Marshak S.Ya. presentation for a reading lesson on the topic. Presentation on the topic "Samuel Yakovlevich Marshak - for children!" Primary school teacher

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  • To expand children's knowledge about the life and work of S.Ya. Marshak.
  • Develop logical thinking, visual and auditory attention, memory and speech of children.
  • Develop conscious reading skills.
  • Cultivate interest in the work of S.Ya. Marshak, to his works.


  • multimedia,
  • presentation “Game-travel “Visiting S.Ya. Marshak”,
  • portrait of S.Ya. Marshak (1887 - 1964),
  • books,
  • collections of works by S.Ya. Marshak,
  • children's drawings for works, posters:
  1. Living with a book is a breeze.
  2. From time immemorial, a book has raised a person.
  3. A book is like water: it will make its way everywhere.
  4. A good book is your best friend.
  5. He who reads a lot knows a lot.
  6. A mind without a book is like a bird without wings.
  7. A book is a book, but move your mind.
  8. The more you learn, the stronger you will become.
  9. A smart person is not the one who talks a lot, but the one who knows a lot.
  10. It's easy to forget what you don't know.

Progress of the event

1st organizational moment

How would we live without books? Error! The bookmark is not defined. (S. Mikhalkov)

We are friends with the printed word,
If it weren't for him,
Neither old nor new
We didn't know 6 anything!

Just imagine for a moment
How would we live without books?
What would a student do?
If there were no books.

If everything disappeared at once,
What was written for children:
From magical good fairy tales
Until funny stories?..

You wanted to relieve boredom
Find the answer to the question.
He extended his hand for the book,
But it’s not on the shelf!

Your favorite book is missing -
“Chipolino”, for example,
And they ran away like boys
Robinson and Gulliver.

No, you can't imagine
For such a moment to arise
And you could have been left
All the heroes of children's books.

From the fearless Gavroche
To Timur and to Krosh -
How many of them, guys friends,
Those who want the best for us!

A brave book, an honest book,
Let there be a few pages in it,
In the whole world, as is known,
There are no boundaries.

All roads are open to her,
And on all continents
She speaks many
A variety of languages.

And she can go to any country
Through all the centuries it will pass,
Like great novels
“Quiet Don” and “Don Quixote”!

Glory to our children's book!
Swim across all the seas!
And especially Russian -
Starting with the Primer!

2. Communicating the theme and goals of the event (2nd slide)

The poems of Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak are childhood friends of all children. They accompany the child on all paths of his childhood. Having barely learned to speak, he leafs through “Children in a Cage,” repeats funny fairy tales, memorizes lines from poems at school, and sings his songs. But even an adult does not part with his favorite poet, reading poems, sonnets by foreign poets, and the lyrics of Marshak himself in his translations.

We bring to your attention a game - a journey dedicated to S.Ya. Marshak and his work. Meeting Marshak's works is a holiday for children. Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak was a faithful comrade and good friend of children all his life. He showed that with poetry you can draw colorful pictures of the world, tell entertaining and instructive stories and fairy tales, you can induce thought in a person, sympathy for misfortune, teach you to dream about the future, and work cheerfully and efficiently.

3. Acquaintance with the biography of S.Ya. Marshak (2 slide)

(Use the mouse button to scroll through the photographs of Marshak on slide 2)

Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak (1887-1964) - poet, playwright, translator, literary critic.

He was born in Voronezh into the family of a factory technician and a talented inventor. The father supported in the children the desire for knowledge, interest in the world, in people. Samuel spent his early childhood and school years in the town of Ostrogozhsk near Voronezh. At the gymnasium, the literature teacher instilled a love for classical poetry and encouraged the future poet’s first literary experiments. One of Marshak’s poetic notebooks fell into the hands of V. Stasov, a famous Russian critic and art critic, who took an active part in the fate of the young man. With the help of Stasov, he moved to St. Petersburg and entered one of the best gymnasiums. He spent whole days in the public library where Stasov worked.

In 1904, at Stasov’s house, Marshak met M. Gorky, who treated him with great interest. Gorky invited him to his dacha on the Black Sea, where Marshak received treatment, studied, read a lot, and met interesting people. When Gorky's family was forced to leave Crimea due to repression by the tsarist government after the 1905 revolution, Marshak returned to St. Petersburg. His father had moved there by that time.

Working youth began: attending classes, collaborating in magazines and almanacs.

A few years later, to complete his education, Marshak went to study in England, first at the Polytechnic, then at the University of London. During the holidays, he traveled a lot on foot around England, listening to English folk songs. Even then he began working on translations of English ballads, which later made him famous.

In 1914, Marshak returned to his homeland, worked in the provinces, and published his translations in the journals “Northern Notes” and “Russian Thought”. During the war years he was involved in helping refugee children.
From the beginning of the 1920s, he participated in the organization of orphanages in Krasnodar, created a children's theater, where his work as a children's writer began.

In 1923, returning to Petrograd, he wrote his first original fairy tales in verse - "The Tale of a Stupid Mouse", "Fire", "Mail", translated children's folk songs from English - "The House That Jack Built", etc. In addition In addition, he headed one of the first Soviet children's magazines - "New Robinson", around which talented children's writers gathered. Marshak was the first employee of M. Gorky, who created the Publishing House of Children's Literature (Detgiz).

During the Patriotic War, Marshak actively collaborated in newspapers, ridiculing the enemy in parodies, epigrams, and political pamphlets. In the post-war years, books of his poems “Military Mail”, “Tale-Fable”, and the poetic encyclopedia “A Fun Journey from A to Z” were published.

Marshak did a lot of translations of Shakespeare's sonnets and songs by R. Burns, translated poems by J. Keats, R. Kipling, W. Wadsworth and others. For translations from Robert Burns, Marshak was awarded the title of honorary citizen of Scotland.

Among Marshak's dramatic works, the fairy tale plays "Twelve Months", "Smart Things", and "Cat's House" are especially popular.

Marshak's books have been translated into many languages ​​of the world. Marshak lived a long life with tragic losses and happy, cloudless days. He wrote a lot and about a lot of things - from poetic captions under pictures to philosophical thoughts about life. He died on June 4, 1964, working until his last day.

Marshak's literary works were highly appreciated, he received many state awards and literary prizes. And yet this is not the main thing. The main thing is reader recognition, which Marshak undoubtedly has.

4. Preparing for the travel game (3 slide)

We will travel according to the Route List, where you will choose the competition yourself.

5. Riddles of S.Ya. Marshak (4 slide)

What is before us:
Two shafts behind the ears,
Before our eyes on the wheel
And the saddle on the nose? (Glasses)

She got down to business
She squealed and sang.
I ate, ate oak, oak,
Broke a tooth, tooth (Saw)

They beat him with a hand and a stick.
Nobody feels sorry for him.
Why are they beating the poor guy?
And for the fact that he is inflated! (Ball)

6. Guess the work based on the passage.

He sat down on his bed in the morning
I started putting on my shirt,
He put his hands into the sleeves -
It turned out that these were trousers...
Instead of a hat on the go
He put on a frying pan (“He’s so absent-minded”) (5 slide)

People ask:
Who is this?
And the girl says:
- This is my daughter.
People ask:
- Why does your daughter have gray cheeks?
And the girl says:
- She hasn’t washed herself for a long time (“Mustache Striped”) (6 slide)

The lady checked in her luggage:
Travel bag,
Picture, basket, cardboard
And a little dog (“Baggage”) (7 slide)

On New Year's Eve
We issued an order:
Let them bloom today
We have snowdrops!
A snowdrop is blooming in the forest,
And it’s not a blizzard that’s blowing,
And that one of you is a rebel,
Who will say: it doesn’t sweep! (“Twelve months”) (8 slide)

Bim - bom! Tili - boom!
There is a tall house in the yard.
Carved shutters,
The windows are painted.
And on the stairs there is a carpet -
Gold embroidered pattern.
On a patterned carpet
The cat comes out in the morning... (“Cat’s House”) (9 slide)

7. Which work are the objects from? (10 slide)

  1. Envelope (“Mail”)
  2. Ring (“Twelve Months”)
  3. Little Dog (“Luggage”)
  4. Kitten (“Whiskered Tabby”)
  5. Skovoroda (“He’s so absent-minded”)

8. Find out the extra animal from the fairy tale “Where did you have lunch, sparrow?” (11 slide)

Look carefully at the pictures with animals, and remember who the sparrow dined with. If you answer correctly, the extra animal will disappear. (Wolf)

9. Musical break (12 slide)

Children sing and dance to the song “We went anywhere” based on the verses of S.Ya. Marshak.

It was a cheerful day
Early spring.
We walked after school -
Me and you are with me.

Jackets wide open
Hats on one side, -
We went anywhere
On the first warm day.

We went anywhere -
Just at random
Forward and to the right,
And then back.

And then back,
And then around
And then skipping
And then run.

We wandered merrily
Me and you are with me,
Have fun back
Go home in the evening.

We parted merrily -
Why should we be sad?
Having fun with each other
Let's meet again!

10. Correct errors in the titles of works (13 slide)

  • “Kids in the Zoo” - “Kids in a Cage”
  • “Seventeen months” - “Twelve months”
  • “Where did the chair come from?” - “Where did the table come from?”
  • “A lesson in rudeness” - “A lesson in politeness”
  • “The Story of a Famous Hero” - “The Story of an Unknown Hero”
  • “Mouse House” - “Cat House”

11. Solve the crossword (14 slide)

  1. The animal with which the sparrow dined (Walrus)
  2. On which street did the absent-minded man live? (Basseynaya)
  3. Who gave the stepdaughter a ring? (month of April)
  4. The animal that sang a song to a stupid mouse (Horse)
  5. What was lost from the lady's luggage? (Doggy)
  6. What was the name of the fireman from the poem “Fire”? (Kuzma)

12. Remember “The Tale of the Stupid Mouse” (15 slide)

Remember the missing characters from the fairy tale (Toad and Pike)

13. Finish the word (slides 16-17)

“Who knocks on my door,
With a thick bag on _________ (belt),
With the number 5 on a copper plaque,
In a blue uniform__________(cap),
It is he,
It is he,

Which work are the lines from? ("Mail")

“Lena opened the door slightly -
The fire jumped off the __________ (log),
I burned the floor in front of the stove,
Climbed the tablecloth onto ________(table),
He ran over the chairs with a crash,
Crawled up _______________ (curtains),
The walls are covered in smoke,
Licks the floor and ______________(ceiling)”

Which work are the lines from? ("Fire")

14. Farewell (18 slide)

Song about books (to the tune of “Song of the Baby Mammoth”)

I’m reading a book - it’s a reliable friend!
I want to find answers to questions.
I want to find answers. (2 times.)

Let the book teach
Let the book tell the story.
Let her show us the right path in life.
After all, this doesn’t happen in the world,
May children be illiterate! (2 times last two lines)

It cannot be replaced by a computer or video camera.
Let every child see a friend in her.
After all, reading books and science are
A reliable cure for boredom.

15. Result of the event. (19-20 slides)

Our journey has now ended. And in parting, I want to say in the words of A.M. Gorky “Love Marshak, learn from him!”

“Teachers Mutual Help Community website” Full name author: Goncharova Elena Sergeevna, Position: teacher Name of institution: MBDOU - kindergarten No. 2, Balakovo Title of presentation: “Biography, family history of S.Ya. Marshak."

Slide 2

BIOGRAPHY Marshak Samuil Yakovlevich (1887 - 1964) Marshak Samuil Yakovlevich (1887 - 1964), poet, translator. Born on October 22 (November 3, current year) in Voronezh in the family of a factory technician, a talented inventor, who supported in children the desire for knowledge, interest in the world, in people. He spent his early childhood and school years in the town of Ostrogozhsk near Voronezh. At the gymnasium, the literature teacher instilled a love for classical poetry and encouraged the future poet’s first literary experiments. One of Marshak’s poetic notebooks fell into the hands of V. Stasov, a famous Russian critic and art critic, who took an active part in the fate of the young man. With the help of Stasov, he moves to St. Petersburg, studies in one of the best gymnasiums, and spends whole days in the public library where Stasov worked.

Slide 3

In 1904, at Stasov’s house, Marshak met M. Gorky, who showed great interest in him and invited him to his dacha on the Black Sea, where Marshak received treatment, studied, read a lot, and met with different people. When Gorky's family was forced to leave Crimea due to repressions by the tsarist government after the 1905 revolution, Marshak returned to St. Petersburg, where his father, who worked at a factory behind the Nevskaya Zastava, had by that time moved. Working youth began: attending classes, collaborating in magazines and almanacs. A few years later, to complete his education, Marshak went to study in England, first at the Polytechnic, then at the University of London. During the holidays, he travels a lot on foot around England, listening to English folk songs. Even then he began working on translations of English ballads, which later made him famous. In 1914 he returned to his homeland, worked in the provinces, and published his translations in the journals “Northern Notes” and “Russian Thought”. During the war years he was involved in helping refugee children. Since the early 1920s, he has been involved in the organization of orphanages in Krasnodar, creating a children's theater, in which his work as a children's writer began.

Slide 4

S.Ya. Marshak and G. Gertsovsky. 1904 S.Ya. Marshak, V.V. Stasov and G. Gertsovsky. 1904

Slide 5

Slide 6

In 1923, having returned to Petrograd, he wrote his first original fairy tales in verse - “The Tale of the Stupid Mouse”, “Fire”, “Mail”, translated children's folk songs from English - “The House That Jack Built”, etc. He heads one of the first Soviet children's magazines - "New Robinson", around which talented children's writers gather. Marshak was the first employee of M. Gorky, who created the Publishing House of Children's Literature (Detgiz). Marshak’s poems for children, his songs, riddles, fairy tales and sayings, and plays for children’s theater eventually formed the collection “Fairy Tales, Songs, Riddles,” which was reprinted several times and translated into many languages. In the 1930s he wrote the satirical pamphlet "Mr. Twister", the poem "The Story of an Unknown Hero", etc. During the Patriotic War, he actively collaborated in newspapers - his parodies, epigrams, political pamphlets ridiculed and denounced the enemy. In the post-war years, books of poems “Military Mail”, “Fable-Tale”, and a poetic encyclopedia “A Fun Journey from A to Z” were published. He does a lot of translations of Shakespeare's sonnets and R. Burns' songs, translates poems by J. Keats, R. Kipling, W. Wadsworth and others.

Slide 7

Among Marshak's dramatic works, the fairy tale plays "Twelve Months", "Smart Things", and "Cat's House" are especially popular. In 1961, a collection of articles “Education with Words” was published - the result of the writer’s extensive creative experience. In 1963, “Selected Lyrics,” the writer’s last book, was published. S. Marshak died on July 4, 1964 in Moscow. Monument at the grave of Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak.

Slide 8

Relatives and friends Sofia Mikhailovna Marshak (Milvidskaya), wife of S.Ya. Marshak. Moses Yakovlevich Marshak, elder brother of S.Ya. Marshak. Ilya Yakovlevich Marshak, younger brother of S.Ya. Marshak.

Slide 9

S.Ya.Marshak lived in this house for 11 years

Slide 10

On April 11, 2010, the documentary film was shown on the “Culture” TV channel: “Samuel Marshak. An Ordinary Genius” Directed by Irina Firsova.

Slide 11

Bas-relief Photo by A. Marshak. Memorial plaque on the house where Marshak lived

Slide 12

Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak is a great poet, playwright, translator, creator of great poetry for little ones, author of numerous stories and fairy tales for children. S. Ya. Marshak enriched Russian literature with translations of the best works of the peoples of the former Soviet Union and foreign literature. S. Ya. Marshak is a great artist of words. Following the traditions of classical and folk poetry, he had an excellent mastery of words and verse technique, and created poignant plots and bright, laconic images. His children remember his books all their lives.

Slide 13

Links to photographic material: Slide No. Links 2 slide 3 slide 4 slide 5 slide 6 slide files/u1577966/marshak_550x550.jpg 7 slide 8 slide 9 slide http:/ / 10 slide 11 slide /college/college01.htm 12 slide

Slide 14

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Slide captions:

Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak What are your poems about? - I don’t know, brother. Read them when the hunt comes. Living poems speak themselves, And they don’t talk about something, but something.

Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak (1887-1964) Russian poet; translator; playwright; literary critic.

Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak was born on November 22, 1887 in the Voronezh province, 125 years old

The works of Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak were published for the first time in 1907. These were lyrical poems and translations. Samuil Yakovlevich is rightfully considered a master of literary translation, a wonderful playwright and one of the creators of children's literature.

It all started when Marshak was only 4 years old, even then he tried to compose poetic lines. At the age of 12, Samuil Yakovlevich wrote entire poems.

Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak was a good friend of children all his life. In his works, he taught children to rejoice in the beauty of the poetic word. He showed that verses can be used to tell entertaining and instructive stories and fairy tales.

The first children's book by Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak was called “Children in a Cage” and was published in 1923.

At creative meetings, Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak loved to read his poems to children. His popularity can rival only that of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky.

Pushkin will not be offended! Once Samuel Yakovlevich Marshak jokingly asked his five-year-old son: “Whose fairy tales do you like better - mine or Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin’s?” The boy didn’t answer at first. Then Samuil Yakovlevich said: “You can freely express your opinion, since “Pushkin will not be offended.” The boy apparently understood the joke, thought a little more and said: “Then you will be offended.” From the memoirs of Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak


Abaimova, primary school teacher

Elena MOU-secondary school No. 47

Mikhailovna, Belgorod

Explanatory note

Presentation “On the life and work of S. Ya. Marshak.”

A presentation has been prepared for a literary reading lesson (3rd grade, “Primary school of the 21st century”).

Goal: to prepare students for active educational and cognitive activities in the introductory lesson on the topic “Works of S. Ya. Marshak. Native language lesson."

The presentation consists of 23 slides. The texts on the slides are read by students, the teacher monitors the literate and correct reading. On slides 2, 3, 8 you can give a short commentary on the meaning of the words.

Comment on slide 2:

TRANSLATOR. Specialist in translations from one language to another.

PLAYWRIGHT . Writer - author of dramatic works.

CRITIC. Specialist engaged in criticism (in 3 values) Literary degree, musical degree, theater degree.

Comment on slide 3:

PROVINCE . Basic administrative-territorial unit. In Russia from the beginning of the 18th century, in the USSR until 1929, now in Finland. (Moscow province, Kostroma province)

Comment on slide 8:

MEAN. To assume in someone's thoughts, to mean something without expressing it.

RELATIONSHIP.A mutual relationship between someone or something.

Triggers are applied on slide 5. You need to hover your cursor over the photo (first the top one, then the bottom one) and click on it.

Control buttons will help you work with the presentation.

The photo album of the Marshak family (7 – 22 slides) is commented by the teacher.

The duration of the show is 5-10 minutes (this depends on the selection of children in the class).

Information sources:

Marshak is a friend of children !

Marshak Samuel Yakovlevich 1887-1964

  • Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak - famous children's poet, translator, d playwright, editor, critic.
  • Born on November 22, 1887 in the Voronezh province in the family of a factory technician and a talented inventor.
  • At the age of 4 he tried to compose lines of poetry.

At the gymnasium, the literature teacher instilled a love for classical poetry, encouraged the future poet’s first literary experiments and considered him a talented child.

At 12 years old Samuel Marshak wrote entire poems.

S.Ya.Marshak traveled a lot around the world and in our country. During the Great Patriotic War, he could often be seen speaking with his poems to front-line soldiers.

  • Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak was a good friend of children all his life.
  • In his works, he taught children to rejoice in the beauty of the poetic word. He showed that verses can be used to tell entertaining and instructive stories and fairy tales.

First book

"Children in a Cage"

released in 1923.

His works for children are short stories in verse.

Translations of English children's poetry:






In 1923, Marshak became the editor of the children's magazine "Sparrow", and then the editor of the children's department of the book publishing house.

In the editorial office, where “Marshak was both the conductor and the first violin,” poems, stories, and fairy tales were born, written especially for the children by Zhitkov, Bianchi and many others. Marshak “advised, read aloud, quarreled, demanded, insisted and persuaded.”

He wrote critical notes and articles. For example, “The Power of Life” (about M. Prishvin)

Marshak was awarded

Order of Lenin, 1939

Stalin Prize 1942, 1946, 1949

Order of the Patriotic War, 1st class, 1945

Lenin Prize, 1963

Order of the Red Banner of Labor

Wishes friends

Wish to you blossom , grow , Save up , fasten health . It For distant ways - The most important thing condition . Let every day And every hour To you new will get . Let kind will mind at you , A heart smart will . To you from souls Wish I , Friends , Total good . A All good , Friends , Given us not cheap !

WITH . Marshak

From a family photo album Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak

S.Marshak Saint Petersburg 1909

Yakov Mironovich Marshak


Evgenia Borisovna Marshak


  • S.Ya. Marshak (left) - student of the Ostrogozh gymnasium with a friend 1900

  • S.Ya. Marshak (right) with his older brother

Moisey Yakovlevich Marshak

Summer 1905

  • S.Ya. Marshak (front left) - student of the Yalta Men's Gymnasium - among his comrades 1906

  • S.Ya. Marshak with his father and brothers. Standing (from left to right): Samuil Yakovlevich and Ilya Yakovlevich.

Sitting: Yakov Mironovich and Moisey Yakovlevich 1910

Sofia Mikhailovna Marshak


  • From left to right: sister S.Ya. Marshaka Susanna, daughter Nathanel, wife Sofia, S.Ya. Marshak


Immanuel Samoilovich Marshak son

House on Chkalovskaya

  • Most of Samuil Yakovlevich’s life is connected with Moscow.
  • A memorial plaque installed on house No. 14/16 on Chkalov Street, where he lived and worked, reminds of this.


Volynkina Elena Aleksandrovna primary school teacher, highest category About the life and work of S. Ya. Marshak for primary school students State budgetary educational institution of the Samara region secondary school “Educational Center” p. Aleksandrovka municipal district Kinel-Cherkassky Samara region

Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak (1887-1964) Russian poet; translator; playwright; literary critic.

Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak was born on November 22, 1887 in the Voronezh province into the family of a factory technician and a talented inventor.

The works of Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak were published for the first time in 1907. These were lyrical poems and translations. Samuil Yakovlevich is rightfully considered a master of literary translation, a wonderful playwright and one of the creators of children's literature.

It all started when Marshak was only 4 years old, even then he tried to compose poetic lines. At the age of 12, Samuil Yakovlevich wrote entire poems.

Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak was a good friend of children all his life. In his works, he taught children to rejoice in the beauty of the poetic word. He showed that verses can be used to tell entertaining and instructive stories and fairy tales.

The first children's book by Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak was called “Children in a Cage” and was published in 1923. His works for children are short stories in verse. It is unlikely that there will be a child today who is unfamiliar with the work of Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak.

The poet wrote his first children's poems about the little ones and for the little ones. The heroes of many works by Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak are animals. When talking about them, the writer implies the actions of people and the relationships between them.

At creative meetings, Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak loved to read his poems to children. His popularity can rival only that of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky.

S. Marshak St. Petersburg 1909 From the photo album of the family of Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak

S.Ya. Marshak (left in the top row) with family and friends 1906

Yakov Mironovich Marshak father Evgenia Borisovna Marshak mother

S.Ya. Marshak (left) - student of the Ostrogozh gymnasium with a friend 1900

S.Ya. Marshak (right) with his older brother Moisei Yakovlevich Marshak Summer 1905

S.Ya. Marshak (front left) - student of the Yalta Men's Gymnasium - among his comrades 1906

S.Ya. Marshak with his father and brothers. Standing (from left to right): Samuil Yakovlevich and Ilya Yakovlevich. Seated: Yakov Mironovich and Moses Yakovlevich 1910

Sofia Mikhailovna Marshak wife

From left to right: sister S.Ya. Marshaka Susanna, daughter Nathanel, wife Sofia, S.Ya. Marshak Finland 1915

Immanuel Samoilovich Marshak son

Pushkin will not be offended! Once Samuel Yakovlevich Marshak jokingly asked his five-year-old son: “Whose fairy tales do you like better - mine or Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin’s?” The boy didn’t answer at first. Then Samuil Yakovlevich said: “You can freely express your opinion, since “Pushkin will not be offended.” The boy apparently understood the joke, thought a little more and said: “Then you will be offended.” From the memoirs of Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak

House on Chkalovskaya Most of Samuil Yakovlevich’s life is connected with Moscow. A memorial plaque installed on house No. 14/16 on Chkalov Street, where he lived and worked, reminds of this.

Sources of information: - biography and photo album of S. Ya. Marshak monument on Marshak’s grave - photo by S. Ya. Marshak - photo by S. Ya. Marshak http:// - wife of S. Ya. Marshak S. M. Marshak - photo archive of family S. Y. Marshak Ozhegov S. I. Dictionary of the Russian language: 70,000 words / Ed. N. Yu. Shvedova. - 22nd ed., ster. - M., Rus. language, 1990 - pictures corners - pictures corners - photo by S. Ya. Marshak marshak/52380345_orig.jpg - drawing “Dad and Son” - S. Ya. Marshak, 1927 /molodost16.jpg - photo with father and brothers - S.Ya. Marshak. Ostrogozhsk, 1899 - S.Ya. Marshak with family and friends. 1906 - S.Ya. Marshak. 1889 - S.Ya. Marshak, a student at the Ostrogozhskaya gymnasium, with a friend. - S.Ya. Marshak with his older brother Moses Yakovlevich - S.Ya. Marshak, a student at the Yalta Men's Gymnasium, is among his comrades.