The magic of numbers. The magic of numbers When is the first lunar day in December

The lunar calendar for December 2016 is the best assistant in planning things. Calculate lunar days and be aware of possible favorable or unfavorable moments in your life.

Moon phases in december 2016

The phases of the moon in December are as follows:

  • the new moon begins at 9:53 on December 29th;
  • full moon - at 03:07 on December 14th;
  • the growing moon - from December 1 to 13, and also from December 30 to 31;
  • waning moon - from December 15 to 28.

There will be no lunar and solar eclipse in December 2016.

Today will be fruitful for determined people. In business and personal relationships, qualities such as courage and straightforwardness are necessary. All started business will bring success.

The day is for brave people. Any signed contracts will bring benefits in the future. Great time to start long or short trips.

Time for active affairs, you can go outside, play sports, and in the evening pay attention to relatives and children. Don't start new business. Trust your intuition, it won't let you down.

According to the lunar calendar for December, today is an auspicious day for household chores. But do not be lazy: if you spend this time on the couch, you will miss the opportunity to solve long-term problems.

The day is good for studying, working and planning things. Today you can set goals for long-term projects or tasks. Do not say a lot of words, it is better to spend energy on the implementation of your plan.

Time for a huge life change. Job searches, moving to a new place of residence will be successful. Today's acquaintances in the future are transformed into a strong friendship.

According to forecasts for December 2016, today is a successful day. Any business you start will be successful, you can change everything that does not suit you in your personal and professional life. This lunar day will bring clarity to your life. Water has healing properties, you can visit the bath or sauna.

The period is not conducive to food experiments, there is a danger of poisoning with unusual foods. Evening is better to devote to charity.

Favorable time for self-improvement and enrichment of one's spiritual world. Any conflicts with others are contraindicated.

Great day to visit the temple. Pay attention to your family. Don't leave the house for too long. If possible, ask for forgiveness from the people you offended.

Be careful: financial losses are possible. There is a high probability of getting carried away with the purchase of goods and getting into debt.

Today you can safely invest in new projects. In the near future, they will bring considerable profit. In the afternoon, start planning your vacation. Alcohol today is doubly harmful, do not get carried away with strong drinks.

The day is unfavorable for starting new business. Get involved in problem solving. You can continue the protracted repair or construction.

The best time to visit a beauty salon, hairdresser, massage room. Communication with friends will bring pleasure. Travel and travel on this day is not recommended.

This day is best spent at home. Communication with friends and relatives is unfavorable. At work, try to talk less and do more.

Be generous and generous today, spend your free time on good deeds. In love matters, success awaits you.

According to the lunar calendar for December 2016, today is an auspicious time for revealing secrets and mysteries. Everything hidden will become clear, therefore it is best to confess your misconduct yourself.

Peace of mind day. Today is the best time to visit the temple and spend time with loved ones. The more good you sow, the more grace you will reap in the future.

Heavy Energy Day. Beware of any conflicts, others will perceive all objectionable words with hostility. Stay at home if possible.

Today is a good time for forgiveness. Old grievances will sink into oblivion, making room for warm communication. Do not be lazy - any business you start will be successful.

Bad driving time. There is a high chance of getting into or having an accident. Try to walk. Do not forget to pay attention to elderly relatives.

Good time to start a new relationship. Be yourself, sincerity on this day is the key to family happiness for many years.

Today you need to spend part of your free time on sports. But do not overdo it: excessive exercise can harm your health. In the evening, do not get carried away with alcoholic beverages.

Pay attention to your family and friends. Today, more than ever, they need your support. The day is not favorable for changing jobs or places of residence.

Great time to broaden your horizons. Read a good book, watch a good movie, try new foods, meet new people. There are no important decisions to be made today.

Try not to listen to others and not to succumb to the fuss. By responding to aggression, you risk diving headlong into a long quarrel.

Be careful with strangers, there is a risk of deception. Try not to overwork, excessive vigorous activity can be harmful to health.

Pay attention to routine and boring work. It will not only help you cope with difficult thoughts, but also prepare a springboard for the implementation of an interesting and profitable idea.

The lunar calendar for December predicts a good day. You can safely make plans for the year ahead. At the end of the day, a pleasant surprise awaits you from a loved one.

Today you can safely go to the registry office and register a marriage. The family created on this day will be strong and happy. Do not take to heart the sharp or unpleasant phrases of the people around you.

Do not utter rash words and wishes. Even on New Year's Eve, watch your emotions. Only in this case, the energy of today will benefit you.

The moon grows gradually, and each growth phase has a specific energy potential. It is at this time that the accumulated forces will be a kind of "battery" for the entire next month. Recently we already wrote about, and now it’s worth finding out what activities to fill the time with from the first to the thirteenth of December ..

Phase #1 - from 1 to 6 December

The starting phase of the growth of the Moon does not provide a sufficient energy charge to carry out responsible affairs. That is why, in the period from the first to the sixth of December, you should beware of cases that require a global expenditure of energy and a high level of concentration.

The following activities are best suited for this week:

  • completion of current affairs;
  • preparation of medicinal decoctions;
  • creation;
  • housework;
  • meditation;
  • interpretation of prophetic dreams;

What not to do:

  • get involved in conflicts and quarrels;
  • drinking alcohol;
  • go on business trips and long trips;
  • load the body with intense physical activity;
  • take on responsible jobs and projects.

First quarter 7 December

JoInfo journalist Karina Kotovskaya learned that the first stage of the moon's growth will be almost completed, and December 7 will be the starting point, when there is plenty of energy to accumulate. The period for significant deeds and undertakings will begin. Inner harmony will be felt especially brightly.

  • resolve conflicts that have long tormented;
  • offer your creative ideas at work;
  • meet new people.

Remember that the growing moon has a negative effect on physical health. Chronic diseases will worsen during this period, and the wounds received on December 7 will heal longer. Those who have meteosensitivity need to pay special attention to their health on this day.

Phase #2 - from 8 to 13 December

The last stage of the growth of the moon is a period when energy accumulates in excess. At this time, it will be necessary to finish all the accumulated cases and start new ones. The most favorable day, according to the calculations of astrologers, for this will be December 13th.

What will benefit from the eighth to the thirteenth of December:

  • New acquaintances;
  • active physical activity;
  • communication with loved ones;
  • development of own business;
  • business ideas;
  • planning.
  • What will have a negative impact:
  • emotional incontinence;
  • indulgence in bad habits;
  • laziness;
  • conflict situations.

Good luck on the growing moon

Astrologers say that the time when the moon is growing is the most ideal for conspiracies and rituals, and various herbal decoctions will have a great effect on immunity. In addition, do not forget that you need to cut your hair on the growing moon. will tell you on which specific days you need to cut the ends, dye and cut your hair.

Gain strength and be in a good mood!

The full moon in December 2016 will occur on December 14th. The full moon on December 14, 2016 will occur at 03.07 Moscow time. The full moon is the peak of the lunar cycle, when the moon is fully illuminated by the rays of the sun. The full moon in December will occur in the sign of Cancer. Full moon magic is good for doing full moon money rituals, full moon rituals for love, and other full moon rituals that are aimed at acquiring, increasing something. Rites and rituals for the full moon are usually held at night, when the full moon is seen in the sky. Magic rituals for the full moon are rituals for money on the full moon, full moon rituals for love.

It is good to devote this lunar month of the full moon in Cancer to various kinds of spiritual practices, understanding your inner world, getting rid of psychological blocks and clamps, as well as various kinds of fortune-telling, opportunities to find out your destiny. On the full moon in Cancer, intuition sharpens, people become more sensitive, receptive. You can safely push things that require strong-willed efforts into the background: they will not go in the best way.

Full moon days always increase activity and add energy. Every day we are drawn to illogical, inconsistent actions. Therefore, it is better to do analytical work. There will always be something that needs planning and analysis. Such activities bring peace of mind and are useful for any business.

On the day of the full moon, it is good to bring your projects to their logical conclusion. Right now you will have enough strength to do it. On this special lunar day, a person can gain sobriety of thinking, a sharp mind and a deep mind! His vision of the world can become so clear and clear that you can realize your eternal spiritual nature, and all pressing problems will become less complicated, and their solutions will come by themselves. On the full moon, you can find the answers to your questions yourself. Full moons are associated with completion, it may be possible to get out of an unpleasant situation. If the decision has come to break off a burdensome relationship, then the full moon will give the necessary determination for this.

On the days of the full moon, all processes associated with filling, flow, and liquids are activated. The human psyche on the full moon is subject to sharp changes and is easily amenable to various provocations, explosions and inadequate states.

It is good to starve on the full moon, because the body these days reacts sharply to all the substances that enter it. Edema often occurs. Floods are among the most frequent natural disasters. The energies of the full moon begin to be felt three days before the full moon and the influence of this period lasts three days after the full moon.

On the full moon day itself, it is best to avoid contact, relax and meditate. Rites and rituals for the full moon are performed on the very peak of the full moon, which every month falls on a different lunar day and at different times, which can be recognized by the lunar calendar.

During the full moon, you can use various rituals and rituals to influence your success in business, to attract profit.

On the full moon, all rituals for receiving, attracting something act very quickly and powerfully, because the moon at this time has the greatest energy power. As a result of this, you will be able to get what you want even before the next lunar month.

Women's ritual on the full moon to fill the lunar energy of love

In order to increase their mystical power, women used to use special rituals for the full moon. At the very peak of the full moon, you need to stand under the moon for about two hours, thus being saturated with lunar energy. Another variation of this ritual is to place your bed in such a way that moonlight falls on it from the window. And sleep all night under the moonlight. And during this time - two hours in a conscious state or during a moonlit night in a dream - the moonlight so strongly nourishes the body of a woman with its lunar energy that it literally immediately raises the level of her female energy. And in this case, pregnancy is possible, even if the woman could not conceive a child for a long time. With such an enhanced filling with lunar energy, female strength will increase significantly. Also, the lunar energy of the Woman will be directed to the creation of the desired world around herself or her family, the fulfillment of a desire or the attraction of love.

Full moon ritual to attract money and prosperity

On a full moon, you need to go outside, to the balcony or go to the window, stand under the moonlight and show the moon your open wallet with money. In this case, you need to pronounce the words:

“Money to money, I don’t save - I multiply, I protect myself from debts and embezzlement. As you, the moon, are full in the sky, so let my treasury be full.

After that, set aside the largest banknote in the empty compartment of your wallet, it cannot be spent until the next full moon. This money will be a money talisman, it will open new cash flows for you and keep the existing wealth.

Use the tips of our professional astrologers, find out what awaits you in the coming week:

The forecast is made for the next 30 days, and includes a numerological forecast for each day, what is better to do or not do on the selected days, favorable and unfavorable days, the energy potential of each day.

This alignment will show the state of your affairs and events for the coming week. If you want to know all the main events, trends, opportunities and feasible plans for the week that concern you, then this alignment will answer your main questions and even show the hidden sides that you did not know about. Thanks to the alignment, you will understand what plans are feasible, what to focus on, what is better to refuse and what result to expect after the actions you have taken, as well as what can happen regardless of your desire or participation and how to eliminate all undesirable consequences.

Personal astrological horoscope for a week (any 7 days). Accurate calculations for your natal chart, compiled by professional astrologers, will tell you what events await you in all areas: love and family, work and health.

TaroTaro wishes you success and prosperity.

The energy of the Moon has always had a great influence on the activities of people. The recommendations of astrologers will help you achieve success and warn against rash acts.

The growing moon has several phases, and each in its own way affects the energy of the day and the initiative of a person. The accumulation of energy characteristic of these periods requires strength and is favorable for all kinds of magical rituals. It is especially easy to attract financial well-being during the growth of the moon. Planning important events is better to postpone until the moment of maximum energy charge. The decline of strength and wasted energy is restored in the phase of the growing moon and is aimed at accumulating vitality.

The first phase of the moon from December 1 to 6

The initial growth of the Moon does not provide a sufficient charge of energy to perform tasks that require concentration and the expenditure of a large amount of strength. Favorable days will be from 4 to 6 December.

Useful activities:

  • meditation;
  • creation;
  • completion of current affairs;
  • preparation of medicinal decoctions;
  • housework.

What will be harmful:

  • quarrels and conflicts;
  • long trips and business trips;
  • responsible projects;
  • strong physical activity;
  • alcohol.

First quarter 7 December

The moon's growth phase is half completed, and half of the lunar disk can be seen in the sky. This day is the starting point when there is enough energy and it begins to accumulate in excess. Favorable time for new beginnings and achievements. The energy of harmony contributes to a balanced solution of conflicts. The implementation of projects and bold ideas on this day favorably affects the further career future. Personal relationships and new acquaintances have every chance to develop and bring satisfaction.

The growing moon affects physical health - chronic diseases are exacerbated. Wounds received during this period heal worse. Weather-sensitive people should take care of their health and strengthen it with the permission of the attending physician using folk methods.

Second Vase of the Moon from 8 to 13 December

The final stage of the growth of the Moon is characterized by an excess of energy. Now you have enough strength to complete the planned tasks and start new ones. The auspicious day will be December 13th.

What will benefit:

  • active physical activity;
  • business ideas;
  • planning;
  • New acquaintances;
  • development of own business;
  • communication with loved ones;

What will be harmful:

  • conflict situations;
  • indulgence in bad habits;
  • laziness;
  • emotional incontinence;

Good luck on the growing moon

The opinions of astrologers agree that the growing moon is the ideal time for rituals to attract good luck and financial well-being. Various decoctions of herbs also have a beneficial effect on energy and immunity restoration. Amulets and amulets made during the growth of the lunar disk are charged with its energy and work with a vengeance. Even our ancestors used the power of the moon for beauty and attractiveness. The haircut lunar calendar will tell you the best days to change your hairstyle and haircut that will strengthen your hair.

Use the information provided to your advantage. Be aware of everyone and do not miss the opportunity to realize yourself in various fields of activity. We wish you financial well-being, love and success, and do not forget and do not forget to press the buttons and

30.11.2016 02:10

In order to find the joy of life, get rid of problems and achieve success, you do not need to apply ...

In the last month of this year, no anomalies in the behavior of the moon are expected. This is especially true of the period of decreasing lunar disk. Despite this, surprises of fate are still possible.

To effectively plan your affairs for every day right up to the New Year itself, it is best to use the lunar calendar for december. It will help you to know more precisely what the mood of the Moon will be like on this or that day of New Year's Eve.

What can and even needs to be done on the waning moon

According to the lunar calendar, the moon will decrease from December 15 to 28. From this it follows that the Universe gives us a great chance to leave in 2016 all the hardships that he also gave rise to.

First of all, think about what bad things happened in your life, what excesses your soul acquired during the period of 12 months of the restless Red Monkey. The leap year has been difficult, but don't write it off as it continues. Now positive thoughts play a more significant role than usual. From December 15 to December 28, astrologers advise:

  • deal with basic matters;
  • get rid of debts;
  • remove from life people who bring only negativity;
  • make plans for the New Year;
  • do a general cleaning at home;
  • build relationships with those you love.

On this waning moon, it is better not to abuse alcohol, as well as bad habits such as laziness. Now you can't sit idle. Even if you are lucky and can relax and indulge in inactivity, find a way to use each day with benefit, otherwise you may be in trouble before January 1st.

Unfavorable deeds on the waning moon

During this time, it is necessary to get rid of everything that interferes with us. Here is a list of the most unfavorable cases for the second half of December, according to astrologers:

  • travel, business trips, vacations;
  • maintenance of conflict situations;
  • impulsive actions.

It's simple - the change of scenery before the New Year will not be for the better. Try to stay at home with loved ones and plan things together for New Year's Eve and for the end of the month. After all, the holiday will not begin on the evening of December 31, but on the 30th, because December 31 falls on Saturday. This is another plus in the treasury of the benefits of the upcoming 2017.

On the waning moon, you can easily figure out what to do with yourself during the growth of the moon, but this time you should not plan things beyond December 31st. Try to beware of making rash decisions, because they can become extremely negative for you, destroying your energy and worsening an already shaky mood.

It is very good that the Moon will decrease until December 28, because on the 29th we are waiting for the New Moon, some renewal of energy and subsequent growth. This is an incredibly pleasant fact, saying that by New Year's Eve we can get a good mood, plans and motivation. Allow yourself to meet the year of the Fire Rooster with a chic mood and deeds completed on the waning moon. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

15.12.2016 03:20

Many people destroy their own happiness every day without even knowing it. Everyone can avoid trouble if...