos Aires

“Eva Braun and Hitler's children are still alive

A documentary researcher from South America is sure that the Fuhrer managed to buy freedom for 100 billion dollars.

With the help of archival documents, the writer tries to prove that the head of the Third Reich fled from Berlin with a false passport and died... in 1964.)

The Fuhrer got a beaver haircut and shaved off his mustache

- IF Hitler really was in Argentina for many years in a row, what then prevented the Allied intelligence services from carrying out an operation to capture him? After all, the Israeli intelligence service Mossad managed to kidnap SS Obersturmbannführer Adolf Eichmann in Buenos Aires, and Yugoslav state security agents shot twice at the former “Croatian Fuhrer” Ante Pavelic...

Hitler's flight to Argentina and the movement of tens of thousands of Nazis to South America is the result of a conspiracy between Berlin, Washington and London. In return, the Allies received the latest technologies of the Third Reich - rocket and space research, jet fighters, an atomic project, thousands of unique specialists like rocket scientist Wernher von Braun. They also got the gold reserves of Nazi Germany - in today's money, about 100 billion dollars: although, according to the official version, the train with Nazi gold and diamonds disappeared without a trace. The evacuation plan for the leadership of the Third Reich began to be developed already in 1943 - this project was personally led by Müller and Bormann. A year and a half before the end of the war, villas, hotels, firms, shops, banks were purchased in South America - the functionaries of the Third Reich arrived with everything ready-made. In addition, Britain and the USA needed the experience of Hitler’s specialists to fight communism: the superpowers were preparing for a new conflict with the Soviet Union - for all this Hitler bought his life. Therefore, no one was going to catch him; he was secretly under Anglo-American protection.

- You see, I’m also not a fan of American international politics, but lately it has become very fashionable to blame everything possible on the United States.

I operate only with facts. It is documented that the highest ranks of Nazi Germany conducted negotiations with the Americans and the British in the winter and spring of 1945. It is believed that Hitler allegedly knew nothing about this. How could he not know something in a state with total surveillance, where everyone reported on each other, and people were afraid to tell the truth in bed to their own wife? SS men like Adolf Eichmann or Klaus Barbier, who killed hundreds of thousands of people, were transported to Latin America by the intelligence services of the United States and Great Britain in exchange for cooperation, which is also confirmed by declassified documents - you can look at them in the archives of these countries, they are in the public domain. Everything was perfectly organized: about ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND former Nazis moved to our continent. Subsequently, about fifty people were arrested. What does this mean? About the fact that the unspoken slogan “We will look for them very loudly, but we are not going to find them” worked.

- What documents could Hitler use to get to Argentina?

He used two false passports at once - British and Italian. Later, of course, the Fuhrer acquired Argentine citizenship and a passport.

- According to your assumption, Hitler lived another twenty years after the official date of his death. Nevertheless, there is a lot of testimony about how he looked in March - April 1945: a physically exhausted man who had lost the reality of what was happening, half-blind, on tranquilizers.

So it was: if you do not take into account the fact that one of the Fuhrer’s doubles appeared before the “uninitiated” public, who looked older than his years. This man, who portrayed Hitler, remained in the bunker until the end - where he eventually died. If you remember, first the Soviet officers found the body of the Fuhrer's double, and his adjutant said: “Here he is.” But there were inconsistencies in appearance, after which another corpse was discovered, burned beyond recognition, and it was decided to consider him Hitler. That is, in any case, it turns out that there was a double of the Fuhrer, and not just one.

- How do your witnesses in Argentina describe the appearance of the “late” Hitler?

They all agreed that Hitler was generally in good health. Although he moved with some difficulty, relying on a cane, apparently, the consequences of the assassination attempt in 1944 affected him. He never learned Spanish and spoke it very poorly. He no longer wore the famous mustache, and his hair was cut short, almost like a beaver, and was gray.

- Why hasn’t a single photo of him with Eva Braun survived in Argentina? If you believe, the Fuhrer made no secret of his presence - he moved around the country, met with his comrades, lived in the dachas of his fans and friends.

Yes, the Fuhrer lived for a long time in a hotel owned by the Eichhorn couple (they were mentioned in the report by an American agent), repeatedly visited the luxurious villa of the large businessman Jorge Antonio (a friend of President Peron) and visited the mountain resort of Bariloche, where his favorite pilot Hans Ulrich Rudel, Hauptsturmfuhrer, settled SS Erich Priebke and the fanatical doctor from Auschwitz Joseph Mengele. He especially liked Bariloche; the Fuhrer and Eva Braun spent several years there in a two-story wooden mansion. There are photographs of Hitler in Argentina - I assure you that they exist. But it is very, very difficult to get the owners of these photographs to allow their publication.

List of passengers from Berlin to Barcelona approved on April 20, 1945. First - Hitler, the name of Goebbels, his wife and children is crossed out.

“Absolutely, they had children”

- WE talk a lot about Hitler, but almost nothing about his long-term mistress Eva Braun. According to your book, she also escaped death. It turns out that she outlived her lover? And one more question - if Hitler died in Argentina, why has his grave not been found yet?

Eva Braun was much younger than Hitler, and I currently have no evidence that she died. It is quite possible that Brown still lives in Argentina: everyone in her family had long-livers, Eva’s mother died at 96 years old. I am currently researching this topic and at the same time continuing to search for the place where the Fuhrer could have been buried. In addition, it is absolutely certain: Eva Braun and Adolf Hitler had children in Argentina. But, since my research on this issue has not yet been completed, I cannot provide you with certain information yet.

- You rely on the testimony of the Eichhorn maid Catalina Gamero, who says that she saw Hitler many times in the house of the emigrant spouses.

The grave of the Fuhrer's sister, Paula Hitler. Her DNA is offered for a detailed study of Hitler’s jaw, stored in the FSB archives.

Yes. The Eichhorns called the Fuhrer “cousin,” and in their house there were always photographs hanging where the owner of the estate was depicted next to his “relative.” Therefore, when Hitler appeared at the villa, Catalina recognized him immediately. True, then she did not know who he really was. Several times Senora Gamero served her “cousin” during dinners - by the way, he preferred vegetarian dishes - and cleaned his room. This woman is still of sound mind, ready to testify under oath - the “cousin” was Adolf Hitler. The Eichhorns enjoyed the special favor of the Fuhrer; they worked as financial agents of the Reich in Argentina and took an active part in the acquisition of real estate with Nazi gold.

- Approximately 150 Jews live in Bariloche. It’s strange that they didn’t react properly to the fact that Adolf Hitler easily came to rest in their city.

This resort was always swarming with Nazi criminals. For example, SS man Erich Priebke kept a shop there, Josef Mengele passed for a driver's license, and former Gauleiter of Tyrol Friedrich Lanchner opened a beer hall. All their neighbors described them as polite and wonderful people. Even Argentine President Juan Peron said: “This is luck for us. The Germans invested huge amounts of money in our economy, built factories and mills, and deposited billions of gold in our banks. Isn’t this a bargain?” And what could the Jewish community of Bariloche do under such conditions?

- You say that in your last book you will complete the topic of Hitler’s probable escape to Argentina. What are you planning to remove from the FBI and FSB archives this time?

What will no longer cause any doubt is that Hitler really escaped.

Georgy ZOTOV, Buenos Aires

Since 1945, articles have appeared from time to time telling stories that the greatest criminal of the 20th century, Adolf Hitler, managed to stay alive.

And recently we learned that a book is being published, now by English scientists, damn them, that the Fuhrer nevertheless escaped death. In this book they state:

Hitler was concerned about his life and health - this was evidenced by a famous character, famous for his confusing and contradictory confessions and testimony, dental technician Fritz Echtmann.

In May - June 1945, he “identified” “Hitler’s corpse” by the dentures he allegedly made himself, which he actually could not make - they were made and installed several years before his appearance in Hitler’s entourage.

Then, by the summer of 1947, Echtman was already thoroughly tired of being in a Soviet prison, and he began to carefully but very transparently hint that back in January 1945 he received a clear task to make duplicates of Hitler’s artificial teeth for their subsequent installation on his double.

But the political situation was such that no one needed these revelations from Echtman at that time, and he had to sit for many more years, and then, later, a demand arose for completely different testimony of his - and he tried not to let us down, again proving that in 1945 year he identified the corpse of the real Hitler, and then again began to sow doubts about it!

What can you do if the life of born or bred false witnesses is usually far from serenity, peace and comfort and, most importantly, from consistency!..”
Let us ask ourselves: if Hitler really survived, could the leaders of the powers that were members of the anti-Hitler coalition not know about this? Could not. By the way, they never claimed that they had evidence of “Aloizych’s” death. Stalin in Potsdam (July 17, 1945) insisted that Hitler had escaped; Zhukov (August 6, 1945): “We did not find Hitler’s identified corpse”; Eisenhower (October 12, 1945): “There is every reason to assert that Hitler is dead, but there is not the slightest direct proof of this fact.”

And all sorts of different things.

The FSB immediately spoke out about the creation of British scientists.

The FSB of the Russian Federation calls the version of Hitler’s escape in 1945 untenable, as British historians insist in their book “Grey Wolf: The Flight of Adolf Hitler.”

There is no doubt about the death of Adolf Hitler in 1945; versions of his escape from Germany are unfounded, said Vasily Khristoforov, head of the Department of Registration and Archival Funds of the Russian Federal Security Service.

“The publication of the book “Grey Wolf: The Escape of Adolf Hitler” is another attempt at a cheap sensation. And nothing more,” Khristoforov told Interfax.

So he commented on the contents of the mentioned book and the commentary of the British historian Gerard Williams, who put forward the version that Hitler and his wife Eva Braun managed to leave Berlin, and the bodies of their doubles were found.

The circumstances of Hitler's death have long been one of the mysteries of World War II. The lack of reliable information and contradictory stories from a few witnesses gave rise to sensational revelations by journalists and incredible guesses by ordinary people, Khristoforov noted.

“But there is no doubt about Hitler’s death. From 1954 to the present day, documentary and material evidence of Hitler’s death has been stored in a special order in a special room of the Central Archive of the KGB of the USSR (now the Central Archive of the FSB of Russia). Among them are protocols of interrogations of people from Hitler’s inner circle, photographs of the places where corpses were found and reports of their forensic medical examination; fragments of Hitler's jaws, his personal belongings, etc. These materials leave no doubt about Hitler’s death in 1945. Official documents about the search for Hitler and his entourage and acts of identification of the corpses of the main Nazis were kept in secret storage for a long time,” said Khristoforov.

An examination of Hitler's burnt corpse was carried out by authoritative Soviet experts in the basement of a mansion in the town of Buch at a local clinic-hospital.

According to him, the veil of secrecy was lifted in 1996. The investigation materials were declassified and became available to the general public.

Khristoforov said that independent experts are contacting the Central Archive of the FSB of Russia with a request to conduct a genetic examination of the available materials.

“As the custodian of the only material evidence of the Fuhrer’s death, the archive is ready to assist in establishing the historical truth and, in accordance with current legislation, provide available fragments of the Fuhrer’s jaw for research,” Khristoforov said.
He explained that this requires documentary materials confirming the relationship with Hitler, as well as evidence that the biological material for DNA research was obtained legally and in an official way.

Let us recall that on January 17, Komsomolskaya Pravda published an article in which, with reference to British historians Gerard Williams and Simon Dunstan, a version of Hitler’s possible escape from Berlin in 1945 is put forward. A book on this issue, Gray Wolf: The Escape of Adolf Hitler, was recently published.

Well, what can we say about another joke by English scientists?

Whatever the child amuses himself with.

But let's try to really ask the question. Could Hitler really escape with his wife from burning Berlin?

I think not normally.

No matter what they wrote there that Bormann was seen many times after the war, and yet Bormann’s escape was considered an almost proven fact, all speculation was refuted the moment his remains were found. Apparently, he died defending the Reichstag, with weapons in his hands, as befits the main party functionary of the country.

Gestapo chief Müller also dies there, about whom a lot of stories have also been told about how he escaped and then worked either for the CIA or for the NKVD. In fact, on May 2, 1945, during an attempt to break through the encirclement of the bunker, Muller died.

If the American soldiers had been more attentive, then Himmler would have been in the dock. Goering got there. Kalterbruner hit it. There are no problems with Goebbels either. In the sense that no one doubts that he died in 1945.

That is, virtually the entire top elite of the country either ended up in court or died.

And this seems strange only at first glance.

In reality, Germany had a system of total surveillance. The higher the position a person occupied in the system of power here, the tighter the control over him.

Himmler himself was captured. That is, the Reich Fuhrer SS did not have the opportunity to build a system of his salvation. What can we say about other senior officials?

The slightest signal of a possible attempt to escape and an official of any level is shot. Where will you go from this submarine?

Under such conditions, Hitler could not prepare for his departure abroad. Now we can talk about submarines and other gadgets. And then, at the end of the war...The stakes were too high. Everyone understood this perfectly.

So Hitler had no ordinary way to save him.

But could he have had an unusual way, beyond ordinary ideas, to stay alive and live for many years after the war?

There was only one option he could have...

But more on that later, but for now let’s ask ourselves a question. Why does the article have such a strange title?

Adolf Guytler was born on April 20, 1889, in the village of Ranshofen (now part of the city of Braunau am Inn), Austria-Hungary. 124 years have passed since his birth. Is it conceivable to assume that Hitler could be alive today?

Of course, there lived in the world people who reached a very respectable age. The only question is confirming the reality of the life span.

A centenarian is considered verified if his age is confirmed by reliably verified facts or documents confirming the centenarian’s date of birth (birth certificate).

Also, a centenarian can be partially verified if his age is documented, but it is disputed by some controversial facts and information.

The oldest fully verified centenarian in history is the French woman Jeanne-Louise Calment, who lived 122 years (02/21/1875 - 08/04/1997).

But this is fully verified.

Cases of longevity not as accurately confirmed as that of a French woman who lived her entire life in Paris occur quite often, here are just a few of them:
Li Qingyun (1677-1933) lived to be 256 years old.
Thomas Carne (1588-1795) lived 207 years.
Shirali Muslimov (1805-1973), one of the oldest inhabitants of Azerbaijan, the former USSR and the world, lived 168 years.
Zaro Agha (1777-1934), resident of Turkey, lived 157 years.
Turinah (born 1853), resident of Indonesia. In 2010, there was a press report about her 157th birthday.
Mohammed bin Zarei (1859-2013), the “world's oldest man” from Saudi Arabia, listed in the Guinness Book of Records, lived to be 154 years old.
Mahmud Bagir oglu Eyvazov (1808-1960) is a 152-year-old centenarian, one of the oldest residents of Azerbaijan, the former USSR and the world.
Magomed Labazanov (1890-2012), 122-year-old resident of Dagestan, the oldest resident of Russia.
Antisa Khvichava (1880-2012), 132-year-old resident of the Georgian village of Sachino.

Pushkin in one of his notes talked about a meeting with an elderly peasant woman who told him the details of the arrival of Tamerlane’s army in Rus', which took place in her youth.

It turned out, if her story was true, that the peasant woman who was known to be a rare centenarian should have lived over 400 years. Which was, of course, a completely fantastic fact.

So history has known many cases when people lived for an enormous number of years. But still, most often people associated such longevity with the action of some kind of agreement with dark forces.

And here it should be noted that there was a lot of talk around Hitler that he became related to evil spirits both during his life and after 45.

“A monster that you rarely see among Christians” is how his former comrade Reinhold Hanisch described Hitler when he was twenty-one. We can quite agree with this. At that time, Hitler wore an old black coat that reached to his knees and a black bowler hat. He had long hair and a beard. His bulging eyes stood out forever on his haggard face. Eleven years later he didn't look much better, although he had now begun to shave his beard. He still wore a warm overcoat or a cheap raincoat and cared very little about his appearance. Even later, when he began to dress a little better, he made little effort to appear attractive.

Hitler's friend (and later enemy) Ernest Hand Hanfstöngl once noted that he "looked like a provincial tax collector in his best clothes." In fact, with his famous bangs, mustache resembling a toothbrush, with his strange gait (about which they said: “like a woman’s”) he looked like Charlie Chaplin - the screen Charlie Chaplin in the role of a pathetic little man whom life throws from one comical situations to another. When Chaplin starred in the brilliant film The Great Dictator, he did not need to greatly change his usual screen appearance to show that he was making fun of Hitler: it was already obvious.

It seems strange for a man like Charlie Chaplin to be taken seriously, let alone rise to power. However, he not only managed to do this, but also demonstrated a significant degree of control over his associates, which would have been unthinkable if it were not so well known. “I was a little shocked looking at the faces, especially the women’s ones,” Shirer recalled, describing the reaction to Hitler’s brief appearance on a balcony in Nuremberg in 1934, “with their crazy expression they were reminiscent of the faces of religious fanatics whom I once happened to meet in a remote village in Louisiana. Women looked at Hitler as if he were the Messiah.

They looked completely distraught. They seemed to have lost all human appearance. If Hitler had stayed on the balcony a little longer, I think many women would have fainted from overexcitement.”

And such a reaction was caused by a man whom Shirer had previously seen dressed in a worn gabardine coat and, without any expression on his face, giving a “rather limp” Nazi salute!

Truly, how can one not recall Hoffmann’s fairy tale about little Tsakhes!

But Hitler's influence on people was not limited to the fact that he caused hysterical delight among the crowd. His magic acted with no less power on the individual level. Goering, who was perhaps closer to him than anyone else - at least enough to see everything without embellishment - was nevertheless in awe of this unusual personality. “Often I was going to say something to him,” Goering admitted, “but as soon as I came face to face with him, my soul sank into my heels.” And this happened not only with Goering. The commander of the German naval forces, Admiral Dönitz, told the judges at Nuremberg: “I deliberately went to his headquarters very rarely, because I believed that this way I could better preserve freedom of initiative. And, besides, every time after several days spent at headquarters, I had the feeling that I had to get rid of the suggestion coming from him.”

The suggestion emanating from him was so powerful that under its influence people mistook black for white. Defense Minister General von Blomberg could recognize the situation as hopeless and at the same time remain convinced that Hitler would find a way out of the situation: “I know that you are right, but I believe in Hitler. He will find some solution." This can probably still be understood in relation to the early period, when Hitler, using the abilities of electronic warfare, constantly achieved success. But even later, when his mistakes led Germany to complete collapse, he could impose his will without the slightest difficulty. His oppressive influence hung like a physical cloud over the Berlin bunker where he met his death in 1945. After his suicide, the general atmosphere in the bunker seemed to calm down - and this despite the desperate situation of everyone who was there. They first started smoking in the bunker. While Hitler was alive, they strictly observed the smoking ban he imposed. The detail in itself is insignificant, but it clearly showed with what steel shackles Hitler shackled the consciousness of his circle.

At the beginning of the war, Shirer wrote: “Today, if we bear in mind the attitude of the vast majority of his countrymen, he has reached heights that no German ruler has ever reached before. During his lifetime, he became a myth, a legend, almost a god, the owner of supernatural qualities that the Japanese attribute to their emperor. For many Germans, he is a distant, unreal being, hardly human..."

The fact is that Hitler was not an outstanding speaker. His voice was too rough. The speeches were not original. He repeated himself endlessly. He didn't always pronounce his words clearly. Strasser argued that as long as Hitler did not become completely immersed in his passions, he never rose above the level of very weak mediocrity. But when he let go of the bit and surrendered to the power of frenzied rage, how everything changed! His listeners literally drowned in the waves of brute, frantic power emanating from him. What he said didn't matter at all. A British man who did not know German heard Hitler speak at a Nazi Party convention. The Briton did not understand a word, but his emotions overwhelmed him so much that he (despite the fact that he was an English patriot!) involuntarily, along with everyone else, raised his hand in a Nazi salute and shrilly shouted Heil Hitler! This may not be the only example of this kind.

And here I would like to note that this phenomenon is not unique in its uniqueness. Quite a few years have passed since the moment when a man passed away in Russia, whom no one considered to be the greatest speaker either. Alexander Fedorovich Kerensky, truly a wizard of words, whom the crowd carried in their arms in delight after his speeches, was universally recognized as a brilliant speaker and they say it is fully deserved. But Lenin’s contemporaries did not perceive him as the greatest orator, capable of charming people with a beautiful speech and apt words - but there was something different in his speech and in his personality.

And Mayakovsky later wrote about this:

"I knew the worker.
He was illiterate.
Didn't chew it
even the alphabet salt.
But he heard
as Lenin said,
and he
knew everything.
I heard
Siberian peasant.
defended with rifles
and paradise
butchered the village.
They didn't read
and didn’t hear Lenin,
but this
there were Leninists.
I saw the mountains -
on them
and the bush did not grow.
on the rocks
fell on their faces.
And a hundred miles
the only mountaineer
were shining
Lenin badge.
They will say -
about pins ahi.
Their young ladies
work hard
of flirtatious whims.
not a pin stuck in -
burned through shirts
love for Ilyich.
can't explain
Church Slavic
and not god
to him
ordered -
Be the chosen one!
With a human step,
working hands,
with my own head
he passed
this way."

Today it is difficult for us to fully understand the gift that these people possessed. And understand its nature, but we can say for sure that the phenomenon of Hitler’s oratorical genius was not unique in the 20th century. Another important point. In the history of Lenin there are many stories that his enemies wanted to shoot him during his numerous speeches before workers, soldiers and sailors, and they sent assassins to him specifically for this purpose. There are a lot of photographs showing Lenin standing in the middle of a huge armed crowd. It probably wouldn't have been difficult to shoot him at that moment. Considering that there was not much order at all then. And despite all this, no one was able to shoot at the speaking Lenin. The only relatively successful attempt on Lenin’s life was carried out not during a speech, but at the moment when he was getting into the car. At other times it was not possible to shoot at him.

Hitler spoke countless times. And a lot of assassination attempts were organized on him:

The first known case of an unsuccessful attempt on the life of Adolf Hitler was on March 1, 1932, when a group of four unknown people in the vicinity of Munich fired at a train in which Hitler was traveling to speak to his supporters. Hitler was not injured.
On June 2, 1932, a group of unknown people fired from a road ambush at a car with Hitler in the vicinity of the city of Stralsund. Hitler was again unharmed.
On July 4, 1932, unknown assailants fired at a car carrying Hitler in Nuremberg. Hitler received a tangential wound to his hand.

During 1933 - 1938, 16 more attempts were made on Hitler's life, which ended in failure.
On November 9, 1938, 22-year-old Morris Bovo shoots Hitler three times from a distance of 8 meters with a 6.5 mm Schmeisser semi-automatic pistol during a parade dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the Beer Hall Putsch. All bullets miss the target. In the ensuing chaos, Bovo manages to escape, but a few days later he is detained by Gestapo officers when he tries to board a train to Paris. The court sentences Bovo to death by guillotine and in January 1939 the sentence is carried out.
On November 8, 1939, in the Munich beer hall "Bürgerbräu", where Hitler spoke every year to NSDAP veterans, carpenter Johann Georg Elser built an improvised explosive device with a clock mechanism into the column in front of which the leader's platform was usually installed. As a result of the explosion, 8 people were killed and 63 injured. However, Hitler was not among the victims. The Fuhrer, this time limiting himself to a brief greeting to those gathered, left the hall seven minutes before the explosion, as he had to return to Berlin. That same evening, Elser was captured at the Swiss border and, after several interrogations, confessed to everything. As a “special prisoner” he was placed in the Sachsenhausen concentration camp, then transferred to Dachau. On April 9, 1945, when the Allies were already close to the concentration camp, Elser was shot by order of Himmler.
On November 22, 1939, 500 kilograms of explosives were planted along the route of Hitler's motorcade in Warsaw, but for an unknown reason the bomb did not go off.
On May 15, 1942, a group of people attacks Hitler's train in Poland. Several of the Fuhrer's guards were killed, as were all the attackers. Hitler was not injured.
On March 13, 1943, during Hitler's visit to Smolensk, Colonel Henning von Treskow and his adjutant, Lieutenant von Schlabrendorff, planted a bomb in a brandy gift box on Hitler's plane, in which the explosive device did not detonate.
On March 21, 1943, during Hitler's visit to an exhibition of captured Soviet military equipment in Berlin, Colonel Rudolf von Gersdorff was supposed to blow himself up along with Hitler. However, the Fuhrer left the exhibition ahead of schedule, and Gersdorff barely had time to disarm the fuse.
On July 14, 1944, British intelligence agencies were planning to carry out Operation Foxley. According to the plan, the best British snipers were supposed to shoot Hitler during his visit to the Berghof mountain residence in the Bavarian Alps. The plan was not finally approved and its implementation did not take place for this reason.
On July 20, 1944, a conspiracy was organized against Hitler, the purpose of which was his physical elimination and the conclusion of peace with the advancing Allied forces. The bomb killed 4 people, but Hitler survived. After the assassination attempt, he was unable to stand on his feet all day, as more than 100 fragments were removed from them. In addition, his right arm was dislocated, the hair on the back of his head was singed and his eardrums were damaged. I became temporarily deaf in my right ear. He ordered that the execution of the conspirators be turned into humiliating torture, filmed and photographed [source not specified 341 days]. Subsequently, I personally watched this film.
In March 1945, the Minister of Armaments and War Industry of the Third Reich, Albert Speer, dissatisfied with Hitler's scorched earth strategy, was going to release poisonous gas into Hitler's bunker under the Reich Chancellery, but at the last moment abandoned the plan, as he saw its pointlessness due to the end of World War II after the defeat of Germany.

As we see, no one was able to raise their hand against Hitler at any speech. This is in the full sense a repetition of the Lenin phenomenon.

And here we can say that there are a huge number of different stories about certain mystical talents of the Fuhrer. But all of them are often completely unfounded.

But besides the implicit stories linking Hitler with occult practices, there was also a very real story of global interest in mystical Tibet on the part of the Fuhrer and his inner circle.

Back in 1926, colonies of Tibetans appeared in Berlin and Munich and a certain Tibetan society was established. The famous German geopolitical theorist Karl Haushofer often paid visits there, and it was on his initiative that several large-scale expeditions to the Himalayas were organized.
Haushofer wanted not only to enter into an alliance with the secret rulers of Tibet, but also to use their advice in resolving strategic issues. There was even talk about organizing direct radio communication with the Dalai Lama. The execution of this mission was entrusted to SS officer Ernst Schaeffer.

“The first expedition to Tibet, in which the young German scientist Ernst Schaeffer took part, set off in 1931 from Burma. It was led by Dr. Hugo Weigold. Subsequently, this expedition began to be called the Schaeffer Expedition by the Germans, although it was entirely financed by the Americans. Student Ernst Schaeffer was invited to her because he was considered an excellent hunter and shooter."

Due to unforeseen difficulties and dangers, Schaeffer took over the leadership of the expedition. There was a civil war in China; princes and leaders of individual tribes reigned on the outskirts. One of these local rulers held the expedition captive for two weeks. There were also armed clashes. So, in the north, the expedition stumbled upon Mao Zedong’s Red Army.

“The results of the expedition were brilliant. Schaeffer became the first European to see a bamboo bear, a giant panda - he killed it and brought the stuffed animal to Europe, which became a real sensation. In addition, the German established that the source of the Yangtze was incorrectly indicated in geographical atlases - it flowed out of the Saidan swamps much further north. He also found many relict plants not yet described by botanists."

At the end of April 1938, the new expedition arrived in full force in Calcutta. Here Schaeffer's friend, the American scientist Dolan, gave him four thousand dollars.

"It is necessary to note one important detail that escaped the attention of Western authors who described this expedition. There were 12 more people in Calcutta with Schaeffer. The names of two are known - these are Karonihi (translator), a Tibetan from Berlin, an envoy of the lamas from Lhasa, and Eva Schmeimuller ( Tibetologist). The names of ten other participants are unknown. It is only known that one was a radio operator, two more were professional intelligence officers. The meaning of the participation of the rest also remained unknown. The fact is that these ten nameless participants in the expedition were not registered through the Ahnenerbe, but through the Gestapo Department IV -E-2, in charge of the countries of the West, North, South and East. These people were abandoned with the expectation of long-term work."
The expedition stayed in Tibet for over two months, carried out a huge amount of work, visited the sacred place of Tibet Yarling and hastily prepared for the return journey. Radio communication along the Lhasa-Berlin line was established, and Himmler was in a hurry to return: World War II was brewing. Contacts of the Third Reich with Tibet were not limited to Schaeffer’s expeditions and radio conversations with the Dalai Lama. There is evidence that Hitler was in contact with a certain Tibetan monk who wore green gloves, but there is no documentary evidence of this. The mystery of the mysterious monk remained unsolved, because on April 25, 1945, Soviet soldiers found six dead Tibetans in a Berlin basement, lying in a circle, and in the center of this circle was someone wearing green gloves.

I would venture to suggest that one of the most important topics that could have interested Hitler in establishing contact with Tibet was the topic of immortality, or perhaps a significant continuation of life, through the use of a special secret ancient practice that Bon sorcerers used in order to live for many centuries... .
In Tibet, a special practice has existed for many thousands of years, which was completely prohibited for hundreds of years. This practice was prohibited from being recorded on paper. It was passed down only by word of mouth, the most initiated into the secret knowledge of the magicians of Tibet.

We are talking about the practice of Phowa.

The great magicians of Tibet kept their knowledge of this practice in deep secret because thanks to it, they could live for countless years, changing their bodies like spare clothes.

In order for the magician to continue his life further, he needed a young, healthy body, a young man.

The bunker was full of young people, one might say that the entire flower of the German nation was gathered there as guards. The strongest and toughest warriors.

But could Hitler really have mastered completely such a complex technique as the special form of Phowa?

Despite the fact that during these years he was extremely busy with managerial work. Hard to say. It is clear that the Fuhrer had many opportunities to force himself to teach, but this scenario is still doubtful.

Rather, I would suggest that under the mask of Hitler was one of the great magicians of Tibet, who somehow appeared in Europe.

Since February 1908, Hitler has lived in Vienna. But information about this period of his life is scarce. At this time, he often changes apartments and rarely appears in public.

It looks like this is where the contact took place. With a fatal outcome for young Hitler. The magician needs a different body for transmigration, and the body must be young. Mages previously swore oaths never to kill young people themselves, but only to wait for the opportunity when such a person... But this practice is dark and hidden from the eyes of the curious, so we will not fantasize about it further.

Actually, Hitler was an orphan at the time of his departure to Vienna, despite the fact that he was also a closed and unsociable person. There weren't too many people who knew him well. His dear and half-sister Paula met him in Vienna many years after the separation, more than 10 years later in the 20s.

Therefore, we can say that the Fuhrer was in many ways a man from nowhere. The history of its origin is vague and full of blank spots.

But where could a great Tibetan magician come from in Vienna at the beginning of the twentieth century? And why exactly the one who owned the secret of a special practice of transferring consciousness?

Let's look at what Keitel showed during interrogation in Nuremberg:

Rudenko: What military training and military rank did Hitler have?

Keitel: Only a few years ago I learned from Hitler himself that after the end of the First World War he allegedly was a lieutenant in one of the Bavarian infantry regiments. During the war he was a simple soldier, then he received the rank of corporal, it is very possible that recently he received the rank of non-commissioned officer.

Rudenko: Shouldn’t we conclude that you, having solid military training and extensive experience, had the opportunity to exert significant influence on Hitler in resolving military-strategic and other issues relating to the armed forces? You will not deny that, due to your experience and military training, you were Hitler’s adviser on a number of important issues?

Keitel: I belonged to his closest military circle.

And then Keitel began to talk about how strong his Fuhrer was in military affairs. The most important difference between him and any person was that he could at some point, just looking at the map, say that the speaker was mistaken and certain parts had not yet arrived or would not be there. That is, people who worked with him had the opinion that the Fuhrer had a witchcraft property of vision.

This property fits perfectly into the magical Sith, which is obtained by those who have mastered special practices of transferring consciousness. By looking at a map, a magician can transfer consciousness to the area depicted on it.