Basic divine laws and the need to follow them. Collection of Laws. Basic general Cosmic and Divine Laws of development Stimulus for spiritual evolution

The Great Creator comes into our World, Reality with His Divine Laws of Existence. He brings us 7 basic laws:

1. Mirror Law- reflection of changes within a person by changes outside.

2. Law of Change- development and improvement of Life.

3. Law of Development and Improvement- movement from limitation to power.

4. Law of Justice- rewarding everyone according to their deserts.

5. Law of Retribution- punishment for those who do lawlessness.

6. Law of Harmony and Beauty- achieving order in physical reality and reducing entropy.

7. Law of Love- achieving balance between male and female energies.

Each Divine Law, penetrating into a person, strengthens his humanity, and through the strengthening of humanity, God builds a New Human Reality.

At the first stage, when a person learns to perceive and understand the Divine Laws, it is very important for him control your behavior. When humanity in the body becomes more than 50%, then a person will no longer be able to behave in a non-human way, that is, outside of compliance with the Divine Laws. The 13th century man is gradually becoming conductor Divine Will into the surrounding World, Reality.

It is beneficial to be a conductor of the Divine Will, even from the point of view of egoism, because the ability to find mutual understanding with all energies appears, which allows you to act harmoniously in Reality.

For the Guide of the Divine Will, the boundary between the energetic and physical body is erased, which is accompanied by the emerging ability to control not only the functions of the body, but also other phenomena considered supernatural.

Mirror Law says that a person himself creates his own reality - good or bad. Reality is created because the “man” system projects and radiates into the surrounding World, Reality, only those energies of which it consists. Using these same vibrations, people, situations, and phenomena that resonate with him are drawn to him, creating similar realities and strengthening them due to synergy(general resonance).

As a result, a person constantly revolves in the same energies - suffering, illness, shortages, etc., etc. He becomes a “hostage” of this “synergy”. To change this situation, it is necessary accept the Law of Change, which says that one should change Existence, improve it, make it more joyful, happier, and realize one’s wildest and brightest dreams. The law speaks of the possibility of human fulfillment and achievement during human life! The Law of Change gives a person courage and optimism.

Of course, an egoistic person strives to maintain his safety, calm and stability, frightening him with the unknown. For her: “Even if it’s bad, but it’s your own...” is the main motto. Wanting to stop the movement of Life, the egoistic personality wants stability everywhere and in everything: “Even if it’s bad, as long as it doesn’t get worse!” How could it be worse?

A person can neither accept nor realize the negative state in which he is. By denying her terrible situation, she completely deprives the body of vitality.

If suddenly a person realizes that You can’t live like this anymore, he’s still a man, and not a brute, trembling and clinging to who knows what, and something needs to be changed for the better, then it begins to act Law of Development and Improvement.

A person changes his behavior, increasing the amount of positive, human force in the body. The behavior of such a person becomes more adequate and correct. He himself becomes more careful, punctual and disciplined. Vibrations of the Law of Development and Improvement change the structure and shape of the human physical body, and also increase the range of capabilities and abilities.

The future of humanity is oriented towards the constant operation of this Law.

A person gradually realizes that for successful implementation he needs to understand how to act in order to gain positive energy that will transform his own Reality in the right direction, and what needs to be removed from his life so that this does not interfere with the realization of something what is important for a person.

He begins to understand that by wrong actions in the past he created a not very good future for himself, so he must change something in order to improve the future.

A person realizes that he needs to remove the negative that he and his reality consist of, that he needs to return this negative to where it came from and close the “holes” through which the negative spoils his life.

At the same time it turns on Law of Retribution realizing that a developing person understands that he needs to atone for all the evil that he allowed due to his ignorance. And then he begins to perceive all problems and unpleasant situations not as punishment, but as an opportunity to neutralize all the negativity that, voluntarily or unwittingly, passed through him into the World, Reality.

The main thing is that when this Law is implemented, a person stops blaming anyone for his misfortunes and troubles, he stops making claims and showing dissatisfaction. He accepts his Fate and Karma as it is.

As a result of implementing the Laws of Justice and Retribution into one’s own life, a person’s dependence on the egoistic energies of both their own and other people disappears. Everything in him and around him changes - all egoists, scammers, talkers, etc. gradually disappear from his life.

A person rejoices in what happens to him. He is focused on the human in himself and finds the best solution to any problem and situation. By reducing his negativism, a person improves his Destiny, his Reality, his future. His individual strength increases, which allows him to comprehend Law of Harmony and Beauty. The Law of Harmony and Beauty embodies order, enhances Life and neutralizes entropy.

The Law of Harmony and Beauty heals and renews the physical body. It promotes the achievement of dynamic balance between the Forces.

At the level of achieving balance between male and female energies, it comes into play Law of Love.

Law of Love embodies the Divine Magic of Creativity. Everything is possible for a person who realizes the Divine Will!

During his reign in Egypt, Akhenaten gathered several thousand people under the age of forty-five. First, they completed a twelve-year course of training called the Left Eye of Horus, designed to train the emotional body - the left hemisphere of the brain. Akhenaten ordered them to undergo the next twelve-year course of study at the Secret Egyptian School, where they were to obtain the missing information by becoming familiar with the Right Eye of Horus and the Law of One. Thoth later passed this knowledge on to Drunvalo.

The map depicting chromosomes is located in only one place - under the Great Pyramid in the long gallery leading to the Hall of Records. Information about the sacred geometry of chromosomes can only be found here or received orally.

The symbol of Akhenaten's school was the Right Eye of Horus, controlled by the left hemisphere. This is masculine knowledge, the logical side of the creation of the world, the idea of ​​how the spirit created everything, since the spirit does not need anything to create the Universe.

Here are the first three verses from " Books of Genesis ":

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

The earth was formless and empty, and darkness was over the abyss, and the Spirit of God hovered over the waters.

And God said: Let there be light. And there was light.

However, there is one thing that the Bible does not say, but which was emphasized in the school of Akhenaten: in order for a spirit to move in the Void, it had to move in relation to something.

Nothing exists in the Great Emptiness. How can we know about the movement of the spirit in it if we have no point of reference? This is how Akhenaten's school solved this riddle: the spirit projects itself in six directions - up and down, forward and backward, right and left (Fig. 9.1). This can be reflected using coordinate axes, denoting them as x, y and z. The projection distance does not matter; one inch is enough.

Thus the spirit is projected in six directions. The next step is to connect the lines so that first a square is formed (Fig. 9.2), and then a pyramid (Fig. 9.3). After this, you should extend the lines and get the lower pyramid. Both pyramids will give us an octahedron (Fig. 9.4). Now the spirit receives the reality contained in the octahedron. And although this is only a speculative image, it gives us an idea of ​​​​the movement, since the boundaries have already been established.

Then the spirit began to perform a rotational movement in relation to three axes, describing a sphere (Fig. 9.5). In sacred geometry, a straight line is considered masculine, and a curved line is considered feminine. Thus, by rotating the octahedron, the spirit turned from a man into a woman, that is, into a sphere. The Bible says that man was created first, and after him woman. This is the change from linear motion to circular motion. The spirit changed the nature of the movement because the geometric progression necessary for creation corresponds to curves, or feminine lines.

So now the Spirit of God is in the sphere. IN " Book of Genesis " it says: “... and the Spirit of God moved over the waters,” but where did it rush? In the entire Universe there was only one known place - the surface. Therefore, the students of Akhenaten’s school were told that the Spirit moved towards the surface. It does not matter which place on the surface , the main thing is that to the surface. This was the first movement from the Great Void (Fig. 9.6). After this first movement, each subsequent movement occurs automatically. Each previous one prompts the next one, and so continues until the Universe is created.

In the third verse" Books of Genesis " says: "And God said: Let there be light. And there was light." When the Spirit appeared on the surface, the only thing left for him to do was to create a second sphere (Fig. 9.7). What happened, you already know how vesica piscis , or interpenetrating spheres. This is the metaphysical structure behind light. This was the first day of Creation. Intersecting, two spheres form a circle or oval. Entering this new circle and forming the next sphere, you will receive the image of the second day of Creation (Fig. 9.8).

After this, the rotational movement continues on the surface of the sphere until it is finally created. All this happens automatically (see Fig. 9.9, 9.10 and 9.11).

When you get to the sixth day of Creation, you have six circles perfectly connected to each other. There is nothing left over (Fig. 9.12). On the seventh day the Spirit rests, since creation is completed and all the laws of the Universe have been created. When this image acquires a vortex movement, three-dimensional objects no longer fit into the scheme.

This is why it is important to understand that the subject of sacred geometry is not just lines on paper; rather, it is the movement of the Spirit in the Great Emptiness. It is necessary to create a map of the movement of the three-dimensional Great Void for our planet. There are one hundred and forty-four different forms of emptiness, depending on what overtone you are at. The first image you will get is a tubular torus (Fig. 9.12).

It occurs during the first rotation or the first six days of creation. By rotating the pattern, you create this image (a tubular torus with a microscopic hole in the center). Remember that we are talking about a 3D image, not a 2D image. The tubular torus is the primary form of the Universe (Fig. 9.13). Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it moves within itself, no other form is capable of this.

Stan Tenen, after devoting twenty years of research, was able to trace the shape of the tubular torus and, removing minor details, unfolded it in the form of a spiral. He then arranged the resulting spiral in a three-dimensional tetrahedron (Figure 9.14). By passing light through this structure from different angles, the scientist determined that the cast shadow repeated all the letters of the Hebrew alphabet. He also discovered that by arranging the structure differently, he could reproduce all the Greek as well as the Arabic letters in the same way. He did this by shifting the structure in the middle of the tetrahedron. There are 27 such symmetrical positions.

Thus, the first thing we learn from " Books of Genesis ", is the connection between language and metaphysical form.

All this happened on the first day of Creation. So, now we begin to discuss the scheme of vortex rotation of energy. Each time the rotational movement is completed, a new form arises, and this form becomes the basis of creation.

Rotation always starts from internal places (Fig. 9.15).

The next rotation is shown in Figure 9.16. If we erase some of the lines in Figure 9.16, we get Figure 9.17 - the “egg of life”. This is a two-dimensional image of a three-dimensional figure. The Egg of Life represents eight spheres, the eighth sphere is located directly behind the central one. The Egg of Life is the formula for the harmony of music and the electromagnetic spectrum, and it is also the formula that underlies all biological life forms. This is the formula for all structures without exception.

The next rotation gives us the outline, or the required number of circles to create the “flower of life” (Fig. 9.18). This flower consists of seven circles, as shown in Figure 9.19. Figure 8.1 shows the most familiar image of the flower of life. It was traditionally depicted this way because secret societies, passing this drawing from hand to hand, wanted to hide the next image - the “fruit of life”. If you look at fig. 8.1, you will notice that the lines on it only seem complete. If you complete all the circles and continue the rotation, you will receive the “fruit of life” (Fig. 9.21).

There is another way to get the flower of life. Looking again at the flower of life, you will see seven circles that fit perfectly within the larger circle. This is an alternative technique for depicting the flower of life (Fig. 9.22).

If you take half the radius of the central circle and draw a new circle using that half radius, and then draw the same circles along the three axes, you will get the fruit of life (Figure 9.23). This means that the proportions of the fruit of life are inherent in the flower of life itself.

If you do this again, you will end up with thirteen circles connected to thirteen circles and so on...or the fruit of life connected to the fruit of life (Figure 9.24).

You can repeat this operation countless times; there is no beginning or end to it. Like the logarithmic spiral (which we'll talk about shortly), this is the primary geometric shape of the Universe. The fruit of life is a special sacred figure. She is the driving factor of creation. Thirteen systems of information come from the fruit of life, and I am going to discuss four of them here. All thirteen systems describe every aspect of our reality in great detail: everything we can think about, feel or experience, they are able to analyze at the atomic level.

You will receive these thirteen systems by combining the masculine and feminine geometric energies. When energies are connected, something new is born. With the exception of the first figure, all the other drawings I discussed consisted of curved lines. Therefore, the simplest and most obvious way to bring in masculine energy is to draw straight lines through the centers of the fruit of life circles. If you do this, you will get a figure known as Metatron's Cube (Fig. 9.25).

Metatron's Cube is contained in four of the five stereometric copies of the Platonic solids (Fig. 9.26). These include the cube, or hexahedron, with six square surfaces, eight corners and twelve faces; a tetrahedron having four triangular surfaces, four corners and six faces; dodecahedron - with twelve pentagonal surfaces, twenty angles and thirty faces; An icosahedron having twenty triangular surfaces, twelve angles and thirty faces. The criterion for Platonic solids is that all faces, surfaces and angles are equal, and that all their vertices must fit into a sphere. Only five geometric bodies are known that satisfy these criteria. These figures were named after Plato, although Pythagoras used them two hundred years earlier, calling them ideal geometric solids.

These five figures are of great importance. They are components of the energy fields that surround our bodies. It is a little known fact that four of the five Platonic solids come from Metatron's Cube. It seems that most authors of books on sacred geometry do not realize this.

To obtain the Platonic Solids from Metatron's Cube, you need to erase several lines. By removing some lines in a certain order, you will first get the cube shown in Figure 9.27. It is a two-dimensional image of a three-dimensional object, and it contains a cube within a cube.

If you erase the other lines in a certain order, you will get the tetrahedron shown in Figure 9.28. Strictly speaking, these are two tetrahedrons put together, or a star tetrahedron.

Figure 9.29 shows the octahedron as stacked pyramids, and Figure 9.30 shows the icosahedron.

In the schools of Ancient Egypt and Atlantis, these five figures and the sphere were viewed from a different angle. In ancient schools it was believed that the Elements such as Fire, Earth, Air, Water and Ether have different forms. These Elements were correlated with the Platonic solids as follows: tetrahedron - Fire, cube - Earth, octahedron - Air, icosahedron - Water and dodecahedron - Ether, or prana . The sphere meant the void from which everything comes. Thus, all things can be created from these forms.

The atoms that make up all matter are nothing more than spheres around which electrons orbit at nine-tenths the speed of light. In crystals, differentiated atoms (spheres) are arranged into tetrahedra, cubes, octahedra, icosahedrons and dodecahedrons.


Paradoxical as it may seem, we are just geometric figures, both outside and inside.

Before fertilization occurs, the egg is a sphere. It is the largest cell in the human body, approximately 200 times larger than an average-sized cell. The egg is so large that it can be seen with the naked eye. Thus, the egg is a sphere within which another sphere is enclosed - the female core. It contains half of the human chromosomes - twenty-two plus one. The membrane surrounding the core has an outer and an inner shell. These are two polar bodies.

Fertilization occurs when the sperm reaches the egg. This requires hundreds of sperm. Of these hundreds of spermatozoa, eleven, twelve or thirteen work together. Thanks to these coordinated actions, one of the sperm penetrates the egg. The tail of the sperm breaks off, and the male cell itself takes on the shape and size of the female nucleus. They then merge and form vesica piscis . These fused cells contain all the universal information.

In the next stage, the sperm and egg pass through each other and become cell number one - the zygote. It now contains forty-four plus two chromosomes. Mitosis then occurs and the polar bodies migrate to opposite ends of the cell, forming the north and south poles (Fig. 9.31).

Then, seemingly out of nowhere, a tube appears. Chromosomes separate; half of them go to one side of the tube, half to the other. The proportions of an adult’s body originate here. This cage already contains a “little man”.

The zygote divides into four cells and forms a tetrahedron enclosed in a sphere (Fig. 9.32). At the next division, eight cells appear, making up a tetrahedron star, which is also a cube (Fig. 9.33). From this moment on, the egg of life appears. Eight cells are completely identical and reflect our essence much more accurately than the body shell. These eight cells are localized in the geometric center of our body - at the base of the spine, or in the perineum, and in relation to our bodies they are immortal. All energy fields and grids surrounding our bodies are centered in relation to these eight cells. We seem to be growing from them in all directions.

The first eight cells, when dividing again, produce eight more cells, and thus a cube is formed within a cube. This is the last geometrically symmetrical cell division. When sixteen becomes thirty-two, there are two extra spaces left, and on the next division the sixty-four cells look even more asymmetrical. A cavity forms in the embryo and it again takes on a spherical shape. Its north pole passes through the empty ball, bends downwards and connects with the south pole. Thus, a tube is formed, twisting into a tubular torus. One end becomes the mouth, and the other becomes the anus. From this moment on, wide differentiation begins. In other words, the characteristics of various life forms - human, fish, mammal or insect - are now laid down.

In all this one can notice a certain sequence: a living being in the form of an egg or sphere turns into a tetrahedron, then into a tetrahedron star, then into a cube, then into another sphere, and then into a torus.

Divine Laws

The Great Creator comes into our World, Reality with His Divine Laws of Existence. He brings us 7 basic laws:

1. Mirror Law- reflection of changes within a person by changes outside.

2. Law of Change- development and improvement of Life.

3. Law of Development and Improvement- movement from limitation to power.

4. Law of Justice- rewarding everyone according to their deserts.

5. Law of Retribution- punishment for those who do lawlessness.

6. Law of Harmony and Beauty- achieving order in physical reality and reducing entropy.

7. Law of Love- achieving balance between male and female energies.

Each Divine Law, penetrating into a person, strengthens his humanity, and through the strengthening of humanity, God builds a New Human Reality.

At the first stage, when a person learns to perceive and understand the Divine Laws, it is very important for him control your behavior. When humanity in the body becomes more than 50%, then a person will no longer be able to behave in a non-human way, that is, outside of compliance with the Divine Laws. The 13th century man is gradually becoming conductor Divine Will into the surrounding World, Reality.

It is beneficial to be a conductor of the Divine Will, even from the point of view of egoism, because the ability to find mutual understanding with all energies appears, which allows you to act harmoniously in Reality.

For the Guide of the Divine Will, the boundary between the energetic and physical body is erased, which is accompanied by the emerging ability to control not only the functions of the body, but also other phenomena considered supernatural.

Mirror Law says that a person himself creates his own reality - good or bad. Reality is created because the “man” system projects and radiates into the surrounding World, Reality, only those energies of which it consists. Using these same vibrations, people, situations, and phenomena that resonate with him are drawn to him, creating similar realities and strengthening them due to synergy(general resonance).

As a result, a person constantly revolves in the same energies - suffering, illness, shortages, etc., etc. He becomes a “hostage” of this “synergy”. To change this situation, it is necessary accept the Law of Change, which says that one should change Existence, improve it, make it more joyful, happier, and realize one’s wildest and brightest dreams. The law speaks of the possibility of human fulfillment and achievement during human life! The Law of Change gives a person courage and optimism.

Of course, an egoistic person strives to maintain his safety, calm and stability, frightening him with the unknown. For her: “Even if it’s bad, but it’s your own...” is the main motto. Wanting to stop the movement of Life, the egoistic personality wants stability everywhere and in everything: “Even if it’s bad, as long as it doesn’t get worse!” How could it be worse?

A person can neither accept nor realize the negative state in which he is. By denying her terrible situation, she completely deprives the body of vitality.

If suddenly a person realizes that You can’t live like this anymore, he’s still a man, and not a brute, trembling and clinging to who knows what, and something needs to be changed for the better, then it begins to act Law of Development and Improvement.

A person changes his behavior, increasing the amount of positive, human force in the body. The behavior of such a person becomes more adequate and correct. He himself becomes more careful, punctual and disciplined. Vibrations of the Law of Development and Improvement change the structure and shape of the human physical body, and also increase the range of capabilities and abilities.

The future of humanity is oriented towards the constant operation of this Law.

A person gradually realizes that for successful implementation he needs to understand how to act in order to gain positive energy that will transform his own Reality in the right direction, and what needs to be removed from his life so that this does not interfere with the realization of something what is important for a person.

He begins to understand that by wrong actions in the past he created a not very good future for himself, so he must change something in order to improve the future.

A person realizes that he needs to remove the negative that he and his reality consist of, that he needs to return this negative to where it came from and close the “holes” through which the negative spoils his life.

At the same time it turns on Law of Retribution realizing that a developing person understands that he needs to atone for all the evil that he allowed due to his ignorance. And then he begins to perceive all problems and unpleasant situations not as punishment, but as an opportunity to neutralize all the negativity that, voluntarily or unwittingly, passed through him into the World, Reality.

The main thing is that when this Law is implemented, a person stops blaming anyone for his misfortunes and troubles, he stops making claims and showing dissatisfaction. He accepts his Fate and Karma as it is.

As a result of implementing the Laws of Justice and Retribution into one’s own life, a person’s dependence on the egoistic energies of both their own and other people disappears. Everything in him and around him changes - all egoists, scammers, talkers, etc. gradually disappear from his life.

A person rejoices in what happens to him. He is focused on the human in himself and finds the best solution to any problem and situation. By reducing his negativism, a person improves his Destiny, his Reality, his future. His individual strength increases, which allows him to comprehend Law of Harmony and Beauty. The Law of Harmony and Beauty embodies order, enhances Life and neutralizes entropy.

The Law of Harmony and Beauty heals and renews the physical body. It promotes the achievement of dynamic balance between the Forces.

At the level of achieving balance between male and female energies, it comes into play Law of Love.

Law of Love embodies the Divine Magic of Creativity. Everything is possible for a person who realizes the Divine Will!

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Basic General Cosmic and Divine Laws of Human Development

Our World of Educational Games. All levels of civilizations and Gods from “A” to “U” brought their experience and knowledge to the creation of man of our species, i.e. into the creation of the “I”, where in the Structure of the I - “O” = thought prevails over “L” - personal emotions, depends on them and remains in unity. While we live in the body, it dictates its own Laws - but these laws can be fulfilled in different ways! And this is how perfect the fulfillment of the Laws of the body is, so perfect is the Personality of man, and hence the perfection of the Spirit. For the body is the temple of the Spirit, and only in the unity and perfection of the body and Spirit is harmony born. You cannot do nothing and not make any moves. At the same time, the inner World is cluttered to the point of disgrace, and a person becomes a burden to the World. Consequently, the World will begin to look for opportunities and build prospects for changing the Player-Character. But every move in life processes must be accurate and timely. Didn't see the opportunity in time, didn't take advantage of it - that's it! Maybe he lost. For some people, in some Games, which every person has in certain cycles of passing, the stake is Fate, Life. Any games, like computer games, develop according to certain life laws. The main thing in any Game is not thoughtless adherence to the Game, and not even victory, but awareness of the Laws of the Game - as the Laws of Life. It’s not enough to just be a good person if you want to live an interesting life, to fulfill some roles. It is also important to make precise moves in time so that Life flows in accordance with your desires. Once you realize your potential, you will change for the better. And vice versa. Degradation occurs according to the Law of RUC (multiplication and division), so its speed is enormous and problems grow like a snowball. Growth occurs according to the Divine Laws of Learning (adding and subtracting), so gains appear slowly and imperceptibly. (from the Contact Notebook): The World is One. But in this world coexist a lot of educational Worlds. With mutual respect it should be every nation your own Way of development. At the same time, the general The world dictates and general UNITED for all NORMS and LAWS HUMANITY. But differences in these Laws are inevitable. After all, each Author has his own technical, economic, level, and Spatio-Temporal base, and the goal of creating the world, and the plan, and the tasks, and the opportunities. And this is a purely human, primitive view of events, when only external motivation is assessed. A state is only legitimate when there are autonomies in it. But even the fact that recognition and respect for local authorities and the development of their communities is now beginning - this is very good! The tree is one, but there are many branches. But there are also many ancient trees. And everyone has their own Law Corresponding to the level of the Author and Creator - the Gardener of this Tree. There are a great variety of training programs. Educational (spiritual, educational), Spatial-Temporal (state), Gaming, Entertaining, Sports, Cognitive, Analytical, Extreme, Old, New, etc. Depending on which Programs you choose, you will be subject to the Laws of that Program. Especially basic for your life. - Ignorance of the Laws does not exempt from responsibility and punishment. However, you should know that by violating the Laws of your environment or the aggressive Old Program, making a choice towards the life, honor and dignity of yourself, or another person, you acquire Light or Divine protection and Conduct, which can help you draw the right conclusions and remove these lessons, taking them to another level. And life will change. While passing your test, you should constantly check and be guided by generally accepted norms of human behavior. Divine Laws. You should also know that having committed any crime for the good, guided by good intentions, you still greatly obscure your Training Field, lock yourself into practicing this mistake, and are deprived of light filling and Divine Providence. And sooner or later this will lead to inevitable collapse. You can think whatever you want about yourself and your life, but the general principle of assessing the Passage is this: if you live interestingly and joyfully, you receive love and gifts from the world and the people around you and feel warmth yourself - you are going right, solving the problems of life correctly and the world's assessment is excellent. Remember, correct Passage presupposes a constant, albeit small increase in the material standard of living. Even if you are a pensioner, your level can and should gradually increase from gifts and attention from your loved ones or distant ones. If you are tired of life, you constantly feel persistent fatigue, nothing interests you or makes you happy - somewhere you made a mistake and went off the right Path. LAW: -everything that happens in life is a lesson. Presented to you with the help of someone, or with your help to someone. But they are needed for development or testing. For what? This is the School of Life. In it, everyone learns from the simplest examples, develops precision of thinking, understanding, feelings and emotions, and develops new possibilities for world-building. They practice their own and others’ Game Scenarios for viability, learn to find the right solutions, feel and hear their partner and interlocutor, their inner world, and work in a team. For training, institutes of Teachers, Mentors, Spiritualists, and Training Centers have been created. To check the quality of learned life lessons, there are Astral Bouncers - these are DDT Test Performers, whose task is to test the Student’s Personality for the maturity of his form of manifestation, their ability to express their own will, to resist incorrect, incorrect attitudes, delusions, and temptations. (from the Contact Notebook): I want to see in each and every one, big maturity and sustainability to simple ones, uncomplicated Entities Astral Bouncer. We need to dodge faster, and not bother!!! There is a Law - check with him and follow it. All the rest - temptations. And lies. Someone else's experience, not recorded in our body, in our genes, can never protect us from mistakes, so notations and regrets, and even more so scandals about this, are simply useless. Each of us is born into the world so that our Divine Essences learn to develop flexibility and plasticity when interacting with alien harmonies. The more blows of Fate are presented, the younger the Entities are. They have not yet developed the smoothness and flexibility of energy exchange. The blows of Fate, from which your ancestors may not have recovered and passed on to the Other World, gave our Essences the opportunity to develop immunity to evil and master a more subtle one (if we are talking about the Dark Soul), or a rougher, lower one ( if we are talking about the Light Soul), the frequency of vibrations of communication. This will allow the next birth to avoid those mistakes that led to the death of a person in the previous incarnation. It is sinful to hide from a proposed action for fear of making a mistake, because this slows down the development of the Worlds. We have no right, having come to Earth, to hide from life. Each of us carries within us the Entities who have taken upon themselves, and therefore us, the Mission of reuniting the Worlds and reviving the Earthlings. To counteract this means to give yourself over to the mental Devil and to be swallowed up by Chaos or the Black Holes of our Cosmos. A person cannot always be good. There are Positive and Negative Programs. No matter how good a person is, at some time he will need to perform both Negative Scenes and Negative Roles. Complete refusal of this will lead to illnesses and blockages, closure and limitation of his spiritual nature. However, how to fulfill the plot, accept it for yourself or not, what to do after completing the Scene, subsequent analysis of your behavior and further actions in relation to others - this is what determines the character, the sympathies of the worlds, and the energy balance. PRINCIPAL AND FUNDAMENTAL LAWS of human development: It is necessary to provide constant care for your body, keep it clean, recharge it with gymnastics, and monitor the quality functioning of all organs and systems. The body is the spaceship of the personality of the human Disciple. In this ship he travels through the virtual Space of the School of Life, learns, accumulates impressions and knowledge. Ensuring that oneself, the student, has the opportunity to cope with the Spiritual Program while maintaining longevity and body tone is the main task of every person. You should know and remember that Darkness is the turning off of Light. Light stops entering the human World if there is not enough money to pay for the energies of Light, if the body has run out of recharge (the body is discharged). A person acquires funds by correctly solving the problems posed by the world and by his own actions. Recharging of electric lighting (any body produces electric current) occurs during charging. Movement is life. To maintain the required brightness of Light entry into the human body and tissues, it is necessary to maintain cleanliness in it, promptly cleansing the body with fasting and gymnastics, the spirit with prayer, and the house with cleaning and repairs. Timely cleansing of energy channels, viewing and cellular windows from contaminants allows you to see your movement and correctly choose the direction of the Path. You can compare this with the cleanliness of windows in an apartment or car. The higher the degree of contamination of the windows, the lower the level of visibility. The less light penetrates. You can wash the window, restoring visibility. There are many ways to wash tissues, vessels, and cells, and they are all necessary. These are water procedures, especially hot ones: sauna, steam bath, bath, shower. Gymnastics of different types. And prayers or psychological settings that will allow you not to lose your chosen conduct. -You can’t grumble and hate your body. The human body is used by his Personality for a variety of activities. This is also a spaceship in which the Personality can move through Spaces and Times (manifests itself when noise and whistling in our ears suddenly increases and becomes clogged with pressure, as during overload on an airplane). It could also be a submarine if the movement takes place within the Times of our planet. This is also a spacesuit that protects the inner world from a hostile virtual environment. A person’s body is such as in which Time and Space the person’s Personality resides. How far it is removed from the body, or located directly in it. Depending on these conditions, he is given a certain biomodel in which a person has more levels of protection - the body is fuller and thicker, or less - the body is thinner and lighter. The more internal devices in the body, the more skills and capabilities, but the body itself is heavier. The form is easiest if the main work takes place in the light Celestial Spheres - the body is subtle and sublime, noble. Or in the Times of the extreme technocratic Future - the body is thin and emaciated. The form of a person whose life tasks include the development of the Mental Program - the Essences of the Masculine Principle - will also be light. A heavy and dense, full body is always evidence of work on the Past, Genus, the development of the Genetic Program and the Feminine Principle. The deeper into the Past - the stronger the personality of the Family, the slower the movement and the fuller the body. With a very strong desire, a person can be delivered from a body that he does not like, but sometimes such deliverance is incompatible with life. In any body you need to do gymnastics and follow a diet, but you shouldn’t expect that by starting to do gymnastics you will quickly lose weight. Maybe you will lose weight if this is provided for in your development program. But walruses, seals, elephants and hippos move a lot throughout their lives and eat fish and grass, but do not lose weight. Just like sumo wrestlers. There is a ballet of fat women, where fat girls dance serious ballet parts, train a lot every day, but do not cease to be fat women. Working for the benefit of people, society, and loved ones, n We must not forget about the good and development of ourselves personally. From the total time of service to the world 1/4 should be given to yourself. Because in every person there is his Divine and Spiritual world. And providing complete care, training, physical improvement and maintenance of our body is a tribute to respect, care and love to our inner world. - it is necessary to follow and fulfill the moral laws given to humanity in spiritual instructions, religions, school and psychological rules. Do not fall into the traps of selfishness, greed, arrogance, pride, greatness, greed - and there are a lot of them on your path. But there are also Higher Moral Laws that explain “what is “good” and what is “bad.” Check with them and judge yourself uncompromisingly and honestly. - take food only as needed. The value of food is ambiguous for different people and is very conditional. It is determined only by its internal tasks. I have written a separate book about nutrition. The phrase “Tell me what you eat and I will tell you who you are” perfectly describes the importance of nutrition. The harmfulness of a particular product is also conditional and relative. There are cases when a person drank a glass of clean water, convinced that he was drinking poison, and died. Not from the water, of course, but from my own delusion. At the same time, many peoples eat known poison (for example, fly agarics), and feel great. But, regardless of the time phase and the nutritional rules that it dictates, there are several general nutritional laws that must be followed. You can't overeat. You can't eat for future use. You can’t eat because “that’s the way it’s supposed to be” or “the time has come.” You cannot finish eating if you are already full and there is still food left on the plate. - “Gymnastics is a means of cleansing the body from the filth of evil.” The body is the Temple of the Spirit. The Temple must be clean. You should do gymnastics daily. Gymnastics is on the same level of importance as food. Gymnastics destroys the enslaving blocks of the Past installed in the body, that is, it essentially destroys Witchcraft. You need to do gymnastics every day for at least an hour (ideally 3 hours), you can do it with breaks. For example, 15 minutes in the morning, 15 minutes at lunch, half an hour before bed. Or: one hour in the morning, one hour at lunch and one hour in the evening. Etc. Gymnastics should include any exercises to actively achieve flexibility and elasticity of muscles, ligaments (stretching) and the spine. In addition to moving exercises while standing, sitting and lying on the floor, static poses are also necessary - asanas, which contribute to the internal cleansing of a person (energy cleansing of Living Nature). Asanas can be used from any eastern system, for example, yoga. Without doing gymnastics, it is impossible to achieve good spiritual growth and physical recovery, because only the unity of body and spirit brings life, and life is eternal movement. Thus, we do harm not only to ourselves, but also to our loved ones, polluting the common habitat, shortening life and reducing the possibilities of building the World of Lada. The fact that we do not want evil, unfortunately, does not relieve us from it, because ignorance of the Laws does not exempt us from punishment. - a person’s home must be clean, free from any foreign sharp and unpleasant odors (the smell is Anti-Ester). A person’s house, as it were, turns a person’s inner world inside out, exposing it to the outside and allowing one to correct his shortcomings and increase his virtues. Remember this, do not clutter your home with unnecessary items, be careful about maintaining cleanliness, and throw away unnecessary things in a landfill on time. - Training is conducted using simple examples. "Everything is in the image and likeness". (From the Contact Notebook): Everything in this life is “in the image and likeness.” It's like trying to tell a blind person what an object looks like, and a deaf person what a sound feels like. Therefore, the same phenomenon is illuminated from different angles. When a chair shows how comfortable it is to sit, why to sit, and what comes out of it. This is when the same word has different, seemingly unrelated meanings. Or when a word has a hidden meaning, for example: O`CRUST! OKO RO ch-ka, where the same Ch-KA also has several complementary meanings: Ch-KA - Extraordinary Commission of the Astral, and ch-ka - short for person. So, the Cheka is a person, he is also the Extraordinary Commission for Personal Affairs, and the check follows from its consideration of cases committed by the Personality - crimes. Or, for example, a basin is an object for washing clothes, it is also the lower part of the body, it also leads to Mars, and from there to the masses, and at the same time it has a number of other names - ham, butt, butt, butt, etc. . EYE - ROKA 3rd AD (triple) ass - ZhS 1 Order from POP BY KIDNEY ON p\o KIDNEY". The most important LAW at all levels: - Man has the right to choose. A person inside himself has many Programs written by different Authors at different Times. Humanity evaluates these works with its preferences. These works are educational, sometimes of poor quality. However, a person's preference is formed by his constant internal choice. Proposals are made in accordance with a person’s worldview, his way of thinking, formed energy, personal time and energy balance. However, at any level, Light and Shadow Programs are always offered, with the leading Masculine or Feminine Principle, Mental or Genetic Programs, belonging to Positive or Negative Scenes. A person’s choice of first small episodes, and then longer works for himself, is determined by the testing Programs of the DDT (Devil-Demonic Trainer), which slips in various thoughts that test a person for his defining human or non-human qualities and properties. What a person accepts as his own allows him to be involved in further Actions, in which the level of his stability in his preferences is determined. This relates it to the Conduct of this or that World, Time for a longer period. The Programs change every year. Programs also change cyclically, in accordance with the changes in generally accepted teaching programs of humanity - solar, lunar, Avestan, Eastern, Druid and other divine or spiritual. Universal Human Programs always work, regardless of a person’s preferences, but how much they influence him is determined only by personal Choice. The choice towards serving one particular Program - for example, a person takes holy orders, puts him under the protection of the corresponding egregor. However, even here a person continues to be periodically tested for strength and offered testing thoughts and proposals from the opposite side. LAW: - a person is not free in his Conduct. He already comes into this world with some kind of belonging and debt obligations. However, at any level, he is free to accept the proposed circumstances for himself as a way of life, or to refuse them and look for a way out of them and other paths of development. Sometimes the Kabbalah with which a person is born is such that the living conditions are so difficult that a person is saved from them through death. However, more often than not, patronage comes earlier. And a person can abandon all the material components of his vicious Program, remain alone with the world, go hungry for a long time and find a narrow path that will lead him to other conditions. A person can always go to God. There is always a choice. No matter how much the masters of the opposition put pressure on his inner world, a person must know that these are scarecrows, horror stories. Having overcome their fear and made a choice towards the Light, the demonic and Dark worlds lose their rights to humans. A person can exercise his Right even in the last minutes of his life. Just do it with your whole being, consciously. And maybe save your life, if it's not too late. Or the soul, which is much more important. LAW: - Only by overcoming difficulties does the Spirit grow stronger. Low Demonic Structures, whose interests include keeping a person in their service for as long as possible, have special extinguishers of igniting auras, which in moments of inharmony of a person slip like tests for him false paths and solutions. These are traps of the Spirit to test your will, faith, stability, purity, humanity. At each new level, a person undergoes such tests that are given to everyone on the path of ascension. The brighter the aura of your Spirituality is colored by the Light of true purity, the more such extinguishers accumulate at the lower shells, waiting for error and disharmony. Be attentive to your behavior and be sure to analyze it from the point of view of the Laws! Everything that is easy for us has already been developed by our family or personality and passed on to us in our genes. Doing what we can easily and well is simple, it gives pleasure and brings joy to people. But it does not bring personal growth and development. Learning what is not given to us and what we cannot do is much more useful for the development of the spirit and personality as a whole and is valued higher by the world. This is where paradoxes arise. When you are so talented, everything comes so easily to you, and you are valued much lower financially than the “mediocre” next to you. Yes, on the external plane this is unfair. And on the internal side, a person masters something that he does not know how to do, something that his genes do not have developments in. And this is worth the high price of the world. LAW: -the evil done to you must be responded to with good three times. - For every trouble you should thank the World and the Lord 9 times. There is no need to say that it is impossible to respond to evil three times with good, otherwise they will sit on your head! Is not must care about you! In such cases, you should take care of yourself. The Educational World, a person’s life is built based on the karmic needs of a person’s upbringing and training. The laws of karma are made up of mistakes and actions committed directly by the Personality of a person or his family in previous incarnations or generations. And every blow of Fate or trouble arises as a result of the incorrect construction of previous Programs. Such an event must be accepted not grumbling, not indignant, but humbly and with dignity. Carry out the necessary work to eliminate the consequences - burn off the evil of this trouble or conflict, read Prayers “For Health” to a person, do good to him, thank the World and the Lord for the opportunity to correct your shortcomings and the evil manifested by this person, as a result of the incorrect worldbuilding of your Personality in another time range. The correct reaction to such a lesson allows you to rethink your situation and find a way out. Or attract the help of patrons to eliminate the identified misconception or misunderstanding. LAW: - don't judge.(From the Contact Notebook): Remember the most important moral Law of human development: “Do not judge - lest you be judged!” And you don’t need to reassure yourself that you don’t judge, but only say or analyze. It does not matter. A negative thought is expressed, which means a negative emotion has been born, which extinguishes your goodwill, your good attitude towards the person. Remember, any bad thought or emotion tends to merge like a snowball, which, having accumulated, can completely destroy your energy again in the Dark World. And then you will have to carry out a breaking fast again in order to destroy dense formations and energy ties with low centers. Not a single person living on Earth is able to correctly assess the actions or lifestyle of another person, since no one knows the conditions, goals and objectives of this person’s world-building. What lies on the surface does not allow us to understand anything about a person at all. You don’t know its mechanics, its technical base, its energy content, what World it came from and for what, what Games it is involved in, what level of training it is at and in what Programs, what its Kabbalah is, its term of imprisonment, who its owners are, and, finally, in which Scenarios he is involved, in which Roles. But these are the main characteristics. His grades, incentives, payment for his Passage, Guides and characteristics depend on this. It is ridiculous and stupid to compare a radio receiver from the 30s of the last century and an ultra-modern computer, the capabilities of a broom and a powerful vacuum cleaner, and to blame the best actors who perfectly performed the role of Othello for the characterization of their hero. Whether a person lives right or wrong, we can only draw a conclusion regarding ourselves. For example: “I don’t want to live like this and I’ll try not to act like that.” Or “Deliver me, Lord, from such a life!” But blaming a person and judging him by his own standards is, to say the least, not smart. After all, each person is individual, and what comes easily and imperceptibly to one, is unthinkable work for another... For one, knowledge and capabilities come from within, in a ready-made form, he only needs to discover them in himself, because that the experience of his previous incarnations allows him to do this. And another needs to discover this for himself, as a discoverer, because he does not have this internal experience. Everyone has their own roles, goals and objectives, and only the Divine World can judge a person. (From the Contact Notebook): DON'T JUDGE, SORRY, FORGET - FIRST LAW FOR MAN!!! Do you forgive a person not for him, but for himself! It is for you it is necessary to do good to him three times in order remain human! To forgive means to dissolve in oneself the evil towards this person, to forget about the act he committed. Do you want to be taller? So rise above the dirt and let it rise who dumped you! Even bring the murderer back from Mir Beelzebub can give a huge flow of love, tears for him and complete forgiveness of him. LAWS: - You need to educate yourself not others, but yourself. Of course, this does not apply to parents of children under 15 years of age. Although raising children has its own subtleties, you also shouldn’t put pressure on them, shout, swear, or read tedious lectures. - You cannot impose your opinion on others, you cannot demand anything from them.(Unless, of course, this is a boss-subordinate relationship, where the Laws of Professional Relations apply). Because people read lectures in a boring, commanding voice, not a single person on Earth has become better! Only when a person continues to educate himself throughout his life, analyze his behavior, find his shortcomings and mistakes and tries to change for the better, then the people living next to you will certainly become better. If, of course, they are capable of this. If they are not capable, they will be removed from you. Educate yourself, question yourself, demand from yourself! But it’s easier to ask others, forgetting that in this case the most important Laws of the World are being ignored. If a person knows the Laws and violates them without consciously applying them to himself, his Light Patrons and Gods leave him. But ignorance of the Laws does not cancel the punishment. Opposition and division, when they see bad in people, is the beginning of evil, and evil gives rise to accumulation, i.e. then no Fasting, no gymnastics, no prayers will help. A person is heading towards death. But from strengthening due to the acceleration of metabolic processes, it receives a powerful karmic blow. If the blow is recognized and accepted with gratitude, then this ultimately, through illness and torment, generates enormous energy of return and literally throws the person upward, towards the Future. Hence, “overcoming difficulties, the Spirit grows stronger.” Hence, “the higher the takeoff, the lower the fall,” but also the return takeoff, although very difficult, it’s not even a takeoff, but a crawling out, but “the slower you go, the further you’ll go,” it’s already more stable. LAW:(from the Contact Notebook): - HOW SOMEONE BEHAVIORS IS NOT IMPORTANT TO YOU


THE ONLY MATTER IS HOW INVOLVED YOU ARE REMAIN BENEFITABLE AND PURE, HUMAN. A person’s behavior in everyday life, his worldview create projects for our development and conduct, based on what Time and what Energy Center we orient ourselves to, which we take as the basis of being. From this, and only from this, the Chemistry of our imprisonment in the body is created. And chemistry determines the rigidity of conduct and the conditions of imprisonment in the body, karmic justifications. The non-perception of mistakes and the poor level of performance skills of the human bioenergy form allow one to save oneself from such lessons. LAWS:-everything that manifests itself to us in the people around us is only a projection of our ability to interact with these people. -we see in everyone only what we can see based on our psycho-karmic relationship with him - everyone understands events and other people to the extent of their harmony (depravity). The biomodel of each person is given to him at birth with such technical equipment and level of modernization as a person’s Personality is capable of acquiring, based on his set of Time and general energy balance. In other words, if you buy a black and white TV, you shouldn't expect it to show color. It would be foolish for your interlocutor, who was watching the program on color TV, to hope that you would be able to appreciate the features and merits of its color rendition. It's the same in life. And if you have also broken your antennas - curved your spine, littered your tissues, darkened the Field, then you perceive any information from other people with a greater or lesser degree of distortion. Sometimes beyond recognition. Since speech is sound waves, the state of your internal translator of these waves, a breakdown of the hearing aid, a lack of means of decoding signals, can distort the received information beyond recognition. The person had neither in his thoughts nor in his words what you heard and imagined for yourself. And if, after interacting with people who are difficult for you, you cannot control yourself, this only means that something has not been worked out in you that does not give you freedom to control yourself, or cannot free this person from you. This is your common misfortune, and great efforts must be made to eradicate this evil, for only evil, i.e. the once sour energy of unrealized impulses creates such a stench that distorts the wave of perception. LAW:- If you really don’t like something about a person, never tell him about it, but find it in yourself and get rid of it. - If you really like something about yourself, find it in someone and praise him for it. What is most important to a person in life? FAITH IN HIS POWER. FAITH IN HIS LIGHT. FAITH IN ITS PURITY. THAT IS FAITH IN GOD IN HIM. As soon as you condemn a person, you strengthen the dark, devilish principle in him, increasing the difficulties of his growth, the difficulties of working out. Why is it so important for a person not to be judged for his bad behavior? Because if they scold him, they force him to do the same thing over and over again. He gets stuck in place. Each complaint is a note in a work that he must play brilliantly, repeating (playing) the same passage countless times, and he is forced to bring his vital role to perfection. If you don’t look at the notes, you are immersed in a feeling, but in order to feel the piece, you need to play the same thing over and over again, putting the melody in your fingers. Are you perfect if you see ugliness in a person and do not notice it in yourself? Probably, sometimes you need to notice in order to MOVE ON, BUT LOOK FOR THIS DEFECT IN YOURSELF, AND NOT EXPRESS IT TO OTHERS. (from Contact Notebooks): LAW: NEVER DON'T DO SO WITH A PERSON, HOW HE DOES WITH YOU, IF YOU NEED THIS I DO NOT LIKE - one of the basic Laws of human life. LAW: IF YOU SOMETHING I DON'T LIKE IN PERSON - FIND IT IN YOURSELF AT LEAST IN THE EMBRYO AND GET RID OF IT - fundamental Law of development. Meaningless discussion with judgment of a person is UNACCEPTABLE. This is disastrous. Analyzing what you don’t like about a person and why, how this manifests itself in yourself - working on yourself. But it’s better to do this one-on-one - alone with yourself. Any person in joint Scenes with you will be your Mirror - Smooth or CURVE - depends on the alignment, quality of your joint relationships, purity and assessment of the invested energies - labor, love, effort, time, money. The behavior of the person next to you is a statement of this state. Is there a need to develop a person who causes disgust and hostility in you? Only if this is your close relative or household member, that is, a person assigned to you by the Lord according to the Program of your development. Perhaps you should serve him, or forgive him, or accept him, if yourbenign efforts in this direction they do not change anything for the better. If the magical work also does not have the desired result. In this case, without stopping your work, without missing a single Negative Scene, you need to continue your efforts - in the end they will either lead to the desired Change in the person, or they will take him away from you, or he will change in relation to you. Don't expect instant results. Miracles happen in our lives, but we need to work long and hard on them. Remember and realize: IT IS MORE IMPORTANT FOR EVERYONE TO BE LOVED, TO BELIEVE IN HIM AND TO KNOW THAT NOTHING CAN HAPPEN TO HIM NOT FROM GOD. Those who fall, one can say for sure, do not received their share of love and trust from their loved ones. Can be used for a child under 15 years old tell what is good and what is bad", you can highlight the direction of the path up to 21 years, up to 25 years old this can be done very smartly and carefully, but always there is great love, warmth and trust in to man, faith in his Light. The worst thing is to be misunderstood, unnecessary and unclaimed. A person without free, mature Entities are certainly subordinated to the Hierarchies, which the more, the further into the Past one relates person, i.e. the younger his Essence. LAW OF INTERENTITY INTERACTION:-Development is given by the Essence that stands in front. The Dark Essence interacts with the Dark Essence of the interlocutor, the Light Essence - with the Light Essence. If you are light and strong in your light, then your Light Essence will call the Light Essence into contact, even if the person came to you with the Dark Essence in front. And vice versa. LAW: -love your neighbor as you love yourself. The change of Essences in a person occurs automatically, instantly, and the Dark Essence never mixes with the Light Essence. Therefore, in whom the Essence is stronger, he emerges victorious. If the Light Essence, for example, mine, is strong enough, then I can always find his goodness and goodness in a person, because his Light Essence will automatically come into contact with my Essence and begin to help me, but this is only if I I will immediately be able to be light myself. Hence the commandment “Love your neighbor” is the most powerful means of saving everyone, but it does not work formally. One must REALLY LOVE, i.e. open yourself with a smile and joy towards this “neighbor”, no matter how alien and distant he may seem. And this is the most difficult art of love, which is incredibly difficult to fully master. After all, the most important thing here is the FIRST STEP, THE FIRST LOOK, THE FIRST REACTION. A lot depends on it, this initial attitude, this initial attitude. But here you are joyfully and openly rushing towards a person, and he is completely closed in himself, irritated, and very negative. Your Light power is not enough to open it, and it turns out to be stronger. You are already overcome with resentment, irritation, and hostility towards him, because he ruined your joy... The most important thing is to withstand this duel of the Essences. The light is always stronger if you don't allow resentment into yourself. If you do not succumb to his provocations, then after a while the “curtains” will open in him and he will open. You need to fight NOT WITH A PERSON, BUT FOR THE PERSON IN YOURSELF. If you endure this fight against evil IN YOURSELF, and do not allow yourself to lose your light and your goodness, your joy, then you will be able to SAVE a person from his evil, from his heaviness and inharmony. This means that he will be freed from some of his heaviness, will become freer, healthier, cleaner and better in some ways. This means the world will become warmer. Unfortunately, people who take upon themselves the courage to bring truth to the masses themselves begin to fight with others, with dissidents, and in this fight they lose their light and their strength, their goodness... It is much easier to withstand any duel with yourself when you communicate with people more distant than to build soft communication and not lash out in response to the negativity of your parents or children. (from the Contact Notebook): It is not at all difficult to love abstract humanity. “Neighbors” are the hardest to love. It is very important “IN THE PURSUIT OF THE GOOD OF HUMANITY, DO NOT FORGET ABOUT THE GOOD OF YOUR CLOSE MOST”, Loving yourself is also not as easy as it seems at first glance. After all, loving yourself means loving and respecting your Essences, your Spiritual nature. This means trying to become better and more perfect, striving to maintain a high level of patronage and guidance in yourself, so as not to lose what you came into this world with, but vice versa. And this means that you need to be able to put yourself in order, train your body, improve your Spirit, and be in the role of a loving parent who truly cares about their child. He will warm him, feed him, wash him, and change his clothes on time, but also monitor his good training and behavior. (from Contact Notebooks): When we tell you that every person in relation to you manifests yourself - this is the most important, fundamental Law of the Universe. When all the Divine Laws call “Love your neighbor as yourself,” “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” You accept this superficially. Without taking it upon yourself. All bodies - biomodels - manipulators who control energetic Substances and Spirit. A personality shapes itself by solving energy problems expressed by various energy fillers. It's easier to say this: All what you see in relation to yourself from another person is demonstration your behavior in another form and friend of Time. Yes, you've been saying this for a long time. But you still condemn the person because you don’t understand what it isthat's how you behave in relation to this Person in another form and another Time. And the energy flow of negativity that you send to this form of yours instead of love, condemnation instead of forgiveness, harshness instead of softening - is sent straightto you in another body, Time and place of manifestation, - and back to you (according to the Boomerang Law) - in the form of a blow of Fate, which you signed for yourself. circle of man,All the persons with whom he comes into contact in life areMirror of the World this man. The BODY is a DEMONSTRATOR. A three-dimensional TV, a holographic film projector, which shows others their behavior and state, and shows you yours, and Mirrors and demonstrates your behavior in another body in relation to the Personality that a person builds in himself. Never listen to or accept how a person behaves towards others. Never tell how a person behaves towards you. This is personal information that does not concern anyone, a lesson for those involved. Never judge or withdraw. After all, sometimes your Posture can interfere with you and your own action. Primitivism of thinking, when you expect immediate results here. After all, joy and happiness come only from the inside. External joy can warm you up, or maybe leave no trace, but internal joy, from its other forms, which reflect your good attitude towards the World around you, people - and stays for a long time, and brings strength, and update, and changes plot of events. “I send my love to every quark of our Universe,” But this quark is walking next to you. An old man, a child, an impudent hooligan, an obstinate daughter, an unloved son-in-law... And your eyes grow cold when you look at them. And you are not sending love, but coldness and hatred. To return the Soul of the killer, you need to shed a lot of tears of compassion and love for him. To him, who could not become a person, who was not warmed by anyone’s love, who was unlucky enough to grow into a flower. Which was filled with the Spirit of a bomb dropped somewhere, a stream of horror and hatred, a thirst for revenge... Yours. Somewhere and sometime. After all, this is a common House. And you are one Family. And these are the EMBODIMENTS OF YOUR FANTASIES. LAW:- humbly accept the demands of loved ones, serve without complaining, try to do the proposed work as best as possible. You should meet the slightest demands, because if you don’t give what they ask on time, they will take it by force, but a hundredfold. That is, it will not be the person to whom you did not give it that will take, but his Peace. You will be robbed, fined, and unexpected large expenses will arise. The world will collect the account from you by any means. Now, under no circumstances should one hold on to matter, because since 1990, a calculation has been going on according to Karma, as a result of which a person is freed from it, his Divine World is revealed to him, Personality is manifested and Multidimensionality begins to open. You can take from the World what is given on its own, but here you no longer grumble, but accept with gratitude what is offered! (From the Contact Notebook): Fairy tales carry true Cosmic information, deciphering the Laws for humans on Earth. How was Cinderella there? Everyone's favorite fairy tale, but how many people took at least something useful from it? for myself? It’s not enough to know, you also need to realize! And here this is the key to success. Cinderella was insulted and humiliated, but she did not allow Evil into herself. 9.12 times kinder and was more affectionate, and thereby given to myself initially The Dark Program of Fate was changed to Light. AND no curses worked. Fairy tales, legends, myths tell in an allegorical form about the affairs of the Earth's ancient Past and belong to historical documents, manifesting previously existing educational Scenarios. If you are humiliated and insulted, and you perceive this without being offended, with gratitude, then you are thereby freed from the evil that you carry in your genes by birth in relation to the person who insults you. But if you do not accept accusations and insults, turning your back (and behind a person’s back is his built Future happiness) - thereby deliberately slowing down the process of liberation from karmic evil, not giving yourself the opportunity for liberation. So, by accepting all the blows of Fate with gratitude and love for everyone, no matter how disgusting they may look to you, you can speed up the process and quickly free yourself from Karma and vice versa. The disease enters and leaves only with pain. If there is no pain, it is an illusion of recovery. And with Karma everything is identical. Only here genetic accumulations are burned, which allows a person to come to the World of Lada. Only for those who do not want to take blows calmly, this will happen through catharsis, through torment and suffering, and for those who open themselves to Fate and people with faith, love and gratitude to God and the World, this will pass faster and easier. Only those people who have offended or been insulted in previous incarnations, or those who owe each other something, work in one organization. In one family, people most often come together who, in addition to love, have committed crimes against each other. This evil must be burned with your human attitude, warmth and love for them, so as not to go through Catharsis. And the opposition creates a wall, hitting which, karmic evil is reflected in you with a double retaliatory strike (according to the Boomerang Law). It hurts. Don't let this happen! LAW: - always be kind and friendly! Each energy center, due to accumulated energies, is capable of creating a certain frequency and amplitude of vibrations of sound and electromagnetic waves. This determines the nature of the information transmitted and perceived by the individuals led by this center. Remember and realize! Everything in the world is magical. But magic is then and only then pure, and then it is Magic when it rides on a high wave-flow. The same touch will heal in one case and create hatred in another, if it is done only because this action usually gives such a result. In order for you to always have a high magical effect, you need an appropriate attitude towards a person. A wave of high tenderness and love. Without this wave, the impact is weak and ineffective. In order for you to be on the wave, you need to be in shape, i.e. in mode. But remember, if you are not on a wave of high tenderness and love for a person, do not make any influences, no touches on a person, in addition to the necessary general contact in everyday tasks, because, I repeat, instead of currents that bring healing and purification, something vicious and negative. This Magician's Law. LAW: - you don’t have to do good to a person unless you are asked to do so. "Don't go where you're not asked!" If asked, your refusal to help must have very serious justifications. Good done without a request for it and without a need acutely demonstrated by the circumstances of life is wasted, and in some cases causes negativity. It does not have a return flow of gratitude, because it was not in demand, it was not needed. Even if a person is in very bad circumstances of time and place, but does not ask for help, he does not need it, because he is going through a lesson that he must decide, understand and learn something for himself. This can be compared to a tightrope walker who is trying to be “saved” from falling. Or with a person who went on hunger for his purification, and everyone is trying to feed him. Such goodness is perceived at best as a matter of course, indifferently, at worst - with indignation and dissatisfaction. LAWS: -do not be afraid to do Good if it is in demand and necessary! You need to help a person if and only if he really needs help. The person is sick, weak, handicapped, old, or still a child and I can't help myself. If you provide help with all your Soul and with desire, you cleanse yourself. If you do it as a favor or unwanted work, you become heavier and go down to the bottom of your Karma. If there is participation in your heart, the Gods will not leave you. Always be sensitive to other people's sorrows, forget about your own, thank the Gods and the World for your small and great joys, and learn to rejoice in the happiness of others. And then you will go through life together with your high Patrons. - goodness then and only then is counted as a good deed for a person if he does it selflessly, without expecting anything and without demanding anything in return. Any good is burned if there is energy of regret - a powerful flow of concentrated leptons. No matter what good deed you do, if you later regret it, it is not counted and is burned. Smile if it’s bad, and don’t regret your goodness- this is the Law that leads the World forward. LAWS: - Do not regret anything, do not return your thoughts to the past event. Never replay an unpleasant event that happened in your memory. Get rid of memories in any way possible. Don't allow yourself irritation and bad black thoughts for any reason. Learn to see only the good in every person and base your thoughts on this. Let it be even deliberate and exaggerated. It is better to come up with good things about a person, attributing to him non-existent virtues, and thereby help him rise above himself and not allow evil into himself. - Time heals everything. No matter how painful, difficult and bad it may be for you at the moment of defeat or the wrong solution to your task, after some time a new layer of tasks will open up, which will bring new conduct, energy, goals and meanings. A complete update will occur, even if this level is lower than the previous one. It is only important to free yourself, not return your thoughts to the past event and let life lead you further. LAW: - for all the good events in life, you must thank God and the World. The more often and sincerely you do this, the easier all events go. The most important thing to understand is that a person does not live according to the formula “his own master.” Above us there is a huge number of observers, mentats, guides, operators, who are related to ancestors and descendants standing at different energy levels, building the process of our learning. LAW: - never complain to anyone about your life or your loved ones. The futility and stupidity of trying to tell someone about your life is explained very simply. There are very few people who are able to hear - these are those whose Aspects play the role of Teachers. Think for yourself. Each person is born with a certain karmic task, in the light of which some little things become for him the main, dominant event that fills all the consciousness and feelings of a person. Who can understand him? They can still understand from a distance, based on their own life experience, but only and only those who carry identical tasks can enter into his experiences and empathize with him. But this is not the case for everyone. There are people whose task is to improve Essences, or to improve certain harmonies or laws. For them, the little things of relationships fade into the background. Material tasks always go away when the tasks of the Spirit come forward. Most often, there are people who have different tasks in different years of their lives. People who would serve only one World are rather an exception in our time, because now the humanity of the Earth is basically formed, and there are practically no people who do not carry within themselves the internal potential to become Human. And this means that the scope of tasks that the Human Substance carries within itself is very extensive. It is because of this volume that everyone today has the opportunity to cultivate an independent Personality, to demonstrate their personal individuality. You can reveal your worries and troubles only to a person close to you in Spirit if he is ready to nourish you, share your burden between two, warm you in it and calm you down. But this is only possible when this person is truly a Human, and equal to your humanity. That is, your troubles will not bother him, and he will not be upset by people’s assessments, but will simply take them into himself, thereby dissolving them in himself, and therefore rarefying the Spatial Environment. You need to know that any complaints about life always vampirize the listener’s energies. Therefore, this can only be done with his inner consent, when he is able to share your burden and can help in it, building you internal passages to the Future. This is how real priests, psychologists, doctors work, thereby removing the burden and oppression from people, and the softer and more benevolent they are, the less they themselves are burdened by your situation. By manifesting it, you become heavier and sink to the bottom, from which you can be pushed out if the person with whom you are sharing easily circulates through the Life-Death Hades tunnel and allows you to do this or helps you in this. But if there is a hidden enemy in front of you, you are dead. Or they got very heavy. The trap doors will slam shut, and if you manage to escape, it will only be through working out. In general, contemplation of life is considered wisdom - it does not bring hassle, work and troubles, but the question is: is a person alive at the same time? Or is there only the Spirit and the robot left? LAW: - false modesty is hidden pride. Self-flagellation and self-deprecation lead to a worsening of one’s condition. Underestimating your own strengths and capabilities, belittling your affairs and investments, lead to penalties for discrediting the Image and leading to an Erroneous Passage. You need to believe in your Providence, in your Powers, in your Light and be grateful for your opportunities. Saying to yourself: “I am strong, I am good, I am powerful” is much better than saying to yourself: “I am weak, weak, worthless.” The first opens up opportunities, the second kills them. The first is evidence of growth and readiness for growth, the second is a crime. Man is created in the image and likeness of God. It is a fact. Statement of this fact allows one to change for the better in accordance with this similarity. Discrediting this similarity is a crime against God in itself and brings innumerable troubles and disasters in the form of hard labor for the perverted, Dark Mental Gods, created by Errors Students. LAW: -return equals value- Law at all levels. They say: "The miser pays twice." “If you don’t pay extra, you don’t inform.” We agree that it is always possible to pay only to the best of your ability. However, based on this measure, gradations of values ​​arise. For example, it has often happened to me that in my youth I bought some expensive textbook on needlework or other knowledge and thereby... closed this topic for you altogether! Because, as it turned out, I did not need this educational base. But, having paid a large sum for my desire, I received a clear internal answer about the real value of this channel for myself, about its necessity. And my motivation to study this type completely disappeared. I acquired inner integrity of my aspirations. Often, by paying for someone or something, we are released from that direction. But this means that we don’t need to go there. But without paying extra, bondage dependence is strengthened by penalties from inspection authorities, is compacted by an increasing vice that blocks development opportunities and limiting human movement. If someone overpaid for something, they are released from this and move on. And this is good. The main thing is that his thoughts and feelings regarding his past payments are and remain pure. The proverb “On you, God, which is not good for me” arose instead of the staged “On you, wretched, which is not suitable for me,” as a statement of the fact of existing stinginess and hypocrisy, hypocrisy in relation to God. This attitude stems from the lack of Faith. A person can pray as much as he wants, convincing himself and those around him of his faith in God, but if he gives God something that is of no value to him, FOR THE SAKE OF A CHECK, then there is no true faith in him. Because he does not believe that all his actions are controlled and visible. No, of course, no one from above constantly monitors all the actions of a person, except for his own MIND, but a record of all his actions is constantly made and must be reviewed. It’s easy for you to understand now, because monitoring and recording equipment is available in any self-respecting institution. Therefore, this proverb is a statement of the sad fact of the lack of faith in Russia. We have always given our best to God. Most valuable. As evidence of readiness for sacrifice, a sign of the value of one’s faith, filling it with one’s gratitude for the equivalent divine gift of life. This is an undeniable truth . LAW: - the hand of the giver will not fail. What do you get? Think about the stanzas of the poem: "...and knowing for sure, only at the edge, that there is nothing more to life to GIVE, - You can only give up by dying..." Note, GIVE, NOT TAKE! We are born not in order to take, but in order to give what was not given in due time by our ancestors or by the primordial Gods, whose matrices we carry within ourselves. Remember: “debt is repaid.” It is red because it burns, the evil given by good burns, and what is given to you is self-evident from what and how much you give. The more and more selflessly you give, the more you receive. For by giving, you remove, “write off” the evil of illnesses and lighten your structure. Therefore, people who live according to human Divine laws become healthy in both body and Spirit. LAW OF SELF-Sacrifice: Life on Earth is built according to the law of self-sacrifice, when only a choice in favor of another gives passage and life to oneself. You give your last - you get back a hundredfold. If you don't give it away, you may lose the last one. You can't live for yourself! This is Karma since 1911. Only for others. Only for the return. First there was a return of evil - the “devilish nine” (unwinding of the Past from the Labyrinth of Hades of the Pyramid of Life) - and only from the second square, 40 years later, from 1951, Demeter appeared, and the transition to the manifestation of the Future took place. Therefore, people born before 1951 reveal in each of us the memory of the evil of the Past, which extremely complicates their lives and burdens both their perception of the world and the world’s perception of them. According to the new Law of Time, the Past Evil is being repaid by giving warmth, love and goodness to the bearers of this Past. In modern fairy tales, evil heroes are reborn. Evil armies are turned into kind and cheerful workers. From monsters - funny merry fellows. No need to destroy. Can change. Moreover, most often we have the opportunity to change the world ONLY BY OUR PERCEPTION OF IT. Each of your sins and debts can be redeemed and repaid only by great dedication, selfless love for the good, and those fools who talk about the departed, about the deceased: “Oh, she was so unrequited, she loved everyone so much, a fool! And so she died!” NO, NOT A STUPID! For with her selflessness she gave life to her descendants, herself and her ancestors. I cleaned, to the best of my strength and capabilities, the atmosphere of our Earth and the general Spatial canvas of the World. The higher the goals and the more selfless the sacrifice (in fairy tales you are required to give not what you don’t need, not the surplus, but the last, vitally necessary thing, starve and suffer after that, and only then does the return come). In following this Law lies Law of energy conservation. Everyone we meet in our lives represents, in relation to us, the Temporary Form of our Personality in some other Time period. An act of good, a choice in favor of another person, if this is vitally important for him, of course, gives an energetic message to this form, perhaps even saves it. The energy balance of the Personality is restored. A person receives energy subsidies from the world, which gives him the strength to live on, or improves his karmic conditions of Passage, or softens the circumstances of conducting tests. Law of energy conservation: - Energy cannot both arise from nothing and turn into nothing. This is the most important law of nature. It clearly shows that the ambitions and expectations of some people are completely unreasonable. The Lord cannot give everything for nothing. If the balance sheet of a person’s personality is empty or “sparse”, and the person himself does not overly burden himself with efforts to develop new opportunities, then an improvement in his living conditions cannot occur on its own. Even if a person works hard, perhaps his personality has so many debts that he may not be able to improve his living conditions in one lifetime. Everyone is given as much as possible. LAW: - everything that we can imagine exists somewhere or sometime in reality. A biomodel of the human body and brain is a computer system that contains many educational and gaming programs. A person cannot imagine what is not in these Programs. And each of the Programs has its own layout in some Spatio-Temporal phase. LAW: -You cannot ask or desire anything for yourself personally, except for spiritual guidance and development. A very important, most important Law for man. Everything we ask for ourselves is given to us by our Guardian Devils. This is the service of the Dark Worlds and Dark Centers. The service of our Past, our ancestors, the anti-astral. The more a person asks, the more he wants for himself, the lower he plunges himself to the level of giving centers. But our world is material. You have to pay for everything. Only what is given by God comes as a GIFT, there is no payment for it, but God is not asked. God gives himself if there is a need and opportunity. The sometimes used expression: “This is a gift to me from the Lord God” is completely wrong. The Department of the Lord God does not include providing a person with material goods. He knows only and only the Spiritual Sphere. Everything that relates to matter falls within the purview of the Dark Gods and Guardian Devils. It is their task to ensure our comfort. Guardian Devils guard the interests of your body, which includes well-being. But they cannot give you more of your opportunities, indicated (inscribed) in the Book of Destiny in the plane of existence - the Planetary Projection of your opportunities for illumination and advancement, emanating from the data of the Future of your development, manifested on the planets of the Solar System. Here you can only get an answer from the Demonic Centers of the existing Opposition. But for this there is a danger of losing the Spirit and humanity in oneself. They can increase the range of possibilities if your flows are shifted to someone or something, i.e. deeds of good, voluntary liberation of oneself from material values ​​(sacrifice) for the sake of another or in the name of an idea, which allows one to shift the projections of possibilities at the expense of the patrons of a given person or energy center. A stingy person is vicious, he goes to the Devil's Centrifuge of Purification, which returns him his human face through suffering and torment. We must not be afraid to give! You need to give with joy, and not with torment, melancholy and self-pity. This is the HIGHEST UNDERSTANDING OF LOVE, PEACE, GOD AND THE MEANING OF LIFE. When a person comes to this, he becomes free and perfect. LAW:- suffering elevates and cleanses the Dark Soul of a person from energy crusts. Only at the point of highest pain does liberation occur. If you are forced to suffer, it means that the concentration of the heaviness of your Dark Soul has already reached a critical point of accumulation. You are too carried away by tragedies, melodramas, dramas. Watch them on the screen, read such books, and bask in the sensations, acting them out in your daily life. Don't resist the suffering that arises! Surrender to the pain, shed blessed tears - and the stone will fall from your Soul and, under the guise of a mask, the living and humane will tremble and beat. But when you don’t want to suffer and try to defend yourself, only bitterness and petrification arises. Each exit of suffering is always a correlation of a person to the high and subtle plane of Existence, to participation in Eternity, to the exit to the Beginning. The lessons of suffering help you to move towards the discovery of mental maturity and high humanity in yourself, if in these lessons you do not allow self-pity to absorb the feeling of understanding and compassion for another. As long as he craves something for himself, he will suffer and be cleared of crusts. This means that we have not yet reached the peak of pain and suffering. Do not resort to artificial protection from pain. Only after suffering and enduring the pain completely do you get rid of the cause that gave birth to it. Disease enters the body and leaves it only with pain. Those who do not understand and do not want to understand this principle suffer and are overcome by difficulties. Suffering elevates and cleanses a person of crusts, even if it is the torment of selfishness. They only sting more painfully, but do not allow you to turn to stone. Great suffering is the measure of human worth. To what extent a person is able to live immersed in suffering - physical or spiritual - his maturity as a Personality is tested. LAW:- What you like in movies, in books, what a person admits to himself as possible, can happen to him in life. If you don’t like to suffer yourself, you shouldn’t choose such subjects for yourself. If you do not want to participate in gang warfare, become a participant in a robbery or assault, do not watch such stories. What we give preference to happens to us in life. Young girls revel in novels and films about broken love, and then do not understand why they became the heroine of such a story. Take your life with humor. Like a comedy or vaudeville. Find humor in situations that you want to call drama or tragedy, laugh at yourself - and suffering will gradually disappear from your life. LAW: - Never impose your way of life or thoughts on anyone and never teach anyone anything, if a person does not have a clearly expressed desire to learn. Remember, every person has within himself Divine Essences, which may be higher than yours, but manifest themselves differently, for a person has the right to choose, and also, perhaps, the technical equipment of his Inner World is different from yours. LAW: - It is very important to pay off your debts on time. Forget and don’t think about your debts, unless, of course, it’s a salary payment. According to the law, you cannot lend money to a person, if you are not ready for the fact that he may not repay this debt to you. If a person at the time of the loan is so disharmonious that he is energetically not a person, then he may well not repay the debt to you. Working as a test of the Devil-Demon Trainer, he can test you for generosity and collect a world penalty from you for any inaccuracy, or previous crimes regarding your ancestors or your personality. In addition, by lending, you are quite capable of driving a person into a dead end and a noose. If the Lord does not give him something, it means he does not need it. He simply does not have the funds and experience. With your kind attitude towards his duty, his affairs may go even worse. This rule does not apply to your family. Helping your neighbors is your duty because you are one. Remember and remember only your debts. It is very important to pay off your debts on time. Unpaid debt accrues energy penalties and can cost lives. LAW: - Accept with gratitude any gift that is offered to you. You cannot refuse what is offered. Perhaps this is a chance for salvation, escape, liberation of a person. And if it is accepted correctly - gently and with gratitude, then it gives liberation. If you refuse, then vices, pride, and diseases are generated. You can ask for yourself, but ask for Knowledge, understanding of the world, awareness of events, endurance, patience, admonition in some difficult situations, humility, the opportunity to complete everything for which you were born. LAWS: - it is necessary to follow the first impulse, no matter how weak and elusive it may seem.- everything that is put off until later is achieved later (never put off until tomorrow what you can do today) -The tree of empty desires never turns green. Implement the slightest impulse so that Tatyana’s Law (thief, Yana’s ordeal) does not work. Each person in his body has a huge number of ancestors by clan, who tell him about his very ancient debts, and the subtle message of the ancestor’s duty under the pressure of the gross material thoughts of the body can be barely audible, but it is he who gives the first impulse, because he is subtle, and his the reaction is the fastest. The first impulse is the brightest and most present and relates you to your Ultimate Future before the Completion of Personality, and everything that comes afterwards - so correct, stable, rational - will be a lie, which will lead to the wrong decision. (From the Contact Notebook): You can’t put anything off “for later.” After all, why “everything that is put off until later is achieved later”? Because the Living Stream of Motivation, brought into your Consciousness by the Living Astroform, is alreadydied in you! Yes, he can leave, slightly weakened, along the Spatial Line related to you to another person, and give him the opportunity for self-realization. Then, after some time, you can find out about it: “Well, I wanted to do this, and a person brought it to life!” It's a shame. Yes. Man became the creator of life for some idea instead of you. He got everything for it. Not you. This is how life can pass you by. Every good impulse must be immediately realized, put into practice, this brings you closer to the Creator, the Creator. Every day you need to strive to become better and more perfect in something. For peace. For life. For loved ones. For humanity. For something or someone. Learn something. To conquer and overcome something bad in yourself. Life is a Cycle of energies of Good, Love, Thought translated into action. This is Creation. The cycle of evil, dislike, hatred, apathy, irritation is NOT LIFE. This is DESTRUCTION! What dominates you during the day? Who you are? Creator or Destroyer? Every morning there are 4 destinations open to you with many options. And you choose. They offer nothing to someone who, in the Role of the Destroyer, has exceeded acceptable standards and destroyed everything. To start offering, you should start by fighting your laziness, indifference, apathy, pain, illness and evil. LAWS: - Don't defend yourself from troubles. Walk forward boldly with a smile and the darkness will dissipate. All self-defense systems on Earth were valid at one time, because we are all different. For example, the excessive glow of humanity, exposed to radiation, could completely destroy the spheres around people that were created by the cold fusion method, and vice versa, they could kill a person with their cold. This is the situation that gave rise to a huge number of defense systems before the coming of Christ. With the Coming of Christ, systems of protection began to gradually die out as unnecessary, because with his coming he united the Space-Time of People and Humanity. And since 1990, when the Earth opened up at the poles and the spheres of protection were removed, such systems have become simply harmful. Because they close from us the possibility of rebirth in our own body without passing through Death. - Don't close yourself off from unpleasant people. Every person brings with them some kind of opportunity. If you correctly solve the problem of building your interaction with him, “find the right key to him,” then his role in your life may become invaluable. There are no useless people. Each person is unique and brings with them something important to your life that only they can give you. If you solve your karmic problem with him correctly. - Don't be afraid of uncertainty. The Lord leads man. We are born and die only by the will of above. No matter how much you protect yourself from any danger, no matter how much you protect yourself, an icicle may fall from the roof on the street, a small bone may get stuck in your throat, etc. - We all walk under God. If you understand this, then you need to understand that everything that should happen to you will happen. And let it happen! After all, this will give a new turn of events, financing, opportunities, energy and strength. And if you try to hide from life, then after a while life will lose its meaning for you. You will become devalued, since your world will pay large fines for your professional incompetence. LAW: - the more you empty yourself, the more you fill up. New content and new possibilities of the World, if you do not regret doing Good or working for the benefit of someone or something. Serving the world and people is the main thing in a person’s life. LAW OF INERTIA:- any movement, event, action does not end instantly after completion, but continues for some time, depending on the acceleration gained. Extremely important for understanding the World. Sustainability in any activity is achieved only with long-term consistency in activities. Otherwise, after a short takeoff comes apathy and breakdown. The effect does not occur if ACCELERATION is not given, THE SUSTAINABLE SPEED OF ROTATION OF THE ENERGY SPIRAL IS NOT ACQUIRED. And vice versa, when a stable speed has already been acquired, after the action ceases, the spirals do not stop immediately, and for some time the movement will continue, albeit with gradual braking. If you resume classes in time, a short-term failure will not cause significant harm. LAW:- speed does not always determine the quality of the Passage. -"The quieter you go, the further you'll get". “If you hurry, you’ll make people laugh.” This Law is so well explained from different sides by universal human experience that there is nothing special to add here. There is the nature of the Spatial Fabric, which determines the possibilities for a person to pass through his Destiny. There are areas of the Fabric that are very thin, when you have to move through life with extreme caution. The emergence of external impulses to accelerate leads to a rupture of the Fateful Weaving and the complete or partial failure of a person for reasons unknown to him and inexplicable. The person and those around him are perplexed: “He was doing so well, such a speed of mastering the material, such a brilliant success! He was so eager to win! And suddenly such a failure!...” But there is no need to rush. Then there will be no failures. We must calmly accept all the proposed circumstances and go step by step, step by step, gradually mastering skills, knowledge, and capabilities. There are sections of the Training Field that are not flexible, not plastic, and too crystallized. Where the living atmanic flow freezes, freezes. Erysipelas of Images and distortion of the Essence of personality occurs. Hence the mistakes in the Guide of a person, when he is not accepted as one of his own by those to whom he relates and is not recognized by those who led before. This is a disease of Spiritual nature that brings a lot of troubles, pain and grief to a person. And there is one common reason. Hurry up slowly. You have to walk carefully and carefully. Take life seriously and thoughtfully. LAW: veneration and respect for elders in age, rank, position, and parents.(from the Contact Notebook) Remember for life: THERE CANNOT BE EQUALITY FOR UNIVERSAL!!! THIS IS CONTRARY TO THE LAWS OF DEVELOPMENT AND IMPROVEMENT OF THE WORLD. There have always been, are and will be people whose Essences are older, smarter and older, THEY STAND HIGHER IN THE HIERARCHICAL LADDER OF THE WORLDS, WHEREREVERENCE FOR THE WISE AND ELDEST IS A LAW FOR ALL . Everything comes from God. Then - Divine worlds, Then - the Higher Astral, middle astral and the lower astral. And only then the material planets. But here, too, your leveling to the “average person” cannot exist. A person cannot be “average”! Only people can be “average”. And in no way can the most ancient Essences, representatives of the Divine worlds, be equal to the young Earthly ones. This does not mean at all that Earthly Beings give the right to treat them condescendingly and disdainfully - under no circumstances! But Earthly Beings are obliged to respect the Elders. Therefore, you cannot have any collective government. The leaders in your country will be those, and only those, whose Essences are older - naturally, more will be given to them, because their Essences have all this knowledge and skills, but OBTAINING all this is possible only in concentrated work on oneself, only by becoming a HUMAN. You cannot be rude, be rude, snap, or be offended. You should accept what is offered to you with gratitude and calm. And make a choice - to follow or not. Each generation has different conditions of Passage and Training. Other understandings about the correctness of a particular phenomenon. The difference in tasks should not be ridiculed or treated dismissively or rudely. The fact that a person understands something incorrectly does not give you the right to treat him in an inhumane manner, without benevolence. But it does not oblige you to follow this course. If the difference in views is significant, you always have the right to leave this home or place of work, but maintaining the human background of friendliness. You must correctly convey your motivations for your actions to your opponent. LAW: - don’t snap or bark, Otherwise, you will not rise above the worldly animal centers. As soon as a person begins to snap and bark, the noose of the Black Magic Dog is tightened on him, and this is one of the First Created Human Black Magic Gods. (From the Contact Notebook): | NEVER | DON'T GET BACK | DON'T GIVE AN EXCUSE | IN REPLY TO EVEN VERY UNFAIR | AND AN INSANE NOTE!!! THIS IS YOU CAUSED HUGE HARM YOURSELF!!! REMEMBER: YOU NEED TO CLUTCH YOUR TEETH AND BE SILENT, KEEP UP, KEEP UP, AND IF YOU CAN - JOKE, SMILE, TRANSLATE THE CONVERSATION TO ANOTHER TOPIC - this is the case if you are able to react without sarcasm or venom. LAWS: - in everything and always the Cycle of Good and energy must be maintained. The law of the cycle of goodness and energy is such that, how much you invest, how much you get. The more selfless the investment, the greater the return energy. (from Contact Notebooks): THE MOST IMPORTANT LAW OF WORLD HARMONY-
There MUST BE an obligatory mutual circulation of goodness and energy, otherwise it cannot be. GOOD IS RETURNED ONLY BY GOOD, and the energy of the world, given into you in the form of MANO, returns to the world in the form of your bioenergy. " To us - with love - We - with love! " Law of Good . "The world is what you are!" That is why we demanded the obligatory perception of the Energy Cycle as the basic and main Law of human development. There is no Apprentice, if he is a user, he is then only an apprentice character. No growth, no personal movement. And the most important thing is not to expect a return for your work, strength and life. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF ANY PERSON. LIFE FOR GOOD NOT FOR RECOVERY NOT FOR EVALUATION THE CHANGE IS ASSESSED IN RELATION TO THE STATUS INSIDE: YOU DID GOOD AND FORGET ABOUT IT, YOU DID NOT TELL ANYTHING TO ANYONE AND YOU DO NOT EXPECT ANYTHING. Only then does there be a return from above for the one who did it. And it doesn’t matter that the person to whom you did good remained ungrateful or motionless in his status\Static Field. - Approx. Mira\. The assessment goes above and beyond ! Dissatisfaction with one's Progress is the main scourge of a person. For the Student it is death. If you don't like something about yourself, work on changing it. If you don’t like something about the way your life is being structured, remember the fairy tale “About the Goldfish”. Be afraid to return to your broken trough! Only gratitude, especially effective gratitude, gives impetus to movement and opens the Path of life. Remember: sometimes the allocated amount of warmth and love can greatly reduce the bill brought against you by an energy claim, but will never replace the energy of action - the reciprocal work invested in earning physical returns. Because energy is only one of the 3 Dimensions of a person. People should pray for the health and prosperity of all their friends and humanity as a whole.


LAW OF EQUILIBRIUM: - the more love you give, the more you receive. He who does not give anything will receive nothing. It is not at all necessary for specific people or any person to love; it is quite enough for those people to whom you bring joy for a short time, perhaps even once, to express love along with gratitude. It just needs to happen all the time. It turns out that in order to receive a sufficient amount of love, it is important not to isolate yourself in a narrow home circle, but to work as much as possible for people. Work conscientiously, with love and the desire to bring joy to people through your work. And the love of specific individuals very often leads to the opposite effect. People who are closed to each other very quickly lose each other due to the lack of an influx of love from the outside, from other people. It is not enough to live only for the family, you must also give your love, your work, your strength to the world, to society, to bring joy, to enrich the world with your life. Show benevolent attention to the people around you so that the vibes of hatred and evil do not radiate towards you. Strive to constantly radiate love to the people around you, for the Law of Balance says: “The more you give, the more you receive.” And vice versa, without receiving love, you dry up, become exhausted, and gradually grow old, wither and get sick. This especially applies to our loved ones, those who are constantly near us, for “Love your neighbor” is the most difficult thing to do. Never allow yourself to relax in the presence of your family and take out your irritation on them - discharge your evil in their presence. Such “Resets” remain in the memory of everyone present for a long time, preventing them from seeing the high and good in you, which significantly lowers your level. If a quarrel does occur, make up as soon as possible before the ice floes grow into an iceberg. Remember, an iceberg can sink the most beautiful ship of your love. Don’t wait until they ask you for forgiveness, take the first step yourself. A good peace is always better than a quarrel, especially enmity. LAW OF RETREAT, LAW OF Boomerang, LAW OF OMA: - the greater the resistance force, the greater the pressure force. - For every action there is a reaction. - As soon as you start “downloading your rights,” responsibilities immediately arise.. (From the Contact Notebook): A good deed returns a hundredfold, and an evil deed returns like a boomerang. The Law of Retribution is the fairest Law, also known as the Law of Boomerang in the Solar System. It is very important here to understand that you should not expect a return from a specific person to whom you have given your work, love and time. The return, with your correct perception of events, comes from your Training Program in the form of energy, increased levels, and improved living conditions. This is the case if you do not regret what you did. With regret, the stream of your good deed is completely burned up, bringing no benefit either to the person to whom it was done or to you. Most often, this example can be observed in the relationship between parents and children or married couples. And the Law of Boomerang. - Evil directed at someone always returns to the one who sent it, bringing double evil to the person at whose address it was directed . Remember, if you " there’s not enough evil!”, it means too much of it has accumulated in you. We urgently need to defuse it before a tragedy occurs. How? Fasting, gymnastics, joyful, good impressions. Do not resist, do not be indignant at what is not accepted or shocks you, calmly accept everything that is offered and gently meet halfway, because any resistance brings to life Ohm's Law - the more you resist, the more you are pressured. Watch yourself, don’t put pressure on the people around you, don’t point, don’t order. If something really angers you about the people around you, try to relax, take a deep breath and calm down. As soon as a rude person sees that others are not interested in him, he stops being rude. Serve without complaint those people or circumstances that are given by Fate - without shirking, without lying, without being indignant and without being deceitful. Only uncomplaining patient service removes dependence on Karma, and you are freed from existing dependence. Each person is brought to you by Fate to work out some karmic tasks, and no matter how unpleasant it may be to communicate with a person, it is necessary to build mutual understanding and harmony with him as gently as possible. Wrong solution of karmic problems leads to illnesses and blows of Fate. They will only be impudent towards you at first. Then they will begin to soften. As soon as you start "downloading your rights" right there, from Ohm's Law , responsibilities arise. The dependence is directly proportional.


LAWS OF RELATIVITY: - Everything rotates relative to the subject. Personalities. This is about a person. And if it’s a person, then it revolves around everything. And the more inharmonious it is, the more stupid its rotation occurs. And at the same time, as a person improves, all his spiritual and physical actions become harmonized. Then he is a Personality, an independent substance that subordinates and controls energies, including time. As a result, time is stretched, and movements and actions SPEED UP. - Everything is relative to the level of your tasks and capabilities.(From the Contact Notebook): A miracle is a way out of a Time-locked Program, the appearance of something, some possibilities that you do not have and do not know within the framework of your closed and limited Program. Thanks to universal enlightenment, closed Programs are regularly combined, and what is a MIRACLE for one Program - for example, an airplane for a nomad - under these conditions will no longer be a miracle for him. - Everything flows, everything changes. Nothing is permanent. You should not think that what you have today, what is easy for you, will always be there. It's a delusion. Do you not like to sleep a lot, do you easily get up at 4 am? Make no mistake. They wake you up because it is necessary according to your goals and objectives. Everything can change overnight if the direction of your inner movement changes. And this depends not on you, but on your Training Program. The world has many topics and subjects of study. It’s easier to understand if you remember that in the training programs of the outside world there are a variety of subjects: physics, languages, chemistry, mathematics, etc. And each of these subjects has its own laws, requirements and Rules. Don't you like fatty foods? Don’t understand how you can eat such disgusting stuff? Just never say the phrase: “I DON’T UNDERSTAND HOW THIS IS POSSIBLE THIS....” Everything can change at once, and you will be put in conditions in which you you'll understand what you don't understand. But it’s unlikely that it will make you happy or give you pleasure. (From the Contact Notebook): HARMONIOUS (a completely harmonious PERSON - unlike a person who is late everywhere - EVERYWHERE, HE IS ALWAYS IN TIME EVERYWHERE, HEACCURATE FOR IT IS PERFECT. LAW: - maintaining a stable balance between Light and Dark forces. (from the Contact Notebook) The Most Important Law of Harmony of the Universe MAINTENANCE SUSTAINABLE EQUILIBRIUM BETWEEN LIGHT AND DARK FORCES. The world cannot exist outside of this patterns. As soon as there is an advantage one of the sides - CHAOS ensues. The balance formula is X = 3Z, where X is the Dark Forces, and Z is the Light Forces. That is, for 1 part of dark energy there should be 3 parts of joy, light and love. LAW of the development of the Dark Soul:(from the Contact Notebook): In order for the Dark Soul to VOLUNTARILY GIVE UP PLACE TO THE LIGHT SOUL, IT MUST BE saturated. Anything - food, love, pleasures - but get enough. Then he will soften and retreat. Sometimes a person should stop being correct and give himself a break, an opportunity to rest, relax, and have fun. If you feel that you have been too serious for a long time, you are not happy, you are not smiling, you are too demanding of others, because you live very correctly - do some kind of recklessness that your Dark Essence craves, give yourself free rein, let go of the reins of control - let everything relax a little and come into balance. Because any imbalance is very harmful to health, both spiritual and physical. From prolonged compression, the nervous and muscle tissue become overstrained and an effect occurs that can be compared either to an overstretched rubber band that no longer holds anything, or to a compressed, stiffened sponge or eraser. LAW: - a person is led by those and only those Forces that he attracts to himself by his actions and actions. You can speak beautifully as much as you like, you can cry out to the Lord and God, smashing your forehead on the floor, the Lord will not hear if demons control a person’s soul. And demons take possession only from unkind, evil actions, when evil thoughts turn into unkind, unclean deeds. (from the Contact Notebook): it is impossible to resist if someone is leading you or not leading you, ііі AND HERELEAD iii THOSE AND ONLY THOSE iii WHO ARE YOU iii CONSCIOUSLY ii CHOOSE iii OWN iii THOUGHTS! ііі CAN'T BE ііі LOW PATRONS , iii IF CLEAN iii THOUGHTS, IF THOUGHTS iii NOT FOR YOURSELF, iii IF YOU ARE LEADED iii YOUR BRIGHT SOUL AND VICE VERSA, WHATEVER YOU SAY IF VANITY AND SELF MOVE YOURS GOOD DEEDS-- WILL NOT LEAD YOU TO THE LIGHT, FOR LEVEL IT WILL BE DEMONIC. THIS IS THE IMPORTANT LAW WHICH YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND . YOU CAN BE WRONG, YOU CAN BE MISTAKED, YOU CAN FAIL FROM THE CHOSEN PATH, BUT IF AFTER THE FAILURE WILL LEAD YOU REPENTANCE -- TO PURIFICATION AND LIGHT. AND ANGER AND HATE -- IN RUKH. LAW: - there is no point in lying. Unless it's a lie to save your neighbor. It is also acceptable to use good exaggerations to oneself or others (when a small achievement is emphasized) to stimulate human development. A person is assessed by his own brain, which records all the person’s reactions and the slightest nuances of behavior. In addition, human communication occurs at the intersubstantial and intercellular level. Everything is known there. By lying, you create great confusion and rejection in that person’s field. Relationships seem to deteriorate for other reasons. The person starts to find fault with you, you irritate him. He doesn’t understand what’s happening, but somehow he stops liking you. The living flow of interaction is blocked, trust and understanding disappear, and gradually the warm human feeling of warmth and love leaves, leaving the bitterness of burnt energies. LAW OF THE PEACE: -a woman-mother gives direction for the development of the Destiny Program to her family. It is useless to treat a child under 15 years of age. The mother needs to be treated. If a child is sick, it means that the mother has too much negativity inside herself, blocking its light. Or it draws on his energies with her sadness, anxiety, irritation, and demandingness. Overloading his Core of the Spirit with his inflated demands on his training. They say, “A wife who does not lead her husband forward will certainly push him back.” And this is the truth. Only a bright woman, wise and calm, provides reliable support for her family. And for this she needs to work a lot on herself. LAW OF MIRROR REFLECTION -the higher a person rises on the Path of Ascension, the lower he falls in the opposite phase.(from Contact Notebooks): The most important Law of the World sounds like this: "WHAT IS ABOVE IS BELOW." On the path of ascent of the Personality, the Law of Mirror Reflection works. "As above, so below." As much as the essence rises up, it goes down exactly as much, so the higher, the heavier. If there is no physical strength and stable aspiration for good, this ends in physical death, because the heart cannot withstand the overload of movement. What we wrote about the law of mirror reflection works up and down for the kante - the harmonious Yoga-man. For people who have a structural reflection of the earth, the Law of Focus Reflection works along the material plane of the Earth - the heavier the thought, the thicker, lower and longer the energy structure along the matter. The higher you rise on the Path of Learning Life, those simultaneously you dive lower, to more deep and experienced Personalities of his Temporary Definitions. Hence the concept of the depth and subtlety of human nature. The lessons from our falls are sometimes more valuable than our ups. We carry within us Essences that belong to opposite worlds, without our existence bringing death to each other, for the Laws of Harmony in them are directly opposite. From their interaction, an electric field arises in our bodies, conducting the currents of various planets and giving us life. We were created to develop the plasticity of interaction between these worlds. That is, we are here a kind of fuses in the general System of receiving and relaying various energies, which gives life to our entire Cosmos. Too much love and Light is just as dangerous for us, for we can “burn out,” just as too much thought can implode us. Evil does not arise from the fact that some are bad and others are good. Evil is created as a result of the communication of opposites. But only gradual, assimilated and developed plasticity during evolution, flexibility of perception of spatial transitions, the huge Cosmos created by our lives, now allows us to remove the blocks that protect both worlds and open the Earth, saturating it with Life, clearing it of EVIL, for we deserve life . Now every person is so perfect that if he wishes to open his heart to the World, Earth, Space and humanity, he can become alive, for his light will come from within himself, and not from filling him with the light of the Cosmos, which dictates to him the fulfillment of constantly alternating roles, mistakenly performed once by the first humanity. LAW OF RETREATMENT: - for all debts, expenses, crimes and sins of previous lives, a person pays off in this life, if he did not receive punishment during his lifetime and did not reform. Well, I think the meaning is clear. In the life of every person there are unexpected blows of fate or actions that we do not expect either from ourselves or from others. These actions qualify as fulfillment of the Law of Retribution. Therefore, to the question: “Lord, why do I need this?” There is only one answer: “For a previous life.” And only one piece of advice: you should accept any event humbly, without complaining and with dignity. Thank you for the given opportunity to rethink what you have done and pay for your karma. LAW: - no living creature can be deprived of life if it does not threaten the life and well-being of the development of the world. The law “thou shalt not kill” cannot be fulfilled in many cases, although its fulfillment is mandatory during the normal passage of the human Program. But in the history of human development, tilts and distortions often arise, an imbalance in the accumulation of energies of one or several Time phases, Worlds. And then the whole people, or a limited part of the Defenders, who are called upon to protect their world, are forced to come out to fight evil. In this case, as well as in the case of a person being called to the service of the state, the person is exempt from personal liability if he kills in the performance of that official duty in accordance with the order. Responsibility is also removed in the case of playing a heroic role, when the murder occurs in defense of the honor and dignity of another person. And also under circumstances beyond a person’s control of Time and Place. Although the latter is very conditional. Man has already reached conditions where murder has become possible. And here the divine court may not justify his personality. A person may not be guilty of committing murder, as they say, in a state of passion, energetically - in a state of obsession. This happens when the energetic nature of a person does not have the proper set of time, the personality is not developed, is removed from the body, and cannot or does not have time to protect the person from the introduction of an energy owner from the aggressive world into him. To protect yourself from these circumstances, you should develop and enhance your spiritual education and follow divine laws. LAW: - "The thief's hat is on fire". Don't steal. VOR is the Program of the Old Time, the Extreme, for the beginning of restoration work after the explosion of the Phaeton. Everything was lost. Divine punishment followed. And a change of roles. The rich became poor, and vice versa. The restoration of one's losses occurred unjustly, from the point of view of divine laws, but was legitimized from the point of view of the former owners, through theft - the seizure of this property from persons to whom it came in an unjust way. The living energy of the original humanity, which in the VOR Program fought to restore its rights and livelihood, was bright and glowing, burning. However, no matter what the “high-ranking persons” who were engaged in theft thought to themselves, their living energetic nature at the same time became demonic. And they are servants of the Devilish-Demonic Structures. All Time exists simultaneously, and today there are people who, due to their development, reach these branches of time. However, there are some nuances here. All of humanity is changing and improving. And he has the Right to Choose. What Time you find yourself in depends only on your spiritual aspiration and development. Everyone attracts the Program, Time and World that they correspond to due to their daily choices, their preferences and their lifestyle. In the conditions of modern reality, VOR Time refers to Old Past Programs and Demonic Structures. As soon as a person commits theft, his energy nature changes and acquires a demonic coloring. Bright, burning. A scorching, unbalanced flame that will scare away and burn the bioenergy sphere of people. This is no longer a person. Inhuman. To return to the human state, you must first return to the human state. And fast and pray a lot, realizing with all your being and repenting, atone for your sin. LAW OF USING THINGS: - any thing must be used A thing should serve a person and be useful. Items of permanent use that are not used during the year should be removed from the home (find another user, or throw away). Rarely used items may stay in the house longer, but they should still be useful. If a thing in the house is not used for a long time, does not work, it changes its charge from positive to negative and, instead of giving people joy and benefit, it begins to “milk” you, taking away your attention, energy and time for self-care without bringing any benefit. This drains energy, creates irritation, discomfort and anger. Excessive milking leads to disease in this area. Therefore, the purpose of general monthly cleaning should be not only to cleanse the house of dust and debris, but also to check: have you forgotten about any thing or object? If permanent items have not been used for more than a year, they must be parted with. If you need this thing, you need to use it! The more often your household items are used, the more useful they become, they grow in themselves, their efficiency increases, thereby increasing their contribution to your life. And vice versa. (From the Contact Notebook): It is illegal to move things into a shed or attic with the intention of someday giving them to someone else. If someone needs it, give it away or sell it now, on this thread, whento you you need to free yourself from the power of the thing in you. Any enslavement by things weighs down the form and deprives one of mobility. Yes, of course, if a person has an apartment in which he rarely appears, it is preserved in this flow. But, having appeared in it after a long absence, you will have to spend a lot of life’s energy to take care of it and activate it. Otherwise, she will remain alien and hostile. You probably noticed this yourself after returning home. Everything is unusual. Everything seems to be our own, dear, but at the same time, somehow alien. Especially if someone lived or visited the house in your absence. Energy exchange: things are for us And we are things must still be in equilibrium. LAW: - each of God's creatures has its own place and development among its own kind. Hence, keeping animals in a city apartment is sinful, since in this way the animal is pulled out of its habitat and its Development Program. This is dangerous for humans. Firstly, every animal has microscopic crustaceans on its fur, which, when they come into contact with a person’s mucous membrane, irritate and injure it, which leads to various types of allergies, narrowing and blocking of blood vessels, spasms, increased blood pressure, bronchial diseases, and asthma. The hairs themselves also irritate the mucous membrane. The large Astral body of the animal will also manifest in your inner body, since every creature we meet shows us a Mirror of our Temporary form of manifestation somewhere and sometime. But incarnation in an animal is a Negative Program, degradation of the Spirit, its fall. It’s hard to reveal this in yourself, because along the way the program for working on the mistakes of this fall will also emerge. At the same time, the pains, illnesses, and misconceptions of this period are revealed. A person’s immunity decreases, he becomes more vulnerable, irritable, and more at risk of colds. There is a lot of talk about how an animal lies down on a sore spot and the person feels better and his blood pressure drops. Why? Because the animal feeds on negative energy and pulls it onto itself. However, they never say that as a result the person was completely cured and stopped getting sick altogether. Furs are in the air, on clothes, on furniture. Worms are a concomitant inconvenience of keeping an animal. Secondly, the strong smell of an animal blocks the etheric channels of human patronage and attracts patronizing animal species. This deprives a person of his Divine Providence and complicates his own human development, which leads to an unstructured Program and illness. Even if the apartment is kept very clean, the smell of an animal is still stronger than a human one. This smell remains the hallmark of the house even after many years of absence from the animal. People who have a well-developed sense of smell or strong human energy, upon entering an apartment, can always say that an animal once lived in it. Especially the cat family. CAT in English - SAT. SAT - Satan's Program, Old Program, leading to the Initial Programs of Rosov. They are always more difficult to practice; they contain a lot of tragedies, melodramatic turns, and rock-fatum. No matter how hard you try to live well and correctly, these Programs will still pop up. Thirdly, a person pays huge fines with his life force for enslaving an animal and turning it into his pet toy. What to do if you really love animals? Take care of them on the street, in zoos, and finally move to a private home where the free keeping of animals is not prohibited by the Program. Because he brings his home on earth to the Time of unity and friendship with nature. Are there any people who can keep an animal and not pay large fines? Yes. People following the Negative Program towards animal completion after death. Very lonely and unsociable, with all programs for interaction with loved ones overwhelmed. For them, life with an animal, the love and devotion of the animal is a blessing, because the animal will be able to brighten up his loneliness and teach him love and interaction, at least in its limited phase. In conclusion, I want to say that I really love animals. As a child, cats always lived in our house, I adored them. When I had small children, at the very beginning of their development in Space, I had a period when my blood was simply shaking, how I wanted to buy more and more new animals. Space then gave me lessons in understanding the world from the opposite. I started a whole zoo in the nursery. As a result, I gained a complete understanding of this Program and its energetic background. I still love animals. But - from the outside. .

additional information

Birthday party

(From the Contact Notebook): The birthday boy must try very hard, so that the largest possible number friendly towards him of people sincerely, heartily, said out loud maximum quantity good words to the birthday boy. Hence the desire to better feed - appease - the guests, and give them something to drink in order to open their isolation, melt the cold, stir them up. Often the birthday person tries so hard that he goes too far and gets the opposite effect. This is also where the dislike of one’s birthdays and the reluctance to celebrate often comes from. If a person does not have sincere friends and acquaintances who will be sincerely supportive, if he does not hope to hear sincere good words addressed to him, or he is convinced that his assessment of the year by Observers will still be low, he will not even want to celebrate his birthday. With a stable tendency, a stable dislike for one's birthdays will also develop. Toasts aimed at a specific goal will also be heard and appreciated as a manifestation of the general spirituality of a person’s Circle, but if they are not addressed directly to the birthday person, they will not greatly affect his further progress, and will not help him live. On a person’s birthday, all Hierarchical Structures responsible for the implementation and construction of the Destiny Program, and all representatives of Training Centers, are reviewed. On this day, all persons in the person’s Circle directly related to him also receive an assessment of their Progress. Therefore, as a rule, a person who hears his celebration wants to look better, and tries to behave accordingly, and is looking for a more interesting gift, more important for the birthday person. The trend of collecting money is not very good, and can only be welcomed if the birthday person does not have enough funds to purchase the things needed in his Passage. It’s understandable why it’s not very good, because at the same time, those donating money free themselves from the most important part - personal participation in the affairs of the birthday person, searching for an interesting, important gift for him, and this impoverishes the soul of the donor. After all, a gift is a GIFT OF THE SOUL, developing spiritually the giver, destroying the vice of stinginess in him, developing generosity, nobility, and the ability to experience joy from his GIFT. This is very important for the development of every person. A person who has managed to find a necessary, important, valuable gift for another, who has opened his soul with this gift, acquires priceless spiritual growth. And his assessment by the Higher Observers is often so high that it brings the donor into a state of euphoria and transfers him to another energy level. The more kind, good assessments the birthday boy receives from people on this day, the better his year will go. He may even be forgiven for some shortcomings or shortcomings, and penalties may be waived. And vice versa. It happens that guests sit, drink, eat - and are silent. Either they say ordinary toasts, or they utter flattering words, not supported by the flow of internal energy, goodwill. Such assessments can make it much more difficult for a person to move forward in their new year of life. Therefore, never invite people to your birthday party from whom you do not expect good, friendly words, whose attitude towards you is questionable in terms of its purity and friendliness. Yes, all words that fill the birthday person with goodness on this day count, not necessarily at the festive table. And a phone call, and an SMS, and a postcard, and a telegram. No matter what. It is important - how, with what flow. In congratulations birthday boy Necessarily Your assessment of his life, skills and qualities should be present. Preferably good, and definitely friendly. You can even slightly embellish a person’s achievements, accompanied by wishes to fully comply with this characteristic in the new year. Characteristics - and wishes. Expressing love and gratitude - and opening the Path to the Future along your own Branch. It’s clear from here that if you have nothing to say, or you don’t want to say anything good to a person, then you shouldn’t visit him. It is also clear that a birthday should only be celebrated on the day one was born. Any postponements already reduce the praise of guests to zero and do not build a year. This is already just receiving guests for an occasion. At such Receptions there are also always Viewings, but of a private nature, by the Energy Center on duty. Hence the desire of poor students, who do not expect anything good from the presence of High Observers, to under no circumstances celebrate their birthday on this day. The meeting of School Students on the occasion of their birthday may be moved,but only at an earlier date , before the birthday. During meetings of a spatial nature, views always occur. And meetings are always recorded. And the necessary information is transmitted to the necessary Services. And significant combinations of Spatial Media are already increasing the number of Observers. But on the birthday itself, you still need to call, or personally say kind, good words and wishes. Already on the Karmic, Temporary Canvas of the birthday person. You cannot gather the School later. At least during the first 10 days of the formation of a person’s Path after his birthday, no meetings at school are undesirable, since they cause deep upheavals in the Environment and can disrupt or destroy the current settings of the Year.

Laws for visiting guests.

Day of death

As for the day of death, the situation is similar. On this day, the Departed One needs to say as many good words and characteristics as possible. Be sure to note its merits, what was dear and important to you about it. Why, on the anniversary of death, do they visit the place where the body rests if possible? Because the viewing windows are open. On the days of Christian or other holidays dedicated to the dead, the Worlds are open, and the Passage to this World is open for the dead, and if desired and possible, they visit and photograph their places of residence or their loved ones throughout the development of the Family in Time. Therefore, on such days, you need to remember your loved ones, and it is imperative to say good things about them out loud if you want to help them in their Other existence. Everything you say good about the departed counts in their favor and adds strength and resources to them, improves their living conditions or existence. Don't skimp on good things!

Laws brought to the World by different belief systems

For review and comparison


In the Avesta, commandments appeared for the first time - instructions from God for man. The main theses of the great Avesta Teaching can be expressed in three Commandments. 1. Good thought. 2. Good word. 3. Good deed. In the Avestas there is a basic formula for achieving the Almighty (to achieve the likeness of God). In one of the basic commandments, God says: " Do not lie".


Two Commandments of Love that Christ brought are the most important. 1. "Love the Lord God yours with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind." 2. "Love your neighbor yours as yourself." 1. Judge not lest ye be judged. 2. For with the judgment you judge, you will also be judged, and with the measure you use, you will be measured. 3. And why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but do not feel the plank in your own eye? Or how will you say to your brother: Let me take the speck out of your eye, but there is a plank in your eye? Hypocrite! first take the beam out of your eye and then you will see how to remove the speck from your brother’s eye. 4. Not everyone saying to me: "Lord! Lord!" will enter the kingdom of heaven but doing the will of My Father in heaven. 5. He who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humiliates himself will be exalted.

The Beatitudes.

1. Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. 2. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. 3. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. 4. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied. 5. Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy. 6. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. 7. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God. 8. Blessed are those who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. From the Sermon on the Mount: 1. Thou shalt not kill- ancient law. 2. Don't get angry It’s wrong to attack your brother, don’t offend him. 3. First to reconcile with your brother, and only then can you make sacrifices to God. 4. Make peace with rivals 5. Don't commit adultery- ancient law. 6. N don't break your vows, and fulfill them before God - the ancient Law. Don't swear by anything. Only yes or no, and anything beyond that is from the evil one. 7. Turn the other cheek who hit you. 8. Feed the hungry, give to the one who asks. 9. Love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who use you and persecute you. 10. Don't give alms yours in front of people so that so they can see you, otherwise there will be no reward for you from your heavenly Father. 11. If you will forgive people their sins, then the Heavenly Father will forgive you too. 12. When you fast, don't be sad like hypocrites. When you fast, it is already a reward. 13. Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth and gather in heaven, for where your treasures are, there your heart will be.


10 commandments.

1. Get up for prayer as soon as you hear the call, under any circumstances. 2.Read or study, or listen to the Quran, or pronounce the name of Allah, and do not waste even a small part of the day without benefit. 3. Try to learn Arabic. 4. Do not argue a lot in any matter, no matter what it is, for arguing does not lead to good. 5. Don’t laugh a lot; a heart connected with Allah is calm and serious. 6. Don’t make a lot of noise, the fighting mind (Muslim society) knows nothing but seriousness. 7. Do not raise your voice more than what your listeners need - this is stupid and harmful. 8. Avoid speaking ill of people, insulting individuals, and say nothing but kind things. 9. Get to know whichever of your brothers you date, even if you are not required to do so. The foundations of our calling are love and getting to know each other. 10. There are more responsibilities than time, so help others use their time, and if you have an important task, then try to complete it in a short time.


1. A person’s biggest enemy is himself. 2. The biggest stupidity in a person’s life is a lie. 3. The biggest defeat in a person’s life is arrogance. 4. The biggest sadness in a person’s life is envy. 5. The biggest mistake in a person’s life is losing oneself. 6. The biggest fault in a person’s life is ingratitude. 7. The most regrettable thing in a person’s life is the belittlement of one’s dignity. 8. The most admirable thing in a person’s life is to rise after falling. 9. The greatest loss in a person’s life is the loss of hope. 10. The greatest asset in a person’s life is health and mind. 11. The greatest duty in a person’s life is sincere feelings. 12. The greatest gift in a person’s life is generosity. 13. The biggest drawback in a person’s life is misunderstanding. 14. The greatest consolation in a person’s life is good deeds.


1. Do not cause any suffering to any creature, so as not to create moral obligations for the future. 2. "Truthfulness" - presenting the truth - mentally, verbally and in practice. 3. Non-covetousness, indifference to possessing anything, non-appropriation of someone else's property by cunning, force or secretly (do not steal). 4. Chastity under all conditions: in thoughts, in words and in deeds. 5. Mercy. 6. Evenness of character when giving orders and prohibitions. 7. Patience, calmly endure the pleasant and the unpleasant. 8. Composure in joys and misfortunes. 9. Absorption of pleasant food, in quantity equal to 1/4 of the stomach's capacity. 10. Cleansing the body.


Divine laws are the laws of supreme justice, the laws of creation. Whether we know them or not, whether we accept them or not, whether we comply or not, they always work.

From "The Way Home" (Divine Word):
“My children! You have to make a fateful decision. It concerns each and every one individually. Decision is made. Resistance is futile. I, your God, announce to you my decision. You will need all your endurance, all the strength and power of the human mind to accept it.

The laws of eternity, the highest laws of justice will rule on Earth. The laws of life are unknown to man. The higher mind has not yet visited Earth. The laws of survival worked on Earth, not the laws of life. The laws of physical survival are cruel, merciless laws of struggle, far from justice. The laws of spiritual survival also worked... Thanks to them, you can accept my decision.

I, your God, loving and forgiving, remove the screens between us. You will see the undistorted, sometimes cruel, but always fair truth of life.”

From Case Lesson #29:
“The full higher cycle of the laws of justice has never worked in any of the manifestations of the Earth. No man has ever known the laws of justice in full. People could neither think comprehensively nor love unselfishly.

The highest laws of justice can only be comprehended by the mind through the developed subtle feelings of the soul. Education of feelings will allow a person to know and consciously fulfill the highest laws of Divine justice.”

Unknowingly breaking the law is a mistake. There are mistakes that can be corrected. There are mistakes that need to be worked out. There are mistakes for which you have to pay.

Deliberate violation of Divine law is sin. You always have to pay for sins, sometimes in more than one life and more than one generation.

Retribution for sins is when a person’s existing opportunities are taken away and the receipt of vital energies is blocked. Paying for sins is a very difficult test that a person must pass, despite the loss of strength and lack of energy. Failure to pass the test means remaining in sin and thereby pushing your loved ones into sin: children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Man pays for his sins according to the Divine laws of justice.

Forgiveness is an opportunity to work off sin or pay off sin. Forgiveness must be earned by passing the tests with dignity.

A person pays for sins with his health and the health of his loved ones.

A person pays for sins by loss of property and loss of capital, loss of money.

A person pays for his sins, becoming an instrument of dark forces.

A person pays for sins with loss of memory and loss of self-esteem.

When forgiveness comes and with it the opportunity to work off sin, we must rejoice and thank God, no matter how difficult the test we have to go through for this.

Every person has what he deserves, even if he is working off the sins of others. He attracted them with his ignorance.

Ignorance is ignorance of the Divine structure of the universe and the Divine laws of justice.

Life Lesson #36 (Divine Word):
“...The darkness of ignorance leads a person into the jungle of stupidity. The darkness of ignorance blinds the eyes and covers the truth of life and the Divine truth...”

Divine laws are found in the depths of the soul of every person. The power of laws is the power of the masculine principle. The soul hurts for only one reason - when a person violates Divine laws and thereby wounds his soul.

Every person can hear the inner voice, the voice of his soul. There are many people who unconsciously observe the Divine laws of supreme justice and do not burden the already heavy karma of humanity.

The highest justice, unfortunately, is very different from “earthly justice,” since a person is not given the ability to see the underlying reasons for events and actions.

The sense of justice is a subtle feeling. It comes from the depths of the soul and brings us knowledge of Divine laws.

Commandment #6 (Divine Word):
“My children! Today everything has changed. It's an amazing time. The air is saturated with the highest laws of nobility. The water absorbed them and carries them along the Earth. This amazing time allows us to draw knowledge from the depths of the human soul. The Spirit allows me to take my love in full. The time has come to take through the spirit. Today, time does not allow us to mark time. Today, time provides an opportunity to move forward, receive my love and bring it to people...

People will appear who carry my love through the work of their hands. This became necessary. People with clean hands and pure thoughts will carry my love to other people.

This time will be difficult for those who must leave Earth. Anyone who does not want to obey my laws will suffocate in the air of freedom and choke on the water saturated with my laws.

Natural disasters bring my laws to Earth. Floods, fires and hurricanes are their job...

...People will understand that medicine cannot cure diseases. They will have to look for a path that reveals a person’s inner potential. People will pay attention to their behavior and the behavior of other people. They will become scared. They will see that by their behavior they are destroying everything that was created by nature and by human hands. This will allow people to return to me, your God, and they will understand that without my laws they cannot survive.”

One Universe Revelation #5:
“My children! Fear God! Be afraid to break His laws! Punishing arrows are coming to Earth. They bring you Divine laws.

I, the One Universe, walk the path of mastery. The golden spiral of mastery leads us into the Great Cosmos. People! My children! Join us! The path to mastery is open to you too.

Divine arrows carry laws. God doesn't punish. Laws punish. By breaking laws, you punish yourself.

The path of mastery unites the knowledge of 36 universes and leads us to the knowledge of Divine laws, to the knowledge of Divine love. A new Teaching leads us along the path. My children, do not reject him! It leads to a new life. It calls you to action. It calls for unity.

Fear God, my children! Don't give up on Divine love! Don't betray God within yourself! God does not forgive betrayal. He alienates traitors from himself.

My children! Don't deprive yourself of God! Don't take your life! Don't condemn yourself to a dull existence! God loves you. Don't turn away from the Divine Light! Don't be afraid of the truth of life and the truth about yourself.

The New Teaching brings the wisdom of life, the wisdom of love. Only an awakened mind can comprehend it. Don't be afraid of the light, my children! Open your eyes! Don't kill your intelligence and wisdom! Don't close your path to knowledge!

Be afraid of being left without light! Beware of the grayness of your brain! Be careful not to cool your hearts! Be careful not to drown in ignorance!

To vegetate in the darkness of consciousness, to violate Divine laws - is there a greater punishment for a person?

I, your mother, the One Universe, love you and call you to the light, reason, warmth and wisdom of eternity. Time is calling you. Tomorrow will be late. The wind of change has come to Earth."

Case Lesson #12:
“God gave man free will, that is, the right to choose. Man, unlike animals and plants, can choose whether to follow Divine laws or not. Other representatives of the numerous flora and fauna of all manifestations of the Earth do not have this choice. They always, under any circumstances, follow the laws of nature, the laws of Divine justice. They have no choice, they are led not by instinct, but by the intelligence of their soul. Animals and plants struggle for survival. Those who perish are the weak, those whose laws and knowledge are poorly developed, or who for some reason have lost their natural connection with the leader.

Any living organism knows that God loves it. Any living organism receives information from the depths of its soul. He hears the voice of reason: “God loves you. Live by His laws. Follow the leader and you will know the joy of life and the happiness of fulfilling Divine laws. You will know the bliss of love."

The man chose a different path. The man chose the path of trial and error. Man tests the justice of Divine laws on himself. Man and all of humanity as a whole repeat the same mistakes, which lead to increasingly severe consequences. Neither religion, nor science, nor art can stop this endless process of decay. Man is unable to learn from mistakes. Neither the centuries-old history of humanity’s mistakes, nor the mistakes of loved ones, nor our own mistakes have taught the people of Earth anything. He is ready to experiment again and again on himself and his loved ones, finding constant excuses for his actions. Cunning takes a person away from God, from himself, from his destiny.

In fact, this seemingly endless path of trial and error is coming to an end. God gave people one last chance. There is very little time left before God will take away free will from those who do not know how to use it. God will take away the right to choose from his foolish children. They will be swallowed up by the power of darkness. They will lose their essence and be recycled. The newly born souls will have enough intelligence to use the bitter experience of their predecessors.”

From Case Lesson #13:
“...Love came to Earth. Only a person living according to Divine laws can live in love. Anyone who cannot live according to Divine laws will leave.

The more Divine laws a person fulfills, the longer he will stay on Earth. The more Divine laws a person violates, the sooner he will leave. It doesn’t matter how he violates - by thought, word or action. The more he violates, the sooner he will leave. Those who violate the laws of nature will be the first to leave. If a person breaks laws only in his profession, he will be removed from the profession. If a person violates the laws of the family, he will be removed from the family. Each violation of a particular law leads to certain diseases or certain problems.

People are afraid of pain and suffering, but are not afraid to break Divine laws. People are afraid of death, but they are not afraid of disturbing the universe and each other. There will remain those who are not afraid of pain, suffering, hunger, or cold in their desire to fulfill the will of God and not violate Divine laws.

People, come to your senses! You don't have time! Very soon God will deprive you of your mind, and you will disappear into oblivion. There will be earthquakes, hurricanes, fires and floods, monsoons and tornadoes. They will take away from life those who do not want to live according to Divine laws. Only where people protect nature will there always be peace.

Come to your senses, people! Come to your senses! One moment left! But it’s enough to change your mind.

People in our manifestation have never used the warmth of their soul correctly. This way they will get cold! The energies of creativity work in the cold. They can only be controlled by a person who lives 100% according to Divine laws.

The salvation of people is in unity. We need to unite with people who have the zeal, determination and determination to bring the Divine solution to people.

If we unite with people, then we are responsible for our common cause. If these people are violating the case, we will have to answer.”

From case lesson #34:
“The time has come for man to answer before God for all earthly manifestations of the soul. Every person today, now is responsible for all his actions in all manifestations of life..."

Every person today is responsible for all his mistakes and all his sins.

If a person who breaks the law falls within the scope of the laws of justice, he comes under the direct blow of the law and can no longer escape from it. A direct blow is a direct hit. The law projects its power onto a person, its punitive vector, going at right angles to the crime. The zone of action of the Divine laws of justice is the zone of Divine influence.

Doers of God's will are not affected by the blow. They are at the tip of the arrow, at the end of the vector that runs perpendicular to what is happening and carries the Divine law of justice corresponding to what is happening.

The executor of the Divine laws of justice, the punitive power, has always been and is the power of darkness.

From New Life Lesson #44:
“The power of light is the legislative power.
The power of darkness is the executive power. Higher School of Legislation and Law - School of the Power of Darkness...

...And the forces of light and the forces of darkness are in the service of God...”

From Life Lesson #45 (Divine Word):
“...The power of darkness has retreated. She carried the slavery of consciousness. She left behind a darkness of power. The darkness of power clouded the consciousness of man. The mind, which had awakened for a short time, fell asleep again. In the darkness of consciousness, the glimmers of reason instantly faded away.

The earth rose into eternity. Eternity has come to Earth. Today, both the dark and light paths of eternity are open to man. Either together with the Earth to freedom, to the light of my love, or into the darkness of consciousness into slavery to the power of darkness. Everyone chooses for themselves...”

Any human decision is lawful. Every person, no matter in what capacity, fulfills the will of God - either as an instrument of light forces, or as an instrument of dark forces.

A person, who is an instrument of dark forces, is under a double direct blow: under the direct blow of the law and under the direct blow of the hatred and curses of people for whom he is the cause of their problems and misfortunes.

Who said you have to be afraid of pain?
Who said you have to be afraid of lies?
Is a sick person destitute?
Is the deceived one careless?

Everything that is on Earth is from God.
Everything that exists on Earth comes from love.
Each of us has our own burden.
We are all equal before God.

Everyone has their own purpose.

Everyone carries their own cross.
One brings destruction.
The other emits light.

It's stupid to judge a person.
It's stupid to complain about the creator.
Divine Providence
Puts everything in its place.

Everyone in their place
Does his job.
Both the righteous and the sinner
They bring goodness to the Earth.

The power of darkness retreated, it left the Earth, it gave way to the higher power of light. The power of light and the power of darkness are one essence, two perpendiculars, two vectors on one straight line in the zone of Divine influence, directed towards each other. The power of darkness receded as much as the Earth and the man living on it approached God.

In the past, the lower vector worked mainly - the vector of the power of darkness. He forced an unreasonable, ignorant person to fulfill the Divine laws and, through punishment, forced the person to work out his sins according to the Divine laws of justice. Modern man does not fear God. If he is afraid, then he is afraid of dark power, not knowing that dark power is also Divine power.

New life is mainly the work of the upper vector of Divine power, the vector of light power, that is, the conscious fulfillment of the Divine laws of justice. God wants a person to consciously, of his own free will, out of love for Him, and not out of fear of punishment, fulfill His laws.

The good will of love is the highest civilization of voluntary cooperation of light and dark forces striving for unity in the Creator.

From Case Lesson #29:
“...The highest essence of man and all living things is love.
Until now, man in all manifestations of the Earth has not been able to manifest his highest essence. Man could not love God and could not do His will.

To love God is to do His will. To fulfill the will of God - to fulfill the highest laws of justice...”

Humility is a very important quality of the feminine principle of the human soul; without it, unquestioning fulfillment of the law is impossible.

From "The Way Home":
“The highest purpose of a woman is humility. A woman teaches her children humility. Humility of the body, humility of the spirit, humility of the soul. Not blind obedience, but the humble fulfillment of one’s duty, duty to God, duty to one’s husband, duty to children.”

From New Life Lesson #30:
“...God loves man. He gives him the laws of life, the laws of being.

A person loves God when he fulfills Divine laws. The one who fulfills part of the Divine laws pretends to love. He only does what is easy for him to do..."