The gooseberry dishes in the slow cooker. What can be cooked from the gooseberry for the winter are simple and original recipes. Jam from the gooseberry in a slow cooker, video

The calorie content of the fresh gooseberry is 43 kcal per 100 g. With regards to jam, this indicator rises to 272 kcal. The delicacy is sufficient. At the same time, its benefits applies to almost all organism systems.

What is useful dessert

A bright taste is not the only reason to learn to cook the roasted jam. This is the most valuable product for the body. The benefits of jam from a green gooseberry can be described by nine points.

  1. From anemia. The gooseberry will help bring the level of hemoglobin to normal.
  2. From hypertension. To normalize arterial pressure, you need to eat on a tablespoon of jam three times a day. Anthocyanins contribute to strengthening capillaries.
  3. From inflammation. Berry struggles with microbes in the throat, oral cavity and respiratory tract. Helps restore forces after cold.
  4. For youth. Thanks to the content of vitamin E, the roaming delicacy displays toxins from the body.
  5. For digestion. The product stimulates the production of gastric juice and normalizes the chair.
  6. For metabolism. The gooseberry accelerates metabolic processes and contributes to the purification of blood from cholesterol.
  7. From skin diseases. It also acts as prophylactic, and as a therapeutic agent. The gooseberry is effective in the complex treatment of eczema.
  8. For the treatment of kidneys. Berry has a diuretic effect.
  9. In diabetes. It is an additional chromium source, reduces appetite.

With all its charms, the gooseberry has contraindications. From its use it is worth refraining to people suffering from the diseases of the stomach, pancreas and duodenal. Also, the product is not recommended for breastfeeding, as it may cause allergies in a child.

Recipe of jam from gooseberry for the winter: 12 options

The bright refreshing taste of the gooseberry makes it one of the most popular berries for home preservation. The fragrant jam will become an excellent addition to tea, pancakes, baking. And if you have a little experiment with the combination of ingredients, you can achieve a unique fragrance, which will please even the most demanding gourmets.


Features. Connoisseurs of natural and pure berry taste is best to cook the jam from the gooseberry on the classic recipe. The minimum set of ingredients and the absence of extraneous impurities is the ideal option for those who are just beginning to know the wisdom of home preservation.

You will need:

  • gooseberry;
  • equal amount of sugar;
  • half of a glass of water.

How to cook

  1. Pour the gooseberry with water and boil on a strong fire.
  2. Add sugar and keep heated even for half an hour.
  3. Remove the jam from the fire, cover the lid and insist for three hours.
  4. Bring the boil again and cook another half hour.

The cooking time may vary depending on the variety and quality of berries. To understand whether the jam is ready, get one berry and try to crush it with a spoon. If the peel sucked, it means that the delicacy is ready.


Features. A modern woman seeks to realize himself not only in the family, but also in a career and work. Therefore, time to make sweet blanks for the winter catastrophically lacks. Such busy hostesses will like a five-minute jam from the gooseberry.

You will need:

  • 1 kg of gooseberry;
  • 1.3 kg of sugar;
  • three glasses of water.

How to cook

  1. Before making jam from the gooseberry without cooking, pour the berries with water and let them stand the night.
  2. Straighten the liquid, mix it with sugar and boil.
  3. Personal in the syrup of berries and boil five minutes.

In a slow cooker

Features. Almost all famous dishes can be prepared in a slow cooker. It did not exception and jam. This method is greatly saving time, and also allows you to observe the ideal temperature conditions for the processing of berries.

You will need:

  • 600 g gooseberry;
  • 400 g of sugar.

How to cook

  1. Washing and dry gooseberry put into the Multicooker's bowl.
  2. Pull the berries with sugar and let them stand for 40 minutes.
  3. Turn on the "quenching" mode and the gooseberry is half an hour, without closing the device cover.
  4. Remove the bowl and give it to the contents to cool in vivo.
  5. Again boil the jam in the "quenching" mode. This time enough five minutes.
  6. Once again, let the sweet mass coolence and repeat the heating.

Estimate the proportions of ingredients. If you put too many products in the bowl, the jam can fire during a boil, staining the multicooker and the working surface.

With cherry notes

Features. Gourmets are not so easy to please. A simple jam recipe from the gooseberry at home may seem too banal and not bright enough. Cherry leaves will help to get a good taste and piquant mustache.

You will need:

  • 800 g gooseberry;
  • as much sugar;
  • two glasses of water;
  • 20 cherry leaves.

How to cook

  1. In each berry, do two or three punzes with a toothpick or needle.
  2. Prepared gooseberry placed in a bowl, fill with water and leave for the night.
  3. Straighten the liquid, add sugar with cherry leaves to it. The mixture must be boiled on a strong fire.
  4. Place the syrup at room temperature and spend it several times.
  5. Put a sweet mass on fire again. As soon as it boils, add the gooseberry.
  6. Boil the jam until bubbles appear on the surface.
  7. When the mass be cooled, drain the syrup again. Boil it separately from berries.
  8. Add the gooseberry in the boiling mass and boil the treat for half an hour.

With citrus fragrance

Features. The combination of the gooseberry with an orange gives a pleasant sour-sweet taste at the exit. And the zest will give jam piquant sharpness. Due to the fact that the delicacy is preparing without water, it is possible to maintain all the completeness of the taste.

You will need:

  • 1 kg of gooseberry;
  • 1.5 kg of sugar;
  • two large oranges.

How to cook

  1. Wash oranges and divide into several parts. Be sure to remove the bones.
  2. Together with the gooseberry, skip citrus through a meat grinder or a blender.
  3. To the resulting mass, add sugar and mix until the crystals are completely dissolved.
  4. Boil the mixture and negotiate ten minutes.
  5. Cover the saucepan with a lid - let the mixture be launched for five hours.
  6. Boost product and negotiate ten minutes.

Similarly, you can cook jam with lemon. The delicacy will turn out not only to be delicious, but also incredibly useful, because the concentration of ascorbic acid in it will increase at times.


Features. The royal jam from the gooseberry is the famous recipe, having mastered the hostess can surprise guests with an unusual delicacy. For the preparation of dessert, you will have to spend a lot of time, but the result will fully justify the effort. The consistency of the delicacy will be dense and at the same time extremely tender.

You will need:

  • 1 kg of gooseberry;
  • 1.4 kg of sugar;
  • two glasses of water;
  • third teaspoon vanillin.

How to cook

  1. Remove seeds from berries.
  2. Grind the raw blender.
  3. Water with sugar heat on medium heat.
  4. As soon as the syrup boils, send a berry puree and vanillin to it. Mix the components well and remove the saucepan from the fire.
  5. Two more times repeat the boiling and cooling procedure.

In order for the jam to get emerald color and spicy taste, you need to use green gorge varieties. Well, if the berries will be slightly misunderstood.

With nuts

Features. Jam with walnuts is a naked delicacy. Walnut will leave the gooseberry acid and give dessert a dense consistency. A couple of spoons of such a dessert with tea is an excellent snack for energy recovery during the day.

You will need:

  • 1 kg of gooseberry;
  • as much sugar;
  • glass of purified walnuts;
  • two stars of Badaina;
  • two glasses of water.

How to cook

  1. Cut each berry in half.
  2. Walnut nucleus finely chop the knife.
  3. All components are connected and bring to a boil. After that, Tomit jam is another quarter of an hour at the minimum burner power.
  4. Cover the saucepan with a lid and leave the dessert to appease at night.
  5. Reinstall the container on the fire again, boil the jam and continue heating for 20 minutes.

There is another option of a nut-roof dessert. It is necessary to gently remove the bones from the berries, and instead of them fill the gooseberry with slices of walnut. It turns out something similar to candy.

Without cooking

Features. To make delicious billets for the winter, hostesses have to stand at the stove on the hot kitchen. Naturally, this process scares many. But this is not a reason to leave yourself and the family without jam, because it can be done without cooking.

You will need:

  • 1 kg of gooseberry;
  • 1.5 kg of sugar.

How to cook

  1. Skip the gooseberry through the meat grinder.
  2. Add sugar and mix with a berry puree.
  3. When the granules are completely dissolved, decompose the mass on small plastic containers and subjected to frost.
  4. Before serving, melt the dessert in the microwave or give it to fall in natural conditions.

The roaming jam made without cooking is an excellent version of natural ice cream. Just freeze it in special forms, and your family will enjoy a refreshing berry sorbet.

With kiwi

Features. And Kiwi, and the gooseberry are pretty sour products. But in combination, they give a completely new exotic taste and a pleasant viscous texture. And of course, Kiwi crispy seeds will become an additional highlight. It is important that dessert is brewed in its own juice.

You will need:

  • 1 kg of gooseberry;
  • 2 kg of sugar;
  • five large kiwi.

How to cook

  1. Clean Kiwi and cut into several parts.
  2. Gooseberry with Kiwi Send Blender.
  3. Couple with sugar, boil and immediately remove from the fire.
  4. After five hours, you need to boil the mass again and roll it on banks while it is hot.

Interestingly, Kiwi is the fruit of an indulged Chinese gooseberry. Thus, all familiar berries and exotic fruit are related plants.

With banana

Feature. Gooseberry and banana fruits from different continents. But oddly enough, together, they turn into an original dessert that will delight gourmets and be sure to enjoy the children. Banana neutralizes acid berries and soften the dessert texture.

You will need:

  • 600 g gooseberry;
  • 500 g of sugar;
  • two big banana;
  • half of the glass of water;
  • third cinnamon teaspoon.

How to cook

  1. Perfect every berry in half, bananas cut the circles.
  2. Gokefberries with banana, sugar and water place in a saucepan and put on the stove. After boiling, tapping the mass for another five minutes.
  3. Add cinnamon to jam and immediately remove the container from the fire.

Even more interesting notes will appear at jam if you combine the banana and the gooseberry with a peach. The specified amount of ingredients will need two large fetus.

With currants

Features. Both gooseberries, and currants are effective means to combat cold. By connecting these berries in one dessert, you will get a synergistic effect. The delicacy will delight the taste, will help strengthen the immunity and quickly recover after the aless.

You will need:

  • 700 g gooseberry;
  • 400 g of black currant;
  • as much red currant;
  • 1.5 kg of sugar;
  • 0.5 liters of water.

How to cook

  1. Cook syrup from the water and sugar.
  2. Every berry gooseberry cut in half.
  3. Gooseberry and currants Pour the syrup and let the mixture stand for five hours.
  4. Boil the mixture and cook it another quarter of an hour.

With mint

Features. Connoisseurs of unusual flavors are worth trying a gorgeous jam with mint. Such a delicacy will perfectly complement hot tea, and will also become the basis for refreshing drinks.

You will need:

  • 500 g gooseberry;
  • as much sugar;
  • three mint branches;
  • glass of water;
  • one teaspoon of citric acid.

How to cook

  1. From water and sugar, weld the syrup. The total dissolution of crystals is evidenced about its readiness.
  2. Berries and mint fill with hot sweet liquid.
  3. Cover the saucepan with a lid and give to the gentlemanist to strengthen the syrup completely cooling.
  4. Boil jam.
  5. Fully cool the delicacy and boil again.
  6. Before blocking, remove mint branches from the jam.

Subtleties of preparation

The taste and consistency of jam are determined not only by the set and quality of products. Much depends on the skill and knowledge of the hostess. To properly prepare jam from the gooseberry, you need to observe five subtleties.

  1. Which gooseberry to use. If you want to save berries with integers, use the incredible gooseberry. It needs to be collected approximately two weeks before full ripening. And ripe berries are suitable only for jams.
  2. How to prepare raw materials. Before letting the berries in recycling, they need to go through and rid of the tails. After that, they are washed twice in cold water and dried.
  3. How to make berries sweet. The thick skin of the gooseberry does not allow it to apply sugar syrup. Therefore, every berry should be pierced with a needle or toothpick.
  4. How to save color. After cooking, dessert can turn into a brown green. So that this does not happen, place the container with the dessert in the pelvis with cold water or ice.
  5. What kind of dishes use.The perfect container for the preparation of dessert is an enameled pelvis or pan. Before cooking jam from the gooseberry, wash the surface of the vessel with soda.

In Europe, the gooseberry was grown in antiquity. English and French gourmet liked to add it to soups and sauces. In Russia, the shrub could be found only in the territory of monastic gardens and places of aristocrats. And today it grows almost on every bed. The taste and the beneficial properties of jams from the gooseberry determined the worthy place of this delicacy in the hearts of the owners and on the shelves of storage rooms.

Recipe jam from gooseberry in a slow cooker with step-by-step cooking.
  • Dish type: Desserts and pastries
  • Compassion complexity: Very simple recipe
  • National cuisine: European cuisine
  • Preparation technology: for a couple
  • We will need: Multicooker
  • Reason: Post, Dessert
  • Preparation time: 20 min
  • Time for preparing: 45 min.
  • Number of portions: 12 servings
  • Number of calories: 282 Cylolarii

Jam, as a rule, is prepared from integer or fierce berries and fruits, which are boiled to the jelly-like consistency. Best of all, berries and fruits containing many gelling substances, such as plum, quirge, apples, gooseberries, cranberries and black currant are suitable for jama.
The cooking feature of Jem is that it is brewing on a strong fire not more than half an hour, until the hot drop will stop spreading on a cold saucer.

Ingredients for 12 servings

  • Water 3 tbsp.
  • Gooseberry 1 kg
  • Sugar 5 tbsp.

Recipe for step-by-step cooking

  1. To prepare the jam from the gooseberry you will need: gooseberry, sugar and water.
  2. The gooseberry should be rinsed and separated from the fruits and sewers.
  3. In the Multivarka Bowl (I have Brand 502) pour 3 glasses of water and stir 1 cup of sugar in it. Include the "Crop-toile" mode (it supports the temperature of 100 degrees).
  4. As soon as the syrup boils, we fall asleep prepared berries.
  5. After about 15 minutes of cooking berries of the gooseberry should be worn.
  6. We add the remaining 4 sugar glasses and begin to boost on any mode, which supports the temperature not lower than 100 degrees.
  7. Jama welding takes up to time 20-30 minutes from the moment of boiling. Do not forget to stir it and remove the foam if necessary.
  8. Jam is considered ready when the drop does not blur on a cold saucer. Slightly cool the jam and spill into glass jars.

Time: 60 min.

Portions: 5.

Complexity: 2 out of 5

Jam from the gooseberry - prepare a delicious billet in a slow cooker

Jam is a fruit fruit that boil to a thick consistency to get natural and juicy jelly as it is frozen.

The best berries for the preparation of homemade jelly are those that are derived by gelling substances. They can include quince, apples, gooseberries, currants, cranberries and many others.

Jam from the gooseberry, cooked in a slow cooker, it turns out unusually tasty, as the product is prepared on natural juice. As a result, jelly acquires a bright taste, excellent fragrance, saturation and pleasant consistency.

Preparation of the workpiece in a slow cooker allows you to significantly save time, as the hostess does not have to stand at the instrument and constantly stirring the jam.

Also, it will not be necessary to follow the cooking: the jam will not splash, stick to the walls and strongly decrease in the amount.

The only drawback of the cooking jelly in a slow cooker is that you will get to cook no more than 2 kg of fresh berries of the gooseberry, unlike a large 8 liter saucepan. But this is not a misfortune, but on the cooking will leave two times less time.

Important: To jam from the gooseberry, made in a slow cooker, was kept for a long time, during cooking the twist should be carefully sterilized by banks. It is desirable to boil them after the twist in hot water, however, this stage is not much important.

In addition to the gooseberry, boil the jam with many berries and fruits. In addition, they may not have gelling properties, since due to the gooseberry, the harvesting so will freeze and acquire a gauge consistency.

As an additional component, you can use:

  • Peaches;
  • Apples;
  • Pear;
  • Currant »
  • Quince;
  • Plum.

Each component will complement the dish in its own way and make it even tastier and the nutritional.

Important: When cooking fruits with bones, they must be pulled out (peach, plum), as they can disrupt the consistency of the future jelly.

Cooking method

First of all, it is worth noting that only fresh fresh fruits are needed. Even a small crack should not be present on the basis of a gooseberry berry. After all, there could be a lot of small insects in it.

Berries are best taken a little misfortune. In the process of cooking, they will allocate enough juice, which will give the Jew for a light greenish tint. If the gooseberry grade is too sour, it is recommended to add more sugar than the recipe for cooking.

In order to welcome the jam from the gooseberry using a slow cooker, you will need:


Gooseberry - 1 kg.
Sugar - 5 tbsp.
Purified water - 3 tbsp.

First of all, it is worth preparing berries.

Step 1

The gooseberry cleanse from the fruits, the cups and thoroughly rinse from the plaque. As a result, you should have clean berries that stands in a slightly cut before cooking.

Step 2.

In a multicooker's bowl, we pour water, add sugar and mix lightly (better so that it is completely dissolved, then the berries are better soaked with sweet juice). We turn on the "Cooking for a pair" mode and wait until the syrup will warm up.

Step 3.

We lay out in the multicooker prepared berries, mix the mass and cook the jam on the same mode of 30-40 minutes. After 15 minutes, the berries must be worn and start to let juice.

Jelly will be ready at the moment when the droplet will not be spread on the plate.

Step 4.

While the workpiece is brewed, sterilize banks over the ferry.

We shift the finished jam on the banks, twist and cover with a warm jacket.

That's all - jam from the gooseberry made in a slow cooker is ready. Depending on the variety of berries, the color of the workpiece can be different.

See another option of this dish in the video below:

Happy owners of a new-fashioned kitchen gadget in the form of a slow cooker are preparing quickly and tasty. In it, you can not only cook borsch, put out stew, bake pie - a slow cooker cooks any jam perfectly. Today we will tell you how to prepare a delicious jam from the gooseberry with the help of the "Multiproduc" program.

Preparing berries for jam from gooseberry in a slow cooker

Gooseberry well wash under running water. Discover it on the towel and remove the tails and sewers. Each yoke takes a bit from the side and squeeze the bones out of it. The gooseberry prepared thus prepared on the kitchen scales.

Ward syrup for jam from gooseberry in a slow cooker

In the bowl of the Multicooker, pour sugar - take it 1 kg per 1 kg of gooseberry. Sugar fill with ordinary drinking water - take 500 ml of liquid to 1kg. Mix the mass with a spoon and close the multicooker lid. In turn, click the buttons:

  • Multipowner.
  • Temperature - 160 degrees.
  • Time - 5 minutes.

After the audio signal, open the cover and remove the foam from the surface of the syrup.

Cooking jam from gooseberry in a slow cooker

  • Practice in the berry syrup of the gooseberry.
  • Enable the program "Multipowner".
  • Set the temperature of 160 degrees and cooking time for 25 minutes.
  • The first 5 minutes cook the jam, sticking the multicooker cover.
  • Open the lid and remove the foam if it is formed.
  • Boil the jam until the end of the program, i.e, 20 minutes. Cover these 20 minutes to keep open.

The open cover will contribute to the evaporation of excess moisture, and the jam will be dense and saturated.

Jam tsarie from gooseberry in a slow cooker

It differs from the previous one that instead of ordinary water, a decoction of fresh cherry leaves is used. Make it easily in the same multicooker and with the same program "Multiproduder". In the bowl, pour the amount required by the prescription and put 15-20 leaves into it. Click the program button, the temperature is 160 degrees and time - 5 minutes. At the end of the cooking process, remove the leaves Svimovko and pour sugar into the fragrant water. Then weld the syrup as indicated in paragraph 2, and then the jam itself - as indicated in paragraph 3.

Even easier to cook the jam in a slow cooker, in which there is a program "Jam" - you only need to clearly follow the attached instructions. If there is neither the "Multiprob" program nor the program "jam" in the slow cooker, then boil the jam from the gooseberry according to the technology described in the article.

The jam from the gooseberry in a slow cooker is pretty easy, it differs from the usual delicacy welded on the plate, only with its consistency - in a multicooker, jam is more liquid, regardless of the amount of sugar you added. To preserve the form of berries, I recommend to warm up the workpiece for 10 minutes, in no case cover the cover of the technique. If you forget and close - you will launder and multicooker, and the table, and other items from the berry foam!

The variety and the color of the gooseberry role does not play, but be sure to try the berries to taste, so that, if necessary, adjust the taste of jam by adding some sugar sand. Those who do not consume sugar sand can add a sugar substitute in the proportion indicated on the package, but not honey, as the honey began to warm it offense!

So, prepare the specified ingredients and begin to cooke!

Pour berries in a bowl and fill with cold water, rinse thoroughly, remove the twigs, leaves. Cut with scissors tails.

Move the washed and purified berries into the multicooker bowl.

Pull with sugar sand and activate the "quenching" mode for 10 minutes. Cover Do not close in any way!

After the specified time, sugar is completely dissolved in the juice, which will allocate berries. Syrup warms up to boil. At this point, turn off the technique from the network, without leaving it on the heating, and give berries in the syrup completely cool.

Then he again warm them in the same time the same amount of time and cool down again. Before third time, sterilize banks and covers.

Spread the jam in the jars hot.

Immediately cape under the thread, turning turnkey, turning the bottom with the bottom up. Give them cool, after transfer to the basement or storage.

Cooked in a multicooker jam from the gooseberry is completely ready! Enjoy your winter sample!