Bad breath: the psychosomatics of the cause. Common dental problems. Why teeth hurt

Liz Burbo, in her book Your Body Says Love Yourself! Writes about the possible metaphysical causes of bad breath:
A healthy person practically does not smell from the mouth. If bad breath is caused by a physical illness - digestive disorder, DENTAL CARIES, etc. - see the related article. The description below refers primarily to such cases where bad breath is not associated with any pathology.
Emotional blockage:
A bad smell of this kind comes, as it were, from the depths of a person's soul and suggests that this person experiences severe internal pain, as well as hatred, anger and a thirst for revenge - towards himself or towards people who have somehow hurt him; Thinking about it causes him deep shame - that's why he doesn't even want to be aware of them - and gradually kill him from the inside. With the help of this unpleasant smell, he keeps people close to him at a distance, although in fact he needs their presence more than anything else.
Mental blocking:
If you think you have bad breath, ask a few people who know you well. Find out if this smell is associated with any disease. If not, it means that he says that you should reconsider your attitude to some things, since it hurts you a lot. There is no wound that cannot be healed with true forgiveness. You shouldn't feel helpless anymore. Also get rid of the false shame that you have held in yourself for so long. Tell yourself that you are a sweet, pleasant person, and become that way for real. (The stages of forgiveness are described at the end of this book.)

Bodo Baginsky and Sharamon Shalila in their book "Reiki" - the universal energy of life "write about the possible metaphysical causes of bad breath:
You exhale what is in your thoughts, and if it smells bad, then something in your intentions is rotten or spoiled. And in this case, the symptom makes us honest with ourselves and shows what we are inwardly. Therefore, pay attention to the world of your thoughts, what are they primarily aimed at? If your thoughts are again filled with love, friendliness and honesty, then you will only breathe out good, your breath will become clear again and others will again be able to enjoy sniffing you. And here Reiki will lead you to self-knowledge.

Dr. Valery V. Sinelnikov in his book "Love thy disease" writes about the possible metaphysical causes of bad breath:
Your "dirty" thoughts and feelings, your past are so outdated that they are already "smelling". It's time to bring something new and fresh into your life.
A young guy came to see me. He held a handkerchief near his mouth.
“Doctor,” he said, “a year ago I had a bad breath. I don’t know what it’s connected with.
Maybe from inflammation in the nasopharynx? But the doctors examined me - they find nothing. And I feel that something is wrong there.
From communication with the subconscious, it turned out that the cause of the problem was an unpleasant situation that happened just a year ago. And now, for a year now, the guy has been hatching anger and a desire for revenge.
I was able to convince him to reconsider his attitude to the past and learn from it a positive lesson.
- Change your rotten old thoughts, which prevented you from living all this time, for new, fresh ones, which will bring only pleasant experiences to your world, - I told him.

Liz Burbo on the psychosomatic causes of bad breath.

A healthy person is practically not worried about the smell from the mouth. It can be associated with any diseases - the digestive system, dental caries, etc. The psychosomatic causes of bad breath relate to people who do not suffer from any pathology.

Liz Burbo writes in her book that bad breath is associated with the fact that a person experiences severe emotional pain, hatred, rage, anger and longs to take revenge on himself or people who have somehow offended him. This smell "spreads" as if from the depths of the human soul.

Moreover, he does not want to realize that he is experiencing such negative emotions and feelings, he lives as if not noticing this, which leads to the emergence of strong shame.

Thoughts about the pain that people have inflicted on a person "eat away" him from the inside. This smell is "vital" to a person in order to keep people close to him at a distance, although more than anything in the world he wants to be loved and needs their support!

Advice: If you are concerned about bad breath, first of all find out if you have any diseases of the digestive system or teeth.

If this is not observed, find in yourself that pain, that hatred and anger that you have driven deep into your heart. Look at her in a new way, let go of all the negative and forgive, finally, those people who have caused you severe pain. This will help heal your Soul and heart. Only then will you stop feeling your helplessness.

Perhaps you are experiencing some kind of false shame in relation to yourself. Then repeat from day to day the healing affirmation, "I am a nice, kind, good person."

Bad breath: psychology

Sharamon Shalila associates the smell of the mouth with how pure a person's thoughts are. AND if it smells bad, then the thoughts and intentions of the person are negative and "rotten". This suggests that the inner world of a person "leaves much to be desired."

Advice: Start tracking your thoughts, controlling them. After all, where thoughts go, attention is directed there, and where attention is, there is energy. Understand that if your thoughts shine with love, you will again “breathe out” good.

Bad breath: psychosomatic causes

Sinelnikov on the metaphysical problems of bad breath.

In his opinion, the thoughts and feelings of a person with bad breath are so stagnant, old, unchanging that they began to exude an unpleasant odor. And it's time to start changing your thoughts, and at the same time your life, to make new and fresh changes.

Bad breath: psychological causes

Louise Hay believes that bad breath haunts a person who is angry with someone and wants revenge. Another reason could be "stuck in the past".

Advice: Forgive and release the person who has caused you pain and suffering. Start living in the present tense and radiating goodness and love.

Bad Breath Affirmations: I let go of the past. I forgive myself and all the people who hurt me. Now I exude only joy and love. Repeat them in the morning and in the evening every day for 3 months 15-20 times.

Edited by Marina Belaya.

An overview of negative and positive physleforms for healing.

1. MYOPIA - (Louise Hay)

Negative thought forms

Fear of the future.

The Creator guides me, so I always feel safe.

2. MYOPIA - (V. Zhikarentsev)

Negative thought forms

Fear of the future.

Possible positive thought form

I accept Divine guidance and I am always safe.

3. MYOPIA - (Liz Burbo)

Physical lock

Myopia is a lack of vision, in which a person sees well close objects and poorly - distant ones.
Emotional blockage

A shortsighted person is afraid of the future. In order to find out the cause of myopia, you just need to remember what was connected with your fear, which you felt when you first began to show its symptoms. Many teens become myopic during puberty. They are afraid of becoming adults, as they are alarmed and frightened by what they see in the adult world. In addition, myopia often affects people who are too focused on themselves and find it difficult to perceive other people's ideas. They have limited horizons.

Mental blocking

If you suffer from myopia, try to realize that it is time for you to get rid of the fear associated with some events in your past. Open up to new ideas coming from the outside, and understand that you are not the same as you were before. Solve problems as they arise and stop waiting for the worst. Your fears are not caused by reality, but by the excessive activity of your imagination. Learn to look to the future with optimism. Also learn to respectfully listen to the opinions of others, even if they do not coincide with yours.

4. MYOPIA - (Guru Ar Santem)


Vision criticism.


A well-read, intelligent young man, 10 years old, with great pride, wants to assert himself in the eyes of others, to gain authority for himself. He begins without good reason, only in order to attract attention, to criticize the shortcomings of the world around him.
"Natalya Petrovna has smart children, but she brings them up badly."
"This is ugly architecture, in the 19th century they built better."
“Such verses? What are you, this is complete mediocrity. "
A couple of years later, the young man developed severe myopia. People were offended by such criticism and energy their resentment hit the boy on Ajna - the chakra responsible for vision. Less will see - less will judge.

5. SMELL FROM THE MOUTH - (V. Zhikarentsev)

Negative thought forms

Destructive attitude, dirty gossip, dirty thoughts.

Possible positive thought form

I speak softly and lovingly. I breathe out good.


Physical lock

A healthy person practically does not smell from the mouth. If bad breath is caused by a physical illness - disorder, etc. - see the related article. The description below refers primarily to such cases where bad breath is not associated with any pathology.
Emotional blockage

A bad smell of this kind emanates, as it were, from the depths of a person's soul and suggests that this person experiences severe internal pain, as well as hatred, anger and a thirst for revenge - towards himself or towards people who have somehow hurt him. Thinking about it causes him deep shame - that's why he doesn't even want to be aware of them - and gradually kill him from the inside. With the help of this unpleasant smell, he keeps people close to him at a distance, although in fact he needs their presence more than anything else.

Mental blocking

If you think you have bad breath, ask a few people who know you well. Find out if this smell is associated with any disease. If not, it means that he says that you should reconsider your attitude to some things, since it hurts you a lot. There is no wound that cannot be healed with true forgiveness. You shouldn't feel helpless anymore. Also get rid of the false shame that you have held in yourself for so long. Tell yourself that you are a sweet, pleasant person, and become that way for real. (The stages of forgiveness are described at the end of this book.)

7. BODY ODOUR - (Louise Hay)

Negative thought forms

Fear. Self-dislike. Fear of others.

Possible positive thought form

I love myself and approve. I'm completely safe.

8.- (Louise Hay)

Negative thought forms

Anger gets in the way of speaking. Fear gets in the way. I am overwhelmed.

Possible positive thought form

I can ask for what I want. I have complete freedom of expression. There is peace in my soul. I'm infinitely talented (talented)

9. LARINGITIS (inflammation of the larynx) - (V. Zhikarentsev)

Negative thought forms

You cannot speak so recklessly. Fear to speak up. Resentment, indignation, resentment against authority.

Possible positive thought form

I feel free to ask for what I want. It is safe to express yourself. I feel a sense of peace and quiet.

10. LARINGITIS (inflammation of the larynx) - (Liz Burbo)

Physical lock

Laryngitis is an inflammation of the larynx, the organ with which we make sounds. Laryngitis is characterized by hoarseness, coughing, and sometimes shortness of breath. (If we are talking about damage to the larynx with diphtheria, see the article).
Emotional blockage

Partial or complete loss of voice indicates that a person does not allow himself to speak, as he is afraid of something. He wants to say something, but is afraid that he will not be heard or that someone will not like his words. He tries to "swallow" his words, but they get stuck in his throat (which is often why there is pain in the throat). They strive to break out - and, as a rule, they succeed.

Laryngitis can also occur because of the fear of not being up to par, not meeting someone's expectations in terms of words, speeches, speeches, etc. The cause of the disease can also be the fear of authority in some area. It is also possible that a person said something to someone and is angry with himself for having said too much, letting slip; he promises himself to keep his mouth shut in the future. He loses his voice, because he is afraid to say it again.

It happens that a person wants to express some important request for him, but prefers to remain silent, as he is afraid of refusal. He can even use all sorts of tricks and evasions to avoid some important conversation.

Mental blocking

Whatever fear you feel, it only hurts you, as it deprives you of ease and does not allow you to express yourself. If you continue to restrain yourself, it will ultimately hurt you badly, and not only your throat may suffer. Express what you feel, and you will open the energy center in yourself, which is associated with creativity and is located in the throat.

11. BAD ODOR FROM MOUTH - (Louise Hay)

Negative thought forms

Dirty relationships, dirty gossip, dirty thoughts.

Possible positive thought form

I speak about everything with love. I only breathe good.

It is good if strangers smell bad breath. But what to do when a bad smell comes from your loved one or yourself?

If a person has bad teeth, caries, a disease of the digestive system, then the unpleasant smell is understandable. Knowing the problem - you can get rid of it, be cured. But why does an unpleasant smell happen to those people who do not suffer from any pathologies? Answer: psychosomatic reasons.

Let's take a look at them:

  1. Hatred.
  2. Rage.
  3. Emotional pain.
  4. The desire to take revenge on the offenders.
Bad breath helps to keep offenders at bay. A person wants to be loved and understood, but this does not happen. Resentment, pain, feeling abandoned and unneeded all contribute to an unpleasant smell. Only when a person is ready to let go of old grievances, "cleanse" himself of hatred and negativity, can we talk about eliminating the smell.

Use affirmations to help yourself: "I am kind and beautiful", "They love me, I love", "Nobody wants to hurt me, I have no evil against anyone." Choose affirmations based on the problem.

Psychological causes of bad breath

If a person has clean thoughts and conscience, then he will not be bothered by an unpleasant smell. An unpleasant smell may start to bother you when you think badly of people, wish them ill, and understand that this is bad. Learn to see the good in people, do not judge, but accept the people around you and yourself. Or don't be a fake - tell people what you think of them.

Metaphysical reasons

Life stagnation. Feelings and thoughts, dreams, life and your environment are so stagnant that along with it, a nasty breath can appear. Start adding variety to your life. Learn new things, meet new people, change jobs. Get rid of what you have grown up with.

Be loved and love the world! When you are kind and light, you will never have an unpleasant smell. The smell of love will come from you.

1. SMELL FROM THE MOUTH - (V. Zhikarentsev)

Causes of the disease

Destructive attitude, dirty gossip, dirty thoughts.

I speak softly and lovingly. I breathe out good.


Physical lock

A healthy person practically does not smell from the mouth. If bad breath is caused by a physical illness - a digestive disorder (see), an illness such as, etc. - see the related article. The description below refers primarily to such cases where bad breath is not associated with any pathology.

Emotional blockage

A bad smell of this kind emanates, as it were, from the depths of a person's soul and suggests that this person experiences severe internal pain, as well as hatred, anger and a thirst for revenge - towards himself or towards people who have somehow hurt him. Thinking about it causes him deep shame - that's why he doesn't even want to be aware of them - and gradually kill him from the inside. With the help of this unpleasant smell, he keeps people close to him at a distance, although in fact he needs their presence more than anything else.

Mental blocking

If you think you have bad breath, ask a few people who know you well. Find out if this smell is associated with any disease. If not, it means that he says that you should reconsider your attitude to some things, since it hurts you a lot. There is no wound that cannot be healed with true forgiveness. You shouldn't feel helpless anymore. Also get rid of the false shame that you have held in yourself for so long. Tell yourself that you are a sweet, pleasant person, and become that way for real. (The stages of forgiveness are described at the end of this book.)

3. BAD ODOR FROM MOUTH - (Louise Hay)

Causes of the disease

Dirty relationships, dirty gossip, dirty thoughts.

Possible solution to promote healing

I speak about everything with love. I only breathe good.