Presentation on the topic Starry sky. Heavenly coordinates. Starry sky. stars visible to the naked eye

What is astronomy ??? He studies the structure of the universe, the movement, physical nature, the origin and evolution of the heavenly bodies and the systems formed by them. Based primarily on observations. Virtually all information about heavenly bodies brings us electromagnetic radiation. Only in the past 40 years, individual worlds began to study directly: Protect the atmosphere of the planets, learn Lunar and Martian soil.

The word Astronomy comes from two Greek words: a with t r about n - star, n o m o c - law. The practical need to study the starry sky led to the emergence of science, which later received about 4 V to AD in ancient Greece. Name astronomy. But the name itself does not serve as evidence of the origin and development of astronomy only in ancient Greece. Astronomy emerged and independently developed literally in all nations, but its degree of development, naturally, was directly dependent on the level of productive forces and culture of peoples.

The applicability of astronomy is closely related to other sciences, primarily with physics and mathematics. But astronomy is an indispensable polygon. Cosmos is the only place where the substance exists at temperatures in hundreds of millions of degrees and in almost absolute zero, in the vacificent vacuum and in neutron stars. Now it is no longer necessary to determine the course of the ship on the stars, to predict the spill of the Nile or count the time on the sandy hour: technical means came to replace the astronomy. But astronomy and astronautics are still indispensable in communication and television systems, in the observations of the Earth from the space. Astronomy studies the fundamental laws of nature and the evolution of our world. Therefore, its philosophical meaning is especially great. In fact, it defines the worldview of people.

Astronomy The scale of the observed universe is huge and the usual units of distance measurement are meters and kilometers - here are unsuitable. Astronomical unit is used when studying the solar system. This is the size of a large semi-axis orbit of the Earth: 1 a. e. \u003d 150 million kilometers.

The calendar is repeated in the sky above us: the stars go back and enter each night, the lunar phases change, the sun finds his way between the stars. Thanks to astronomy, people have a calendar and time account. The account system of long periods is called a calendar. For the centuries-old history of mankind, many different calendar systems were developed (and used). But all calendars can be divided into three main types: solar, lunar and moon-sunny. At the heart of the solar calendars lies the duration of the tropical year, at the base of lunar calendars, the lunanness of the lunar or synodic month, lunnel solar calendars are based on both of these periods. The modern calendar adopted in most countries is a sun calendar.

Borders in the sky Already in ancient times, our ancestors shared the starry sky on clearly distinguishable combinations of stars who called constellations. Astronomy emerged earlier than all other sciences - noting the patterns in the movement of stars, our ancestors learned to measure time, created the first samples of the calendar, learned to navigate the terrain. The names of the constellations were associated with myths, the names of the gods, the names of the devices and mechanisms. Knowledge of constellations - Astronomy ABC. How to navigate in this huge and beautiful world, in this star placer? The constellation is called a section of the heavenly sphere, the boundaries of which are determined by a special solution of the International Astronomical Union (MAC). In total, the heavenly sphere of 88 constellations. The boundaries between these strictly defined areas of the sky are conditional, they do not have any physical meaning .. 88 constellations

The constellation of the wolf on the ancient Greek myth, lived in the copper eyelid, the wicked king of Likayon. He did not obey the gods and mocked everyone who was honored by Zeus and other gods. One day, Likayon killed a hostage and offered all guests there is his meat on his feast. It overflowed a bowl of the patience of Zeus, he turned the Licon in the bloodthirsty wolf and placed him on the sky.

Interesting objects. The most interesting object in this constellation is a large magtel cloud. This is a distant galaxy, prominent in the southern hemisphere with the naked eye as a foggy cloud. It is named so Antonio Pyhnenett in 1521 during the journey of Magellan. Large Magellanovo Cloud is one of the closest galaxies, it is at a distance of only 200 thousand light years. This is an incorrect galaxy of a rod-shaped form in which a large amount of interstellar gas has been detected. In the sky, it takes 5 °, which is ten times the visible diameter of the moon. Wrong galaxy

Fish origin of the title. Figure constellation fish on antique engravings. Figure constellation fish on antique engravings. On the ancient drawings of this constellation, two fish connected with ribbon are depicted. According to ancient Greek legend, the Akid fell in love with the beautiful daughter of the sea god. Galatia also answered him love. But not only Akid fell in love with Galatia. The huge cyclops of the polyfemy saw the Galatia once and also praised the passion for her. But suddenly saw the Polyfem Galateu and Akida in the cool grotto on the seashore. Moved from jealousy, the mighty cyclops began to twist everything around. A frightened Galatia rushed into a stormy sea, fleeing from an angry cyclopa to protect her father's father. And the Akid in love rushed to the sea for his beloved. They turned into fish connected with a long and wide ribbon. Gods in honor of such a great love raised these fish on the sky. On another legend, fish are Aphrodite and Eros, saving from terrible tipon.

Origin of name. On the ancient drawings of this constellation, two fish connected with ribbon are depicted. According to ancient Greek legend, the Akid fell in love with the beautiful daughter of the sea god. Galatia also answered him love. But not only Akid fell in love with Galatia. The huge cyclops of the polyfemy saw the Galatia once and also praised the passion for her. But suddenly saw the Polyfem Galateu and Akida in the cool grotto on the seashore. Moved from jealousy, the mighty cyclops began to twist everything around. A frightened Galatia rushed into a stormy sea, fleeing from an angry cyclopa to protect her father's father. And the Akid in love rushed to the sea for his beloved. They turned into fish connected with a long and wide ribbon. Gods in honor of such a great love raised these fish on the sky. Fish constellation on antique engravings.

Interesting objects in this constellation are located α small bear - Polar Star. This is a very important star because of its special location - it is currently less than a degree from the North Pole. All the heavenly arch seems to rotate around her, and she herself remains in place. This is the only unarmed eye for the unarmed eye in the sky. The main stars of the Small Malarditsy form famous asterism called "Small bucket". The polar star is located at the tip of the "tail" of a small bear. Two stars forming the bottom of the "Small Bucket" are called the poles of the pole. The first-polar pole at a distance of 18 "can be seen in the telescope of its satellite, the visible star magnitude of which is 9M. The origin of the name. Figure Malaya Males in the Atlas of Hevelia. Drawing Atlas Hevelia. This is one of the most ancient constellations. On old cards of the starry sky, a small Majer rotates around his long, not similar to bearish, tail. Such a long tail came up with the Greeks heavenly bears who did not know how these northern animals look like. The Medleang almost coincides with the North Pole of the world, therefore it seems that the sky is spoiling a poor animal behind the tail. About three thousand years ago, the star of the Malaya Males, having his own name of Koch, was spoiled by the tail. For about three thousand years ago, the star β is a small bear who has its own name. Translated from Arabic Cochab-El- Shemali means Star of the North. In China, this star is called royal. It is believed that this constellation has formed Falez Miretsky ; He recommended to use a bright star of this constellation for orientation in the sea. Fals Miretsky

The origin of the name is one of the most ancient constellations. On the old cards of the starry sky, a small bear revolves around his long, not similar to bear, tail. Such a long tail came up with the Greeks heavenly bears who did not know how these northern animals look like. The end of the tail of a small bear almost coincides with the North Pole of the world, so it seems that the sky spoils the poor animal by the sky. About three millennia ago, the star of β is a star β as the North Pole of the world, which has its own name of Kochab. Translated from Arabic Cochab-El Shemali means the star of the North. In China, this star is called royal. It is believed that this constellation formed Fales Miretsky; He recommended to use a bright star of this constellation for orientation in the sea. Fals Miretsky

The starry sky above us ... About 80% of the celestial sphere is available in medium widths of observation. Acquaintance with constellations Let's start with the summer sky. In the northern part, a big bear and Cassiopeia are visible. The summer-autumn triangle shines in the south - Vega, Denget and Altair. A huge swan cross is easy to find on the background of the Milky Way. Closer to the horizon you can notice the brightest star of Scorpio - Antares. To the west of the triangle are Hercules, the North Crown and the Valfa. Big Mesman Kassiophea Swan Scorpion Hercules Northern Crown Volfas

In winter, the real decoration of the winter sky is the Constellation of Orion, in shape resembling a butterfly. The right is the right of the Taurus; Red Aldebaran glows in his eye. In Zenith, there is an arcing, to the left - Gemini, and under them - a small and big dog with the brightest star Sirius. In the south-east, the lion is visible, highly in the east - a big bear, and in the north-west over the setting Pegasus there are Cassiopeia and Cefi. Orion Taurus Twins Small Big Dog Leo Cefy Winter Triangle make up the brightest stars of Orion, Small and Big Psa.

In the autumn in the fall in the south, a large square of Pegasus is visible, under it fish. A long chain of stars, departing from Pegasus, - Andromeda Constellation. The triangle is already low above the horizon. Cassiopeia is now in Zenith. It is easy to learn in the sky: it forms a figure similar to the letter W. To the left of the bucket of a big bear - Vascha, on the right - Perseus and the arcing. Pegasus Fish Winds Winds

In the spring sky dark: there are few bright stars on it and not visible the Milky Way. In the north hanging the inverted bucket of a big bear. The bucket handle points to Orange Arcturus - the brightest star of the Northern sky. On the continuation of this arc, you can find the spool - α of the Virgin. High in the south of the lion was discharged, there is a constellation of Veronica's hair between it. In the West, Pleiads and Orion, Veronica's hair, until the invention of the compass, the stars were the main landmarks: it was all the ancient seeds and travelers found the desired direction. Astronavia - Orientation on the stars - has kept its meaning and in our age of satellites and atomic energy. It is necessary for navigator and cosmonauts, captains and pilots. Navigational names are called 25 brightest stars, which determine the location of the ship.

You can see about 6000 stars in the whole sky in the whole sky, but we only see half of them, because the other half of the starry sky closes the earth from us. Due to its rotation, the type of star sky is changing. Some stars just appear due to the horizon (go beyond) in the eastern part of it, others at this time are high above their heads, and the third are already hiding behind the horizon in the western side (enter). At the same time, it seems to us that the starry sky rotates as a whole. Now everyone is well known that the rotation of the sky - the phenomenon is apparent, caused by the rotation of the Earth. The painting that as a result of the daily rotation of the Earth occurs with the star sky, allows you to capture the camera. If you managed to take a picture of the stars in the sky for the whole day, then the photos would be complete circles - 360 °. After all, the day is the period of full turnover of the Earth around its axis. For an hour, the land turns on 1/24 part of the circle, i.e., at 15 °. Consequently, the length of the arc, which the star describes the time will be 15 °, and for half an hour - 7.5 °. To indicate the position of the luminaries in the sky, the coordinate system is used similar to that used in geography - the system of equatorial coordinates. As you know, the position of any item on the globe can be indicated using geographic coordinates - latitude and longitude.

We introduce a system of equatorial coordinates, which indicates the position of the shone on the celestial sphere relative to each other. We will spend through the center of the heavenly area of \u200b\u200bthe line, parallel axis of rotation of the Earth, the axis of the world. It will cross the heavenly sphere in two diametrically opposite points, which are called the poles of the world - R & R. "The North Pole of the world is called the one near which the polar star is located. The plane passing through the center of the sphere parallel to the plane of the Earth's equator, in cross section with a sphere forms a circle, called heavenly equator. Heavenly equator (like the earth) divides the heavenly sphere for two hemispheres: the Northern and South. The angular distance of the shone from the heavenly equator is called a declination that is indicated by the Greek letter "Delta". The decline is counted in a circle conducted through the luminous and poles of the world, It is similar to geographic latitude. The second coordinate that indicates the position of the luminaries in the sky is similar to the geographical longitude. This coordinate is called direct ascent and is indicated by the Greek letter "Alpha". Direct climb is counted on the heavenly equator from the point of spring equinox in which the sun comes annually on March 21. (on day weight None equinox). In astronomy, it is customary to express direct ascent not to a degree, but in the clock. You remember that due to the rotation of the Earth, 15 ° corresponds to 1 hour, and 1 ° - 4 minutes. Consequently, the direct climbing equal to, for example, 12 hours is 180 °, and 75 ° corresponds to 115 °.

Observations are carried out using astronomical observatories. The first observatory was created in 4000 BC. e. In the town of Stonehenge (England). The most famous Observatory of the Russian Federation: the main Astronomical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences - Pulkovskaya (in St. Petersburg); Special Astrophysical Observatory (in the North Caucasus); State Astronomical Institute. PC. Sternberg (in Moscow).

Telescopes are very different: - optical (general astrophysical purposes, coronographs, telescopes for observation of the USS); - radio telescopes; - infrared; - neutrine; - X-ray. With all its variety, all telescopes taking electromagnetic radiation solve two main tasks: create a maximum sharp image and, with visual observations, increase the angular distances between objects (stars, galaxies, etc.); Collect as much emission energy as possible, increase the illumination of the image of objects.

The first telescope was built in 1609 by the Italian astronomer Galileo Galileem. The telescope had modest dimensions (pipe length 1245 mm, lens diameter 53 mm, eyepiece 25 diopters), an imperfect optical scheme and a 30-fold increase. He allowed to make a whole series of wonderful discoveries (Phases of Venus, Mountains on the Moon, Jupiter satellites, spots in the sun, stars in the Milky Way). Very poor image quality in the first telescopes forced optics to look for ways to solve this problem. It turned out that an increase in the focal length of the lens significantly improves the image quality. Galilean telescopes (Museum of History of Science, Florence). Two telescopes are strengthened on the museum stand, in the center of vignette, a broken lens from the first telescope of Galilean Galilean telescopes (Museum of the History of Science, Florence). Two telescopes are strengthened on the museum stand, in the center of vignette, a broken lens from the first Galilean telescope

The heveli telescope had a length of 50 m and suspended the rope system on the post. The RAM telescope had a length of 98 meters. At the same time, he did not have a pipe, the lens was located on the post at a distance of almost 100 meters from the eyepiece, which the observer kept in his hands (the so-called air telescope). Watching with such a telescope was very uncomfortable. RAM did not make a single discovery. Telescope Hevelia and RAM

In 1663, Gregory created a new scheme of the telescope - reflector. Gregory was the first to offer to use the mirror in the telescope instead of a mirror lenses .. The first telescope reflector was built by Isaac Newton in 1668. The scheme on which it was built was called "Newton's scheme". The length of the telescope was 15 cm.

In 1963, a 300-meter radio telescope with a spherical antenna in Arecibo on Puerto Rico Island, installed in a huge natural pit, in the mountains was started to work. In 1976, a 600-meter radio telescope Ratan-600 began to operate in Russia at the North Caucasus. The angular resolution of the radio telescope on a wave of 3 cm is 10 ".

. What is the constellation.Wresturian and moonless night away from the urban lighting the eye opens a venational picture of the starry sky. At first glance, Kasha is that it is impossible to sort out the star placer. And many want to learn this. Know the starry sky Internet and useful. It has long attracted the attention of people. Thousands of years ago, people mentally joined the most bright stars in a variety of figures (constellations) and called them the names of the characters of the ancient myths and legends, animals or items. Different peoples had their myths and legends about constellations, their names, and the number of co-star among different nations was unequal.

Currently, all the sky is conditionally divided into 88 sections having strictly defined boundaries. These parties are called constellations, and this constellation includes all stars within its borders,for example, the constellation of a large bears belongs not only to the stars of the well-known "bucket", but also many weak stars and various other objects (for example, galaxies).

The stars of each constellation are indicated by the letters of the Greek alphabet. The first of these (α-alpha) is most often the most bright star, and then the stars marked with letters β (beta), γ (gamma), δ (delta), ε (epsilon), etc. The brightest stars have Own names: Vega (α lira), Sirius (α large PSA), etc.

2 We do not set ourselves in order to study all constellations visible in medium geography and latitudes, but limit ourselves to some. We will use Figure 6 and the star sky. First of all, on the stars β and α Big Mesmen.find α. Small Majer(Fig. 6). This is a polar star, it ends with a "Bucket" handle with a small bear. Under the polar star on the horizon is the point of the North. Knowing it, easy to navigate the local area, find the countries of the world (north, south, east, west). If we continue the direct, passing from the E Big Mass to the Polar Star, then we will find the constellation, the bright stars of which are located in the form of an inverted letter M. This is Cassiopeia (see Fig. 6). In medium latitudes, a large medical victim, a small bear and Cassiopeia are visible in the sky over the horizon throughout the year. Therefore, with the finding of these constellations, we started acquaintance with the starry sky. Most of the constellations of interest to us are best observed at a certain time of the year. So, one of the first on the summer and autumn evening sky appears bright stars of Vega (α Lira)DENEB (α. Swan),Altair (α. Eagle)forming triangles (this summer(or summer) triangle;see fig. 6). Near Veks (the brightest star of the North Sky) Four Stars Constellation Lyra are about sorting parallelograms. The brightest stars of the Swan's constellation are located in the form of a cross, in one of the vertices of which is the denb.

Autumn - convenient time to observe constellations PE-GASAand Andromeda.Find them in the sky will help the constellation of Cassiopeia (see Fig. 6). The bright stars of Pegas and Andromeda are located in the form of a bucket with a handle, significantly exceeding the constellation of a large bear. The "bucket" is made up with three pegasus stars (α, β, γ) and a star of αandromeda.

Winter evening Sky decorates a group of constellations, from which the most clearly distinguished very beautiful constellation Orion.Over the "belt" of Orion (the stars Δ, ε, ζ) glitters betelgeuse (α α), and below the "belt" - Ri-gel (β Orion). Imagine a spiral line, which comes from the star Δ Δ Orion and passing through stars γ, α, β. Mentally continuing this line (see Fig. 6), we will consistently meet the following bright stars: Aldebaran (α Taurus),Capel (α WHO), POLUX (β twins), the priest (α of Ma Logo PSA) and finally, the brightest star of the sky - Sirius (α Big PSA).Bethelgeuse, the priest and Si-rius make up winter triangle.

Spring to familiar constellations can be added co-star Volopasa, Virgin, Leo.The direction on the bright star of the first two constellations indicates the knob of the bucket of a large bear (see Fig. 6), on the continuation of which we will find Arkurkur (α Volopasa)and spike (α Virgin).Lion's constellation is easy to find in the sky, remembering that his bright stars are forming a large trapezium. Western South (Right Lower) Star of Trapeze - Regul (α Lion)and the lower left is the denbol. Three stars (Arctur, Speaker, Debolt) form spring triangle.

Thus, if you want to explore the starry sky, you need to do this throughout the year. The motion of the starry sky (PKZN) will help you quickly determine which constellations and bright stars are visible in a given evening. You will find them in the sky. Such observation will not require high time and will give it possible to contemplate the perfect beauty of nature.

Fig. 6. The scheme of the mutual location of the main constellations and bright stars.

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"Presentation" Starry Sky ""

Starry sky

Starry sky.

What is the constellation.

The main constellations of the Northern Hemisphere

The abyss of the stars is full;

There are no stars of numbers, the abyss of the bottom.

M. V. Lomonosov

In a cloudless and moonless night, a majestic picture of the starry sky opens away from the urban lighting.

At first glance it seems that it is impossible to understand star placer.

Of course, different nations shared the sky in different ways.

Each "His sky"

Currently, all the sky is conditionally divided into

88 sections having strictly defined boundaries.

These sites are called constellations .

Moreover, this constellation includes all stars within its borders. The constellation of a large bear includes not only the stars "Bucket", but also many weak stars and various other objects (for example, galaxies).

The stars of each constellation are marked with the letters of the Greek alphabet.

α (alpha) denote the brightest star, and then the stars indicated by letters β (beta), γ (gamma), δ (delta), ε (epsilon), etc.

The brightest stars have their own names:

Sirius (α big dog)

Big Mesman - the third in the Square of the Constellation (after Hydra and Virgin).

With the naked eye in it you can see up to 125 stars.

Seven bright stars form a famous large bucket.

Big bucket - Asterism

in constellation

Big Dipper.

Asterism is famous

with antiquity in many nations under different names:

Plow, elk, wagon, seven wise men ...

Asterisms are easy to recognizable star patterns (but it is not constellation).

  • DUKKH (α) - "Bear";
  • Meraka (β) - "Lonent";
  • Fef (Γ) - "Hip";
  • Mentence (Δ) - "Start of the tail";
  • Alimate (ε) - the meaning is not clear (probably "Kurdyuk");
  • Mitsar (ζ) - "Kushak" or "outlined bandage".
  • Benetnash or Alcaid (η); In Arabic "Al-Caeda Banat ours" - "the leader of the placker".

Another embodiment of the interpretation of asterism: a catatball and a plastic.

Asterism is conceived by the funeral process: ahead of the castor headed by the leader, the burial stretcher behind them.



Hip Bull

The wagon of Emperor Shandi



Seven wise men

Great Bear

Distance to Earth (light years)

  • DUKKH (α) - 125
  • Meraka (β) - 79
  • Fef (Γ) - 85
  • Mentence (Δ) - 81
  • Aliot (ε) - 81
  • Mitsar (ζ) - 79
  • Benetnash (η) - 101

People with good eyesight see next to Mitsar another star - Alkor (Translated from Arab "Forgotten" or "Minor")

Two stars

Mitsar and Algor

included in pair asterism

"Horse and rider"

Both stars enter the physically bound system consisting of 6 stars

In many cultures there are narratives about the use of Alcora to determine the quality of future warriors.

In ancient Egypt - in Pharaoh's personal troops,

arabs, Greeks and Romans - to archers.

But to see Alkor is not so difficult at all, as the ancients argued, for this no exceptional vision is required.

All stars are not only removed from the observer at different distances, but also move around the center of the Galaxy with different speeds.

As a result, the mutual location of stars changes over time.

During one human life, it is almost impossible to detect changes in contours of constellations, but if you trace for millennia, the change becomes quite noticeable.

5 stars bucket belong to a single group - a moving cluster of a large bear.

Duzhe and Benetnash are moving in the other side.

The bucket shape varies at about 100,000 years.


Merak (β) and DUKKH (α) are called


A small octolane constellation contains all

25 stars visible to the naked eye.

There is no particular

bright nebula

or galaxies, and it does not contain stellar clusters.

Polar Star - Main Sightseeing of Male Malar Constellation

Under the polar star on the horizon is the point of the North.

Knowing this, easy to navigate the terrain, find the countries of the world (north, south, east, west).

If you continue direct, passing from ε a big bear to the polar star, we will find the constellation, the bright stars of which are located in the form of an inverted letter M. This is Cassiopeia.

In medium latitudes, a large marsh, a small bear and Cassiopeia are visible in the sky over the horizon throughout the year.

Some of the first at the summer and autumn evening sky appear bright stars Vega (α lira),

Denb (α swan), Altair (α eagle), forming triangle (this is a summer or summer-autumn triangle).

Near Veks (the brightest star of the North Sky) Four Stars Constellation Lyra

form parallelograms.

Autumn is a convenient time to observe the Pegasus and Andromeda constellations. Find them in the sky will help the constellation of Cassiopeia. The bright stars of Pegasus and Andromeda are located in the form of a bucket with a handle, a significantly superior constellation of a big bear. The "bucket" is compiled by three stars of Pegasus (α, β, γ) and the α-star α Andromeda.

Imagine a spiral line starting from the star δ of Orion and passing through the stars γ, α, β. Mentally continuing this line, consistently we will meet bright stars: Aldebaran (α Taurus), chapel (α of the eating), Pollux (β twins), the priest (α of small PSA) and the bright star of the Sisirius (α large PSA). Bethelgeuse, Sorée and Sirius make up a winter triangle.

In the spring you can add

volopassa constellation, Virgin, Lion.

Direction on bright

stars of the first two constellations indicates the knob of the bucket of a big bear, at the continuation of which we find

Arctic (α of Volopasa) and Speaker (α of virgin).

Lion's constellation is easy to find in the sky: his bright stars form a big trapezium. Western South (Right Lower) Star of Trapeze - Regul

(α lion), and the lower left - denbol.

Purpose: Tell
Purpose: Tell
About Starry Sky
about Starry Sky

At first glance it seems
At first glance it seems
what is impossible
what is impossible
understand Starry
understand Starry
placer. So many stars
placer. So many stars
in the sky.
in the sky.
Clear dark night sky
Clear dark night sky
appears as gigantic
appears as gigantic
tilted bowl
tilted bowl
covered with stars and
covered with stars and
it becomes clear to us
it becomes clear to us
why ancient thought
why ancient thought
starry sky is huge
starry sky is huge
sphere rotating
sphere rotating
around the Earth.
around the Earth.

Today we know that the stars are
distant, brightly burning sun,
in space on
different distances from the ground.

View of the Earth from Cosmos.
View of the Earth from Cosmos.
Cosmonauts compared
Cosmonauts compared
Earth with "Beautiful
Earth with "Beautiful
blue Diamond »»
blue diamond
Earth per day
Earth per day
one turn
one turn
around mine
around mine
axis axis
oh lines
oh lines
northern I.
northern I.
pole I.
pole I.

the surface remains
Idea of \u200b\u200bheaven like
Idea of \u200b\u200bheaven like
huge, empty, rotating
empty rotating
globe with earth in the center and
globe with earth in the center and
heavenly objects of Nana
heavenly objects
internal surface
convenient. Astronomers are called
convenient. Astronomers are called
such an imaginary Catherine Sky
imaginary Catherine Sky
heavenly sphere. .
heavenly sphere
Astronomers use heavenly
sphere to assign to her
sphere to assign to her
stars, galaxies, paths
Sun, Moon and Planets. When you
will look at the stars
will look at the stars
imagine what look at them
from the inside of the heavenly sphere.
from the inside of the heavenly sphere.

Celestial sphere
Celestial sphere

Why when watching from the ground
it seems to you that overnight
stars move in
stars move in
heavenly sphere?
heavenly sphere?
Because the land
Because the land
revolves around
revolves around
His axis inside
his axis inside
Heavenly sphere
heavenly sphere

Usually the sky is broken into areas,
Usually the sky is broken into
inside which stars like
inside which stars like
grouped into separate figures -
Thousands of years ago
Thousands of years ago
People called
people called
constellations in honor
constellations in honor
animals or
animals or
mythological heroes.
mythological heroes.
Over 2,000 years ago
Over 2,000 years ago
ancient Greeks Dali
ancient Greeks Dali
Names 48 constellations.
names 48 constellations.


Today Astronomers
Today Astronomers
use these
use these
ancient names
ancient names
constellations simple
constellations simple
as notation
as notation
88 sections of the sky.
88 sections of the sky.
With the help of constellations
With the help of constellations
they find out on
they find out on
sky Those or Others
sky Those or Others
Mars is located in the constellation of a lion - this
similarly, what to say: Houston
located in Texas.
located in Texas

constellation - - -
asterism -
asterism -
which the
which the
is an
is an


View of stars
View of stars

Stars constellation Orion seem
Closely located
Closely located
to each other and created
to each other and created
feeling that they
feeling that they
are on one
are on one
distance from Earth
distance from Earth
It can be seen that these
It can be seen that these
Stars are located
stars are located
At different distances
at different distances

on Star
on Star
on dotted
on dotted
- - Ecliptica
- - Visible
path of the Sun.
path of the Sun.
on the background
on the background
long along
long along
call the constellations of the zodiac
constellations of the zodiac ..
name Cards 12 Constellations:
Write with the name of the name 12 Constellations:
Write with help

(from time
(from time
years, OT.
years, OT.
of time
of time
day, Ot
day, Ot
la on the ground
la on the ground
- latitude)
- latitude)

Some stars look brighter
others. Starry value
Starry value
call the measure how much
the heavenly object looks bright
when observed from the Earth.
when observed from the Earth.
Heavenly objects may seem
bright because:
bright because:
* Many light emit
* Many light emit
* Located close to Earth
* Located close to Earth
In the IIII in AD. Greek astronomer
In N.E. Greek astronomer
Hypanch divided all stars by
shine on grades
star values.
star values.
on grades, or
, or

Description of the stars
Description of the stars
The brightness of the star is measured on the scale
starry magnitude
starry magnitude
Absolute Star Value
star Value - - -
actual star brightness in
Star Brightness B.
Visible brightness - - brightness visible with
brightness visible with
Visible brightness
The brightest is zero or even
minus starry magnitude
minus starry magnitude

the brightest objects ("
Objects ("-" "
the weakest objects ("
Classes of star values
Classes of star values
Grade 1 - - the brightest
1 class
… …
Objects ("++" "
66 class
The brightest star of Sirius sky has
The weakest objects visible only in
Modern astronomers also
Modern astronomers also
class - - the weakest
star values
star values
the value is -1.5
the value is -1.5
powerful telescopes have up to +24
powerful telescopes have up to +24
use a similar classification.
But instead of an eye gossip
use photometers

The difference in the shine of two objects in one
star magnitude means that

the ratio of the brilliance is ≈ 2.5.

Example: Stars,
Example: Stars,
who are star
who are star
quantity \u003d 0 like
quantity \u003d 0 like
vega seem to
vega seem to
2.5 times brighter
2.5 times brighter
stars 1st led
stars 1st led
ranks, such
ranks, such
like denb and ≈
like denb and ≈
6.3 times brighter
6.3 times brighter
(2nd value)
(2nd value)

star magnitude?
star magnitude?
1) that astronomers understand under
1) that astronomers understand under
Starful value called
Starry value
measure how much bright
measure how much bright
heavenly object looks like
heavenly object looks like
observations from the Earth.
observations from the Earth.
2) how brightly looks
2) how brightly looks
heavenly Lighting
heavenly Lighting

Slide 2.

Night sky is one of the most beautiful sights in nature. Miriad stars sparkle in dark depths. Bright planets and tailed comets move between stars

Slide 3.

In 1608, Dutchman Hanslippershey created a telescope. However, the first person who applied the telescope to study the Starry sky was Italian Galileo Galilee. He saw the satellites of Jupiter, crater on the moon and stains in the sun. His telescope was very small. Later optical devices reached 50 meters long.

Slide 4.

What is a solar system?

Our star - the Sun - there is their own family in her 9 planets that rotate around the sun. Stars consist of hot gases. What do you know the solar system planet? What can you tell about them?

Slide 5.

neptune Uranus Slide 6 Pluton MARSD 9 Slide 12 Fell Venus Slide 14UPTER SATURN Slide 13 Slide Mercury Slide 11luna

Slide 6.

Neptune on the current tradition of the eighth of the sun planet was named after the ancient God. This honor went to the god of the seas Neptune. In modern astrology, the water-related Neptune symbolizes the primary principle from which feelings and emotions are born. He is an incarnation of memory that leads us to the depths of thousands of years.

Slide 7.

Uranus uranium-seventh for remoteness from the sun of the planet and is named in honor of the Greek god of the sky of uranium. Uranus became the first planet discovered in a new time and with a telescope.

Slide 8.

Pluto Pluton - ninth planet of the solar system. This is the most distant of the well-known planets of the solar system. You can see it either in the photos or in a powerful telescope.

Slide 9.

Venus - the second from the sun planet. Its surface is not available to optical observations from the ground, since the planet is enveloped by clouds. Permanent winds blow in the air. At the very surface itself, their speed is insignificant, but intensifying with high. There are on the planet and the acting volcanoes of Venus

Slide 10.

Saturn Saturn-sixth planet of the solar system. Saturn is named after the Roman god farming. Saturn has a powerful rings system consisting of ice particles and dust.

Slide 11.

mars Fourth Planet Solar System. Many call it another "dead" planet or red planet.

Slide 12.

mercury Mercury is the planet closest to the sun. Ancient Romans considered Mercury by the patron of commerce, travelers and thieves, as well as the Baznik of the gods. It is not surprising that a small planet, quickly moving across the sky after the Sun, received his name.

Slide 13.

The moon about the moon is very written and, perhaps, no other heavenly body can compete with the Moon in terms of the number of excellent photoportines, including those from a close distance from the board of automatic space stations. And yet the moon still does not want to part with his secrets.

Slide 14.

The sun is our daylight shining, the sun, the powerful source of energy. Every second from its surface is the amount of heat, which would be quite enough to melt the layer of ice with a thickness of a thousand kilometers, surrounding the ball equal to the size of the Earth. For about 100 years ago, scientists have thought about how energy reserves are replenished, so generously emitted by the sun in world space.

Slide 15.

Earth Earth is not the greatest and not the smallest planet in the solar system. However, its position among the other planets is unique. The land is on average removed from the sun by 149.6 million kilometers, and it is this distance that provides the temperature range on the surface of our planet, within which life can exist.

Slide 16.

Jupiter Jupiter is a planet giant, the fifth on the balance of the Sun and the largest in the solar system. A number of atmospheric phenomena on Jupiter - such as storms, zippers, polar beams, - have scales, superior earthly orders

Slide 17.

Quiz "Cosmos"

This yellow star warms us always, all the planets lights up, from other stars protects. Crochtuchuchka - Planet of the first Sun Sunthlet, and agile - a year on her eighty-eight days.

Slide 18.

On the planet wonders: Oceans and forests, oxygen is in the atmosphere, people breathe them and animals. It loses weight, it flies, shines from the sky, but does not heat, and only one ever looks at the ground.

Slide 19.

Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin

Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin - Pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR, Hero of the Soviet Union, Colonel, the first person who flies to outer space.

Slide 20.

Slide 21.

The usual noise of the street is full, there is spring, working day in full swing, and from the universe of radio wave brings the name to everyone: Gagarin! It is all breaking the edge, in all the hearts, like swallow, flies. And the mother Earth, the breath taking, the flight of the hero-son watches.

Slide 22.

Valentina Tereshkova

Valentina Tereshkova - the first woman cosmonaut. Not afraid, boldly stepped onto the space way. She fulfilled his work with honor and proved that women are capable of much, and even on a flight into space. We are proud of those people who have tied their lives with a dangerous, heavy, but noble business flying to space.

Slide 23.

Power cosmonauts.

Food: Tubes with food for ISS workers have long passed into the past. Now they feed in advance submiliated (dehydrated food), which choose themselves from the special menu.