How to wear the belt of the Blessed Virgin. How to wear a belt consecrated on the Belt of the Blessed Virgin Mary

1. Father Igor, why did the girdle of the Most Holy Theotokos cause such a stir among believers, although many other Orthodox shrines constantly reside in Moscow?

The Belt of the Most Holy Theotokos is the most important shrine of the monastic republic on Mount Athos. She had not left the Holy Mountain for two hundred years. The first place where the shrine ends up today is Russia. In front of this shrine, many monks prayed, who are now glorified as saints.

Probably, we also want to acquire experience, strength in the fight against temptations, and that grace that so influenced those people that they entered into the joy of God. We want to touch this joy, since it is, indeed, the great shrine of Athos.

2. Why, in principle, stand in front of any shrine, if you can pray in the church in front of the icons or at home - in private prayer?

It makes sense to stand by the shrine, since standing itself is the time of our repentance, our prayer, when you can comprehend your life, build your request to God or to the saint you are going to bow to. The meaning of standing is a kind of internal contemplation of oneself. Therefore, if there is an opportunity to stand, then it must be used.

3. Isn't there some pagan element in the very standing to the shrine, when a person stands just to receive something?

There is nothing pagan in this. Wherever we stand - in line, in the temple - the prayer is the same. If we stand in line and ask God for something, this does not mean that we will receive it. We will only get what is useful to us. Therefore, there is nothing pagan in standing for the sake of worship.

4. What is the best way to spend the time we are standing in line at the shrine? What temptations can a person have during such a long standing?

Standing in such a queue, a person gains a certain spiritual experience. Together with other people, we can pray, sing akathists, read any prayers, have soul-saving conversations with each other, and learn something new. There is a certain positive in all this.

As for the temptations, then, of course, there can be many of them. Firstly, these are unknown people nearby, whom we did not know before, each with his own character, his own characteristics, with his own views, perhaps not even always Orthodox. Secondly, fatigue creeps up on a person, and with it annoyance at seemingly very simple things, objects, people around him. However, here, probably, it is tested to what extent we are Christians, how we can accept any person into our world, even for a short time - for two, three or ten hours.

5. Are all those who come to the Belt really believers? Don't you think that a significant part of them are idle "tourists"?

Everyone who comes to venerate the shrine is undoubtedly a believer. The fact is that it is impossible, due to idle curiosity or any kind of excitement, to stand in line for five, ten or twelve hours. Not believing in the truth of the shrine, in the grace emanating from it, a person will not just endure the difficulties that will accompany him while standing. Only a person who believes in God will do this, and a non-believer will not come here.

The golden days of autumn in the Orthodox calendar are illuminated by the name of the Mother of God. In a series of church events, the feast of the Position of the Honorable Belt was lost. It is celebrated in a new style on September 13th.

History of an amazing relic

According to legend, the Mother of God herself wove a thin woolen belt. And she gave it to the inconsolable Apostle Thomas on the third day after the Dormition and Ascension to heaven. For a long time, the shrine was kept in an old casket, first in Jerusalem, later - in Constantinople, in the palace of the emperor. By his order, the belt of the Most Holy Theotokos was first brought to light in the 10th century.

The wife of Leo the Wise, Queen Zoya, suffered from a mental illness, an unclean spirit moved into her. Only a miracle could cure the sick woman; her husband tirelessly prayed for him. Once a sign happened to him: the unfortunate will find salvation through the belt of the Virgin. So we decided to open the treasured box. Contrary to expectations, the relic, which had lain in it for almost a thousand years, did not decay. As soon as she was brought to the head of the empress, she recovered. As a sign of sincere gratitude, gratitude to the patron saint, the royal person personally embroidered the belt with a thread of pure gold.

In the XIII century, the shrine was stolen. First, she found herself in Bulgaria, then, by coincidence, she ended up in the hands of a Serbian prince, who presented her to the male Vatopedi monastery. Since that time, the belt of the Most Holy Theotokos has been in Greece, in the main church of the monastery.

How to wear the belt of the Virgin for conception?

The monks of Athos, as it has long been established, make small belts and consecrate them by applying them to the “original”. Endowed with extraordinary strength, they help to cope with serious illnesses, to find long-awaited motherhood. The miracles of the Mother of God multiply from year to year. The monastery receives hundreds of letters from happy parents with photographs of babies who appeared to the world despite the terrible diagnosis of doctors - "infertility".

Women who dream of a child often ask themselves the question: “How to use the belt of the Blessed Virgin Mary, how to wear it to get pregnant?” Priests recommend following simple rules:
- Tie a belt around the waist, sometimes the wrist, both during the day and at night.
- Wear it over clothes (shirts, t-shirts, shirts), otherwise it will quickly get dirty.
- Wash infrequently, without detergents, since water cannot be drained into the sewer, flowers are watered with it. If you had to use the powder, throw the contents of the basin under a tree, bush or into the river.
- Ironing the belt with an iron, read the prayer of the Mother of God.

The miracles of the Mother of God will soon overtake those who truly believe. And the request is supported by daily prayers. He regularly attends church, confesses and takes communion. Therefore, it is not enough to know how to wear the belt of the Virgin, it is necessary to desire a child with soul and heart.

The golden days of Indian summer are approaching, the feast of the Most Holy Theotokos, the Position of her honest belt. You can also venerate parts of it in Russia: in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, in the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg or in Moscow, in the church of Elijah the Prophet. By the way, it is not necessary to do this on September 13th. The Mother of God hourly helps the suffering, including the childless. Although on this blessed day, the appeal to the belt of the Most Holy Theotokos is symbolic. It would be nice to prepare a festive dinner, for example.

On the day of the celebration of the Position of the Belt of the Most Holy Theotokos, September 13, there is a special celebration in the Conception Monastery. A festive Liturgy and a religious procession around the monastery are performed. In the monastery, this holiday is especially revered, because the monastery has an embroidered belt, consecrated on the ark with the Belt of the Most Holy Theotokos in the Holy Vatopedi Monastery.

Many pilgrims, hoping for the graces of our Most Holy Lady Theotokos, come to the monastery to pray among other shrines and at the Belt of the Blessed Virgin. There are especially many married couples among the pilgrims who suffer from infertility. They offer prayers before the miraculous image of the Mother of God "Merciful", revered by the ancient image of the Conception of the holy righteous Anna, they venerate the reliquary with the Belt of the Most Holy Theotokos. For a blessing in the Cathedral of the Conception Monastery, they are given a girdle, consecrated in the Vatopedi monastery on an ark with the Girdle of the Most Holy Theotokos. These belts are regularly delivered to the Conception Monastery from Athos. If childless parents cannot come to Moscow, to the Zachatievsky monastery, they apply in writing with a request for prayer and they are sent a belt by mail. Many of those who pray with faith and zeal, try to change their lives, receive what they ask for according to their faith and become happy parents. We introduce you to the miracles that took place in the Conception Monastery through the prayers of people to the Most Holy Theotokos in the hope of the miraculous power of Her Honorable Belt.

Miracles of the Belt of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Ekaterina (Karelia): “Hello! Miracle! I am pregnant! Thank you! Thank you! Thanks!" (letter January 20, 2015, belt sent August 2014)

Elena: “I received a belt, and exactly two weeks later we found out that we were expecting a baby! In December, our beautiful daughter was born!” (letter dated March 19, 2015, belt sent March 2014)

Lyudmila (Moscow): “I didn’t believe that miracles happen. I hoped that at least with medical help everything would work out. But the miracle that happened turned my life upside down” (letter May 6, 2015, received a belt in the cathedral at the end of February 2015)

Olga (Voronezh): “I didn’t even have time to vilify him - I found out that I was pregnant!” (letter dated May 7, 2015)

Nina (Kazan): “Hello, dear sisters! Thank you for your prayers. Exactly six months after the prayers for the gift of a child, I became pregnant. The pregnancy was difficult, but with God's help ended successfully. We have a daughter."

Olga (Barnaul): “It has been almost a year since I received an expensive gift from you, the consecrated girdle of the Most Holy Theotokos. Dear sisters, in the same month I became pregnant, and on April 24 of this year my son Leonid was born. I want to sincerely thank you for your kindness and prayers. I wore the belt without removing the entire pregnancy and prayed to Mother Queen of Heaven for intercession. Thank you for praying for me. I will always be grateful to you and will pray for you” (letter dated May 26, 2015).

Ekaterina (Nizhny Novgorod): “I am very grateful to you for the consecrated belt, I wear it without taking it off, I ask God and the Mother of God to give us a child. My husband and I went to Diveevo and began to fast. Two months later, I found out I was pregnant! Thanks a lot! I believe that everything will be fine!” (letter dated July 28, 2015)

Roman (Samara): “Today we received a belt, thank you very much! After we wrote a letter with a request to send a belt, after a while a miracle happened, the wife finally became pregnant. We believe that the Queen of Heaven will help us give birth to a healthy baby. Thank you for helping people. God bless you!" (letter dated June 14, 2015, belt sent in May 2015)

Olga (Ryazan): “Hello, dear sisters! I am writing to you with great gratitude for the girdle of the Virgin! Everything worked out for my husband and I. I got pregnant, I wear a belt almost without taking it off! Thank you so much, this is such a blessing!” (letter dated June 11, 2015, belt sent September 2014)

Lyudmila (Sevastopol): “Hello to you!<…>. And I’m in a hurry to tell you the good news: I’m pregnant, we are expecting a baby! Thank you for your help and blessings, prayers and faith! Now I will wear a belt, maybe toxicosis will be less. With gratitude and love, Eugene and Lyudmila! We hope that already with the baby we will be able to visit the Conception Monastery in person.” (letter dated June 9, 2015, belt sent in May 2015).

Elena (Krasnodar Territory, asked for a belt for a friend): “Dear sisters! I hasten to express my gratitude to you! Today I received the belt of the Virgin! Thanks a lot! But even more joyful news came a week ago: my friend found out that she was expecting a baby! Without IVF, without any intervention! God sent them a miracle! I still can't believe this luck! Thank you for your prayers and for everything you do!” (letter dated June 10, 2015)

Daria (St. Petersburg): “Thank you very much for the belt! I received a letter with him back in early June and at the end of June I found out that I was pregnant! This is just a miracle! I wear a belt and pray<…>. Thank you for your quick response and help!" (letter dated July 8, 2015, belt sent June 2015)

Anastasia (Petrozavodsk): “Thank you for the belt, I received it today.<…>thanks to your prayers, God helped us to conceive. I am pregnant!" (letter dated August 7, 2015, belt sent July 2015)

Lyudmila (Saratov): “Dear sisters! Thank you so much for your help, in early September we will finally have a third baby!” (letter dated August 26, 2015, the belt was sent in July 2014 after receiving the letter: “Dear sisters! My husband and I have two children: they are sixteen and eight years old, but we really want a third baby. I really believe in the power of the belt, please help!”)

Elena (Amur Region): “Hello! I'm due to give birth in a few days. Please pray for the safe delivery of the servant of God Elena. The most important thing is that everything is fine with the child, so that a healthy baby is born. Thanks!" (letter dated August 26, 2015, belt sent in July 2014)

In the male monastery of Vatopedi on Mount Athos, in Greece, a Christian relic is kept, which is almost 20 centuries old. Every year, crowds of pilgrims come to the monastery to bow to the unique shrine and ask for healing from it. Most of them are women. The belt of the Blessed Virgin Mary helps them get pregnant.

After all, according to legend, the Virgin Mary tied up with a belt woven with her own hands when she carried a God-given child under her heart. And then she didn't leave him. She took it off and threw it down from heaven only because she wanted to console the Apostle Thomas, who was not present at the Dormition.

Holiday in honor of happy healing

The miracles of the Mother of God, the amazing properties of her belt appeared in the 10th century. The Byzantine emperor Leo the Wise became seriously ill, his beloved wife Zoya, she was overwhelmed by an unclean spirit. The efforts of doctors and priests were in vain, the ruler prayed to the Almighty for the recovery of his wife. The Lord sent the unfortunate vision: mental illness will recede after the application of the girdle of the Most Holy Theotokos. He was immediately taken to the palace.

They opened the ancient ark in which the shrine had lain for 900 years, and they were indescribably surprised: the woolen belt did not decay over time, it was safe and sound. When it was placed on the head of the empress, she felt relieved. The disease has receded. Grateful Zoya adorned her belt with gold embroidery. A holiday was established in memory of the significant event. In the calendar, it is listed as the Position of the Belt of the Blessed Virgin Mary. And according to the new style, it is celebrated on September 13th.

How was the shrine divided into parts?

The belt of the Most Holy Theotokos also cured Queen Elena. Therefore, she brought part of it to Georgia, where she was to live after marriage. The priceless relic to this day remains in the cathedral of the city of Zugdidi. Although in the 19th century she was sent to St. Petersburg, to the Russian autocrat Alexander I. For some reason, the monarch sent back a generous gift.

Half of the miraculous belt was discovered in 1953, on the territory of modern Syria. Its exact location, a church in Homs, was indicated by an ancient manuscript. Under the floor of the building, founded in the year 60 from the Nativity of Christ, they found a cube of black stone. It contained a small silver casket, inside of which was hidden a thin belt of wool and gold threads. Scientists have confirmed that the mysterious find spent more than a thousand years in the dungeon.

The emperors of Byzantium took part of the belt of the Most Holy Theotokos with them on the battlefield. In one of the battles, the amulet from the heavenly intercessor was captured by Bulgarian soldiers. As a military trophy, he went to Prince Lazar. And he was transferred to the Athos monastery.

How to wear the belt of the Virgin to recover?

According to a tradition long established in the monastery, the monks make small belts. They are “charged” from the holy original and distributed to those who believe in the miracles of the Virgin. They say that with the help of such a talisman it is possible to get rid of painful diseases, defeat cancer and female infertility.

A brief memo is attached to the amulet, which explains how to wear the belt of the Virgin. To enlist her support, it is recommended to pray daily, visit the temple at least once a week, regularly confess and take communion. Keep the posts as much as possible.

The belt is tied around the head, wrist, waist or hips, preferably over clothing so as not to get dirty. Wash it without powder and soap, since water cannot be drained into the sewer. She watered houseplants. It is not necessary to use the healing talisman all the time, just a few hours a day, day or night. There is a belief that on the day of the Position of the Belt of the Blessed Virgin Mary, September 13, his power doubles.

Prayer before the Belt of the Virgin

Troparion, Prayer to the Position of the Honorable Belt of the Most Holy Theotokos

Ever-Virgin Mother of God, protection of men, the robe and girdle of Your most pure body, Thou hast granted Thy sovereign city taxation, Thy seedless Nativity is incorruptible, for Thee and nature are renewed and time. We also pray to Thee to grant Thy city peace and great mercy to our souls.

Oh, Blessed Mother of God, Immaculate and Rejoiced, may we, Your weak people, rejoice, as by Your Power and Power crush all our enemies visible and invisible, may we glorify and exalt Thee, like the Invincible Victory Almighty.

Preblagaya my queen, my hope to the Mother of God, friend of orphans and strange representatives, grieving joy, offended patroness! See my misfortune, see my sorrow, help me like a weak one, feed me like a strange one. I’ll offend my weight, resolve it, as if you will: as if I don’t have any other help for You, nor another intercessor, nor a good comforter, only You, O Bogomati, as if you save me and cover me forever and ever. Amen.

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Rules for wearing the Belt of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Rules for wearing the Belt of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Dear visitors of the Orthodox island “Family and Faith”!

Many of you receive the Belt of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In the envelope, we also put a brief description of how to wear it correctly.

In this publication, we will tell you more about how to wear the Belt correctly, when you need to wear it and how to care for it.

The Most Holy Theotokos wove with her own hand a belt of camel hair, which she wore until the end of Her earthly life. Then Her Belt was kept by the pious widows of Jerusalem.

In the 5th century, under Emperor Arcadius, the Belt was brought to Constantinople, where it remained until the 14th century. When the Turks besieged Constantinople, the Belt of the Most Holy Theotokos was transferred to the Athos Monastery of Vatopedi, where it has been kept until today.

Monks, both from ancient times and now, make belts and apply them to the Belt of the Most Holy Theotokos. By the grace of the Mother of God, many miracles are performed from them!

By the blessing of the Most Holy Theotokos through Her Honest Belt, many childless spouses, recovering from infertility, become parents, those suffering from cancer and other incurable diseases are healed!

Now let's move on to the questions and answers regarding the wearing of the Belt.

Question: How should women wear the belts that were handed out near the shrine, can they be washed?

The Archimandrite of the Vatopedi Monastery, Father Ephraim, answers

P The belts can be washed, but do not pour the first water into the sewer, it is better to water indoor flowers or a tree, because the belts are all consecrated. I remember one incident that a pilgrim on our Mountain told me: “I wore a belt that I took on this Mountain, and along with this belt I had some paper handkerchiefs in my pocket. And one day, out of forgetfulness, I took everything that was in my pocket and threw it into the fire. And then he remembered that he had thrown the girdle into the oven along with the handkerchiefs. And when I opened the stove, I saw that the belt had survived, the fire did not touch it.

Question: Could you tell me, father, how to use the consecrated belt issued in the monastery more correctly?

– H You can wear the belt like a regular belt, sometimes you can take it off the waist and wrap it around your wrist (for example, young people wear it). If you need to take it off completely (take a shower, bath, go to the pool, etc.), you can take it off. There shouldn't be any magic.

Everything must be based on our love for the Lord and for His Most Pure Mother, Who, by His will, became our Mother. And you can simply, praying to the Mother of God, kiss the belt, consecrated on the Belt.

Question: Tell me if it’s bad that I didn’t take off the belt once when I was close to my husband. Very worried.

Archpriest Konstantin Parkhomenko answers:

- AT Again and again I call you to the correct Orthodox attitude towards the shrine.

Is it a sin not to take it off when we go to the bathroom, or when we enter into marital intimacy, or when ... - there are many options.

Not a sin! It is a sin when we put on a shrine and sin. This is a sin, and when we live the life that we live and which does not contradict the Christian faith, then this is not a sin.

If you are in a legal marriage, then Mother Heavenly will only rejoice at your relationship and bless you from Heaven.

Question: How long is the Belt worn?

Priest Dimitry Sinyavin answers:

- P The belt does not need to be worn all the time. Wear only on special occasions. Also in illness. Of course, just wearing the Belt won't do much good. You should also try to say a prayer as often as possible: “Rejoice in the Theotokos Virgin.” And yet, you need to live a church life: regularly visit the temple and proceed to the Sacraments of Confession and Communion (once every 3-4 weeks). Then grace will abundantly come upon you from the Belt of the Most Holy Theotokos.

The belt can be washed. Preferably without soap and powder, so that you can water the flowers with water. If you washed with soap, then the water must be poured under a tree or lowered into the river.

You can also iron the Belt. At the same time, you need to read a prayer to the Queen of Heaven: “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice ...”


The belt can be worn around the waist, arm or head.

The belt can be worn both over clothes and on a shirt (or T-shirt). It is better not to wear it on a naked body so that the Belt stays clean longer.

The belt can be worn both during the day and at night.

About prayer while wearing a shrine

In order for the Belt to heal, to give relief, it is necessary while wearing it to read a prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos:

B Virgin garden, rejoice, Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you, blessed are you in women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, as if the Savior gave birth to our souls.

The church must be visited every Sunday and the Sacrament of Confession and Communion should be taken every 2-4 weeks, as Priest Dimitry Sinyavin said above.

H Finally, we would like to say that only by living in repentance, confession, prayer and communion of the Holy Mysteries can we turn the gaze of the Most Pure Theotokos to ourselves. And the Mother of God will surely intercede for us before the throne of Her Son, and will ask us from Him for miraculous help!

Holy Mother of God, save us!

197 comments were left for the entry “Rules for wearing the Belt of the Blessed Virgin Mary”.

Hello, please tell me, is it possible to wear a belt all the time during pregnancy?

Yes, of course you can, and you really need to!

Hello, please tell me if it is possible to wear a belt after the deceased.

If the deceased was dear to you, then you can wear the Belt of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which belonged to him, also as a memory of the deceased. If the deceased is not a person dear to you, then you can burn the Belt, or take it to the Temple.

can non-baptized people wear the Belt of the Blessed Virgin.

The belt of the Blessed Virgin Mary can be worn by all people who revere the Blessed Virgin Mary as the Mother of God, who believe in Her help, baptized or not. And without faith, even the baptized cannot be worn. The main thing is faith!

Hello, please tell me if I can cut the belt, otherwise it is too long. And can I cut it apart and give it away

Yes, of course, you can cut the Belt to the desired length and distribute the cut of the shrine to relatives, warning them that this is an Orthodox shrine that needs to be treated with reverence.

God bless you, Queen of Heaven!

Good afternoon, please tell me, is it necessary to wear a belt during pregnancy?

Yes, you can wear the Belt of the Blessed Virgin Mary during pregnancy.

And, at the same time, try to read a short prayer at least several times a day (or better, several dozen times a day):

Virgin Mother of God, rejoice, Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you, blessed are you in wives and blessed is the fruit of your womb, as if the Savior gave birth to our souls.

May God grant you a happy pregnancy and a healthy baby!

hello. Can you please send me and my husband belts. we really want kids. oleskaya region rozdelnyansky pH with. hetmans st. cherry 2 dyakova alla 67400

God, good evening!

You can order the Belt of the Most Holy Theotokos at the “Church Shop“.

Good afternoon! I asked if it is possible for a pregnant girl to wear a belt on her arm !! It’s not very comfortable on the belt, is it better to take it off your hand then?

If it is not convenient for you to wear the Belt of the Most Holy Theotokos on your belt, then wear it on your arm.

But remember that such a great shrine should be worn with great reverence!

Good afternoon Is it possible to wear a belt for a pregnant girl on her arm.

And why on the arm, and not on the belt?

Hello! Tell me, please, do both spouses need to wear belts? What needs to be done when wearing belts so that the Most Holy Theotokos helps my husband and I give birth to another baby? I also know that spouses should be married, but my husband says that he is not ready to get married yet and there is nothing I can do in this situation. Thank you in advance for your response.

No, it is not necessary for both spouses to wear the Belt of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

In order for the Lord to send a child, it is necessary to completely rely on the will of God, live according to the Commandments of God, pray daily and trust in the mercy of God.

By your good example of living according to the commandments of God, you will be able to influence your husband.

Please tell me if I have lost my

Hello, please tell me, is it possible to singe the ends of the belt so as not to bloom?

Hello! She gave me her belt, a very good woman who could not give birth for a long time! Then she gave birth to a boy. I put it on as soon as I found out that I was pregnant and wore it as you wrote, but it was torn! What should I do, bring it or change it! I really believe in him and I'm worried! Thanks for the answer!

Or maybe just stitch it up? Is it possible?

Good day!

My stepfather was in the hospital, and his sister brought him the girdle of the Most Holy Theotokos.

Unfortunately, my stepfather died.

Can you please tell me what to do with the belt?

You can take the Belt of the Most Holy Theotokos for yourself or take the Belt to the Temple.

Hello! Please answer, Holy Father. A friend gave me a piece of the belt of the Most Holy Theotokos and the “Living Help” belt. They explained to her that this piece should be sewn to the “Living Aid” belt and worn, right? And she also brought me a piece of earth from Kanavka from Diveevo. What to do with her? Can it be applied to a sore spot? Thanks in advance! God bless you!

Yes, you can. Holy land can be applied to sore spots.

Good afternoon. Tell me what to do. It says here that the belt can be washed, but do not give out water to the sink, but I did it under running water and naturally the water went into the sink? What to do? I'm going through

So that you have a clean conscience, then repent at confession of this sin and do not repeat it again. Don't worry, it's not such a big sin. For other sins that you may not worry about, but are more serious, for example, pride, condemnation, despondency, you need to think more and try to correct them.

Peace and God bless you!

Hello, please tell me, is it possible to wear this belt if I live in a civil marriage?

You can wear it, but will there be any sense? Living in fornication, is it possible to ask for the birth of children? After all, children will pay for the sins of their parents ...

Hello, tell me if I did the right thing by giving my belt after pregnancy and childbirth to my close friend, who has been dreaming of children for a long time.

Yes, of course, you did the right thing and very well. Do not worry!

Good afternoon! Can you please tell me if it is possible to wear a belt during menstruation?

Can. We always wear a pectoral cross, as well as amulets, medallions do not remove, so the Belt can be worn at this time.

Hello. Please tell me, a neighbor who has already given birth gave me her belt. I can wear it too. Thank you.

God help you, with the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos!

Hello. Please tell me, have the Belts been sent?

Oksana, good evening!

Unfortunately not, as the post office is closed due to the February 23rd holiday. The shrines will be sent to you as soon as possible.

Hello. I ordered belts on 02/14/17. Were they sent? I'm from Dagestan, it's just that on other sites they don't send to Dagestan.

Oksana, good evening!

Yes, your order was sent to you today, February 25, as the mail was previously closed due to the holidays.

The identification number of your package will be sent to you next week.

God bless you, with the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos!

Good evening. They sent me a small piece of the girdle of the Holy Matrona (((2 centimeters, how to use it or do you need a whole one so that you can tie yourself up?

Yes, you can carry a piece of the Belt of the Most Holy Theotokos with you, near your chest, and the benefit from it will be no less than from the whole Belt. The main thing is to have faith in God's help, through the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos!

Good afternoon. Unfortunately the belt is lost, what to do with it? Do you need to ask God for forgiveness?

In this you need to repent, pray and seek him. Read "The Creed" more often, and this way you will be able to find it faster.

Good afternoon! I ordered a belt. Can you please tell me in how many days I will receive it?

Anna, good afternoon!

It depends on the work of the post office, we cannot say exactly when the package will arrive.

I would like to know if it has been shipped?

Hello! Tell me please, is it possible to wear a belt for an operation, in my case, a dental one.

God help you, with the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos!

Good afternoon, I ordered a belt, how long does it take to Krasnodar?

Expect within two weeks.

Hello! Can you please tell me where I can order these belts?

You can order the Belt of the Most Holy Theotokos at the Church Shop of the Orthodox website “Family and Faith” on the page: “Belt of the Most Holy Theotokos”.

hello! I have such a belt, but recently I found out everything is bad from my friend and I would like to help her ... can you cut it off a little and give her a piece ... will this piece help her and will mine continue to act?

Yes, you can separate a part of the Belt and give it to a friend.

We also want to note that in our Church Shop, for a fairly small donation, you can purchase a whole Belt of the Blessed Virgin of a standard length.

God bless you!

Please tell me, is it possible for non-Orthodox to wear a belt, do I need to do something before putting it on?

The Belt of the Most Holy Theotokos is an Orthodox shrine. If you do not belong to Orthodoxy, then there will be no great benefit from wearing the Belt.

Orthodox shrines are, as it were, a continuation of the Sacraments of the Church. Baptism, Confession and Communion.

In exceptional cases, the Most Holy Theotokos helps the heterodox. But for this you need to do good good deeds. Pray from the heart. Believe.

Help you Lord!

Good day! Today I received the belts. I asked them with my husband because they can’t get pregnant. My husband is on a flight now. Will he be at home by the beginning of February? Is it okay that the belts will lie down until he comes home? I would like to do everything together!

Yes, of course, it's okay, let them lie down.

God help you find the happiness of motherhood, with the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos!

Hello. I lost the belt while praying at work for the birth of my sister, all the time being distracted by work, putting it in my pocket, after a while I found out that He was not there. So I didn't find it. I bought another in the monastery, I wear it, now I'm pregnant, I wear it all the time. But I worry about the lost one, it turns out that I treated the Shrine carelessly.

You go to Confession and repent of it. And the soul will feel better, and the Lord will forgive.

Hello, thank you, I ordered the belt

Oleg, good evening!

Please tell me, I wear a poesok (live help), but it is very long and interferes, can it be cut off or not?

Better not to cut. You can fold the belt to a small size and put it in a shirt (sweater) pocket.

God bless you!

Hello, please tell me, my dad has stomach cancer, he was operated on, he took a holy belt from a friend and tied dad around, when processing the seam, it’s not clear how the belt interfered with the nurse, she untied or cut it and put it away in the evening when I arrived at the sick tsu the nurse was no longer there, they searched, they said they took out the garbage and there was no access to it, since all the garbage is dangerous.

Please tell me how to be

The belt of the Blessed Virgin is very similar to a dressing. Therefore, the nurse mistook him for a medical bandage, which, in her opinion, was no longer needed.

There is no sin on you, you bandaged your father out of the best feelings, not suspecting such a bad consequence.

You can purchase a new Belt in our Church Shop, and be careful with it already. That is, to warn the medical staff about the shrine.

We wish you God's help, and your father bodily and spiritual health!

God bless you!