Presentation "visual geometry" for elementary school. Presentation "visual teaching methods" Then another one goes around

What is a visual teaching method?

Visual teaching methods are understood as those methods in which the assimilation of educational material is significantly dependent on the visual aids and technical means (ICT) used in the learning process.

  • Observations
  • Illustrations
  • Demonstrations


This is independent work of students on assignment and under the guidance of a teacher.

Observation is distinguished by the complexity of its psychological structure, is associated with all cognitive processes, and prepares students for abstract thinking.

Observation techniques

  • demonstration-observation
  • demonstration-observation
  • notes and sketches
  • photographing and description

Illustration method

involves showing students illustrative aids, diagrams, posters, tables, paintings, maps, drawings, layouts, sketches on the board, and flat models.

Demonstration method

usually associated with the demonstration of instruments, equipment, experiments, overhead projectors, films, filmstrips, tape recorders, computer programs, presentations.

Method demonstrations

consists in showing the operation of real devices or their models, various mechanisms, technical installations, in setting up experiments and conducting experiments, in demonstrating processes (of various origins), design features, properties of materials, collections (minerals, artistic products, paintings, samples of materials, etc.) .d.).

Demonstration method

In modern conditions, special attention is paid to the use of a personal computer (PC), which significantly expands the capabilities of visual methods in the educational process.

ICT is an important link in the visual teaching method.

Modern ICTs include:

  • educational electronic manuals;
  • obtaining additional information via the Internet;
  • educational presentations;
  • multimedia aids and others.

Conditions for the effective use of visualization:

  • a) the visualization used must be appropriate for the age of the students;
  • b) visualization should be used in moderation and should be shown gradually and only at the appropriate moment in the lesson;
  • c) observation should be organized in such a way that all students can clearly see the object being demonstrated;
  • d) it is necessary to clearly highlight the main, essential things when showing illustrations;
  • e) think through in detail the explanations given during the demonstration of phenomena;
  • f) the clarity demonstrated must be precisely consistent with the content of the material;
  • g) involve the students themselves in finding the desired information in a visual aid or demonstration device.

This is a brief description of visual teaching methods, classified according to sources of knowledge. It has been repeatedly criticized in the pedagogical literature. Its main disadvantage is that this classification does not reflect the nature of students’ cognitive activity in learning, nor does it reflect the degree of their independence in academic work. Nevertheless, it is this classification that is most popular among practicing teachers.

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VISUALITY AS A MEANS OF INCREASING COGNITIVE ACTIVITY Performed by the teacher of GS(k)OSHI No. 6 VIII type in the city of Pechora, Komi Republic Chichvaga Marina Yurievna

“Nothing can be in consciousness that was not given in advance in sensation” Y.A. Komensky Visualization is the most important principle of learning, the foundation for the comprehensive development of the individual. The importance of visualization is now seen in the fact that it mobilizes the mental activity of students, expands the volume of assimilated material, reduces fatigue, trains creative imagination, facilitates the entire learning process

Information throughput of the human sense organs per unit of time The organ of hearing passes 1000 conventional units of information per unit of time. The organ of touch - 10,000 conventional units for the same unit of time. The organ of vision - 100,000, i.e. About 80% of all information about the world around us is obtained through vision.

General types of visibility Natural or natural visibility. Visual clarity (layouts, stands, various screen devices, etc.) Graphic teaching aids (posters, diagrams, tables, drawings, etc.) Verbal-figurative visibility (vivid verbal descriptions, stories) Practical demonstration of actions (performing specific practical actions during training) Internal clarity, when the learning process relies on previous experience

Multimedia presentations One of the main directions of modern education is the use of computer technology. This technology can be considered as an explanatory and illustrative teaching method, the main purpose of which is to organize students’ assimilation of information by communicating educational material and ensuring its successful perception, which is enhanced by connecting visual memory. The teacher himself can choose the form and sequence of presentation of the material, expand the content and illustrate it with both ready-made and independently made photographs, animations and video clips.

determine the purpose, time and place of using this manual in a specific lesson; develop a script and structure for presenting educational material; select and process the material in such a way as to avoid overloading; think over a simple compositional solution for slides; compose and record the narration text in advance (it must be accessible, concise and expressive); determine the location and duration of the musical accompaniment; in order to prevent visual fatigue, it is advisable to include ophthalmic training (special exercises for the eyes) in classes; think over the previous show and subsequent work of students; Stages of preparing a multimedia presentation

Rules for using visuals The visuals used must be age appropriate. Observation should be organized in such a way that all children can clearly see the demonstrated object. Even the simplest, outdated benefits cannot be ignored if they give a positive result. When using visual aids, a sense of proportion must be observed, because... A large amount of visual information on a specific material will lead to scattering of attention and the assimilation of the material will be difficult. Visual aids should be demonstrated gradually and only when they are necessary in the course of presenting the educational material. In order to concentrate students’ attention, it is necessary to guide their observations and think through explanations in detail.

Specifics of using visual teaching methods in elementary school. Currently, the principle of visibility has established itself as one of the important ones in primary education and is based on the peculiarities of children’s thinking. In younger schoolchildren, visual-figurative and visual-effective thinking predominates, requiring a mandatory visual presentation of information.

THE PYRAMID OF COGNITION clearly demonstrates the effectiveness of various teaching methods Listening (conversation) 5% Reading 10% Technical means 20% Visualization, slides 30% Practical activities 75% Group work (teach another) 90%

“When I hear, I forget, when I see, I remember, when I do, I study.” M. Montessori

Visualization in teaching has the following characteristics: it serves as the starting point, source and basis for acquiring knowledge; is a learning tool that ensures optimal assimilation of educational material and its consolidation in memory; forms the foundation for the development of creative imagination and thinking; is a criterion for the reliability of acquired knowledge; corresponds to the tendency of students to think in forms, colors, sounds, sensations; muscular-motor visualization is carried out in the form of motor formulas containing visual, motor and auditory elements.

Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4

Lesson 5

Lesson 6


Today we are going on a journey to an amazing country called GEOMETRY.

What's happened geometry?

What instruments will we be

use in lessons?

I love directness, I am direct myself. I will help you make a new feature. Draw something without me. Draw it. Guess what, friends. Who am I? -...

magic wand

I have friends.

With this stick

I can build

Tower, house and plane,

And a huge ship.

Legs are very interesting

From a mysterious friend:

If the first one is there,

Then the other one is walking around!



Look: we have opened our mouth, you can put paper in it. The paper in our mouth will split into pieces.

Guess the riddles.

In geometry, all lines are made of points. The dots are depicted by touching a pencil, and are designated capital letter of the Latin alphabet.

A - a D - de G – ge M – em P – pe T – te

B – be E – e K – ka N – en R – er X – x

C – tse F – ef L – el O – o S – es Y -igrek

Mark two points every 5 cm with a red pencil.

Mark four points every 1 cm with a blue pencil,

placing them between the red dots.

Label each point with a letter. Check:

Draw a straight line in your notebook. Remember property of a straight line: Without beginning and without end, the line is straight. Even if you walk along it for a hundred years, you will not find the end of the path.

What tools will you need?

horizontal horizontal

The arrangement of straight lines can be horizontal, vertical, or oblique.



We will call straight lines:

Add a few more straight lines to your line so that you have: vertical, horizontal and oblique lines.

Practical work No. 1

Drawing geometric shapes with your eyes

Protect your eyesight

This strange figure is, well, quite a miniature! And on a small piece of paper We will put hundreds...

It flies from the sun, breaking through the thickness of the clouds, and happens in a notebook, and is simply called...

The pen moves along the sheet along the ruler, along the edge - It turns out to be a line, called...

Draw geometric shapes

which are mentioned in the riddles:

Practical work No. 2

Mark five dots one after another with a red pencil and give them names.


What geometric shapes did you draw with a pencil?

How many triangles

shown in the picture?

What have we learned? What have we learned?

  • What does the word "geometry" mean?
  • List the tools that are needed to work in the lesson.
  • what are the straight lines?

Check yourself:

Back to task

What is the difference Ray from straight line?

Lesson 2

Geometric figures

What does the word "geometry" mean? - What does the word “geometry” mean?

  • List the tools needed for the lesson.
  • Which geometric figures You know?

The student was asked to draw

figures consisting only of segments.

What extra figures did he draw?

What beautiful flowers grew in the clearing! Tell me what shape their petals are.

Draw three flowers in your notebook

with petals of different shapes.

Which of these figures are broken lines?

Practical task No. 1

Draw the following shapes:

A) Two intersecting lines.

B) A circle and a square inside it

B) Breaking line with five links


How many squares are there in total?

Which broken line is longer?

3 cm + 1 cm + 3 cm = 7 cm

3 cm + 3 cm + 1 cm + 3 cm = 10 cm

10 cm > 7 cm


Cut out geometric shapes from colored paper and make an applique out of them.

Trust yourself:

Draw the following shapes:

A) Two intersecting lines.

B) A circle and a square inside it

B) Breaking line with five links

Back to task

Since childhood I didn’t like the oval.

I have been drawing corners since childhood...

P. Kogan

And every schoolchild understands that I really need...

Guess the riddle:


The angle can be: straight, blunt, sharp.

right angle

obtuse angle

sharp corner

He is sharp, but not a nose, And straight, but not a question, And blunt, but not a knife,

What else could it be?

Guess the riddle:


Name the angles?

Task No. 1. Draw all kinds of angles.

Task No. 2.

Draw such a figure in your notebook.

Show the vertices and sides of each angle.

Physical education minute

Protect your eyesight

Name the shapes and their angles.

At what angles do they intersect?

paths near the owl?

- What are the angles?

- What are the angles of a figure called?

Lesson 4


Quadrangle, which has all right angles, called a rectangular quadrilateral.

A rectangular quadrilateral has equal opposite sides.

Rectangular quadrilateral, which has all sides equal, called a square.

In a quadrilateral, two diagonals can be drawn from opposite corners.

  • Draw a rectangle with sides 5 cm and 3 cm.

Practical task

2. Draw diagonals in the rectangle.

Trust yourself:

How many rectangles are there in total?

Physical education minute

Protect your eyesight

Finish drawing each of these figures so as to turn it into one or another object?

Creative task:

What did you draw?

Lesson 5


Three peaks are visible here, Three corners, three sides - Well, perhaps that’s enough! - What do you see? - ...


Guess the riddle:

right triangle





Triangle and Square

Once upon a time there were two brothers:

Triangle with Square.

Senior – Square,

Good-natured, pleasant.

Junior – triangular –

Always dissatisfied.

He began to ask Kvadrat:

Why are you angry, brother?

He shouts to him:


You are fuller and wider than me.

I only have three corners

You have four of them!

But the square answered:


I’m older, I’m a Square!

I said even more tenderly:


who is more needed!

But night came, and to my brother;

Bumping into tables

The younger one climbs stealthily,

Cut corners for the elder.

As he left he said:

-I wish you pleasant dreams!

When I went to bed I was square,

And you will wake up without corners.

But the next morning little brother

I was not happy about the terrible revenge.

He looked - no Square

I was speechless... I stood there without words...

So this is revenge? Now my brother

Eight brand new corners!

Practical task

Draw one after another triangle, rectangle and square so that green triangle was between blue rectangle and a red square, and the square was in first place.

Trust yourself:

How many triangles are there in total?

Lesson 6


Perimeter is the sum of all the lengths of the sides of the polygon.

The perimeter is indicated letter of the Latin alphabet - P (pe), measured in mm, cm, dm, m, km.

What's happened perimeter?

What is the perimeter of the rectangle?

"Country Geometry"

Which kingdom has the longest border?

Find out the length of the treadmill

What shape does it have?


Who ran how far?


How many squares are there in total?

Pictures from sites:

- ;


- background;

M. I. Bashmakov, M. G. Nefedova textbook “Mathematics”,

2nd grade, 1st part, AST-Astrel, Moscow 2009.

Inna Svetlova “Form”. – M.: Eksmo-Press, 2002. Illustrations by Y. Kravets, G. Kravets

Berestovskaya Natalia Alexandrovna,

primary school teacher

MBOU secondary school No. 61, Persianovsky village,

Oktyabrsky district, Rostov region.

“There is nothing more valuable to a person than to think well”
L. Tolstoy

The main task of teaching mathematics at school is to teach students not only to count, but also to reason logically, give reasons for their statements, and prove their thoughts. Of course, few will become mathematicians after school; many will almost never apply most of the knowledge they have acquired. But everyone in their life will face a situation when they need to prove or analyze something. Teaching mathematics has its own traditions, but the task of the school is not only to impart certain knowledge to students, but also to develop their cognitive interests, creative attitude to work, the desire to independently “obtain” and enrich knowledge and skills, and apply them in their practical activities. The main work of our children is learning, and therefore it is very important to teach them to study wisely.

It is generally accepted that mathematics is one of the most difficult academic subjects; it requires students to carry out constant, painstaking and significant amounts of independent work, which is very diverse. Therefore, one of the main tasks of a mathematics teacher is the formation and development of skills in studying mathematics, elements of a culture of learning and thinking. To do this, it is necessary to study in detail the content aspect of learning and select from the whole variety of methods, forms, technologies those that will lead students to master the conceptual components of the training program, will allow them to develop students’ cognitive abilities, their activity in learning activities, and will also ensure the formation and development of communicative competencies students.

The increase in mental load in mathematics lessons makes us think about how to maintain students’ interest in the subject being studied and their activity throughout the lesson. It helps a lot to maintain interest in the subject and to improve the quality of the learning and education process in the classroom using information technology.

It is impossible to imagine our life today without a computer. Its use significantly increases the effectiveness of learning and the quality of emerging knowledge and skills. The use of computer software in mathematics lessons allows the teacher not only to diversify traditional forms of teaching, but also to solve a variety of problems, one of them is to increase the clarity of learning.

When preparing for lessons, I often create Presentations (Power Point), with the help of which I implement the principle of clarity in the classroom. Using presentations to explain new material, organize oral calculations ( Annex 1 ) gives good results. The use of presentations at the stage of updating knowledge ( Appendix 2 ) allows you to solve more problems, which makes it possible to save time in the lesson and arouses more interest among the children than working at the board, allows you to diversify the work, make it more visual, bright, and interesting.