Name Alik: name meaning and characteristics. Meaning and origin of the name Alik

In Armenia - Alik. It is also quite popular in Europe. This means that not only people from the Caucasus are called by the name Alik. Name, nationality and area of ​​residence have little connection here. In this article we will talk about the meaning of this name and what it means for its owner.


There is no reliable information about where this name originated and how it spread. It was known in ancient times, among various peoples. Today, the name Alik is most often common among Muslims and Armenians who profess Christianity. In many ways, this determined two main hypotheses of its origin. The first connects the etymology of this name with an ancient Arabic root that means “supreme” or “powerful.” The second suggests that this is a traditional native Armenian name, which can be translated with the word “aristocrat”. The third version of the origin of the name Alik is less common. The meaning of the name, according to her, is “white”. But nevertheless, in today's Europe it is often said that Alik actually means “protector”. Sometimes the question arises about the full form of this name, because the form “Alik” is very similar to the diminutive abbreviation. The full name, however, will be so - there is no other form.

Characteristics in childhood

A boy with this name shows himself as a kind person with a keen sense of justice. Whenever possible, he tries to protect the weak and defend the rights of the offended. In very early childhood, he is already characterized by such qualities as sensitivity and wisdom, prudence and common sense. In addition, he is ambitious and therefore often becomes a leader in his company. However, his leadership style is devoid of tyranny and dictatorship. On the contrary, Alik, whose name means so much for the child’s character, shows himself to be a kind-hearted, attentive and peace-loving leader. The boy's parents do not know the problems and hassles of raising him. The same applies to his teachers and educators.

Particular attention paid to little things is a distinctive feature of those who bear the name Alik. The meaning of the name also manifests itself in the fact that the guy is able to notice things that others do not pay attention to. Perseverance, a penchant for solitude and a calm disposition distinguish the boy from many other peers, and sometimes one gets the impression that the child is maturing beyond his years.

Youth and youth

As in childhood, the matured Alik is a stronghold of peace and kindness. He is gentle and in tense situations always tries to avoid conflict. Alik, whose name gives him this gentleness, is also unable to pass by those who need help. He is a born altruist and is ready to selflessly help everyone who asks him for it. Emotionally suffers from seeing any kind of injustice, especially when he does not have the opportunity to influence the situation in any way. Otherwise, he tries to exert all his strength for the triumph of truth. Being direct and sincere, Alik does not like pomposity and pathos in people, and therefore especially values ​​spiritual simplicity and openness. He loves kind people very much, and tries to avoid vicious, flattering, evil and two-faced people by all means. However, if due to some life circumstances this cannot be done, then the name Alik makes its owner experience very serious discomfort.

Bad influence and bad habits are something that Alik is not susceptible to. The meaning of the name gives the young man immunity in this sense. Therefore, among alcoholics and drug addicts, there are very rare people called by this name.

Alik proves himself to be an excellent friend, whose loyalty and reliability cannot be doubted at all. He keeps secrets well and will never reveal them to anyone.

The young man has a special penchant for a healthy lifestyle and sports. If you instill in him a taste for training from childhood, he is able to achieve impressive success in his sports career. In addition, Alik has a weakness for travel and will never miss an opportunity to go somewhere unknown and see something new. Alik also shows himself as a romantic. And this applies not only to personal relationships, but throughout life.

Personal relationships

Alik is a man whose loyalty cannot be doubted. He is distinguished by very high moral principles, and therefore if he does not become boring, he will simply become the dream of almost any girl. Being temperamentally measured and calm, Alik is not prone to experiencing violent feelings. Therefore, a young man falls in love relatively rarely. At the same time, his connections with girls are marked by seriousness and depth. Accordingly, he approaches the choice of a companion quite scrupulously, avoiding infantile and frivolous persons. In addition, he does not really like daring and “prickly” girls, preferring soft and feminine ones.


Having married, Alik shows himself as a caring husband and father. He does everything to provide his family with a comfortable life. In addition, she pays a lot of attention to the emotional atmosphere in the house, trying to smooth out all conflict situations. Loves it when peace reigns in the house. He is very attentive to his wife, whom he accepts for who she is, without trying to remake her to fit a certain standard. Raises children with moderate severity.

The owner of the name Alik can certainly be proud of a very beautiful and euphonious name.

The name is an integral part of the personality of every person, so it is so important to know what a particular name means, the history of its origin, as well as the fate of the people who previously owned it. In ancient times, people were convinced that every word carries a certain charge of energy, and naming a person has truly magical power. This is due to the fact that each of us hears our name dozens of times a day, and, therefore, its meaning has a huge impact on our behavior, mood and hobbies.

The male name Alik has a rich history. This name was established in ancient times in the system of world naming, but it is not possible to interpret it unambiguously, since in Muslim everyday life it is used in one meaning, in Armenian - in the second, and in European - in the third. However, researchers are convinced that all interpretations of this name to some extent influence the image of the owner of the name Alik.

Thus, the Turkic name Alik originally goes back to the ancient Arabic name Ali, the meaning of which, when translated into Russian, can be translated as “supreme, mighty,” and names derived from this name. This name has traditionally been one of the desirable names, promising its bearers all the best that is contained in their interpretation. Therefore, it was believed that the name Alik would undoubtedly become a symbol of a happy fate and a sign of great destiny for the young heir.

The Armenian name Alik comes from the German name Albert, which, in turn, arose as a contracted form of the ancient German name Adalbert. This naming is two-basic and consists of popular German nominal components: “adal”, which means “noble”, and “beraht”, that is “bright”. Thus, in general, the meaning of the Transcaucasian name Alik sounds like “glorious for his generosity” or “well-born aristocrat”. At the same time, in modern Armenian usage, the name Alik is often given to a person baptized with the canonical name Oleg (Old Scand. “saint”). Consequently, the name Alik promises its owner sublimity of spirit and kindness, righteousness of thoughts and all sorts of accomplishments.

In the European naming system, the name Alik is an affectionate form for two church names - Alexander (Greek “protector of people”) and Alexey (Greek “defender”). Thus, the name Alik should reward the bearer with physical strength and fortitude, courage and the desire for general well-being.

Many famous artists, musicians, athletes and statesmen glorified the name Alik, for example: Minister of Internal Affairs of Armenia Alik Sargsyan; Armenian singer Alik Gunashyan; Israeli chess player, grandmaster Alik Gershon; Russian poet, performance artist Alik Rivin; master of sports, stunt actor Alik Gulkhanov; Soviet and Russian rock musician, bassist Alik Granovsky.

Sources: Ter-Sarkisyants A.E., Systems of personal names among the peoples of the world. Acharyan R.Ya., Dictionary of proper names in the Armenian language. Ibn Mirzakarim al-Karnaki, Muslim names. Petrovsky N.A., Dictionary of Russian personal names.

From the list of Armenian names, one of the most famous and popular in the world is the name Alik. In addition to Armenia itself, it is often found in some European countries, and not only among representatives of the Armenian diaspora, but among the local population. From the text of this article you will learn where the name Alik comes from, the meaning of this name, as well as the characteristics of the men who wear it, both in their childhood and during their youth, youth and adulthood.

Name Alik: origin and meaning of the name

There is no unambiguous scientific data about when and in what area the name Alik first appeared and how it spread throughout the world. It was used by many tribes in ancient times, so there are at least three versions of its origin. The first of them connects the etymology of the word “Alik” with the ancient Arabic language, tracing it to a root meaning “supreme” or “supreme”. The second hypothesis assumes the Armenian origin of the name and translates it into Russian with the word “aristocrat” or “noble person.” Even less common is the theory of Latin borrowing, according to which "Alic" is traced back to the Latin word "albus", meaning "white". Nevertheless, this version also has the right to life. It is also worth noting the tendency in recent years to interpret this name as “protector.” This is especially true for some European countries.

It should also be noted that the name we are talking about is not strictly masculine. In the form of “Alika” it can also be given to female children. The meaning of the name Alika for a girl includes exactly the same connotations and associations as for a boy.

Characteristics in childhood

The meaning of the name Alik for a boy manifests itself from a very early age, and mainly from the positive side. The boy grows up kind and fair, reacting very painfully to cases of infringement of someone. At the same time, he is not timid and always strives to restore the truth with the help of force. He shows himself to be precocious, wise and reasonable, and in addition, a very sensitive person, capable of empathy. Alik, the meaning of his name, whose character and fate are closely connected, is also not without a certain amount of ambition. This leads to the fact that in the company of his peers he often takes a leading position. But his style of managing people is far from any kind of tyranny and dictatorship. He is very sensitive and tries to be on an equal footing with people, taking into account other people’s voices, opinions and taking everyone’s needs into account. Alik knows how to find a compromise between disputing parties and smooth out almost any conflict. Alik values ​​peace most of all and always tries to create a friendly environment. All this makes the boy an almost trouble-free child. That is why he is loved very much by his parents, educators and teachers.

The name Alik, whose meaning is so great for a child, makes him, among other things, a pedant in many respects. He is very observant, reasonable, and sometimes even meticulous. All this allows him to notice many things that no one else sees. In addition, the child has great patience, perseverance and a penchant for solitude. This makes him a little unsociable in the eyes of relatives and peers, but in fact this is simply a sign of the depth of the child’s soul and his disproportionate maturity.

Characteristics in adolescence, youth and maturity

When characterizing Alik, the meaning of his name, whose character and fate are a single whole, one cannot fail to mention his kind-heartedness and cordiality, which, having manifested itself in childhood, will never leave him. In his surroundings, he always becomes a stronghold of peace and order. His gentle nature makes him always look for ways to peacefully resolve all conflicts. But at the same time, he will not remain indifferent if someone needs his help, and in this sense, Alik is capable of entering into the most brutal confrontation, just to defend a just cause and innocent people. Moreover, he offers his protection and his help selflessly, motivating and justifying his philanthropy with simple humanity and moral principles.

As for relationships with others, Alik values ​​simplicity and directness in people above all else. He does not like pretentious manners, ostentatious style of behavior, pretentiousness and tries to avoid the company of people of this kind. He also does not tolerate cruel, two-faced, selfish people, and therefore, if for some reason he has to deal with them, then the young man experiences terrible discomfort within himself. The name Alik also shows its meaning in the fact that the young man in his life is practically not subject to bad influence from the outside. Since childhood, he has developed fairly high ethical requirements, which he tries to meet in everything. This means that the percentage of men named Alik among criminals, criminals, alcoholics or drug addicts is extremely low.

Alik's friendship is a real gift of fate. Under no circumstances will he reveal other people's secrets and will not talk too much. He does not abandon his friends in trouble and sincerely rejoices in the joys of his neighbors.

It should also be said that since childhood the young man has had a special love for sports. He devotes a lot of time to training and if he gets seriously involved, he can achieve incredible success in sports. In addition, he loves to travel and would never miss the opportunity to go somewhere new. This passion is part of his romantic soul, which manifests itself in many other things that the young man’s circle knows about.

Personal life

Speaking about Alik’s personal life, first of all, it should be noted that one can practically not expect betrayal or other treacherous acts from him. He is an extremely reliable guy who always knows how to show himself as a gentleman towards a lady. In addition, he knows what he wants from women, and therefore he chooses a girlfriend very thoughtfully, with his characteristic scrupulousness. Alik is not very amorous, because he is not particularly emotional at all. Accordingly, he doesn’t change girls like gloves and doesn’t engage in “collecting.” And if you have already entered into a relationship with a representative of the fair sex, then most likely there are the most serious intentions behind this. He prefers girls who are soft in temperament and kind in character. He does not tolerate pomposity, bitchiness and an inflated opinion of himself on the part of ladies.


The name Alik shows its significance in a man’s marriage life in that it makes him an exemplary father and husband. This means that he takes full responsibility for his family, trying to provide material comfort and maintain a warm family atmosphere. The peace and love that reigns in the family is the highest value in the life of a man named Alik, and he will do everything to ensure that it is built on the strongest foundations. Alik takes part in raising children, while observing the golden mean between severity and affection. For Alik’s wife, it is very important that he does not make attempts to remake her to suit his ideal, but accepts his wife for who she is.


In terms of career development, Alik shows himself as a responsible and reliable employee, whose work style is marked by scrupulousness and pedantry. He always tries to do his work efficiently, conscientiously, avoiding any hack work. The young man’s personal and professional qualities provide him with fairly rapid career growth and a confident path to the top. So it can be argued that if Alik sets his goal to achieve high social status and recognition, he will definitely achieve this.


Among the famous representatives of the stronger sex, named after Alik, we remember our compatriot - musician Alik Granovsky, member and one of the founders of the group "Aria".

Name forms

It must be said right away that “Alik” is not an abbreviated form, but quite a full-fledged name. In addition, in everyday life it can be further shortened to the form “Face”. There are many affectionate options. For example, Alichka, Likusha, Likushka and so on.

The name Alik is of Greek origin. It translates as “protector of the people.” Translated from Latin, Alik means “white”, “light”. However, there is no clear opinion among researchers about this name. Many consider it to be a derivative of Alexey, Albert, Oleg, etc.

    Element: fire.

    Planet: Jupiter.

    Amulet stone: diamond.


The qualities that characterize a man’s character in accordance with the meaning of the name Alik include reliability, kindness and attentiveness. Little Alik is distinguished by his sensitivity and wisdom. He is almost always obedient and is a favorite of both relatives and teachers. In adulthood, he is a peace-loving, good-natured and gentle man.

The secret of the name Alik is that he is endowed with a heightened sense of justice. People often turn to him for advice, and he can judge disputes wisely. Alik is tactful and gentle. Imposing his will on others is not typical for him. If you turn to him with a request, he will do everything in his power to fulfill it.

The family life of a man named Alik is, as a rule, serene and cloudless. He is not patient with people with dictatorial habits and explosive temperaments. Therefore, he chooses a flexible and soft woman as his wife, who is able to understand him in any situation. The name Alik means that in family life he will always be extremely frank and honest. As a rule, Alik is a good and moderately strict father. He maintains perfect order in the house.

The meaning of the name Alik is the tendency to become interested in acting or directing at a young age. As a rule, such a child has acting abilities and good diction. Therefore, due attention should be paid to the development of these abilities, which may later be useful for your favorite profession.

A child named Alik is calm and rarely disappoints relatives. He is obedient and easy to train. More attention should be paid to the boy's physical development. Natural perseverance sometimes leads to a lack of physical activity and active rest, which are necessary to strengthen the young body.

Study, career, hobbies

Alik studies quite well and diligently. He is characterized by perseverance and attentiveness to his favorite little things. Therefore, Alik experiences well-deserved patronage and love from his teachers.

What does the name Alik mean for career growth? Inherent thoughtfulness, patience and fairness provide well-deserved authority in any team. Men with this name often find their calling in law. One of the secrets of the name Alik is that they make good judges and lawyers. Wise and sensitive to the needs of others, they always find a fair solution in any situation.

Men named Alik have truly “golden hands”. Their main hobby is taking care of their own home and its comfort. They love to put things in perfect order, take care of pets and work in the country.


A man named Alik is characterized by good health. They are endowed with stable immunity to diseases. The most vulnerable place is the heart. Due to increased emotionality, there may be problems with blood circulation. Therefore, more attention should be paid to active recreation and physical exercise.


Alik Granovsky - bassist, rock musician; Alik Gershon – chess player, grandmaster; Alik Rivin - poet; Alik Gulkhanov – stuntman, actor; Alik Zinger is a fashion designer.

Knowing your own elegance gives you a sense of self-confidence. It is important for you to be “well dressed,” smart, respectable. Sometimes your appearance can serve as a kind of shield for you, allowing you to isolate yourself from people with whom communication with you is currently undesirable for some reason. At the same time, your appearance, sometimes quite colorful, but always correct, endears you and evokes sympathy.

Compatibility of the name Alika, manifestation in love

Alika, your characteristic qualities are charm, romanticism and the ability to put your feelings into forms that cannot but cause a response. The state of being in love gives you a feeling of fullness of life, continuous euphoria. Your gift for finding beauty in every prospective partner is amazing and delightful. However, as soon as the relationship loses the charm of novelty, becomes ordinary and obligatory, your interest in us quickly fades away. But although you often tolerate the breakup easily, the memories of it remain quite painful for you for a long time, since you like to go through and analyze the smallest details and circumstances, comparing the past with the present.


You are gifted with a bright personality, and all your spiritual aspirations are aimed at realizing your existing abilities in one way or another. This desire often determines your choice.

But there are many abilities, and they are very diverse. Accordingly, there may be several ways to implement them. Therefore, quite often you find yourself having to give up one opportunity in favor of another.

It’s good if you have the prudence to focus on a specific goal and direct all your efforts towards achieving it. It’s bad if you are trying to “chase two birds with one stone”, not wanting to sacrifice even small chances of success. In this case, you risk wasting all your spiritual potential, “spraying” it, letting it go to waste. And - to be left with nothing.

You should trust your heart more. He doesn’t care about external shine, all the tinsel that usually decorates the life of artistic people. Therefore, it is precisely this that will tell you the only right decision at the right moment. Try to “hear” him.