I am in Bakhchisarai: what sights and entertainment are waiting for tourists here. What to see in Bakhchisarai in one day what can be visited in Bakhchisara

The most popular landmark of Bakhchisaraya. This is an amazing palace with a mosque, an inland courtyard and gardens from 1532 to 1783 the main residence of Crimean Khanov. Today the museum is located here. A variety of buildings will not leave anyone indifferent: chasing khan, a harem complex, a falcon tower, a small palace mosque, Mausoleum Dilyara Bekesh, Bakhchisarai fountain - a small tolik that you can see here. You can look at the restored khans, harem, explore temporary exhibitions dedicated to the life and history of the Crimean Tatars. A visit to the palace is available only with the excursion that are regularly held.

Bakhchisarai fountain (Fountain of Tears)

A small and modest fountain is located on the territory of the Khan Palace. Fountain became very popular after the appearance of the poem of the same name A.S. Pushkin. According to the legend, Khan fell in love with a container of the Dryer. From longing in captivity, the girl died. After her death, Ham ordered the sign of his grief to build a fountain "so that the stone was crying." Fountain really makes an impression! Next to the fountain installed Bust A.S. Pushkin.

Show place on the map (Bakhchisarai, River Street, 133)

Holy Assumption Male Monastery

The Holy Assumption Male Monastery is in the Gorge of Mayram-Dere, not far from Bakhchisaraya. The monastery is in the rocks. On both sides of the gorge you can see Celi and economic buildings. By the end of the 15th century, the Metropolitan residence in the entire Tavrid was in the Holy Assumption Monastery. A visit to the monastery can be combined with lifting to the cave city of Chufut-Kale.

Historical and cultural complex Devlet Saray

The Museum Complex Devlet Sarai is located on the outskirts of Bakhchisaraya in the town of Salachik (the Strong). Once it was the territory of the palace complex of the first capital of the Crimean Khanate - Kyrk-Er. For the Ferris, Mausoleum (Turbean) of the first Geraev, where 18 members of the ruling family are buried. Also for inspection is the ruins of the bath complex.

House Museum of Ismail Gasprinsky

Ismail Gasprinsky was born in 1851, was the Crimean-Tatar public figure and the enlightener. Once a building, where the museum is located was a printing house, where since 1883 the first Crimean newspaper founded by Gasrinsky was published. The building was renovated, and in 2001 the museum was opened to the 150th anniversary of the birth of I. Gasprinsky.

Mosque Takhtaly-Jami

Tahtaly-Jami Mosque in Bakhchisarai hid in the old town. You can find it in a slender minaret, which is visible from afar. The building was built in the XVIII century. The mosque was built was the daughter of Khan Selima I Geraya, Beckhan Sultanhi.

Show place on the map (Bakhchisarai, ul. Ismail Gasprinsky)

Crimean Tatar Museum Larishes

The basis of the collection of the Crimean Tatar Museum Larishes - 1500 items of the XV-XX centuries acquired by the founder of the Museum of Guliver Altin. Of interest is the collection of geographical maps with the image of the Crimean Peninsula, the lithograph of European artists with the image of the Crimea, the collection of rare books on the history of the Crimea. The exposition of the museum takes 7 halls, a total area of \u200b\u200b500 square meters.

Bakhchisarai. - An amazing Crimean town, fascinating with its oriental charm. Having been here, you will probably remember its unique charm and an unusual old atmosphere. And the beauty of the surrounding nature complements and turns the journey.

You will learn about the main attractions of Bakhchisaraya and its surroundings and see the fascinating photos with detailed descriptions of these places.

Architecture Bakhchisaray

The main attraction of Bakhchisaraya is undoubtedly Khansky Palace. When you get on its territory, it seems that you have moved to a completely different world. Immediately covers the feeling of an eastern fairy tale.

At the moment, the palace is the only architectural style of the Architectural Style of the Crimean Tatar Palaces!

The territory of the palace is very extensive. Here you can walk at least all day, recognizing the vintage secrets. In the palace you will find:

  • Museum of History and Culture of the Crimean Tatars;
  • Big khan mosque;
  • Art Museum;
  • Alexander I Fountain;
  • Fountain tears;
  • Khan cemetery and many other interesting raisins.

Palace is on the street. River, 133.

In the vicinity of Bakhchisaraya, there is another famous landmark - Chufut Calea. Now it is the ruins of an ancient city, which was once the first residence of Crimean Khan. In addition to the fact that the ruins are in a very picturesque place, there is a lot to pay attention to.

The most famous of the surviving buildings is mausoleum Janiac Han.

You can also see here two Karaites Temple, orta-Kapa gate residues, medium defensive wall And other buildings.

Two Karaites Temple
In Bakhchisara, and its surroundings there are a number of other remnants of ancient cave cities and monasteries:

  • The cave city of Mangup (with. Khoja Sala);
  • Holy Blagoveshchensky Men's Monastery (Mongup Mountain, s. Basal, acting);
  • The cave city of Kachi Calon and Kachi Calon Monastery (Valley R. Kacha).
  • Church of the Feodor Icon of the Mother of God (Bakhchisaray);
  • Mausoleum Eski-Durb (Bakhchisarai, ul. Krasnoflotskaya, 17);
  • Holy Assumption Male Monastery (Bakhchisaray, Mary's Gorge);
  • Mosque Takhtaly-Jami (Bakhchisaray);
  • Lenina Street (Bakhchisaray);
  • Starosela (Painting Bakhchisaraya);
  • Church of St. Luka and with. Varnish (d. Kuibyshevo);
  • Xurensk fortress (Small garden).

Museums of the city

Bakhchisaray, although a small town, but managed to accommodate many attractions, including museums.

Among them are especially popular museum "Larishes", Fully dedicated to the history of the Crimean and Tatar people. There are many unique documents, books and photos, manuscripts and manuscripts. Here are also presented by the old maps of the Crimea, the collection of engravings with images of the prominent personalities of Crimean Khanate, the notes of travelers and the paintings of modern Crimean artists.

The museum is private, all his heritage belongs Guliverra Altyna - Crimean Tatarin, who cares about the safety of the history of his people.

Museum you will find on the street. Basenko, 57.

Not far from Bakhchisaraya in s. Bashtovka is located Museum of Peoples Crimeawhich is also a private collection of non-indifferent people.

The museum's exposition includes more than 500 vintage household items, tools and coins. And the caring owners will tell you not only about the history and purpose of one or another thing, but also about how and where it was found.

Here are some of the museums of Bakhchisaraya and its surroundings:

  • House-Museum of Nagaevskaya and Romm (Ul. Proletarskaya, 19);
  • Gasprinsky Museum (ul. R. Luxembourg, 47);
  • Bakhchisaraya Art Museum (Khansky Palace);
  • Karai Kenass (Chufut Callea).

Monuments Bakhchisaraya

Among the attractions of Bakhchisaray one of the most popular is park "Crimea in miniature".

Here for just 1 day you can get acquainted with 57 famous architectural objects of the Crimea in terms of 1:25. Among them you will see the famous Vorontsov Palace and gallery Aivazovsky, Genoese Fortress, Alushta aquarium and many others.

For the smallest travelers in the park there is a small "park of fairy tales", where fabulous heroes are presented. And here there is a mini-zoo.

Also in Bakhchisara, you will see:

  • Monument to A. S. Pushkin;
  • Bakhchisaraya Memorial Park with eternal fire and monument "Tank T-70";
  • Fountain in honor of Alexander I's arrival;
  • Monument I. Gasrinsky;
  • Bakhchisarai poles;
  • Fountain of Tears - Seld Selbil.

Natural attractions of Bakhchisaraya and the surrounding area

In the Bakhchisar itself beautiful corners of nature. Here you can walk by square in the Khansky Palace or on ul. Leninsky.

But the beautiful mountains, lakes, forests and valleys spread around the city around the city. We will not stop on them in detail, because Each of them resembles a paradise island and accurately deserves your attention.

If you have enough time and strength, we recommend visit:

  • Gorge Salachik (Starosela, Bakhchisarai);
  • Besz-Kosh's elevation (Bakhchisarai);
  • Mount Crocodile (Arman-Kaya, p. Tank);
  • Lake "Wide Yar" (p. Hardworking);
  • Suatkan waterfall (p. Rich Gorge);
  • Maryam Teres Valley;
  • Bakhchisaray Mengir, Tavra Dolmen (Bakhchisaray);
  • Martian lake (s. Rocky);
  • Sphinxes of the Karaleis Valley (Uzun-Tarla Hill);
  • Josafatov Valley (Chufut-Kale);
  • Scientific town of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory.

What to see in Bakhchisarai in one day?

Bakhchisaray is the perfect city for inspection for 1 day. Sightseeing here is enough, but this city is very compact, and you can easily have time to inspect all his pearls in a few hours.

  1. Excursion We offer to start with Old Town.. This is the last stop of urban transport.
  2. From the stop by a steep rise go up to Assumption male monastery. We examine the monastery.
  3. If you are brave enough and prepared, you can go into city of Chufut-Kale. Road is not easy and dangerous.
  4. Then we return to the monastery and moving through the only street. After a while we reach museum I. Gasprinsky.
  5. We are still moving forward and see the famous Khansky Palace. We visit the palace square, a khan mosque. We see the guard case, residential buildings and the Khan cemetery. You can also see the building of the Harem, several fountains, among which the famous Fountain of Tears.
  6. If desired, you can visit Art Museum and Museum of History of the Crimean Tatars.
  7. From the Khan Palace we go to the romantic goal and a small green corner where monument A. Pushkin.
  8. Be sure to visit park "Crimea in miniature". Then you can say that not only Bakhchisarai managed to bypass for 1 day, but also the whole Crimea!
  9. We also recommend to taste the national Crimean Tatar dishes in one of numerous restaurants of the city.

Video about the city of Bakhchisarai

This video presents the best sights of the city. Happy viewing!

In many more fascinating places. Summer in the Crimea is a special time, a crowded, noisy, hospitable. I want to go everywhere to take home huge baggage memories and sensations. For example, give you a lot of new impressions.

Where to go to Bakhchisarai with a child?

  1. We offer tourists with children to visit park "Crimea in miniature". Small layouts of the famous palaces of Crimea will surely like your Chadam. And here they can meet the favorite heroes of fairy tales and cartoons in the "Fairy Tale Park".
  2. Visit mini Zoo Also should like your children. It is located in the territory of the same Park miniature.
  3. Little animal lovers will probably be interested in farm "Wonder-Donkey"where is unique "Museum of Oslov". Here you can try milk of different animals.
  4. On the farm, you can also "hire" the donkey, so that your child has made a small child on the donkey walking in the city.

Farm "Miracle Oxlik"

Bakhchisaray is so multifaceted and unique, it is written a special atmosphere of a miracle that I want to come back here again and again.

We wish you a pleasant trip to the eastern corner of the Crimea, and our impressions of the trip can be divided into comments.

Bakhchisaray is one of the amazing places of Crimea. Sometime, this city was the capital of Crimean Khanate, for many centuries to this - the very northern border of Byzantium, and today is one of the cultural and historical centers of Crimea.

Sights of Bakhchisaraya, which can be visited within the city

Bakhchisaray Palace.

The main historical monument to Bakhchisaraya is the Khan Palace. It can be called the city in miniature. It has everything you need for Hannaire life: Baths, a hall of official delegations, chambers, stables, 6 courtyards, 4 fountains. All these facilities and buildings are connected in one labyrinth. The first mention of the palace was noticed in the XVI century.
Approximately 230 years ago, the last khan, Shakin Erai, left the palace, taking with him all the property, servants, harem. After that, the Palace departed to Russia's property.

The Khansky Palace visited and briefly lived in it rulers of the Russian Empire, ranging from Catherine II to Nicholas II. The only one who did not attend this palace was Paul I. There is a hall of the sofas in the palace, which means a meeting. In Khanate, the sofa was called the highest ruling state authority. In this room, the most important state-owned, judicial, military, political, economic problems across the country were solved. Also at such meetings, issues of not only the Crimean Khanate, but also all Southeast Europe were solved.

In the center of the hall of the sofas is the Golden Sofa of the ruler. Above the entrance to the hall is located the oblong balcony. There are legends that there was a mother of Khan, which influenced the decisions of the Son. The balcony is located so that only the place of Khan was visible. The ceiling of the hall was painted in an ampir style.

Bakhchisarai fountain.

One of the beauties of the Khansky Palace is the Fountain of Tears, which is located in the fountain courtyard. There is a legend that Khan met a girl and fell in love with her with all his heart. But she died quite young. Then Han ordered the fountain to build a fountain, in memory of his beloved. He wanted not just to flow the water from the wall and the court master did the impossible - forced the stone himself cry, as the soul cried. The author cut out a lotus flower on the marble plate, from which rare, miser tears of Khan. Tears flowed from large bowls into small and so indefinitely. But Pushkin A.S. I interpreted everything in my own way in the poem "Bakhchisarai Fountain", written in 1822.
On the territory of Harem, four official wives of Khan always lived. The windows of the wives were decorated with peculiar glands of iron with patterns that allowed girls to watch the yard, but they were not visible.

Bakhchisarai mosque.

One of the attractions of Bakhchisaray are mosques. One of the most famous and oldest is the one who visited Han himself. It was built in the 16th century. To date, the mosque is valid. It also serves as a museum, and as a place where you can pray. Two-storey mosque. On the first floor there may be men, on the second - exclusively women. Hana had a separate bed, where he prayed. The mosque is not allowed to pray without a head help, both women and men. This is a kind of discipline, which has been held for many years.

Bakhchisarai Park Miniature.

Sights of Bakhchisaray in walking distance.

In local mountain paths, there are dozens of cycling from around the world. Tourists sit down the difficult narrow streets of Bakhchisaraya and magnificent landscapes surrounding at every step on every turn.

Holy Assumption men's monastery.

Chufut Calea

Just 4 km from Bakhchisaraya there is a medieval city-Fortress Chufut-Kale. The fortress city was built in 1299 from three sides surrounded by impregnable cliffs. Their height is 552 meters .. it can be visited, only reached on special cars. On the road to Chufut-Kale, many juniper, which can be enjoyed contemplating them, as well as absorbing their fragrance. Read more.


In 6 kilomometers from Chufut-Kale, towards the village of Kudrino, there is another cave city-Tepo Kermen. Tepe-kerman is very different from the chowel. Tepe-kerman, practically, completely permeated with caves, which are towering in three tiers. On the Plateau, the Tepe-Kermen was located one of the major cities of the medieval Crimea, the story of which began in the era of Byzantium. Read more about.

Ashlama-Derus Valley

Near the city is the Ashlama-Dere Valley. It is located in the estate of Firkovich. It is believed that this construction refers to the 18th century and is the standard Crimean building of that time. The estate is two-story and share in two parts: male and female. In this area, you can also visit the Chaushes-Kobasi-basement room with a rich Karaite estate. In this room, wonderful acoustics, and at the entrance it opens the magnificent landscape of the mountains with local vegetation. The cave itself is created not by nature, but by man, from the remedies. Limestone, from which the cave consists, is well processing.

Pretty diverse and interesting. This place is a special highlight that Bakhchisarai is in the mountainous part of the Crimean Peninsula, and this is always fresh mountain air combined by mountain herbs. Many peach gardens, apricot, apples and pears. Also Bakhchisaray is famous for its vineyards and of course ethnic restaurants and beautiful mountain views.

Attractions Bakhchisaraya on the map of Crimea

Speaking of Bakhchisara, few people will not come to the mind of the lines from the immortal poem Pushkin. However, in addition to the famous gold fountain there is something to see. But you need to start looking at the sights of Bakhchisaraya, of course, from the Bakhchisarai Palace - this masterpiece of architecture, planning and construction. To describe all the riot of nature, luxury of paints, the incredibility of all the beauty of the palace will not have enough words. Here you need eyes and hands to see the harmony of nature and human creation, touch the perfect smearing of marble columns, sophistication of kurturt and flower compositions. And, of course, you need time to get around this territory, enjoy every corner.

The imagination is useful, sending us in those days, complementing in the inner view what is not yet restored today, and perhaps forever lost. The Bakhchisaray Palace is the first stop point, and then the Chufut Calais is waiting for you.

What is it? The cave monastery of an incredible historical and cultural value. Did you know that there is a miraculous icon in this monastery? Be sure to go and look at the fact that the above understanding of the human. Breathe patience, Chufut-Kale is attractive for pilgrims from around the world, but it only adds to him charms and sophistication.

Kachi Calon is another cave city, the basis of which is still a mystery. Try to solve it, passing along the labyrinths of the caves, inspecting the premises and representing how people lived here, without having perfect technical capabilities, and sometimes the usual comfort.

Do not go around the Syrena fortress. Yes, call the fortress what remained today is difficult, however, the tower that the hordes of the invaders were broken, alive and still proudly snaps over all the remains of the fortification. Listen, you will hear how stones tell stories, telling about the glorious times of battles and rata. It is especially interesting to order an excursion with a good historian and go for a walk along with the children, they will definitely enjoy what they will hear, even despite some kind of narration.

Strong - stop in the route, it would seem not at all remarkable. But, coming out of the bus, do not rush to go on the first pointer, look at how many of them! A little further will be the gorge of Maryam-Der, from where the path to the Assumption men's monastery will begin, and an incredibly chic view of the majestic peaks of the Crimean Mountains will open on the other side. Rate all the power, the beauty of the vertices, blinding eyes under the bright Crimean Sun. Well, now you can go on the path of Bakhchisaray, in which the time itself slows down to enable all the magnificence of the edge.