Drainage drinks for weight loss, getting rid of swelling and improving overall well-being. Drinks for weight loss at home Drainage drink for weight loss

Hello, dear readers of my blog! Today I propose to choose the most effective drainage drinks for weight loss at home. We’ll also definitely talk about how they work and whether they can cause harm.

Helpful or Harmful?

A balanced diet and physical activity are not always enough to quickly lose weight. Those who want to fight extra pounds safely and without nervous breakdowns should learn more about drainage drinks. Most of them are prepared on the basis of plant ingredients, so they are natural and healthy.

To lose weight, it is often necessary to remove excess water - and special drinks should cope with this task. They are called drainage. Along with excess fluid, they help the body get rid of toxins, which is why they are otherwise called cleanses or detox drinks.

The benefits of their regular use are enormous, especially if a strong desire to lose weight is supported by proper nutrition and regular exercise. By the way, I suggest studying the features of a diet after childbirth for weight loss.

In addition to the above, drainage drinks:

  • improve metabolism, accelerating the breakdown of fat and preventing it from accumulating;
  • relieve swelling;
  • improve overall well-being;
  • they lift your mood, which many people experience when they lose weight;
  • strengthen the immune system, which can be weakened by some diets;
  • enrich the body with beneficial vitamins and minerals, which are found in large quantities in the natural components of drinks.

Detox drinks have a much gentler effect than diuretics: you won’t have to run to the toilet often, and excess water won’t wash away beneficial substances from your body.

Drainage drinks can cause harm to the body only in three cases:

  • if you get too carried away with the consumption of any one component, for example, eat bunches of parsley or kilograms of orange zest every day;
  • do not take into account the contraindications of a specific herb or product (for example, mint is contraindicated during pregnancy);
  • not knowing about individual intolerance, that is, not knowing about one’s own allergy to a particular plant or product.

You need to be careful with the choice of ingredients during pregnancy and breastfeeding - not all herbs are allowed during this period. I told you how to lose excess weight after childbirth in safe ways.

How do the most popular components work?

Almost all recipes for drainage drinks are very simple, but over time they can get boring. Therefore, I will tell you how specific products act on the body, and you can use your imagination, mix the ingredients to your liking and treat yourself to something new almost every day.

  • Honey – relieves inflammation, soothes and relaxes, strengthens the immune system.
  • Lemon juice speeds up metabolism, gives energy, and removes toxins.
  • Currants (leaves and berries) – have a diuretic effect and improve vision.
  • Strawberries (leaves and berries) – cleanse the body of toxins and waste.
  • Raspberries (leaves and berries), green tea - quickly remove fluid and cleanse the body.
  • Cucumber – suppresses the feeling of hunger, removes excess water and speeds up metabolism.
  • Parsley – perfectly suppresses appetite and removes swelling.
  • Calendula – has an anti-inflammatory effect, enhances the body’s protective functions.
  • Grapefruit – speeds up metabolism and has a detox effect.

  • Citrus zest – cleanses the liver and burns fat.
  • Ginger is good for constipation and digestive problems, improves the functioning of all organs and systems in the body.
  • Melissa - restores intestinal functions and removes excess fluid.
  • Peppercorns – warms and tones.
  • Low-fat kefir – removes toxins and harmful bacteria from the intestines, and is useful for constipation.
  • Turmeric – improves digestion due to the rapid production of gastric juice.
  • Beetroot juice is ideal for constipation; it removes excess fluid and waste along with urine.
  • Pumpkin juice improves metabolism and restores the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Celery (juice) – has a mild laxative effect and improves digestion.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to list all herbs, vegetables and fruits, so only the most popular ones were included in the list.

Personal hit parade

You can buy various drainage mixtures at a pharmacy or herbal shop, but many of us still prefer to prepare them ourselves. I studied all the recipes on the Internet, tried most of them and compiled my top 5 drainage drinks for losing weight.

If you want to learn how to quickly regain your figure after childbirth, read this.

So, my hit parade (result – 4 kg in 2 weeks).

1st place: Lemon drink with honey and cinnamon


  • Water – 1 l.
  • Large lemon – 1 pc.
  • Honey – 1 tbsp.
  • Cinnamon – a pinch of ground or a stick.
  • A few lemon balm leaves.

To prepare:

  1. Grate the lemon skin and pour a glass of boiling water.
  2. Squeeze lemon juice into a separate container.
  3. Finely chop the lemon balm and add to the juice.
  4. Add ground cinnamon (or add a cinnamon stick).
  5. Dissolve honey in a small amount of boiled water and pour into juice.
  6. Add the strained infusion of lemon zest.
  7. Pour in the remaining water and mix thoroughly.

Place 2: Ginger-Apple Drainage Drink


  • Grated ginger root – 3 tsp.
  • Water – 0.5 l.
  • Apple (preferably red) – 1 pc.
  • Lemon – 1 pc.
  • Cinnamon sticks – 1-2 pcs.
  • Honey – 1 tsp.

To prepare:

  1. Peel the ginger, grate it on a coarse grater and pour boiling water over it.
  2. Cut the apple into small cubes and add to the ginger.
  3. Grind the lemon in a blender and combine with the general mixture.
  4. Dip cinnamon into the drink and add honey.

Place 3: Parsley, ginger and lemon drink


  • Parsley – 5-7 sprigs.
  • Lemon – 1 pc.
  • Water – 1 l.
  • Ginger – 5 gr.

To prepare:

  1. Pour boiling water over the chopped parsley, leave for 30 minutes, strain.
  2. Grind the lemon in a blender and combine the lemon mixture with the parsley infusion.
  3. Grate the ginger and add to the general mixture.
  4. Leave for 30 minutes.

Location 4: Sassi Water

The recipe for this drink was invented by the famous nutritionist Santia Sissi.


  • Filtered water – 2 l.
  • Mint – 10 leaves.
  • Grated ginger root – 1 tbsp.
  • Large cucumber – 1 pc.
  • Medium lemon – 1 pc.

To prepare:

  1. Peel the cucumber and cut into rings.
  2. We do the same with the lemon in the peel - cut it into rings.
  3. Finely grate the ginger.
  4. Tear mint leaves with your hands.
  5. Pour everything into a container and fill it with cool water.
  6. Insist for an hour.

Place 5: Kefir-ginger drink


  • Low-fat kefir – 0.5 l.
  • Grated ginger root – 1 tbsp.
  • Half a lemon.
  • Ground cinnamon – 0.5 tsp.
  • Ground black pepper - on the tip of a knife.

To prepare:

  1. Pour all ingredients into a blender and mix. Ready!
  2. You can add lemon juice or citrus zest.

If you just can’t lose weight, then turn your attention to weight loss drinks. On the one hand, it seems too simple - to drink and lose weight, but on the other hand, if you understand the essence of the process, then the mechanism of weight loss becomes clear. First of all, this method helps cleanse the body of accumulated toxins. As a result, metabolism improves, which leads to faster metabolism and a decrease in body volume.

Drinks for weight loss at home

Excess weight is a problem not only of fat deposits, but also of the accumulation of unnecessary fluid in cells and tissues. To remove it, drainage is necessary. The availability of this method makes it popular, and its effectiveness has been proven in practice by a large number of happy women who have lost your hated centimeters and kilograms.

As with any other method, before using fat-burning drinks you need to carefully read the contraindications. These include:

    pregnancy, breastfeeding;

    allergic reactions to components of plant origin;

    problems with the gastrointestinal tract, indigestion;

    chronic diseases of the liver, kidneys, gall bladder;

    children up to 12 years of age.

TOP 7 most popular recipes


No matter how banal and strange it may sound, ordinary water can work wonders for our body. By drinking two liters daily, you ensure the functioning of every cell, reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, and prevent constipation. This is a preventive measure to ensure slimness and well-being. Water helps you lose weight, and that's a fact. And this is also the simplest and always available remedy.

Ginger tea.

Grate the ginger root on a fine grater or grind in a blender. Pour 250 ml of boiling water over a teaspoon of the resulting slurry. Leave for 10 minutes. Add honey to the resulting infusion to taste.

Ginger is rich in amino acids, it improves digestion, improves immunity, and gives vigor. Honey improves immunity, has antiseptic properties, contains many vitamins and microelements, and essential oils.

Sassi water.

For two liters of water, take one medium-sized fresh cucumber and lemon. Cut everything into thin slices, add a teaspoon of chopped ginger, fresh mint leaves. Mix all ingredients and refrigerate for 10-12 hours. Drink in small sips throughout the day.

Cucumber has diuretic properties and contains many microelements. Lemon is good for digestion, it contains a lot of vitamin C and can dull the feeling of hunger. Mint helps remove toxins.

Kefir with cinnamon.

Add a teaspoon of cinnamon to a glass of kefir. Stir the mixture.

Kefir reduces appetite and improves peristalsis. Cinnamon lowers blood sugar, reduces swelling, and has an antimicrobial effect. Ideally, you can replace one of your meals with this drink - for example, dinner. The result will not be long in coming! For the drink, you must use fresh kefir, that is, the release date on the packaging must be exactly the current date. The fact is that fresh kefir has laxative properties, and yesterday’s or the day before yesterday’s can cause constipation.

Parsley infusion.

Finely chop fresh parsley (a bunch) and pour a glass of boiling water. Let it brew for 20 minutes, strain. Drink before meals three times a day. The product has a decongestant effect and reduces appetite.

Vitamin drainage drink.

Combine a glass of rosehip broth with two tablespoons of lemon juice and add a pinch of red pepper. The drink has a unique taste, but the effect is impressive. This is a vitamin charge for your body, a drainage effect and acceleration of digestion.

Citrus cocktail.

Take 2 grapefruits, 2 oranges, 1 lemon and a teaspoon of honey. Extract juice from fruits using a juicer, mix with honey. Eat for breakfast or lunch. Not recommended for dinner due to its invigorating effect. Those with stomach problems should take this drink with caution. This cocktail will charge you with positivity for the whole day, help digestion and burn excess fat.

The above-mentioned weight loss drinks and cocktails reduce appetite, remove toxins, cleanse the body and intestines, improve well-being, give vigor and good mood.

It is not difficult to prepare them at home. This process will take no more than 10 minutes. Spend a little time with your body, and it will respond with smooth operation, clean, beautiful skin without acne. Your hair will also become shinier and your nails will be stronger.

To summarize, I would like to say that the problem of losing weight must be approached creatively and comprehensively. If you eat fast food with drinks for weight loss, you will not see results. Proper balanced nutrition, exercise, drainage drinks - all together will provide you with slimness and ease.

Watch your health. Beauty starts from within!

For people who want to lose weight, experts recommend taking drainage drinks. This is the name of special products that are now offered in a large assortment in all pharmacies. You can buy a ready-made drug, or you can prepare drainage drinks for weight loss at home yourself, following certain recipes. What are the benefits of taking these medications, how to prepare them, and are there any contraindications?

What is lymphatic drainage?

The fight against excess weight is not just about restricting food. It will be necessary to take a whole range of measures, including removing excess fluid retained in the body. The liquid substance located in the intercellular space is called lymph. It is necessary to cleanse the human body of germs, toxins and other substances of little use.

Thanks to motor activity, lymph moves, resulting in a cleansing process.

However, in the modern world, people don't move that much. In this regard, lymph moves with less intensity, and all wastes and toxins accumulated in the body are released at a slow speed.

Because of this, various substances of little use accumulate in the body, and a person’s well-being deteriorates significantly. As a result, stagnation of toxins in the body can lead to serious illnesses and intoxication. To avoid this, it is necessary to ensure the removal of excess moisture from the intercellular space. And it is the procedure for removing these excesses that is called lymphatic drainage.

Today, lymphatic drainage is carried out not only in medical institutions, but also in various spa salons. There are different types of this procedure - manual, vacuum and others, which are carried out not only for health purposes, but also for beauty purposes. To speed up the process of lymph movement through the body and, of course, the removal of toxins itself, it is necessary to take drainage drinks that will help cleanse the lymph from the inside without any expensive procedures.

The easiest way is to buy a ready-made drug, for example, Turboslim, a drainage weight loss drink. It is designed to improve lymph circulation, remove toxins, relieve swelling and aid in weight loss. The basis for its preparation was extracts of natural plants. It does an excellent job of its main task - removing toxins, and also helps to easily get rid of those hated extra pounds, without exhausting diets and physical activity.

You can also prepare a drainage drink yourself, at home, following certain rules. Moreover, this will not require much time or large financial expenses, and you can be 100% sure of the safety and naturalness of such a product.

Video “Recipes for the most effective drainage drinks for weight loss”

An informational video that will help you easily prepare not only a tasty drainage drink for weight loss, but also an effective one.

Pros and cons of drainage drinks

The benefits of taking homemade drainage products are impressive. Unlike many weight loss products, both natural and chemical, this method is safer and has many advantages. These include:

  1. Normalization of the process of removing fluid from the body, which will reduce weight by 2-3 kg, as well as improve metabolism.
  2. Metabolism stimulation. Thanks to this, during the diet, fat cells will dissolve much faster, and fewer stagnant processes will form in the body.
  3. , the cause of which is poor nutrition and lack of vitamins, as well as excess moisture.
  4. Strengthening the immune system thanks to its natural composition, rich in nutrients, vitamins and various microelements. This will allow you to saturate the body with the substances it needs, despite the process of losing weight, during which the body often weakens due to a lack of useful components. As a result, easy weight loss without harm to the entire body.

Drainage drinks also have a drawback - they can be prepared using products that should not be consumed by allergy sufferers. In addition, it is impossible to remove many extra pounds by drinking drinks alone. You need to follow a diet and exercise. However, if you want to get rid of 3-5 extra pounds, then drainage drinks are the most suitable option for this.

Contraindications for use

Considering that products with drainage properties have a very active effect on the body, not everyone can take them.

Some people who have the following indicators should be careful:

  1. Various types of allergic reactions - rash, itching, redness and other manifestations. They can occur due to the natural components of drinks.
  2. The emotional situation at the moment is unstable. In general, many nutritionists and other doctors do not recommend losing weight during periods of emotional instability. This is due to the fact that at such a time the human body already lacks energy and necessary substances, and the process of losing weight and dieting will only aggravate the situation.
  3. Excess weight is very large. In this case, you must first find out the cause of obesity and determine whether drinking the drainage drink is dangerous to your health. Of course, all this can be solved with the help of a doctor.
  4. Vitamin deficiency was diagnosed. Taking drainage drinks may make the problem even worse.
  5. Disorders of the urinary or lymphatic system have been identified.
  6. There is swelling at normal weight. Such persons should first consult with an endocrinologist or therapist.
  • pregnant women;
  • children under 11 years old;
  • for chronic or acute disorders of the genitourinary system, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys;
  • with insufficient weight;
  • when dehydrated;
  • in hot weather.

Recipes for home cooking

As already mentioned, drainage drinks can not only be purchased at the pharmacy, but also made independently. To do this, you need to use natural ingredients. The most popular ingredients that are excellent for preparing the product and can easily cope with excess weight and the removal of excess moisture are fresh or frozen berries, sweet peppers, parsley and dill (also have a great effect on the intestines and fight against), rosehip, which is an indispensable remedy in case of swelling, it helps speed up the process of fluid removal, and so on.

You also cannot do without such useful and versatile products that are used in many beauty and health recipes:

  • honey, which contains a lot of useful substances;
  • mint, which not only has calming properties, it also perfectly invigorates, improves the general condition of a person, and returns the body to tone;
  • ginger, which has a pleasant taste, suppresses nausea, has many beneficial properties, is often used in cosmetology;
  • lemon is an indispensable product for health and beauty;
  • natural medicinal herbs, the most useful and suitable are chamomile, string, eucalyptus, St. John's wort, thyme, calendula and so on.

Honey drink at home

The drainage based product is a very effective drink. This is due to the fact that this natural product helps activate the process of removing fluid along with toxins and slag deposits.

Preparing a honey-based product is quite simple. To do this you need:

  1. Add one teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice to one teaspoon of honey. You can choose any honey you like. But it is better, as practice shows, to give preference to May honey. It is advisable that the honey is not candied so that the product mixes better.
  2. Add half a glass of warm water to the resulting mixture and stir until smooth, so that the honey is completely dissolved.
  3. Drink the resulting liquid 10-15 minutes before meals.

Birch-honey decoction is considered even more effective. To prepare it, add boiling water (250 ml) to a pinch of birch leaves. The product is allowed to stand for 15-20 minutes and then filtered. When the liquid has cooled to a temperature of 40-45 degrees, honey (a teaspoon) is added to it. Next, mix the infusion thoroughly and drink it before meals, twice a day - morning and evening. Each time you need to prepare a fresh drink.

Berry drainage drink

You can use any berries as a base for preparing the drink. However, as practice shows, currants and strawberries are the most suitable. Both types of berries have excellent diuretic properties.

To prepare a strawberry-based product you will need:

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. dry strawberry leaves and fruits.
  2. Pour boiling water (250 ml) over them. After this, let the broth brew for 2-3 hours.
  3. Strain the resulting liquid.
  4. Take the finished drink 10-15 minutes before meals. Each time you need to drink about 1 tbsp. l. decoction

A drink is prepared from currants in the same way, but taken in larger quantities. The product can be drunk before meals, 125 ml. If there are no restrictions, the amount of infusion taken can be increased, but not more than 2 times, otherwise, instead of losing weight, you may get diarrhea.

Parsley is an indispensable product for the health of the whole body.

The miracle drainage drink made from parsley is an excellent way to remove excess fluid, and this process begins within a day. Moreover, the drug can not only reduce swelling, but can also significantly reduce appetite, which is extremely important when losing weight.

To prepare a parsley-based drink you will need:

  1. Take a bunch of fresh parsley. You can also use dried parsley, but not frozen, as it does not have the necessary properties.
  2. Chop the greens and pour a glass of boiling water over them.
  3. Leave for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Strain.
  5. Drink 100 ml of the prepared liquid 40-45 minutes before meals.

Ginger drink for weight loss

Ginger is an equally popular remedy for weight loss as it is also capable of removing water from the body. It’s not for nothing that it has been famous for years and is gaining more and more positive reviews.

Interesting fact:

In addition to its rather pleasant taste, ginger perfectly invigorates, restores tone to the body, energizes, and also helps suppress appetite. It is worth noting that ginger tea also perfectly suppresses nausea.

Making the drink is very simple. To do this, you need to pour one teaspoon of grated or ground ginger into 250 ml of boiling water. Cover the container with tea with a lid so that it brews well. After 6-8 minutes, strain, add honey, lemon, divide into 3-5 parts and drink before meals. You can add lemon balm, mint, and lingonberry leaves to the ginger, which have similar properties. Moreover, they will significantly improve the taste of tea and also have equally beneficial properties on the body.

It is worth noting that drinking ginger tea without lemon is strictly not recommended. Firstly, it will not taste very pleasant (it can be very bitter), and secondly, such tea can cause heartburn. Also, for a more pleasant taste and unique aroma, it is recommended to add cinnamon to ginger tea (it is better to use whole cinnamon, not ground).

Drainage drinks with medicinal herbs

Infusions based on medicinal herbs are no less effective. You can choose the base yourself, to your taste. The most effective and useful, as well as effective for losing weight, are calendula, horsetail, chamomile, St. John's wort and many others. The recipes for drainage drinks for weight loss based on medicinal herbs are identical, only the selected bases differ.

To prepare a drink with medicinal herbs you need:

  1. Take the required amount of dry medicinal herb. Usually this quantity is indicated on the package. On average, 2-3 teaspoons of herb will be enough for half a liter of water.
  2. Boil half a liter of water and add the herb to the boiling water. It is better not to make a lot of decoction at once, since it can be stored for no more than two days. It is better to prepare a new, fresh drink every day.

Herbs, almost all of them, have medicinal properties. Information about the healing properties of plants has accumulated over thousands of years. Already the Ancient Egyptians classified plants according to their pharmacological effects. Among them were laxatives, wound healing, diuretics, etc.

At one time, there was a decree that stated that to maintain health one must take castor oil, i.e. castor oil The natural power of herbs has helped people for centuries. By accepting her help, you can still maintain health and beauty for many years. Infusions and decoctions of herbs will help monitor regular cleansing of the body. And in this case, lymphatic drainage teas will help us.

As you know, when lymph flow is disrupted and the body is clogged, cellulite and weight problems occur. Toxins and wastes are deposited in adipose tissue, and this causes its growth and swelling, and lymph stagnates. The use of lymphatic drainage teas can combat cellulite and restore not only a beautiful complexion, but also improve the health of the entire body.

Some plants contain biologically active substances (BAS), which help cleanse the lymph, normalize lymph flow and remove toxins. Typically, lymphatic drainage tea is a collection consisting of several herbs.

Drainage drinks can be prepared at home or purchased ready-made mixtures at the pharmacy.

What are these drinks and what are they?

They can be divided into several types:

1. Pure water with various additives
2. Fruit and vegetable juices
3. Herbal infusions and decoctions
4. Herbal teas
5. Finished products for industrial or medical production.

All of them can help you lose weight. However, we must remember that juices, for example, cannot be consumed in their pure form due to the high content of acids in them, which damage tooth enamel (they should be drunk through a straw), and they are also undesirable for those with gastrointestinal diseases tract.

There are also those that have laxative properties. Therefore, juices must be diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio, some can be mixed with each other. Most juices have a diuretic and even laxative effect.

Decoctions and infusions of herbs according to their mode of action are divided into:

1. Diuretics: dandelion, burdock, corn silk, horsetail, bearberry, barberry, knotweed, etc.
2. Appetite suppressants: marshmallow root, flax seeds, medicinal angelica
3. Fat-burning: parsley, dill, fennel, ginger, anise, elderflowers, nettle leaves, etc.
4. Cleansing: chamomile, buckthorn, dill, cumin, anise, senna herb.

Drainage teas use berries and dried fruits, leaves, twigs and roots. For example, the fruits of rowan, rose hips, cranberries; leaves and berries of blackberries, currants, strawberries, raspberries, lingonberries; leaves of birch, nettle, coltsfoot; mint, dandelion, lemon balm.

Let us give an example of several simple recipes that have a tonic effect and remove excess fluid from the body.

How to make drainage tea at home

Currant leaves

Fresh or dry blackcurrant leaves, about 30 g, brew with boiling water in the amount of 0.5 liters, leave and cool. You can drink this tea 1/2 cup 3 times a day, before meals.


Strawberry leaves and berries - 2 tbsp. Brew 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 2 hours. Drink 1/4 cup 4 times a day before meals.

This well-known tea is also lymphatic drainage. You can do it like this - brew regular black tea and add lemon juice to it - 1 tbsp. and honey - 1 tsp, stirring them in a glass. In this case, the tea should be warm, since honey does not like boiling water (it loses its beneficial properties in it). If you drink this tea as a lymphatic drainage tea, it is better to do it half an hour before meals, and in the morning on an empty stomach.

Infusion of birch leaves with honey

Grind birch leaves - 2 tsp, leave for 15 minutes in a glass of boiling water, strain, then add 1 tsp. honey, stir and drink. Take this drink also 30 minutes before breakfast and lunch, that is, twice a day.

Tea with parsley

This tea helps quickly expel fluid from the body. Within a day you will notice it. Take a bunch of fresh herbs, chop and mash in a container, pour boiling water over it and keep in a water bath for 20 minutes. Then cool, strain and drink 1/2 glass 40 minutes before meals. This drink will help you lose weight, because in addition to removing excess fluid from the body, it also reduces appetite.

Tea with ginger and lemon

Peel a piece of fresh ginger root, chop it together with half a lemon, and squeeze the juice from the other half. Pour a liter of boiling water over the entire prepared mixture and let stand for 20 minutes. Strain the entire infusion and drink throughout the day, in 3 to 5 doses. When taking the drink, you can add a little honey. The duration of the cleansing course is a month.

Drink with lemon

You can use lemon to make another drink. Grind one lemon, removing the seeds. Fill the mixture with one liter of boiled and slightly cooled water. Set aside the prepared mixture for three days. And then you can drink it three times a day, a quarter glass, adding 10 grams of honey each time. The duration of the course is one month.

Tea with plantain and mint

1 teaspoon honey
1 tablespoon dried mint
2 tablespoons plantain leaves

Pour boiling water over mint and plantain. Cover with a lid and let stand for 15 minutes. After the tea has cooled to room temperature, add honey. It is enough to drink about 300 ml per day.

Tea with currants and rose hips

This tea helps cleanse the blood and lymph, and also flushes out toxins and waste from tissues and cells.

Enough for one serving -
4 slices dried apple (dried fruit)
2 tablespoons dried currant leaves
1 teaspoon honey or rosehip syrup a pinch of ground cinnamon.

Place all the ingredients, except honey, in a container and pour boiling water over it, let it brew under
cover for 10 - 15 minutes. Cool the tea to room temperature, add honey.

Tea with lingonberries and cranberries

And this tea helps cleanse blood vessels, break down fats and remove them from the body.

Enough for one serving -
2 tablespoons dried lingonberry leaves
half a teaspoon of honey
2 teaspoons cranberry juice without sugar.

Place dried lingonberry leaves in a container, pour a glass of boiling water and simmer over low heat for 25 minutes. Then let it cool, strain, add cranberry juice and boiled warm water, bringing the solution to 500 ml, then half a teaspoon of honey. Drink in small portions throughout the day.

Green tea

And finally, the most common green tea. It can also help in the process of losing weight, as it normalizes all metabolic processes and removes toxins and waste from our body.

If you decide to cleanse the body with the help of such drinks, first of all, you should consult a doctor, because some herbs have a strong effect on the human body. This means they can bring both benefit and harm.

For example, tea with ginger can increase blood pressure, and tea with rose hips is contraindicated for those with gallbladder disease; tea, which includes senna leaf, acts as a laxative, and, in addition to toxins, removes useful vitamins and minerals from the body.

With normal body weight, high swelling indicates that before starting cleansing, you should first consult with a therapist or endocrinologist. However, you should not think that something irreparable will happen from one cup of tea with herbs that are contraindicated for you. Of course not, but you should refrain from regularly drinking such teas. And then, don’t forget that there are also allergies, keep that in mind.

It is prohibited to use drainage drinks during pregnancy, children under 10 years of age, with disorders of the genitourinary system, digestive organs, during hot weather, with dehydration and lack of weight.

If there are no restrictions, lymphatic drainage teas help you quickly feel a surge of energy, normalize sleep and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. And then weight loss will follow, as lymphatic drainage drinks accelerate lymph circulation and relieve swelling.

And a few more tips

You should not combine drainage drinks with food; try to separate them by at least half an hour.

When drinking drainage drinks, do not forget about your diet - it will speed up weight loss. Make drinks, teas and juices for one time or one day. You can resort to losing weight with the help of diuretic drinks only occasionally, since along with the fluid, useful substances leave the body, including potassium, which is so necessary for the proper functioning of the heart. In this case, the amount of fluid consumed per day should not be less than two liters.

The intense rhythm of modern life, physical inactivity, sedentary work at the computer, metabolic disorders - all this contributes to the accumulation of extra pounds, stagnation of lymph and fluid in the body. In order to regain your previous slim figure, you need to adjust your diet and increase physical activity. However, they will help speed up the process of weight loss, which will not only remove excess fluid from the tissues, but will remove swelling and improve the condition of the body as a whole.

Important conditions for losing weight

Drainage drinks help well and quickly, but in combination with other methods:

  • limit, or better yet exclude, fatty, sweet, salty, smoked foods from the diet;
  • You definitely need good vigorous activity (fast walking, running, dancing, twirling a hoop, pumping up your abs, doing aerobics);
  • eat more foods with plenty of fiber and drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day.

If you follow these rules, drainage drinks will speed up the process of losing extra pounds. In addition, home drainage helps to improve the health of the entire body, enriching it with minerals and vitamins.

Drainage for weight loss

These are drinks that normalize water balance due to the movement of lymph and accelerate metabolism in the body.

Conventionally, homemade drinks can be divided into:

  • any product has been added to the water;
  • fresh juices of vegetables, fruits, herbs;
  • infusions, decoctions of various herbs.

Advantages of drainage drinks

The availability of drinks suggests that anyone can use their effects on themselves. Almost anyone can freely take advantage of the beneficial properties of green tea, mint, lemon, pepper, ginger, rose hips, parsley, lingonberries and cranberries, significantly improve and strengthen the immune system.

  1. Easy to use. Typically, these drinks are taken on an empty stomach before any meal, lymphatic massage or before exercise. Everyone adjusts their own dose.
  2. These drinks improve the digestion of food, accelerating its movement through the digestive organs, speed up metabolism, which leads to better absorption of nutrients.
  3. By dispersing lymph stagnation and improving its movement, drinks will help remove excess fluid from organs and tissues, which helps reduce weight from three to five kilograms.
  4. Most of the products included in drinks are rich in vitamins and minerals. Therefore, with regular use of drainage drinks for weight loss, the body is well replenished with vitamins and minerals.

Drainage drinks for weight loss

These miracle drinks allow you to lose 1-1.5 kg of weight in the first days of taking them. The following recipes have proven their effectiveness.

Honey drinks

They also prepare a birch-honey mixture. Numerous reviews have shown that this mixture is more effective, although it is more difficult to prepare. You need to take dry birch leaves and brew a glass of boiling water, after 15 minutes, strain and stir a teaspoon of honey into the broth. This mixture should be drunk in the morning and evening before breakfast and dinner.

Miracle drink with parsley

An excellent recipe for getting rid of swelling and kilograms of weight. Chop a bunch of parsley, pour boiling water (250 ml), close and leave for 20 minutes. Take the strained infusion 40 minutes before meals at least three times a day. Those who have experienced the effects of parsley infusion claim that after 2 weeks they lost 4-5 kg ​​of weight. You can use fresh or dry parsley.

miracle drink

Herbal drainages for weight loss

The most commonly used herbs are coltsfoot, horsetail, and calendula.

3 tbsp. l. dry coltsfoot raw materials are poured into a cup of boiling water and left for an hour in a thermos. For 2 weeks, drink a tablespoon every 2 hours. Reviews from those losing weight about the infusion are excellent.

Horsetail in the amount of two tablespoons is poured into a glass of boiling water, infused and taken three times, ¼ cup of infusion.

Dried calendula flowers (3 tablespoons) are brewed in a thermos with 0.5 liters of boiling water and left for about an hour, drunk three times a day, 0.5 cups each. The result is amazing, and the immune system is also strengthened.

The most popular components for homemade drinks:

  • lemon, honey;
  • green tea;
  • lingonberries, cranberries, black currants, strawberries, wild strawberries;
  • infusions of young birch leaves, currants, lingonberries;
  • peppermint, lemon balm;
  • dill, parsley, fennel;
  • beet juice, cucumber, zucchini.

Now you know how useful . Try, experiment, and you will definitely get an excellent result, losing the required amount of hated kilograms.


Traditional medicine recipes are most often used in combination with conventional treatment or as an addition to traditional treatment. Any recipe is good after consultation with a specialist.

Don't self-medicate!

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