Am I guessing correctly. Tarot layout "Choice

The "Choice" layout is done when a person has the opportunity to choose from several possible scenarios, but the fortuneteller cannot foresee all the consequences of the decision made. It is carried out according to the given scheme.

The cards will show the three stages of each of the possible future events. If more than three options are assumed, the scheme remains the same. The main task for the fortuneteller is not to get confused in the lines.

"Choice" does not give a direct positive and negative answer to the question posed by the fortuneteller. It only shows what the consequences of the decision will be. For example: a young man wants to change his life and move to another country.

Relatives dissuade from the trip and advise to look for work in the city, albeit with a lower salary and prospects. The choice may sound like this: "Should Vladimir move to another country to change jobs." A visual situation is the choice of a profession after graduation.

A person gravitates towards literature, and he is offered to enter the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics for the sake of a place in the office. With the help of the layout, you can see how the admission to different faculties will go, successes, what will work, and what will not be realized. The last point is considered a fee for the choice made.

The same goes for love relationships. A relationship with a person closes the door to another person. Living with a partner imposes disadvantages that you have to put up with. For example, irascibility, isolation. The reverse side of a too calm life is the lack of vivid emotions, dullness, everyday life.

And too emotional relationships lead to moral exhaustion and fatigue. The question is the readiness of a person to see a partner next to him and accept his shortcomings, the prospects of relations.

Scheme of alignment and interpretation of values

Let's take a look at the layout:

Position value:

  • Arcana in the upper position at number 1, 5.3 reveal the consequences that will come if the fortuneteller decides in favor of the first of the possible scenarios. For example: “What will happen if I break off relations with Ivan”?
  • The tarot arcana numbers 2, 4, 6 show the events that will happen if another choice is made. For example: how will relations with Ivan develop if I keep them.
  • In the last, 7 lasso, the essence of the alignment is laid. This is a significator. It shows not only a fortuneteller, it hides the underlying reasons that formed the basis of the choice. For personal relationships, this can be partner indifference, resentment, jealousy. For the profession - the futility of work, the feeling that a person is useless in the workplace and takes the wrong place. For a change of residence - the desire for new experiences, lack of joy, poor relationships with family and much more.

Exceptional cards

In the layout there are arcana that are exclusive to him:

  1. Arcana "Lovers". If this card appeared in the layout, then the fortuneteller at a subconscious level made a decision in favor of the position in which the lasso turned out to be. For example, a client decided to postpone the job search, but played it safe, asked the tarot for advice.
  2. "Wheel of Fortune". In this case, the choice is illusory. In fact, there is none, and events will develop depending on the position of the card.
  3. "World" - the card shows what place the fortuneteller takes. What is the meaning of his life. This direction is the main one in the layout, you need to look at the presence of negative cards in the environment, take them into account.
  4. "Star" - the lasso shows the future.
  5. "Court". The place where the "treasure" of the fortuneteller is hidden, what he is looking for.

It is important to look at the ratio of suits. So, if the layout is dominated by pentacles, then the client has financial difficulties and he needs to establish contacts with management and colleagues, and not run from one place to another in anticipation of an ideal workplace.


Each of the options for possible events has positive and negative sides.

The person makes his own choice. If the situation is left to chance, this is also a choice to leave everything as it is. It is important to be attentive to the interpretation of each lasso, to weigh all the pros and cons.

The alignment is used if you need to make a choice between two or more possible options. Consider first a situation with two options:

The top row (cards No. 1, 3, 5) - describes the course of events if we choose the first of the proposed options.

The bottom row (cards No. 2, 4, 6) - describes the course of events if we choose the second of the options.

Key card (No. 7) - explains the essence of the problem, why such a question arose and what principle should be followed in choosing.

The same alignment can be used to answer the question - “Should I accept the proposal received?” Then:

Top row: what happens if I answer "Yes".

Bottom row: what happens if I answer "No".

The key card is the same: the essence of the problem, the main principle in making a decision.

If you need to make a choice from many options, then you can take only one card for each option - it will give a brief description. There will be one key card in the layout.

Example 1

A woman with a child has been renting an apartment in a private house in the city center for many years. However, recently the house needs to be repaired, plaster is crumbling in the entrance, the woman fears for herself and her child. The homeowner is not going to make repairs yet. Friends advise the woman to take out a loan and buy her own apartment. But the woman is afraid that she will not be able to repay the loan.

Let's make a "Choice" layout. In the top row there will be the option “What happens if a woman takes out a loan and buys a new apartment”, the course of events in chronological order. And in the bottom row there will be the option “What happens if the woman stays in the old house”, also the course of events in chronological order. The last card in each row is important here, it will indicate the result.

Key card - II Priestess: Reflection, careful study of the situation, collection of information.

Top row (option "buying a new apartment"):

III Empress: First, the woman will receive a lot of money and become the mistress of her own apartment.

XV Devil: Credit will become a real bondage. Volunteer chains. Overloaded with work to pay off a loan.

XII The Hanged Man: As a result, the woman will feel bound hand and foot. Illumination, but in a sad state. There is no way out of this situation.

Bottom row (old house option):

VIII Force: First, the woman will have to use force. She herself will require the homeowner to make repairs.

I Mage : Professional, man with tools. This is an indication of the craftsmen who will come to make repairs.

XIX Sun: As a result - joy, victory, success. The child is free to play.

Conclusion: Repairs will be made, although this will have to put pressure on the homeowner. And buying an apartment on credit is not recommended, it will become bondage.


The "Choice" layout does not solve the problem of choice for us, but only clarifies the circumstances associated with it. That is, this alignment does not give an unequivocal answer on the basis of "Yes" or "No". It shows what will happen if we choose one path or another. If we are faced with a complex, "multi-pass" problem, then it makes sense to divide it into its constituent elements and analyze each separately using this layout. The question that you must mentally ask the cards in this case is better formulated as follows: "What will happen if I do this, and what will happen if I do not do this?" The cards will show what awaits you in both cases.

The following five cards play a key role in this layout:
1. If the card "Love and Initiation" ("Lovers") appears, then this means that the choice (subconsciously) has already been made - in favor of the direction where this card lies.
2. "Wheel of Fortune" means that in fact the questioner has no choice, and that events, whether he wants it or not, will develop in the direction where this card lies.
3. "World" indicates "the place occupied by the questioner." This is his role and his purpose in this life, so the direction where this card lies should be considered the main one. If she is surrounded by negative cards, they should also be taken into account. They have the same meaning:
a) "Star", a card indicating the future, and
b) "Judgment", indicating where the questioner will find the "treasure".

Good day.
Laid out a "secret pocket" when explaining
recommended to make this arrangement. The situation is this: both are not free, we have been dating for more than a year. I would like to know how it ends. I'm an Aries, he's a Cancer. I thought about the question with whom S. will stay: 1 with me or 2. with his wife.
S is the knight of cups.
Cards: 3,1,5 - 8 swords, 3 wands, 2 arboretums.
Cards: 4,2,6 - king of swords, 7 cups, lady of arboretums.
Thank you in advance.

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Hello dear tarot readers.
Please help me interpret the cards. The child is sick. Now we are making a decision to transfer from the current clinic to another clinic to other specialists. It's very scary to be wrong. She asked the question: What will happen if we take the child from the current clinic, and what will happen if we do not do this and she remains in the one where she is now.
S- hanged
3, 1.5 - 8 of Wands, King of Cups, 3 of Wands
4,2,6- 7 of cups, Rider of wands, Ace of Denarius

Thank you for your help

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There is no unambiguously preferred solution to the problem.
Let's start with the fact that your role here is very small. Very little depends on you. Therefore, there is no need to rush and make convulsive movements. Everything will be as it should be. Need to calm down.
In both cases, there is no danger. Both options have their pros and cons. If you focus on the predicted ending of this situation (remember that this is no more than three months, if a certain period is not guessed), then in the first case you will have hope, in the second you will have to start a new financial round, but there will be money for this.
I see no threat, so you need to sit down and very calmly make a choice. As you see fit is more preferable.
By the way, more in matters of health you need to rely on medical professionals. And your common sense, of course.
Good luck!

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Hello! Asked whether to keep the relationship or leave? Rolled: Jack of Swords, Ace of Cups, and King of Swords. This is in case I decide to say that we disagree. If I don't say it: the emperor, the world and the tower. Significator: four of swords. Please explain what this means. Thanks in advance, this is very important to me.

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Dear Erkin Erkin, please do not leave my question unanswered:
Anya 21:02 21-Mar-2019
Thank you!

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The first row, what will happen in life if I continue the relationship, the second - if not

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I asked a question about the choice of life path.
Where to direct your feet and energy.
Top row - administrative work in an educational institution: Priestess, 6 denarii, rider of wands;
The bottom row - leaving for creativity: 3 swords, ace of swords, the Sun.
The Significator is a hermit.
Thanks in advance for the scheduling advice.

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Hello, dear Erkin Erkin! Help, please, fight.
My boyfriend is now behaving perfectly, the relationship has leveled off. He loves, he says. But he is quick-tempered, impulsive. According to the time of our relationship, you can marry. But it seems that due to his peculiarities and loving nature, he can seek love with others. That is, he can quit for the sake of another.
And I want mutual love and stability. With him.

What happens if I'm in a relationship with him?
7, S - Chariot
3-Star, 1-4 of Cups, 5-Jester
4- 6 of Cups, 2- 8 of Swords, 6- Hanged Man

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Good afternoon
Please help me to choose, in one line a Star to another World.

First line, should I try to realize I am in a creative profession? Direct all efforts in this area? Then the financial question becomes very, very acute.

Echoing the line, should I look for work in the field in which I have experience, and push creativity into the background? I'm not sure that the forces will be for something else, but Fin. stability.

S Queen of Cups
King of Cups, Star, Rider of Wands
Queen of Swords, Peace, 6 of Swords.

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Dear Erkin, please help me to fight in a relationship with a man.

He is not free, he now lives in another city. There was a moment when our relationship could go from friendly to another plane, but I stopped it because he has a wife. Now we just communicate at a distance, correspond. But I have feelings for him that I can't deal with.

I asked the cards a question: what will happen if I do what I want and let our relationship go beyond friendship.

7 - Eight of Wands
3-1-5 - 7 of swords, Knight of Cups, 3 of wands
4-2-6 - Devil, 10 swords, Hermit

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Broke up with a guy, for a long time it is not possible to restore relations.
Question: what will happen in the summer if I continue to try to restore relations?
S 5 swords.
If I keep trying:
1) Sun 3) Ace of denarii 5) Devil (he scares me)
If I leave it
2) 10 wands 4) 9 denarii 6) 9 swords
I like the first line better, but the devil scares me.
Help: what to do? Love very much.

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Dear Erkin.
Please tell me what awaits me with a man. If it makes sense to dream about him or just concentrate only on work (he is my boss) or even change jobs and stop treating him. Strange relationships now flirting, now avoiding, now he began to be rude, and then looks into his eyes. Please help
1,2,3 Rider of Swords, Jack of Cups, Ace of Swords
4,5,6 Jack of swords, tower, queen of cups
7 Jack of wands.
Some jacks
The first row thought whether it was worth dreaming about
The second row was thinking about how to switch to work and stop responding to his flirting
S may even change jobs

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Dear tarologists! Tell me how to proceed. A very interesting acquaintance began ... by correspondence) And suddenly the person disappeared, stopped writing. I don’t know if it’s worth writing again or not .. I understand that here you don’t have to guess, but just write and that’s it)) But still. Cards dropped S Wheel of Fortune 3. World 1. Priestess 5.8 denarii 4.9 cups 2.8 cups 6.10 cups
What do you think, Erkin, should I write it myself?) Both of us are already dofiga years old, not young people))

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The Significator of the Wheel of Fortune is the even Major Arcana. Even senior Arcana say that a person, in this case you are Vera, live past events in your life. Because in the past with this person you had a correspondence relationship that you liked, and because The Wheel of Fortune, which means looking into the future in your upright position, indicates that you want to take your past relationship with him into the future and continue correspondence with him.

And the World map in 3 positions, which means the network, the Internet, mobile communications, only confirms your desire.
A priestess in position 1 means here a connection with a person, but not an open one, but a secret connection hidden from prying eyes. And since The priestess you dropped out at 1 position which means your thoughts, then the priestess pointed out that the reason for his sudden disappearance is an unexpected and incomprehensible mystery for you.

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Therefore, in position 5, which means a crisis in relations, you have 8 Denarius, which indicated that you, under the influence of the Wheel of Fortune (the desire to continue contact with him in the future), are determined to write to him yourself in order to restore relations.
If you add up all these 4 cards, then you have the Arcanum of the Sun, which indicates that you will have a connection with him, but not constant, but rare, where he will suddenly appear for you, then disappear, and enter into frank correspondence with you he won’t, so you shouldn’t be frank with him, because he will be interested to know about you, but he will write about himself in a streamlined and vague way, in general terms, without specifics.

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If you wait until he announces himself, which indicates 9 Cups in 4 positions, then you will have to wait a long time for him, which in turn will give you an Arcana of 8 Cups in 2 positions, which means that with a feeling of great regret you decide that everything is over between you and you will be very worried about it. But you should not worry, because in the 6th position you got 10 Cups, which means emotional joy, a surge of strength from relationships close to your heart, from the feeling that you are not alone. If you add the lower cards with the Significator, then the Arcanum Devil falls out here, which indicated that the correspondence and relationships that prolong your youth will continue with you with the other too.

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Well, on April 8, write about the relationship with both men. Only in detail. If you want to know what to expect in the future

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Well you give Erkin! You didn't go wrong anywhere! You are talking about the second man, how do you know, I didn’t write anything about him ... this is the man with whom I live. Actually, we have been divorced for a long time, but we live together, with children) Only I didn’t understand something about April 8 ...

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I have feelings for 2 men, one former, who after 3 years began to show a new interest, and the second one, just starting a novel.
Pick: S: Emperor
1. Priest, Priestess, Justice.
2. Judgment, Empress, 10 of wands.

Such a number of major arcana makes you think that the choice of the father is a serious one. But who to choose? Please tell me.

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Since you have a fateful Choice, please write. Which of the men was thought about when laying out the top row and who was thought about when laying out the bottom row. I will read the alignment

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The top row is a man with whom we talked on the Internet for six months, went on vacation 2 times, and I visited him in the city for six months. I loved him very much from the very beginning, but he didn’t have me, he was afraid of relationships and feelings. Separated. But we continue to communicate as friends. Recently invited to visit for the first time after parting. I still don't care for him.
The bottom row is a man, also from another city, who is divorcing his wife (before me). Communicated on an Internet 2 months and spent a week together on vacation. I feel spiritual closeness to him and he to me too, we have common goals, ideals, a vision of the world, a path in spiritual development. He gives me a lot as a mentor and as a man, unlike the first one, to whom I gave development.
Thank you for your attention to my question.

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Good evening, help me to deal with the situation. They lived with a young man for 7 years, different: both good and bad. There were more bad ones, stress led to illness, after which I realized that it was impossible to go on like this. I decided to leave, and here, of course, good moments come into my head, from those best years. Or maybe the best years of my life are ahead with him? A very painful gap, which is also aggravated by uncertainties with further work. I would be very grateful for any comment on the correctness of the choice made. S - star; 3- devil; 1-lady of swords; 5-moon; 4-Tower; 2-jack of wands; 6 - eight of cups

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The star represents the target. Most likely, you have not only the goal of getting a divorce, but a more global goal. Change your life, perhaps image and work.
Devil. It's tough. You will have to go through some temptations of this world, how you go through depends on you. if reversed, it is better, it is the path to the light, to the Creator. It can also mean false, worldly values, the denial of the spiritual principle, a fall into the worldly.

The Lady of Swords is a character. Maybe a friend or mom. This character is your adviser, he can give you an idea, and it’s hard to say how useful these tips are. Here you need to do additional layouts.

The moon is our unconscious. These are our emotions, fears and anxieties. It can also be depression, withdrawal into oneself. Some night of the soul.
Possibly move to mother's house. In general, the desire to find protection is dreary and fearful alone. The moon is the twilight of the soul.

This line is not very happy ((
let's see the second one.

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Thank you, I think that's how it starts. Is that the end result of all this?

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Tower. The tower is always something unexpected and sudden. This is when there is no time to think, but you just need to jump or run.
The tower is on fire. This is the senior lasso, which means karmic, fateful, It may mean a certain case, a message that will greatly puzzle, if not dumbfound. In general, something that will radically change the life situation, all of a sudden. It may change for the better, but it will definitely change.

Jack of wands, this is some young man, not an old man. Maybe your husband too. Since the wands, there will be a conversation with him.

The Eight of Cups is also a sad card. Means disappointment. Rejection of what is and the search for something new. What is still undetermined. This may be leaving, parting with a partner.
This card also speaks of illusion. a person throws what he has and goes nowhere in search of a new one. But this is an illusion, self-deception.
In the sense of prediction, it means that the troubles will go away in one lunar month (28 -29 days)

In general, the alignment is ambiguous, there is something to think about)

Good luck. Sincerely, Igor.
[email protected]

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Good evening dear!
She asked if I should continue my relationship with the martyr?
S strength
3,1,5 - 5 of swords, empress ace of wands
4,2,6 - king of cups jack of cups moon
It so happened that the relationship began thanks to me, because I really liked the person, but now either I feel a complex because of this, or something, but the feeling that the person has no respect for me and treats relationships lightly. They don’t mean anything to him ... for me, such a sense of self is very hard to perceive ... and for 2 years now I have been thinking that I need to end it all, but for some reason I don’t have enough willpower for this ...

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Good afternoon, dear tarologists! I'm talking about work again. The soul does not lie to the present at all. Two months ago, I turned to Taro with a question to change or not. The answer was to stay. Time has passed, I ask again in the hope that the hour has come. Line 1 - what will happen if I change jobs. 2 line - if I stay.
3,1,5 - 7 wands; 10 cups; Knight of Cups
4,2,6 - Court; Emperor; Hermit
S - Justice
The Court in the second line is very intriguing. What is this "treasure" in a place that I don't know how to get rid of? The Emperor is there. I have a biased attitude towards everything that I now have in terms of work, but in fact everything is fine and I need to drop my ambitions? Help ra ... tsya, please. I'm just torn apart by doubts. I want to change something in my life. Thank you in advance.

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If you stay at your current job, the Court indicates that you will be subjected to sharp analysis and unconstructive criticism from your boss (Emperor), who will consider your attitude to work unsatisfactory and will offer you to quit (Hermit).

Well, does the time of your alignment say that you still quit? because the fourth card you have manifested the Tower. The tower here means a sudden, even for yourself, dismissal from work.

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Thanks Erkin! My boss is a lady. The emperor does not look like a lady, so she did not expect this in the future. It is necessary, without waiting for an offer, to quit, apparently. She bored me. Good luck to you!

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I didn't call your boss a man. The boss can be a woman as in your case. After all, the head of the department is not written on the signs if the head of the department is a woman. As the director of a garment factory or store does not write. And they write: the head of the department, the director of the store, the director of the factory.

Therefore, the Emperor just the same means the boss, whose function is to distribute tasks (work) between subordinates and control their execution. Well, as a result, encourage or punish subordinates.

By the way. What do you do that you don't like? What does not suit? Salary? attitude towards you? Or the work process itself?

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I work as a pharmacist. I will not change my profession, because I can’t do anything else. The salary is not satisfactory and the attitude of management towards all employees. As slaves, no respect. The labor process is also quite peculiar, let's say so. I don't like it, I constantly feel like I'm humiliated. From this, a bad mood, a decrease in self-esteem, etc. Well, you yourself understand. I have to quit this job, but I haven't found a new one yet.

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Look for Light. Who seeks, he will find. Good luck and be patient in your job search.

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Thanks Erkin. And all the best to you.

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Hello! Please help me understand. A new apartment was bought, but its finishing comes with obstacles and financial losses. I'm already wondering if it's mine? She asked the question: What will happen if I move to live in a new apartment and what will happen if I don’t? Cards fell out: 7-Ten of Wands; 3,1,5 - Tower, King of Swords, Strength; 4,2,6 - Three of Wands, Jester, Rider (Knight) of Cups. Thank you in advance!

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The Minor Arcana show your behavior, and the Major Arcana show you a recommendation from the outside, from the Higher Forces. You have 2 Major Arcana: Power and Tower. Through Arkan Tower, you are advised not to move to a new apartment. This is explained by the fact that between the Tower and the Force, the Arcane Priest is invisibly located in an inverted position. In the upright position, the Priest calls to enter into new, unexplored relationships, i.e. move to a new apartment. And since your Priest is inverted, he recommends not entering into a new relationship, i.e. do not move to a new apartment, but stay to live where you live now.
And Sila recommends that you complete the repair of the apartment, i.e. renovate, and when the price of the apartment rises, sell it at a profit.

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Erkin, thank you! All the time I am amazed at your gift to see like that. Only I have a question, how did you see that the Priest was upside down? What indicates this?

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Your Tower fell out earlier than Strength, so first we interpret the Tower and only then Strength. In order to reach the Force from the Tower, one must pass through the Arcana, which is invisibly located between them. We do the calculation: Tower (16) - Priest (5) = Strength (11). As you can see the Priest is here with the (-) sign. Therefore, it appeared before us in an inverted position.

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Erkin, thanks for the clarification! Now I understand. Good luck to you!

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Dear Erkin Erkin! Help me understand the alignment. We've been dating a man for two years. Almost everything suits me, but recently conversations about the wedding have begun to come up. It scares me, because I don’t see him as a husband. He will need a child, but I'm afraid that I won't pull it, I already have two of them. He is a calf.
S.King of denarii.
- Let it be as it is?
3. Peace.
1. 4 denarii.
5. 10 cups.
- Leave him?
4. Rider of denarii.
5. 7 wands.
6. Priestess.
Thank you in advance!

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If you leave everything as it is, then your current relationship with him (the relationship of lovers) will develop into a family relationship. If you part with him, then you will not be able to restore them.

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Good day, dear masters!
Help me hear the answer of the cards, I'm not a tarologist at all ....)))
I don’t love my husband, but he’s not a stranger to me, I’ve been married for more than 10 years, but I’ve reached the point, every minute next to him is annoying, he also feels bad, swears, screams, my daughter cries ... I love another, someone else ... none I don’t count on anything other than a warm relationship with him, what I have, I want to part with my husband not because I’m in a hurry to jump on another. But I understand that it's time to decide, either turn yourself off, remain a robot and live with your husband, but I don't know for what .... or still get rid of this marriage ...
What will happen if I part with my husband (I mean that I will have a lover)
3-jack of denarii
1-9 of wands
5-ace of cups
If I stay with my husband (I will stop all communication with my lover)
2-8 cups
6-2 swords

Does the first option look better to me?
I would be grateful if you could advise!

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If you part with your husband, you will internally become younger and elated because of the feeling that you have received the Chance to start a full life and find Happiness, although it will not come by itself, but you should work on it. This is indicated by the Ace of Cups in the top line.

If you stay with your husband, then you will lose your lover, as indicated by 2 Swords in the bottom line, and you will leave your husband anyway, as indicated by 8 Cups and the Arcana of Justice, based on the time of your alignment. Justice has fallen to you as the fourth Arcana. The four here means obsession, i.e. focusing on the same thoughts.

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Justice means change, getting out of a relationship because of the behavior of an undesirable partner. Because such is your spouse, then Arkan Justice says that life with your husband will become so disgusting to you that you still decide to part with him.

Now let's check this. To do this, add up all the Arcana in the bottom row if you stay with your husband. 3 Cups + 8 Cups + 2 Swords = 13 Death. Arcanum Death here means the end of what you and your husband used to have. Because before you had a relationship, then Arkan death indicated that they would stop with you. It's a pity. But the time of your alignment showed this, and the bottom row confirmed this.

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Thank you! I read every word, absorbed it ... I am an air sign, indecisive, difficult ... but you need to make a decision, although it’s scary to make a mistake, thoughts that it will get better with time, you just need to be patient, constantly circling over your head, delaying the moment, but it’s been really bad for almost 2 years. You have added confidence to me))) Thank you!

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Wise people say that we are not born to constantly endure and thereby turn our life into a nightmare, but to improve it, even through parting.

And the folk saying echoes them and says: “Better a terrible end than horror without end.” The Ace of Cups in your layout indicates the Chance to enter into a new life, but not with the one you are currently living with, but with another man who, with his attitude towards you, can bring you not a burden, but joy.

Yes, and the daughter, looking at all this, will stop crying and her attitude towards her father will improve, because the closest relatives are those who live at a distance, and when you live together, misunderstandings cannot be avoided.

The choice, as they say, is yours, Svetlana.

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Thank you for your wise words and good advice!

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Good luck Svetlana. I wish you a happy family relationship with those you love.

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Thanks again! I will try!)))

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Hello! There is a relationship, we have been dating for 1.5 months. The man is serious, he offers to live together, with the prospect of starting a family in the future. I'm not sure, I'm trying to weigh everything and calculate.
s-2 swords
3-1-5 4 of Wands, Justice, Jack of Cups
4-2-6 World, Devil, Priestess

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The top row, where your behavior was indicated by the Jack of Cups, says that if you start a family with him, you will do it not out of love, but out of pity and sympathy for the person. And the time of your alignment, if you add it up, the fourth Arcana showed us the Suspended One. Suspended indicates that you will later realize that you were in a hurry to start living a family life with him and you will regret such a rash step.

The bottom row says that if you part with him, you will try to get in touch with him through social networks (Internet), which is what Arkan Mir says in position 4 and, as a result, you will want to resume relations with him, which is what Arkan the Devil says (temptation by a man ), Arcane Priestess (a secret connection with him) and the invisible Arcana Death in an inverted position (reluctance to change anything yet in the current relationship).

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Considering all this, the layout recommends that you not rush into the Choice and do not agree to his proposal yet, but continue meetings in order to get to know the man better, which you should tell him directly. If he is sincere with you and loves you, then he will understand everything and continue to meet with you. If not, then by agreeing to his proposal, relations with him for you can turn not into joy, but into a burden.

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I want to reconcile with a man.
I am faced with the choice of whether to show myself (write to him) or just let everything take its course and wait to see if he shows up
S - 8 cups
if I write: 3,1,5 - sun, priest, death
if you just wait and do nothing: 4,2,6 - the rider of swords, 8 of wands, the rider of wands.
And here I didn’t understand anything, in the first case everything will start well, but will it end in parting? I don't want this at all
in the second case, everything is already so bad, and soon there will be a fierce confrontation? Or is it the flame of passion?
Help me please!

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The cards recommend that you write to him. In the first line, the Sun means that you are waiting for the return. The priest means that you are ready to forgive him and start a relationship with him from scratch, as if there was nothing wrong in your relationship. And the Death card means that before you write to him, you need to mentally return to the past and carefully analyze all the good and bad things in your relationship with him so that when you write to him, give convincing arguments for him about what is bad to refuse in a relationship and what good to develop. Then, in this case, says Arkan Death, you can continue the relationship, but already on a different, more positive track.
If you wait until he writes or calls you, then the bottom row says that the relationship between you will not resume.

The layout recommends that you build relationships with him, as indicated by the Arcana Strength in the top line. True, the Force adds that if you decide to build a relationship with him, then you will first have to openly explain yourself to him and only then wait for an equivalent reaction from him, i.e. frankness.
If frankness does not follow from his side, then the King of Swords in the second line recommends that you stop relations with him after the conversation.

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Pages: 1

This alignment is for those who do not know which way to go next, which option of the two to choose. The alignment describes in detail each path, what it will affect in your life and where it will lead. Divination online for free Choice - will show what will happen in your destiny if you choose one way or another. You will see the pros and cons of both options and make a decision.

Principles and rules of alignment

Before conducting an online fortune-telling Choosing a path, relax, let go of all unnecessary thoughts and formulate a question to the cards. It should sound something like this:

  • What happens if I do or don't do something?
  • To break up or not to break up with this person?
  • To agree to work in this place or refuse?

So your question should have two possible answers. After being asked a question, choose 7 cards from the deck. Maps 1,5,3 will tell you what will happen if you choose the first path. Maps 4,2,6 will tell if you choose an alternative solution. The seventh card will express its opinion on the question being asked, give you its advice.

Important! Online divination "Choice" contains key cards that serve as an important signal if they fall in one of the directions. In this case, the seventh card is not taken into account.

So the Arcana "Lovers" appears in the scenario to which you have more soul. The Wheel of Fortune shows that you have no choice. Events will develop in the direction where this card lies. Arcana "Star", "Court" and "Peace" will show you the right path.

Online option

If you do not have the time or opportunity to do the layout "live", you can try to do it online for free.

Layout scheme

Fortune-telling card layout Choosing a solution from one of two options

The meaning and interpretation of the cards

  • Cards 1, 3, 5: What happens when you choose the first option;
  • Cards 2, 4, 6: What happens when choosing the second option;
  • Seventh card: advice.
Published: 2017-10-08 , Modified: 2017-10-18 ,