Why doesn't anyone go to the moon anymore? Why don't astronauts fly to the moon? Why don't people fly to the moon anymore?

“Why don’t they fly to the moon?” - people around the world are wondering. It’s one thing when flying high was purely a dream. And it’s completely different when real steps were taken to translate the plan into reality. What happened? Why did humanity refuse to continue flying into space? Since the government does not want to cover this topic in detail, it will have to collect all the information bit by bit.

Flight to the “night star” - reality or fiction?

According to the Americans, on July 20, 1969, the first manned spacecraft flew to the Moon. The astronauts were led by Neil Armstrong. The Americans rejoiced, because it was they who were destined to make a fateful landing on the lunar soil. But was it really so? In the rest of the world, doubts arose about the veracity of the information provided.

Hundreds of photographs from the Moon, along with recordings of conversations between astronauts and the Earth, have become the reason for furious discussions among numerous skeptics. In today's time of information technology, it is too easy to fake an image of something. What to do with the scientific equipment, including laser reflectors, that was left on the Moon for further research? It is quite possible that its delivery was carried out by unmanned missile modules. If you believe in placing any equipment on the Moon at all...

Skepticism is inherent in many people. Dodgy politicians have lied to the ordinary population too often for blind faith in each of their grandiose projects to persist to this day. Even hundreds of kilograms of lunar soil cannot convince that a person has actually visited the Earth’s satellite. And few people can boast of having an academic degree that allows them to confirm or refute the real existence of soil samples on Earth.

It remains for everyone to decide whether the flight to the Moon was carried out by man. In any case, when there are no reliable witnesses to a grandiose event, you have to trust your inner intuition. After all, it is impossible to prove either that the flight really took place or that it did not happen.

Why did exploration of the Earth's satellite stop?

Three years after man landed on the Moon, such flights ceased completely. Since 1972, developments in this area have gradually faded away. Also, nothing is known about the landing of people on nearby cosmic bodies. It seems that scientific minds have abruptly switched to other tasks in the world, abandoning the idea of ​​​​conquering extraterrestrial space.

For more than 40 years, humanity has simply been spinning circles around the Earth, controlling the events taking place on the planet. During this time, technology has made significant progress, as demonstrated by everyday means of communication. This is where an interesting question arises: “Why don’t they fly to the moon every day on an excursion anymore?” If we notice the progress in other areas of science, then contemporaries should have long ago perceived such flights as something ordinary.

We can assume several reasons why flights to the Moon stopped:

Changing political situation. During the Soviet era, there was a well-known race between two major powers. In the field of weapons, the apogee was the study of nuclear reactions. The possibilities associated with this are truly both exciting and daunting. There was no clear leader in the arms race, so a lot of attention was paid to the issue of space travel. The USSR became the first to send a man into outer space.

This became a huge stone in the direction of America, which made every effort to respond. The sensational flight to the Moon is an attempt to show its superiority over the rest of the world. In the near future, there is not a single state that could achieve more in outer space. So is it worth spending effort on something that is already considered conquered? So America curtailed developments in this area.

Economic background. In market conditions, it is quite wasteful to allocate significant amounts of funds for space flights. If the territory of the Moon could be divided among states, then its surface would look more attractive in the eyes of powerful people.

But as a result of an international agreement, all celestial bodies became the property of humanity as a whole. All research in Space should be used for the benefit of all countries. It turns out that the allocated funds will not help increase the development of one state. There is no point in allocating money to something that others will use in the future without investing on their part.

Problems with production space. At one time it was more expedient to re-equip enterprises to meet the needs of the current needs of the state. Now it is not possible to launch a rocket with the necessary parameters simply because there is nowhere to do it. Repeated repurposing of production facilities will be difficult from various angles.

The question is not only about financial investments, but also about the basic lack of necessary specialists. The old-school generation has already safely retired, and new professionals have not yet grown to a sufficiently high level. In space flights, the cost of a mistake is the life of the astronauts. Therefore, it is easier to refuse flights than to take such a big risk.

Collision with extraterrestrial civilization. There is a fantastic assumption that contact with aliens was made on the surface of the Moon. Not everyone is ready for such a truth, so they decided to classify the data about extraterrestrial civilization. But guesses on this matter still leaked to the masses. And how else can we explain the sharp restriction of flights into space? Perhaps the development of aliens turned out to be so great that humanity was afraid of repeated contact.

Or the arriving cosmonauts were given a “Chinese warning” so as not to mind their own business. Therefore, scientists are considering in detail the question “why do we sometimes see colorless flies flying in the air? ", rather than presenting information about aliens to the general public. Ordinary inhabitants of the Earth are advised to remember the proverb “The less you know, the better you sleep.” This may be exactly the case when extra knowledge is not needed in everyday life.

Lack of real ability to fly. The assumption that, in fact, man has not yet set foot on lunar soil has already been discussed above. In light of this assumption, the absence of regular human flight to various celestial bodies seems quite logical. Then it generally becomes unclear whether the Moon will be conquered in the near future.

It will take a lot of effort to change the situation. Is humanity ready to sacrifice its greed for the sake of natural curiosity? Flight into outer space is the next stage of development, which must be overcome by everyone together.

Scientists talk about the conquest of Mars and Titan, but why is so little said about the conquest of the Moon, although it is much closer to Earth? The last human landing on the natural satellite of our planet occurred 40 years ago, after which all NASSA projects were hastily frozen.

Why people don’t fly to the Moon: Scientists and astronauts are silent about this. What made the Americans and the Soviet Union abandon ambitious projects? Society has never received precise answers to this question. The USSR simply admitted defeat after the unsuccessful Apollo 11 mission and abandoned the further race.

After Yuri Gagarin's flight into space, the Americans, at all costs, wanted to bypass the Soviet Union in space technology. About forty thousand NASA employees were involved and several billion dollars were invested in space exploration. As a result, in 1968, the first flyby of the Moon was made, and on July 20, 1969, at 20:17:39 UTC, crew commander Neil Armstrong and pilot Edwin Aldrin landed the lunar module of the ship in the southwestern region of the Sea of ​​​​Tranquility. They remained on the lunar surface for 21 hours, 36 minutes and 21 seconds. All this time, command module pilot Michael Collins was waiting for them in lunar orbit. The astronauts made one exit to the lunar surface, which lasted 2 hours 31 minutes 40 seconds. The first man to set foot on the moon was Neil Armstrong.

In total, from 1969 to 1978, the Apollo program carried out 6 flights landing on the Moon. NASA planned several more flights, but unexpectedly the program was canceled for an unknown reason.

What made the Americans suddenly change their minds? Even after the first flights, experts noticed strange phenomena occurring on the Moon. Many astronomers around the world have officially stated that they saw bright flashes of light not far from the satellite, which shimmered in different colors, differed in size and length, and sometimes moved at quite high speed.

Astronaut Edgar Mitchell was not afraid to openly declare the existence of aliens visiting Earth, after which he cited the facts of the UFO crash in Roselle. He communicated with many high-ranking eyewitnesses whose objectivity cannot be questioned. During conversations with journalists, Edgar said that there were several extraterrestrial structures on the satellite, and his colleague William Rutledge stunned the media with a statement about frozen NASA missions, since he himself took part in a secret project.

According to the astronauts, on the far side of the lunar surface there is a giant object, 5 km long and similar to a cigar. It lies here for many centuries after its collapse. If all 25 astronauts personally saw a UFO during their flights, as well as other anomalies, then this may explain the reason for the termination of satellite research. NASA can only classify the information and invent any reasons so that humanity does not know about it.

More than half of the adult population of Russia believes that man has never set foot on the surface of the moon. The main argument of adherents of this conspiracy theory is that no one is flying to the moon now. However, there are real, quite compelling reasons why no one is flying to the moon now, which you will learn about in this article.

Eugene Cernan, 1972. The last man on the moon.

The last expedition to the Moon took place in 1972. And before discussing the reasons why no one has flown to the Moon for more than forty years, it is worth remembering why those expeditions were carried out.

The main reason for sending people to the moon was the need for the United States to show its strength to the USSR. Before the first lunar expedition, the Soviet Union was the leader in space due to more powerful rockets capable of launching passengers into orbit, such as the dog Laika or Yuri Gagarin.

The United States needed to give a worthy response to the Soviet Union. Therefore, President Kennedy in 1961 ordered the organization of an expedition to the Moon. Naturally, he was not the first to propose the idea of ​​​​a flight to the moon. Ideas and plans for this were voiced years earlier. The order of the US President only played the final note for the start of the mission called "Apollo 11".

The first photograph taken by Neil Armstrong after he walked onto the lunar surface.

Subsequently, 6 missions were carried out with landings on the Moon. At that time, 3 more missions were planned, but they were cancelled. This happened due to the fact that the then new President of the United States Richard Nixon there was a different view of the space program. He did not want to conquer space by attack, but wanted space to become something ordinary. It was for this reason that he wanted to cancel all space programs except low Earth orbit.

Therefore, Nixon stopped funding the Apollo program in favor of the space shuttle and space station programs. However, only the shuttle program received proper funding, but not the stations. For this reason, the shuttle program was not in demand until the arrival of the International Space Station (ISS) at the end of 1998. The shuttles were designed only for flights to low Earth orbit, that is, for flight to the ISS and no further.

International Space Station

Therefore, the main reason why no one flies to the Moon is the same reason why people ended up on the Moon at one time. Name this reason policy. At the moment, the world space powers do not have any national need to invest huge amounts of money and do something big, like another flight to the Moon.

Any state is essentially one big business. But it is not profitable for a business to invest huge amounts of money and human resources without any visible benefit. Therefore, the next manned flight to the Moon will be carried out either by some state in order to gain a foothold in new positions in the political arena and in the space industry, which, by the way, China is quite actively moving toward, or by some private company.

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The channel does not position itself as a source of 100% truthful information, but only pretends to be such.

Why did people stop going to the moon? The answer to this question is not so simple. The course of the history of the development of the lunar plains was influenced by certain circumstances that should be considered in a certain sequence. At the same time, it is necessary to figure out what is reality and what is fiction. We should not forget that the lunar program was developed not only by the Russians, but also by the Americans. Both projects were abruptly interrupted without specific explanation. Naturally, this raised many questions, and the most important of them was that the reasons for such a rapid abandonment of the development of a strategically important project were due to mysterious circumstances.

NASA successes: lunar race

To better understand why people no longer fly to the Moon, you should carefully study the history of the exploration of this Earth satellite. First of all, it is necessary to mention the race that the two superpowers have waged for supremacy in this world.

Everyone knows that during that period of history, the priority of space exploration was assigned to the USSR. Naturally, the Americans were well aware that their rivals had advanced far in space exploration and that it would not be so easy to get ahead of them. To reduce the distance, NASA needed to make some kind of breakthrough in space exploration. It was at this time that the lunar program was created. About 40 thousand employees worked on its development over eight years. Don't forget that about $110 billion was spent on the lunar program. But if there was good funding, then why did they stop flying to the moon? The facts were kept silent for a long time. Until now, some aspects of the history of the development of lunar spaces remain unclear.

It is worth noting that American developments in this area have been successful. After all, the key link here was Vernen von Braun. This man worked for Adolf Hitler during World War II. It was this specialist who created the legendary V-2.

American Apollos

After much work by a large team of specialists, the Americans achieved tremendous success. Wernher von Braun created a carrier with sufficient power. However, when finished, the product was simply enormous in size. It was not possible to transport it by land. Therefore, the carrier was delivered to the cosmodrome using water transport. It is worth noting that the Saturn engine had a power of 180 million horsepower. When the carrier was launched, ceilings in nearby buildings crumbled and all the glass was broken.

Before the first landing on the Earth's satellite, NASA conducted 10 Apollo launches. In 1968 (in October), Apollo 7 was launched into low-Earth orbit, and in December, Apollo 8, with pilots on board. They were the first to orbit the Moon.

In 1969 (in March), Apollo 9 tested the lunar module in space, and in May, Apollo 10 conducted a rehearsal for landing on the Moon, descending to a height of 15 kilometers from the surface of the Earth's satellite. However, there was no complete landing. On July 2, 1969, a crew was delivered to the surface of the Moon in Apollo 11. After this, six more expeditions were carried out with the landing of the crew.

USSR and the lunar race

As for the USSR, the superpower suffered many setbacks in the lunar race and was greatly inferior to its competitor. At that time, a team of specialists led by S.P. Korolev and V.N. Chelomey was working on the development of a flight to the Moon. However, for a long time, Russian scientists were unable to create a carrier that would have sufficient power.

Some time later, S.P. Korolev died. But it was he who was the key link in the project. As a result of the sad event, the situation worsened greatly. It is worth noting that the USSR spent all its efforts on the space exploration program. Therefore, there simply weren’t enough opportunities and finances for the lunar race. Of course, over time the situation improved. However, it still remains unclear why people don’t fly to the Moon now.

Closure of lunar programs

Why don’t they fly to the Moon and why were all lunar programs closed? At the end of 1972, NASA stopped conducting research. The lunar program was closed. It is worth noting that the Soviet Union also curtailed all its projects related to the failure to land its crew on the surface of the Earth’s satellite. After that, no one else tried to resume flights. During this period, a huge number of multi-billion dollar projects were closed. So why did people stop flying to the moon, and why was there such a rush?

Of course, many assumed that the Russians had simply lost interest in the program. But it is very difficult to understand the reason for the Americans. After all, they were able to achieve success in their developments. Also, many assume that the reason for the high cost of such programs is far-fetched. Indeed, at that time, most of the allocated funds were spent on creating rockets and launch pads. The cost of one launch was equal to the cost of one bomber. In addition, it is not entirely clear why they are not flying to the Moon now. After all, technology has come a long way. This suggests that the reasons are more significant than lack of funding or lost interest.

Anomalies on the Moon

After the first flights to the Moon, it became known that something strange was happening on the Earth’s satellite. Not only the Americans, but also the Russians knew about this. Around the world, dozens of astronauts have reported that many strange and inexplicable things can be seen on the Moon.

From the stories it became clear that quite bright flashes appear in different places near the surface of the Earth’s satellite, which have different shades, differ in length, and also in directions. In addition, it was reported that strange shadows can be seen on the Moon that are constantly moving. Also, from the surface of the Earth’s satellite, some luminous points of impressive dimensions enter orbit. They fly around part of the orbit along a chord, and then land.

In addition, Professor N.A. Kozyrev, who was an employee in 1958, reported that for several hours the central part of the Alphonse crater was covered with a large red cloud. Such anomalies were difficult to explain without research. Maybe this is the answer to the question of why people don’t fly to the moon.

Lunar Anomaly Research

Of course, anomalies on the Moon could be the main reason for the closure of programs to study its surfaces. But first of all, it was necessary to study all the incomprehensible ones. Therefore, in the USA in 1965, an entire scientific society was created that was engaged in the study of lunar anomalies. At that time, the team included only highly qualified specialists. Over the entire period of work of this scientific community, many anomalies have been identified on the Moon. Many of them were quite difficult to explain. It was for this reason that in 1968 a document was created called the “Chronological Catalog of Messages about Lunar Events.”

What was found on the Moon?

About 579 unexplained anomalous phenomena occurring on the surface and in the orbit of the Moon were listed here. Among such phenomena there were:

  1. Disappearing craters.
  2. Geometric figures.
  3. Domes of gigantic size that can change color.
  4. Colored trenches that can extend at a speed of 6 kilometers per hour.
  5. Luminous objects and so on.

Such phenomena could not be explained, but neither the Americans nor the Russians wanted to stop the lunar race. As a result, spacecraft launches began, as it was decided to fly and see everything with my own eyes. No one paid attention to the presence of anomalies at that time. But why don’t they fly to the moon even after studying many phenomena?

Messages from the Moon

Establishing the exact reason why people do not fly to the Moon is not so easy. You can make a lot of guesses, but it is very difficult to get to the truth. It is enough to analyze the first messages of the astronauts who set off to conquer the lunar space. When the Americans launched Apollo with a crew on board, many radio amateurs around the world followed the course of events. After all, at that time there were broadcasts of communications with Houston astronauts. It was after the first messages that it became clear that the crew was not telling something. Years later, it became clear that the guesses were correct. Radio amateurs from Australia and Switzerland were able to catch the astronauts' conversations on a different frequency immediately after landing. They talked about incomprehensible and strange things. What was there and why don’t they fly to the moon now? After all, it is much closer than Mars.


So why don't people go to the moon anymore even after all these years? There were a lot of omissions in the negotiations between the astronauts and Houston. Of course, many things are difficult to explain, especially if you see them for the first time. 10 years after the first flight to the moon, Maurice Chatelain, who was one of the creators of the radio equipment intended for the lunar program, made a statement that he was present at a communication session when Neil Armstrong spoke about several objects of unknown origin that landed at some distance from "Apollo".

After this, messages from the Moon spoke of some stone blocks that were located not far from the landing block. Moreover, some of them, as claimed, emitted a glow from the outside, and some from the inside. It was almost colorless and insignificant.

Not only NASA, but also the crew members refused to comment on such messages. After some time, the commander of the Apollo 11 expedition reported some phenomena. But he could not tell in detail, since he had signed a non-disclosure agreement. After the program to develop the Earth's satellite was closed, NASA admitted that about 25 astronauts personally saw the presence of a UFO during the expedition. Maybe this is the reason why they no longer fly to the Moon and do not develop new programs for its exploration?

Evidence of UFOs

Still, it is not entirely clear why they don’t fly to the Moon if there are opportunities for this? Many ufologists claim that life exists on the surface of the Earth's satellite. In addition, there is evidence that the Apollo 12 expedition was accompanied by unidentified flying objects. This fact was established from Earth observatories. Two UFOs were flying near the American shuttle and flashing their lights. One was located behind the Apollo, and the second was in front.

At the moment, all that is clear is that the Americans knew very well that there was something inexplicable and unusual on the surface of the Moon. Perhaps new expeditions were carried out to unravel this mystery. To prove this, just look at the images taken with the telescope about 10 years before the first launches. They were made by astronomer Jess Wilson. They clearly show a chain of many bright objects that stretch from outer space to the Moon. Scientists have been unable to provide an objective explanation for this phenomenon. Perhaps UFOs exist. And it is this fact that provides a complete answer to the question of why no one has been flying to the Moon for many decades.

Strange objects on the Moon

Why don’t they fly to the Moon, and what was discovered by the Americans on its surface? These questions concern many lovers of unexplained phenomena. As some documents show, the last Apollo expeditions discovered many interesting objects on the Moon. At that time, the astronauts managed to film strange vehicles, rather large boulders that rolled out of the craters on their own. Of course, these are not all the objects that are worthy of attention.

Not far from the landing site, photographs were taken of cars, as well as holes with smooth and right angles, which exclude their crater formation, and canyons that are simply lined with stone blocks. There are plenty of similar inexplicable phenomena on the Moon.


Scientists suggest that there was once life on the Moon, and perhaps it still exists there today. After all, astronauts managed to partially study only what is on the surface of the Earth’s satellite. Everything that is inside the Moon remains a mystery. Of course, all the above facts do not provide a comprehensive answer to the question of why people do not fly to the Moon. Perhaps after another 10 years everything will fall into place, and humanity will finally know the truth.

Whether the Americans flew to the moon or not, we do not know for certain. At least on this score there is a lot of conflicting information that makes this flight very doubtful. However, let's not guess from the tea leaves, but leave this question to the conscience of the Americans themselves. Let them decide for themselves how to get out of this situation. You and I will be interested in the question of why people do not plan flights to the Moon despite the fact that there is a technical possibility for this?

It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously, since a lot of different factors are involved here: technical, political and economic. For this reason, international space agencies are silent, and their representatives, at best, simply laugh it off.

And yet, there are still several versions that somehow explain the lack of space flights to the Moon. Let's stop at them. According to one of them, such flights are of no interest to scientists, and therefore there is simply no practicality in them. If we return to the flight of the same Americans, then it most likely had a political background. Having given way to primacy in space exploration to the USSR, the Americans had to prove that they were not fools. It is clear that this flight (if it existed at all) had no scientific value, and it cost a lot of money. But for the sake of the notorious hegemony, the Americans decided on it.

During the Cold War the situation changed somewhat. The former rivalry between the two superpowers has ceased, and with it the need for such meaningless proof of their superiority has disappeared. It is quite natural that this was reflected in the program for the exploration of the Moon, which was forgotten for a while. In addition, such flights were economically unprofitable. Apart from wasting money, they gave nothing more. To thoroughly study the Moon, it was enough to send unmanned spacecraft with the appropriate equipment to it. The same lunar rover can be cited as an example.

In addition, a manned space flight to the Moon is technically difficult to achieve. The Americans could hardly cope with such a task alone. Hence a number of doubts about its implementation. A number of scientists do not believe that Neil Armstrong was able to visit the Moon. In their opinion, all this is a regular montage performed at one of the American film studios. If this were not so, the Americans would certainly have continued to explore the Earth’s natural satellite. But, as we have already said, let's leave all this to the conscience of the performers. Let them deal with it.

According to other versions, such a flight could not be carried out due to the low power of the rockets. Today we learn that scientists have managed to develop atomic rocket engines that are capable of delivering a spacecraft to any point in the solar system. But then they knew nothing about it, and they used old technologies, the capabilities of which were very limited. In other words, there would simply not be enough fuel for such a space flight.

Among the fantastic is the version according to which flights to the Moon were stopped due to the presence of an extraterrestrial civilization on it. Neil Armstrong could have met her. Most likely, this meeting was not very pleasant, since it prompted the Americans to curtail the lunar exploration program.

Although, to be fair, NASA did not abandon this idea at all. For example, the next manned flight to the Moon is planned for 2020. This time it has an economic background. Americans are interested in minerals that can be mined on the Moon. Although how economically profitable this will be is still unknown.

The Russian Federation also did not abandon the study of the Moon. The work is being carried out in accordance with the approved program. There are no plans for a manned flight yet. First of all, a number of unmanned spacecraft will be launched to the Moon to conduct scientific research on its surface.