Unique healing and magical properties of Oak. Oak leaves: properties, benefits. Oak. Magic properties

Making an infusion for the treatment of dysentery, hemorrhoids

1 tsp Brew 200 ml of boiling water and leave for 60 minutes. Treatment is carried out through enemas.

Oak bark infusion for kidney problems

One part of oak raw material is brewed with 10 parts of water and infused. This solution is used to treat kidney diseases; if blood is detected in the renal ducts, with small and frequent urination, or with cystitis, drink 50 ml 3-4 times after meals.

Lotions made from oak bark infusion for the treatment of weeping eczema

Lotions are made from this decoction - 1 gram of dry bark is boiled for 15 minutes in 200 ml of water under a lid. Leave for 2 hours. Apply wet bandages to the affected areas for at least an hour.

To eliminate excessive sweating of the feet and eliminate unpleasant foot odor, use a decoction of oak bark

2 tbsp. l. boil for 1-2 minutes in 200 ml of water, let it brew, cool. They also pour ground oak bark into socks and make foot baths from the same decoction.

A decoction of oak bark to remove boils, in the treatment of varicose veins

2 tbsp. l. boil in a glass of water. Leave for an hour and apply lotions on boils or places where veins bulge on the legs.

Internal administration and douching are indicated with infusions of oak bark and for the treatment of female diseases

Indications: uterine bleeding, inflammation of the female organs. The decoction is prepared according to the following recipe: a teaspoon of crushed bark in a thermos is brewed in 0.5 liters of boiling water for 2 hours. Drink 1/3 glass after meals. For douching, warm up.

Preparation of a solution for douches, baths and tampons

1 tbsp. l. 200 ml of water is steamed in equal proportions of oak bark and leaves, boiled for 2-3 minutes, filtered.

Tea for internal use for diarrhea and worms

prepare tea in this way: 1 tsp. oak composition is steamed with 400 ml of boiling water, infused for 2 hours, wrapped in something warm, and thoroughly filtered before use. Take half a glass 3 times a day before meals. The maximum volume of the composition is 400 ml per day.

Oak for cleansing the face from acne

1 tbsp. 200 ml of bark is steamed. water and boil for a quarter of an hour, cool and filter. Mix 1 part of the decoction with 2 parts of vodka. This lotion perfectly cleanses the skin.


Ingestion is strictly contraindicated for children. With prolonged rinsing of the mouth, a decrease in taste and olfactory sensations may be observed. In case of an overdose of decoctions, attacks of vomiting may occur.

Decoction - mix 2 parts oak bark and 1 part linden blossom. Brew 1 teaspoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water, strain and cool. It is advisable to rinse after each meal and warm it up a little.

But this decoction of oak bark in the form of a lotion helps with burns and bedsores - 30 grams of bark (about 3 tablespoons) per glass of water.

Useful properties of oak Here’s another one: a decoction of young bark is prescribed for diarrhea. dysentery, gastrointestinal bleeding, heavy menstruation. For general weakening of the body (after illness), it is useful to use oak bark baths.

But also beneficial properties of oak not only the bark, but also the leaves. Dried oak leaves are brewed as tea for infectious diseases.

Be healthy!

Tags: trees, medicinal plants, benefits

What is the use of a mighty oak tree?

It is not for nothing that oak is considered the strongest tree. Thanks to its power, it was considered sacred by the Slavs, and cutting down an oak tree was considered a sin. Oak was also credited with the properties of protecting settlements from the evil eye, disease and damage.

It is interesting that it grows in height for 80 years, and after that it increases in width. And this can last up to 500 years, because oaks are long-lived. It belongs to the beech family and in warm latitudes is an evergreen tree. Its wood is valued by builders for its special strength and waterproofness, but it is not cheap.

There are more than 600 species of oak, but only about 20 are found in our latitudes. All of them have medicinal properties, which we will discuss below.

The most common species is common oak. A powerful, handsome tree 40 meters in height, it has a beautiful spreading crown and knotty, almost horizontal branches. The bark is smooth, olive-brown in color on young shoots, and silver-gray on older branches. The fruits we all know are small oval acorns.

And yet, what is the use of a mighty oak tree?

In official medicine, the bark of young oak branches and trunks is used, and in folk medicine, galls are also used - nut-like growths that form the larvae of certain insects on oak leaves.

Benefits of bark.

The bark is harvested in the spring, during sap flow. Ring-shaped cuts are made on the trunk every 30 cm. These cuts are connected to each other by transverse grooves, and then 2 half-tubes of bark are removed. After this, the bark must be dried in the open air, but so that it does not get exposed to rain. Galls are collected in August, also dried, and then stored in a dry place. The bark can be stored for up to 5 years.

Oak bark is valued for the catechin tannins it contains (0.4%), free gallic and ellagic acids, gallotannins (10-20%), quercetins, phlobaphenes, resinous and pectic substances (up to 6%), as well as sugars, proteins, mucus, starch and minerals.

Therefore, oak bark is used as an astringent, anti-inflammatory and anti-putrefactive agent for the treatment of:

  • inflammatory processes of the oral mucosa and pharynx;
  • for the treatment of dental diseases (stomatitis, gingivitis, gumboils, periodontal disease);
  • for gastritis and stomach bleeding;
  • diarrhea and enteritis, poisoning (decoctions of oak bark can bind toxins);
  • diseases of the liver and spleen;
  • rickets and diseases of the lymph nodes;
  • Bark decoctions are used externally to treat frostbite, eczema, skin cracks and bruises.
  • for gynecological diseases, for douching, and for heavy menstruation, drink a decoction.

The benefits of acorns and galls.

Acorns contain up to 40% starch and up to 8% tannins, fatty oils up to 5%, as well as sugars, proteins, essential oils and other substances. The galls have some tannin. Ground and roasted acorns are used as a coffee substitute.

Benefits of oak leaves.

Oak leaves are used by knowledgeable housewives. It turns out that if you add it to pickles and marinades during canning, the canned cucumbers and tomatoes will acquire the necessary strength.


Bark infusion: take 1 tsp. oak bark and 400 ml of chilled boiled water. Leave for 6-8 hours and drink 2-3 tbsp. l. in three steps.

Bark decoction: take 1 tbsp. l. oak bark and pour a glass of boiling water. Keep in a boiling water bath for about 20 minutes and strain. Drink 1 tbsp. l. in 2-3 doses per day.

Bark decoction for external use: 2 tbsp. l. pour a glass of boiling water over the bark and leave for 15-20 minutes. Rinse and douche.

Bark decoction for external use to lubricate the skin: 4 tbsp. l. per glass of boiling water, then boil for an hour and strain.

Medicinal coffee made from acorns: 1 tsp. Acorns, roasted until red and crushed, pour a glass of boiling water and brew like coffee. Drink a third of a glass 3 times a day. Effective for chronic intestinal catarrh.

That’s it, and in vain they say that oak is good for nothing except feeding pigs. By the way, oak also cleans the air around it very well. Therefore, I advise you to take a walk in the oak grove.

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Oak bark. Useful, medicinal properties. Application. Contraindications

March 31st, 2014 Alena

Today on the blog I want to tell you about oak bark, which has found its use not only in folk medicine, but also in official medicine. Oak is a unique plant; oak is associated with longevity, eternity and strength. The average lifespan of an oak tree is about 400 years, which is quite a long time, isn't it? The thickness of an oak trunk increases throughout its life, but growth in height lasts up to 150 years. Probably many of us have heard about oak bark, and many have used it for medicinal purposes. I suggest you remember the beneficial properties of oak bark.

Composition of oak bark.

Starch, proteins, sugars, flavonoids. About 20% are tannins. About 15% are pentosans, which have anti-inflammatory properties. And about 5% are pectins. Kehitin, this substance has the ability to destroy microbes.

Oak bark. Useful and medicinal properties.

  • Oak bark has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Oak bark has disinfectant, bactericidal, astringent properties.
  • Oak bark is used as an astringent for hemorrhoidal bleeding, as a lotion and for douching.
  • Used for dysentery and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Baths made from oak bark are used to combat excessive sweating of the feet and hands.
  • Decoctions and infusions of oak bark are used as lotions for skin inflammation, burns, and wounds.
  • Decoctions and infusions of oak bark are used as a mouth rinse for stomatitis and bad breath.
  • Used to strengthen gums and for gum inflammation. The decoction is used to treat the oral mucosa. For these diseases, the oral cavity should be treated as often as possible.
  • Oak bark is used for colpitis, vaginitis, and cervical erosion.
  • Decoctions of oak bark are used to restore and beauty hair. I use a decoction of oak bark for dandruff and use it to strengthen hair.

Oak bark is an invaluable gift of nature, which is necessary to maintain our health and beauty. Let's talk in more detail about the use of oak bark.

Oak bark. Application.

Decoctions, tinctures and infusions are prepared from oak bark. Which are used for medicinal purposes. Oak bark is used mainly externally.

Infusion of oak bark. Easy to prepare. Pour one teaspoon of crushed oak bark into a glass of boiling water, leave for one hour, strain.

Oak bark decoction. Pour a tablespoon of oak bark into two glasses of boiling water, simmer over low heat for about 10 minutes, leave for half an hour, filter.

Alcohol tincture from oak bark. One teaspoon of crushed oak bark should be poured into 400 ml. vodka, leave for one week, strain.

Oak bark for gums.

In the spring, especially, many people face the problem of gum inflammation; the gums begin to bleed, become inflamed, and turn red. Of course, in the spring, after a long winter, there are not enough vitamins in our diet, the immune system is weakened, all this may indicate spring vitamin deficiency. In addition to including vitamins in your diet and adjusting your diet, you can rinse your mouth with a decoction of oak bark. Rinse your mouth as often as possible. You need to rinse 6 - 7 times a day. Oak bark perfectly relieves inflammation, strengthens gums, and helps with bleeding gums.

You can also rinse your mouth with a decoction of oak bark to treat stomatitis and bad breath. Oak bark decoction can be used as a mouthwash after brushing your teeth.

Oak bark for sore throat.

Oak bark in the form of a decoction is used to gargle for sore throat. A teaspoon of oak bark is poured into a glass of water, boiled in a water bath for about 10 minutes, infused, filtered and gargled. You need to gargle 3-4 times a day.

Oak bark for sweating.

Oak bark is used for sweating not only of the feet, but also of the hands. Baths are prepared from oak bark. You need to take 50 grams of oak bark and pour a liter of boiling water over it, boil for about 5 minutes, leave for about an hour, strain. Next, you need to pour the broth into a basin, wash your feet well with soap and soak your feet in the broth for at least twenty minutes. The decoction for foot baths should be warm. You can get rid of sweaty feet after 10 days of such procedures.

Oak bark for diarrhea.

Since oak bark has astringent and anti-inflammatory properties, it is used in folk medicine for diarrhea. For diarrhea, pour one tablespoon of oak bark into one glass of boiling water, leave in a sealed container for about an hour, filter and drink this infusion one tablespoon at a time throughout the day. The prepared infusion is enough for one day.

Oak bark for hair.

Oak bark helps strengthen hair, get rid of dandruff, and with regular use, dyes hair dark, hair becomes lush and beautiful. Every time after washing your hair, rinse your hair with a decoction of oak bark.

For hair loss, mix oak bark, plantain leaves and mint leaves in equal quantities. You need to add a few tablespoons of burdock oil to the resulting mixture of herbs, heat the mixture in a water bath and apply to the scalp and hair along the entire length. If your hair is long, put it in a bun. Also put a bag on your head and wrap it with a towel. Apply the mask for 15-20 minutes, then wash off with shampoo and rinse your hair with oak bark decoction.

Where can I get oak bark?

Oak bark can now be easily purchased at a pharmacy; it is sold already dried and crushed, and on the packaging you can read how to brew and how to use oak bark.

You can, of course, collect oak bark yourself. The bark of a young tree is the most useful; it is this kind of bark that has beneficial properties. The medicinal properties in the bark remain until the first leaves appear on the oak tree. Therefore, the best time to collect oak bark is early spring.

Oak bark. Contraindications.

  • Preparations made from oak bark are contraindicated in case of allergies or individual intolerance.
  • The course of treatment with oak bark should not exceed two weeks, that is, 14 days.
  • In case of an overdose of oak bark preparations, nausea and vomiting are possible.
  • During pregnancy, questions about the use of oak bark should be discussed with your doctor.
  • For constipation, oak bark is contraindicated.

Oak (lat. Quercus) is a genus of shrubs and trees from the beech family. The oak is widely known for its power and strength, and the height of an oak tree can be 50 meters. These trees grow rather slowly, first adding centimeters in height every year, and only then in width.

How long does an oak tree live?

The oak tree is considered a long-liver and is often associated with wisdom and durability. And for good reason. The lifespan of oak is up to 5 centuries, although in history there are specimens that live more than 1000 years.

Description of oak. What does oak look like?

Oak is a deciduous tree. The size of the oak tree is impressive. Its average height is about 35 meters, although 60-meter giants are sometimes found. The thickness of oak can also be quite impressive. The oak trunk is on average about 1.5 m in diameter, covered with dark bark, dotted with cracks, twisting and wrinkled.

The shape of the tree's leaf depends on the type of oak. Oak leaves can be lobed, serrated, pinnate, and others. Oak branches are indirect, curved. This tortuosity is explained by the fact that the oak tree is very responsive to the sun's rays. As shoots grow, they are drawn towards the light and therefore change direction depending on the period of the year, weather and time of day.

The oak root system is very well developed. Typically, oak roots are huge and go deep into the ground. The oak crown and its shape largely depend on the conditions in which the trees grow. In forests, oak trunks are mostly straight and even, while separately growing plants on the plains spread out very widely. The girth of the crowns of such oak trees is measured in meters. If a tree has grown in extreme conditions, for example, with a lack of moisture or under frequent exposure to wind, then the crowns of such oaks are deformed and not entirely clear and regular in shape.

Oak flowers.

Oak blooms in late spring. Oak flowers are small and green, invisible among the foliage. Male flowers consist only of stamens, female flowers - of a pistil. Male flowers are collected in inflorescences that look like earrings. The female ones are on short stems; they look like green seeds with a red tip. It is from the female oak flowers that acorns grow.

Types of oak.

There are a large number of oak species growing around the world. In total there are about 600 of them, although there is evidence that there are no more than 450 of them.

The most popular types of oaks:

  • English oak;
  • Weeping oak;
  • Swamp oak;
  • Sessile oak;
  • Georgian oak;
  • Long-legged oak;
  • Mongolian oak;
  • Chestnut oak.

Where does oak grow?

Most often, oak is found in regions with a temperate climate, in the Northern Hemisphere. Although some species of these giants are also found in the tropics, however, only in those places where the air temperature is not very high, mainly in high mountain regions.

Oak trees grow well in rich soils and like average humidity levels, but there are species that thrive in swamps, or, conversely, in conditions of lack of moisture.

How to grow an oak tree from an acorn.

Oak trees bear fruit starting 30 years after planting. Oak fruits are acorns. Decorative oak species are quite easily propagated by grafting. The best option for planting an oak tree is in the fall, before the first snow and frost. However, during this period, oak acorns can be eaten by small rodents, so they are often stored until spring and planted with the onset of warm days. For planting, you must definitely choose live oak seeds, which consist of yellow cotyledons with a yellow or reddish embryo inside.

Oak is a tree belonging to the genus Quercus and consists of a wide variety of species, such as red oak, white oak, Mongolian oak, more than 200 species in total. In central Russia, the most famous is the English Oak (Quercus robur). Everything from this tree is used for medicinal purposes: bark, acorns, as well as its leaves. Various phytochemical compounds present in oak leaves that provide many health benefits. The article will tell you the 15 most useful properties of oak leaves.

Oak leaf acts as an antioxidant against free radicals

Phenolic compounds found in oak leaves act as a strong antioxidant that fights free radicals in the body, making them useful in cleansing the body of toxins and waste.

Prevent the growth of cancer cells with oak

Oak leaves have an anti-carcinogenic effect; due to its antioxidant properties, oak can prevent the growth of cancer cells.

Protecting the heart with oak leaves and bark

Flavonoids, which have also been found in oak leaves, have cardioprotective effects that may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease as oak leaves suppress vascular inflammation and prevent the formation of plaques.

The antioxidant effect in oak leaves increases blood HDL (good cholesterol) and reduces LDL (bad cholesterol). This mechanism is important for preventing the development of atherosclerosis and will help prevent coronary heart disease and even stroke. Leaves can help in l treatment of dyslipidemia (chronic cholesterol disorders).

In addition, preparations made from oak leaves reduce blood pressure, which also has a positive effect on the condition of the heart and blood vessels.

Oak leaves speed up the healing of injuries

Oak leaves, as mentioned above, contain flavonoids, which play a role in the healing process, especially on superficial injuries. You can apply fresh or dried oak leaves to the surface of the wound to speed up healing. In addition, oak has a good hemostatic and disinfecting effect, which allows you to start using it immediately after injury, like plantain.

Oak helps in the treatment of stomach ulcers

All the same substances that treat cardiovascular diseases and wounds help heal intestinal and stomach ulcers. They also have a beneficial effect on digestion in general, killing pathogenic bacteria in the digestive tract.

Oak brooms reduce local inflammation

Oak leaves can reduce local symptoms of inflammation such as redness, swelling, and muscle pain. For treatment, it is simply enough to apply fresh or soaked dried oak leaves to the inflamed areas; it is not for nothing that oak brooms are considered healing, since after a bath with an oak broom, after just one use, skin inflammation noticeably decreases, pain, irritation and swelling disappear.

Fighting viruses and bacteria

Available herbs 2017


Oak is a mighty tree of the beech family, reaching a height of 30 meters or more. It is characterized by a high life expectancy - up to 500 years, and this is far from the age limit. According to some sources, the Stelmuk oak, which comfortably “lives” in Lithuania, is more than two thousand years old.

The oak crown, consisting of leathery leaves, is spreading, powerful, and has an ovoid or cylindrical shape. The tree bark is smooth, with a characteristic gray tint; however, over the years it becomes rougher, darkens and acquires typical cracking. Oak shoots are brown or red-brown, the buds are shaped like an inverted egg.

The oak begins to bloom half a century after its birth. As a rule, this happens in the spring - from April to May. The fruits - single-nest acorns - ripen in the first half of autumn. Oak is a light-loving plant that constantly reaches for the light, changing its direction depending on the lighting. This is why some oak trees have bizarrely twisted curves.

Oak - types and places of growth

In the world flora, the genus includes about 600 species. The natural habitats of the evergreen tree have become areas of the Northern Hemisphere. To survive, oak requires a temperate or warm climate, so oak does not grow in some countries. You will also not find a single copy in South America, Australia and Africa, with the exception of the Mediterranean strip.

In Russia, two types of oak are most often found: pedunculate oak (common) and sessile oak. The first is distributed throughout almost the entire territory, the second - mainly in the western part. Both species make up the main composition of Russian oak forests, the number of which is steadily decreasing every year.

Oak - medicinal properties

The bark and leaves of pedunculate oak are widely used in folk medicine and homeopathy. They have anti-inflammatory, astringent, hemostatic, sedative and anthelmintic effects. Decoctions and tinctures are used for gastrointestinal diseases, diarrhea, colic, colitis, exacerbation of peptic ulcers, bleeding, varicose veins, liver and spleen diseases.

Oak bark is also used as a remedy for hemorrhoids, urinary incontinence, eczema (made as lotions), frostbite (in the form of baths), burns, scrofula, and bleeding gums. You can’t do without it if you have bad breath or excessive sweating of your feet. And baths with the addition of oak extract improve blood circulation, give good health, strengthen the immune system and the body as a whole.

Oak - dosage forms

Young oak bark is used as a healing raw material, since old oak bark loses its strength due to a decrease in the concentration of tannins over the years. Less commonly used are leaves that are collected before mid-May. Young branches and bark are harvested during the period of sap flow.

The raw materials are dried under a canopy in the shade, and the young branches are dried in small hanging piles. The best preservation of finished ingredients is provided by paper-cardboard or wooden containers. The shelf life of oak bark is five years, dry leaves - up to 1 year.

Oak - recipes

The bark is used both internally in the form of decoctions, infusions, tea, enemas, douching, and externally - in the form of lotions, poultices and rinses.

A strong decoction for external use: a tablespoon of fresh or dry raw materials (leaves and bark in equal proportions) is added to 200 ml of boiling water, boiled for 1-3 minutes. Next, the broth needs to be cooled and strained.

For internal use (universal): pour 200 ml of water into an enamel bowl, add 20 g of dry bark extract, close the lid and process the contents in a water bath for half an hour, not forgetting to stir frequently. Then cool, squeeze, dilute the broth with boiled water to obtain a volume of 200 ml. Drink half a glass two times a day. in a day.

Strengthening tea: a teaspoon of crushed leaves (or 3-4 whole leaves) is poured into 400-500 g. boiling water, leave for a couple of hours and distribute the tea into 3-8 doses per day.

Tincture to eliminate acne: a universal decoction of oak bark is mixed with vodka (in a ratio of 1:2, for example, 20 ml of decoction and 40 g of vodka). The resulting lotion is used to wipe the face and other problem areas.

Oak - contraindications

Children's age (up to 12 years);
- individual intolerance;
- thrombosis;
- persistent constipation.

Overdose should not be allowed, since tannins, if used inappropriately, cause vomiting, bloating, colic and other gastrointestinal problems.

  1. What does English oak look like?
  2. Spreading
  3. Climate and soil
  4. Interesting features of wood
  5. Using wood
  6. Construction
  7. Industry
  8. Leaves and acorns
  9. Medicine
  10. When to collect material
  11. Interesting facts about oak

Common oak (lat. " Quercus robur") represents the genus Oaks of the Beech family. It is also pedunculate oak, summer, English. The tree's homeland is the forests of southern Russia and eastern Europe.

What does English oak look like?

The common oak is a deciduous tree, its height reaches 50 meters, the girth of the trunk is up to 2 meters. It grows upward for an average of 200 years, then expands for the rest of its life. Using this feature, you can determine approximately how old the tree is. The lifespan of individual individuals is up to 500, or even more years.

The oldest representative of the species grows in Lithuania near the village of Stemluzh. Scientists were able to determine the approximate age of the centenarian - about 2000 years; historical documents contain his description. The Stemluzh oak tree still blooms and periodically bears fruit.

The oak root system has a main core that goes deep into the ground, due to which the tree receives reliable support and high vitality. Over time, lateral root processes of the first, second, third, etc., form and develop. order, the system takes on a spherical shape. The longest stem of a mature tree can be located 20 meters above the ground or deeper.

A young plant has an even light gray bark with a smooth surface; with age it darkens and thickens up to 10 cm by the end of the oak’s life, becoming covered with deep cracks.

The crown has a pyramidal structure, wide, spreading. A tree with strong branches growing alternately on a powerful trunk.

Everyone knows what an oak leaf looks like in Russia and in the world: lobed with a characteristic jagged-rounded edge of a simple shape. The veins protrude slightly from the main plane.

Oak fruits are acorns. They ripen by mid-autumn in September-October. They have a round, elongated shape, brownish-brown, sometimes yellowish in color. The fruit is recessed into a flat plush on a short stalk.

The buds are brown, scaly, ovoid with a pointed tip. The scales have a ciliated edge.

Oak fruits are set in the spring with the arrival of warmth in April-May. Flowering occurs at the same time as the leaves bloom. Flowers of different sexes:

  • Women's reddish tint with a short leg;
  • Men's have the appearance of yellow-green dangling earrings.

There are 2 types of wood: early and late. The early species blooms leaves in April-May, sheds them in mid-autumn until October. Flowering occurs at the same time. The late representative becomes active 2-3 weeks later than its counterpart; often the leaves remain on the branches throughout the winter and fall off in the spring with the swelling of new buds. Their appearance is practically no different.

The common oak bears fruit every 4-5 years after reaching an age of over 50 years.


The plant does not like frost, so it is practically not found in northern latitudes. It forms forests in the middle and southern regions of Russia from the Urals to the Caucasus, where its homeland is located. It grows naturally in Western Europe, Western Asia and Africa.

Humans spread the species in different parts of the Earth, but in unusual climatic conditions the tree develops worse: the trunk grows slowly, the height does not exceed 20 meters, it bears fruit unstably, and often the oak wood is not of high quality. Oak trees are used to create interesting park compositions, decorate alleys and populate forest belts.

Under normal conditions, the common species grows in river valleys and forms mixed forests. The breed favorably coexists with representatives of coniferous and deciduous trees: pine, spruce, gab, birch, beech, ash, maple.

Free-standing individuals are often found.

Climate and soil

The family loves a temperate climate: normal humidity, average temperatures. Mixed forests of Russia are the optimal habitat for oak trees.

For a comfortable life, soils rich in minerals and organic fertilizers are required. Wet and deep gray loams of forests are optimal for tree development. In such areas, the life expectancy of the oak is maximum; the trunk actively grows and remains alive for a long time.

Useful composition of wood and fruits

Oak wood and leaves are a storehouse of various microelements used by humans in various branches of medicine and industry:

  • Up to 20% of wood and leaves are tannins; they are used in medicine and the leather industry.
  • Gallic and egallic organic acids;
  • Carbohydrates and sugars, in particular pentosans (up to 14%);
  • Flavonoids;
  • Microelements (in descending order): K, Ca, Mn, Fe, Mg, Cu, Zn, Al, Cr, Ba, V, Se, Ni, Sr, Pb, B, Ca, Se, Sr.

Acorns, as fruits for reproduction, also possess a number of substances that are useful and vital for development:

  • Starches;
  • Proteins;
  • Carbohydrates (sugars);
  • Saturated oils up to 5% of the total volume.

Oak forests serve as a source of unique wood, widely used in various industries due to its unique beneficial properties:

  1. Elasticity.
  2. High strength and density;
  3. High tensile strength in bending (95 MPa), compression (50 MPa), tensile strength (118 MPa);
  4. The treated barrel retains its technical characteristics at high humidity and under water;
  5. Low shrinkage coefficient without cracking;
  6. Well preserved in air;
  7. The service life of structures and products reaches 100 years with proper care.

Using wood

A person uses all parts of a petiolate tree - leaves, trunk, acorns, buds. Each material has found application in different sectors of our life.


The oak trunk is a source of durable wood, which is used for the manufacture of building structures and products:

  • Solid board;
  • Parquet;
  • Boards for covering walls and ceilings;
  • Elements of window frames;
  • Doors.

The material is durable, abrasion resistant, hard.

The trunk of an adult plant serves as raw material for efficient fuel.

Leaves and acorns

When flowering begins, bees pollinate the trees, collect pollen and nectar, from which valuable honey is obtained.

Acorns from the forest serve as food for wild boars and domestic pigs. The high nutritional value of the fruit is also suitable for humans: the mature material is dried, ground into flour and used for baking. And acorns, processed in a special way, are added to ground chicory - the result is a healthy drink that replaces coffee.

Leaves on young branches brought from the oak forest are tied into brooms that rival birch brooms - they are just as good in a bathhouse.


Scientific information about the beneficial substances and healing properties of wood allows the material to be used as an independent or accompanying treatment for many diseases of various types.

The description of tannins as an astringent and anti-inflammatory agent has existed for centuries. The active components are contained in the bark. The drugs are prescribed for pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and food poisoning, for problems with the bladder and kidneys.

A decoction of bark and leaves is used externally. The tannins in their composition help when there is a violation of the skin: wounds, abrasions, cuts, eczema, ulcers. In addition, decoctions and infusions are prescribed for gargling the throat and pharynx for acute respiratory viral infections and sore throats.

When prescribing concomitant herbal medicine, the doctor takes into account the characteristics of the main treatment, the course of the disease and the condition of the body. By combining factors, the specialist determines how long and in what form to use natural remedies. Self-treatment can only be preventive.

When to collect material

During the life and growth of a tree, the trunk acquires greater strength and density, and the material becomes valuable, so individuals of suitable size are selected for felling.

The bark is harvested in the month of sap flow, usually in April-May. It is dried in the open air, avoiding waterlogging.

Acorns for planting are collected in the fall, when the fruits reach their maturity. They are placed in artificial hibernation in a refrigerator or cellar until spring, after which they are germinated and planted in the ground. You can collect them in the first or second month of spring, when the snow has just melted and the acorn has not had time to take root.

It would seem that a tree is like a tree, but the species of the oak family is not so simple. Some of the life of the stately plant.

  1. The breed is so diverse that there are about 600 representatives of the oak fraternity around the world. Many of them are similar to each other and can only be distinguished by advanced biologists.
  2. 80 years is a serious period, especially for a person’s life. And the eightieth anniversary of marriage is called an “oak” wedding.
  3. There are two ways to determine how old an oak tree is: count the number of rings on the cut of the trunk or measure the circumference of the trunk in centimeters and derive the radius using the formula (circumference/2π)/2. New rings appear every year, expanding by 2-3 mm, based on this, we divide the resulting radius by 2-3 mm.

  1. Oak coal has a significant burning time, but the combustible material does not hold heat well, and powerful draft is required to maintain the process.
  2. Expensive building and finishing material – bog oak. Wood enters water artificially or naturally for a long period of time (up to 100 years), a significant increase in the strength of the raw material occurs and it acquires a black color.
  3. For propagation, the plant in most cases uses small acorns rather than root shoots.
  4. Oak forests create optimal living conditions for many representatives of flora and fauna.
  5. Interesting sounds of oak can be heard: musician Bartholomaus Traubeck created a unique record using nanotechnology.

  1. Forests with oaks have healing powers. There is evidence that the leaves and bark secrete special phytoncides that relieve headaches and calm the nervous system.
  2. The species has high electrical conductivity - oaks are more likely than other trees to be struck by lightning.
  3. The lifespan of oak products can be several thousand years: in the English county of Norfolk, the Bronze Age monument Seahenge, created in the 21st century, was discovered. BC.

Myths, legends, beliefs

The oak is the king, the king of trees in every sense. In the mystical tradition of all Indo-European peoples, the oak was considered the most powerful tree and was dedicated to the heavenly god Thunderer or Thunderer.

Gods such as Zeus, Jupiter, Hercules, Dagda (leader of the ancient Irish gods), Thor, Yahweh and even Allah were associated with this plant.

It is believed that the roots of an oak tree go into the ground to a depth equal to the height of its crown, which is why it symbolizes God, whose laws rule both heaven and hell.

In some traditions, the oak acts as the World Tree, the center of the World and the entire Universe.
The oak is a sacred tree associated with the gates of heaven, through which a deity can appear before people or even the very dwelling of the god or gods.

In ancient times, doors were most often made of oak - the most durable and wear-resistant wood. And the word “duir” (the name of an oak tree in the Druidic alphabet of Beth-Louis-Nyon) in many European languages ​​means “door”: for example, the ancient Celtic “dorus”, the Latin “foris”, the Greek “thura” and the German “tig” are all derived from the Sanskrit "dwar" meaning "door".

The most important rituals, ceremonies, initiations and rituals were performed at the oak tree.
Oak has always been the personification of active male power, an active life position.

The scientific name of oak, quercus, comes from the Celtic word cuer, which means “red, beautiful.”
The Druids considered mistletoe and the oak tree on which it grows to be the most sacred. To perform solemn rituals, they chose oak groves, and not a single ritual was celebrated without oak leaves.

In the religion of the ancient Germans, the oak was also considered the main sacred tree. It was probably dedicated to the thunder god Donar, or Thor, equivalent to the Norse thunderer Thor.

The Jutes also worshiped the lord of thunder, Dagda, associated with the sacred tree - the oak.
In the magical practice of the North, oak was used in spells aimed at protection, increasing physical strength, and achieving stable success.

The Greeks associated this tree with the greatest of the gods - Zeus, the deity of sky, rain and thunder. The sanctuary at Dodona, where Zeus was worshiped in the form of an oracle oak, was perhaps the oldest and certainly the most famous in Greece. And on Mount Lyceum in Arcadia, the hypostasis of Zeus as the god of oak and rain clearly appeared in the magical remedy that the priest of Zeus resorted to: he dipped an oak branch into a sacred spring.

In Ancient Italy, all oak trees were dedicated to Jupiter Italica, the double of Zeus.
And in Rome, on the Capitol, he was worshiped as the deity not only of oak, but also of rain and thunder.

Among the Slavs, the oak was also the sacred tree of the thunder god Perun, the likeness of Zeus. It is known that in Novgorod there once stood a statue of Perun in the form of a man with a thunder stone in his hand. In his honor, a fire of oak logs burned day and night, and if it died out, the minister was condemned to death for oversight.

Lithuanians associated the god of thunder and lightning Perkūnas, or Perkuns, with oak. In his honor, eternal fires burned, supported by the wood of certain oak species. If the fire died out, it was rekindled by rubbing pieces of sacred wood.

An oak log was also considered sacred. With its help, the eternal flame was maintained in the Temple of Vesta, which was ritually burned in midsummer.

In many cultures, burning a log was seen as an act leading to the resurrection of the spirit of fertility (characteristic in this regard is the widespread use of oak ash in folk medicine).

In the biblical tradition, oak was a symbol of Jesus Christ, so according to some versions of Christian tradition, the crucifixion cross was made not of aspen, but of oak.

Practical use

The popularity of oak in all world mythologies and religions is, of course, due to its enormous magical properties. Perhaps there is not a single esoteric tradition, not a single witchcraft, sorcery or healing school, where the mystical properties of oak are not used in one way or another.

Oak is one of the most powerful means of protection against the evil eye and damage. To do this, it is enough to carry with you either a piece of oak bark, or its leaves, or even several oak acorns.

Talismans made from oak have great power. Any amulet made from oak wood increases the power of all magical signs without exception, be it ancient runes or modern Reiki symbols, mysterious signs of Budu or mystical symbols of Kabbalah.

For personal protection from negative vibrations, you can carry with you either an oak cross, or oak beads or rosary.

Many witchcraft traditions strongly recommend planting an oak next to an oak tree, but not in the yard, since its too powerful energy can be overwhelming. This warning especially applies to those homes where small children live. If you plant an oak tree not far from the entrance gate, then no evil witchcraft, no evil spell will be able to penetrate the house.

Oak cleanses the space around itself and attracts positive vibrations and energies. Given its protective properties, oak groves were usually planted around monasteries, since it was believed that no evil witchcraft or black magic could happen in an oak grove.

Carrying oak leaves and oak bark with you can increase energy levels, which in turn will give the body vigor. Oak is, in a sense, a reservoir of powerful additional energy. Therefore, it is recommended to use it where you need to maintain physical activity for a long time or where you have to be under nervous tension for a long time. Roughly speaking, oak is a stimulant that helps you surpass yourself. In this regard, it can also be recommended for use by athletes experiencing great physical and mental stress.

Magicians also advise using oak to increase intellectual abilities. Anyone who has oak bark with him will be able to maintain brain activity for a long time and not lose vigilance.

The magical properties of oak contribute to the development of intuition and extrasensory abilities. For this reason, some witchcraft schools recommend that their adherents carry oak rosaries with them.

Oak is also used in the national economy. For example, on Christmas Eve, the Serbs burned a raw oak log in the oven, coated with honey around the edges and sprinkled with grain. Coal and ash were then used as a magical medicine against diseases of cattle and horses. And the smoldering firebrand of this log was used to fumigate the hives. When it died out, it was placed on a plum or apple tree so that there would be a lot of honey and fruit.

Oak is often used to increase fertility.

It is believed that the ashes from oak logs burned in a flame lit by a sunbeam using a magnifying glass have the magical properties of increasing crop yields a hundredfold.

Village sorcerers used other methods for these purposes. For example, it was believed that if you collect oak leaves on a full moon, make compost out of them, which you then use as fertilizer, then everything in such a garden will definitely grow ugly, no matter what you plant on it. Moreover, it was noted that in some cases, such fertility is not affected even by the most severe weather conditions (of course, this did not mean serious natural disasters, such as long-term drought or a period of rain with hail).

Oak branches are also used to protect livestock from evil spirits. To do this, for example, one or three oak branches were hung in the corners of a cowshed.

Often, to protect livestock from evil spirits, sorcerers buried an oak log under the threshold of a stable or cowshed. In some cases, oak leaves were also used for this purpose. They were either hung in bunches in the corners of animal pens, or the room was fumigated with them. But at the same time, a very important detail was necessarily stipulated - at the time of fumigation, animals should not be in the fumigated room.

And, of course, almost all healers and healers use oak for healing. Some of them advise making a hole at midnight in the fall in the roots of an old but still strong oak tree and placing a vessel under it, which should be taken only in the spring, ideally on the Beltane holiday (May 1). The resulting oak sap will have incredible healing properties and will not only heal many diseases, but also help maintain youth and activity for many years, and also prolong life.

In addition, oak is considered an indispensable remedy for healing teeth. Those who have toothache should either gnaw on the bark of an oak tree or find an old oak tree near which there is a spring. Then strip the bark from the branches, soak it in spring water and carry it with you.

Oak is used for:

  • protecting your home from the spell of evil sorcerers and witches;
  • protection from the evil eye and damage;
  • getting rid of toothache;
  • cures from diseases;
  • protecting livestock from evil spirits;
  • increasing fertility;
  • improving sports performance;
  • increasing energy reserves;
  • maintaining physical activity for a long time;
  • development of intuition and extrasensory abilities;
  • increasing intellectual abilities;
  • increasing the power of magical signs.

Oak is one of the most energetically powerful trees in central Russia.
Oak in Rus' has always been considered a holy tree associated with masculine energy and power. No wonder the man was compared to an oak tree. Oak conducts the energy of the planet Jupiter into our world and is directly related to the zodiac sign of Sagittarius.

The energy of this tree has the power to “raise the dead.” These energies also determine world processes, the destinies of people and nations, and allow people who have fully mastered them to control their own destinies and the destinies of others. Therefore, oaks are considered sacred trees not only in Russia, but also in all countries where they grow. If a person manages to establish contact with an oak tree, this tree will be able to give him such powers that will not only prolong his life, but will also have a beneficial effect on the fate of his children and grandchildren, up to the fifth generation.

Oak is a clear night owl. He wakes up in the morning, slowly, by noon he unfurls leaves and branches to recharge himself with energy, and clearly does not want to part with it. Having had lunch and breakfast at the same time, he falls asleep, probably remembering that “after a hearty lunch you are supposed to sleep.” And sleeps from about 15 to 17 hours. In the evening, having had enough and rest, he begins to become interested in the world around him. Oak willingly communicates with those who listen to him from 18 o'clock, fueling the energy of creativity and giving inspiration to those around him. But a real surge of strength comes to him after nine in the evening, when he willingly heals and helps people change their fate. Having generously distributed his strength to the world, after 3 am he falls asleep soundly, only to wake up again around noon.

We have a huge number of traditions and legends associated with this tree, from the parable of the death of Koshcheeva, kept in a casket on the treasured oak tree, to the legend about the horses of the king of the underworld, hidden under the roots of a three-trunked oak tree.
Temples and sanctuaries always stood in oak groves, and people were treated there.
Remember the somewhat rude expression about the dead, so common among us: “He gave oak.” Do you know where it came from? From an old legend that the souls of the dead climb upward along the trunk of an oak tree, like a heavenly staircase, to the bright kingdom of the immortals. In Rus' there have always been many magical practices that made it possible, using the energy of this tree, to turn to the dead for help and gain additional strength and good luck.

But even without using any special magical or extrasensory methods, anyone can receive a piece of its strength and health from an oak tree. For this:
a) you need to walk in oak groves more often;
b) if possible, use objects made of oak in your everyday life (especially great power is transmitted to a person through oak floors or through the walls of a house built from oak logs);
You should never break or chop oak for fun!!!
Oak- one of the few trees capable of transmitting information over vast distances. And if you cripple an oak tree in Moscow and decide to feed on the power of a tree growing, for example, in Novgorod, you will not get anything good. For he already knows about what happened and looks at you as a barbarian who must be punished for his outrage.

Unlike most trees, which are closely related to other trees in the area where they grow, oaks are single growers. They have energetic connections only with trees of their own species, regardless of the distance between them. This allows them, like pine, to grow calmly in solitude, without losing any of their strength.

Oak is a strong and powerful tree. Loves ambitious and energetic people. Can't stand people who whine all the time. His masculine energy is strong and tough, domineering and hot. It is not very suitable for women, since with constant communication it can give them fullness and excessive self-sufficiency, which will interfere with meetings with the opposite sex. It is useful for women born under the sign of Sagittarius to stand under an oak tree at least once a year - before their birthday or on this day itself - and mentally communicate with it, discussing their life plans. Such a meeting can help you quickly realize what you want in life.

Oak loves men more than women. It helps those born or living in an oak grove to find happiness in work, achieve fame and public recognition, provided that the person does not change his place of residence. Oak increases a person's strength and energy. Contributes to the growth of his authority, provides protection during magical and religious ceremonies, helps to understand the deep meaning of current events, develops the innate ability for synthesis, and often fuels inspiration in creative individuals.

An ordinary oak board, processed on Thursday at sunrise, on which the motto is carved: “God bless you!”, nailed to the home altar, can protect the family from many troubles.
Oak stabilizes the energies of the human body, opens and cleanses the subtle bodies and upper chakras, fills us with powerful and even fiery force. These properties are used in medicine.

In practical magic, more is used of its ability to open a person’s path to Space and information from near-Earth space. Therefore, in Rus', where there is little sun and a strong lack of energy, they loved to use oak wood for buildings, thus compensating for the lack of warm fiery energy for the human body. Moreover, bog oak has always been the most popular. Bog oak wood is slightly reddish, not greyish; like natural oak. This enhances the warmth of the wood and slightly lifts the mood. Ordinary oak undoubtedly calms the nervous system and fills the body with strength, but it does not contribute to fun. In a completely oak, unpainted house you feel like you are in a church - pleasant, good, light in your soul, but the stormy fun seems somehow indecent.

Usually in the old days the walls of a wooden house were made of oak, and the floors and flooring were oak. This arrangement of wood contributed to the best protection of a person from the influence of negative energy from the outside and made it possible to restore wasted strength in the shortest possible time, since oak easily transfers its energy to a person through direct contact, and its strength allows us to balance the work of our entire body. No wonder people said: “Strong as an oak!”
And in a modern city house it would not be out of place to have oak floors and oak chairs, which would allow you to quickly restore the energy spent during the day!
It was a pleasure to plant oak trees in Rus' near the house - they helped to maintain health and strength for many years.

Oak wood is little susceptible to rotting, as it stores huge reserves of light energy, which it gives off for centuries. Buildings and furniture made of oak can warm the soul and raise the strength and health of more than one generation.
If you want to have this living tree as a constant companion in your life, use bonsai! Of course, oak is a very demanding tree and it is very difficult to grow and care for it.

It is better to place the bonsai oak in a study or in a place for meditation, near the altar - there its energy will bring maximum benefit!
Oak takes a long time to get used to people. Sometimes six months or a year pass before he really begins to consider you his. But if he accepts you into his heart, he will not let you go and will never forget you! A piece of its power will be with you wherever you are, because we have already said that oak has the ability to transmit its energy over vast distances. If he has accepted you, his leaves will imperceptibly reach out to you when you come, and his young branches will cling to your clothes, not wanting to let you go. If a double acorn falls into your hand from your favorite tree, save it!

In itself, it is a talisman of good luck in business, but in this case its power will be greater, since it is supported by the wishes of the oak itself. A simple fallen acorn speaks of changes awaiting you in your career, which may be somewhat unexpected and confusing, but which will always lead to the better. A fallen dry branch speaks of this. that it's time for you to change jobs. A fallen dry leaf means unpleasant news awaits you. Fallen green leaf - interesting business conversations and news. A fallen green branch with green foliage - moving and perhaps business trips.

Oak activity period: in the morning he is little active, mainly serves his own needs, sleeps from 15 to 17 hours, willingly begins to communicate from 18 hours, but a real burst of strength comes after 21 hours. He falls asleep at 3 am and sleeps until noon. Oak stabilizes the energies of the human body, cleanses the biofield (especially the upper chakras), and fills it with powerful, even, fiery power. The power of oak is akin to the energy of the liver. It helps increase activity and eliminates congestion. The energy of oak has a particularly beneficial effect on the liver itself, on the cardiovascular system and urinary tract, and increases the activity of germ cells (sperm and eggs).

Promotes the birth of healthy and strong children. Oak energy treatment on a living tree is carried out in nature and involves staying under the tree for 20-30 minutes, the first 5 minutes. Face the tree to establish contact, the remaining time - back to the oak.

Usually in the old days the walls of a wooden house were made of oak, and the floors and flooring were oak. This contributed to the best protection of a person from the influences of negative energy from the outside and made it possible to restore wasted energy in the shortest possible time, since oak easily transfers energy to a person upon contact with it. Oak wood is less susceptible to rotting, because... stores huge reserves of light energy, which it releases for centuries.

Oak bark and young branches (contain 10-20% tannins, 1.6% gallic and ellagic acids, 14% pentosans, 6% pectins, flavone compounds; starch, mucus, protein substances, sugars, phlobafen and other substances), harvested them in the spring, during the period of sap flow. Dried under a canopy, the shelf life of the product is 5 years. Used as a strong astringent and strengthens blood vessels. As the age of the tree increases, the content of tannins in its bark decreases. Decoctions of oak bark (pour 1 tablespoon of raw material into 1 glass of water, boil for 1 minute, strain) are used for excessive sweating (can be used instead of an antiperspirant, a weaker decoction of oak bark is used for wiping under the arms: at the rate of 10 g of bark per 200 ml of water ), for the treatment of burns, for the treatment of purulent wounds, for frostbite, for washing bleeding hemorrhoids, for strengthening gums and eliminating bad breath, helps with inflammatory processes on the oral mucosa, strengthens loose bleeding gums.

Lotions made from a decoction of oak bark, St. John's wort and mint (take the components in equal proportions, pour 2 tablespoons of the mixture with half a glass of boiling water, heat in a water bath for 30 minutes, cool, strain) soothe itching and relieve swelling caused by insect bites.
Baths made of oak bark (1 kg per bath) have an antipyretic effect, promote healing of wounds, they treat skin damaged by frost, varicose veins and infantile scrofula.
When used internally (dilute the decoction 1:10), it helps with poisoning with mushrooms and heavy metal salts (as an antidote), with rickets, diarrhea, scurvy, and internal bleeding.
!!! Decoction and infusion of oak bark in large quantities causes vomiting. Do not administer internally to children!!!

Oak leaves.
Quercetin, tannins and pentosans were found in the leaves. Leaves collected before May 15 are used for medicinal purposes. Young branches with leaves are dried under a canopy, suspended in small bundles. Leaves are stored for about 1 year. When used externally, they promote rapid scarring of ulcers, wounds, and cuts. An infusion of leaves (1 teaspoon of raw material, pour 2 tablespoons of boiling water, leave for 2 hours in a warm place, take no more than a glass at a time) is drunk for bedwetting.

Acorns contain 40% starch, 5-8% tannins, 5% fatty oil, sugar and protein substances. Acorns are the favorite food of many forest inhabitants: wild boars, deer, bears. Pigeons and pheasants carry acorns over long distances. They are especially loved by jays and field mice.

Acorns ripen in the year of flowering or the following year. They are collected while ripening under the tree. Dry in attics or under a canopy with good ventilation, spreading it in one layer on paper and stirring occasionally. They are usually dried in ovens. Then the shell and seed coat are removed. Archaeologists believe that the first bread was baked from oak acorns, and not from cereals. Acorns are considered the most nutritious of all seeds, so they could easily be compared with cereals. They contain quercetin, a toxic substance that is completely harmless to animals.

When soaked or fried, the quercetin is washed out or destroyed, and the acorns become edible for humans. The acorns are fried until slightly reddened (do not burn until they turn black!!!), pounded, brewed like coffee, and milk and sugar (preferably honey) are added if desired. To this day, confectionery products are made from acorn flour.

It is interesting that for some tribes of the Indians of North America, the common acorn served as a staple food. To get rid of the 7% tannin that makes acorns bitter, they boiled the acorns in boiling water. From dried acorns they prepared flour, from which they baked their main food throughout the year - acorn cakes. The indigenous inhabitants of California were called the “acorn Indians.”

Medicinal properties of acorns.
have astringent, enveloping, bactericidal, antitumor properties help with gum disease and toothache stop bleeding, including stopping heavy periods help with hemoptysis and ulcers of the lungs and chest strengthen and wash the stomach eliminate weakness of the bladder, and also increase the flow of urine drop by drop sexual potency
useful for various poisonings used as a cosmetic product for hair coloring
!!! Digest slowly. Raw acorns are harmful to the bladder. !!!

Oak leaf galls.
At the end of summer, spherical growths - galls - sometimes appear on oak leaves caused by insects (gulpworms). Nutworms lay eggs in leaf tissue, and their larvae develop in pathologically overgrown leaf tissue, forming a gall (“nut”) specific to each species. Oak leaves usually have rounded green galls attached to the underside of the leaf, resembling hazelnuts (“ink nuts”). They are collected, brewed and drunk as tea as a snack with lump sugar or honey. Externally used as a decoction lotion (brew 1 cup of raw material per 1 liter of water with boiling water, boil for 5 minutes, leave, strain). The most useful are green and unripe galls.

Medicinal properties of oak leaf galls:
- have astringent properties
- mixed with vinegar helps with toothache and ear pain
- promote hair growth (drinking and bathing)
- help with cracked lips (drinking and bathing)
- good remedy against pulmonary tuberculosis
- promote the healing of scalded and burned areas of the body
- heal eye ulcers (drinking and bathing)
- strengthen the abdominal organs, stop diarrhea and bleeding
- dry up discharge from the uterus
- treat various skin diseases: lichen, erysipelas (infusion in vinegar), eczema, cracks on the hands and feet, wet ulcers (decoction)
- help with various bleeding: from the uterus, stomach, wounds
- treat prolapse of the anus (drinking a decoction)
!!! Galls are harmful to the bladder, a single dose - no more than 3 g!!!

Oak broom for a bath:
Oak, in turn, is famous for its anti-inflammatory and tanning effect, cleanses pores and is suitable for people with oily skin. It makes the skin matte and elastic, and has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. The aroma of oak prevents excessive increases in blood pressure in the steam room. Therefore, this broom is recommended for athletes and people prone to hypertension. In addition, it calms the nervous system and relieves stress. Oak leaves contain a large amount of tannins. Oak decoction is used as a remedy for some skin diseases, as well as for sweaty feet.
Source: ...

Healing properties of oak.

English oak- a deciduous tree, reaching 50 m in height, of the beech family (Fagaceae). Oak lives up to 400-500 years, individual trees - up to 1500-2000 years, reaching 4 m in diameter. The oldest Stelmuk oak tree in Europe (located in Lithuania) is 2000 years old. Grows in deciduous forests and oak groves.

Not a single tree enjoyed such love and honor among the peoples of Europe as the oak. The Slavs, ancient Greeks, and Romans considered it sacred, worshiped it, and attributed miraculous properties to it. It was believed that the oak was given by the gods to people as a great gift. Without the permission of the priests it was impossible to cut down an oak tree or break off a branch. In Greece, an oak branch was a symbol of strength, power, and nobility. Oak branches were awarded to warriors who accomplished great feats. The Greeks believed that the oak appeared on earth earlier than other trees, and dedicated it to the god of light, science and art, Apollo. The Slavs dedicated the oak to Perun. The Slavs held meetings, trials, and wedding ceremonies under the sacred oak trees.

Oak bark is mainly used as a medicinal raw material. It is harvested during sap flow (which coincides with bud opening), without a cork layer on the outside and wood on the inside. To collect bark, only young trees cut down at logging sites and sanitary fellings can be used. The shelf life of raw materials is 5 years. Dry bark has no odor, but when soaked in water and especially when washed with hot water, a characteristic odor characteristic of fresh bark appears. The taste is very astringent.

Pharmacological properties.
Oak bark preparations have astringent, anti-inflammatory and anti-putrefactive properties. The plant's tannins (tannin) are responsible for the main tanning effect. When applying galenic preparations of oak or tannin to wounds or mucous membranes, interaction with proteins is observed, and a protective film is formed that protects tissues from local irritation. This slows down the inflammation process and reduces pain. Tannins denature the protoplasmic proteins of pathogenic microorganisms, which leads to a delay in their development or death.

Application in medicine. The healing power of oak
For treatment, young bark of branches and trunks, leaves and acorns of oak are used. The bark contains acids, resins, pectin, and sugar. Acorns contain protein and tannins, starch, fatty oil, sugar. The leaves contain tannins and dyes, pentosans.

Oak bark is used as an astringent, anti-inflammatory and wound healing agent. In a mixture with other plants, it is used to treat gastritis, colitis, gastrointestinal bleeding, liver and spleen diseases. A cold infusion is given internally (1 teaspoon of crushed bark is infused in 2 glasses of cold water for 6-8 hours) 2-3 tablespoons 3-4 times a day.

Bark decoction(1:10) is used for pharyngitis, sore throat, skin diseases, stomatitis. To treat burns, a stronger decoction of the bark (1:5) is used. For skin diseases, an ointment is also used - one part of a thickened bark decoction to four parts of lanolin.

A warm infusion of crushed acorns in red wine (25% tincture) in the form of compresses is used to treat hernias, and water decoctions are recommended by folk healers for burns, skin rashes, and excessive sweating of the feet. In addition, a nutritious coffee drink is prepared from acorns, which is consumed with milk and sugar.

For stomach bleeding, intestinal inflammation, poisoning with heavy metals, alkaloids, mushrooms, henbane, dope, and food poisoning, use a decoction of the bark. For this purpose, 20 g of dry crushed raw materials are poured into 1 glass of hot water, boiled for half an hour, then filtered and the volume of liquid is brought to the original volume with boiled water. Take 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day.

An infusion of acorns helps with diarrhea and enterocolitis. It is prepared as follows: 1 teaspoon of dry crushed raw materials is poured with 1 glass of boiling water and, after cooling, filtered. Take 1/2 cup 2-3 times a day.

A decoction of oak bark is used to gargle for chronic tonsillitis, pharyngitis, gum disease and stomatitis. For urethritis and cystitis, take a decoction of oak bark, 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day. For the same purpose, an infusion of acorns is used in a similar dosage.

For douching for cervical erosion, uterine prolapse, prolapse of the vaginal walls, vulvovaginitis and trichomonas colpitis, a decoction of oak bark is used: 20 g of dry crushed raw material is poured into 1 glass of hot water, boiled for half an hour, then filtered and the volume of liquid is brought to 1 liter with boiled water .

For baths and washes in case of allergic diathesis, a decoction of oak bark is used. For this purpose, 100 g of dry crushed raw materials are boiled in 1 liter of water for half an hour and filtered. For sweating feet, foot baths are prepared using a decoction of oak bark: 20 g of dry crushed raw materials are poured into 1 glass of hot water, boiled for half an hour, then filtered and the volume of liquid is brought to 1 liter with boiled water.

A cold decoction of the bark is used to treat burns and frostbite, as well as non-healing wounds.

Dosage forms made of oak
Oak bark decoction: 20 g (2 tablespoons) of raw materials are placed in an enamel bowl, pour 200 ml of hot boiled water, cover with a lid and heat in boiling water (in a water bath) for 30 minutes, cool for 10 minutes at room temperature, filter, remaining raw materials squeeze, the volume of the resulting broth is adjusted with boiled water to 200 ml. The prepared broth is stored in a cool place for no more than 2 days. Used for rinsing - 8 times a day as an astringent and anti-inflammatory agent for inflammatory diseases of the oral mucosa, pharynx, pharynx, larynx, gingivitis, stomatitis.

Oak bark (Cortex Quercus) is available in packs of 100 g. Store in a cool, dry place.

Decoction of oak bark: 40 g of raw material is poured into 250 ml of water, boiled for 30 minutes, left for 2 hours. Used in the form of lotions, enemas, baths, rinses.

Infusion of oak bark: 10 g of raw material is infused in 400 ml of chilled boiled water for 6 hours, then filtered. Take 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day before meals.

Oak leaf juice: squeezed from fresh leaves collected immediately after flowering. Take 1/2-1 teaspoon of juice with honey (1:1), diluted in warm water, 3 times a day.

Oak acorn juice: squeezed from green acorns. Take 1-3 tablespoons with honey (1:1) on an empty stomach 3-5 times a day.

Oak bark ointment: 2 parts of oak bark powder, 1 part of black poplar buds are mixed with 7 parts of butter, kept in a warm oven for 12 hours, then boiled over low heat or a water bath for 30 minutes, filtered.

Use of oak in other areas.
Oak is used for afforestation of mountain slopes and in protective plantings. Oak can be planted along irrigation canals, since its root system does not drain the walls of the canals and does not destroy their covering. Wood is used in shipbuilding, for various buildings, crafts, sleepers, parquet, in furniture and cooperage production. Waste - for the production of tanning extracts. After a long stay in water, oak becomes “stained”, has a black color, but does not lose its strength - it is valued in all sorts of crafts.

Tannides contained in oak wood give drinks a unique taste and aroma. Powder from the bark of young branches and thin trunks in veterinary medicine - for powdering wounds, decoctions and mixtures - as an astringent and antiputrefactive agent for dyspepsia, gastritis and enteritis in farm animals, for bloody urine and poisoning with poisonous plants, in the form of infusions and decoctions - as an anti-inflammatory remedy for burns and frostbite.

Good tanning agent for hard leathers; produces yellow, green, dark brown and black paints. The leaves are suitable for dyeing fabrics and wool black. Food for oak silkworms. The leaves are used as a spicy and aromatic addition when pickling cucumbers. The galls are suitable for making black ink, gray and brown dyes, and for tanning sole leather. Acorns in veterinary medicine - as an astringent and anti-putrefactive agent; orally in the form of powders, porridges and mixtures - for gastritis and enteritis. Acorns are a substitute for coffee; peeled - to obtain starch and flour. Feed for pigs, cattle, horses, geese and wild animals.

Culinary recipes from oak
Acorn flour. Cut the acorns, after peeling them, pour water for two days (change it 3-4 times a day). Then drain the water, transfer the acorns to an enamel bowl, add water in a ratio of 1:2 and heat to a boil. Pass wet and warm acorns through a meat grinder, spread them in a thin layer on plywood and air dry, in a stove or oven. Grind the dried mass in a coffee grinder.

Acorn cereal. Cut the acorns, dry them and grind them into cereal.

Pancakes with acorn flour. Dilute acorn (100 g) and wheat or barley (200 g) flour with sour milk (250 ml), add sugar (1 teaspoon), raw egg, soda (1/2 teaspoon), salt (to taste), stir thoroughly . Fry pancakes from the mixture in vegetable oil (100 g). Before serving, drizzle with sour cream or melted butter.

Bread with acorn flour. Mix acorn flour (800 g) with wheat flour (100 g), add yeast (25 g) diluted in water or milk (500 ml), softened margarine (50 g), salt (1 teaspoon), sugar (1 tablespoon) . Knead the dough and place in a warm place. When the dough has risen, form the bread and bake in the oven.

Coffee drink made from acorns. Mix roasted acorns (30 g), rye (10 g), barley (20 g), oats (10 g), wheat (15 g), add dried dandelion roots (10 g), wild chicory (20 g), grind into coffee grinder Store in a closed glass container. Brew 1 teaspoon of the mixture with 250 ml of boiling water, infuse and drink like tea. Add hot milk, sugar or honey to taste.

Aura: warm
Planet: Sun
Element: fire
Deities: Dionysus, Jupiter, Zeus, Thor, Hercules, Janus, Rhea, Cybele
Magic properties: fertility, protection from evil forces, longevity
Magical uses:
Oak is perhaps the most majestic tree with magical powers.
Magic rituals are usually performed in oak groves. Under the oak tree grows white mistletoe, which has the strongest properties.

Burn oak leaves to purify the air.

Oak wood can be used to make an excellent magic wand for a wide variety of magical rituals.

The acorn increases the ability to bear children, is very good for infertility, helps to conceive a child if you carry it with you, and also helps to establish intimate relationships.

The acorn is also worn on one’s person or with oneself to preserve youth and prevent diseases.

Hang an acorn in the window and you will protect your home from evil forces.

Several centuries ago, witches wore necklaces made of acorns, which symbolized the awakening of the forces of nature. This was especially popular during the winter months, when this confirmation of the arrival of spring brought calm amid the winter snowdrifts.
Men wear acorn to enhance their sex appeal and prowess or to cure impotence.

If you collect leaves, acorns or oak branches, be sure to pour wine over the roots of the tree. Acorns are usually collected during the day, leaves and wood at night. Cut oak only when the moon is waning.

Oak is a symbol of power and stability. Things made of oak strengthen the position of their owner. The oak-trimmed interior is in some mysterious way connected with the growing authority of the institution located in it.

Jewelry made from oak wood adds weight to the words of the woman wearing it. Oak protects the house as such from various financial and business shocks and crises, and promotes professional growth. If you want to properly receive a significant person, it is good to decorate the room with oak branches.

Acorns chosen “for good luck” help you get support from your superiors and stimulate career advancement. Especially good for Sagittarius and Pisces.

Bestows wealth (abundance), fertility, protection, awakens psychic abilities.
Oak is completely incompatible with spruce. Never place a Christmas tree on an oak table, and do not mix these two plants in one composition. Even oak and spruce boards in the same house will have a bad effect on the moral atmosphere, stimulating intrigue and conspiracies.

Oak is a mighty tree, a symbol of enormous vitality, longevity, revered by all northern Europeans as the sacred tree of the thunder god (Thor, Perun).
The Celts, on the contrary, tend to revere the oak as the tree of the supreme deity, the tree of wisdom and spiritual strength. By the way, the term “druid” itself comes from the Celtic stem, which has two meanings - “oak” and “wisdom” (the same stem dru/drw sounds in the Russian word “tree”). Throughout the North-West, the oak tree (as well as the thunderbird) is associated with a certain day of the week - Thursday, which in northern languages ​​is called Thursday, "Thor's Day". Esoteric teaching connects as many as six runes of the Elder Futhark with oak - Thurisaz, Evaz, Raido, Teyvaz, Yaro and Dagaz. Due to the physical properties of oak, such as the reliability and strength of its wood, the size and longevity of the trunk, as well as its connection with the supreme deities in the magical practice of the North, oak was generally used in spells aimed at protection, increasing physical strength, and achieving stable success.

Oak is an energy donor. With direct contact with it, a person receives the maximum possible amount of vital energy.
However, we should not forget that this is a strong but harsh tree. His aura is very powerful; it only responds well to healthy people. It is better for a person who is seriously ill or suffering from chronic diseases not to communicate with this tree.
Communication with oak charges a person with activating energy and calms the soul. It has long been noted that walking through an oak forest normalizes blood pressure and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and nervous system.

Oak always gives preference to warriors, fighters, strong and healthy people. He heals wounds received in battle, heals the souls of warriors, and shares a piece of his longevity. Veterans, former soldiers, and elderly people benefit greatly from contact with him.

Means strength, protection, durability, courage, loyalty, man, human body. The oak tree is often associated with the thunder gods and thunder and is considered an emblem of the gods of Heaven and fertility, so it can also symbolize lightning and fire.

Among the American Indians it is dedicated to Mother Earth.
In China, it is masculine strength, as well as the “weakness of strength” that resists and is therefore broken by the hurricane, as opposed to the “strength of weakness” of the willow, which bows to the storm and therefore survives.
In Christianity, it is a symbol of Christ as strength, manifested in trouble, firmness in faith and virtue. According to various sources, the cross was made of oak, holly and aspen.
Among the Druids, the oak is a sacred tree and symbolizes the masculine principle, while the feminine is symbolized by mistletoe.
In the Greco-Roman tradition it is dedicated to Zeus (Jupiter). Every year the wedding of Jupiter and Juno was celebrated in the oak grove, and the participants in the ceremony wore wreaths of oak leaves. A wreath of oak leaves was awarded for saving a human life and for winning the Pythian Games.
The oak is the emblem of Cybele and Silvanus, and in Greece - Philemon, as a symbol of commitment to marriage and marital happiness. Dryads were oak nymphs.
In Jewish tradition, oak is the tree of the Covenant and divine presence.
The Scandinavians and ancient Germans considered the oak tree to be the Trade Tree of Life and dedicated it to Donar. Oak groves were a place for rituals.
Acorn: Scandinavian and Celtic symbol of life, fertility and immortality. Dedicated to Thor. Androgynene

oak moss
Moss growing on the bark of some trees. Particularly interesting for magical purposes is the moss growing on oak bark. Clairvoyance, predictions, magic. Money growth, abundance, peace of mind, starting new things.