The story of a real person problems of the work. Analysis of the work and reviews: "The Story of a Real Man". Hospital treatment

One of the central problems of The Story of a Real Man is patriotism. The author, who went from beginning to end throughout the war and was one of the first journalists who saw the death camps, knew that love for the Motherland does not lie in high words. They do things in her name.

date of creation

Analysis of "The Story of a Real Man" should begin with the fact that the work was written in 1946. In the difficult post-war times, this book shamed the faint-hearted and helped to become stronger, it brought back to life those who despaired. Polevoy wrote his story in just nineteen days, when he was a special correspondent at the Nuremberg trials. After the publication of the work, thousands of letters were sent to the editorial office of the magazine from people who did not remain indifferent to the fate of the pilot Meresiev.

This book is amazing not only because it is read in different countries, but also because it helped many people in difficult times, taught them courage. In the work, the author clearly shows how, in the all-destructive conditions of war, an ordinary person showed real heroism, courage and moral endurance. B. Polevoy tells with admiration how Alexey stubbornly achieves his goal. Overcoming terrible pain, hunger and loneliness, he does not give in to despair and chooses life instead of death. This hero's willpower is admirable.

Meeting with the hero

Continuing the analysis of The Story of a Real Man, it should be noted that the work is based on the biography of a real person. Pilot Maresyev was shot down in the territory occupied by the enemy. With damaged feet, he made his way through the forest for a long time and got to the partisans. Without both legs, he got back into line in order to do as much as possible for his country, sit down at the wheel again, win again.

During the war, Boris Polevoy went to the front as a correspondent. In the summer of 1943, the military commander met a pilot who shot down two enemy fighters. They talked until late in the evening, Polevoy stayed overnight in his dugout and was awakened by a strange knock. The writer saw that from under the bunk where the pilot lay, one could see someone's legs in officer's boots.

The military commander instinctively reached for the pistol, but heard the fervent laugh of his new acquaintance: "These are my prostheses." Polevoy, who had seen a lot during the two years of the war, instantly lost sleep. The military commander wrote down a story behind the pilot, which is impossible to believe. But it was true - from beginning to end: the hero of this story - the pilot Maresyev - was sitting in front of him. In his story, the author changed one letter in the hero's surname, since this is still an artistic image, not a documentary one.

Air battle

We continue our analysis of The Story of a Real Man. The narration in the work is conducted on behalf of the author. The story about the hero-pilot opens with a description of the winter landscape. From the very first lines one can feel the tension of the situation. The forest is restless and anxious: the stars sparkled coldly, the trees froze in a daze, the "biting of wolves" and "barking of foxes" are heard. A man's groan was heard in the languid silence. The bear, raised from the den by the roar of a close battle, crunched over the strong crust and headed towards the human figure "driven into the snow."

The pilot lay in the snow and recalled the last battle. Let's continue our analysis of The Tale of a Real Man by describing the details of the battle: Alexey "rushed like a stone" to the enemy's plane and "hit" with machine-gun bursts. The pilot did not even watch the plane “hit the ground”, he attacked the next aircraft and, “having laid down the Junkers,” set the next target, but hit the “double pincers”. The pilot managed to escape from under their convoy, but his plane was hit.

From the episode of the air battle it is clear that Meresiev is a brave and courageous man: he shot down two enemy planes and, having no ammunition, again rushed into battle. Alexei is an experienced pilot, because "ticks" are the worst thing that can happen in an air battle. Alexei still managed to escape.

Fight with the bear

We continue our analysis of The Tale of a Real Man by Polevoy with an episode of the pilot's fight with a bear. Meresiev's plane fell into the forest, the treetops softened the blow. Alexei "vomited out of the seat" and, sliding along the tree, he fell into a huge snowdrift. After the pilot realized that he was alive, he heard someone breathing. Thinking that they were Germans, he did not move. But when I opened my eyes, I saw a big, hungry bear in front of me.

Meresiev was not taken aback: he closed his eyes, and it was worth "great efforts" to suppress the desire to open them, when the beast "tore with its claws" his overalls. Alexei put his hand in his pocket with a "slow" movement and felt the pistol grip. The bear pulled the jumpsuit even harder. And at that moment, when the beast grabbed the overalls with its teeth for the third time, pinching the pilot's body, overcoming the pain, he pulled the trigger at the moment when the animal pulled him out of the snowdrift. The beast was dead.

“The tension subsided,” and Alexei felt such intense pain that he lost consciousness. From this episode it is clear that Meresiev is a strong-willed man: he gathered all his will into a fist and withstood a mortal battle with a wild beast.

A thousand steps

Alexei tried to get up, but pain pierced his entire body so that he screamed. Both feet were broken and the legs were swollen. Under normal conditions, the pilot would not even try to stand on them. But he was alone in the forest, behind enemy lines, so he decided to go. With the first movement, the pain in my head made a noise. He had to stop every few steps.

We continue our analysis of The Story of a Real Man. Boris Polevoy dedicated several chapters of the work to the story of how his hero bravely endured hunger, cold, and unbearable pain. The desire to live and fight further gave him strength.

To ease the pain, he turned his attention to counting. The first thousand steps were hard for him. After another five hundred steps, Alexei began to get confused and could not think of anything but burning pain. I stopped after a thousand, then after five hundred steps. But on the seventh day, his wounded legs refused to obey him. Alexey could only crawl. He ate the bark and buds of trees, since the cans of canned meat did not last long.

Along the way, he met traces of battle and the cruelty of the invaders. Sometimes his strength completely left him, but hatred of the invaders and the desire to beat them to the last forced him to crawl further. On the way, Alexei was warmed by memories of a distant home. Once, when it seemed that he could not even raise his head, he heard the roar of aircraft in the sky and thought: “There! To the guys. "


Without feeling his legs, Alexei crawled on. Suddenly I saw a moldy rusk. Biting his teeth into him, he thought that there must be partisans somewhere nearby. Then he heard the crackling of branches and someone's agitated whisper. He fancied Russian speech. Crazy with joy, he jumped to his feet with the last of his strength and fell to the ground, losing consciousness.

Further analysis of the work "The Story of a Real Man" shows that the inhabitants of the village of Plavni selflessly came to the aid of the pilot. They fled from the German-occupied village and settled in dugouts in the forest, which they all dug together. They settled in brigades, preserving the "collective farm customs": suffering from hunger, they carried "into the common dugout" everything that they had left after the flight, and took care of the "public cattle".

A third of the settlers died of starvation, but the residents supplied the wounded pilot with the last one: the woman brought a "bag of semolina", and Fedyunka noisily "sucks in saliva", looking greedily at the "lumps of sugar". Grandmother Vasilisa brought the only chicken for "her own" pilot of the Red Army. When Meresiev was found, he was a "real shkelet". Vasilisa brought him chicken soup, looked at him "with infinite pity," and said not to thank him: "Mine are also at war."

Newspaper article

Meresiev was so weak that he did not notice the absence of Mikhaila's grandfather, who reported the "foundling" to his own. For Alexey his friend Degtyarenko flew in, counted that Alexey had been in the forest without food for eighteen days. He also said that they were already expected at the Moscow hospital. On the airfield, while waiting for the ambulance plane, he saw his colleagues and told the doctor that he wanted to stay here in the hospital. Meresiev, no matter what, wanted to be back in line.

Before the operation, he "grew cold and shrank", Alexei was scared and his eyes "widened with horror." After the operation, he lay motionless and looked at one point on the ceiling, "did not complain", but "lost weight and wasted." A pilot who lost his legs, he thought he was missing. To fly is to live and fight the Motherland. And the meaning of life has disappeared, the desire to live has also disappeared: "Was it worth crawling?" - Alexey thought.

He was brought back to life by the attention and support of Commissar Vorobyov, the professor and the people who surrounded him in the hospital. Seriously wounded himself, the commissioner treated everyone with care and attention. He instilled faith in people and awakened interest in life. Once he gave Alexei an article to read about the pilot of the First World War, who did not want to leave the army after losing a foot. He stubbornly engaged in gymnastics, invented a prosthesis and returned to duty.

Back in line

Alexey had a goal - to become a full-fledged pilot. Meresiev, with the same persistence with which he crawled out to his own, began to work on himself. Alexey followed all the doctor's instructions, forced himself to eat and sleep more. He came up with his own gymnastics, which he complicated. Ward comrades teased him, the exercises brought unbearable pain. But he, biting his lips to blood, studied.

When Meresiev sat at the wheel, his eyes filled with tears. Instructor Naumenko, learning that Alexei has no legs, said: "Dear, you don't know what kind of MAN you are!" Alexey returned to the sky and continued to fight. Courage, endurance and immeasurable love for the Motherland helped him return to life. To complete the analysis of "The Tale of a Real Man" by B. Polevoy I would like the words of the regiment commander Meresiev: "With such a people you will not lose a war."

Often, the feedback left about it helps to understand the meaning, meaning and ideological concept of a work. “The Story of a Real Man” is a book written by the famous Soviet writer B. Polev in 1946. The narrative is based on real storythat happened to the pilot Alexei Maresyev. This book tells about the difficult struggle of the hero not only for his physical survival, but also for moral dignity, the honor of a soldier and the right to fight in the army, despite the terrible injuries. The work was so popular that the next year the screen version of the same name was released on the screens of the country, which doubled the interest in this amazing story.

About joining

Reviews show how much the readers liked the essay. "The Story of a Real Man" is an expanded canvas about the formation of a personality, overcoming obstacles, about an unbending will and a stubborn desire to achieve a set goal in the name of justice. This is how lovers of the writer's creativity characterize the ideological concept of the book. In their opinion, the first part, describing the inhuman efforts made by the pilot to preserve his life in an enemy environment in a wild forest, turned out to be especially vital and at the same time terrible in its persuasiveness. This chapter, according to some users, strikes with the brutal truth and terrifying picture of war.

Opinions on the hero's struggle

Reviews will help prepare a school lesson on the work in question. The Story of a Real Man is a book half of which is devoted to Meresiev's stubborn struggle for life after his plane was shot down and he found himself alone in the forest, not far from the front line, risking every minute of being noticed by enemies. All readers claim that the author managed to convey not only the physical suffering of the character, but also his moral experiences.

Some readers pay attention to the similarity between Meresiev and the hero of J. London's story "Love for Life", who also literally wrested victory from death with his last strength. The Soviet pilot showed remarkable courage and tremendous when, literally turning into half-corpses, he managed to crawl to the hut of the Soviet partisans. The fans of this work were most impressed by those scenes in which the specific actions taken by the hero to save himself are shown, as evidenced by the reviews. The Story of a Real Man is a book dedicated to the pilot's struggle with nature and himself, which is its enduring significance.

About the second part

Those who got acquainted with the work in question agree that the author was especially good at conveying the state of mind of the pilot during the recovery period. He was greatly influenced by his comrades in the hospital ward. Their fate turned out to be inextricably linked with Meresiev, who found solace in communication with them. The work "The Story of a Real Man", reviews of which show the persistence of readers' interest in this story, shows the hard psychological struggle that the hero had to endure in order to find the desire to live in himself again. In this part, we learn about his worries about the bride Olga, to whom he is afraid to confess his tragedy. The fact is that his legs were cut off, as the doctors were unable to stop the gangrene. In the end, Meresiev, under the influence of his new comrades, begins to gradually learn to walk again. According to readers, this detailed psychological analysis of the stubborn inner struggle with oneself is key scenes throughout the work.

About the fourth part

Review of the book "The Story of a Real Man" shows that this work has not lost its significance in our days. Users claim that the author was able to convincingly and plausibly show the new formation of his hero, not so much physically as spiritually. Readers especially liked those scenes in which Meresiev, already without legs and using prostheses, learned to dance in order to finally get rid of stiffness. According to them, it was in this episode that Polevoy showed the real character of the pilot. "The Story of a Real Man," reviews of which testify to how much the author was able to touch the feelings of his readers, ends with a description of the heroic deeds of the character after he returned to aviation.

About war

According to users, his letters to Olga became an indicator of the hero's full return to life. It is from the correspondence with her that we learn about his state of mind and mood. Love for her inspires him to engage in new and new battles with opponents. In one such battle, he not only managed to escape from a terrible chase, but also to save his wingman. Readers note the touchingness of the moment when the pilot felt like a full-fledged fighter again and finally decided to write the whole truth to the bride, which he did not dare to do before.

municipal budgetary educational institution

"Verkhnederevenskaya secondary school"

Lgovsky district, Kursk region


on the topic

"The word" real "

in the story by B.Poleic

"The Story of a Real Man"


9th grade student

Sinyakova Victoria


Taldykina E.A.

S. Vyshnie Derevenki - 2016


Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………… .3

2. The lexical meaning of the word "real" in "The Story of a Real Man" by Boris Polevoy ………………………………………………………………………………… 6

2.1. The history of the creation of the "Story of a Real Man" …………………………… .6

2.2. The story about Alexey Maresyev …………………………………………………… 6

2.3. Lexical analysis of the word "real" ………………………………………… .9

Conclusion …………………………………………………………………………… 12

Used literature …………………………………………………………… 13


“Falling, the plane touched the tops of the pines ... The car fell apart, but a moment earlier Alexei Meresiev was thrown out of the seat, thrown into the air, and, falling on a broad-shouldered century-old spruce, he slipped along the branches into a deep snowdrift ... He ... felt a sharp, burning pain in feet and ... lost consciousness ... "This is an excerpt from" The Tale of a Real Man "by Boris Polevoy. The story of a pilot who overcame unthinkable suffering and, having lost both legs, managed to return to the fighter aircraft to fight the fascist aces. This has never happened in history. Everything told in this story is based on an actual event. Boris Nikolaevich Polevoy wrote about this.

In our country there were and are many wonderful poets and writers who have devoted their work to military topics. True, they are becoming less and less. But our knowledge of those tragic and great days still cannot be considered complete and complete. Boris Polevoy's creativity in the field of military subjects occupies a special place.

Since the beginning of the war, Polevoy has been working as a war correspondent on the Kalinin Front, being in the hottest spots.

Boris Polevoy was present at the Nuremberg trials, at which the fascist leaders were tried. Returning from the tribunal session after the interrogation of Hermann Goering, Polevoy conceived a story about the Russian character, about which the hardened Hitler wolf, cornered by the questions of the Soviet prosecutor, spoke with bewilderment and even involuntary respect that day. Boris Polevoy opened his diary, where the story of the legless pilot was recorded, took a pen and began to write "The Story of a Real Man" ...

This book has an amazing destiny. Not only because The Story of a Real Man is loved by the reader (it has been published more than a hundred times), it is also dear to the writer because it helped many people in difficult times and taught them courage.

These were not easy years for the Soviet people, when the story of B. Polevoy came to readers in unsettled houses, in libraries housed in temporary premises, in families where they bitterly grieved for those who had not returned from the war. Everyone needed this book: both a young man leaving school, and a veteran who had old wounds ached during sleepless nights.

As soon as the story appeared in the magazine, letters were sent to B. Polevoy from everywhere. Hundreds, thousands of letters from strangers and close people, from front-line soldiers, from women, from young people. Then newspapers and magazines will publish articles and studies devoted to the legendary history of Alexei Meresiev, but the first letters from readers, artless and grateful, often streaked with maternal tears, remained the most precious for the writer.

It's hard to say anything new about the legendary book. Critics seem to have said everything about him. But every day, when someone first opens its pages, mentally finds for themselves something new, not yet expressed before him.

Objective of the project:

find out the lexical meaning of the word "real" in the title of the story by B. Polevoy


The lexical meaning of the word "real" in the story of B. Polevoy is interpreted as "real, genuine, genuine".

Object of study - the story of Boris Polevoy "The Story of a Real Man"

Subject of study - the word "real"

Project objectives:

    Systematize theoretical material by studying certain literature on a given topic;

    Find the word "real" in the work, find out the meaning of the word in this context;

    Compare the meaning of the words "real" in the course of work and identify the frequently used meaning of the word "real" in the story.

Methods and techniques: study and analysis of literature, comparison, analysis of the data obtained.

2. The word "real" in "The Story of a Real Man" by Boris Polevoy.

2.1. The history of the creation of the "Tale of a Real Man"

Boris Polevoy accomplished a literary feat. Probably, he had been preparing for it all his life, the whole war. Because from the very first lines of the reporter's lines the conviction was ripening in him that if it was worth picking up the pen, it was only in order to write about the feat in the name of the Motherland.

The history of the creation of "The Tale of a Real Man" is as follows: during the Great Patriotic War, writer B. Polevoy at one of the sectors of the Bryansk front met fighter pilot Alexei Maresyev, about whom he was told that he was the best pilot of the regiment.

Maresyev invited the writer to spend the night in a dugout. On this day, the pilot made 7 sorties and shot down 2 enemy aircraft.

The writer did not know that Alexey has no legs, but walks on prostheses. And when Alexei undressed in the dugout and took off his prostheses, the writer was terribly amazed. Subsequently to the story, the author writes: "Something heavy crashed on the floor. I looked around and saw something that I myself did not believe. He left his feet on the floor. A legless pilot. A fighter pilot! A pilot who just flew 7 sorties today and shot down 2 enemy aircraft! It seemed absolutely incredible. "

In response to the writer's amazement, Maresyev said: "... if you want, I will tell you the whole story with my legs."

2.2. The story of Alexei Maresyev.

Childhood and youth

Alexey Maresyev was born in. At the age of three he was left without a father. Mother, Ekaterina Nikitichna, worked as a cleaner at a woodworking plant and raised three sons - Peter, Nikolai, Alexei.

After graduating from school in the city of Maresyev, Alexey Petrovich received the specialty of a metal turner at a school at a sawmill and began his career there. Twice he submitted documents to the flight school, but they were returned, since in childhood Alexei suffered a very severe form of malaria, which undermined his healthand led to rheumatism. Mother and neighbors did not believe that A.P. Maresyev would become a pilot. The Kamyshinsky district committee of the Komsomol sends him for construction. Here, on the job, Alexey is engaged in the flying club.

In drafted into the army. At the beginning he served in the 12th airborne frontier detachment on the island, then was sent to the 30th Chita school of military pilots, which in 1938 he was transferred to Bataysk, he graduated in, receiving the rank of junior lieutenant. After graduating from college, he was left there as an instructor. In the same place, in, I met the war.

Participation in the Great Patriotic War

In August 1941, sent to V. The first Maresyev took place in the area.

In March 1942 he was transferred to. By this time, the pilot had 4 shot down German aircraft. in the area of \u200b\u200bthe so-called () during the operation to cover the bombers in a battle with the Germans, his plane was shot down, and Alexei himself was seriously wounded. He made an emergency landing in the territory occupied by the Germans. For eighteen days, a pilot wounded in the legs, first on crippled legs, and then crawling to the front line, feeding on tree bark, cones and berries. The first to notice him were his father and son from the village of Plav, Kislovsky village council. Due to the fact that the pilot did not respond to the questions ("Are you German?"), The father and son returned to the village out of fear. Then the boys from the same village, Seryozha Malin and Sasha Vikhrov, discovered the barely living pilot. Sasha's father took Alexey on a cart to his house.

For more than a week, the collective farmers took care of Maresyev. I needed health care, but there was no doctor in the village. In early May, a manned plane landed near the village, and Maresyev was sent to, to the hospital.

The pilot's son Viktor Maresyev recalled in an interview with the newspaper "": his father said that in the hospital he was already lying on a gurney on the way to the morgue. Professor Terebinsky passed by the dying Maresyev; he asked: "And what lies here?" They took off the sheet from Maresyev and said: "And this is a young lieutenant with gangrene." Then Terebinsky ordered: "Come on to the operating table, he's alive!" Doctors were forced to Maresyev both legs in the area, but saved his life.

While still in the hospital, Alexey Maresyev began to train, preparing to fly with. Training continued in, where he was sent in September 1942. At the beginning of 1943, he passed a medical examination and was sent to.

In February he made the first test flight after being wounded. I got sent to the front. In June 1943 he arrived at. The regiment commander did not let Alexei go on combat missions, since the situation in the sky the day before was extremely tense. Alexey was worried. The commander sympathized with him and took him with him on a combat mission. After several successful flights, paired with Numerical, confidence in Maresyev increased.

On July 20, 1943, Alexei Maresyev, during an air battle with superior enemy forces, saved the lives of 2 Soviet pilots and shot down two enemy fighters covering the bombers at once. The military glory of Maresyev spread throughout the 15th Air Army and along the entire front. The regiment was frequented by correspondents, among them was the future author of the book "".

On August 24, 1943, Senior Lieutenant A.P. Maresyev, deputy squadron commander of the 63rd Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment, was awarded the title for saving the lives of two pilots and shooting down two German fighters. Gold Star No. 1102.

In 1944, Maresyev agreed with the proposal to become an inspector-pilot and move from a combat regiment to the management of the Air Force Universities.

In total, during the war, he flew 86 sorties, shot down 11 enemy aircraft: four before being wounded and seven after being wounded.

2.3. Lexical analysis of the word "real"

In the course of work on the lexical analysis of the word "real", we turned to the "Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language" S.I. Ozhegova. The word "real" is interpreted in 6 dictionary entries. It:

    The current one taking place at this time.

    This, given.

    Genuine, valid, genuine.

    Really what it should be; representing the best example, the ideal of anything.

    Completely authentic to anyone, anything.

    Reality existing now, now

In the course of reading the story, sentences were noted in which the word "real" is used and, based on the context, a lexical interpretation was given to it. For instance:

"In timefor real Alexey drew attention to his legs. "(The reality is now, now).

“In this half-asleep Alexei recalled the life of the dugout in scraps, as if it were notreal life, and on the screen flashed before him. "(The reality that exists now, now).

“And now, from the lips of this young, big-eyed woman, they flew out colored, with such a feeling, and so much big and un-songed in them, andreal female melancholy that Alexei immediately felt the full depth of the melodies and realized how Varya yearns for the mighty oak.

"A pilotfor real I believed that this black, old man is really like no one Aleksey Meresiev. "(Genuine, valid, genuine)

“The major took off his fur glove and shook Alexey's hand.

Freak, you need to be treated seriouslyfor real". (Genuine, valid, genuine)

“Only when his stretcher was fixed in the special nests of the plane and he caught the gaze of the“ meteorological sergeant, ”hefor real I understood the meaning of the words that escaped the girl's whitened lips between two bursts. "

“All his aspirations in life, all his worries, joys, all his worries, joys, plans for the future and all of hispresent success in life - all of this is associated with aviation.

“Uncle senior lieutenant ... - said, all straining, like a runner at the start before a dash. - Uncle, what kind of legs do you have -real or wooden. You are disabled.(Genuine, valid, genuine).

“And I'm not lying. To fail me, honest pioneer - wooden! I tell you notreal , and wooden, - Vitamin justified.(Genuine, valid, genuine).

“Here is your Grisha - this is really a hero!” Alexei interrupted her and saw how the girl continued to emphasize “your”, “you”. You have itpresent person.(Genuine, valid, genuine).

"He waspresent man, major, Bolshevik. God bless you and me to become like that.(Indeed such as it should be, representing the best example, the ideal of something).

“From the next day Meresiev began to train separately. He worked not only with perseverance, as then, he learned to walk, run, dance. He was overwhelmedthe present inspiration".(The present, currently occurring).

“After that, will he decide to fight, fly, live, or they will forever give way to him on the tram, see him off with a sympathetic look. Therefore, every minute of these long and at the same time short twenty-eight days must be a struggle to becomereal ... (Genuine, valid, genuine).


Thus, in the course of our research, we made the following conclusion: the word "real" in the "Tale of a Real Man" by Boris Nikolaevich Polevoy is often used in the meaning of "genuine, real, genuine." The writer slightly changed the name of the pilot, gave names to his comrades and titled the book "The Story of a Real Man" because Alexey Maresyev is a real man, genuine, real. So, our hypothesis was confirmed.

Used Books

    wikipedia. org/ wiki/ Maresyev Alexey Petrovich

In 1946, "The Story of a Real Man" was published from the pen of Boris Nikolaevich Polevoy. This is one of those stories that are usually told to completely desperate people. Analysis of the "Story of a Real Man" will show that nothing is impossible and it is not so easy to break a person who has faith in himself and the desire to live in spite of everything.

What will the story be about?

The plot of "The Story of a Real Man" BN Polevoy is based on real events that happened to the pilot Alexei Maresyev, Hero Soviet Union... During the Great Patriotic War, in one of the air battles, his plane was shot down. The pilot received serious injuries, due to which his legs were amputated in the hospital. For many, such a turn would be the end of everything, but Alexei did not give up. Thanks to his tenacity and unbending willpower, he not only did not despair, but returned to the ranks of active combat pilots.

A legless military pilot ... For us, modern people, this is something on the verge of fantasy. It is difficult for us, citizens living in peacetime, to understand how, after such a catastrophe, we can again climb on the rampage, again fight the enemy, and again and again defend the Motherland.

Editions, awards, reviews

The book "The Story of a Real Man" from cover to cover is saturated with humanism and real, immeasurable, Soviet patriotism. At one time, this work was awarded the Stalin Prize. More than eighty times the book was published in Russian, the story was published about fifty times in the languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of the Soviet Union, and almost forty times it was published abroad.

Russian writer Elena Sazanovich wrote in one of her essays that this story conquered the whole world. So Russian and so Soviet, simple and complex, understandable and inconceivable. The world, far from the Soviet reality, enthusiastically accepted it. Until 1954 alone, the total circulation was 2.3 million copies. This story became popular not only because it told about a legendary feat or taught courage. First of all, this is a story that everyone has a chance at life, even when there is no chance. The main thing is to know why you exist in this world.

Time of action

An analysis of The Story of a Real Man should begin by looking at the time when the events take place. It is not difficult to guess that this is the Great Patriotic War. Time washed by rivers of blood, mutilated by thousands of tragedies, through the darkness of which an uncertain flame of heroism appeared. Words cannot describe the feat that the people accomplished. Defending the honor, dignity and freedom of their homeland, the soldiers, as if forgetting about fear, fought to the last.

Everyone who was on the front line, everyone who covered the rear, everyone who took care of the wounded is a hero. And "The Story of a Real Man" tells us about one of these heroes, whose courage and tenacity have become a legend. Alexey Maresyev is a real Man, with capital letter... He became the personification of the Russian character, which originates from selfless devotion to the Motherland.

Hero of history

Polevoy's "The Tale of a Real Man" tells the story of AP Maresyev. Such a person really existed. He was born in 1916 and worked as a turner. In 1929 he joined the ranks of the Komsomol, took an active part in the construction of Komsomolsk-on-Amur. In 1939, an aeroclub with a flight school was created in the new city, without thinking twice Maresiev submitted documents there. Although it was difficult to study and work, he managed to successfully graduate from the flight school and connect his future fate with flying aviation. He met the beginning of the Great Patriotic War as a fighter pilot. During the time spent in the sky, he shot down four enemy aircraft, when in the early spring of 1942 in the sky over Novgorod his plane was shot down and the pilot himself was seriously wounded.

It is from this moment that Boris Polevoy leads the story in his story, changing the name of the real hero Maresyev to the character Meresiev.

So, the content of "The Tale of a Real Man" says that the plane of the military pilot Meresiev was hit and fell into the thicket of the forest. The pilot was seriously wounded, his legs were literally crushed, and he ended up behind enemy lines. For eighteen long days he had to make his way to his own. The desire to live made it possible to overcome the unbearable pain, hunger and cold. The author writes that Alexei could not think of anything other than a burning pain. He took hesitant steps, and when there was no strength left to walk, he crawled. He was driven by only one desire - to be back in the ranks and fight for their homeland.

He was rescued by boys from the forest village of Plavni. When the war broke out, the inhabitants of the nearby villages were forced to settle in forest trenches, which they themselves dug. They suffered from hunger and cold, but still retained their humanity and responsiveness. All of them were imbued with the pilot's tragedy and helped as much as they could.

The most difficult episodes are Meresiev's life in a military hospital. Due to the long stay in the cold, gangrene developed in the legs, so the doctors had to amputate the feet to the lower leg. During this period, despair begins to eat Alexei. For him, living meant flying and fighting, but it is impossible for a pilot without legs to even think about such things. Sometimes the hero wondered if he should have crawled for so many days if he knew that everything would end like this ?! There were still three rounds in the pistol!


But there are meetings in life that change it for the better. The seriously ill commissar Vorobyov treated the hero with attention and concern. Thanks to him, Alexei had hope, and a real battle began with himself and his weakness. When analyzing The Tale of a Real Man, one can understand that the pilot was given strength by an unquenchable desire to destroy the enemy, and for this he wanted to return to duty as soon as possible. He learned not only to use prostheses, but also sat at the helm of the plane.

The climax is Meresiev's first flight. The instructor Naumov, seeing the pilot's joy, simply cannot give the command "Land!" In the eyes of Alexei, it is not a request that is read, but a demand. The requirement to fly. And again the front. The decisive battle with the German ace. The victory was not easy for Meresiev, but "he stuck at the goal with all his will" and still defeated the enemy.

Even without analyzing The Story of a Real Man, we can confidently say that this is a story about endurance, unshakable courage and love for the Motherland. In the difficult post-war years, this story brought many people back from the abyss of despair. Boris Polevoy managed to reach out to every reader and show that in the most non-vital situations one can live and survive. Moreover, even in inhuman conditions, you can always remain human.

1. A story about the war.

2. The story of a real person

2.1. In love with the sky.

2.2. Fight for survival.

3. A real hero.

The story of a real person is a work of Boris Polevoy dedicated to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War... It describes the hard everyday life of the front, the atrocities of the Nazis and, most importantly, depicts people who risked their lives every hour, every minute.

One of these heroes is the pilot Meresiev. He is a cheerful young man, sincerely in love with the sky. The speed of flight, clouds underfoot, the feeling of height - all this delights Alexei, he lives by it, he is happy, sitting at the steering wheel. With the same ardor and enthusiasm, the hero uses his profession for the good of his homeland.

He is a fearless combat pilot who destroys a fierce enemy. At home, a devoted bride and a loving mother awaits him, whose lives he protects from above. But one day a young man finds himself in a terrible situation - a German bomber shoots down his plane. The aircraft crashes in the forest, and the wounded Meresiev is forced to fight for his own survival.

Hungry, cold, tired and sick, Alexei literally crawls along the ground to his own. Polevoy colorfully and realistically describes the hero's suffering in an unfamiliar forest, how he was afraid of the Germans and wild animals, how he gradually lost strength and faith in himself, how he starved and fainted from pain. Once he ate a hedgehog: “… with delight he began to tear at the still warm, gray-gray, sinewy meat, tightly adhered to the bones”. How much suffering is behind these simple words.

All the time the pilot thinks about his mother and beloved, as well as about his struggle with the cruel occupiers: “Fight, fight with them, while there is strength ...” Such thoughts and memories give the unfortunate inspiration and courage. Reaching his own, Meresiev experienced great joy and peace. The whole village nursed Alexei. Ruined by German robbery, the inhabitants shared the latter with him, they took care of him and encouraged him.

The most terrible test for the surviving hero was the diagnosis of doctors - amputation of the legs was necessary. Meresiev did not want to believe it, every day he put off a terrible operation in the hope of a different way out. After the announcement of the inevitable, he "sobbed silently and violently, burying himself in the pillow, all shaking and twitching."

Alexey was afraid of becoming disabled, he was afraid that he would no longer be able to do his favorite work, that he would become an unnecessary cripple to anyone. But the support of loyal friends in the ward, as well as the devotion of his beloved girl, prompted Meresiev not to give up. He learned to walk with prostheses and was able to prove to himself and others that he was capable of becoming a pilot again. Gradually, Alexei began to fly again and continued the fight against the fascist invaders. The story is based on real events. The prototype of Meresiev was the Soviet pilot Maresyev, whose feat continues to inspire with his courage and heroism.

An example of this feat is relevant for all ages. Courage and courage, love for the Motherland and their work are not for everyone. Having endured pain and suffering, Alexey was able to recover and sit at the controls of the plane. I admire this person.