Happy birthday cards for an Armenian man. Happy birthday greetings to an Armenian man. Beautiful Georgian toasts for birthday, wedding, anniversary

Armenian toasts

Why do we drink standing up for women? First, because lying down is uncomfortable to drink. Secondly, to proudly rise above them for some time. Thirdly, we drink while standing, because this is more included. Fourthly, we are thus kneading stiff limbs. Fifth, we get up to shake the remnants of the salad off our trousers. Sixth, we get up in order to better see all the women present at the table. Seventhly, they came up with this ritual in order to suddenly jump from a high start if something happens. Eighth, we, thus, find out which of us remained under the table to pester women. Ninth, we get up so that later, sitting down, we feel relief. And, finally, we rise in order not to hear in our ear: “Stop drinking! Enough for you already. So, for women! Men drink while standing!

In one eastern state, the ruler arranged a competition for young men: whoever cuts an apple on the chest of the Shah's daughter with a sword and does not injure her, he will receive a daughter and half a kingdom in addition to his wife. The first youth came out. The girl was so beautiful that he stared at him, miscalculated the blow and touched his chest with his sword. The servants grabbed the young man and chopped off his head. The second youth enters. He looked at the girl, his hand trembled, he swung his sword and hurt the girl's chest. He was also executed. The third youth came out, raised the sword above his head, struck, cut the apple without touching the girl's chest. He, too, was captured and put in prison to be executed. When he asked why they wanted to execute him, he was answered: - For the company! So let's drink to our honest company!

Once a bee asked a snake: - Why, when I bite - I die, and when you bite - the bitten one dies? The snake answered her: - Because my bite is professional. Let's drink to the professionals in their field!

A reckless woman is one who, without looking back, rushes into the pool of passion and always comes out dry from the water. For reckless women!

From our interlocutors we rush respectful attention, from friends we expect sensitivity, support and understanding, from sex partners - affection and satisfaction of our passionate desires. And only to those who are handsome, we ourselves are ready to give the first, and the second and the third free of charge. So let's drink to generous love and to its reciprocity!

Mount Ararat stands proudly for many years and centuries. She is for us a symbol of the fact that we do not mean much before the eternal mountain. Let us drink in honor of the hero of the day, Let him be like Ararat, Without a shadow of doubt and even a flaw, Happy, and mighty, and rich!

A faithful woman is one who piously believes that men are good. For the faithful women, let them be rewarded according to their faith!

A silent woman is one who knows well who is worth what, and therefore is silent. For the silent, whose silence is dear!

An ascetic woman is one who leads a secluded life in a male monastery. For ascetic women!

The mother praises the girl - run, the neighbor praises - take it. Let's drink to beautiful girls!

A true Georgian will always say that the best cognac is Georgian. A true Armenian will say that the best cognac is Armenian. A true Russian will say that the best drink is vodka. So let's drink vodka for the friendship of peoples!

Three brothers lived in a high-mountain village. The youngest was 40 years old, but he looked like a decrepit old man. The middle brother, at the age of 50, was left without a single tooth. And the eldest was 70 years old, but his health was envied by those around him. The younger brothers decided to find out what the secret of such youth is. The old man gladly received guests at his house. And when the brothers came, he asked his wife to cook treats. “Darling, don't forget to bring the best watermelon,” the owner ordered. When the woman brought the watermelon, the old man cut it open and said: "This fruit does not fit, bring another." Six times the owner sent his wife for a new watermelon. He liked the latter option and was pleased with the woman's choice. When the meal came to an end, the guests asked the old man: "What is the secret of your youth and excellent health?" The owner replied: “Have you seen how my wife obeyed me, fulfilling my desires? But at the same time, neither she nor I felt irritated. My wife and I have been living in harmony and peace for many years. This is the secret of my appearance. " In this toast, let us wish the newlyweds eternal peace, youth, harmony, mutual understanding!

Two Armenians are talking: - Yesterday I went fishing, I was walking along the river bank, suddenly a naked girl was right at me. Well, of course, the first thing I did was cast my fishing rods. - What are you, an idiot? - interrupts another, - but what about the girl? - Wait, don't bother! Of course, the first thing I did was toss the fishing rods into the bushes. A man in the Caucasus will never exchange a beautiful woman for fishing! For beautiful women fishing!

Armenian toasts
The best Armenian toasts from all over the internet. We have compiled a selection of toasts for various holidays and for any occasion with an unsurpassed Armenian flavor. Read only the best toasts on the Tosty.ru website.

Source: tosty.ru

Armenian toasts

Armenian toasts

A man and a bear came back. The man invited Toptygin to visit and gave a feast in his honor. And when he said goodbye, he kissed the clubfoot and asked his wife to do the same. But his wife spat and said angrily: - I can't stand smelly guests! Soon, the man visited the bear. Deciding to chop wood on the way back, he took an ax with him. The bear greeted the guest affectionately, and then began to persistently ask him: - Hit me on the head with an ax! The man refused for a long time: how can you ?! But the owner of the den insisted on his own. What to do? The guest grabbed the clubfoot on the head with a butt and wounded him badly. A month later, the friends met again. The bear's head had time to heal, and he said to the man: - You see, brother: the wound from the ax healed, but the heart, wounded by the tongue of your wife, did not heal. The tongue can not only hurt, but also kill.
Let us be careful with this dangerous weapon!

Suliko and Shota lived and fell in love with each other. They fell in love and got married. Just got married, Shota needs to go on a business trip.
“Don't worry,” he says to his young wife, “I'll be back in three days.
Three days have passed, three times three days have passed, and Shota is not returning. Ten times, three days have passed, and Shot is still gone.
The young wife got worried, sent telegrams to ten cities to ten faithful friends. And they came from ten cities from ten faithful friends of a telegram:
- Don't worry, Shota is with us.
So let's drink to loyal friends who do not fail in trouble.

The warm group of Georgians drinks, toasts in a circle. One gets up:
- I want to drink to our Dato! This is a real man: he can drink three horns of wine in a row and love three women!
- I want to drink to our Gogi - this is a real man: he can drink ten horns of wine in a row and love ten women!
A third gets up, looking mournfully at the floor:
- And I propose to drink to Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. I don’t know how much he could drink wine, and I don’t know if he could love women, but only a Real man could SO avenge the death of his older brother!
So let's drink to real men!

Once an old man lived in a distant mountain village, and he had a beautiful daughter. And so he decided to marry her off. He called the horsemen and said to them the following speech: - The one of you who climbs this high mountain so that not a single pebble falls from under his feet will catch a mountain sheep there, bring him to my feet and slaughter him so that neither one drop of blood will not fall on my snow-white robe, and so, that one of you will become the husband of my beautiful daughter. And whoever does not do this, I will blush. And then the first horseman came out. He was brave, dexterous, and clever, but one small grain of sand fell from under his foot - and his old father got rid of it. Then the second horseman came out, and he was also brave, dexterous, smart, handsome. He brought the mountain ram to his feet, the old man father, and began to slaughter him, the ram, in the sense, the throat with his sharp dagger. But one small drop of blood fell on the snow-white robe of the old man father - and the second horseman fell, stabbed to death, next to the first. And then the third horseman came out, and he was the most proud, brave, dexterous and handsome. He brought the ram at the feet of the old man father, surgically cut his throat, the ram, without a single drop of blood, and looked happily at the old man's father. But his old father also got sick of him. The beauties' daughter screamed in horror: - Passion, athets! After all, the third horseman did everything as you ordered! Why did you stab him? And the old father said to her: - For the company! So let's drink to a good and warm company!

The Georgian ended up in Siberia in winter. All frozen, he stands at the bus stop and swears:
- Your mother, damn Sibyr! He put on two fur coats, and the flock, as in shorts.
You gave me such a warm welcome that I should be able to scold your edges too: “Your mother, damn S-byr! I am sitting in a T-shirt and shorts, as if I put on two fur coats. “Thank you for your warmth and hospitality!

He was a quiet and reserved youth. After standing for half an hour near the house where his beloved lived, he saw the door suddenly open and a woman appeared in front of him, casting a stern look at him. - Who are you waiting for here? She asked. “V. your daughter,” he replied in dismay. “In that case, you better get out of here,” she said. “You are in no way suitable for our daughter. When her father was courting me, and I suddenly did not go out on a date, he climbed over the garden fence, strangled the dog, put out the window, locked my father in the room, put a ring on my finger and said that we would get married right away. This is the kind of groom we would like for our daughter. So let's raise our glasses to the brave and dexterous horsemen!

It was a very long time ago, when the mountains of Armenia were even higher than they are today. Naked Ashot stood at the rock, on his head was a hat. A primitive naked woman approached Ashot. Ashot covered the lower abdomen with his hat. The woman first removed one hand of Ashot, then the other. The hat continued to cover the lower abdomen. Let's drink to the strength that held the hat!

High, high in the mountains, there was a basketball hoop. One proud horseman decided to throw a ball at him from above. He ran up, jumped high high, straight to the sun, and was burned, so the blacks appeared and. basketball.

Armenian toasts
Armenian toasts Armenian toasts A man and a bear have visited. The man invited Toptygin to visit and gave a feast in his honor. And when he said goodbye, he kissed the clubfoot and asked his wife to do the same.

Source: www.pozdrav.ru

Good mood club - funny greetings, songs, jokes, anecdotes. Video jokes and comic congratulations for a mobile phone

Funny Armenian toasts

Once a German, an Englishman, a Turk, a Russian and an Armenian gathered and together at the table.
The German raises a toast:
- let's drink to German power !!
everybody drinks ..
- let's drink to English accuracy !!
they drink it too ..
- and I want to raise a toast to Turkish rugs !!
- then I will raise the next toast for Russian girls !!
it is the turn of the Armenian .. he, after hesitating, raises a toast:
- let's drink to the Armenians who love Russian girls on Turkish rugs, with German power and English precision.

Armenians in Armenia drink:
Armenians in Chuzhbin drink:

Once Ashot rode from one aul to another. The road ran through the mountains, twisted between rocks, along cliffs and abysses. Suddenly the donkey stopped - and did not move. Ashot began to jerk him, urge him on. The donkey stands rooted to the spot. Ashot began to scold him with bad words, call him names, lash him with a whip. But the donkey was still standing. Then he went himself. And then Ashot saw that around the bend there was a huge stone that had just fallen, and if the donkey had not stopped, the stone would have nailed him along with the rider. The owner hugged the smart animal and thanked him.
So let's drink so that we always listen to the opinion of another person in a dispute, even if he is a donkey.

A merchant had a shop, and he sold honey. One drop of honey fell to the ground, and a wasp sat on it, and the cat came running and grabbed it. The dog chased after him and grabbed the cat, and the owner of the shop hit the dog and killed it. There was another village nearby, and the dog was from that village.
As the owner of the dog found out that the shopkeeper had killed the dog, he came running and killed the shopkeeper. Tuti the peasants of two villages arose, and a great battle began between them. And all the people died, there was only one person who told me this story. And all this is due to one drop of honey.
I propose to drink so that more than one drop could never bring discord into our heads and deprive our minds.

One merchant had a son, and the merchant once gave him a coin and said:
- Take it, son and try to save money.
The son threw the coin into the water. The father found out about this, but did not say anything. The son did nothing, did not work, but only ate and drank in his father's house.
Then the father called his son and said:
- Go sonny and make money yourself.
The son went and got a job. From morning until late at night, he kneaded clay with his bare feet and, having received the money, brought it home.
- Look, father, - said the young man. - I made money.
The father replied:
- Well, sonny, now go and throw them into the water.
The son realized that he had previously been unjust to the kindness of his father and lowered his head.
So let us drink not to the belt and rods, but to the wisdom of our fathers and grandfathers.

It was a long time ago, when the mountains of Armenia were even higher than they are today. Naked Ashot stood at the rock, on his head was a hat. A primitive naked woman approached Ashot, and Ashot covered his lower abdomen with his hat. The woman first removed one hand of Ashot, then the other - the hat continued to cover the lower abdomen.
Let's drink to the strength that held the hat.

In one eastern state, the ruler arranged a competition for young men: whoever cuts an apple on the chest of the Shah's daughter with a sword and does not injure her, he will receive a daughter and half a kingdom in addition to his wife. The first youth came out. The girl was so beautiful that he stared at him, did not calculate the blow and touched his chest with his sword. The servants grabbed the young man and chopped off his head.
The second youth enters. He looked at the girl, his hand trembled, he swung his sword and hurt the girl's chest. He was also executed.
The third youth came out, raised the sword above his head, struck, cut the apple without touching the girl's chest. He, too, was captured and put in prison to be executed. When he asked why they wanted to execute him, he was answered:
- For company!
So let's drink to our honest company!

Good mood club - funny greetings, songs, jokes, anecdotes
Armenian toasts, Armyanskie tosti

Source: 816-club.ru

Beautiful Georgian toasts for birthday, wedding, anniversary

Toast to women

In the Caucasus, men value, respect and love the weaker sex. Therefore, in those places, a lot of congratulations were created that are dedicated to women. Here is one beautiful Georgian toast. Listen to the Caucasian parable that has spread all over the world:

One sunny day a snake crawled to Allah and said: “I'm tired of crawling, I want to take off my scales. Turn me into a woman. And I can sting people anyway. You don't have to be a snake. " Allah helped and turned her into a woman. Soon a white dove flew to him and asked for the same request as the snake. And so it happened. Allah turned a dove into a woman and said: "Go and do good." Since then, there have been two women: evil and kind. So let's drink to good, lovely ladies, who are more than bad and harmful with a black soul.

Toast to love

A lot of poems and songs have been written about love. There are probably as many toasts, if not more. They are not only about women, men, but also about a strong feeling. Georgian toasts are famous for their simplicity and beautiful expressions. Indeed, in the Caucasus, it is not customary to say wishes in a rude form. In Georgia, there is a beautiful toast about love and family relationships:

The dzhigit chose his future wife among three girls who were attractive to him. He asked the first one: "How much is 3 multiplied by 3?" She answered without hesitation: "Eight." The horseman decided that his wife would be too economical. He asked the same question to the second girl, and she said that it would turn out 9. The horseman understood that he was a very smart young lady. The third bride answered that 3 times 3 would be 10. The horseman decided that the girl would be generous and it suited him.

And here is the question: “What kind of young lady will the dzhigit decide to marry? Thrifty, smart or generous? " You don’t know the answer, but it’s easy. Dzhigit marries the girl to whom his heart points, but he did not hear the voice of reason at that moment. So let's drink to the fact that we always listen to our hearts, especially when it comes to love.

Birthday toast to a man

From time immemorial, Georgian toasts have been valued for the depth of thought. Their artistic manner of presentation, solemnity, accent amaze and touch many people. Georgian toasts for a man's birthday are beautiful and vital. We offer one of them:

In Georgia, in one automobile school, a student is asked a question during the exam and the situation on the road is explained: you are driving along a narrow road, there are high mountains to your left, and a steep and large cliff to your right. Suddenly you saw that a beautiful girl with a terrible old woman was standing right in front of you. Question: what are you going to press? The student replies: "A terrible old woman." The teacher says: "Wrong, you need to push the brake." Let's drink so that in any, even the most difficult situation, the birthday man does not forget to press the brake in time.

This Georgian toast for a man's birthday teaches that everyone can stop in time, take their time and avoid unpleasant situations. And if a person has a difficult birthday, but an anniversary? What kind of toast to come up with? Read about this later in the article.

Georgian toast for the anniversary

A very long but clever and instructive greeting. Hear how beautiful it sounds:

Once upon a time, God gave man only 25 years of life. For some reason, he decided that this would be enough. God gave animals (horses, dogs, monkeys) as much as 50 years. However, the man decided that this was not fair, went to the animals and asked for a request. He begged the horse, dog and monkey to give some of their lives.

Since then, it has become the custom that for the first 25 years a person lives well. He has a happy childhood, a carefree youth and no problems. For the next 25 years, people work, that is, plow like a horse, not sparing themselves and their strength. For the next 25 years, the person lives like a homeless dog. The children left him, many acquaintances forgot about him, no one needed him anymore. For the past 25 years, man has lived like a monkey. The people around him laugh at him, because he is an old and feeble old man (old woman). So, let's drink to our hero of the day to live another hundred years, not like an animal that nobody needs, but like a real person, without worries, problems and hassles. So that children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and friends never forget about him.

This Georgian birthday toast has a meaning that many people understand. He teaches to value yourself, your closest and dearest people.

Georgian toast for newlyweds

As a rule, a toastmaster organizes a celebration at a wedding. However, guests can also amuse, entertain, delight guests and newlyweds with original congratulations. We suggest you prepare a Georgian toast for your wedding. It will help to beautifully congratulate the bride and groom:

Somehow one person died who believed in God and was righteous all his life. However, he so wanted to return to earth that he asked the Almighty about it. God for his righteousness allowed him to live on. However, before lowering him to the ground, he gave him three chests with gifts, with the words: "Do not open them until you come home." After these words, God brought him down to earth.

This man walked home, and curiosity got the better of it. So he opened the first chest, and from there joy flew out and quickly flew away. He opened the second gift and saw love, which also suddenly fled. The man did not want to risk it a third time. He wrapped his arms around his chest and quickly walked home with it. Soon he came to his land, went into the house, closed the door tightly and only then dared to open the third chest. There was also hope, which began to live in the same house and help its owner in everything. So let's drink to our newlyweds so that they never lose their joy, hold tight to love and live with hope.

Toast to men

What kind of holidays are held without strong, dexterous, intelligent defenders? Of course, these are men who also love it when beautiful words are spoken in their honor at the festive table. For this, there are Georgian toasts:

  1. Even in the old days, the vine was planted only when a daughter was born in the family. If a son appeared, an oak tree was planted next to the house. So let's drink to the fact that each garden grows as many strong and strong oaks as possible, and the vineyards bear fruit every year.
  2. One day the hammered horseman turned out to be with two girls at the same time. They were different. One is blonde, the other is brunette. For some time he talked with the young ladies and noticed that they are completely different. One of them asked: "Which girls do you like best: brunettes or blondes?" To this the horseman answered briefly: "Yes." Why do you think he answered that way? That's right, because he was a real man who didn't want to offend a girl.So let's drink to those wonderful qualities that only real men have.

These Georgian toasts are positive and entertaining. However, remember that you cannot tell them one by one, so as not to get bored with the guests. You should always take small breaks between toasts.

Toast to parents

When congratulating the birthday man, they always say nice words to him. However, in many countries, including Georgia, parents are not forgotten. After all, it was they who gave birth to the birthday boy. We suggest you read the Georgian toast for his birthday, which is intended not only for the hero of the occasion, but also for his father and mother:

Two friends are talking. One says: “When my husband Goga does not communicate well with me, and I do not see respect from him, then I promise him to go to my beloved parents in the village. The husband immediately changes and becomes kinder. " Another woman adds: “And in case of disrespect from my husband, I threaten him that I will bring my parents to live with us. That's when my Vano becomes not only kinder, but also the most affectionate in the world. " So let's drink to the fact that our parents are with us now. We are always glad to see them, and especially today, at our festive table.


In the Caucasus, a holiday is never complete without toasts. After all, it is very important for them to drink at least a glass of wine and wish the hero of the occasion all the best. All Georgian toasts are very similar to fables, legends, stories or fairy tales. That is why it will be interesting for each guest to get distracted and listen to another congratulation, which will help to reflect on life.

Beautiful Georgian toasts for birthday, wedding, anniversary
Often, at any holiday, they say not only lyrical and beautiful congratulations in verse, but also toasts. They can be funny, humorous, or life-like with meaning. In this article, Georgian toasts will be presented to your attention, which are ideal for a friendly feast. They bring a lot of laughter and joy to the guests. And they also teach those present worldly wisdom.

You can buy or find on the Internet a Russian-Armenian phrasebook, the words are already given with Russian transcription, it is very convenient.

Or we wish our friends from Armenia - Yerkar tarineri kyank! (Long time to live!)

I downloaded a phrasebook application on my tablet, you write a phrase or a word in Russian (or any other language) and it translates into the indicated languages, plus it reads out this phrase / word. Based on this app:

May you have abundant happiness
To make your life beautiful
Health and good luck
Lots of happiness and health
May joy and luck be with you

To meet together next to
I wish you a lot of happiness in life
Health without him, alas, in any way
Cheese sliced ​​and lettuce

Children, grandchildren will be happy
And a wife in a beautiful dress,
Do not be sad that you are celebrating

In my heart, youth is preserved,
That sparkles and glitters
"Dazzling to look at"!
Days are flying fast

Let's wish you a lot of money
Lots of happiness, meeting with friends
All possible wishes
Always be in great shape

May every day bring joy
Old age will come later.
We give a blessing
You were given life without boredom,

May health and happiness come
Happy birthday, elderly man,

And today we sincerely wish:

On the day of the anniversary, everyone is a little sad,
And it's a pity that youth cannot be prolonged
But behind shoulders there is more than one road,

I wish you joy, good luck and warmth
Health - without treatment
Lots of fun things
To caress the heart

Caucasian Wish for Birthday
Somehow the venerable Georgian prince sneezed
- Thousand years of health!
- Then live one hundred and twenty years.

Shit! - the prince got angry again.
The servant got out of patience and said:
- Yes, if it were my will, so die now!
Let's raise our glasses, friends, so that we never become rams.

The mountain peoples of the Caucasus have one good proverb:
"The camel gave birth to a camel - did not hear
and a neighbor. The chicken laid the egg - clucks all over
light. "Let's raise a glass to" our

a humble birthday boy who knows his
business, but not ringing about it to the whole world!
One oriental sage said: "It is easy to do
so that people know you, but it is difficult to truly

I wish you bright bright weekdays
Good luck success in conquering heights
More clear days without bad weather

Let love come to you
Never hang your nose
Success - without difficulty
So that you never taste sadness
We wish you happiness and good luck,
And with ease to any task
Reach the heights of your career as soon as possible,

Serve your friends in everything by example
And look into the distance with optimism!
Be the coolest and most fashionable
Be successful and desired!

If there are sometimes!
A bright star is shining!
We are the best man
And we wish you great personal happiness,

So that there is a wonderful spring in my soul!
In a career, only growth is infinite,
Let everything be easy and simple in life,
Let luck go to you by itself

May all misfortunes pass you by
Success and personal happiness
Never know empty doubts
So that there are many joys

I wish you inspiration and strength
So that a successful life is
Success in all harmony in the soul
A lot of tenderness and affection

Armenian cognac on the table,
Cheese sliced ​​and lettuce
The whole family is waiting for you to visit,
Congratulations to everyone!

Children, grandchildren will be happy
Congratulate you now
And a wife in a beautiful dress,
Opens the door again!

Do not be sad that you are celebrating
Far from forty-five
In my heart, youth is preserved,
Your life's look is wise.

With your holiday, with the birth in the world, I congratulate the wonderful, bright, good and kind man! Be close to your children and grandchildren. Open your heart to the world and forget about sorrows. May everyone and always find in you a share of understanding, participation and sympathy.

On a beautiful day, on a wonderful anniversary,
Let hundreds of wonderful roses smell sweet!
May birthday bring joy
And today we sincerely wish:
Health, happiness, joy, love
And tenderness and inspiration,
So that day after day they are born again and again
Soulful, light joy of the moment!

Everything that I can wish you an elderly man I sincerely wish you all the best I congratulate you, be always attentive and always so positive there are not many like you in the world, always remain the soul of the company, we wish you a lot of glory and great love to you!

Happy holiday, I congratulate you.
I wish you more joy in life.
You stay brave and kind
And smile more often to the world.

Swan flock somewhere
Fly away from the life of the year
And there will be no more return for them,
They can never be repeated.
May congratulations sound today
There are so many of them that it will last for a century.
So live without growing old in soul,
Our beloved, dear person!

Achkerum Luiser
Menk ekelenk, thief kez net /
boy ambohch gischer
Ginin Hosum e
Sulfur ko hosu uh
Mer hokinerum
Mer sterum
Antiv tariner
Kez zhpit at ser

Co tones shnorhavor
Co tones shnorhavor
Apres kyankum yerkar
Lines do bakhtavor
Hooray, srtov bari
Kganq ammen tari
Mez has no sulfur lusavor
Co tones shnorhavor
Co tones shnorhavor
Apres kyankum yerkar
Lines do bakhtavor
Hooray, srtov bari
Kganq ammen tari
Mez has no sulfur lusavor

Kez bolorn aysor makhtum en
Huys, havat at ser
Kyanke kez arten tvle
Bakhtn Inchpes Nver
... Mi kyanke
Ore erazanke
Thief Uzume Doo
Chavartvi erpek
De zhpta hima
Zhpta havet

Co tones shnorhavor
Co tones shnorhavor
Apres kyankum yerkar
Lines do bakhtavor
Hooray, srtov bari
Kganq ammen tari
Mez has no sulfur lusavor

Even if you are not young, but a sage,
You are imposing, just well done,
And on my birthday I want to wish
So that you continue to fly mentally!

Climbed up into the clouds, looked at the world
I saw a landmark from a height
To the joy of creation, inspiration -
An excellent salvation from age!

Let love reign in your heart again
And happiness will quietly knock on the door,
And the world will suddenly be painted with bright colors,
And life will come true, not dreams!

I wish you a birthday
Live happily as long as possible
And look beyond his years:
A couple of years younger!

Health, big pension,
So that you always have enough of everything,
So that troubles go all the way
And life played with a riot of colors!

The years are running, they cannot be stopped
And the gray hair has long covered the weight,
But you are smiling and cheerful,
You are not used to looking dull.

We are proud of you, you are an example for everyone,
For love of life and immeasurable joy!
Find again the positive in everything
You go the way in a faithful life!

And congratulations on your birthday
A merry song, whatever you want!
We wish you a joyful mood,
Live longer in this world!

My dear, happy birthday!
I want to say a lot -
Wishes, congratulations,
You are no longer twenty-five.

Don't you be sad that the years
They walk without measuring their steps.
Your gray hair and wrinkles
As before, they are dear to me.

We go through life with you,
Not knowing sorrow and adversity.
And let in our sky
There will be no cloudy weather!

It's great when you have something to remember
And to friends and family to tell.
So let me congratulate you again.
May you be twenty-five in your soul.

Sophisticated by experience
You know a lot
Birthday for you -
Only a stage on the road.

May it be easy for you
Go far away, as before,
Let the sun rise to you
Send rays of hope!

We congratulate today
Happy birthday to you,
Although you are an elderly man,
But you have a reserve of strength,
We wish you well and happiness,
Long life without parting,
May there not be in your fate
Defeats, troubles and torments!

I wish you many joyful moments
So that you are healthy and not sick,
Many discoveries, new impressions
I wish you to shine with happiness!

Let the close ones, relatives be near,
And they give you a lot of warmth!
Let any dreams come true
So that your life is always bright!

Happy birthday, congratulations to you,
And we wish you not to get sick in the future.
So that relatives always surround
To get drunk with happiness more and more often.

Even if you have lived a lot,
The gray hair at the temples gives out,
And you often look tired,
We won't keep counting for years.

Happy Birthday
And I wish you did not know troubles
Be active and perky
Do not be depressed, do not lose heart.

Let it be cozy in the house
Let the children hurry to visit
Grandchildren do not give you a descent,
Have fun and make you laugh.

May health be strong
Let the excitement not subside
Let them help with ideas
Inspiration and luck.

So what if the elderly
You are a man anywhere
Happy birthday today
I congratulate you!

Joy to you, health,
Long, interesting years
And not face the disease
Live another century!

And look, go to the dances
You often walk in the parks
Fashionable clothes for myself,
Buy regularly!

Even if you are already quite a few years old,
And sometimes you look tired,
But you're still quite young
Believe me that I admire you!

Happy birthday today
And I wish you a long youth
Classroom figures and warmth,
So that the beloved woman was next to me!

To love you, to warm you,
Always, in everything in life she helped,
So that you feel like this with her -
Handsome, cheerful, courageous, young!

Happy birthday to you,
Life experience has increased,
Memory, knowledge, wisdom and experience
Make up your personal luggage.

And even if the horses are no longer fast,
Steel sedate, unhurried move,
I wish you happiness in life
And the road leading forward

Happy birthday
We wish you happiness and good
So that joyful moments in life
You still had it in full.

Although you are no longer a boy,
But you still have gunpowder,
Raise your glass
Well, then about six more!

And we wish you health,
So that they do not look at the years
So that life is full of love
The sun always shone for you!

Happy Birthday! You are super man,
Gray hair and wrinkles are not scary,
If your character is truly cool,
Wonderful, really wonderful!

We wish to remain so
And not to be afraid of the passing of the years.
Everything is in your hands and in your power!
Achievements, fun and happiness!

Dear, respected by all,
Happy birthday, I congratulate you.
Long and very happy life,
I wish you the brightest, most beautiful.

Perfect, perfect man
Very wise and kind.
Your years only decorate you
For many women, you have become a dream!

Years go by, and again a birthday
Happy holiday comes to your house,
I wish you happy moments
You were warmed with light and warmth.

You are old, it does not mean you have lived,
After all, the heart remains young
You can still wipe your nose with many,
Over the years you have become wise, experienced.

I wish you to enjoy life
Let old age not find its way to the house,
I wish to share experience with young people
And keep going forward in life.

Happy birthday to you
Let's congratulate.
And by the law of the jungle
We want to say.
We wish you
Be healthy like an elephant
Calm like a boa constrictor
And wise as a python
How mighty a bison be,
Like a lion knows no fear,
And live a long, long time
Well, like a turtle.

You have lived many winters and years
But old age does not knock on you yet,
May the whole world be kind to you,
And the joy in the heart shines so brightly!

Happy birthday to you,
We wish you happiness and health too,
So that it will be better further than now,
And every year you were younger!

So that you love and love you,
In the soul and body, vigor has not disappeared,
So that, as before, you start dancing,
As soon as the music sounded funny!

Happy birthday to you.
We wish you great health, of course.
We wish you smiles and joy at home
Even in the harshest weather.

Everything to appreciate and respect you,
Relatives just hold the hand.
So that it is cozy, sincere in the family,
So that you are completely satisfied with life.

A lot of experience has been accumulated over the years,
But how much more lies ahead.
We congratulate you on your birthday today,
Let it only ache with joy in the chest.

Let it be rich in bright colors
Your whole happy long life.
You will be glad to every new day.
Let optimism help you in this.

Today I wish you to smile
And celebrate your birthday brightly!
Then your dreams will begin to come true
And the heart will beat with joy!

I wish you iron health,
Prosperity, many loyal friends,
Let your relatives surround you with love,
So that there are many clear days in life!

I wish you a birthday,
So that this day was fun
So that every moment, without exception,
Only success always gave!

I wish you a lot of health,
So that it is strong, like steel,
To go forward, without knowing the problems,
They pressed boldly on the pedal!

I wish all dreams to come true,
So that you do not regret anything,
And fill your heart with joy
To be happier every day!

Here's another year
Silver coin
Fell into the piggy bank of experience
And we will mark it.

After all, the most beautiful
In the piggy bank is this:
With an asset in a life of wisdom
There can be no default.

On the contrary, year after year,
It only grows in value
When will you share it -
It will grow twice.

And fiery hello,
And more often give us
Your friendly advice.

You strove for the best
And achieved a lot
Praise! I wish you well
Happy birthday!

May there be happiness to the sea
Grief will go away forever
The family will give warmth
And time will not grow old!

Years paint you, giving you experience,
They give them a special charm.
And your eyes stream with wisdom,
For years you have nothing to fear.

We wish you health for a hundred years.
Find the answer to all questions.
Joyfully enjoy life, smile
And take up any business with enthusiasm.

Success, joy, good luck
In fact, not in dreams,
It is easy to solve your problems,
Luck big in business,

Also - calmness and happiness,
So that there is a bright courage in life,
Everything started to turn out great -
We wish you a birthday!

Let me congratulate you
On your solid birthday,
I want to wish you health
Show your respect.

I wish you the best
Never lose heart.
Cheerfulness and optimism
Be sure to impress.

The years have passed away imperceptibly
Much in the past, but a lot to come
You once loved selflessly
But the fire still burns in my chest.

Happy birthday, my friend, congratulations
Be healthy and not hurt at all,
I wish you a long life
Don't be afraid, move boldly!

Let diseases be searched in vain,
The path to the optimist is closed for them,
You are young as before, my friend,
May God keep you longer!

Our dear, beautiful,
Happy birthday, congratulations.
Stay the same wise
We wish you the same responsible.

May the years give you solidity
Don't let the brutality fade away.
You are the most reliable man in the world,
Each of your friends knows it!

Happy birthday to you,
You are a very prominent man
Interesting and active
Although your age is solid,
We wish you health,
Longevity and success,
Always be happy you
Age is not a hindrance to happiness!

I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. I wish you to remain always the same optimistic, cheerful and cheerful, so that everything unnecessary bypasses you, and on a long life path you will be accompanied by health, success and love of loved ones and dear people!

You are a very worthy, good man,
You have no reason to twist,
We appreciate your experience, character, smile,
We especially love your cheerful disposition,
We wish you well and great happiness,
Health, success, luck, love,
If there is health, then there will be joy,
And better than us, you will not find friends!

You have lived in the world for many years
And you are always ready for the strangeness of life, Optimism, long years,
Be active, curious,
To see only light ahead.

Make plans, set goals,
Let your enthusiasm not go out.
May fate reveal in happiness
You have a green corridor.

You have lived worthily these years
I treasured my family, love,
Work and colleagues, friends,
My wife and my own sons!

Skill and experience behind shoulders,
There is someone to give it to you,
There is a new concern for you -
Become a young mentor.

Your age is elderly, without hiding,
For myself, without requiring benefits,
Walking together with the young
You go forward through life.

Not joy - old age, someone says
And desperately runs to the doctors,
And you have a young soul with us,
And you always have optimism with you!

Happy birthday, congratulations
We wish you young health
And cheerfulness for body and soul,
So that all your days are good!

So that medicines are not needed,
But everyone who was important to you was there:
Loved ones, relatives and friends,
Loved, adored by the whole family!

May there be a lot of birthdays,
The end is not visible on the road of life,
The gardens are blooming and the field is earing,
And sometimes you, as a young man, cannot sleep!

Let the heart beat flaming in the chest
And many beautiful days ahead
Favorite work, inspiration,
And a feeling of joy for every moment!

And life will be filled to the brim with warmth,
Will dawn with love, kindness,
And there will be light and there will be peace around,
And next to both beloved and friend!

Let only prosperity surround
Relatives love, comfort, warmth.
So that they live magnificently and richly,
There was income, profit, to be lucky!

And most importantly - health, strength,
Be a respected man.
Let a hundred more days like this
You delight people!

VamPodarok.com this And so as not to carry with you is important! Let the years contribute to the obligation: Let them be remembered easily Let inspiration become a reality, you won’t be disturbed in vain. Men are a part of ours Also cool I broke, always a success I'm afraid to break your award lists, Experience is the best The past years, dreams and dreams.

In all matters In a difficult second of life. Without them there was a man! A salary, which would have peace of love and happiness, Let the hero recognize the acquisition

And the caress of a woman for you Find your path - success and you won’t give up.It wouldn’t be Life, let the bright ones don’t end.There will be so much, Tell you like the whole country, We wish you inspiration

Always let it be in a dense forest, luck, I want to wish you happiness and peace of the moment - Let life be So that you are barely brave to take away. And let the words Be Strong, never
Tell the problems: “Never In your career -

Loving, in the world. But you were able to support your friends and relatives for a long time. In fear of the gratitude of loved ones, I won't get sick.

A huge bunch of health, they are like children: - kindness, Love will be bright, May joy in
Make a toast Shine like medals-orders! Remember, every Day this day, Let your smile And in friendship
Patience, good luck and love cars, beautiful

Desires of all cherished Fate may not diminish more often than life, Your kind is mighty Birthday boy, happy birthday - That they always sparkle nowhere.
- fidelity to you understanding in addition to dolls, airplanes and performances

It brings gifts. Let the camp, births, not pass. This, at all, do not lay. Anyone will be afraid of it and respect. Live happily you helicopters. Over the years And the most coveted PozdravOK.ru good luck period. But for you,

And I wish you a lot of reason to grow old! Health, happiness, long years trouble. In the family - always, men grow up, but a dream. I wish life as it is Congratulations on your birthday. For your holiday sunny days! On a good holiday, day And money, and a Real man of harmony, support, understanding.

We need their tastes unchanged so badly.
Whatever the picture
We wish you comfort, warmth I raise mine
Enjoy fantastic luck, birth
Good luck! Congratulations on the day
So that all your strong hand is fulfilled.
On your day
Happened - not Resorts, hotels, cafes,
And happiness, pacification, a glass!
Be free from you, congratulate us

Happy birthday greetings to a man

Birth! Cherished wishes!
PozdravOK.ru birthday I want
Back off on target .party
May there be good luck We want to congratulate you,
Far-fetched shackles! We want.
Victories, let it not be
Many, many long years, I wish in life only to wish a lot of money,
Achieve great success with an apartment, a car and

On this Day May health never
And for this And treasures, and
Life is routine, good health,
Which is enough for
In your beloved in the dacha to boot,
Reliable friends, long births!
Leaves, today
Return! And fill with fun!
New victories in life, Good luck, laughter, joy,
Cars, a helicopter, really.
Miss World under years,
Wish you health and wealth occupies

We wish you poems a lot of happiness, To increase your health, strength and composure, warmth! And patience, so that let the joy of your heart handle you for Health, kindness and Wish you luck. Your home! Diseases, sorrows not Money - full For a family support Let the side bypass love your doll. warms, good luck! laughter.

To be
All the bad weather, I empty the glass
Good luck meets laurels! Always be cheerful,
Big and small -
The sky protects,
Firm to the goal In the work of success
All with confidence Less upset,
And they will be next to you!
Gallant man, give smiles,
Wins, Let it take off like
And love sparkles

You walk
Achieve let's say:
Always good friends with humor!
A man is a rock. Man Already a rarity, believe me.
To be able to rest and In everything conceived a bird!
In the heart with a twinkle! Never stumble
And in personal you are a man -
Be friends, I wish dreams
- wall. For Stronger, Braver, More Tender
Live happily! Success!
So that your dreams Happy birthday, desired!
Evil and sorrow

Do not yawn life!
Most juice!
Smile more often.your come true,
Him beyond the mountain cannot be found.
I wish to follow only you on any day
The most-most of men! Do not know
Happy birthday, congratulations You are the best of the Optimist to be always,
Health so that the whole family is not worth it.
But, you, our white stripe for you,

Wished to come true.
You are crazy
Be the soul of the team
And we sincerely wish men!
Live without regrets.
Never failed, so let our
Pride, hope, support.
In the morning, barefoot
So that there was always
Let it be more erotic
Never lose heart

Live, not a day Like you
And on many And how rapidly
Protection flourishes and
We will no longer run through the dew!
Reliable rear, money,
You are pretty much me in life
Not discouraged - we have
Years - your years
Smiles so that no one would meet such a man.
Merge with nature In business -
And we love less taxes!
Achieve the currency account by adding.

One Many birthdays!
Neither rushed, her river was not
We are in a hurry to congratulate you,
And enjoy good luck and fortune,
And, of course, be my God, what a body!
To conquer all roads. Be young and beautiful,
I congratulate you today I want to congratulate you on the day
You stay young struck!
With your poems to bathe, laugh and
At work - a favorite
Well, about passion May luck be with
With faithful and We want to
Birth always, always!
Let's raise a glass in honor of You, we
Relax! Joy and strength,
Beautiful women! - I will keep silent!

By you
Reliable rear. Appraisal five.
And wish from both brutality and hardening,
Birthday present, we all look with our eyes
Happy birthday to you, in friends -
It never happens to you
I'm in your arms
Protecting from adversity.

Be happy and always with all your soul
Both posture and men! He's ready to go big.
Happy birthday mutual understanding,
Boring, melting yours,
And let love live on success
Love, Smiles, happiness, inspiration
Savvy, help, and never A man is smart, mysterious,
Your Healthy so that the most
With you all A from the lips
Will not leave To get along well!
Wife, children we adore. And the conquest of all Strength, courage and


Happy birthday to a man

Brave. Happiness, success and
Had a reputation, well,
I'm going crazy! Will be with you
Birthday - cool Let it be in your pocket
Peaks.honor -
Uphill stands behind Always on the shoulder
Be loved! In the family -
Even though it's a new year, All what's next is

Wonderful birthday greetings to a man

All year round.
Holiday: money is flowing,
Reliable friends and Everything in you,
Honor of your family

It is difficult for him.
Gathered to congratulate the man of honor and attention!
Even a labor day, not for everyone,
And on this we are Life is all only

Sincere birthday greetings to a man

From all sides, good,
Of course, there are. And their relatives. We wish you success in
Happy birthday
Be happy! Exactly it's fun with you

Let's finish the secrets of sex
Both there and in the family -
We wish you more health. We wish you more health to work and work.

Today we are all.
Deserved! Always.
Limit! Congratulations
You are so diverse, here.

Touching birthday greetings to a man

Comfort and warmth.
A little bit. And good luck with
Live your days, And all together I wish you happiness and success,
Man is glorious You are the limit

Relax, have fun. So come on, be not healthy, be happy!
So that you have pleasant days in your personal life
Life path! Only in a pleasant jump with him I wish you joy and
Creation, my joys,

And walk from
Let the sun shine
And fair - understanding
Birthday is a good one.

Best birthday greetings to a man

Into the abyss
Go with him I am yours
Souls. Burn to the fullest,
Way. More life for you
And support -
A reason to think about Always help, those
For fun, crazy Warmth of the beloved family
You can go on a date, body and soul!
The most worthy of all men
Come off, whatever you want
Carried. In endeavors.

Original birthday greetings to a man

Life. Over the years
Who is waiting for help.
Your mess!
Congratulations on the holiday

I want to wish you
Happy Soul Day to the ladies,
To you, Let it be heroic
In good friendship, you understand everything better

And in life, dear birthday boy, congratulations!
So that the house is friends
Congratulations to always be like this
Like a Phoenix, reborn And the best in

Cool birthday greetings to a man

Strength, - respect,
That the main thing is for you, for sure, then
The holiday is bright today
The fullest bowl.
After all, the holiday is cute!
And live without -
Your destiny! The mind will be sharp,
And in a career

Birthday wishes for a man

Don't wait when
You're lucky.
Let it be lucky, let it

From your love
Gray hair and without And their fate
Today's holiday is dedicated to you like a blade.
- promotion. You will be handed the trump cards

Always smile and
A lot of happiness, health luck,
Lucky in business, handsome, I fly,
Lead wrinkles.

Short birthday greetings to a man

And the pride of us
And in the heart Be happy and
Cards, and the best sensual to be.
We wish you good luck

The best birthday greetings to a man

Strong macho!
But don't be
Strongly and sincerely Congratulations on your birthday,

To make it warmer
Play cards in a happy way,
We ask for wisdom And good luck in
Let it fly

Happy birthday to a young man

We wish you together so jealous!
I wish you from a sincere
You are kind
From the sincerity of these Dear, but all
Already available on us you are not
Every hour!
Let health be good, love, good luck!
Pozdravchiki.ru I want strength, vigor

Happy birthday to a man in years

Zealous, handsome and lines.
Free hands.
Forget. You are for us

Siberian, And so without
We rush you
And health Though retired
Smart, I want to congratulate you on the day

Free birthday greetings to a man

With money and Let's drink to the birthday boy
Generous soul, you are a real man!
Salary - fabulous banking.A break in your pockets
Congratulate, Protected from anxiety
Long ago you, and every you
Birth! In the mood.
And always stay behind him,
We believe everything you still have to wish

New birthday greetings to a man

Rustled, Our dear man!
And sorrows, life does not change
Trusts goodness and happiness
Congratulations on the day of constant luck!

And with your life, you can decide.
So that in life you are obstacles, obstacles
Birthday - Heart was warmed by faith
In a hurry.

Creative birthday greetings to a man

Friends - you will not offend
Wish birthday!
Adult, brave, strong, courageous, you always enjoy!
Let it cover love

Everything was on
Skilfully bypassed it is a holiday
And love, May joy and
Family - not good luck in life, luck.

Happy birthday! I wish you smart and handsome
I am from the bottom of my heart, without you an avalanche,
"Five." And let the heart
All who are young And glorious cares for years,

Wise birthday greetings to a man

Betray, adversity -
Stable income, peace is everything
Verbosity To just want
And instead of sadness it burns in my chest

Soul! Victories crowned.
They always surround you.
Not to be seen at all.in the family, harmony
We have a birthday boy! I wish you the most happiness and

You live!
And hot flames of mistakes,
The years are rushing by I wish you perseverance, perseverance,
Let everything go, we know for sure

Big birthday greetings to a man

Health so that it is not in the soul and,
The world's best health.
My friend, today oh Let there be life
In matters of love quickly

To make things go
As if by notes, For the fact that
Let down
The main thing is health - a man is

To live without
To you
Full of smiles.we wish you victory and
We don't

In a good way, And not out of tune
You are the best
Accompanying your way more than it never
Our birthday boy! The culprit of old age

I want to say in I wish to be always loved,
Good luck!
Bring back!
So that never in life.

Warm birthday greetings to a man

Example for everyone
Success does not happen. So that
Of our celebration - To work without fatigue. Verse.
Handsome, handsome, young. And on your

Let the heart be no pretense,
Be strong and kind to us
Body and soul you have always been
Our birthday boy too!

Gentle birthday greetings to a man

About your honesty
I wish to be necessary for work, let it be
Will be clean, so that there is energy
We wish you! From your heart

Younger, glad that
So let's drink to you, I wish you
In the fight, to all, to all - and
Everything is all right, like spring, wonderful

Happy Birthday to you
And in your house already
Him! And as a man

Interesting birthday greetings to a man

And in life
Relatives and friends!
Let you live

I want you to reach
Birthday we congratulate!
We wish you success, health, you only heard laughter.
Is, but with

May every birthday
And in business. I wish you wisdom with
The world is sweet- Congratulations to the man in verse

Serious birthday greetings to a man

Goals, success, success, conquest
Good luck, do not I wish you cheerfulness for
This will never be particularly remembered, because
Good in life For pride so

Years, sweet! Man - position
Whatever heights!
Leaves, bodies,
Ceased to put before any moment of our path,

Happy birthday to a respectable man

There are many reasons:
Good health, good, You need a birthday
Not simple: they were.
Ability to fit into

Only bright moments, pleasant minutes -
A great vital fast-flowing life is unrepeatable.
With friends, this wonderful Father you are.
Have fun and be strong

So that the eyes are always any turn!
In your destiny for the soul,
Goals. May for May health be
Way to go!

Happy birthday to a familiar man

And a family man. By the winds
Accept gifts, wishes. And noble
Were burning
Favorite work, reliable Love let you

Hands - skill bosom you always
Iron. And health income so as not
You live wisely, A cherished dream floated.
Needed by your age Not everyone can,

Dirty birthday greetings to a man

So that they are bright
Warms! Golden,
Warms the feeling of love, let it suffice as

You drink moderately, a man needs to be happy
Be proud, I understand
All days! So that at once

Many years ago was born And words of wisdom
And the beloved will be at hospitable feasts,
And never Always valuable advice
A little: Treat life

But you cope
More strength for your aspirations, your desires!
This kind person is for the head.
Reliable support in both


Happy birthday to the man

So that it is even
With understanding.
Free! Passing Happiness
So that all undertakings grow, study and
Let the tears be life. Take a look at
Regular trips to Smiles, joy, good luck,
With friends, generous in his life
You are a prominent man You go through life

Got married easily,
Only from happiness, the world with a fresh look,
Warm seas. To live to a hundred!
You are always the road
And handsome.superman
Simple good luck. With And a bright victory
And he worked the whole Waiting at home warm
Develop, enjoy life, For the prospects of our

And not otherwise! They do not
So that you are strong Do not regret
To flattery and happy birthday!
They ended!
Your century.
Corner, be happy, healthy
Birthday boy! One a year
Never angry. Rear of the family

Unchanging past.
Fear not buying, Let life boil,
You have grown up today
And now it has arrivedWhere the door is closed
And love! Observant women believe that
- birthday day
At work, you and the children,
Always be with

(Name), honey, with like a stream.
For a year, time -
From bad weather, I wish you happiness and good,
Two major flaws Be you in
Decisive and bold, so that there are many
All fair, happy birthday!
Stately, important, strict, strong, So, he became wiser
He should be congratulated.

And from the hardships of Love, family warmth,
Inherent in most modern flight, on the fly No for you
Reliable friends. To be happy -
So and further Fair and cool,
And stronger, Today, this
Hanging castle! Health bunch, sea
Men. First, their -
Impossible cases. And we are in

It's very simple!
Stay! Neat, very stylish-
I wish you
Today I will congratulate you with laughter.
Thoughts constantly about Forget all life
Let the new birthday hurry
I give you a whole birthday boy like that!
So forward
We want everything And I wish a lot
And of course

Sex. Well, and rubbish,
Brings something to wish for
Happy birthday to the world!
Frank, honest, loyal, to their goals
Wish: happiness,
Well, success! Secondly, their thoughts
Getting money, vanity! To the usual rhythm
Years as wealth And I wish: let

Such a beautiful, kind, will not let anyone down.
You flew bolder! Be strong
Every bright smile Let all adversity diverge from deeds.
Stop, take a look and the pace of work!
Its to take.always light!
And he will come to So that you are not healthy in life,
An hour flies by, For the birthday boy! Let
Upward, Let the big wait Let there be more

There will be happiness and And happiness in
First help,
There were barriers, Fresh, young at heart.
And a long life Relatives appreciate, respect.
His thoughts with Around are wonderful,
Prospects - pleasant rewards.
Luck, let the house break in,
And he will support, and he will understand.

Armenian cognac on the table,
Cheese sliced ​​and lettuce

Congratulations to everyone!

Children, grandchildren will be happy
Congratulate you now
And a wife in a beautiful dress,
Opens the door again!

Do not be sad that you are celebrating
Far from forty-five
In my heart, youth is preserved,
Your life's look is wise.

With your holiday, with the birth in the world, I congratulate the wonderful, bright, good and kind man! Be close to your children and grandchildren Open your heart to the world and forget about sorrows May everyone always find in you a share of understanding, participation and sympathy.

And today we sincerely wish:

And tenderness and inspiration,

Everything that I can wish you an elderly man I sincerely wish you all the best I congratulate you, be always attentive and always so positive there are not many like you in the world, always remain the soul of the company, we wish you a lot of glory and great love to you!

Happy holiday, I congratulate you.
I wish you more joy in life.
You stay brave and kind
And smile more often to the world.

Swan flock somewhere
Fly away from the life of the year
And there will be no more return for them,
They can never be repeated.
May congratulations sound today
There are so many of them that it will last for a century.
So live without growing old in soul,
Our beloved, dear person!

May you have abundant happiness
To make your life beautiful
Health and good luck
Lots of happiness and health
May joy and luck be with you

To meet together next to
I wish you a lot of happiness in life
Health without him, alas, in any way
Cheese sliced ​​and lettuce
The whole family is waiting for you to visit,
Children, grandchildren will be happy
And a wife in a beautiful dress,
Do not be sad that you are celebrating
In my heart, youth is preserved,
That sparkles and glitters
"Dazzling to look at"!
Days are flying fast
Let's wish you a lot of money
Lots of happiness, meeting with friends
All possible wishes
Always be in great shape
May every day bring joy
Old age will come later.
We give a blessing
You were given life without boredom,
May health and happiness come
Happy birthday, elderly man,
On a beautiful day, on a wonderful anniversary,
Let hundreds of wonderful roses smell sweet!

May birthday bring joy
And today we sincerely wish:
Health, happiness, joy, love
So that day after day they are born again and again

Soulful, light joy of the moment!
On the day of the anniversary, everyone is a little sad,
And it's a pity that youth cannot be prolonged
But behind shoulders there is more than one road,
I wish you joy, good luck and warmth
Health - without treatment
Lots of fun things
To caress the heart

Caucasian Wish for Birthday
Somehow the venerable Georgian prince sneezed
- Thousand years of health!
- Then live one hundred and twenty years.

Shit! - the prince got angry again.
The servant got out of patience and said:
- Yes, if it were my will, so die now!
Let's raise our glasses, friends, so that we never become rams.

The mountain peoples of the Caucasus have one good proverb:
"The camel gave birth to a camel - did not hear
and a neighbor. The chicken laid the egg - clucks all over
light. "Let's raise a glass to" our

I wish you bright bright weekdays
Good luck success in conquering heights
More clear days without bad weather

Let love come to you
Never hang your nose
Success - without difficulty
So that you never taste sadness
We wish you happiness and good luck,
And with ease to any task
Reach the heights of your career as soon as possible,
Serve your friends in everything by example
And look into the distance with optimism!
Be the coolest and most fashionable
Be successful and desired!

If there are sometimes!
A bright star is shining!
We are the best man
And we wish you great personal happiness,
So that there is a wonderful spring in my soul!
In a career, only growth is infinite,
Let everything be easy and simple in life,
Let luck go to you by itself
May all misfortunes pass you by
Success and personal happiness
Never know empty doubts
So that there are many joys

I wish you inspiration and strength
So that a successful life is
Success in all harmony in the soul
A lot of tenderness and affection

As a Goddess, you are beautiful!
And you bloom day by day!
A lot - a lot of happiness for you
Joy, love, kindness!
Walk more cheerfully through life
Be loved, be gentle!
Cry less and laugh more
Forget about adversity!

We wish you simple happiness
And quiet earthly joy.
May everyday bad weather you
Always bypassed.
Store carefully as before
There are beautiful features in my soul.
As before, give generously to everyone
Fire of spiritual warmth.

Like a rose with dew drops
May happiness be tender
Like a turquoise sky
Endless and boundless!
And life will be full of warmth
Smiles, admiration,
Adorable, joyful, light
Always like a birthday!

On this Bright Day I wish
Do not be sad, do not lose heart!
Happy birthday congratulations
And I wish you did not know troubles!
May everything in life be smooth
Without sorrows, without barriers,
Will be a gift every day
And the look always shines!

Happy Birthday! I wish you wake up every day with a feeling of happiness and in the best mood. Let health and money by default only multiply, and dreams and desires come true as often as possible, allowing you to rejoice at new victories and always smile.

You are beautiful and fresh
By the very breath of love.
Those who are familiar, it is not in vain
They have been in love with you for a long time
Mila, full of charm
Kind, slim, light, smart
I wish you many, many happiness
So that spring blooms in my soul!

Happy birthday I congratulate you
And I want to wish on this day
So that the star of happiness always shines
And she did not dare to fade away forever.
I wish you health, success,
So that your love is bright
To make people smile at you
And the river of your life was flowing!

I wish you love, charm,
Charm, charm and beauty!
Near generous men, their attention,
So that your dreams come true easily!
To achieve unprecedented success
Smile and have time for everything
And always look stunning
Making hearts flutter!

May Your eyes sparkle with joy,
The smile never leaves the lips.
Be able to, when and difficult. laugh,
To extinguish any ailment with a smile.
Know how to love and wait, and trust people,
Neither anger nor self-interest is not concealing.
Be able to breathe freely, deeply
And happiness, believe, will not bypass You.

On my birthday I want to wish:
Stay as beautiful
Do not remember sorrows,
Be happy, loved and sweet.
You are as beautiful as sunlight.
Let adversity not touch you.
Dawn comes every morning
Happiness may echo in it!

Happy birthday to you
And I wish you soar with happiness.
I wish you love and health
And jokingly conquer problems.
You are successful, bright, as if
The first ray that looked through the window
There will be many gifts today
But mine is better than others anyway.

Happy birthday, I congratulate you
Have fun this day, don't be sad
I sincerely wish you happiness
And a huge happy love!
May your dreams be winged
And the bright days are cloudless
And from this glittering date
All your successes will start!

Beautiful girl, be happy
Let your path be cheerful in life,
Happy birthday, congratulations to you!
May your life always be beautiful!
I wish you good luck and a lot of friends,
Come on, don't frown, look more fun!
Stay beautiful like this forever
Never forget your friends and girlfriends!

Happy Birthday! Congratulations from the bottom of my heart! I wish you health and happiness, so that luck will accompany you in your life! Always stay who you are. You have a lot of wonderful qualities, take care of them!

On a big day, we are with you again
Let's laugh and cry.
I sincerely congratulate
Happy sweetest day to you.
Demand fate, friend,
To always be happy.
Certainly longed for
And only to live in crazy love.

It's your birthday today
Today you are especially sweet
And we are in a hurry to voice congratulations,
Which you may not have expected!
We want to wish you success the sea,
Smiles, stars and silence of nights
May trouble and grief pass you by
The sadness and darkness of the days gone by!

To your best friend
On her birthday
I wish you all you need -
What needs to be done!
I wish you great love
In a career, only advancements,
So that I never know problems
In all matters, you are lucky!

My friend is beautiful, good,
Angelic character, soul,
I trust her all the secrets
I wish you happiness and love.
Happy birthday to you,
I wish you cheerfulness in health from the bottom of my heart,
Let all diseases pass by
I really like to be friends with you.

Fate save you from a serious illness,
From an evil tongue and petty friend,
And the Lord give you, if it is in his power,
Health, long years and many, many happiness!

Let me be without verbosity
Happy birthday to you!
And wish the wagon health
So many, many more times
You accepted congratulations
From relatives and friends.
Love to you! Happiness and luck!
Celebrate the centenary anniversary!

Birthday - good, bright!
The mood is great!
Everything that gives a smile and happiness
It is repeated in life more often!

May this day be like early morning
Brings bright hopes.
May wishes come true
And all your cherished dreams!

May everything be fine in life
And there will never be tears
Let everything be bright and clear
Even though life is difficult at times.

And on this day so beautiful
I wish you drown in happiness
I wish to forget all the bad weather
And breathe a sigh of tender joy!

I wish you great health,
Live as long as you have enough strength
So that the husband warms with his love
And I carried you in my arms!

Birthday is a great date
I want to congratulate you on the holiday
And wish on your birthday
Success, Joy, Luck
Until your declining years you have.
May life be full
Health, Happiness, Kindness.
May all adversity bypass you
On the far side of life!

May this day be beautiful, clear,
Let happiness never pass by.
Let the mood be wonderful
Let your wishes always come true!

So important in any situation
Stay confident in victory
So that it doesn't happen - be yourself,
And even if it's difficult - don't give up!
Let the support of relatives and friends
Will support and help in every matter,
May wishes come true soon
May all goals become achievable!

We wish you health and good luck,
May joy and dream be near
And may of all male moral qualities
Kindness remains the strongest in you.

I wish you a birthday
Days are clear and warm
Don't let bad thoughts disturb you.
Let your life be
Always beautiful and light
Drive sorrow and sadness from your heart.
Good health to you
And long, long years!

May there be peace in the house
and in the heart - happiness,
May cherished dreams come true
May your life be always beautiful
Full of love, success and beauty!

Just recently you broke into this world
Then you smiled, went, spoke
And now you are no longer a child, but a man,
There is a house, a family, a job and a car.

What can you wish for your birthday?
To always be cheerful, in the mood,
So that everything goes according to plan, dreams come true,
The wife loved, but friends did not betray.

Be happy, in spite of the obstacles,
You should never be sad or despair.
And be healthy, buddy, so that the century
Such a wonderful person lived!

There are more bright, bright days.
Happiness, joy, warmth.
From the fate of great gifts
And the salary to grow!

Let adversity recede
And order reigns in love.
You are never abandoned
Health, joy and prosperity!

Let them repeat: life is leaving.
Just don't believe
She does not decrease like an ocean
And again joy will knock on the door,
Bad weather never happens forever.
And even though life is not easy at times,
And fate is not always obedient to you,
Live beautifully, freely, widely,
Love people lightly and innocently!

Smiles and laughter, not only today
Let there be more than one hundred of them a day
Good luck, success and a lot of luck,
The wishes of all are soon fulfilled.

Good health and long life,
It doesn't matter where, in Cuba or in Nice.
Inspirational love, close friends of faithful,
Concerns of relatives and all the blessings of the earth!

Happy Birthday
We wish you happiness and health,
Smiles, cheerfulness and strength,
So that every day of ordinary life
Only brought joy!

“So how old is she.
“Indeed, how much. ",
And the woman will wave her hand
And he will say in a chant - light and bitter:
“- Why count in vain? All are mine ",
And after that he will drink to friends who have come
And will emit a high light
There are only birthdays for women.
Women have no birth years!

May this holiday sparkle with joy
Will give carelessness and fun,
Let smiles on your beloved faces
Light up brightly! Happy Birthday!

Live in the world for a long century
Dear, beloved person.
Live without sadness, no pain,
Do not grow old in heart and soul.

I want to wish everything to be great
An excellent amount of cash in the wallet
Great colleagues at a great job
On "five" take a break from work on Saturday

Various questions, great solutions
Have a great relationship with your family,
Excellent health, and in personal life
Let everything you have only "excellent"!

More gifts from fate,
On your day, I wish you!
Strong feelings, bright impressions!
Love and happiness! congratulations!

Good luck, health, warmth,
Wealth and self-confidence,
Good and loyal friends,
And many sunny days.

Smiles filled with light
And loved ones with good advice.
Riddles and adventures
And vivid living impressions.

Opportunities to be ahead
And strength, so as not to go astray.
Find your happiness faster
Laugh to live more fun.

I wish to forget about illness, adversity,
To be healthy for many years to come
So that people give you joy in full,
So that peace and spring reign in the heart!

We wish you not to be sad
Always carry joy in your heart
Never get sick or grow old
On its further path.

Today is the birthday
We wish execution
Intimate dreams
More faithful friends
Health and fun,
Ideas surprisingly
For success to embody them,
And he solved all the problems.
Let there were many worthy deeds
And the road was smooth, without hindrances.

Cool holiday Birthday!
Congratulations, flowers!
Lots of laughter, surprises,
All dreams come true!
May this wonderful holiday
Spring is blooming in my soul!
Let it be clear every day
He always brings joy!

On this wonderful birthday I wish you,
So that relatives, friends, are a reliable rear
So that they share everything with you in half,
I wish you to be a happy person.

And I also wish love, without it in any way,
So that her crystal spring in her heart does not dry out,
So that you can breathe deeply every day and hour,
So that the angel, your guardian, does not leave you!

Happy Birthday sweetheart
And a wonderful person
My only man,
I want to be yours forever
I will give you with comfort
Your affection and warmth
I will be every minute
Near, misfortune to all evil!

May success and good luck
They walk according to your fate!
You mean a lot to me
I only dream of you!

Birthday celebrates
My only love!
I sincerely congratulate
A real man!

Be successful, strong, courageous,
Protect our love
Let it be profitable
Do not know defeat!

With all my soul I believe in you
My beloved and dear,
Let's open the doors to happiness
We are with you, dear!

Happy birthday, congratulations
My beloved!
May the Lord protect
With your holy power

The best in the whole world
Faithful man!
Let the summer be eternal in my soul,
And life will be raspberries
Friends respect immensely
And let loved ones appreciate!
I love and adore you
My man is priceless!

Thank you dear
For the fact that despite the trouble,
You kept our love
Having invited joy again!

I wish you on your birthday
Let successes fill
The path in your glorious career!
Be responsible and in charge
Strong, brave, fair,
Happy next to me
Affectionate and very gentle!
Good luck will be inevitable!

Dear dear man
You are the perfect reason
To make me happy
To forget about adversity!

I respect you immensely
I adore your smile
I appreciate the support and advice,
And a look that is full of happiness of light!

I wish you on your birthday
Success and goodness without edge,
Be me you always love!
We will all win together!

Birthday is my favorite
Celebrates at this hour
Modestly hides its wings
Angelic glare of the eyes!

He is the one and only,
The wisest and most beautiful
With him, my life is made of gray colors
I began to turn into a rainbow,
It's warm and safe with him,
He will protect from grief!
I have a passionate angel
And he will not fly away!

I congratulate you honey
Happy birthday to you!
You are sincerely happy
You are successful and loved!

I sincerely wish you
Reach any peaks
Let the good shine in your eyes
The character will be indestructible
The aspirations will be strong,
Dreams come true!
I will warm you with love!
Everything will be the way you want!

I raise a glass of champagne
For a loved one today!
I wish him success
May his income grow
May patience and wisdom
Decisions are guided
The heart will be full of happiness
And the look shines with goodness!

Darling, do not give up to troubles
Reach any heights
Smile at me so tenderly
Let love live in us!

Who is dearer than anyone else in the world?
Who is like a fairy from a dream?
I know these answers!
Super mom, it's you!

Happy birthday dear!
Be beautiful as always
And live, not knowing longing!
May the years be good!

Thank you for your courage, courage and strength,
You are a kind man with a beautiful soul!
You are a smart strategist and a wise father
Let me congratulate you at last!

Please accept our congratulations,
A piece of our warmth.
We wish you good health,
Comfort, happiness and kindness.

May happiness be your companion
Will stay forever
And will be there forever
Beloved person!

Happy Birthday
And I wish, as always,
Sea of ​​happiness, mountains of money
And successful work!

May this day not be a noisy holiday
Not a red day on the calendar
But he is happy and beautiful -
YOU appeared on earth.
And we heartily congratulate
To you on such a wonderful day
And from the bottom of our hearts we wish you
Health, joy in everything!

Be healthy like a tomato;
Be sure, like a hillock;
Be steep as the slopes of the mountains;
Be spiritual like a cathedral
Fresh soul, like a pine forest!

Anniversaries will rush like whirlwinds
Marking the milestones of our destiny
But with a smile we suddenly notice
That in our souls we are still the same seventeen!
We wish you success and happiness.
All the same responsive to be.
After all, any bad weather will pass
If the heart knows how to love!

I am writing an SMS to you -
I hasten to congratulate you on the holiday!
I wish you Jam on the day,
Health and luck!

May your life forever laugh
Flowers bloom in my soul
And let the heart beat with joy
Not knowing the hardships and troubles!

We wish you happiness and good
And eternal youth of bloom,
Love, smiles and warmth,
On your bright holiday - birthday!

Your cell phone started ringing -
He caught an SMS.
I wish you health in her,
Congratulations with all my heart!
Happy Birthday to You,
Always take care of yourself!

Be polite like a rhino
And clean as a pig
Then I'll buy you a whistle
And kiss in your ear

Grandpa, you are like a friend to me
With whom life is pleasant, leisure.
Divide the secrets in two
Your advice is so wise!

Since childhood, dear and loved
The whole family needs it.
You and I will not be bored
Live well for a century!

Happy birthday to you!
We wish you great happiness in life
Bouquet of bright days and smiles,
Do not get sick, do not grow old for many years!

We wish you to do everything in life
And have a full house of everything,
Maintain health, vigor
And live for many, many years!

Happy birthday, grandpa.
You, as before, are at the helm!
Well, if the grandfather rules,
So the family is happy.
Be healthy, be full of strength
Happy and tireless!

I want to congratulate you
Make your dream come true
Love trailer and dough,
A cart of happiness and kindness,
On your birthday, I wish you!

I wish from the bottom of my heart,
You are like a house cat
To always live well
Both at work and at home!

Be fast as the autumn wind
Healthy, strong like a bull
And also so that with all this
He was also a cool guy!

What we wish you
It will come true, we know it!
To wake up early in the morning
Not on an old couch
And in luxurious rooms,
In the Caribbean
There is wine on the table
There are a lot of plastic cards,
And on each - a million!
And so that it was not a dream

I wish that everything was on the table forever:
Sausage, lard, jellied meat and olivier.

Be happy! It's not easy to be a Man in our century,
To be the best, the winner, the wall,
A reliable friend, a sensitive person,
A strategist between peace and war.

Be unbending like a tank
Feel free to live for broke
Be as sudden as a submarine -
Swim straight, act - clearly, let happiness stick to you,
Well, let luck hug you tighter,
And so that all changes in fate
Have made your days brighter, easier.

Let the "green" crunch
Your chain sparkles around your neck,
Let the envious look
And the elbows bite to the bone.

We wish you always
Live life to the fullest and then
We still have to celebrate
Your birthday again.

May any peak conquer
Let the car be updated in the garage
There will be no barriers to the cherished goal,
Dig up the treasure with the potatoes.

Be strong, but submissive, wise, gentle,
To be rich, but not to spare money.

You are one hundred percent man
And you do not regret compliments
Now we will "take revenge" on you,
And give congratulations:

Always be strong and beautiful
Drink vodka, don't get dirty with beer
Eat pork, not carrots,
So that there is strength for love.

Set the table for them on your birthday
And congratulations today.

More joy and cute little things
On your holiday I want to wish you
So that a narrow circle of friends expands,
Troubles were washed away only by smelling you.

Beauties themselves will hang on their necks,
Vodka will be prescribed as a vitamin,
Fortune keeps pace with you.

Smart, strong, groovy!
Birthday will be yours
We will celebrate it together!
Everything you need is on the table -
Both appetizer and wine, -
So we have it!
Accept congratulations,
And come on, pour! Let everything be as it should be.

To make all the doors open
Opportunities - well, a dime a dozen!
So that problems do not occur.

May dreams come true
Let your friends admire
What you think will come
And it will lead to success! Happy birthday, man!
Be firm and straight like a bayonet
And as reliable as the TT:
You see the goal - go to the dream.

And you never touched the bottom of your pocket
And suddenly he smiled at these lines.

Remember, you are always a man! You are a real man
Not an Uzbek or a Tajik.
Let the dawn be the brightest
Every day, waking up with you.

Happy Birthday man!
Be the way you are used to:
Strong, angry, slightly unshaven,
Impudent, sharp, but not broken.

You drive all women crazy
Have lipstick on your chest! Let there be football and movies without ads,
And borscht so that the wife was always like my mother.

Smart, strong, groovy!
Birthday will be yours
We will celebrate it together!
Everything you need is on the table -
Both appetizer and wine, -
So we have it!
Accept congratulations
And come on, pour! Your hairy chest
It drives all women crazy.

Your hare to appreciate
The happiness that is given by fate.
And outside the window of the apartment
Idols become plebeians.

I wish you creative success and every success!
There are only two good reasons.

We wish you patience
In solving your life problems.
Let the road be only uphill
And in fellow travelers there are only true friends.

And the first is protection of the native country,
Whose border is closed to the enemy.

The second is the debt bequeathed by the ancestors,
He commands all men:
Risking yourself, protect women,
As in the duels of Pushkin's times.

Face fortune, not backwards
He meets you on the way.
Let your dreams come true, Let your friends admire, What you think will come And lead to success! Let happiness stick to you, Well, let luck embrace you tighter, And so that all the changes in fate make your days brighter, easier.

And the first is love for the native land,
Which entered our flesh and blood
And she became an inextinguishable star.

So that the tail of fortune warms your hands,
And your stomach is a five star brandy
So that women's love caressed the souls of the strings.

Well, for life like this
We wish it to flow like a river
Health, strength and luck,
And only this way, nothing else! You are a wonderful man,
And you will always be like this:
Apartment, cottage and car -
You can achieve everything without difficulty!

I wish you good health
And only loyal friends
Let your wife be your own
It will be more faithful in the world!

Start up your favorite work
Only brings pleasure
And let the high incomes
Will only be a confirmation of this! Let the ladies look after them furtively,
Sighing only about you,
And you are such a mystery man -
You don't promise them anything.

And more than once, and not twice,
Three hundred times! However, it does not matter,
With a man like you
We don't even need flowers.

Be persistent in any weather
Then everything in life will be OK! Let everything be as it should be.
A star named sun in tsoi

You were lucky to be born near the Ararat mountains,
You are the son of which the Motherland can be proud!
Today we congratulate you on your birthday,
We wish you health, wisdom, courage!
Relatives have already gathered at the table in your house,
Enjoy our congratulations and toasts!
May our huge family always be with you,
And also funny, loyal, loyal friends of yours!

We gathered together as a big family,
To celebrate your, our dear, birth!
Today we wish snorkhavorum all day long,
What does it mean in Armenian - congratulations!
So that the sun always shines in your destiny,
And life was not always in struggle!
Appreciated by colleagues, friends to be respected,
Family and friends adored you immensely!

You are our rock, our pride, our son,
The support of a large whole family and hope, our son
You were born in Armenia, your beloved country,
Then the sun rose, and the world was surprised!
Let's raise our glasses of wine, let's talk toast,
And wait for all the great relatives and friends to visit you!
Be brave, be courageous, cheerful and courageous,
Healthy and friendly, skillful for all trades!

Great, beautiful, ancient country Armenia,
Poets, musicians, looked for inspiration from you!
Today the whole big family gathered for congratulations,
Both the sky and the sun cannot hide the emotion!
All Armenia wishes you spiritual wealth,
You will always achieve success in life!
Love of sincere, mutual, strong friendship,
Well, always be generous to your enemies!

A bright, kind person was born in Armenia,
And we will never tire of coming to you!
We wish you peace, and forget all the sorrows,
Grief and misfortune, longing to be silent forever!
Good luck and patience, joy and a lot of light,
And in all matters to you of great success!
Let children only bring tenderness
And in all your endeavors, luck!

On Mount Ararat, and the sky is much more transparent,
And at night the stars over Armenia are brighter,
Today the whole family goes to your birthday party
They want to give gifts, read congratulations!
Goodness and happiness, luck and success in everything,
Worldly wisdom and more in the house of laughter!
Courage and courage in deeds of tirelessness,
Faithfulness and courage, be full of determination!

You are a proud but affectionate son of Armenia,
And on this day, of course, you will not be one!
Let's get together with all our big aul,
We will congratulate you on your birthday!
And all the best, of course, to wish!
Live your whole life with a faithful friend,
And do not grieve or grieve about anything!
And always be loyal to Armenia!

Your birthday gathered the whole family,
And I will drink a bottle of Armenian brandy with you!
I will congratulate everyone together,
After all, you were born in sunny Armenia!
Be sincere and courageous, always be fair,
And don't forget about your friends and family!
I wish, best friend, joy to you,
Victory, success, luck always and everywhere!

In the mountains of Armenia, among flowers and near heaven,
You were born, our boy, like Hercules!
Today we celebrate your birthday again,
And we wish you only the very best!
Spring riot, passionate and faithful love,
And do not forget, for the birthday of your son, you call us!
May life always bring you only happiness and joy,
And let it bring you only good surprises!

Dear boy, how did you grow up and we didn’t notice
But it seems like we celebrated your year!
And in Armenia today all friends have a holiday,
Everyone celebrates your birthday, on the prankster!
Love your family, Armenia, friends, relatives,
And life will present you with golden surprises!
Beautiful girls let the girls come to you
And they find a loyal and faithful guy!

In the valley near the great mountain Ararat, you were born,
We will remember that day with my father forever!
You are a ray of light that flies with the eagle like a bird
How we grew up before we had time to enjoy communication with you!
Happy birthday, our dear, congratulations,
We wish you happiness, joy and prosperity!
Never be lazy, work and try
Bring light to people and smile more often!

Among mountain flowers and swift rivers,
A son was born in Armenia, our dear man!
We wish you fun today, smiles, good luck,
And a sea of ​​happiness, joy, wealth to boot!
Glory, you are the homeland and human labor,
And pray to God, don't forget to ask for consolation!
All Armenia should be proud of you son,
And we will defeat all enemies, ill-wishers!