Presentation Drawing as I spent the summer. Children and parent project "How I spent the summer." Photo report "What a summer gave me! On playground

Project Topic: "How I spent the summer"

Education area: Speech development

Integration of educational areas: Cognitive development, socio-communicative development, artistic and aesthetic development.

Purpose: Activation of the positive emotions of children in memoirs about the events of summer holiday.


Develop interest in different types of summer holidays;

Develop the ability to make a story with a support in the photo;

Stimulate the attempts of children to make a story from their own experience;

Develop the ability to answer questions.

Motivational stage.

The teacher offers children to see the illustrations on the topic "Summer holiday on the beach", deploying a conversation, clarifies the ideas of children about the summer holiday.

Questions to activate children:

What do we know about summer holidays each other?

Would we like to know where our friends rested?

How can we find out about it?


"Where I rested in the summer."

"My great impression"

Consider photos, reproductions for pictures, illustrations on the topics "Rest with family", "Summer fun"

Coloring coloring on topics.

Reading fiction :

Riddles, poems, songs about summer.

Discussion of options with collaborative children:

Design of the exhibition drawings "The most interesting day"

Creating a mini-museum "Memory of summer"

Creating family albums "Summer Impressions"

Creating an exhibition wall newspaper "How I spent the summer."

Problem Stage

Educational situation "Travel to Australia"

Logic-mathematical games:


Drawing up by children of creative stories on the topic of the project "I like traveling very much"

Scene-role games:

"Sea journey", "Train".

Didactic games:

"What I'll take on the journey"

"Will the first help with sunshine"

Interaction with parents

Manufacturing wall newspaper about summer holidays.

Drawing up stories of fantasies about summer.

Co-production with children of crafts from a material brought from summer holiday.

Making parents of presentations about their summer holidays and their subsequent presentation.

Creative stage

Drawing illustrations to the thematic album "Summer holiday".

Lepak: According to the plan "Once I met ..."

Designing: "I went to the flight, there will be a long flight"

Registration of the exhibition wallgazet "How I spent summer".

Design of the exhibition drawings "The most interesting day"

Creating a mini-museum "Memory about summer"

Manufacturing books on the topic "Summer Impressions" for the Children's Library.

The oral magazine "How I spent the summer".

Collective creative draft grade 4 students. School essays on the topic: "How I spent the summer."

One of the most vivid impressions left a trip to the Moscow Zoo and Dolphinarium. I could take a picture of a huge monument to all fabulous heroes.

I saw with my own eyes of those animals and birds, which I used to see only in books and on TV.

Polar bear

Pink flamingo


And I was struck by marine mammals trained to perform various tricks.

I gladly applauded them.

All this summer was good, despite the weather. She, of course, led a little. But vacation is always fun and happiness. It is a pity that they are over.
It's time to return to school. After all, study is the main thing for every child.
After all, he needs to receive knowledge, which will then be useful in adulthood.
Babayitseva Anastasia, 10 years
When the academic year ends, I leave the village of Krasnopol. She is located in the Voronezh region. Very long ago, when the fields were not processed, the red flowers grew around the village, from here and the village name occurred. My grandparents live there. All summer I spend from them. It is very beautiful!
I have many friends in the village. They also come to vacation to their relatives. When it is hot weather, we go swimming on the pond. In the evening we play different games. Together we are always interested and fun.

And I am helping my grandparents to feed rabbits, geese and chickens. In our yard there are two dogs - KNOP and a boy, and two kittens. They love to scratch! With my grandfather often go fishing. He catches fish, and I collect flowers.

Summer flew very quickly. It's time to go to school. It will take place, winter, spring and summer will come again. I will see again with my relatives and friends for which it began to miss.

Tsystar Valeria, 9 years old
In the summer I was at my grandmother in the village. She lives in the forestellar in the village of Ternovka. The Dniester River flows there. It is the most winding river in Europe. Only near our village there are about nine turns of the river bed.

I have a dog tail and cat Chernushka.

I give them food and water.

I like summer!
Evtushenko Rodion, 10 years
Summer is a wonderful time. About which you can tell a lot. I always wait for the summer holidays. I love to play football. Swim in the river, walk to the forest.

With this summer, I rested in a children's ecological camp. There I cared for animals, went to the national mushroom campaign. For us was organized a trip to the city of Zaraysk to Zarayski Kremlin. We told the story of this old city.

In July, I traveled fishing with dad. And let Klev almost did not have, we were very fun. We listened to the buzz of bees, the rigging of grasshoppers, the singing of birds and watched the ants who hurried to the anthill after a working day.

Sweet days I rode a bike with friends and did not forget to go to the library to make something in rainy weather.
In August, I went to the oceanarium with my grandfather. This trip left an unforgettable impression: huge tales, sharks, piranhas, starfish and many other marine inhabitants.

Ainur Akmatova

Dear Colleagues! I bring to your attention another photo report on the sale of a parent project "How I spent summer"This project "pushed" a friendly family of Rynkova Roman, consisting of four people, with the onset of a hot season a year, go on a trip to the uncharted places, spend a fun, bright, noisy, colorful summer! Plunge into intriguing and mysterious, colorful and fascinating mountain altai! It is a beautiful place, left the family a lot of positive emotions and beautiful photos. Parents of the novel, for their two boys planned a joint holiday in advance. Primary taskwho set themselves adults, as much as possible in the air, play, harden. To fully enjoy the gifts of nature: fresh air, solar rays and warm water.

Second - Make life with bright, filled with unforgettable impressions and emotions, should happen all the most interesting, informative and unique, despite the length of the weather.

Third - Strengthening family values, disease prevention.

Anna Gennadievna, Mom Roman, about summer holidays says: "Rest with children is a solid" quest ", and accurately predict how one or another situation begins, especially in a new place or in new activity is almost impossible. We learned the whole family to take any surprise as a recreation raisolution, rejoice, sometimes there are also sharp changes in plans, but in any case, we find from the unexpected advantage of the pros. A frequent error of holidaymakers parents is to relax "for children", so we are planning our holidays for yourself with your family, and not for families with children! "

In my opinion, all the tasks set by the family solved, provided photo material, eloquently confirms. I, from watching photos I got a huge pleasure. Felt love and care, joy of a joint holiday. All summer leisure was held in a solid positive and cheerful emotions!

Rest in the cheeky district. The amazing nature of this place presented all family members unforgettable impressions. The tourist "goat trail" was laid, according to which they carried out a walk. Roma courageously stood up the lift along the paths, crawling on small plumbings, walking along the shaky suspended bridge, watched the rougation of mountain Katun. The river flowing through the territory of the Altai Territory, many centuries amazing the majesticity and character. It extends almost 700 kilometers and has a huge pool with 800 glaciers. Majestic rocks, scattered on the water, as if precious stones. The flow forms fascinating and dangerous waterways, and the mountains sparkle in the sun with gold slopes. Altai beauties leave no one indifferent.

Dad rum Evgeny Markovich: « We are not splashing and not kayak, but hearing the noise of water, could not pass by. Water Katunu with mad roar rush between five huge boulders, "swirling" and splashing. It is said that the most impressive spectacle is here in late May and early June. But the fact that we saw, we were enough to feel all the power and strength of the threshold and river. The spectacle is extraordinary. Noise of water, rolling, splashes. "

On the shore, he studied with a dad to plant a bonfire from the twigs, which he himself collected, satisfied picnics, walked through pastures. They visited the mountain Manger, climbed the chair. The chair lift in the Manger, is one of the man-made attractions of the mountain altai in the area from Lake Ala to Cheka, when lifting the mountain, the types of fascinating are opened!

Anna Gennadievna: "We were in the Mountain Altai for only two weeks, but every day was saturated with events, the weather was beautiful, the air is clean and fresh. It is definitely a place where you want to return, where there are still many places that I would like to see. Definitely, these amazing places, we will visit more than once, and only by car, we will be able to visit many places yourself. The sun, the purest air, honey, herbs, charms, and a local flavor in abundance. "

Returning to the city, all day disappeared on the street, despite the "Siberian Variable Summer". In the rainy weather splashed and washed in the water park.

Paul summer spent at her grandmother in Zdvinsk, fishing, garden, picking up berries and of course caterpillars! The "fattening" of the caterpillars in the jar, with the hope that it will become a butterfly, the workpiece of jam, the hard work in the disorder of the forest tuber to help his beloved grandmother.

Together with her grandmother and elder brother, they were preparing video recovery Mom happy birthday, fun games in the natives.

I, in turn, want to add that family leisure is a unique chance for parents to learn your child, hear, and most importantly understand it. The joint pastime contributes to the beginning of this friendship between adults and children. Right and interestingly organized leisure - it is bright and memorable impressions. Many adults know that the happy moments of childhood are remembered for life.

Publications on the topic:

I have a nicely summer grandmother in the village. Study is not too lazy to me pig and goat. Here the cow's flock was passed, Kura Quachut at the porch.

I present you the work of the second younger group "Dwarf" on the topic: "Ah, summer." On the wall newspaper depicts some passages of their work during.

Hooray! We have holidays! Gremikuli, slaughterhouses, in the River Yershov Lovikuly - Good Time! Hooray! We have holidays! With a basket in the forest Khodikula,.

My summer was extremely fascinating and rich. I visited different places, cities and countries. What I would like to tell in my essay. My summer was extremely fascinating and rich. I visited different places, cities and countries. What I would like to tell in my essay.

For the cottage! As soon as I graduated from the second class, I got my fives and fours, I began to collect a backpack. I was filled to failure. There was all that the young dacket would be useful: clothes and toys. At the cottage I was met grandmother. Together with her, I smelled of carrot, watered the bed, watched TV. Most of all I liked the food at the cottage!

In Krasnoyarsk! When mom has come, my journey continued. I remember a trip to Krasnoyarsk, I was remembered by visiting the Troy Park, the Zoo "ROOF COVER". This zoo is very big. In it, you can see animals, birds, fish from all countries of the world. And my grandfather and I played football and chess.

Long-awaited Turkey! This country was surprised by the extraordinary heat and a huge Mediterranean Sea! The Turks call it the "White Sea". In Alanya, we lived at the Lonisher Hotel. Near our corps was a swimming pool and slides, where I spent almost all the time. I learned to swim, and met the guys from Russia, Kazakhstan and Bakugan Bakugan from Ankara.

Once we went on a tour of "Dim Tea". At first we were lucky in a fruit garden. There I saw how bananas, avocado, pineapple, pepper pepper, olives, dates, and the orange even managed to disrupt. Local residents treated us with Turkish fruit - Pepino. I really liked him! Next, we went to the mountain, in the cave "Dim". There were stalactites and dead emerald lake. "Sweet memories" about Turkey a lot. Once again I want to visit this country!

Continued travel! From Turkey, we returned home through Krasnoyarsk: first by plane, and then by train to Irkutsk! But our journey did not end, because with the dad on the car we went to the village to the great-grandfather. The village is far away: under the cheat, so it is a distant road, by car. We like to travel so!