Why does it automatically restart. The computer restarts itself. Causes of spontaneous reboot

This problem is quite widespread. Owners of both old computers and fairly new ones can face it. Spontaneous computer restarts can occur due to software problems, but much more often due to hardware ones. It is quite possible to fix these problems on your own at home, while having a basic idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe computer device.

In this article, we will talk about the possible causes of computer restarts, as well as how you can try to fix it yourself.

Why is this happening?

Almost always, a spontaneous reboot of the computer means a critical system failure has occurred. It is accompanied by the appearance of a blue screen with an error code. It is also often referred to as the Blue Screen of Death.

This is what the blue screen of death looks like

It's just that the display of this screen is not always enabled in the system settings. Therefore, the first step is to turn it on to see the error code, and already look for the problem by the code.

View of a blue screen in Windows 10 with an error code by which to look for a problem

To do this, go to the properties of the computer by right-clicking on the "Computer" icon on the desktop or in the start menu, and select "Properties" from the context menu.

Calling computer properties

In the window that appears on the left, click on "Advanced system settings".

Extra options

A new "System Properties" window will be displayed. In it, go to the "Advanced" tab and in the "Download and Recovery" section, click the "Options ..." button.

Disable computer restart on system failure to view the error code on a blue screen

Close all open windows by pressing the OK button.

By doing this, we disabled automatic reboot on system failure in order to see a screen with an error code, by which you can later look for a problem.

We present you a list of the most likely culprits for this computer behavior:

  • RAM.

Definitely takes the first place in popularity. Before you try to scan your system for viruses or reinstall Windows, check your RAM. You can do this with a program.

The window of the running memtest86+ program

Sometimes it helps to just take out its socket memory module and put it back in place.

RAM manipulation

In case you have several RAM modules installed, be sure to try to work with each of them individually. Since very often 1 memory module fails and because of it the computer will constantly reboot, throwing out a blue screen with a wide variety of codes.

If one memory module is installed, then it would be very good to borrow a known working module from someone and try to work on it. If the reboots do not disappear, then it's definitely not in the memory.

  • Swollen capacitors

If you have problems with phantom reboots, be sure to visually check the motherboard and power supply for swollen capacitors. They look like this:

One reason is a swollen capacitor.

If there is at least one, then it is very likely that the matter is in it and it needs to be replaced (soldered).

  • Overheat

Despite the fact that due to overheating, a computer or laptop most often turns off rather than reboots, you should still pay attention to the operating temperatures of the main PC components, namely: processor, video card, south bridge. It is most convenient to do this. If something is heated above 80 degrees, then you need to solve the problem with overheating (cleaning, replacing thermal paste).

View PC Component Temperatures in AIDA64

  • Power Supply

It is important to remember if there were any replacements of parts in the system unit before the advent of independent reboots. If you changed something to a more powerful and modern one (for example, a processor or a video card), then it is possible that your power supply cannot cope with the increased load on it. Replacing the power supply with a more powerful one will solve this problem.

Replacing the power supply

If nothing has changed, then it still wouldn’t hurt to borrow a known working power supply from someone and check how the computer will behave with it.

  • HDD

Unreadable or poorly readable sectors on a hard drive can also cause your computer or laptop to restart while you work. the MHDD or Victoria program will dot the and.

  • Operating system issues

Despite the fact that this is one of the easiest options (many people can reinstall Windows themselves), according to statistics, in 85% of cases, reinstalling Windows does not solve problems with independent reboots. However, if it is not a problem for you to rearrange the OS, then you can try to do this in order to exclude viruses, driver conflicts, etc. from the list of possible suspects, which are talked about so much on various sites and forums.

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If your computer began to restart, immediately after turning it on or after a few minutes after starting work, then there may be several reasons why the computer restarts itself. It happens that the computer at the same time began to “freeze”, take a long time to boot, and the like. There may be several main reasons for this problem, usually you can solve them yourself without resorting to the help of specialists from the service center. What to do if the computer spontaneously restarts?

Computer restarts when turned on

It is worth turning on the device, as after a few seconds, it reboots itself. And this happens several times, the computer constantly restarts at startup. First of all, you need to determine the cause. It can be in software or technical issues. First, let's analyze the technical points, because they are most often the causes of problems.

Why does my computer keep restarting on its own?:

  • Overheat
  • Damage to thermal paste
  • Corrupted contacts
  • Power supply is defective

Below, we consider each case and its solution.


Three things can overheat in a computer - the main processor, the motherboard and the video card. There can also be several reasons for overheating.
Due to improper operation of coolers or a large accumulation of dust. To check this, open the system unit by removing the side cover.

Take a close look at the inside of your computer. As a rule, coolers are located on the CPU (central processing unit) and on the video card. To check their performance, turn on the PC. If they spin slowly or hum, they will need to be replaced. But sometimes it is enough to thoroughly wipe all the internal parts from the dust that has accumulated there. To do this, you can gently vacuum all parts of the computer. For small details, use a brush.

Do everything carefully - processor parts can be damaged by static voltage. Alternatively, wipe everything with a damp, lint-free cloth. The cooler must be carefully removed, disassembled, dust removed and lubricated with a thin layer of machine oil. It is also better to remove the video card, and after unscrewing the fans with a screwdriver, carefully wipe everything.

Damaged thermal paste

Thermal paste provides optimal heat transfer between the internal parts of the computer. If it dries out, there is a violation of heat transfer, the computer overheats. Thermal paste is sold in specialized stores. It is easy to replace it yourself. There are many instructional videos on the net with a detailed process for replacing thermal paste.

Overheating can be caused by the lack of external air exchange. If the system unit is located next to the radiator, direct sunlight falls on it, or it is built into the table, try rearranging it to another place. This may solve the overheating problem. Overheating often occurs during the hot season.

Faulty power supply

An outdated and dusty network unit may be the reason for the constant reboot of the computer. Dry thermal paste, poor-quality motherboard can lead to periodic voltage drops. Because of this, the computer spontaneously restarts after a short period of work. You can solve the problem - by replacing the block with a more powerful analogue.

Bad contacts

The problem may be in the departed contacts. Carefully, disconnect and connect in turn - all externally visible connectors.
These are the main technical points why the computer restarts itself, but there are also cases when everything is in order from the technical side, the problem is in the software.

Why does the computer restart during the game

If the computer is working normally, but the restart occurs during the launch of the game, there are several options.

  • The game may be too "heavy" for the computer.
  • You have contracted a malicious virus.
  • Your graphics card is damaged or you need to update your drivers

The computer may overheat when you start a game that is “heavy” for your system, and automatically reboot. The reason is weak coolers or a low-power power supply. As a rule, a heavy game on a weak computer will not start, or it will slow down a lot, but it may be that the characteristics of your PC meet the requirements of the game and your video card pulls the game without freezes, but the power supply cannot cope with the power consumption of the video card at the time of active operation of the video processor . If this happens with all games, try reinstalling the drivers on the video card or cleaning the system from viruses.

How to reinstall video card drivers

Computer restarts itself with Windows 7, 10

The computer constantly restarts when starting windows 7 or 10. This problem has one solution for both OSes.
Windows 10 and 7 may spontaneously restart after an update. There may be a permanent update feature installed, which can be deactivated and customized to your personal preferences.
First, sign in to Windows Update. Click Win+R, in the drop-down line, type in gpedit.msc, press "Enter".

I'm on my way - "Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Windows Update".

We change two options. the first "Do not auto-reboot during automatic installation of updates if there are users running on the system". Click twice with the mouse. Put a tick on "Turn on" and press "OK". Next: you need to deactivate the item "Always automatically restart at the specified time". We also double-click on the parameter, in the drop-down box, check the box for "Disable".

After all the manipulations, the computer must be restarted. After that, the problem with automatic restart of Windows 10 or Windows 7 will no longer bother you.

What to do if the computer restarts itself? This question can be heard very often. Since rebooting the computer on its own is a very common bug.

In this article, we will look at the most common causes of spontaneous computer restarts.

Why is my computer restarting on its own?

Viruses. Infection with viruses can lead to a wide variety of effects. And that includes restarting the computer. If the computer restarts itself and this happens quite regularly, checking for viruses is the first thing to do.

Processor overheating. A significant increase will necessarily lead to a restart of the computer. This is a protective mechanism that does not allow you to burn the chip in the event of a malfunction in the cooling system. In order to find out the temperature of the processor, you can use special applications or. If, most likely the reason for the reboot is precisely this.

Incompatibility of computer components. If the reboots started after installing new components, return the computer to the old configuration and try to work for a while.

Incorrectly installed or incompatible devices.

Power outages. Even minor power surges in the mains can lead to a reboot of the computer. Install an uninterruptible power supply (UPS).

Too weak or defective. If reboots occur during a high load on the computer, for example, when starting games. Most likely a problem with the power supply.

Malfunction of other components of the computer.

So what do you do if computer restarts itself? First of all, try to eliminate the problems listed above. Most likely, one of them will suit your case. If the cause of the reboots could not be determined, it is better to contact specialists who repair computers professionally.

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If you are experiencing a problem where the computer restarts or shuts down when turned on or while working in Windows, then there may be several reasons for this.

The computer restarts at boot (immediately after being turned on) when there is a hardware failure caused by various hardware failures.

One of the most common reasons why a computer refuses to start is overheating of the processor or errors in the power system. First, check the temperature of the processor and motherboard. To do this, you need to go into the BIOS of the computer. To do this, press the Delete, F2, F10, Esc or other button (indicated in the description for the motherboard). In the BIOS itself, you need to find a section that displays the temperature characteristics of the components. This can be a PC Health Status, Power, Advanced, H/W Monitor or other section. The temperature of the processor (CPU) should not be higher than 80-90 degrees Celsius, and the temperature of the motherboard (Mother Board) should not be higher than 60-70 degrees.

The reason for overheating of the processor may be a non-working cooler, the presence of an abundant layer of dust, or dried thermal paste between the processor and the cooling radiator. Open the computer system unit and carry out a thorough cleaning of dust with the power turned off. To do this, use a can of compressed air and do not forget to take care of sufficient ventilation. Do not use a vacuum cleaner for cleaning, as it is very easy to damage the fragile radio elements on the motherboard.

After the dust is removed, turn on the computer with the lid open and look at the processor cooling fan. If it doesn't spin, make sure it's plugged into the power jack. With the computer turned off, check the rotation of the fan blades manually, it is possible that a foreign object got between the blade and the radiator, and the cooler simply jammed. Otherwise, the cooler may need to be replaced, if your PC has a powerful enough power supply, then you can install an additional cooler, however, you need to be careful here: often an illiterate calculation can lead to the fact that an additional cooler will break the air flow and cause more harm, than good.

However, if the fan is working properly, then the likely cause of overheating is poor thermal contact between the processor surface and the heatsink. Remove the heatsink from the processor and wipe off any remaining thermal paste on their surfaces. Apply a thin, even layer of new thermal paste to the surface of the heatsink and processor. Carefully mount the heatsink in place and check the processor temperature in the BIOS.

Another behavior of the computer at startup is also possible - the appearance of error messages related to cooling or a hard drive. In case of cooling problems, the self-diagnosis system notifies the user that one of the components is overheating (usually the processor) due to insufficient heat dissipation. For example, the error "System Fan (90b)" indicates that there is a problem with the fan (FAN). In this case, you should check the fan itself and, if possible, replace the thermal paste.

The appearance of an error like "Non-System disk or disk error" on the monitor screen indicates that the boot sector on the hard disk is damaged and the operating system cannot be loaded. This happens when you connect an empty (new) hard drive to your computer without an installed OS. However, if you are sure that the operating system on the hard drive is installed and it worked normally, then there is a possibility that the boot sector was damaged by viruses. To restore functionality, you can use a bootable LiveCD with an installed anti-virus scanner, for example, Dr.Web LiveCD. It is also advisable to check the hard drive for bad sectors and errors using the Victoria utility or MHDD (/ ).

Another possible reason for the computer to restart could be errors in the RAM. To check the RAM, you will need a boot disk or a LiveCD with the Memtest86+ utility (Download). Go into the BIOS and change the device boot order by putting the CD / DVD drive or USB port first. You can usually change the settings in the BIOS on the Boot or Advanced BIOS Futures tab, depending on the manufacturer and BIOS version.

Next, we reboot (Ctrl + Alt + Delete) and boot from the LiveCD of the computer installed in advance in the drive. To do this, you will need to press one of the keyboard keys, otherwise the computer will start to boot as usual from the hard drive.

After booting the LiveCD, run the Memtest86+ utility and perform a memory test. The appearance of bad cells (highlighted in red) indicates that the RAM is out of order and should be replaced. It should be noted that the computer may restart due to errors in RAM, not only at startup, but also during active work in Windows. The fact is that when an application tries to access a damaged memory cell, it will automatically reboot or display a BSOD window (blue screen of death). .

The next reason for the failure to start the system may be a malfunction in the power supply itself. Lack of power on individual components of the system unit or low (high) voltage in individual power lines leads to malfunctions in the computer hardware. As a result, the computer will immediately restart or turn off when turned on. Checking the performance of the power supply at home is problematic. But still, pay attention to whether the cooling fans on it turn on or not. Perhaps the cause of the malfunction is banal overheating. For the same reason, the power supply should be cleaned of accumulated dust.

Pay attention also to capacitors and to the windings of pulse transformers. Capacitors should not be swollen, and the windings should not show signs of overheating (burnt insulation). You should also pay attention to the capacitors on the motherboard itself. If you find swollen capacitors (barrels), contact the repair service.

You can verify that the power supply is malfunctioning by installing a new power supply on the computer, for example, from another computer. Repairing a cheap power supply is sometimes impractical, and in some cases it can lead to computer failure.

The state of the equipment, including power failures, is diagnosed at the initial stage of turning on the computer by the POST system. In this case, the built-in speaker (if present and connected to the motherboard) will notify the user about problems with sound signals, listen to them:
- repeated short beeps or a continuous high-pitched sound indicate an error in the operation of the power supply;
- repetitive long signals indicate problems in the operation of RAM;
- an alternating signal of low and high tone indicates errors in the operation of the CPU.
A working computer emits one short beep when turned on.

The cause of the failure of the computer may be the installation of a new device. In this case, a new device (hard drive, video card, RAM, or other) may conflict with other installed devices and the motherboard itself. Try temporarily disconnecting the new device and see how the computer behaves. If a new device is installed in a PCI-Express expansion slot, then try installing it in an adjacent slot. The same applies to RAM. When connecting an additional hard drive, you should carefully read the connection instructions and correctly set the jumpers (Master, Slave) on the power connection side. The connected device may not be supported by the motherboard at all. Please refer to your motherboard manual for device connectivity options.

The computer restarts after loading the operating system. The reason for this behavior can be both overheating of components, and software or hardware failures (RAM errors, incorrect operation of the power supply, video card, etc.).

After that, it is necessary to replace the cooler (if there is a malfunction in it) and change the thermal paste.

Computer crashes and unexpected reboots are caused by virus infection, which is very common. To remove viruses, you need to update your antivirus software and perform a full scan of your computer. If the boot fails in normal mode, you should try starting Windows in safe mode. To do this, at the initial stage of loading, press the F8 key and select the appropriate startup type. In safe mode, also update your antivirus software and run a full scan. You can also use a separate Dr.Web Cureit anti-virus scanner or a boot disk, for example, Dr.Web LiveCD ( / ).

You should also analyze the programs in Windows startup, perhaps the virus itself registered there. To analyze the autorun of the system, it is convenient to use the Autoruns utility, which allows you to remove malicious applications from autorun. You can also use the regular autorun management tool - msconfig. Open the "Start" menu and open the "Run" window, where type "msconfig" and press Enter. On the "Startup" tab, uncheck all programs that you suspect.

In safe mode, you can use the rollback tool - restore the system from a previously created restore point (provided that you use this service). Go to the control panel and open the "Recovery" section, then start the recovery wizard by clicking on the "Start System Restore" button.

The reason for the unexpected restart of the computer may be the incompatibility of drivers and software with the installed hardware. To get rid of such problems, you should install only original drivers from the official site or from the supplied disk. BSOD messages can help in identifying a software failure.

If the reboot is performed without the blue screen appearing, then it is probably disabled. Go to the Control Panel and open the "System" section where open the advanced system settings. On the "Advanced" tab, go to the boot and recovery options and uncheck "Perform automatic restart". Now, when a critical error occurs, a BSOD message will be displayed on the screen, the error code of which can be used to judge a faulty module or program library.

Error codes can be found on the Internet or you can find a solution to such problems on computer forums, since there can be a lot of possible sources of problems. For example, the popular Skype program, after the next update, began to conflict with the webcam of an HP laptop, and when the application starts, the computer issues a "blue screen of death". Moreover, after installation, the program manages to register itself in autorun, and at the next system boot, the computer simply reboots. In this case, the solution to the problem may be updating the webcam drivers, or installing a previous version of the program, or completely removing the software product.

Bye everyone and see you soon!

Also on this topic, watch the video:

One of the signs of possible problems with the computer is independent reboots. In the case of Windows, they can be caused by various causes, which are not always symptoms of serious problems. But if this problem is not given sufficient attention in time, the computer may not turn on.

All cases when the PC restarts by itself can be divided into several groups with different reasons. The first group includes cases of self-reboot when turned on.

Hardware problems

If new components were installed in the PC (hard drives, video card, expansion cards, etc.), then the new equipment may be incompatible with existing components. For example:

  • new processor model not supported by current motherboard BIOS (MP);
  • a conflict between a separate video card and a video card built into the processor, or an external sound card cannot work together with the one built into the motherboard;
  • modern information storage devices, such as SSD drives, may not function with outdated motherboards (hereinafter referred to as MP) without updating the firmware of the disk itself or updating the bios of the computer;
  • new equipment may be technically defective and interfere with normal loading.

In this case, turn off the new hardware (if you know how), and check how the PC turns on in the old configuration. If the PC starts normally, then you first need to check the health of the new parts.

× Whenever working with the internals of the PC, "ground" to remove static electricity from the body, as even the slightest electrical discharge can damage the PC parts. You can ground yourself by touching large metal objects: a battery, a refrigerator wall, etc.

In the case of external sound and video cards, try disabling built-in devices of similar functionality through the computer's bios and installing them back - the PC should start normally.

To enter bios when the computer boots up, press the Del or F2 key.

In the window that opens, find the section related to PC components. In modern versions of bios, in order to see detailed settings, you need to switch to “advanced” mode. To do this, press the "advanced mode" or "exit/advanced mode" button.

In advanced mode, find the section related to PC components. It may be called Advanced or Peripherals. The screenshot shows an example of the interface, yours may look completely different

Important! If you have never worked with the BIOS or do not know what you are doing (this applies to all the items described below), then better call a specialist.

To disable the integrated video card, set the Internal Graphics (onboard graphics, intel hd graphics - depending on the bios version) parameter to disabled. To disable the onboard sound card, set the Audio Controller (onboard graphics, internal audio, HD audio controller) parameter to disable.

To check the compatibility of the processor and motherboard, refer to the instructions. In most cases, with the compatibility of the "socket" (contact pad) on both components, it is enough to update the bios version. To do this, connect a flash drive with a pre-downloaded new version of bios to the PC, open bios and go to the tools section. In this section, run the update utility (update bios, flash bios, flash utility). Again - if this has not been done before, entrust this operation to a specialist.

If no new hardware was installed on the PC, or reboots continue after disabling new parts, try disabling all devices except those necessary for booting: processor, one stick of RAM and a video card (preferably built-in). When the computer boots up successfully, start connecting the rest of the parts back one by one until the reboots resume. So you can install the "culprit" of failures.

If the PC restarts even in the minimum configuration, then the reason is in the memory. Try replacing the memory module with a similar one.

If replacing the memory did not help, the problem may be in the motherboard.

Problems with the power supply

With an unstable electrical supply (frequent power surges / dips), the components of the power supply are subjected to increased stress, which leads to its gradual failure. At the initial stage of this process, voltage stability is violated, which causes the PC to reboot when turned on.

Contact violation

A PC consists of many elements connected to each other by electrical connectors. The slightest failure in contact between components leads to unstable PC operation and reboots. Most often, the cause of poor contact is the smallest dust that has fallen on the connectors, or a short circuit in the reset button on the system unit.

To eliminate this cause, carefully disconnect all connectors inside the system unit and reconnect ( again, if you know what you're doing). Disconnect the reset button from the motherboard and start the PC. If the download went well, turn off the PC and reconnect the reset button pin. When you repeat the reboot, strip the button contacts. The connection point of the contacts from the buttons and indicators of the system unit is indicated in the instructions for the motherboard.

Overheating of components

Overheating is the most common reason why the computer spontaneously restarts. Overheating can be caused by:

  • Finding a computer near heating appliances. To eliminate overheating, move the PC as far away from heat sources as possible.
  • Clogged cooling system. Over time, dust accumulates in the case of any PC (and especially laptops), which settles on the fans and radiators of the cooling system. This reduces the efficiency of dissipating heat from the components and leads to overheating.

Even if the computer works in a completely clean room, the inside of the system unit should be regularly checked for dust, and vacuumed if necessary. To reduce the rate of dusting, install a pair of fans in the case on the front and rear walls of the system unit to organize a kind of “draft” that will prevent dust from lingering inside.

  • Fan failure.

CPU cooling is an important element in the stable operation of a PC. If it breaks or slows down, the PC may not turn on or constantly reboot as soon as the processor temperature reaches critical values.

To diagnose the fan, turn on the PC with the side cover open and check that the fan blades are spinning. If the blades do not spin, replace the fan. If the blades are spinning, turn off the PC and try spinning the fan manually. The blades should rotate easily and not vibrate. If the rotation is difficult or the blades oscillate when rotating, replace the fan, as this indicates a bearing failure that prevents the fan from performing its functions effectively.

  • Drying of thermal paste on the processor or video card.

For effective heat dissipation by the fan, the fan contact pad must fit snugly against the entire surface of the CPU cover. But due to the non-ideal smoothness of both surfaces, air pockets appear in some places between the fan and the processor, disrupting heat transfer. To eliminate such gaps, a special compound is applied to the surface of the processor - thermal paste. The more intensively the computer is used, the faster the thermal paste dries out, losing heat-conducting properties, worsening heat transfer. This leads to increased CPU heating and reboots.

To check the condition of the thermal paste, turn off the power to the PC, remove the CPU fan and inspect the contact point: the thermal paste should have the consistency of thick cream, and is applied evenly over the entire area of ​​​​the processor. If the thermal paste is dry, or there are gaps in the coating, it must be replaced:

  1. Take a soft, lint-free cloth and gently wipe off any remaining old paste from the CPU and fan.
  2. Squeeze the amount of thermal paste the size of a large seed onto the processor and spread it evenly over the entire surface of the processor.

× The layer of paste should be minimal in thickness - an excessive amount will lead to a deterioration in heat transfer.


Many versions of malware (viruses, trojans, adware) in the course of their work damage the file system and Windows OS settings. For example, they delete some system files, or change the OS startup parameters. In this case, reboots will occur when Windows starts, as the OS will not be able to start correctly.

If the reboot occurs at the OS startup stage, and technical problems are excluded, you need to boot from the boot disk (LiveCD) and check the system for malware. Such software includes AVZ and Dr.Web CureIt programs.

× These programs have a built-in anti-virus database that cannot be updated. Therefore, treat your PC with the latest version of the program.

To boot from a Live CD, prepare a bootable USB flash drive, insert it into the PC and press F8 during boot to select the boot device (on different PCs, this function can also be called with the F9, F10 or F12 keys - see the instructions for the MP).

Operating system failure

OS malfunctions are caused by incorrect settings made by the user, or incorrect removal of software - sometimes parameters related to remote software remain in the system settings.

The first step in solving such problems is to run the Startup Repair tool built into Windows. In some cases, the operating system itself determines startup failures and offers to run the recovery tool. If this does not happen, in Windows 7, you need to press the F8 key when starting the PC and select the "Computer Troubleshooting" menu item.

In versions of Windows starting with Windows 8, a bootable USB flash drive with the Windows distribution is required to run this tool. After booting from such a USB flash drive, on the initial screen, click "system restore", then select the item "Troubleshooting" and then the item "startup recovery".

If automatic recovery did not help, use the "rollback" of the system to a restore point. User data is not deleted during rollback - only system settings are changed. To use this method, it is required that the function of creating restore points was activated in the OS before the failure.

× The version of Windows 10 on the bootable flash drive must match the version of the installed OS. Those. for Windows 10 64bit, only the 64-bit OS installer is suitable.

If there are no restore points, try to restore the correct OS settings by booting from a live CD and using registry repair and cleaning programs such as: regcleaner, registry repair, etc.

Error codes that the PC issues when rebooting while turning on

In searching for the reasons for restarting Windows, error codes that are indicated on the so-called "blue screens of death" (BSOD) can help. For more information about this method of identifying the reasons for the reboot, see the video.

As a rule, the operating system reboots immediately when failures are detected, without displaying any information. To see these codes, you need to press the F8 key when loading Windows 7 and select the item "disable automatic restart on system failure" in the boot menu.

In versions of Windows OS starting with Windows 8, it is possible to disable automatic restart on failures either in advance, through advanced system settings, or by editing a registry key.

After disabling automatic restart, if the crash repeats, Windows will show a blue screen of death, which will indicate a lot of information, including an error code, by which you can understand the cause of the failures.

Below is a table listing the most common codes and their causes.

0x00000001 Error installing MTP device driver (portable storage, cameras, etc.). To fix, boot into safe mode and uninstall the drivers.
0x00000008 Driver uninstall error. Boot into safe mode, clean device manager.
0x00000019, 0x00000024, 0x0000007A, 0x0000009B File system and hard disk problems. You need to check your hard drive.
0x00000049 Memory error. Check your RAM.
0x00000051 Registry error. Boot from the Live CD and check the registry.
0x0000007B Boot device initialization error. Occurs when the operating mode of the hard disk controller is incorrectly configured. To fix, change the controller settings in the BIOS.
0x0000008B MBR checksum mismatch. The reason is viruses. Scan your system for malware.
0x000000B4, 0x00000114 Video card driver errors. Boot in safe mode, uninstall video card driver
0x000000C9, 0x000000C5, 0x000000C4, 0x000000D1 General driver errors. Uninstall recently updated drivers in safe mode. In the case of D1, also check the RAM.

Reasons for restarting after PC shutdown

The second group of errors are failures in which the computer restarts instead of shutting down.

Most often, this is not a symptom of PC malfunctions, but is caused by installing operating system updates. The update introduces many changes to OS settings that require a computer restart to fully apply. If the Windows 7 operating system does not automatically restart after installing updates, the OS prompts you to reboot. In the version of Windows 8, the default is to restart automatically, without warning. This can seriously interfere with the work with the PC.

To disable automatic restart, run Registry Editor. Press the key combination Win (the key with the windows icon) + R. In the window that opens, type regedit and click OK.

Before doing any registry operations, back up your current settings.

To do this, in the registry editor, right-click on the inscription "computer" at the top of the list of keys and click "export".

Choose a save location (preferably on external media), enter a name for the copy, and click save.

After saving the copy, select the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE key from the list of registry keys.

Right-click on the right side of the window and select Create Dword Parameter (32-bit) from the drop-down menu.

Name the newly created setting NoAutoRebootWithLoggedOnUsers.

Click on the created parameter with the right mouse button and select "edit".

Enter 1 in the value field and click OK.

If there is no such parameter, change its value to 1.

Hardware errors that cause the computer to restart after work include:

  1. Insufficient power on the power button, due to which the computer incorrectly interprets the incoming shutdown command and restarts the PC.
  2. Driver errors. This mainly applies to network cards. Due to an incorrect driver, when the PC is turned off, the network card does not turn off, which prevents the PC from shutting down completely, and a reboot occurs. Peripheral devices installed in PCI, PCI-Express slots or connected via USB can also be the culprits for a reboot for similar reasons. In this case, reinstall device drivers, rearrange USB devices to another port.
  3. Hard drive errors. At the end of the work, intensive work with the hard disk occurs. Therefore, the slightest failure in its operation causes a BSOD and a reboot of the OS. To solve this problem, check the disk with the built-in chkdsk utility:
  • press the key combination Win + R, enter the cmd command and click OK;
  • in the window that opens, enter the command chkdsk / f / r and press Enter;
  • The PC will not be able to immediately apply this command and will prompt you to restart the PC. Accept the offer by pressing y.

After rebooting the PC, do not press any keys to complete the disk check procedure. At the end of the test, a test report will appear, and in case of errors found, the PC will reboot itself.

If the check does not reveal any errors, check the disk surface with the Victoria HDD program:

  • download the latest version of the program from the manufacturer's website;
  • run the program and select the tests tab. Click Scan and wait for the scan results.

Depending on the disk size, the check can take up to 3-4 hours. During this time, no other actions can be performed from the PC. Therefore, to check the disk, select the period when the PC is not needed.

If, during the verification process, sectors marked with red and especially blue rectangles are detected to the right of the disk map (their number is indicated next to the corresponding rectangle), the hard disk is in critical condition, and it is advisable to replace it.

Other Reasons for a Reboot

The last group of reasons that cause the PC to restart spontaneously are the consequences of overclocking the computer. Incorrect overclocking of PC components may not lead to computer failures for a long time and manifests itself only when the load on the system increases, when all the capabilities of the equipment are used to the maximum.

An overclocked processor or video card can work stably in everyday tasks, but when you run resource-intensive applications (games, graphics and video editors), the temperature regime of the components is violated, and to prevent overheating, Windows forcibly interrupts work, leaving for a reboot. In order not to lead to forced reboots, after each overclocking stage, conduct an OS stability stress test with specialized software (for example, aida64 or 3DMark) - this will determine the threshold for overclocking potential of the PC, at which stable operation is possible.

To restore factory overclocking settings, go to bios and in the overclocking section (usually called tweaker), set all parameters to auto.

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