Rubalskaya's poems about age. "Better than it was, but worse than desired." We appreciated the arrangement of parks and squares Light in your window

(Larisa Rubalskaya).
Years go by, years go by
The jaw is inserted, it is difficult to breathe.

I look in the mirror - one mess,
Wrinkled neck, wrinkled face.

I will buy shoes, a copy in the magazine,
I can not wear - flat feet,

I don’t see in the distance, near as armless,
Either far-sighted or short-sighted.

Pushkin sang to us very persistently:
Love for all ages,

Like, in old age there is strength for love.
But I'll tell you, it was not so!

I want to flirt with my eyes on the floor,
And I climb into my purse where validol is.

I want to throw myself into a man's arms
Yes, the glasses on the bridge of the nose interfere.

And the memory has become of low quality
Why lay down to him, I completely forgot.

One consolation with me everywhere:
I am worse than I was, but better than I will be!

(Keith's grandfather replies):
It will get out always and everywhere:
"I am worse than I was, but better than I will be."

As you can imagine, it's hard to believe ...
Why introduce? Let it spin while.

The false jaw so cleverly hides
That the husband does not even suspect.

Neck folds - continuation of the chest,
The one in the pants causes movement.

Where are those wrinkles ?! - You know how to hide.
That to her husband for a penny? “She won’t cry.

And for the shoes in-oh-oh-oh don't be sorry ... like me.
My paws would be yours, Larisa Rubalskaya.

Our eyes are wonderful and flawless!
The arms are short ... - so they are not monkeys.

And the hearing is good. We hear everything at once.
We just don't go to order anymore.

Pushkin, of course, does not suit everyone.
Precisely for those who did not pass thirty-seven.

Although the great was right about love:
Love is God, not faceless sex.

We only get richer with love over the years ...
Of course, as much as we can ... well, as we can.

Let's drop the glasses, letting our eyes loose
To see a loved one as an image.

Old memory can not be called wretched.
I watch the film old, but it is like new.

Until the last day, the advice is simple:
The glass is half full, not half empty.



Valentina Litvinova answered Irina Fedulova
Years go by ... years are moving on the site in Odnoklassniki were published as poems written by Larisa Rubalskaya. Therefore, she explained. I
was at the creative evening of Larisa Rubalskaya
about this poem, which was published on the site, as well as on
tape in classmates. She told me that many people ask me about
This. No, I didn’t write such a poem. In the group Favorite poems by Larisa Rubalskoy, a lot of her works and videos of her creative concerts have been placed both in our country and even in Germany. Please take a look. ©

The daily audience of the portal is about 200 thousand visitors, who in total view more than two million pages according to the traffic counter, which is located to the right of this text. Each column contains two numbers: the number of views and the number of visitors.

From time to time, like any modern urban person, I go to theaters and concerts. Some performances and artists disappoint, and some cause sincere admiration and desire to live. Today I will talk specifically about concerts. So I went to the concerts of Mikhail Zadornov more than once and I will go again, because after his concerts I feel an uplift in my soul and there is a feeling that life around is beautiful, amazing and full of discoveries. But I will never go to Vinokur or Sparrow again and I do not advise you. Honestly, I was ashamed of them. And it seems inconvenient to leave, but it is somehow awkward to look at what they are doing on stage.

But today we are not talking about them. Recently I was at a concert or creative evening of Larisa Rubalskaya. What a pleasure I have! It's just beyond words. Larisa is a very bright and kind person, with an inexhaustible sense of humor. And Larisa generously shares all these wonderful qualities with her viewers and listeners, among whom I was lucky enough to be. If you have the opportunity to go to her concert, be sure to go, you will not regret it!

To convey at least a little bit of the mood and impression of the concert, I offer you some of her poems.

I dreamed about an affectionate man -
He is not tall, and his eyes are like saucers.
And overnight he got so used to me
that I could not wake up in the morning.

He did not let me go all night.
hugged to the pimples on the skin.
Well, no one caressed me like that
Not before the man, not after too.

He was such an affectionate man
It was so sweet with him that night.
And he disappeared just as he appeared,
what is the name, I forgot to ask too.

I whispered to him: - Go away,
And she herself was afraid that I would pay.
And stayed on my chest
The print of his hot lips.

It was a dream, that's all,
But since then I do not have a soul in it.
Suddenly in a dream you will meet him,
Tell me - I miss him….

Larisa Rubalskaya

Years go by, years go by
The jaw is inserted, it is difficult to breathe.
I will look in the mirror, one mess,
Wrinkled neck, wrinkled face.

I will buy shoes, a copy in the magazine,
I can not wear, flat feet,
I don’t see in the distance, near as armless,
Either far-sighted or short-sighted.

Like, in old age there is strength for love.
But I'll tell you, it was not there!
I want to flirt with my eyes on the floor,
And I climb into my purse where validol is.

I want to throw myself into a man's arms
Yes, the glasses on the bridge of the nose interfere.
And the memory has become of low quality
Why lay down to him, I completely forgot.

One consolation is with me everywhere.
I am worse than I was, but better than I will be!

Larisa Rubalskaya.

Do you like the poetry? I really liked it!

Years go by, years go by
The jaw is inserted, it is difficult to breathe.
I will look in the mirror, one mess,
Wrinkled neck, wrinkled face.

I will buy shoes, a copy in the magazine,
I can not wear, flat feet,
I don’t see in the distance, near as armless,
Either far-sighted or short-sighted.

Like, in old age there is strength for love.
But I'll tell you, it was not there!
I want to flirt with my eyes on the floor,
And I climb into my purse where validol is.

I want to throw myself into a man's arms
Yes, the glasses on the bridge of the nose interfere.
And the memory has become of low quality
Why lay down to him, I completely forgot.

One consolation is with me everywhere.
I am worse than I was, but better than I will be!

Don't ask me about age
It did not coincide with the state of the Soul.
Don't embellish me with compliments
Don't rush to sum up ...

I haven't met all the sunrises yet
And not all sunsets have found.
I did not answer the main questions -
How did you live and was happy?

Don't ask me about age ...
In the past, leaving all their mirages,
I pushed off the coast of yesterday,
To spin a waltz in a whirlwind.

I still fly to the stars in my dreams
I believe in the sincerity of my friends.
And I hope it's not too late
Trust me in your love.

Maybe I'm not smart, maybe I'm wrong
Maybe you will not understand me at all ...
I live like flowers, I breathe like grass
I sound in an endless jubilant note.

Open the petals, inhale the warm air,
Let every ray of sunshine directly into the soul,
How an unthinkable gift to accept a new day ...
Just living ... I don't know what could be better.

I'm lucky: I'm not at all one of those
Who cannot stand the joy of others,
Who is unbearable for someone else's success,
Who only asks for happiness from God.

I don't need yachts or houses
No gold, no fur coat, no diamonds.
What I want - I will achieve everything myself,
As far as strength, intelligence, talent are enough.

I do not envy nor bright beauty
(This is not happiness - a well-known postulate),
No fame, no bohemian vanity.
I am satisfied with my fate and place.

And yet I lie to myself
I know this vile feeling:
I envy one woman
That every day he meets you at home ...

I don’t want to grow old, I don’t want to!
They say that I look great ...
I can still do this
That not every young woman can stand it!

I can think of this,
That others just ... envy me!
Faded youth in eternal debt
What did I see in her, apart from modesty?

In addition to complexes - to wear ??
Well, what dresses we had ...
I do not want and will not grow old!
So myself I designated in fate!

I'll look at myself - it's good!
Three wrinkles - just think, difficulties!
Young voice, beauty-soul,
Well, in the mirror ... eternal nonsense!

Granddaughter - Sweetheart is walking next to ...
Strangers think - mom - me!
… Time is inevitable!
I will not grow old! I'm stubborn!

02.11.2018 Work in one square is completed, in another - it is being completed

The Comfortable Urban Environment program for this year has been completed. Landscaping areas, projects Institute of Urban Environment Development (IRGS). the site toured all the sites to find out what was done, and most importantly, whether the expectations of the townspeople coincided with reality.

Square in the center of Sormov (Sormovsky district)


The green areas of the park will receive a new layout with areas for recreation with benches, lanterns and trash cans, a place for bicycle parking will be allocated, and a green fence will be planted along the road to prevent unauthorized crossing of the carriageway. A central platform will appear, where the symbolic center of the district will be located, with pointers to the most significant historical sites in the district. The paving will be renewed on the main transit square, the city clock will be installed, and the pyatak monument has been preserved.

The work in the center of Soromov is still far from completion, but the appearance of the site is already taking shape. A few days ago, there was an "obstacle course" here, which was also unlit. There used to be steps in the middle, now the platform has been leveled.

This is good, otherwise skaters and cyclists practiced techniques on the steps - it is unsafe for passers-by, - says Ekaterina. - Only I did not understand why there are spotlights in the tiles, they do not provide additional lighting. I accidentally stepped on one - it went down. Probably, it will all be quickly smashed.

It is difficult to say yet whether it is good. It will be ready - we'll see. But somehow it became more cheerful, - said Irina Nikolaevna.

It will be good, free, spacious, beautiful. Maybe there will be some kind of greenery, - Lyudmila Germanovna dreamed. - And the inconvenience? For the sake of the future good, anything can be endured.

Square named after Grabina (Moskovsky district)


The pedestrian path network will be optimized for traffic. A sports ground and a skate park will appear in front of the school. The area in front of the shopping center can be used for social events, fairs, and New Years celebrations. A playground will be located near the hospital. A new site will also appear, which will receive a symbolic meaning - a commemorative sign to the deceased pilot.

So far, of all that has been declared, there are only footpaths, and those are not finished, but a commemorative sign. The rest did not even begin. The representative of the supervisory authority we met (did not identify himself) said that the contractor was not in time on time. However, this can be seen with the naked eye.

I like it very much compared to what it was. The paths are good, the lights, it's even nice to walk. Previously, there was water on the sidewalks, but now they were raised. When everything is done, of course, it will be even better, - suggested Galina Valentinovna.

I like it, but how much money did you write off for this? Everything was here, the old was thrown into a landfill, and the new is decent money. I think that it was good here, and this is money laundering, - Alexander snapped.

While they are restoring what they destroyed. The fact that the tracks have been raised is a pleasure to see. But so far nothing else has been done. There should be sites - they are not. The tracks are all incomplete. There is still nothing to talk about. Such things need to be done not at the end of autumn, - Vasily complained.

Square on the street Grigorieva (Kanavinsky district)


The square will receive an updated look with new paving, benches, urns and lanterns, ramps will appear on the stairs. The park will have rest areas with benches, as well as a gazebo. In the courtyard of a residential building, around a flower bed equipped with a parapet-bench, there will be grounds: a sports box, a workout, a sandbox and a nursery with play equipment.

This is the only fully finished site. The site's correspondents caught the moment when the workers were dismantling the sheds, and the customer's representatives were assessing the amount of work. There are minor flaws, they said, but they will, of course, be eliminated. Everything looks very elegant.

Everything was destroyed here. There were no stairs, ladies with strollers in winter simply fell. The park has never been cleaned, - said our colleague, a local resident Tatiana Nerovnya. - There have always been alcoholics. I don’t know, they will probably sit, but with comfort - among the lanterns and a landscaped area. I do not know how long all this has been done, but I want to believe that this will last for more than one year. Compared to other venues in the city, this one looks very decent.

Previously, we had to go to the playground in the Jules Verne residential complex, but now they have made our own here. We like it, - shared the young mother Svetlana.

We played here before, but there was only one small swing, but now we really like it, - little Fatima and Latifa rejoiced.

We did everything according to the project. Usually, children's areas are built on sand, ”general contractor Usik Petrosyan answered our question about the covering. - Sand for what? Children fall. In order not to get hurt, for safety reasons.

Park "Dubki" (Leninsky district)


New conditions will be created for walking and transit passage through the park - the paving of the main directions of the path network, the area near the monument to M. Gorky, will be updated, a padded path for Nordic walking, running and skiing in the winter season will be laid along the perimeter of the park.

For the convenience of spending time in the park, small architectural forms will be installed - benches, trash cans, as well as new lighting that will allow the park to be used in the evening.

A new playground will be created for children, where zones with play equipment for different age groups will be arranged.

Partial clearing of green areas from emergency trees and overgrowth will be carried out, while all valuable and healthy trees will be preserved.

At first glance, almost everything that was planned has been fulfilled. A network of good quality tracks. There are a lot of kids in the play area. But the older the children are, the more frustrated the parents are.

It is not yet fully equipped, but it is already good. I still have a very small child, I cannot appreciate all the delights, - says mother with a stroller Tatyana. - Here everything was abandoned, there were few people, only passing by. And now there are many children here. It was so noisy in the summer! I come here for a walk from afar, we go here for about 25 minutes.

Around the “cheesecake” swing there is a cluster of parents with older children, and several swings at a distance are empty, they are uncomfortable.

Better than it was, but worse than we would like. We don't like those swings. On them it is generally not clear how to swing. And here there is always a queue. We really like it, but, unfortunately, she is very often busy, - complained dad Alexander.

Nearby, two slides were erected on a man-made hill. Parents say that it was sown with grass out of the cold, but everyone was pecked by pigeons. How to climb it is unclear, even now it is slippery, and steps are not provided.

Yesterday there was ice. Mommy fell alone with the child. And when does it snow? She needs to get in there and put the child. She bends down - and there is a log. She will hit her teeth, she will be left without teeth. What kind of pornography is this? I can’t call it any other way, ”says grandmother Nina Alekseevna.

The padded walkway is nice, but inside its perimeter there is a swamp. The dirt and sand from the playgrounds is already covering it with a decent layer.

I liked the track itself, we rode a scooter here, - praised my mother Valentina. - A path would be done across. If a small child stops on the other side, I will not reach quickly or I have to go through the mud. The water is always there, now it is ice.

Kids bake sand cakes. The material is taken right from under your feet - there is no traditional sandbox. And this one is already on the track. Nearby there is a swing for the little ones. "Pampers" - their parents call them.

Not very comfortable. You put the child in the clothes, and then you can't get him out. I think the summer will be very good. And now, when they are all wrapped up and in big shoes, they are so-so, - says mother Taisia.

Parents wonder why the old children's towns were destroyed. They could at least be moved somewhere - there is a lot of free space in "Dubki".

Square on Prygunov street (Avtozavodsky district)


The first stage includes two parts - the main square and the Muravishka square - connected by a combined passage with pedestrian priority. Four children's playgrounds will be created with a variety of play equipment for children of different ages, with shady awnings for parents. A multifunctional sports area with tennis tables, a basketball field, a combined volleyball and mini-football field will be organized in the open area. A compact amphitheater will be located in the shade of the trees, where it is convenient to watch the players. There will also be a workout area, a quiet recreation area with city swings for adults, with flower beds and benches.

The Muravishka square is a small cozy space surrounded by trees and bushes. This part of the square is adjacent to the children's library named after V.V. Bianki, so it was decided to place a thematic area for children's recreation with the "Ant" art object, as well as a floor-stage with decks, on which it is convenient to conduct children's educational lectures, games and celebrations. Additionally, the project takes into account the sidewalks along the existing buildings. The territory has a fence in the form of anti-parking bollards, a parking zone is allocated.

The territory of the park has an almost finished look. There used to be a wasteland here, so the surrounding residents are very happy with the transformations.

Previously, dogs were walked here. Now at least people are walking, - Anatoly remembered. - We waited for forty years, so we waited.

I think it will be very pleasant to walk here in winter. Paths have appeared, they will be cleaned, probably, the lighting was done, - said Yulia. - Of course, the ideal option would be to continue to the park, but how will it turn out.

Moms look at organized playgrounds from a safety perspective, so they have some concerns. By the way, we were also surprised by the gravel surface on the children's playground.

A larger playground for children is very dangerous because there are no stairs. Children cry because they cannot climb, then they cry because they cannot get down. There is no fence in the middle; a child, of any age, can fall. A very dangerous projectile, you need to make a ladder and pull some kind of mesh, - says Natalya. - On the playground, the shells are very close to each other. The child cannot be left for two seconds, because he will simply be knocked over. And in general, everything is not bad.

Shchelokovsky farm (Soviet and Prioksky districts)


Sandy zones will expand on the beach of the Third Lake, there will be decks and exits to the water, changing room pavilions, children's play equipment and loungers for relaxation. There is a children's playground and a children's beach on the First Lake. Walking routes will be created along the shores of the lakes with wooden flooring, gravel paths and concrete lattice.

Our path began with honeycomb paths, which caused so many questions from Nizhny Novgorod residents. Let's put it bluntly: walking on them is a dubious pleasure. The gravel that filled the cells flew out, and you have to walk over small pebbles ..

The wooden walkways are well done. And where there are concrete honeycombs, it is especially uncomfortable for women: the heels fall through. It is necessary to equalize them, - Evgeny Mikhailovich shared his impressions. - But they also made the boards to bed, and in the winter they will ski on skis, they will fiddle with sticks. So I don't know how durable it is. Now everything is smooth, good.

It became much better, we liked it. The fact that they laid down with a tree is generally gorgeous, - said two cyclists - Dmitry and his son, refuting the opinion that it will become inconvenient to move on two wheels on Shchelchka.

There are few places for sunbathing. People come to swim and sunbathe, and there are fewer places for the beach. But the idea is very good. If the reeds are cut down and filled with sand, there will be more space. I hope that kebabs-mashliks will be prohibited, - Sergey suggested. - I'm afraid they will do it and lease it to some entrepreneur. And he will put the cashier and make the entrance paid. How many lakes did we have for fishing? And now 10% are unlikely to be found where you can go fishing for free. Additional services - catamarans, boats - I don't mind.

They made me laugh, it seems to me. There was a forest zone, but what was done? Flowers, bushes were planted - why is it in the forest? - Valery spoke sharply negatively. Judging by the fishing rod in his hands, he came to fish. - Why this wood flooring? There was a good approach to the lake here. The shore was green, but now it was covered with sand. If there is a beach, then where will people go to swim - in the reeds and in the mud? It would be better if the lakes were cleaned. The tracks would be done - that's all.

Square named after 1905 (Nizhny Novgorod region)


The historical layout of the square will be restored in accordance with modern needs - the three central alleys will pass through the square. There will be places for rest - benches along the transit routes and on the central site around the monument. The renovated paving will be made of red and gray granite.

Information steles will also be located on the territory, introducing passers-by with the history of the place. A plate with information about the prison will be placed near the wall of the prison.

In the future, the restoration of the central monument and the development of a new program function for the cultural heritage site - the Nizhegorodsky prison, now excluded from the life of the city, should become important components of a comprehensive reload of the territory.

The reconstruction of the square on Svoboda Square was accompanied by a series of scandals, starting with the cutting down of a large number of trees and ending with a complete rejection of granite stelae, which reminded the townspeople of gravestones. As a result, we were presented with a picture of complete destruction.

Nothing can be changed, the alteration has begun. In my opinion, it was all very delayed. Snow can fall unexpectedly, and what they will have here is unknown, - Lyubov Konstantinovna wonders. - The flow of people is very large, the permeability is great. It is very inconvenient to work around it. And now it is not slippery yet, and then it will be even more inconvenient.

First, I don't know what will happen here. There is no plan anywhere. What they are doing, no one knows and no one understands, - expressed the feelings, probably, of the majority of the townspeople Nikolai. - Just to say so is to shake the air.

There was no point in doing this. All my childhood passed here, we walked in this park, everything was somehow natural. This is exactly the square in front of the theater, it should be like this, - Alla Viktorovna shared her impressions. - It was clean, well-groomed, only there were no benches. And now everything has been ruined, simply mucked. The trees are most pitiful.

Reads: 6247









Overcast, under the gusts of wind, leaves fall from the trees. Sometimes a small and tedious rain swoops down. It was chilly and cold outside. Where is that wonderful autumn mood that golden autumn gives us? But that autumn time has already passed. And now I really want this slush to pass faster and snow to fall.

I don't want to go outside. How nice, having redone all the household chores, huddle in the corner on the sofa, enjoying the warmth of home. I don't feel like watching TV. What for? There is a solid negative! I wanted to read something sincere about us women.

And so I opened poems by Larisa Rubalskaya and enjoyed reading them. How simply our human weaknesses are described and how we can overcome them with dignity. Her poems are about love, loyalty, honesty and life.

Larisa Rubalskaya is the most amazing person for me. When I see her on the TV screen, I admire her simplicity and openness, with what ease she reads her poems, as if she is telling something everyday from her life.

She is not only an excellent writer, songwriter, translator from Japanese. She is the author of over 600 popular songs, many of them are hits. You all know such songs: "Transit Passenger", "Hijacker" performed by Irina Allegrova, "Sleep well, country", "Daughter" performed by Alla Pugacheva, "Strange Woman" performed by Mikhail Muromov, "Morozov" and "Insomnia" performed by Tatiana Ovsienko, "Light in your window" performed by Alsou.

Her songs are performed by Joseph Kabzon, Alexander Buinov, Nikolai Baskov, Valery Leontiev, Vyacheslav Dobrynin and many others.

Let's read her poems together.

Years go by, years go by
The jaw is inserted, it is difficult to breathe.
I will look in the mirror, one mess,
Wrinkled neck, wrinkled face.
I will buy shoes, a copy in the magazine,
I can not wear, flat feet,
I don’t see in the distance, near as armless,
Either far-sighted or short-sighted.
And the rumor got a little lower
They will send them away, I go closer.
Pushkin sang to us very up.pn0:
Love for all ages,
Like, in old age there is strength for love.
But I'll tell you, it was not there!
I want to flirt with my eyes on the floor,
And I climb into my purse where validol is.
I want to throw myself into a man's arms
Yes, the glasses on the bridge of the nose interfere.
And the memory has become of low quality
Why lay down to him, I completely forgot.
One consolation is with me everywhere.
I am worse than I was, but better than I will be!

I dreamed about an affectionate man

He is not tall, and his eyes are like saucers.

And overnight he got so used to me

that I could not wake up in the morning.

He did not let me go all night.

hugged to the pimples on the skin.

Well, no one caressed me like that

Not before the man, not after too.

He was such an affectionate man

It was so sweet with him all night.

He disappeared just as he appeared,

And, what is the name, I forgot to ask.

I whispered to him:

Go away, and I myself was afraid that I would pay.

And the imprint of his hot lips remained on my chest.

It was a dream, that's all,

But since then I do not have a soul in it.

Suddenly in a dream you will meet him,

Pass it on - I miss him

I tell them, bear with them, girls.

What are there, but all are husbands.

And in a brand new dress, with trim,

I'll go home alone.

And I'll buy it from my aunt at the metro

Three branches in mimosa beads.

I'll bury my face in a yellow bouquet

So that no one sees tears.

They tell me - with your appearance

What's the big deal at thirty?

And whirlwinds of tenderness circle in the heart,

Like the apple trees in May, the color is white.


I can be so different, sometimes capricious, sometimes beautiful,

now a dumb monster, then a beauty - Miss Universe,

sometimes docile, then with character,

then I am silent, then I swear abusively,

then to the burning huts on horseback,

I desperately need help

I'll slam the door - I'll put all the points,

then I caress with a fluffy lump,

I love it and immediately hate it,

I’m afraid of heights, but I go out on the roof for a walk on a dark night,

then a wife, then an exemplary daughter,

then I laugh, then I cry with a beluga, then I make peace, then I quarrel with my friend.

I'm not sick, not a crack in my psyche:

It's just that I am one hundred percent Woman!


What a joy it is to be at odds with you

From all insults, take a vacation for two days,

A free bird in the blue expanse

Soar, forgetting hurtful words.

What happiness, without looking at the clock,

In a cafe with a girlfriend to drink coffee, chat,

And don't waste your emotions on you,

And in general you do not remember.

What a happiness to smear a little lipstick

And buy yourself flowers at the corner.

Be jealous, Othello! Serves you right!

You arranged all this for yourself!

What a joy to get on a late trolleybus

And quietly sail along the night street,

And outside the window to see the stars in the sky,

And suddenly realize how bad it is to be alone.

What happiness is it late to return, to see the light,

Know - someone is at home.

And you will go out and say:

Stop being angry! I'm so tired! Give me something to eat!


Maybe someone reading these poems by Larisa Rubalskaya, will love her work. And he will take a volume of her poems, or simply find her poems on the Internet and read them with pleasure.


Wednesday, 25 September 2013
Quote message EZHICHKA

= The best love songs on the verses of Larisa Rubalskaya =

On September 24, the poetess turns 68 years old. She has written over 600 songs for the stars of Russian show business. We remember those who became real hits.

Maybe Larisa Rubalskaya in our country is not known to everyone (although it is doubtful), but everyone has heard her poems or lines from them at least once in his life. What a feast is without "splash witchcraft into the crystal darkness of the glass", if the girlfriends are discussing love affairs, then here Larisa Alekseevna's work is a real storehouse of stormy feelings and experiences, and songs based on her poems are performed by the most famous artists. She is the author of over 600 poems that have become famous and popular songs.

My daughter

This wonderful composition performed by Alla Pugacheva touches to the core. In 2000, she performed it at the Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk, after which Alla Borisovna performed it more than once at her concerts and benefit performances together with her daughter Christina Orbakaite.

You have no reason to be sad
Don't look in the mirror so often
Men freeze in the trail of you
If you don't believe me, look around

As if you know something
What i don't know

Look at your palms
Clearly, don't call all fortune-tellers
This angel is not a stranger to us
Drew a line of love there
And you again sigh sadness in your eyes melting
What a funny girl you are, my
As if you know something
What i don't know
What a young daughter you are
You and I will leave this summer
To the city where magnolias bloom
I will reveal all my secrets
Just don't forget them later
And you again sigh sadness in your eyes melting
What a funny girl you are, my
As if you know something
What i don't know
What a young daughter you are
And you again sigh sadness in your eyes melting
What a funny girl you are, my
As if you know something
What i don't know
What a young
You are still my daughter
What a young
You are still my daughter
What a young
You are still my daughter.


Daring song Irina Allegrova immediately became a hit, the song was played at discos, for many years it was mandatory in the singer's performances. And even today she almost always includes her in the program, so the audience loved her.

If they ask me: Where did I get it?
Am I such a sweet boy?
I will answer that I hijacked
I'm like someone else's car nine

Hijacked in full view
So open that everyone was stunned
No way you keep in mind
I will not return you to the former owner

I've been waiting for you, I've been waiting for you

Hijacked you, hijacked
So what's the criminal

Hey, hijacker, I can hear you
You have no shame, no conscience
But I'm driving a red light
At an incredible breakneck speed

And let others slow down
And they don't try to get you back
Will not come back already
Who will ride with me at least once

I've been waiting for you, I've been waiting for you
You were my crystal dream
Hijacked you, hijacked

I've been waiting for you, I've been waiting for you
You were my crystal dream
Hijacked you, hijacked
Well, what's so criminal about it.


The romantic song also did not remain without popularity, and became a visiting card Alexandra Aivazova.

Several years after the release of the song, the registry offices celebrated a boom for this rare and beautiful female name.

The sky is crying in a sad rain
Frozen lilies in the pond
To our deserted dacha village
I will come in late autumn
There where the years of childhood sailed
Where I loved my neighbor Lilia

Plucked three white lilies and plucked three lilies
And I am in the window of Lily Lily
Throwing lilies in the evening
Throwing three lilies

I know time heals wounds
New love comes
But I remember, oddly enough
I am that girl again and again
As if wings are growing
When I hear the name Lily

And I'm in the pond for Lily Lily Lily

And I am in the window of Lily Lily
Throwing lilies in the evening
Throwing three lilies

And I'm in the pond for Lily Lily Lily
Plucked three white lilies three lilies plucked
And I am in the window of Lily Lily
Throwing lilies in the evening
He threw three lilies.

Wasted words

This song is based on one of the most famous poems by Rubalskaya.

Alexander Malinin almost always includes it in his cycles of old and modern romances. The deep and sensual performance colored the words in new tones, gave the lines a different sound. To this song, Malinin always accompanies himself on the guitar.

Splash witchcraft into the crystal gloom of the glass,
Mirrors flicker in molten candles ...
I will breathe out in vain,
The hearth has already gone out, ash is glimmering in it.

Waste words are a vignette of false essence.

By your porch, the bell won't flinch
My hasty step will not confuse traces.
Do not let me understand the first moment of the end,
The fate of vain words is not in a hurry to decide.

Come up with a story about tenderness and summer,
Where is the crumpled grass and the smell of cornflowers ...
Scattered dragees will roll for centuries,
In vain words, in vain love.

Waste words are a vignette of false essence.
Vain words, it's not hard to say.
In vain words: you will not blame me,
In vain words, I'll burn out soon.

I'm guilty, I'm guilty

This song Philip Kirkorov performed early in his career. The clip has become very popular. Here the singer is young and mischievous, somewhat reminiscent of Michael Jackson. The words of the song were later played up more than once in the light of his relationship with Alla Borisovna.

I walk on the razor's edge
I suffer defeat in battles
And you still swing the rights.
Darling, you're wrong!
And you say - this is how it should be,
Glad to my defeat.
Why such words?
Darling, you're wrong!

I'm guilty, I'm guilty
Without trial and investigation.
You change your stern look
For other actions.
In the sea of ​​life I am a frigate
In distress.
I'm guilty, I'm guilty
Without trial and investigation.

Acacias turn yellow in summer
You should hurry up with an answer
And then rumor will quarrel us.
Darling, you're wrong.
Count it up, is it sweeter without me?
And don't you cry more often?
Why are you breaking wood?
Darling, you're wrong.

I'm guilty, I'm guilty
Without trial and investigation.
You change your stern look
For other actions.
In the sea of ​​life I am a frigate
In distress.
I'm guilty, I'm guilty
Without trial and investigation.

The champagne will shoot foam.
Forget offenses and betrayals.
Let your head spin.
Darling, you're wrong.
Under the rustle of the crept night
You want tenderness again
And the night owl will hoot -
Darling, you're wrong.

I'm guilty, I'm guilty
Without trial and investigation.
You change your stern look
For other actions.
In the sea of ​​life I am a frigate
In distress.
I'm guilty, I'm guilty
Without trial and investigation.

Light in your window

This is one of the romantic compositions with which a young and lovely Alsou.

The song was written especially for her, and immediately brought popularity to her performer. Alsou still loves her very much and constantly performs at concerts.

The nights linger after the rush of days
Voices and footsteps are not heard
Our house falls asleep without lights
You and I are not friends, not enemies
The courtyard does not disturb us with the sounds
Only the wind passed through the bushes
We'll forget the night talk
We put everything in its place

Light in your window
How I need him

Light in your window
Like a sea to a ship
Light in your window
Sun beam on snow
Light in your window
I love you so much

The cold is getting stronger and stronger
Warm days so short flight
Freezes our house without lights
You and I are not fire or ice
I'll touch in the dark
Where hope has tangled the light
The wrong windows light up
And in yours the light is in no hurry

Light in your window
How I need him
Light in your window
Like a sea to a ship
Light in your window
Sun beam on snow
Light in your window
I love you so much

My ship has gone astray
Lost, obedient to the wave
Light my way with a beacon
The light lit in the beloved window

Light in your window
How I need him
Light in your window
Like a sea to a ship
Light in your window
Sun beam on snow
Light in your window
I love you so much.

Strange woman

A song full of love and tenderness, Mikhail Muromov sang on "Song-90" at the peak of his popularity.

She immediately became one of the most beloved in the work of the performer, perhaps only "Apples in the Snow" were more popular. Unfortunately, the talented and promising Muromov could not withstand the flurry of love that fell on him, when millions of Soviet women dreamed about him, he began to drink often, and disappeared from the stage.

A handful of yellow lights thrown into the night by someone
I am your night guest your guest uninvited

Why is your look so sad in your voice a crack
Strange woman they say about you

Strange woman strange
Similar to a wounded bird

What will I become for you in life?
What will I become for you in life?
Strange woman strange

I am not asking to forgive
You will remain silent in response
I do not want to visit and leave at dawn
I catch rare joys in sad eyes
I've loved all your oddities for so long

Strange woman strange
Similar to a wounded bird
Sad wings folded the joy of flight, forgetting
What will I become for you in life?
What will I become for you in life?
Strange woman strange

Strange woman strange
Similar to a wounded bird
Sad wings folded the joy of flight, forgetting
What will I become for you in life?
What I will become for you in life.