How does a disability test work? Who is disabled here? ITU for different categories of citizens

Not everyone knows how to pass the VTEK commission for disability. Previously, I had a general intuition about this procedure. A couple of months ago, I needed to help my sister apply for disability. Immediately, a number of questions automatically arose on the topic of where to start, whether any documents are needed, which organization should be contacted, and so on.

Medical and Social Commission on Disability

Until the approval of federal law number 181 (seventh article), which entered into force on November 24, 1995, individuals had to undergo a medical and labor expert commission to confirm their status as disabled. Since the entry into force of this legislative act, the MTEC has been replaced by a medical and social examination.

The purpose of the ITU also consists in a comprehensive examination of the body of an individual applying for the assignment of a certain category of disability and issuing an appropriate verdict. As for significant differences between these two procedures, there are none.

The only difference is that a medical and social examination can be carried out even for individuals who have not yet reached the legal age. In addition, since the ITU replaced the VTEC and medicine did not stand still, the departments in which it is carried out are much better equipped with all the necessary equipment.

It happens that as a result of the commission on disability, its members cannot come to a unanimous decision. In such situations, an individual will need to undergo an examination again. Doing this a second time will be much easier because you won't need to collect documentation.

How is the VTEK commission for disability

Those individuals who are faced with the passage of a medical commission for the first time in their lives often do not know what steps to start with. First of all, you need to make an appointment at the district clinic with a doctor who specializes in the corresponding problem of a disabled person.

After the examination, the doctor will write a referral for examination. Next, you need to go through the procedure itself and, accordingly, wait for the results. I propose to consider each of the steps in more detail:

  • Getting directions. The patient needs to make an appointment with a specialized doctor, who will enter the indications in the outpatient card. Further, the therapist, based on the information displayed in the card, writes out a referral for an examination. In order to appoint a place and time for the examination, an individual will need to draw up an appropriate application. A number of papers must be attached to this document. First of all, this is a direction, as well as a passport. In addition, you will need a work book and a certificate containing information on income. You will also need medical documents - an outpatient card and extracts from hospitals. They may also be required to provide a production specification;
  • Passing the procedure. Further, an individual will only have to sign up for an examination and pass it on the exactly appointed day and time. Regarding the determination of the date, it must be established in accordance with the current legislative rules. The relevant rules are included in the order of the Ministry of Health under number 624 (paragraph 27, on the procedure for issuing sick leave certificates). During the examination, an analysis is made not only of the work of various functions of the patient's body, but also of his professional, as well as psychological data. The direction prescribes what the experts need to focus on. However, in any case, a comprehensive examination should be carried out. Examination can take place both in one of the departments of the bureau, and at home (if necessary). Several specialists must carry out the procedure at the same time;
  • Making a decision. After the survey has been conducted, and its progress and results are entered into a special protocol, members of the commission will need to vote. Specialists decide which diagnosis to put on an individual. Voting is closed. If, due to a disease, some serious violations in the work of functions are found in the patient's body, then this serves as the basis for assigning him the status of a disabled person. Also, the reason for the award of disability is the lack of abilities required for the implementation of normal life. If during the medical and labor examination it was found that a person needs care, as well as financial assistance, then he must also be recognized as disabled. For more information about the grounds for awarding a degree of disability, see Order 1024 published by the Department of Labor.

It should be noted that individuals who should be awarded a degree of disability due to an industrial accident or an occupational disease will need one more document to pass the ITU. This is an act, drawn up in the H-1 form, in which what happened should be documented.

Difficulties associated with VTEK on disability

It may also happen that an individual is in an extremely difficult condition. For example, in intensive care. In such situations, the registration of disability should be handled by outsiders. These can be either close relatives or doctors of the medical institution in which the patient is located. The employer of the patient can also take care of the medical and social examination.

It will be necessary first to issue a certificate indicating that an individual is not able to independently organize a medical and social examination. On the basis of this document, the individual responsible for carrying out this procedure will be able to receive a referral, as well as collect all other documents necessary for the examination of the patient by experts of the medical labor commission.

Another problem may be when an individual is in a psychiatric clinic in a state that does not allow him to sign up for an examination on his own. Then you need to issue a power of attorney, according to which a relative or other person will be authorized to act on behalf of the patient. The document must be certified by a notary.

In addition, sometimes patients come to the clinic on their own, but they are denied a referral. In such cases, the future disabled person needs to demand the issuance of a form according to the model number 088 / y. Next, you need to collect all medical certificates, extracts, an outpatient card, as well as prepare the rest of the documents necessary for passing the examination. And the final step in solving this problem is to submit an application to the Central Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise.

The addresses of the VTEK on disability in Moscow can be easily found on the official website of the Ministry of Health. Individuals have the right to apply not only to those branches that are located at their place of residence, but also to the bureaus located at the place of their temporary registration.

Medical and social examination for disability (ITU) is carried out in order to examine a citizen and assign him the status of a disabled person. It has its own specifics and is somewhat different from the Medical Labor Expert Commission (VTEC), which existed until 1995.

ITU on Disability - What is it?

The state provides various benefits and allowances to citizens with disabilities. In order to qualify for support, these people must formalize their disability status accordingly. They need to go through the ITU - medical and social examination. The study is conducted by a special commission consisting of different members. It is represented by doctors of various specializations and other experts - psychologists, social workers, etc.

ITU is a study of the physical, mental and social state of health of a citizen in order to establish the presence of a disability. If the examination is primary, depending on the degree of pathology, one or another group is assigned. Specialists look at how capable a person is, how independent they are, and determine the amount of pensions and benefits.

Tasks of MSEC (medical and social expert commission):

  • determine the causes of disability and its timing;
  • identify the need for citizens in social assistance and facilitate its receipt;
  • develop projects related to the rehabilitation of people with physical disabilities;
  • determine the degree of inability to work.

A re-examination may testify to an improvement or deterioration in a citizen's condition. Accordingly, the disability group is confirmed or changed. With a significant improvement in health, the status of a disabled person can be removed altogether.

The criteria for determining disability can be clinical, psychological, labor and social. This means that this is not only a medical examination, but also conversations with psychologists, social workers, etc. That is, both medical and social prerequisites for assigning the status of a disabled person are being investigated.

The procedure takes place in local and regional bureaus dealing with expert assessment of persons with disabilities. Their activities are coordinated by federal agencies.

“All structures are managed by the ITU Federal Bureau. It is the main bureau of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection. The organization is based in Moscow.

List of documentation

Required documents for those who want to get disability registration:

  1. Referral from a therapist to an ITU commission.
  2. Application for examination - form 088 / y-06.
  3. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, including a copy.
  4. A photocopy of the work book, approved by the personnel department at the place of work.
  5. SNILS.
  6. Medical (outpatient) card.
  7. Papers with the results of the analyzes received.
  8. Originals and copies of extracts from medical records, as well as other documents at the place of treatment of a citizen.
  9. Papers containing characteristics of the patient's working conditions.
  10. Occupational Injury or Illness Report Form H-1.
  11. Job reference letters (if required).
  12. A copy of the certificate of disability (when MSEC is retaken).

If a child passes the expert commission, then the following series of documents are submitted:

  1. Birth certificate.
  2. parental passports.
  3. Direction from the children's clinic.
  4. Documentation from an educational or educational institution (characteristics, certificate, etc.).

“The above is a standard list. Depending on the disease or social factors, the list may vary. You should check with your doctor about this."

Pass order

Passing a commission for approval of disability is a laborious task that requires time and effort. This is especially difficult for those individuals whose physical or mental condition is not easy. People who go through a commission that gives disability initially may find themselves in a stressful situation.

Stages of disability registration:

  • Pass a medical examination.

To take a referral to the ITU, you will have to undergo an examination by doctors. In this case, you need to visit the medical institution that is located at the place of residence (it is also possible at the place of temporary residence). The therapist makes an entry in the medical record and sends to narrow specialists. It is better to tell them everything about your health - injuries, illnesses, symptoms, well-being, etc.

  • Get a referral from a therapist.

Without a preliminary medical examination, it will be difficult to get a referral to the ITU. In addition to the attending physician, the document is also issued by the Pension Fund of Russia and the social protection authorities of the population (SZN). Evasion from issuing a referral must be reasoned and documented in writing with an indication of the reason.

  • How to act in case of refusal.

If the listed authorities refused to issue a document, a citizen has the right to receive it directly at the local ITU bureau. They refused here too - you have to apply to the regional, and after another refusal, to the federal bureau. If unsuccessful, you can seek direction through the courts.

  • Collect and submit the necessary documentation.

After that, you need to collect all the necessary documentation (the list is given above). The application, along with all paperwork, is submitted to the local bureau. Then, no later than 30 days after the registration, the applicant receives an invitation, the time for passing the commission is set.

  • Get checked by experts.

On the specified date, you need to come to the ITU bureau. A bedridden person is examined at home or in a hospital. The commission is not only medical. It consists of at least three specialists of different profiles. Members of the expert group study the documents submitted to the patients, then conduct an examination and interview.

  • Provide professionals with the information they need.

Questions may relate to health, standard of living, social skills, working and living conditions. You need to behave as culturally and politely as possible, speak only on business.

"Give specialists all the information that may indicate a difficult physical and social situation."

  • Wait for the vote of the committee members.

The results of the conversation are recorded in the minutes, on the basis of which a decision is made by the total number of votes to establish disability and determine a rehabilitation program. Voting is closed. The applicant learns about the decision directly on the day of the examination. In case of serious disagreement, an additional examination may be organized.

  • Get acquainted with the decision of the commission and pick up a certificate.

The statement of disability occurs according to such important criteria as a disorder of body functions, restriction of natural life and the need for state assistance. A person is issued a certificate confirming the status and an individual rehabilitation program.

  • Apply to the FIU for a pension.

Within 3 days with the received certificate, you need to apply to the FIU for the appointment of a disability pension. You should also visit other social security agencies that provide the necessary assistance for a particular disabled person.

  • Re-examine regularly.

Every year, for disabled people of groups 2 and 3, a procedure called re-examination is carried out. Group 1 goes through it every two years. On it, the status of the patient can be changed.

“The procedure for registering a disability is always the same, but there are distinctive features of its passage by some people.”

ITU for different categories of citizens

Characteristic features of registration of the status of a disabled person by some citizens:

  • Minors. Pass the commission in the presence of parents or guardians. For pupils and students, a certificate with a characteristic from the educational institution is required.
  • Pensioners. An examination by a local doctor is mandatory. A referral should only be taken after a medical examination. After receiving a certificate of disability, a citizen in the FIU draws up a pension and benefits.
  • Patients with a heart attack, oncology. After the diagnosis has been made, at least four months must pass. Only then can you pass the ITU.
  • With visual impairment. The direction for examination is issued only by the ophthalmologist who treats the patient.

VTEK on disability - what is it?

In addition to ITU, there is another abbreviation - VTEK (also VTK). This is a medical and labor expert commission. That was the name of ITU before. She performed disability-related procedures only on the working population. The examination was available only to adults.

Its goal was to determine whether a person can fully work, whether he should switch to a lighter mode of work, or if he cannot work at all due to circumstances. The commission studied not only the condition of a person, but also understood the working conditions in which he works.

Since 1995, the medical and social expertise has been operating to this day. From that moment on, the commission examines all categories of citizens, regardless of labor activity, including children. That is, the procedure began to be broader in comparison with the VTEC, in which the commission for disability was held in the same way as the ITU.

"The abbreviation VTEK is still used in speech and texts, but this is the same expertise."

The legislative framework

In 1995, Russia adopted federal law No. 181-FZ, which is called "On the social protection of people with disabilities in the Russian Federation." The entire 2nd chapter there is devoted to medical and social expertise. Three articles are given:

  • Article 7 contains the concept of ITU.
  • Article 8 describes the responsibilities and functions of the federal institutions for ITU.
  • Art. 8.1 contains information on an independent assessment of the quality of services.

The very procedure for carrying out the examination is described in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 95 of February 20, 2006. This is the subject of chapter 4 of the document.

Also, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection issued Order No. 1024-n dated 12/17/2015, in which objective criteria for evaluating body functions within the framework of the ITU are determined for members of the commission. This order identifies four measures of violations - from minor to severe. Such a classification has become necessary because earlier specialists were guided by a variety of documentation and subjective assessments.

There is another criterion that is stipulated there. It makes it possible to determine how limited the life of a citizen. This includes:

  • ability to communicate;
  • learning;
  • movement;
  • self-service;
  • labor activity, etc.

In accordance with these medical and socio-indicators, one or another group of disability is assigned. There are a number of problems that have arisen about this order of the Ministry. Many citizens, when passing the commission again, were dissatisfied with what the experts said. They complain that they put an easy group.

The document contains many references to specific diseases, although the person may not even have been diagnosed. To give the 1st group, very difficult conditions for a bed patient are needed. Therefore, the subjectivity of the examination remained, despite a number of useful changes.

“Each case is unique and the condition of an individual person is considered by doctors and other experts, including based on their own vision of the situation.”


You can pass the ITU (until 1995 it was VTEK or VTK) to register the status of a disabled person only after examining the medical board. It will show the degree of violations and health problems. Then it is necessary that the therapist gave a referral for an examination by an expert. An application is written, documents are collected, the list of which must be clarified with the attending physician. All papers are submitted to the local ITU bureau.

The date of examination is appointed within 30 days after the application. The citizen appears at the allotted number and passes the commission's specialists. You should behave as culturally as possible, in no case swear.

According to the criteria approved by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, the physical, mental and social condition of the patient is determined. A disability group is given. You can pass the commission both for an adult and a child.

The innovation of the Ministry of Labor of Russia, which approved new classifications and criteria, should first of all reassure the patients of the ITU bureau - people with disabilities. Some of them often expressed dissatisfaction and complained about the incorrectness of the disability groups assigned to them, explaining this by the subjectivity of specialists.

After all, disability in general and its group, in particular, are important for our people, as they give certain social guarantees of state support: which a person with disabilities receives instead of natural benefits that were canceled ten years ago, as well as the ability to use, travel and so on .

Degrees of disability are determined as a percentage

Until recently, when conducting a medical and social examination, specialists were guided by scattered recommendations and instructions. Which to some extent contributed to the "discrepancy" about the assignment or refusal to establish disability, "understatement" of the group, and so on. To exclude this, at the end of last year, the Russian Ministry of Labor developed clear, uniform for all regions quantitative indicators for assessing the severity of violations of the functions of the human body (respiration, circulation, digestion, and so on). This made it possible to eliminate the subjectivity of experts during the examination.

At the same time, it should be noted that there is no significant difference in the approaches to determining disability then and today. As in the previous document, the new document is based on the degree of impairment of function due to disease, injury or defect. But only now - as a percentage.

There are 4 degrees of persistent violations of body functions:

I degree - is given for minor violations of body functions in the range from 10 to 30%;

II degree - with persistent moderate violations of body functions in the range from 40 to 60%;

III degree - with severe violations of body functions in the range from 70 to 80%;

IV degree - with persistent, significantly pronounced violations of body functions in the range from 90 to 100%.

In order to again avoid the subjectivity of specialists in determining the quantitative assessment in percentage terms, a corresponding document was published (an appendix to the classification). It outlines in percent the clinical and functional characteristics of persistent disorders of the functions of the human body.

A few more highlights

Even if there is no particular disease in the application, the experts will consider the general approach to the class of diseases.

In the presence of several persistent violations of the functions of the body, each of them will be evaluated separately. And then choose the maximum percentage violation.

In the event that the fact of the influence of other disorders on the aggravation of the maximally expressed violation of the body's function as a percentage is established, then it can be increased, but not more than by 10%.

The third group of disability is assigned in a new way

The ITU Bureau also drew attention to the fact that in order to establish disability groups, the classifications of the main categories of life activity and the criteria remained the same, except for group III. If earlier it was possible to get a III group of disability, having only one disability of the first degree, now two or more are needed.

Important update!

How to pass the commission: algorithm

Step 1

First you need to get from the therapist on the basis of the data entered in the outpatient card.

Step 3

Passing a citizen examination. It can take place both in the office and, if necessary, at the patient's home. As a rule, employees of the institution (at least three) and other doctors of all necessary profiles are present.

During the examination itself, specialists first of all get acquainted with all the documentation, then they already conduct an examination and a conversation with the patient, analyze his condition. All actions and conversations during the work of the commission are recorded.

Step 4

Step 5

Important! The decision made by the commission is communicated to the patient on the same day on which the examination took place. In the case of a positive conclusion, the person is given the original certificate, as well as a scheme for future rehabilitation and treatment specially developed for him.

Step 6

The appeal of a citizen with this very certificate to a pension fund or other social organization to receive a pension and other assistance. This must be done within three days after receiving the papers..

In total, in about two months it is really possible to successfully apply for a disability.

However, this does not mean that a visit to the ITU bureau can be forgotten. Depending on the assigned group, people with disabilities in Russia must confirm their status with a certain frequency:

  • the first group - every two years;
  • the second and third - annually;
  • children with disabilities - once during the validity of this status.

Before the deadline is also possible. If this is due to a noticeable deterioration in the state of a citizen, then at any time, if not, then the disability should be valid for no more than two months.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 20.02.2006 N95 gives citizens the right to challenge the decision of the commission. A period of one month has been allotted for the local ITU center in the main office. The same period applies for a complaint against the decision of the main bureau in the federal center.

At the same time, documents for appeal must be brought to the office where you have already been examined. It is it itself that is forced to transfer the applications of dissatisfied citizens to higher authorities within no more than three days. The last body to which you can turn in such proceedings, and the decision of which is no longer subject to appeal, is the court.

Possible difficulties

  • The patient himself is in a non-transportable state or in intensive care. The doctors of the medical institution, his relatives and the company in which the patient is employed are then required to collect papers. His collected documents are transferred to the ITU bureau on the basis of a special certificate confirming the citizen's inability to deal with everything personally.
  • The clinic in which the patient is located is a psychiatric one, and the situation is similar to the previous one, that is, the person’s condition is very difficult. At such moments, a notarized power of attorney is usually issued, and his relatives have the right to speak on behalf of the patient.
  • A citizen is able to independently deal with the registration of disability, but in a medical institution he was denied a referral. The solution to this problem is to require a form in the form

Disability is established:

  • upon receipt of 2.3 groups - for one year;
  • upon receipt of 1 group - for 2 years.

According to the List of diseases, it can be established indefinitely. In this case, no re-pass is required. A person has the right to receive social benefits, benefits and pensions for the rest of his life.

Disabled people who have received time and appointments for rehabilitation will have to come back. But such facts must be confirmed as a result of a survey by the ITU Commission.

The main reason for visiting the bureau again will be date determined by the commission during the previous survey and included in the certificate of disability. On this day, you need to come up to extend the rehabilitation or to cancel it.

It is allowed to undergo a medical examination again two months before the deadline for completing the previous examination.

In the event that the fulfillment of appointments and the treatment carried out did not produce results, citizens can apply for the prolongation of the established social status. If there are improvements:

  • transfer to another group is allowed;
  • removal of disability.

Acceptance depends on the members of the ITU commission, whose activities are based on legislative provisions and are regulated by them.

Legislative documents

The Government Decree regulated the actions for social support of this social group:

  • PP No. 247, dated April 7, 2008;
  • PP No. 95 dated February 20, 2006;
  • Federal Law No. 181-FZ dated November 24, 1995;
  • Federal Law No. 125-FZ dated July 24, 1998

The list reflecting the types and types of diseases, and their correspondence to disability groups is approved By order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 1013n dated December 23, 2009 No. And diseases that provide indefinite pension coverage by decision of the ITU are approved Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation under No. 247, dated April 7, 2008 No.

The Decree of the Ministry of Labor under No. 5 defines the list of diseases of a traumatological nature received in a man-made environment, it entered into force on 30.01.02. at the Ministry of Health and Social Development.

Numerous orders, acts and standards of the Ministry of Health and Social Development regulate the types of documentation, forms of certificates and acts, and therefore, an arbitrary examination based on local decisions is unacceptable.

Algorithm of actions or how to pass VTEK again

If the date of expiration of the certificate of disability is approaching, specify on what day you are scheduled for a second examination. It is advisable to determine this day in advance in order to have time to carry out the required actions.

Where to begin? Within a year (two) you passed the appointments that were prescribed to you. The main of them was prescribed in a special reference card, where the plan for the passage of a rehabilitation program (IPRI) was charged with execution. Make sure that this form is filled out and that the completion marks are in the special column.

Make sure you have enough doctor visits. If you have had fewer than 4 appointments during the year, make up for this deficiency. It would be advisable to go to the hospital and conduct a course of treatment.

After that, contact the local doctor, providing an extract from the medical history obtained in the hospital and presenting a certificate of disability, which indicates the date of the return visit.

As in the previous time, you will be assigned a commission at the clinic. The local pediatrician or a specialist in your disease will prepare an extract and give it to the head of the polyclinic department.

On the appointed day, you will have to come to undergo a preliminary examination of the medical commission at the clinic, where a referral in the form No. 088 / y-06 will be prepared and issued.

Do not wait for the appointed date, it is advisable to approach the ITU commission in advance.

Not later than 5 days before the appointed time, go to the bureau at the place of residence and hand over the documents. You will be confirmed the date of the examination, or they will appoint another day and make an entry in the registration log. On the appointed day, go to the commission.

What documents are needed for VTE for registration?

The preparation and provision of documentation is determined by the regulations. If, during a preliminary visit to the bureau, your documents are not accepted, since the package is not complete, you will urgently convey them. This period should not exceed 10 days. To avoid such incidents, the documentation must be collected to the maximum.

In addition to (form No. 088 / y-06), present all available certificates, acts, extracts from the medical history, which you could receive. So, what documents are needed for MSEC again:

  • in the clinic;
  • in a hospital;
  • in private clinics;
  • in a sanatorium or dispensary;
  • in other medical institutions.

They should reflect not only a picture of the efforts you have made on the path to recovery, but also indicate that a stable form of pathology is being diagnosed, as a result of a disease that has not brought significant changes.

You can receive such confirmation if, in addition to the examination prescribed by the clinic, you additionally with an independent initiative and payment on your part, you will pass:

  • computed tomography;
  • other types of diagnostics available to identify your pathology.

Please attach to these documents:

  • certificate of disability;
  • IPRI certificate;
  • SNILS;
  • a photocopy of the passport.

You must bring your original passport with you. If you are working, please provide:

  • certificate from the place of work;
  • income statement;
  • a copy of the work book.

The certificate must reflect the nature and conditions of work. If a disabled person of the 3rd group works on a rotational basis in the regions of the Far North on physically hard work, it is unlikely that he will retain the status of a disabled person.

If you are not working, take a photocopy of the work book, from which the absence of employment will be clearly visible.

What documents are needed for VTEK again, except for the following:

  1. Certificate of education: certificate or diploma. The latest document received will be relevant.
  2. For pupils or students - a certificate from the place of study and a pedagogical description.

If you call an ambulance service, keep the coupons and file them with certificates from medical institutions.

The procedure for re-passing the ITU is practically no different from the previous examination. The main thing is to stand your ground and explain that sustainable improvements have not come.

Naturally, the experts will look for the possibility of removing disability, but they need to prove their position not only by listing their physical suffering and infirmity, but also rely on the documents provided.

Usually the decision is made the first time. Since the members of the examination are representatives of various areas of medicine, they collectively build a picture of the presence and extent of the disease.

According to well-established criteria, based not only on experience, but also on knowledge of legislative documents, they determine the need for a citizen to continue to stay under the auspices of the social protection of the state.

The decision is made by majority vote. The grounds for making a decision are drawn up in a protocol, issued in the form of an extract in case of refusal. And with a positive decision, on the basis of an extract, within 3 days a new certificate of incapacity for work is issued for the next period.

If you are denied, you have the right to contact the regional office for re-certification by the ITU, and if your rights were violated during - you can file a lawsuit.

Cases where members of the commission behave inappropriately are not uncommon. Often they ignore important documents of citizens who have applied to them. Such precedents should not be left to chance. Specialists authorized to protect a socially weakened category of citizens must be held accountable.

Some situations warrant contacting your local or even federal Department of Health and Human Services. And if open arbitrariness or extortion was allowed - protection can be found at the prosecutor's office or the police station.

Peculiarities of re-examination of a child

If the disabled person is a minor, the procedure will require certain nuances to be observed. In particular:

  1. A referral in the form No. 088 / y-06 must be obtained at the children's clinic.
  2. Application for re-examination filed by his legal representative: parent or guardian.
  3. Attached are copies of the representative's passport and birth certificate (passport) of the child;
  4. For students- a characteristic from the school (educational institution).
  5. An extract from the examination by the medical-psychological commission or a certificate from a psychologist.
  6. For working and educated: a copy of the certificate, an extract from the work book, a certificate from the place of work.

The representative of the legal interests of the child has the right to apply for the appointment of an expert on the underlying disease of the minor, with the right to vote, as a member of the commission. If necessary, pay for his services.

The representative is obliged to present documents confirming the legality of the representation. For parents, proof of kinship will be required, and for guardians and adoptive parents, an appropriate decree.


Re-examination is an important procedure. If it is not carried out properly, the links in the legal chain of state social assistance will irrevocably lose their legal capacity. Now you know how to pass VTEK again.