Peskov denied information about the offshore companies of his wife Tatyana Navka. Officials and their families House on Novorizhskoe Highway

The wife of Russian President Dmitry Peskov's press secretary, Tatyana Navka, did not close her account in Switzerland after the wedding, according to an investigation conducted by Mikhail Khodorkovsky's Dossier Center and the British newspaper The Guardian. This conclusion can be drawn from banking and tax documents that fell into the hands of the authors of the investigation. However, in a conversation with the Dozhd channel, Peskov and his wife refuted the Dossier’s conclusions.

If Navka really owns a foreign bank account, then she is violating Russian law. The law banning foreign accounts and deposits for officials and their close relatives came into force in May 2013. Navka's account, judging by the documents at the Dossier's disposal, was opened on February 20, 2014 - before the marriage with Dmitry Peskov was registered (the wedding was celebrated in early August 2015; according to the Sobesednik newspaper, the marriage was registered in June; Peskov himself declined to name the date).

"Dossier" believes that the account has not yet been closed. Participants in the investigation managed to make a test transfer of five euros. During the transfer, the system recognized the international number (IBAN) of the account and linked it to the name Navka Tatiana. “If there were any problems with the transaction, the transfer would not have gone through. We called the bank to find out the status of the payment - they confirmed to us that the money was received by the recipient bank,” said participants in the Dossier anti-corruption project.

Tatyana Navka and Dmitry Peskov deny having accounts abroad. “This is not true. I do not have a valid bank account abroad,” Navka said. The president's press secretary clarified that his wife had accounts when she lived in the United States, but after moving to Russia they were closed.

“She really cannot have foreign accounts, and she fully complies with current legislation,” the press secretary of the Russian President emphasized.

Among the documents on which the Dossier's conclusions are based was a letter confirming the opening of an account (in rubles, dollars and euros) in the Swiss subsidiary of Banque Internationale a Luxembourg (BIL), a Luxembourg bank that offers private wealth management services in Europe and in the Middle East. In the letter, Eric Benischke (deputy director of the BIL branch in Zurich) addresses “Mrs. Tatyana Navka” living in Moscow at Bolshaya Yakimanka, 22.

According to the Rosreestr extract, the apartment indicated in the header of the letter has belonged to Tatyana Aleksandrovna Navka since 2012. The fact that the figure skater lives in the Copernicus residential complex (Bolshaya Yakimanka, 22) was also written by Sobesednik. In the same house, according to SPARK, the production company of the wife of the president’s press secretary, Navka Show, is also registered, which received 18 million rubles from the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Education.

The "Dossier" also refers to a tax document - a file in Excel format "Notification of opening an account in a bank located outside the territory of the Russian Federation." This is a form approved by the Federal Tax Service, which must be submitted by owners of foreign accounts (the same is posted on the department’s website). The Dossier has at its disposal a completed document - it informs about the opening of an account for Tatyana Aleksandrovna Navka, who was born on April 13, 1975 in Dnepropetrovsk and lives on Bolshaya Yakimanka, 22.

According to The Guardian, on the same day as the opening of Navka’s alleged account in a Swiss bank, the offshore Carina Global Assets (British Virgin Islands) was registered in her name.

As the Center for the Study of Corruption and Organized Crime (OCCRP) previously wrote based on materials from the Panama Papers, Navka began the offshore registration procedure on February 5, 2014, that is, several weeks before the opening of the account. The application, signed by “Tatyana Aleksandrovna Navka,” where she calls herself a “professional figure skater,” says the company “plans to manage assets in excess of a million dollars.”

Peskov also denies the existence of an offshore company: “The offshore has never been registered. That is, as such, an offshore on Navka has never been registered, and there is no offshore on Navka. And there never was,” says the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation.

Deputy General Director of Transparency International - Russia Ilya Shumanov considers it logical for an account and an offshore to appear on the same day: “An offshore company is opened not just for something, but for conducting transactions. The first thing you do when you open an individual entrepreneur or LLC is go "To the bank to open an account, otherwise you will not be able to carry out transactions. It is the same with an offshore company: the opening of a legal entity is always followed by the opening of an account."

The offshore was liquidated in 2015, writes The Guardian. It is unknown whether the bank account is in the process of being liquidated. As Shumanov suggests, the account may still be open “for objective reasons”: for example, if the bank has concerns about the legality of the origin of the deposit. In this case, the account may be frozen and it will not be possible to manage the money from it.

The federal law prohibiting government employees and their close relatives from having bank accounts abroad was signed by the president on May 7, 2013. Then a significant part of officials retained foreign deposits. And the wave of their liquidation has only just begun. “Since last year, Russia has entered a new era of global transparency, when, within the framework of OECD requirements, we began the automatic exchange of tax and banking information,” says Shumanov. “Now our regulators - banking, tax - will receive information from other regulators around the world. Then "The Russian authorities will receive information about persons who have active accounts outside the country - all of Europe is almost completely covered. That is, the information [about Navka's account] is either already known to our authorities, or will be known by the end of this year."

According to the Dossier, a month before the registration of Carina Global Assets, Navka was “advised on the creation of an effective offshore structure” by Leon Semenenko, a man whom RBC called Alisher Usmanov’s “confidant.” Navka's offshore was managed, as The Guardian wrote, by the British company Bridgewaters, whose client, according to the Panama Papers documents, was Usmanov.

According to the Dossier, Navka’s purchase of her house near Moscow for 300 million rubles ($7.1 million) may also be connected with Usmanov. The authors of the investigation suggest that the top manager of the oligarch's structures, Timur Khaldarov, sold his plot to Peskov's future wife at a 50% discount. The sale took place in January 2015, six months before the wedding with Peskov. The "discount" finding is based on the fact that the house was listed for sale in 2012 for $15.6 million.

For almost two decades, the current husband of figure skater Navka, Dmitry Peskov, has been Vladimir Putin’s closest assistant. In recent years, the president's press secretary has increasingly faced criticism for his luxurious lifestyle, which is difficult to reconcile with his salary as a civil servant. The magnificent wedding with champion Tatyana Navka caused special criticism.

Opposition leader and founder of the Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK) Alexei Navalny accused Peskov of “illegal enrichment” after it became known that the press secretary spent his honeymoon on the most expensive sailing yacht in the world. Peskov was also seen wearing a Richard Mille watch worth 38 million rubles, which he called a gift from his new wife.

Tatyana Navka owns a large real estate portfolio, including an apartment in the elite Polyanka Plaza residential complex worth $2 million and an apartment in the Yakimanka district in Moscow worth $4 million, which was gifted to her by the state for her sporting successes. It also manages a large sports arena, leased for 49 years from the Moscow government.

If you believe the documents leaked online, not only those close to Vladimir Putin, but also many other Russian officials were associated with offshore companies. Often illegal.

Novaya Gazeta, with reference to documents obtained by the publication, publishes a list of security officials, governors, officials, as well as parliamentarians whose names or members of their families were found in the database of the registrar company Mossack Fonseca.

As the publication writes with reference to documents, the son of Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev, Alexey, was a shareholder of Misam Investments Ltd, registered in the British Virgin Islands, from 2010 to 2012. In 2012, he sold the share to his partner Maxim Khramtsov.

Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Igor Zubov turned out to be connected with the offshore The Monumental Property Company Ltd, the newspaper claims. From February 2001 to June 2004, the sole owner of the company was allegedly the son of Deputy Minister Denis Zubov, who was 22 years old at the time of receiving the share.

“All “color” revolutions in all countries began under the slogan of the fight against corruption,” Igor Zubov said in February 2015.

As follows from documents obtained by journalists, in 2014 the company Carina Global Assets Ltd was established in the British Virgin Islands, the beneficiary of which is Tatyana Navka, the current wife of the Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov. The publication notes that at that time they were already in a relationship: in August, Peskov and Navka had a daughter.

The company was liquidated in November 2015, but it is unknown exactly when the official wedding ceremony took place and whether Peskov managed to get rid of his wife’s offshore company within the required three-month period.

The Minister of Economic Development Alexei Ulyukaev was found to have an offshore company called Ronnieville Ltd - the director of the company was the official’s 21-year-old son Dmitry, Novaya writes. The company operated from November 2004 to May 2009, during which time Alexey Ulyukaev was the first deputy chairman of the Central Bank.

As the publication found out, Deputy Mayor of Moscow Maxim Liksutov turned out to be the beneficiary of three companies mentioned in the documents - the Bahamian Venlaw Consultants Co. Inc., as well as Cyprus TG Rail Limited and Cantazaro Limited. Before the ban on officials came into force, he transferred the assets to his wife and divorced her, as Alexei Navalny’s FBK had previously told about.

It is alleged that the governor of the Pskov region, Andrei Turchak, through his wife Kira, was connected with the offshore Burtford Unicorp Inc. in the British Virgin Islands, which has been prohibited by law since 2013, the publication writes. In 2015, she ceased to be the sole shareholder. Turchak himself told Novaya that the company was established to complete a transaction to purchase an apartment in Nice (it was later sold).

According to the newspaper, the head of the Chelyabinsk region Boris Dubrovsky used the Panamanian offshore Spaceship Consulting S.A. in 2010. for the purchase of bills of exchange from the Russian company Magnitogorsk LLC “Property Center”, which he himself controlled. In March and April 2014, the offshore company bought bills for 5 and 7 million rubles, respectively, and then immediately sold them to Dubrovsky.

After Peskov’s lies, an article by The Guardian was published:

The Guardian posted some documents from the Panama files about Navka's offshore, including a certified copy of her Russian passport from the constituent documents:

Will Peskov continue to persist in his lies after this? - Well, let him sue The Guardian. The High Court of London will listen to it with interest. And The Guardian will present living witnesses.

In general, the chronology is as follows.

In 2012, Peskov left his old wife for Navka.
On February 20, 2014, the offshore company Carina Global Assets Ltd was registered.

So the three of them lived, Peskov, Navka and the offshore. They didn’t live richly, but they had enough for a watch collection worth many hundreds of thousands of dollars, a house worth 1 billion rubles and a wedding on the world’s second most expensive yacht. It was only the offshore that helped. Or maybe Peskov also had other income. Oh yes... he received a salary as a press secretary. True, with this salary, just for a watch with a skull, you had to not eat, not drink, but save for several years.

The offshore was by no means inactive. There were two nominal directors, Brett Armitage and Stephen Corran. The company had many clients among wealthy Russians. One of them is known in the UK as a shareholder of the Arsenal football club. And in Russia he is known as an order bearer and hero of oligarchic labor, who headed the Russian Forbes list.

Alisher Usmanov, as a true Russian patriot, permanently lives in London, in a modest palace worth $96 million, and may well be summoned to court if Peskov decides to sue The Guardian. It is unlikely that Alisher Usmanov will show contempt of the High Court.

So go ahead, Peskov!
Or... don't want to sue?

The wife of the press secretary of the Russian President, Tatyana Navka, allegedly illegally used tax benefits and provided deliberately false information when filling out declarations in the United States.

Representatives of Protax Services warned Navka that by hiding her international bank accounts, she risked committing serious offenses, and informed her of possible fines from the tax service. , in February 2014, Tatyana Navka opened three bank accounts with Banque Internationale à Luxembourg in Zurich and on the same day created an offshore company in the British Virgin Islands. According to the current US Foreign Bank Accounting Reporting (FBAR) rules, Tatyana Navka was required to disclose her Swiss accounts to the US Treasury, but there is no information that this was done.

Protax Services agreed to help Navka with the sale of real estate, the value of which was estimated at $2.3 million.

In June 2016, Ilya Bykov and Tatyana Navka quarreled, as the latter was dissatisfied with the revision of the assessed value, which dropped to $2 million. Navka refused the deal with two buyers, while Bykov advised selling the apartment as quickly as possible, warning that the US Tax Administration may seize property as part of a tax evasion claim.

As a result, Navka turned to another audit company. The skater's interests were represented by her friend from New Jersey, Zlata Dikaya, in whose name an official power of attorney was issued. In the summer of 2018, Navka sold her New York apartment for $1.775 million. This allowed her to avoid the threat of confiscation of real estate, which loomed back in 2013. Apparently, it was then that the guarantor of the Deutsche Bank mortgage loan in New York turned to collectors in connection with Navka’s failure to fulfill her loan obligations.

From court materials obtained by The Guardian in the property rights case (No. F02470817), it follows that Tatyana Navka and her first husband Alexander Zhulin did not pay another mortgage loan in the amount of $1.3 million, issued in 2006, secured by a house in New York. Jersey. In January 2019, the property was transferred to the bank as part of a lawsuit to collect an unpaid loan and property taxes in the amount of more than $128 thousand, as well as $100 thousand in insurance premiums and $20 thousand in utility bills and other expenses.

It is noteworthy that this is not the only case when Tatyana Navka’s completed declarations look at least suspicious. Despite the fact that the marriage of Navka and Zhulin was dissolved on July 23, 2010 (case No. 02-0474/154/2010 is available to the Dossier Center), documents indicate that for several years after the divorce they continued to fill out declarations in as spouses. The US provides tax breaks for married couples who, unlike single people, can benefit from pooling benefits. At least until 2013, Navka and Zhulin continued to benefit from tax breaks for children and rental benefits provided to spouses.

According to the Dossier Center, if the facts of a possible violation of anti-corruption legislation by the wife of the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation are confirmed, one should not expect an objective investigation by Russian law enforcement agencies. However, there is every reason to believe that the US Internal Revenue Service may soon have questions for Tatyana Navka.

Original of this material
©, 02/11/2019, Photo: TASS, Illustrations: via

Navka’s victory: how the figure skater brought gold to Peskov

Tatiana Navka
The Dossier Center and The Guardian have found out new details about real estate transactions and foreign accounts of the wife of Putin's press secretary Dmitry Peskov.

For almost two decades, Peskov has been Putin's closest aide. In recent years, he has increasingly faced criticism for his luxurious lifestyle, which is difficult to reconcile with his civil servant salary. The magnificent wedding with figure skating champion Tatyana Navka caused special criticism.

Alexei Navalny accused Peskov of “illegal enrichment” after it became known that the press secretary spent his honeymoon on the most expensive sailing yacht in the world. Peskov was also seen with watch worth 37 million rubles, which he called a gift from his new wife.

Tatyana Navka owns a large real estate portfolio, including an apartment in the elite Polyanka Plaza residential complex worth $2 million and an apartment in the Yakimanka district in Moscow worth $4 million, which was gifted to her by the state for her sporting successes. As The Guardian and the Dossier Center found out, she also manages a large sports arena, leased for 49 years from the Moscow government.

In October 2014, Tatyana Navka purchased luxury real estate on Rublyovka next door to President Putin. The purchase took place after the birth of their common daughter with Peskov. The house in the Tretya Okhota village is located in one of the most expensive residential complexes in Russia. In 2012, it was put up for sale for $15.6 million.

However, according to documents obtained by the Dossier Center, Navka purchased a house with two adjacent land plots for only 300 million rubles ($7.1 million) - at a price half the originally stated sale price.

The Dossier Center does not know the objective reasons for the decrease in the value of real estate; if there was a deliberate conspiracy behind this, its purpose could be tax evasion or bribery.

In the purchase and sale agreement, the beneficial owner of the Fortstroyservice company, Timur Khaldarov, is indicated as the seller. On the close connection between Khaldarov and one of the leading Russian oligarchs Alisher Usmanova indicates that when in 2007 Usmanov was unable to participate in the award ceremony for the most outstanding achievements in business, sports and art by the Career magazine, he sent Khaldarov to receive the award as his “representative”.

According to the SPARK-Interfax database, Khaldarov led the charitable Fund for Assistance to Victims in South Ossetia (liquidated in December 2018). [...]

Recent revelations regarding the real estate of Dmitry Peskov and Tatyana Navka raise additional questions about the likely concealment of income. As a result Panama Files leaks The law firm Mossack Fonseca discovered that on February 20, 2014, Navka registered an offshore company, Carina Global Assets Limited, located in the British Virgin Islands.

The Dossier Center found out that on the same day Navka opened three accounts (in euros, dollars and rubles) in the Zurich branch of Banque Internationale à Luxembourg. According to Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 79, spouses of officials are prohibited from holding accounts in foreign banks located outside the Russian Federation. As a result, after Navka became the wife of Dmitry Peskov, she had to close the Swiss account, but it is unknown whether this was done.

As part of the investigation, the Dossier Center conducted its own experiment. A money transfer in the amount of 5 (five) euros was made through one of the European banks. using the IBAN code of Tatiana Navka’s account. The sender's banking system identified the account as valid and correlated the IBAN with the name “Navka Tatiana” and account number CH92 0826 8103 2400 9000 1. Thus, the data of the electronic payment system coincided with the data that became known from previously received documents. The successful execution of the payment order was confirmed by the sender's bank, which also indicates that the account is still active.

It is also not entirely clear whether Navka reported her accounts to tax regulators in the United States, where she remained a resident until September 2015.

A few weeks after the accounts were opened, the US Department of Justice fined Banque Internationale à Luxembourg for “criminal tax offenses in connection with undeclared US-affiliated accounts.” The bank agreed to provide details of accounts “in which U.S. taxpayers have a direct or indirect interest.”

According to new data obtained by the Dossier Center, Usmanov’s assistant and business partner Leon Semenenko took care of Navka’s opaque investments.

Usmanov and Semenenko are connected by the company Bridgewaters, registered on the Isle of Man. According to the Panama Papers investigation, Usmanov was a major client of the offshore company, however, according to the BBC, the oligarch could be listed as the owner of Bridgewaters.

As it turned out, the company collaborated with Navka’s offshore company and provided him with nominee directors. Thus, the wife of the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation could hide her own role as the owner of the offshore company. Moreover, Semenenko personally advised Navka on the creation of an effective offshore structure a month before the official registration of Navka’s offshore company Carina Global Assets Limited.

As The Guardian and the Dossier Center found out, Usmanov is not the only Russian oligarch with whom Peskov and Navka are closely associated.

Thus, the editors had design layouts at their disposal, from which it follows that Peskov and Navka were planning to build a residence on an exclusive plot in the Moscow region, owned by tycoon Araz Agalarov’s company Agalarov Estate.

In 2017, they hired the American architectural firm Zampolin & Associates, registered in Westwood, New Jersey, to design their new mansion. For this purpose, the head of the company, Bob Zampolin, specially went to Moscow.

The project involves decorating a 2,400-square-foot home, including a separate maid's entrance, swimming pool, spa, jacuzzi, sauna and library.

It is noteworthy that the legal owner of the land is still the Crocus International company, owned by Araz Agalarov. When asked by the Dossier Center, sales department staff at Agalarov Estate responded that it was sold in the fall of 2018.

Agalarov and Peskov appear in the Steele Dossier. The document, written by former British spy Christopher Steele, claims the Kremlin has collected incriminating material Trump, some of which were received during his visit to Moscow in 2013 for the Miss Universe competition organized by Agalarov.

Recently, former Trump lawyer and adviser Michael Cohen said that discussions about the project to build a Trump Tower in Moscow continued until the summer of 2016 and included a possible trip to Moscow by candidate Trump. As it turned out, Cohen sent Peskov a letter asking for assistance and held 20-minute telephone conversations with one of his assistants. Peskov later invited Cohen to the St. Petersburg Economic Forum and invited him to organize high-level meetings with Putin and Medvedev.

The Dossier Center does not know whether there is a relationship between the close relationship of the president’s press secretary and his wife with Usmanov and Agalarov and the acquisition of real estate in amounts several times greater than the declared income. We will be grateful for the provision of any information about possible corruption schemes in which they could be participants.

The Dossier Center is ready to provide the Main Directorate of Economic Security and Anti-Corruption of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia with documents confirming the facts of the alleged ownership of the wife of the press secretary of the Russian President Navka Tatyana Aleksandrovna of accounts in the foreign bank Banque Internationale à Luxembourg (Suisse) SA, if the law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation will be interested in checking possible signs of violation by Dmitry Sergeevich Peskov of the federal law “On the prohibition of certain categories of persons from opening and having accounts (deposits), storing cash and valuables in foreign banks located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, owning and (or) using foreign financial instruments" dated 05/07/2013 N 79-FZ.

[TK Dozhd, 02/06/2019, “Tatyana Navka was found to have an account abroad. The law prohibits this”: Tatyana Navka and Dmitry Peskov deny that she has accounts abroad. “This is not true. I don’t have a valid bank account abroad,” Navka told Dozhd. The president's press secretary clarified that his wife had accounts when she lived in the United States, but after moving to Russia they were closed. “She really cannot have foreign accounts, and she fully complies with current legislation,” Peskov said. [...]
Peskov also denies the existence of an offshore company: “The offshore has never been registered. That is, as such, an offshore company has never been registered in Navka, and there is no offshore company in Navka. And it wasn’t.”
Deputy General Director of Transparency International - Russia Ilya Shumanov considers it logical for an account and an offshore to appear on the same day: “An offshore company is opened not just for something, but for conducting transactions. The first thing you do when you open an individual entrepreneur or LLC is go to the bank to open an account, otherwise you will not be able to carry out transactions. It’s the same with an offshore company: the opening of a legal entity is always followed by the opening of an account.” [...]
According to the Dossier, Navka’s purchase of her house near Moscow may also be connected with Usmanov. The “Dossier” suggests that the top manager of the oligarch’s structures, Timur Khaldarov, sold his plot to Peskov’s future wife at a 50% discount. The sale took place in January 2015, six months before the wedding with Peskov. [...]
Khaldarov, in a conversation with Dozhd, confirmed the fact of the sale, but denied that he gave Navka a discount. Khaldarov believes that the proceeds are the best that could be gotten for real estate on Novorizhskoe Highway in the market that collapsed in 2014: “I lost, but I didn’t lose as much as if I were selling it now. If someone is ready to buy [a house] for 15 million, bring this person - I’ll go negotiate and we’ll sell it.” [...]
Khaldarov denies that Usmanov was aware of the deal, and that the house and land could have been a “gift”: “I received the market value - how can this be regarded as a gift? Then, with all due respect to Tatyana Navka, why on earth should I give her gifts? In response to a query from the Guardian, a representative for Usmanov denied that he was ever interested in the objects in the Third Hunt village.
It was Navka who became the buyer, explains Khaldarov, because they knew each other, long before the wedding with Peskov: “I was the initiator of our acquaintance - I wanted to arrange for my daughter to take up figure skating, well... now I don’t remember through whom, but through met someone. Probably in 2009, maybe 2010 or 2008. She was still far from this official. At that time, nothing foreshadowed that they would meet and start a family in the near future. And at the time when we had a deal (autumn 2014 - Dozhd’s note), they [with Peskov] did not yet have any relationship.”
According to the Guardian, the relationship between Navka and Peskov began in 2012, according to - in 2010. The common daughter of Navka and Peskov, Nadezhda Peskova, was born in August 2014. - Insert]

Tatiana Navka. Photo:

The project reported that Dmitry Peskov’s wife Tatyana Navka still has an account in a Zurich bank. The account is active - funds can be transferred to it, although Russian legislation since 2013 has prohibited officials and their close relatives from having foreign accounts and deposits. It, judging by the documents at the disposal of the Dossier, was opened on February 20, 2014 - before the marriage with Dmitry Peskov was registered (the wedding was in early 2015; according to the Sobesednik newspaper, the marriage was registered in June; Peskov himself gave the date.

Dossier believes that the account has not yet been closed. Investigators managed to make a test transfer of five euros - during the transfer, the system recognized the international number (IBAN) of the account and linked it to the name Navka Tatiana. “If there were any problems with the transaction, the transfer would not have gone through. We called the bank to find out the status of the payment - they confirmed to us that the money was received by the recipient bank,” the Center said.

I have read the documents referred to in the Dossier. The Center claims that the documents were “sent to them.” They did not specify who did this, but emphasized that they were able to confirm the information.

These documents include a letter confirming the opening of an account (in rubles, dollars and euros) in the Swiss subsidiary of Banque Internationale à (BIL), a Luxembourg bank that provides wealth management services in Europe and the Middle East. In a letter from Eric Benischke on professional he is mentioned as the deputy director of the BIL branch in Zurich) addresses “Mrs. Tatyana Navka” living in Moscow at Bolshaya Yakimanka, 22. According to the Rosreestr extract, the apartment indicated in the header of the letter has been since 2012 belongs to Tatyana Aleksandrovna Navka. The fact that the figure skater lives in the Copernicus residential complex (Bolshaya Yakimanka, 22), “Interlocutor”. In the same house, according to SPARK, the production company of the wife of the president’s press secretary, Navka Show, is also registered.

The “Dossier” also refers to a tax document - a file in Excel format “Notification of opening an account in a bank located outside the territory of the Russian Federation.” This is a form approved by the Federal Tax Service, which must be submitted by owners of foreign accounts (the same on the department’s website). The Dossier has at its disposal a completed document - it informs about the opening of an account for Tatyana Aleksandrovna Navka, whose date and place of birth and address of residence coincide with the data of the figure skater.

The third page of the notice indicates the number, date (February 20, 2014) and place of opening the account - they coincide with the data from the letter from Banque Internationale à Luxembourg. There is no date for submitting the notice; the tax office code is not included.

Virgin offshore

According to the Guardian, on the same day as the opening of Navka’s alleged account in a Swiss bank, the offshore Carina Global Assets (British Virgin Islands) was registered in her name.

As previously, the Center for the Study of Corruption and Organized Crime (OCCRP) based on the materials of the Panama Papers, Navka began the offshore registration procedure on February 5, 2014, that is, several weeks before the opening of the account. Signed "Tatyana Aleksandrovna Navka", where she calls herself a "professional figure skater", it is said that the company "plans to manage assets in excess of a million dollars."

Deputy General Director of Transparency International - Russia Ilya Shumanov considers it logical for an account and an offshore to appear on the same day: “An offshore company is opened not just for something, but for conducting transactions. The first thing you do when you open an individual entrepreneur or LLC is go to the bank to open an account, otherwise you will not be able to carry out transactions. It’s the same with an offshore company: the opening of a legal entity is always followed by the opening of an account.”

The offshore was liquidated in 2015, Guardian. It is unknown whether the bank account is in the process of being liquidated. As Shumanov suggests, the account may still be open “for objective reasons”: “For example, if the bank has concerns about the legality of the origin of the deposit. Suppose an official or a relative of an official receives a large sum into an account, and the source of the money is a strange, anonymous Belizean company. If you received money from an offshore company into your account, be so kind as to justify the origin. Difficulties arise - to explain to the bank who, where and how transferred this money. If they cannot do this, the money and account are frozen. That is, it exists, but you cannot actually control it. “I know of a number of cases where tens, hundreds of thousands of euros are hanging in the accounts of heads of municipalities, vice-governors, and former State Duma deputies.”

A federal law prohibiting government employees and their close relatives from having bank accounts abroad was passed by the President on May 7, 2013. Then a significant part of officials retained foreign deposits - the real wave of their liquidation, Shumanov believes, has only begun now: “Since last year, Russia entered a new era of global transparency, when, within the framework of OECD requirements, we began the automatic exchange of tax and banking information: now our regulators are banking, tax - will receive information from other regulators around the world. That is, the Russian authorities will receive information about persons who have active accounts outside the country - all of Europe is almost completely covered. That is, the information [about Navka’s account] is either already known to our authorities, or will be known by the end of this year.”

According to the Dossier, a month before the registration of Carina Global Assets, Navka was “advised on the creation of an effective offshore structure” by Leon Semenenko, a person whom RBC “trusted” Alisher Usmanov. Navka's offshore was managed by Guardian, a British company whose client, according to the Panama Papers, was Usmanov; According to the BBC, the businessman could be its owner.

House on Novorizhskoe Highway

According to the Dossier, Navka’s purchase of her house near Moscow may also be connected with Usmanov. “Dossier” that the top manager of the oligarch’s structures Timur Khaldarov sold his plot to Peskov’s future wife at a 50% discount. The sale took place in January 2015, six months before the wedding with Peskov.

This plot of land with an area of ​​7967 square meters with a house of 779 square meters is indicated in Peskov’s declaration as belonging to his wife.

In assessing the expected discount, the “Dossier” relies on data from the Real Estate Newsletter from VTB-24 for December 2012 (they were deleted and not preserved in which Alexey Navalny (the politician who was the first to purchase a house in the village “Tretya Okhota”) by the skater) - $15, 6 million. Judging by the purchase and sale agreement, which is at the disposal of the Dossier, the house and land were sold to Navka for 7.3 million dollars (300 million rubles when converted to the dollar exchange rate established by the Central Bank from when the agreement was signed).

Khaldarov confirmed the fact of the sale, but denied that he gave Navka a discount. Khaldarov believes that the proceeds are the best that could be gotten for real estate on Novorizhskoe Highway in the market that collapsed in 2014: “I lost, but I didn’t lose as much as if I were selling it now. If someone is ready to buy [a house] for 15 million, bring this person - I’ll go negotiate and we’ll sell it.”

Khaldarov is a top manager of the Metalloinvest holding founded by Usmanov. At different times, he headed two funds associated with the billionaire: the Fund for Assistance to Victims in South Ossetia, created in 2008 (Usmanov is listed among its co-owners; Khaldarov, according to SPARK, was a director) and the charitable foundation Art, Science and Sports founded by the businessman ( in Khaldarov was mentioned as deputy general director; in an interview he clarified that he is still a member of the supervisory board).

Khaldarov denies that Usmanov was aware of the deal, and that the house and land could be a “gift”: “I received the market value - how can this be regarded as a gift? Then, with all due respect to Tatyana Navka, why on earth should I give her gifts? In response to the Guardian, a representative for Usmanov denied that he was ever interested in the sites in the Third Hunt village.

It was Navka who became the buyer, explains Khaldarov, because they knew each other, long before the wedding with Peskov: “I was the initiator of our acquaintance - I wanted to arrange for my daughter to take up figure skating, well... now I don’t remember through whom, but through met someone. Probably in 2009, maybe 2010 or 2008. She was still far from this official. At that time, nothing foreshadowed that they would meet and start a family in the near future. And at the time when we had a deal (autumn 2014), they [with Peskov] did not yet have any relationship.”

According to the Guardian, the relationship between Navka and Peskov began in 2012, according to - in 2010. The common daughter of Navka and Peskov, Nadezhda Peskova, was born in August 2014. Two years later, the official’s wife officially became the wealthiest among the relatives of officials of the Presidential Administration. Her annual income, according to the declaration, amounted to 120 million rubles. This is 10 times more than the annual salary of the press secretary himself.