How does the calorie content of crucian carp change during cooking? Boiled crucian carp Fried crucian carp in a frying pan

When preparing food, special attention is paid to its calorie content. This is especially important for those who pursue the goal of losing weight. In this case, every calorie counts. Crucian carp can be safely called a dietary fish. But its calorie content depends on how it is prepared. Therefore, when calculating the treasured numbers, you need to take into account all the nuances.

Depending on the method of cooking crucian carp, the calorie content will vary

What is crucian carp famous for?

Crucian carp can be called both a marine inhabitant and a freshwater one. It belongs to the carp-like species. The fish has slightly compressed sides, a high body, and fairly large scales. The size of an aquatic inhabitant can vary within very wide limits. Marine representatives average 16-18 cm. It is important to emphasize that more than 60% of the total weight is represented by edible parts. One hundred grams of raw crucian carp meat contains 86-88 calories.

This calorie content is considered very low. To burn 88 calories, just do any housework for 25 minutes.

As already mentioned, the calorie content of foods largely depends on how the fish is prepared. Therefore, you need to consider how many kcal are in 100 grams of crucian carp based on its type. It is also important to take into account that sea fish will be a little fattier, and accordingly it will have more calories.

Fresh crucian carp

Almost all types of crucian carp are eaten. Silver is especially popular, as it is unpretentious. The golden one also has excellent taste, but its populations are reduced. The maximum weight of the fish reaches 2 kilograms with a size of no more than 40 centimeters.

You can prepare various dietary and low-calorie dishes from crucian carp.

The calorie content of the product is no more than 88 kcal. 100 grams of product contains 17.6 g of protein and 1.7 g of fat. The fish is especially famous for its content of molybdenum, sodium, fluorine, iron, calcium, nickel and phosphorus. In addition, there is some amount of chlorine, potassium and magnesium.

It is recommended to eat fish regularly. Due to the high calcium content, there is an improvement in the condition of hair and nails. Moreover, due to its low calorie content, fish is suitable both for those who want to lose weight and for people forced to adhere to certain diets. But it is always important to remember that this product is not suitable for all people.

It can be done in different ways. Moreover, in each individual case it will be necessary to recalculate exactly how many calories the final product will contain.

Crucian carp is a fish of the carp family. The most common is freshwater crucian carp, which lives in lakes and rivers of Europe and Russia. This type of fish is very popular and available in warm seasons. Crucian carp is often used in cooking.


In terms of beneficial properties, crucian carp is not inferior to sea fish. It contains a large amount of easily digestible protein, vitamins and minerals. In particular, these are: vitamins A, B1, B2, C, E, PP, as well as chemical elements - calcium, magnesium, nickel, sodium, molybdenum, fluorine, iron, chromium, phosphorus, potassium, chlorine.

Beneficial features

It is recommended to eat fish soup and boiled crucian carp for people suffering from stomach ulcers and gastritis. Freshwater crucian carp stimulates the digestive tract well, activates enzyme production and improves the secretion of gastric juice. The group of amino acids contained in this fish has a strengthening and supporting effect during increased physical and mental stress, and normalizes heart function.

- On your ear I need a small crucian carp. The crucian fish soup is cooked over low heat; it should not boil too much so that the pieces of fish do not fall apart.

- When gutting the fish leave caviar and milk, which also goes into the fish soup and adds more fat to it.

You can have crucian fish soup serve both hot and cold.

Main disadvantage cooking crucian fish soup lies in the bonyness of the fish. The second minus is the smell of crucian carp, which smacks of mud. It is believed that if you freeze and then defrost fish, the smell will disappear.

- Price fresh crucian carp in season from May to June - 80 rubles/1 kilogram, in the off-season - 200 rubles. (data as of June 2017).

- Calorie content crucian carp - 86 kcal/100 grams.

Most peak season crucian carp - in May. In autumn and winter, fresh crucian carp is almost impossible to find in the store.

Highlight 2 types crucian carp - red or also called gold and silver (white). Hybrid species of crucian carp can also be found in the aquatic environment.

Catching a crucian carp is a whole art for a fisherman, because he is picky about food. It can bite, for example, both on maggots, bloodworms, and on bread, and you will never guess what bait the crucian carp will take at the moment. Often, crucian fish keepers use various aromatic additives: garlic, flavored cheeses, valerian, corvalor, some even drip kerosene.

- Taste crucian carp will differ depending on its habitat. For example, if a crucian carp is caught in a small swampy lake, then the taste of the meat will have a slight smell of mud. It is best to catch crucian carp in large bodies of water, mostly with clean water. Fish dishes are juicy, tender, free of foreign odors and the most healthy. In addition, crucian carp in such reservoirs are usually quite large in size.

Crucian carp - pretty healthy and low calorie fish. Contains a lot of proteins (almost 18 grams in 100 grams of fish), which are very easily absorbed by the body. There is practically no fat. Due to the high content of nicotinic acid (vitamin PP), eating crucian carp helps normalize the digestion process and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the stomach, pancreas and liver. Fish also contains mineral elements such as phosphorus, calcium, chromium, which strengthen bone tissue, teeth, nails, and increase the body's endurance.

- After cooking The crucian carp can be seasoned with herbs and simmered under the lid for another 5 minutes, so that the dish infuses and absorbs the aroma.

Calorie content boiled crucian carp is 102 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Crucian carp is a genus of ray-finned fish of the carp family. The body of the crucian carp is tall, with a massive back, slightly compressed from the sides, with large scales. Color, depending on the habitat, from silver-gray to golden. The body length of an adult crucian carp is 40-50 centimeters, weight is 2-3 kilograms. These fish feed on plankton, small invertebrates and various vegetation.

Crucian carp is a tenacious fish, which is why it is used as bait (small crucian carp) for catching pike.

Composition and beneficial properties of boiled crucian carp

Boiled crucian carp meat is rich in minerals that are essential for the human body. It contains: fluorine, calcium, phosphorus, chlorine, chromium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, as well as vitamins B, A, E, C and PP.

Eating boiled fish improves brain function, has a positive effect on the nervous system, and improves vision. In addition, crucian carp contains a small amount of calories, so people who are watching their figure can include it in their diet.

In addition, the benefit of crucian carp is that the flesh of this fish stimulates the digestive system and activates the synthesis of enzymes.

Boiled crucian carp in cooking

When heat treating crucian carp, you should not overcook or overcook it. For this fish, ten minutes of boiling and fifteen minutes of frying is enough, otherwise the fish meat becomes tough and dry.

Boiled crucian carp BZHU for 100 grams

B - 20.7; F - 2.1; U - 0; Calories: 102 kcal per 100 grams of boiled crucian carp.

What is the glycemic index of boiled crucian carp?

The glycemic index of boiled crucian carp is zero.

Cooking boiled crucian carp


crucian carp to taste
salt to taste
butter to taste
flour to taste
water 0.5 cups
cream to taste
onion 1 head

Salt the cooked fish and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Grind flour with butter, dilute with hot water (0.5 cup) and cream. Bring the liquid to a boil, add fish and onion.

Season the dish with salt and ground pepper. Boil until done, covering the pot with a lid. You need to remove the onion from the finished broth.

Serve boiled potatoes as a side dish. Small crucian carp are boiled whole, large ones are cut in half.

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Crucian carp is a fatty fish that belongs to the genus of the carp family. Crucian carp have a long fin on a thick, laterally compressed body, and pharyngeal teeth lined up in one row. This type of fish is affordable for everyone. Often in supermarkets you can see live crucian carp swimming in aquariums. Many people are tempted by the opportunity to buy the freshest fish that was caught in your presence.

River crucian carp is not inferior in its nutritional properties to its sea counterparts. Not only the meat of cooked crucian carp, but also the rich broth is rightfully considered very useful.

Boiled crucian carp meat is a storehouse of proteins. Many are attracted by the calorie content of the dish, which is 87 kcal per 100 g of fresh product. The same amount of boiled crucian carp contains slightly more calories - 102 kcal. Crucian carp, even when boiled, contains important vitamins B1, B2, vitamin C, nicotinic acid, vitamin E. It is also rich in chemical elements: nickel, molybdenum, phosphorus, magnesium, fluorine, sodium, chromium, potassium, calcium, iron and chlorine.

Beneficial features

There is surprisingly little fat in the meat of crucian fish - 7%, but there is a lot of easily digestible and low-calorie protein. Due to its low calorie content, nutritionists include this boiled fish in the treatment menu for people with excess weight caused by various cardiovascular diseases and pathologies.


The taste quality of crucian carp is significantly determined by its habitat. Crucian carp, which is caught in small swamp-like lakes, smells like mud. The most delicious crucian carp are found in large flowing reservoirs. In addition, they are larger than their counterparts and do not absorb foreign odors.

Dishes made from boiled crucian carp are held in high esteem due to the white soft meat of this fish, which is rich in amino acids and all the necessary elements that ensure the vital functions of the body.

First clean the fish from bones, fins and veins, gut it and wash it, place it in a pan and pour water so that the pieces are completely covered with water. Then you need to close the lid tightly and cook in boiling water for 15-20 minutes so that the meat does not lose its taste and does not become tough.

The taste of the dish can be improved by adding parsley and onions to the cooking water. When the crucian carp is cooked, it is transferred to a preheated dish; based on the broth in which it was boiled, you can prepare a sauce - white or tomato.

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