Sergey Yesenin cinquain. Master class on syncwine “Poetic living room. Working with netbooks - task “Pop-up tips”

Marina Dobrolyubova
Master class on cinquain “Poetic drawing room”

Word "syncwine" comes from the French word for "five" and means "a poem consisting of five lines."

"Sinquain" is not an ordinary poem, but an unrhymed poem written in accordance with certain rules.

Cinquain appeared at the beginning of the 20th century in the USA.

This genre of poetry was invented by the American poet Adelaide Crapsey, who was fond of oriental forms of versification.

In Russia, syncwine has become known since 1993.

Rules for composing an unrhymed poem

First line- the topic of a poem contains one word (usually a noun that denotes the object or subject that will be discussed.

Second line- two words are adjectives, they describe the characteristics and properties of the object or object chosen in the poem.

Third line- formed by three verbs describing the characteristic actions of an object or object.

Fourth line- a phrase of several words showing an attitude to a topic or expressing the author’s personal attitude towards the subject or object being described.

Fifth line- a word or words related to the first, reflecting the essence of the topic.

Stages of work on compiling syncwine with children

Stage I:

Acquaintance with the concepts of “word-object”, “word-attribute”, “word-action”, distinguishing concepts.

Selection of words-features, words-actions for a noun.

Introducing the graphic designation of concepts.

Asking questions to words denoting objects, actions and attributes of an object.

Stage II:

Introduction to the concept of “offer”.

Differentiation of the concepts “word” - “sentence”.

Introducing the graphic designation of a sentence.

Drawing up different types of proposals.

Stage III:

Introduction to the poem algorithm.

Stage IV:

Joint composing of a poem with a teacher and parents.

Stage V:

Expressive storytelling by a child.

Pedagogical value of syncwine

Enriches vocabulary.

Activates and develops mental and speech activity.

Teaches short retelling.

Allows the child to feel like a creator, at least for a moment.

Practical part of the master class

Line 1 – one noun expressing the main topic.

Line 2 – two adjectives describing the main idea.

Line 3 – three verbs describing actions.

Line 4 – a phrase of several words expressing an attitude towards the topic.

Line 5 – conclusion in the form of a noun (association with the first word).

Publications on the topic:

“Poetic drawing room” based on the works of S. Yesenin The purpose of the event: to introduce preschoolers to the work of the Russian poet S. Yesenin. Objectives: - To consolidate knowledge about the season - winter;.

On November 12, my guys and I showed an open NOD “Musical and poetic composition “We sing about the Motherland!” Goal and objectives: to expand the presentation.

This is an exciting opportunity to try yourself as a true watchmaker and decorator. And to breathe life into your new ones.

In preparation for the New Year holidays, we traditionally decorate the group: we put up a Christmas tree, paint the windows, and arrange exhibitions of New Year's crafts. Every.

Musical and poetic lounge dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory “Songs with which we won!” Goal: To introduce children to a military song - a kind of musical chronicle of the Great Patriotic War. Introducing to joint creativity.

Musical and poetic lounge “Seasons in the works of S. A. Yesenin” (senior preschool age) Musical and poetic living room. “Seasons in the works of S. A. Yesenin.” Goal: - to continue acquaintance with the work of S. Yesenin;.

Educational and educational complex "School of Russia"


1. Improve speech skills: read, understand the text, highlight the main points, compare, prove based on the author’s text.

2. Introduce the features of creating text - syncwine as a way of characterizing a character.

3. Form associative thinking based on the emotionally expressive perception of the work.



Zhilina Yu.Yu., teacher of the highest qualification category

Bugulma, Republic of Tatarstan

Cinquain as a type of text (based on S. Yesenin’s poem “Swan”),literary reading lesson, 4th grade.


1. Improve speech skills: read, understand the text, highlight the main points, compare, prove based on the author’s text.

2. Introduce the features of creating text - syncwine as a way of characterizing a character.

3. Form associative thinking based on the emotionally expressive perception of the work.

For optimal implementation of the goals and objectives of the lesson, the following are based on:types, techniques, methods training:

conversation how the verbal method gives scope for students’ self-expression and promotes the development of imaginative and logical thinking, operational and long-term memory and creative imagination;

analytical conversationpromotes a deep understanding of the meaning of what has been learned and ensures repeated reference to the topic of the lesson, forming a practical level of knowledge;

general conversationhelps formulate the main conclusions on the topic being studied;

individual work and elements of interactive gamesprovide the formation of skills at a practical level.


1. Computer

2. Multimedia projector

3. Netbooks

4 . Presentation program for multimedia demonstration

During the classes:

  1. Positive attitude to class.
  2. Teacher's opening speech. Communicate the topic and purpose.

1. Sounds excerpt from the song“You are my fallen maple...” to verses by S. Yesenin

2. Children on cards read the passage from the poem by S. Yesenin “The golden grove dissuaded...”

3. Teacher's word:

What poems by S. Yesenin were taught, read - do we know?(“Birch”, “Birch cherry”, “Grandmother’s Tales”)

What do you know about S. Yesenin?(The poet spent his childhood in the village of Konstantinovo, near the city of Ryazan. The boy grew up with his grandparents. The grandmother told fairy tales, which little Seryozha loved to listen to. And if the fairy tale had a bad ending, he remade them in his own way, but so that everything would be fine ended. Grandmother managed to betray to Seryozha all the charm of folk oral and even song speech. When he grew up, he wrote his poems, imitating ditties).

Yes, when S. Yesenin grew up, he wrote his poems, imitating works of oral folk art. Many of his poems became the favorite songs of the Russian people.

4. Children formulate a goallesson, teacher - topic : using the material of S. Yesenin’s poem, we will get acquainted with a new type of work on creating a text.

5. Working with netbooks – interactive game"Find out the title of the poem"(1 slide: “Swan”).

  1. Vocabulary and lexical work.

Let's get ready to read.

1. We read words, dividing them into syllables and placing the stress correctly(2 slide).

2. Let's get acquainted with the lexical meanings of words from the poem that cause difficulty in understanding(3 slide).

  1. Reading of the poem by the teacher and students (individually, in chorus, in a chain).

Impressions from what you read? What feelings did you experience?

We work with netbooks - interactive gamesaimed at deepening reading comprehension("Mosaic" - we collect words and replace them with synonymous ones,"Scattered Proposal"- restoring the sentence, explaining the meaning).

  1. Analytical work on the content of the text.

What did the poem remind you of? What genre of oral folk art?(Folk song or fairy tale).

We will find in the work words and expressions close to those used in folklore works.

Let's reread the beginning of the poem. What picture does the poet paint? Did anything foretell trouble?

Let's pay attention to literary devices that help Yesenin describe the beauty of the coming morning -...?(Epithets and comparisons).

How does the poet feel about the swan? We prove it with excerpts from the text.

What is unusual about the image of a swan?

Let's reread the most intense moment of the poem.

How did the swan behave during mortal danger?

  1. Introducing a new type of work on text creation.

I propose a new type of work on creating text - characterization of the hero.

Read what it's called (working with netbooks// Slide 4: syncwine).

Cinquain (from French - 5 inspirations, 5 successes) is...? ( 4 slide – a short text of 5 lines, written according to special rules). Let's remember these special rules.

1 line – one noun (topic) (5 slide, line by line).

Line 2 – two adjectives that define the characteristics of this noun, describing your idea of ​​it.

Line 3 – three verbs naming the actions that the noun performs.

Line 4 – a phrase (sentence) of 4 words that conveys your attitude towards the noun.

Line 5 – a synonym for a noun or your association with this word (1-2 words).

No rhyme needed.

According to this algorithm Let's make a syncwine.

1. Swan (6 slide, line by line).

2. Tender. Thoughtful. Beautiful. Snow-white.

3. She cared. I was on patrol. Saved.

4. She loves children to death. When in danger, he thinks about his children.

5. Mother. Holy.

This syncwine helps us imagine the character of the heroine.

We told you that the poem is very similar to a folk tale. And in every fairy tale, opposition also helps to characterize the hero. Good becomes even more attractive against the backdrop of unkind and evil. And in this work Yesenin did not abandon this technique.

What does the image of a swan convey?(Kindness, tenderness, affection, care).

Who personifies the opposite qualities?(Eagle).

- Let's make a syncwineabout this hero, making a comparative description with the swan.

1. Eagle.

2. Mighty, Black. (Strong. Predatory).

3. Looked out. He rushed. Torn to pieces.

4. Does not know pity or regret.

5. Evil. Trouble. (Threat. Selfishness).

Let's summarize. How are you? Why is this?

Why do you think S. Yesenin ends the poem this way, because he didn’t like stories with a bad ending?

Let's draw a parallel with recently read works: Didn't Swan remind you of anyone?

/ whisper-ta-li-sya / le-be-zha-tush-ki / on-se-red / shel-to-va-ya / u po-be-cut-ya / la-z o-re -you / under-zhi-da-yu-chi / flat-tan-ny / dead-ve-ly-mi

gold-woven - gang - backwater - backwater - azure - woven from golden threads large noisy group part of the river near the shore with a slow flow the same as the backwater light blue, the color of a clear sky, sky blue

a short text of five lines written according to special rules. Sinkwine -

1 line - 1 noun (topic) 2 line - 2 adjectives that define the characteristics of this noun, describing your idea of ​​it 3 line - 3 verbs naming the actions that the noun performs 4 line - a phrase or sentence of 4 words that conveys your attitude towards noun line 5 - synonym for the noun or your association with this word (1-2 words)

1 line - 1 noun (topic) 2 line - 2 adjectives that define the characteristics of this noun, describing your idea of ​​it 3 line - 3 verbs naming the actions that the noun performs 4 line - a phrase (or sentence) of 4 words conveying your relation to a noun line 5 - a synonym for a noun or your association to this word (1-2 words) SYNCWAIN 1. Swan. 2. Tender. Thoughtful. 3. Courted. I was on patrol. Saved. 4. She loves children to death. 5. Mother.

1. Swan. 2. Tender. Thoughtful. 3. Courted. I was on patrol. Saved. 4. She loves children to death. 5. Mother. SINQWAIN 1. Eagle. 2. Strong. Predatory. 3. Looked out. He rushed. Torn to pieces. 4. Does not know pity or regret. 5. Evil. Trouble.

"Yesenin's Lyrics"- 1916 - the first collection of poems “Radunitsa” is published in Petrograd. Yesenin dedicated his best works to Russia. Because I'm from the north, or something. The poet's favorite creation. It's nice and warm, like by the stove in winter. Shagane, you are mine, Shagane! Whom should I feel sorry for? 1921 – 1923 – with his wife Isadora Duncan traveled around Europe and the USA.

“Lyrics of Yesenin and Mayakovsky” - The poem is similar to a folk lyrical song. The theme of love permeates the work of any poet, musician, artist. In the works of S. Yesenin, the theme of love is heard starting from the earliest poems. The theme of Love in the poems of S.A. Yesenin and V.V. Mayakovsky. A completely different “love” appears in “Moscow Tavern”.

"Yesenin Sergey Alexandrovich"- My grandfather had three adult unmarried sons. Arriving in Russia, he began working on the cycles of poems “Hooligan”, “Confession of a Hooligan”, “Love of a Hooligan”. Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin. He joined the literary and musical circle named after the peasant poet I. Surikov. We visited Germany, Belgium, and the USA. They also taught me how to swim: they put me in a boat, sailed to the middle of the lake and threw me into the water.

“Yesenin Seasons” - And the birch tree stands in sleepy silence, And the snowflakes burn in golden fire. You are beautiful, oh white surface! As a poet, Yesenin was distinguished by his greatest gift and brightest talent. I became interested in Yesenin's poetry. Yesenin's favorite time of year was autumn. A slight frost warms my blood. Other seasons also inspired the poet...

“S.A. Yesenin” - Yesenin’s wife, actress – Zinaida Nikolaevna Reich. One-story wooden zemstvo primary school. At eighteen, I was surprised to have my poems sent to magazines. In 1913, S. A. Yesenin entered the Faculty of History and Philosophy. Sergei Yesenin with his sisters Ekaterina and Alexandra (Shura). Yesenin goes to work in Moscow.

"S. Yesenin"- Test yourself: Monument to S. Yesenin in the village of Yesenino. Where was S. Yesenin born? Sergei Yesenin 1895-1925. Parents of S. Yesenin. Presentation for a literary reading lesson