Sea bass in a pan stewed with vegetables. Tender sea bass in the oven Sea bass with vegetables in the oven

The sea bass can be attributed to several varieties of fish that differ in appearance and weight. Basically, it is small, portioned, but red perch weighing up to three kilograms is mined in the northern waters.

Sea perch taste, perhaps, one of the first among purely marine fish. It is not for nothing that there are a large number of recipes for sea bass dishes. The meat of this fish is fatty, unlike its freshwater relative, it can be kept fresh for a long time. Some culinary experts believe that the most delicious sea bass is salted, dried or smoked. They probably haven't tried cooking it in the oven! Sea bass baked in the oven is a very tasty and original dish. Especially if you use foil. Sea bass in the oven in foil will retain its fishy flavors, will be tender and very pleasant to the taste. Sea bass is also called red because of its bright, one might say exclusive color. Imagine what red snapper looks like in the oven! Color appetizing picture! Sea red perch in the oven is worthy of being prepared by you for the festive table!

How to cook sea bass in the oven? Recipes will tell about it. The simplest of them is at the end of the article in our tips. Photographs of sea bass dishes will awaken your imagination and make you cook this fish. Sea bass in the oven, its photo is very attractive. Be sure to cook this dish at your leisure - sea bass in the oven, recipes with photos will make this task easier for you. And be sure to learn different recipes. First, the sea bass recipe in the oven in foil. Then just sea bass baked in the oven, the recipe is identical to the previous one, but there are subtleties. And remember that you are preparing red perch in the oven, the recipes, however, do not involve the use of the color of the fish, but it has a significant effect on the appearance of the finished dish. It makes it original and attractive. Sea red perch, recipes in the oven are varied and each is interesting in its own way.

If you want to surprise your loved ones, while hiding the color of the fish, try baking sea bass in the oven in foil. Keep the intrigue until the very beginning of dinner. Sea bass in foil in the oven, you will find a photo of this dish on the website. And if you get a sea bass baked in the oven that is not the same as everyone else, do not forget to send us a photo of your creation as new ideas in culinary art.

Here are some tips for preparing and cooking sea bass:

Sea bass wounds are very painful and take a long time to heal. Therefore, be sure to use gloves and cut off all the fins;

Before cleaning a sea bass, dip it in boiling water for a few seconds;

Another way of cleaning: if you sprinkle the fish with coarse salt at night, in the morning you can easily remove the scales with salt with a knife;

For cooking sea bass in the oven, you can not clean it from scales at all;

Sea bass is baked in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees for about 40 minutes. A few minutes before the end of the process, we recommend pouring melted butter over the dish;

A dish is served garnished with leek rings, herbs and lemon slices;

If guests promised to come to you in an hour and a half, we recommend a simple recipe for cooking whole sea bass: rub the prepared fish with salt and pepper, lightly sprinkle lemon juice on both sides and let stand for a while. Put the fish on a baking sheet, make a couple of small cuts, coat with mayonnaise and bake in a preheated oven for up to 40 minutes. Ready-to-serve delicacy should look like this: a whole baked ruddy fish on an oblong dish, decorated with carrot flowers, small slices of tomatoes, cucumbers and some greens.

    Sea bass is usually sold in our stores either frozen or chilled. It is inexpensive and has dietary lean meat with a slight taste of crab. There are also practically no small bones in the sea bass. And despite this, our hostesses for some reason extremely rarely prefer this wonderful fish. I want to offer a very tasty and simple recipe for cooking perch with vegetables in a pan. Try it and you will like it!


  • Sea bass - 1 pc.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Bulb - 1 pc.
  • Butter - 1 tbsp.
  • Salt, pepper, aromatic herbs - to taste
  • Water or - 100 ml

Then we clean the carrots and cut them into semicircles, small ones can be cut into circles.

The butter is heated in a deep frying pan.

We put aromatic herbs inside the carcass. Then everything is salted and peppered to taste.

And laid out on a pillow of vegetables.

After the perch is ready, the vegetables are collected in a container and chopped with a blender, although this is not necessary. If there is a lot of liquid, then you can add 1 tsp. aha-agar.

Bon appetit everyone!

Fish must be present in the human diet. Nutritionists recommend using it at least 2 times a week. Back in the 70s of the last century, Danish scientists discovered a unique secret of health. They found that those who consume a sufficient amount of sea fish practically do not suffer from atherosclerosis and heart disease. The fact is that it contains a large amount of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which help to remove bad cholesterol, reduce blood viscosity, and increase the elasticity of blood vessels.

Especially tasty and healthy meat has a sea bass. In Japan, it is widely used for making sushi, soups, rolls and other dishes. It contains useful micro- and macroelements, among which stand out: zinc, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, as well as vitamins A, PP, E. In addition, perch is rich in easily digestible protein and taurine. In addition, meat is dietary - the calorie content is only 101.1 kcal / 100 g.

Housewives should be careful when cutting this fish. Its fins are very sharp, so you can easily get hurt. There are practically no bones in the carcass, which becomes another advantage of it.

It is prepared in various ways: fried, boiled, smoked. But, if you want to get a dietary and healthy dish, it is best to stew the fish. Prepared in this way, it retains all the useful elements as much as possible, and the calorie content of the finished dish will be only about 92 kcal / 100 g.

Of course, in order for the food to turn out tasty, it is necessary to prepare it correctly:

  1. The perch is well cleaned, gutted and washed under cold running water.
  2. Although the meat does not have a specific smell, it is still better to sprinkle the carcass with lemon juice. Especially since it will make her softer.
  3. Sea bass goes well with garlic, ginger, rosemary. The main thing is not to "overdo it" with spices and seasonings, otherwise they will drown out the taste of meat.
  4. For garnish, you can take any vegetables you like. Fish goes well with young zucchini, cauliflower, peas, carrots.
  5. When frying vegetables, you can add a little tomato paste and dilute lightly with water or white wine. It will turn out a very tasty and delicate sauce with a slight sourness, which will give the dish a special piquancy.
  6. Do not simmer the ingredients for too long - just 10-15 minutes is enough for the meat to soak in the sauce and aromas of herbs and vegetables.
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Sea bass occupies one of the first places due to its tender, dense and tasty meat. Many dishes can be prepared from it, but meat is best obtained through the roasting process. In the process of cutting a perch carcass, one should be aware of the presence of sharp fins, which can deeply and very painfully injure the hand.
In this recipe, we will cook sea bass baked in foil with vegetables.


  • carcass of a sea bass weighing four hundred grams;
  • half of one lemon;
  • one carrot;
  • tomato;
  • onion head;
  • a head of garlic;
  • dill, parsley, rosemary;
  • a pinch of a mixture of dried herbs;
  • salt;
  • olive oil.


1. Using scissors, cut off the fins from the perch carcass, peel the scales from it. Take out the insides and carefully remove the black film with a sharp knife - it not only looks ugly on a plate, but also accumulates toxins in itself. Rinse the fish well and dry with a towel.

2. Put garlic grated or chopped with a garlic press on a plate.

3. Add a mixture of dried herbs. In this case, a mixture based on oregano, basil, sweet red pepper, dried onion and hot red pepper is perfect.

4. Pour in two tablespoons of olive oil.

5. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into a container. Add a little salt and mix all the ingredients with a spoon.

6. Place the prepared sea bass carcass on a plate, rub it well with salt on all sides and add the marinade to it. Send the fish to marinate for thirty minutes.

7. Peel the onion head, cut it into rings, and chop the carrots into half rings.

8. Pour olive oil into a hot frying pan and fry the onion rings until a delicate golden color.

9. Wash the pan after the onions, pour a fresh portion of olive oil into it and lightly fry the carrots. Roasting the vegetables one at a time will preserve their individual color and texture.

10. In order for the sea bass to turn out juicy during the baking process, it must be browned in a frying pan on both sides. To do this, fry the sea in hot oil for 2 minutes on each side.

11. Put the washed dill, parsley and rosemary sprigs on a piece of foil.

12. Put the perch carcass on top.

13. Place onion rings and carrots throughout its area.

14. Cut the tomato into thick rings.

15. Add it to the rest of the ingredients of the dish. Connect the edges of the foil and send the fish to bake in a well-heated oven for thirty minutes.

Here we have such a sea bass baked in foil.

For any "continental" fisherman, well, who fishes in rivers like the Dnieper, the perch is a prickly, striped and malicious monster, moreover, clad in real armor made of small scales, which can only be cleaned by a court verdict. Swearing “so that you catch perches” sounds, if you know what it’s about, worse than “that you didn’t see the bite.”

Sea perches - sea basses (Sebastes), although also fish, are called perches rather out of habit, because they are similar in body shape to river minke whales. But in terms of anatomy and external features, sea bass are so different from river bass that they even belong to different orders and families of fish. Often sea bass are quite dangerous marine life, because of their sharp, and sometimes poisonous, fin spines. But cleaning the scales of sea bass is very easy.

About a hundred species of sea bass live all over the world - from cold waters to the equator. The size and weight of perch is varied, they are caught in a lot, and you can buy them almost anywhere, in frozen form.

For us, the most popular sea bass is Sebastes pinniger, the so-called orange (canary) perch. Also called - Canary (Orange) Rockfish. It is the carcasses of such a perch that are most often sold in the store.

The meat of such a perch is very tasty, suitable for almost any type of cooking: boiling, frying, stewing, smoking, etc. Sea bass in the oven is combined with almost any side dishes. The most important thing is to carefully clean the carcasses, because. Perch fins are very spiny.

I know many sea bass recipes, but the most delicious dishes are whole fried or baked carcasses. For example, sea bass baked in the oven.

Sea bass in the oven with tomatoes and onions is a great dish for dinner, especially if you do not have to go to work. A whole baked carcass is generally always well prepared.

Sea bass in the oven. Recipe

Ingredients (2 servings)

  • Sea bass 2 pcs
  • Tomato 3-4 pcs
  • Garlic 1-2 cloves
  • Onion 2 pcs
  • Flour, Olive oil, Lemon, White wine taste
  • Spices: salt, black and allspice peas, ginger, nutmeg, bay leaf, coriander seeds taste
  1. Sea fish in the oven is prepared from frozen perch. First you need to defrost the carcasses of sea bass. Best of all, not in the open air, but simply shifting the fish from the freezer to the refrigerator overnight, in the zone of increased cooling, it is in every modern refrigerator.

    Ingredients: sea bass, tomato, onion, garlic, dill and parsley, olive oil, flour, white wine, lemon, spices

  2. Clean the perches in the morning. The very first thing to do is to cut off the dorsal and anal fins with sharp scissors, to the very carcass, so that not a single spike remains. By the way, sometimes this can only be done with the help of wire cutters, because. biting the first (thickest) spikes with scissors is simply unrealistic! The tail fin can be left.
  3. Peel the scales with a knife, wash the carcasses. Cut the belly with scissors and gut. If perch with a head - cut off the head and throw it away. Carefully remove the black film that covers the internal cavity of the sea bass.
  4. In a mortar, add sea salt (or any), a few black peppercorns, allspice, coriander hay, nutmeg and ginger. Grind the spices with a pestle to make a powder. The amount of the mixture is approximately 1 tsp. Proportions - to taste.
  5. Gently sprinkle the carcasses with a mixture of spices, especially the inner cavity. Put the fish in a bowl. Add 2-3 bay leaves, pour 1-2 tbsp. l. lemon juice. Pour in a glass of dry white wine. And leave for an hour to marinate. After an hour, turn the fish in the marinade over and leave it for an hour.
  6. Prepare vegetables.
  7. Peel the onion and cut into thin rings. Fry the onion for 2 tbsp. l. olive oil until soft. When the onion is browned, transfer it to a separate bowl.
  8. Scald the tomatoes with boiling water and remove the skin from them. Cut the pulp into very thin slices.
  9. Tear off all the leaves from the dill and parsley and finely chop the greens.
  10. Remove the fish from the marinade, lightly dry the carcasses with a paper towel. Do not discard the marinade.
  11. Roll the fish in flour and place in a well-heated frying pan, into which you first pour about a third of a glass of olive oil. Fry the fish over high heat on both sides to form a golden crust.
  12. Then reduce the fire and fry for 5 minutes on each side, you can simmer under the lid on the lowest heat.
  13. All prepared vegetables: tomato, fried onion, greens - divided in half.
  14. Grease a baking dish with olive oil. Lay out half of the prepared tomatoes, distributing them evenly over the bottom of the dish.
  15. Sprinkle with parsley and dill.
  16. Sprinkle tomatoes with grated garlic.
  17. Then lay out half of the fried onions. Salt one with a pinch of coarse salt, you can sea. Optionally, you can additionally pepper. Put the bay leaves from the marinade.
  18. Put the fried carcasses of sea bass into a mold.
  19. Put all the fried onions that remain on top of the fish.
  20. Sprinkle with the rest of the greens.