Italian scientists have deciphered the "Letter of the Devil. The Devil's Message: Letter from a Lucifer-Possessed 17th-Century Nun Deciphered Letter from Possessed One Deciphered

In the Old Testament we read the story of how the Jewish king Hezekiah received a letter from the devil:

“And Hezekiah took the letter from the hand of the ambassadors, and read it, and went into the house of the Lord, and Hezekiah opened it before the Lord, and Hezekiah prayed before the Lord, and said:

“Lord God of Israel, who sits on cherubim! You alone are God of all the kingdoms of the earth, You created the heavens and the earth.

Incline, O Lord, Thy ear, and hear; open your eyes, O Lord, and look and hear the words of Sennacherib, who sent to blaspheme the living God! " 4 Kings 19: 14-16.

The letter that Hezekiah king of Judah received was signed by Sennacherib, king of Assyria - but it came straight out of hell! The name Sennacherib means “man of sin” (also “god of the moon, multiplying brothers”).

He personifies Satan, the god of this world, who planned to create for himself a vast brotherhood of those who hate God.

At the time Hezekiah received this satanic letter, Jerusalem was besieged by the mighty Assyrian army. King Sennacherib and his hordes have already taken the ten tribes of Israel into captivity. Israel received God's judgment for its immorality, idolatry and apostasy. This people “gave themselves up to do evil”, and this was the result of the fact that: “The Israelites were cut off from the house of David ... And the children of Israel acted according to all the sins of Jeroboam ... until the Lord rejected Israel from His presence ... and Israel was removed from his land to Assyria ”. (2 Kings 17: 17; 21-23).

In this passage, Israel represents the apostate, sin-drenched, compromising churches of today. Israel was full of filth, lust, adultery - complete delusion on the basis of pleasure. And so it is true today, the Israelites possessed an appearance of piety that had no power: “And the king of Assyria transferred the people from Babylon and put them in the cities of Samaria… they did not honor the Lord” (2 Kings 17: 24-25). The gospel of confusion was clearly present in their sphere, and it went with them into captivity: “These peoples honored the Lord, but they served their images also” (2 Kings 17:41).

Today there is no need for the devil to deceive, speak, or write fearful letters to such people, because he already controls this part of the church! In fact, he put his “angels of light” in the pulpit and handed them a lukewarm religion of confusion based on a mix of tradition with a fair amount of iniquity.

No, today the devil's attack remains directed at those precious Gods whose hearts are wholly set to hunger for Jesus! In the story of Hezekiah and Sennacherib, the people of Judah represent the Lord's remnant of the church on earth. He is the target of Satan because he is under covenant with the Lord, and therefore poses a great threat to the kingdom of darkness.

Scripture says that King Hezekiah of Judah was a pious man: “And he did what was right in the sight of the Lord ... He abolished the heights, smashed statues, cut down an oak grove ... In the Lord, the God of Israel, he trusted; and there was no one like him among all the kings of Judah, and after him and before him. And he clung to the Lord, and did not depart from Him, and kept His commandments, which the Lord commanded Moses. And the Lord was with him: wherever he went, he acted prudently ”(2 Kings 18: 3-7).

This is why the “man of sin” came out to destroy Hezekiah, and for the same reason Satan will attack you.

"No more tribute to the enemy!"

In the flesh until this time, Judah was subject to Assyria; it was a kind of slavery. Thus, the “man of sin” did take place in Zion. In the course of the events leading to the delivery of the letter, the Assyrian king imposed a tribute on Judah of three hundred talents of silver and thirty talents of gold: “And Hezekiah gave all the silver that was found in the house of the Lord and in the treasuries of the king's house. At that time Hezekiah removed the gold from the doors of the house of the Lord ”(2 Kings 18: 15-16).

This is a picture of compromise and can be seen today in God's church: Christians walk in fear and dread, adapting to the world, and fearing to speak out boldly, calling sin as it is! Like Hezekiah bowed to the desire for a “man of sin,” the church today pays tribute to the devil by producing the nasty rock and roll music needed for “Christian” entertainment and a double standard life.

Yet, in this story, Hezekiah's heart eventually rebelled. He exclaimed: "Stop paying tribute to the enemy!" It was like an awakening from the Holy Spirit, a call for the separation of the holy remnant of a people who were no longer willing to compromise or fear the “man of sin”.

Once, during another crisis, the children of Israel tried to lean on the hand of the flesh, sending for help to Egypt. But Egypt proved that it cannot be of any help to them at all. Now the people of Judah and their leaders have completely surrendered to the Lord.

However, this was the conflict: while this people paid tribute to the devil, they were not touched. They had no confrontation, no war. But Hezekiah came out with faith in God. He decided to end the politics of appeasing the devil, half-way discipleship, compromise, or worldly connections - at any cost. It was then that he received a letter from the devil.

You see, the moment you break with this world and entrust your life entirely into the hands of the Lord - be on the lookout: all hell will move on you! You will be targeted by the devil and you will be under siege by the "man of sin." You will be seriously tested to see if you have truly trusted God in everything. And wherever you look, you will see the enemy who opposes you.

Satan Uses Cunning Tricks Against the Remnant of the Faithful to the Lord

The Assyrians represent today's “prosperity agents”. The devil will build his army around your walls: people who are strong, beautiful, and apparently succeed in everything they undertake. When you see them, you will feel like a prisoner surrounded by walls! “And the king of Assyria sent ... Rabsaka ... to king Hezekiah with a large army to Jerusalem” (2 Kings 18:17).

The first trick of the “man of sin” is to question your firm decision to fully trust the Lord. Rabsak was the king's plenipotentiary ambassador; his name means "drunken ambassador". He tartly ridiculed piety: “And Rabshak said to them: ... what is this hope in which you put your trust? ... Now, in whom do you trust, that you have set aside from me? " (2 Kings 18: 19-20). The gist of it was this: “God is not going to help you out of this trouble. You are losing! You're in real trouble, and your faith won't help. "

Are you in trouble right now, really deep trouble? Didn't the devil tell you that God is not going to save you, that your faith is too weak or too small, and your work is hopeless? Perhaps you are currently unemployed and your bills are slowly piling up. You are scared because everything looks hopeless. You hear the devilish laugh: “Despite all your love for Jesus, your break with the world, righteous deeds and trust in God, it doesn't help! You are doomed! You go to the end - broken, chased by creditors, pushed to commit suicide. ”

Now listen to what the devil says in the Old Testament: "How do you want to make the leader, one of my lord's slightest slaves, retreat?" (Isa. 36: 9). In other words, he says: “What can you do to stop this trouble? How can you do this if you can't find work, if you can't see even a month ahead, let alone your whole future? How can you survive if your real troubles are followed by an army of others? Do you really believe that God is going to do a miracle for you and help you out of this big trouble? Give it up! Here - I suggest you ... "

Now Satan is weaving a new deception: he tells you that God is behind all your troubles. The Ambassador of Assyria declared: “The Lord said to me: 'Go to this land and destroy it' (2 Kings 18:25). Satan will try to convince you that God is settling scores with you, that He is angry with you. This is his most insidious lie! He leads you to believe that God has forsaken you and gave you over to sorrow and adversity. He wants you to think that all your problems are the result of God's punishment for your past sins. Don't believe it! It is Satan who wants to destroy you. Our Lord is a deliverer, a fortress. Isaiah said that He is coming: “Announce to those mourning in Zion that instead of ashes they will be given adornment, instead of weeping - oil of joy, instead of a gloomy spirit - glorious clothing; and they will call them mighty, the planting of the Lord for His glory ”(Isa. 61: 3).

No, dear saint, you are not going to the bottom. You are simply under attack, being subjected to a fiery barrage of enemy lies, because you put in your heart to trust in the Lord. Satan is trying to destroy your faith in God.

Another trick that Satan uses to intensify his attack on you is that he will try to focus your attention on his victories over other Christians: “Did the gods save the nations ... from the hand of the king of Assyria? Where are the gods Hamath and Arpad? Did they save Samaria out of my hand? " (2 Kings 18: 33-34).

Satan will boast: “I am stronger than your God. I have knocked down some of your greatest evangelists and brought them into gross sin. I made some of them money-addicted liars. How can you think that you will escape my power? "

Satan will bring to your memory all Christians who declared that they trusted in God, but suffered adversity, illness, and even death. He will point to some dear old saint, perhaps an elderly widow, who is always in pain, and who has such a meager maintenance that it seems crushed by it. The enemy will say: “She trusted in God - look what it gave her! And those fallen televangelists and ministers must have been closer to the Lord than you, but look how they ended up. If preachers can't do that, how can you? Why would you think that God is going to answer you when so many spirit giants fall? ”

I know one pastor who fell because of this enemy lie. It happened one day, when he was sitting in a tiny trailer - the mobile home of his ministering father. My father was already over 75, and he was sick, without any savings, barely making ends meet. The son heard the devil whisper to him, “See how God pays His faithful shepherds? You end up beggar, just like him! He led a godly life - and yet ends it in deep poverty. "

At that moment, this minister told himself that he would never be a beggar. A demonic spirit entered him, and from then on he became a schemer, using all his strength to snatch an extra dollar. He got entangled in dark affairs. He confessed that he was attracted by evil spirits. They haunted him on sleepless nights, saying: "You must not be poor!"

This man is still in the ministry today, but he is extremely unhappy. He loses money here and there, as all his affairs turn into failure. His father will probably die poor, but happy in the Lord - but he himself seems to leave this land full of bitterness and unbelief.

Satan will try to offer you a deal

Another trick of Satan is to paint a fantastic picture of what your life would be like if you made a deal with him: “Don't listen to Hezekiah. For thus says the king of Assyria: Make peace with me and come out to me, and let each one eat the fruits of his vine and his fig tree, and let each one drink water from his well, until I come and take you into a land the same as your land, into the land of bread and wine, into the land of fruits and vineyards, into the land of olive trees and honey, and you will live and you will not die. Do not listen to Hezekiah, who deceives you, saying: “The Lord will save us” (2 Kings 18: 31-32).

The voice of the devil whispers: “There is no need for you to be nobody, or to suffer undeservedly. Just get off your narrow paths, which you walk straight, as if pulled into a corset - and I will arrange everything for you. You will prosper! I will give you everything: money, as much as you need, grain, oil, wine. No more bills, no more making ends meet. I will open the bank for you. ”

What an insidious liar the devil is! He tells you: “Just one little business and all your problems will be solved. You deserve a rest, you have suffered enough, now it's your turn! ”. But don't delude yourself: every compromise you make in your walk with Jesus is your date with the devil! When you betray your relationship with Jesus, you break the contract by entering into a deal - and you are selling your soul in doing so. Satan promises, “I will come and take you to a land like yours” (v. 32). In other words, he says: “You can take God with you when you go with me! You will need to change a few things, but you will still be yourself. It won't hurt anything. You can have it all — Jesus and the deal! ”

I warn you: if you accept this lie, from now on you will be a slave to the devil! There is no land, wine, oil or paradise promised to them. The minute you go out to him, he will throw a chain around your neck and arms, and take you to Babylon. You will never get what you hoped for. Instead, you'll get whips and chains, broken promises and despair. You will receive an overseer as a father. Good waterthat he promised you is actually poisoned. No, you won't have freedom! Instead, you will live in complete slavery, you will be a slave to Satan's whims.

A letter from the devil

In the end, as a last resort, Satan will send you a threatening letter: “And Hezekiah took the letter from the hand of the ambassadors, and read it, and went into the house of the Lord, and Hezekiah opened it before the Lord” (2 Kings 19:14).

The messenger who delivered this letter was a devilish ambassador. The letter was a reproach of the living God, with the aim of frightening God's people. It was the epitome of devilish laughter. He mocked them and said: "I will destroy you, disgrace you, and destroy everything in your house."

Have you not received the same letter from the devil? Maybe this divorce certificate you received was a satanic way of telling you, “Read, loser! What is the use of serving God and denying yourself? It didn't save your marriage. This is all your fault. This could have been prevented. Windbag! Jonah! Leave it all! ”

That slip at work can also bring the voice of the devil: “So this is what you got by following Jesus! Dismissal! Nobody needs you. You are too old, too worn out. You go to the bottom, you lose everything. You will have nothing to pay rent or support your family. You are at the finish line! "

Or how about that X-ray? There it is written in black and white - you have a fatal disease: Cancer! Tuberculosis! This is hopeless. And Satan says, “So you believe that Jesus heals, don't you? Well, where is He now? Why do you still have to suffer? You gave Him everything - and what then? He has given you nothing in return but continued suffering. "

A dear businessman friend of mine received a letter from the devil some time ago. It was an accounting statement showing that a trusted employee embezzled hundreds of thousands of dollars from his company. These are the words of the devil to him: “Listen to me carefully. You don't have to be righteous. This is what you received for your devotion to the Lord. You pray, give donations, walk the straight and narrow path - and in the end they rob you. Ha! Gee! Shouldn't you give it all up? "

So, what do you do when faced with the devil's news? First, you must unfold the enemy's letter before the Lord, as Hezekiah did: “Hezekiah ... opened it ... before the Lord, and Hezekiah prayed” (2 Kings 19: 14-15).

Pray and seek the Lord. Don't get into conversation or argue with the devil. Just keep your peace, like the people in the described episode: “And the people were silent, and they did not answer a word; because there was a command from the king: “Do not answer him” (2 Kings 18:36).

You see, God read this letter and laughed! “This is the word that the Lord spoke about him: despise you, the virgin daughter of Zion will laugh at you; the daughter of Jerusalem will shake her head after you ”(2 Kings 19:21). In other words, God perceives the letter you received as directed personally to Him. He said: "Devil, you didn't send this letter to My child, you sent it to ME!" For: “Whom did you blame and reproach? And against whom have you lifted up your voice, and lifted up your eyes so high? The Holy One of Israel ”(2 Kings 19:22).

He who touches you touches the apple of God's eye. God says that His beloved are safe, and the devil cannot harm them: “Therefore, thus says the Lord ... he will not enter this city, and he will not throw arrows there, and he will not approach it with a shield, and he will not throw a rampart against it ... I I will protect this city in order to save it for my own sake and for the sake of David my servant ”(2 Kings 19:32, 34).

That night God showed Hezekiah that only one angel of the Lord was enough to destroy an entire army: “And it happened that night: the angel of the Lord went and smote one hundred eighty-five thousand in the Assyrian camp. And they got up in the morning, and behold, all the bodies are dead ”(2 Kings 19:35) Remember also:“ The angel of the Lord encampments around them that fear Him, and delivers them ”(Ps. 33: 8).

Dear saints, no matter how many demons attack, no matter how outrageous the threats from the kingdom of darkness are, God's people are safe. Let it be deeply rooted in your heart: You are safe! The Lord is awake to protect and deliver you!

The Lord is sending His letter to the devil!

In Psalm 45, the Lord wrote His own letter to the devil. And it is so powerful that when you read it out loud, all the demons in hell tremble and shiver with fear! This is your answer to the devil in all his attacks. This is how it sounds:

“God is our refuge and strength, a quick helper in trouble” (v. 1). Our God is present here. He is our helper not only in past centuries, but right now, today - in the midst and in all troubles.

“Therefore let us not be afraid” (v. 3). We don't need to be afraid. Our God is a consuming fire, protector and shield for His children. 2 Tim 1: 7 tells us: "For God gave us not a spirit of fear, but strength and love and chastity." He is perfectly true and true to His Word.

“God is in the midst of” this temple, “he will not be moved” (v. 6). My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit - and He says that He is in the middle of this temple. Christ Himself makes Him His dwelling place, His dwelling place within my heart. And I cannot be moved or shaken! “The nations roared; the kingdoms moved ”(v. 7). Let the pagans rage, let all earthly kingdoms shake and move. Our God will completely destroy all demonic aggressors.

“Stopping the battle ..., he crushed the bow and broke the spear, he burned the chariots with fire” (v. 10). The Lord is my army against my enemies, against those who are fighting against me. And He Himself will completely destroy all the devil's weapons set against me: “No weapon made against you will be successful” (Isa. 54:17).

He says, “Stop and know that I am God” (v. 11). I will rest completely in the knowledge that He is God. He is my God, my Redeemer, my Protector - the Lord, sovereign over all my works. I am safe, surrounded by His presence in the tent of His love. And I will stand firm and contemplate His majesty and glory! "

The shocking news stirred the Web - three centuries later, a letter dictated by the devil to the nun Maria Crosifisse della Conchecion was deciphered!

It is known that the née Isabella Tomasi from the age of 15 was in the Benedictine convent of Palma di Montechiaro in Agrigento. But one of her morning in 1676 began not according to God's plan - the girl woke up in her cell, sitting on the floor, and even with her face and hands stained with ink! On the table she found a piece of paper with a text, the meaning of which no one understood ...

Nun Maria did not hide anything, but immediately confessed to the nun sisters that this letter was dictated to her by the devil himself, who possessed her!

By the way, then no one doubted the words "possessed", but on the contrary - the letter was put on public display in the monastery. But bad luck - the meaning of the words written by the girl under the dictation of the devil, no one could understand or read. Who would have doubted that after 361 years, the mysterious manuscript would just be left alone and not tried to find out the truth? But it is worth noting that the draws and attempts did not bring visible results until ...

Until the case was taken up by Italian computer geniuses from the research center "Ludum" in Catania. It turns out that they took advantage of the anonymous space DarkNet, closed from the authorities and search engines, which remains invisible to ordinary browsers, and already there they selected a suitable decryption algorithm!

Believe it or not, in order to start working with the "language of the devil", the specialists had to load a lot of rare alphabets into the program, including the Yezidi, Ancient Greek and even the Ancient Germanic runic.

The algorithm worked by trying to match letters from alphabets with signs and letters from a cryptic letter. And he "succumbed" to 15 lines of a terrible message!

By the way, the text itself is really very similar to devilry - it is written nervously, chaotically, and even in different languages. And the red line through the entire "message" is reflections on the relationship between people, God and the devil.

Here are some phrases and passages literally: "God was invented by man", "This system does not work for anyone", "God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are an extra burden, useless", and - "God believes that he can free all mortals ".

"Letter from the Devil"

After the long-awaited opening, the director of the Ludum center Daniele Abate comments on the incident with undisguised skepticism:

“Maria was probably a talented linguist. She wrote the text in a language that she invented herself, mixing the alphabets she knew. Each symbol is well thought out and structured. But the devil, of course, was ... In her head! "

Scientists have already managed to establish that nun Maria was indeed an excellent linguist - she knew Latin, the ancient Greek and runic alphabets. But the diagnoses were added to this knowledge - it turns out that the girl suffered from schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

Today the famous "letter of the devil" is kept in the cathedral of the city of Agrigento (Sicily), and its copy is in the native monastery of nun Mary.

Three and a half centuries later, Italian experts were able to decipher a strange letter from a nun, who said that the devil had infiltrated her and forced her to write an incomprehensible message.

The other day a letter was deciphered, which was allegedly written by a demon-possessed Sicilian nun in 1676. Her name was Maria Crochifissa della Concesione, and she spent her adult life in a monastery in Palma di Montechiaro. The nun claimed that the letter was written by Satan using her body, The Times reports.

Maria entered the monastery at the age of 15, and one morning in 1676 she woke up and saw that her hands were stained with ink, and in front of her was a sheet of paper with incomprehensible symbols. She told the sisters-nuns that the devil possessed her and forced her to write a letter. They believed her, and the letter itself was even put on public display in the monastery, which many specialists tried unsuccessfully to decipher.

The coded message, which could not be read for three and a half centuries, was finally deciphered by a group of Italian programmers from a research center in Catania. They were helped by a decryption program found in the dark web (the dark web is essentially a virtual anonymous space closed from the authorities and search engines, which ordinary browsers do not see).

We heard about it software, which we think the intelligence services are using to decrypt. We have added the Greek, Arabic and Runic alphabets to the software along with Latin in order to figure out what is written in the letter. It turned out that this is really some kind of devilry, - said the director of the institute Daniel Abat.

Sister Mary spoke several languages, and scholars believe that she invented her own, based on a mixture of them. Having loaded all the alphabets and symbols into the decryption program, the specialists were able to identify individual words. They managed to understand 15 lines of the letter, which discuss the relationship between people, God and the devil. However, they say that in general the message is not very coherent and difficult to understand. This is consistent with the researchers' theory that Sister Mary was not possessed by the devil, but suffered from schizophrenia or bipolar disorder.

From what we managed to decipher, it follows that God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are "useless, unnecessary burden", and "God believes that he can free mortals." Sister Mary also wrote that God was invented by man, adding that "the system does not work for anyone." There is also a mention of the Styx River from ancient Greek mythology, about which it is said that there seems to be no doubt about it.

Mysterious letter, written over 300 years ago by a Sicilian nun that claimed she was possessed by Satan, has finally been deciphered. Scientists used deep web code to read the letter.

The message - truly diabolical - describes God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit as "dead demons," the researcher said.

It was written by Sister Maria Crosifisa della Consezione, a 31-year-old nun living in the Monastery of Palma di Montechiaro in Sicily. On August 11, 1676, she was found on the floor of her cell, her face covered in ink, holding a note written in an incomprehensible combination of symbols and letters, according to historical records. Apparently, the letter was written by the devil, trying to force her to turn from God to evil, historical accounts believe.

The nun's letter of just 14 lines of mixed, archaic letters has defied every attempt to understand its meaning over the centuries.

Now scientists at the Ludum Science Museum in Sicily have used software to develop a secret code to solve the mystery. They also looked at the historical records of the nun and her life to learn more about the woman.

“When you're working on a historical transcript, you can't ignore the psychological profile of the writer. We needed to know as much as possible about this nun. ”- Live Science Director of Ludum Daniele Abate.

Sister Maria Crosifissa della Concezione, born Isabella Tomasi (she was the ancestor of the Italian writer Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa), entered the Benedictine conventwhen she was only 15 years old, according to historical records.

“The letter appeared as if it had been written in shorthand. We assumed that Sister Maria had created a new vocabulary using ancient alphabets that she may have known, ”says Abate.

To find out for sure, the studies first tested on software they used with standard abbreviated characters from different languages. They found that the nun's letter contained a mixture of words from ancient alphabets such as Greek, Latin, Runic, and Arabic.

“We analyzed how syllables and graphics (or thoughts depicted as symbols) are repeated in writing to find vowels, and we ended up with an improved decryption algorithm,” - Abbath.

The team did not have high hopes for the result.

“We thought we could just make a few words that make sense. But the nun was fluent in languages, "adding that" the message was more complete than expected. "

Decrypting a letter from a possessed nun

A disconnected character and not entirely clear in the letter, in addition to calling for the “dead scales” of the Holy Trinity, it further says that “God thinks that he can free mortals ... The system does not work for anyone ... Perhaps now, Styx is sure.

In Greek and Roman mythology, the Styx is the river that separates the underworld from the world of the living.

The letter says that Sister Maria suffered from schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. “The image of the devil is often present in these riots. We learned from historical records that every night she screamed and fought the devil, ”Abate said.

Maria Serafica

For the church of the time, the letter was instead considered the result of its struggle with "countless evil spirits," according to a written account of the origins of Abbess Maria Seraphica.

According to Seraphica's account of the nun's behavior, written shortly after the incident, the devil forced Sister Mary (who was later blessed) to sign the letter. She heroically resisted the demand, writing "Ohimé" (oh, I), which is the only understandable word in the letter, writes Serafica.