Cognac preparation method recipe. How to make real branded cognac at home from vodka, alcohol, moonshine: the best recipes. How to make homemade Armenian, Latgalian, chocolate, quick cognac, Hennessy, from grapes, with prunes,

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Making cognac at home is not a complicated process; it is accessible to almost everyone. The manufacturing process itself is not particularly difficult, and a large number of ingredients are not required.

Today, there are various recipes for making cognac at home, let's start with the classic method.

Making cognac at home

First of all, you need to grow and harvest the vines. The best time to cut it off- end of September or beginning of October. If the weather outside is quite cool, then it is necessary to ferment the pulp during the period when the heating in the apartment will be started. Otherwise, there is a high probability of mold and musty smell.

The harvested grapes do not need to be washed; they are crushed together with the brush and turn into pulp.

Next, the resulting mass is filled into containers, which are covered with a gauze bandage. The proportions of the original ingredients are as follows: for a 30-liter pan, use 1 bucket of grape berries (or 1.5 buckets of vines on a brush) and 4 kilograms of sugar.

In this case, water is filled at a distance of 5 centimeters from the edge of the container. Fermentation of grapes will be accompanied by a characteristic wine smell. Often, 10-15 days are enough for natural yeast to form on the surface in warm weather.

It is not advisable to use alcoholic yeast; according to this recipe, natural microelements should be quite sufficient. Instead of a lid, the fermentation container should be covered with a plastic bag, which is pressed tightly with an elastic band. This prevents the entry of oxygen as a result of the fermentation process.

The container is wrapped in a blanket and placed under the battery. You must remember to stir the resulting mass once a day.

After approximately 7 days, the mash can already be tasted, or more accurately measured with an alcohol meter (permissible strength is 11-12%).

The taste of young wine should be free of sweetness - bitterness is welcome. As for appearance, almost all grape berries precipitate, and the mash has the pure and rich color of classic grape wine.

The distillate that flows out must be collected to the last drop. The alcohol should drip through a funnel with gauze, into which broken pharmaceutical tablets of activated carbon (about 15 pieces) are placed.

The resulting mass is diluted with water (one third of the total amount) and again distilled through a funnel with coal.

During the second distillation, the first 50 grams (head fractions) must be poured out, since this alcohol is harmful to the body.

It is this toxic substance that provokes the development of hangover syndrome.

The third distillation involves obtaining grape alcohol with a strength of 80%.

Here's an example of the finished product: from 25 liters of grape must after the third distillation, about 8 liters of alcohol are obtained. High quality grape spirit should have a subtle sweet aftertaste.

To soften an alcoholic drink and give it flavor, it is necessary to add add oak pegs and leave it alone for a long time (about 8 months).

On a three-liter jar you should put 30 pieces of chopped sticks, 10 cm long. It should be noted that during the infusion process the oak will stretch another 2 millimeters.

It is desirable that the wooden log be at least 50 years old. To get rid of dirt and other impurities, the pegs are soaked in water for about 7 days, changing the liquid regularly.

To do this, the resulting grape alcohol should be diluted with raw, purified, and always cold water. It should be noted that it is alcohol that needs to be poured into cold water, and not vice versa! The alcoholic drink should be diluted to 45% strength.

After 8 months, the liquid will acquire the taste and color of real cognac.

After this, the produced alcoholic drink is blended at home.

If desired, cloves and cinnamon sticks, which were previously infused with alcohol, are added to the cognac. For a 3 liter jar you need to add 1 teaspoon of clove tincture and 2 teaspoons of cinnamon tincture. If the grapes are not sweet enough, add 2 tablespoons of sugar.

Making cognac from coffee (ground)

In this recipe, you do not need to distill the alcohol yourself; vodka or moonshine is used as a basis. To make coffee-flavored cognac, you need to prepare 170 grams of a strong drink and let it steep for at least 24 hours. After this, you should mix it with vodka. Infuse the resulting vodka-coffee mixture for a month.

During the specified time, the two components dissolve in each other, and sugar syrup is added to a homogeneous liquid (proportions: 500 grams of sugar per 150 ml of liquid).

The finished cognac is bottled and tasted.

Cognac on orange peel

A fairly common recipe for making homemade cognac involves mixing vanillin, bay leaf, orange peel, moonshine (3 liters), 10 black peppercorns, 1 tablespoon of dry tea and one tablespoon of cinnamon. All of the listed ingredients are mixed and placed in a cool place for 5 days. Storage temperature should not be below room temperature.

After the specified period, the cognac is filtered through several layers of gauze.

All recipes mainly differ from each other in the additives that are added to the vodka or moonshine drink. There are a lot of variations, it can be lemon balm, rose hips, capsicum, mint.

An excellent alternative to oak pegs are walnut partitions - they give the alcoholic drink a characteristic color and flavor.

Attention, this article is presented for informational purposes only. Remember, excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to your health.

Cognac is a drink loved by many. It is used both at big holidays and feasts, and in a narrow circle of friends. A real high-quality drink, produced according to all traditional recipes, is extremely expensive and not available to everyone, and a purchased cheap analogue can result in a severe hangover in the morning.

Therefore, many moonshine lovers try to make cognac from. Don’t be intimidated by the complexity of preparation, as you can get imitation cognac at home. This does not mean that it will not taste good or is of low quality. On the contrary, due to the fact that it contains various tinctures and herbs, homemade cognac from moonshine has a very pleasant taste and high quality. If all preparation technologies are followed, such a drink will not only bring pleasure while drinking, but will not bring even a trace of a hangover.

Real professionally produced cognac is made from grapes. It is aged in oak barrels and, due to contact with the wooden walls of the vessel, acquires its dark color and unique aroma. Since it is quite difficult to make cognac from moonshine with your own hands in this way, it is prepared infusing oak chips or bark.

In order for the final product to be as similar as possible to real cognac, you need to properly prepare the wood. To rid an oak log of excess tannins you need:

  • Divide the wood into small pieces that are convenient for putting into a bottle.
  • Soak in cold water for a day, changing the water every eight hours.
  • After this, the wood chips are soaked for 6–8 hours in a soda solution at the rate of 2 tablespoons per 10 liters of water.
  • After the time has passed, the pegs are washed and boiled in clean water for 40 - 60 minutes.
  • The finished wood is dried and roasted on a baking sheet in the oven until it changes color slightly.

The taste of the finished drink depends on the degree of roasting. Cognac with vanilla aromas is obtained from slightly heated wood chips. When deeply roasted, the drink will have a smoked-chocolate flavor.

Moonshine for cognac is prepared from pre-selected raw materials. It is desirable that this be grape, but other products can be used. Additional will be required before infusion. The taste and quality of cognac depends on this.

The prepared alcohol and wood are placed in one container and aged. The result is a tincture made from oak chips or bark, called homemade cognac. To obtain different flavor variations, various spices or nuts are added to the recipe.

Homemade cognac from moonshine without the use of oak raw materials

Making cognac from moonshine may not involve the use of wood for infusion and flavor. In this case, many different additives are used to create not only the aroma, but also the color of the natural drink. The cognac base is obtained by using:

  • Walnut or its slices.
  • Pepper.
  • Pine nuts.
  • Sahara.
  • Spices.
  • Cinnamon.

All additives are not used in one recipe at once; they are combined in 1 - 2 pieces for a harmonious taste. They will need to be boiled together with moonshine, brought to a certain temperature. After this, the mixture is cooled and further infused with the addition of coffee, tea or nutmeg.

Homemade cognac, the recipes of which do not contain wood, are not quite similar to the traditional drink familiar to everyone. But it has its advantages. Aging on wood chips requires a lot of time, and sometimes you don’t have enough patience to wait or simply don’t have time, because you want to please your guests at the upcoming holiday. In this case, wood-free recipes come in handy. In addition, this cooking technology can contain many different variations of ingredients, which change the taste characteristics. In this case, limitless space for imagination and experimentation opens up.


Recipes for cognac differ in their ingredients, production technology and time costs. If you want to get a drink as close as possible to the traditional taste, then you need to use a recipe that uses wood chips or oak bark with a long and methodical aging. In this case, the drink acquires a natural woody caramel color and aroma, and is difficult to distinguish from the original.

For faster cooking, use recipes without adding oak wood and long aging. In this case, the list of ingredients increases dramatically, but does not complicate the preparation, since they are all easily accessible and inexpensive. Such a drink can be prepared within a few days, but it will most likely resemble cognac. Therefore, when choosing how to make cognac from moonshine, you need to decide in advance which criteria are the most important.

Recipe for cognac on oak chips

The recipe for cognac from moonshine is the simplest and most similar to the store-bought original. It contains minimal ingredients but requires a long wait. Real cognac acquires its taste due to the fact that oak barrels get burned before exposure. Therefore, cognac from moonshine at home, recipes for which include the use of fried wood chips, brings this recipe closer to the original. For preparation you will need:

  • Moonshine - 3 liters.
  • Chips – 20 – 30 pieces.
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon.

The wood is pre-prepared. The log is divided into small chips, which are soaked for several days in cold water. After this, they are dried and laid out on a baking sheet. It must be placed in the oven and kept until appearance of light smoke from wood chips. You need to carefully monitor it, otherwise you can miss the moment and the tree will simply burn.

After this, the wood chips with sugar are placed in a jar and poured. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed, and the container is hermetically sealed and left in a cool, dark place for at least 10 days. The ideal infusion time is from two weeks to three months. The longer the aging, the richer the taste of the finished drink will be.

Homemade cognac from moonshine on oak bark “Latgale”

This is cognac made from moonshine, prepared at home, the recipe of which was invented in Latvia. This cooking method is ideal for home use, as it does not require much time, and all ingredients are easily available and inexpensive. With all this, the taste of the finished drink is as close as possible to classic expensive cognac. This is achieved due to the fact that the composition includes oak bark. In general, for cooking you will need:

  • Moonshine - 3 liters.
  • Cloves - 3 pieces.
  • Ground nutmeg – 1 gram.
  • Oak bark - 2 tablespoons.
  • Ground coriander – 0.5 grams.

First you need to prepare the wood component. In order to remove excess tannins, you need to pour boiling water over the bark and steam for 10-15 minutes. After this, the liquid infusion is drained and the bark is dried.

Sugar must be dissolved in moonshine before mixing. Half a glass will be enough. Only after this all the ingredients are placed in a container for infusion and mixed. The jar is placed in a dark place and left for at least 14 days at a temperature of 18 – 25 degrees. During this time, you need to shake the container 3 times a week to evenly distribute the ingredients. The maximum aging time is no more than one month, otherwise the drink may end up with a bitter aftertaste. After infusion, filter the finished cognac from sediment and oak bark, bottle it and put it away for storage and consumption.

Homemade cognac without long infusion

A recipe for homemade cognac made without long infusion is very popular since you don’t have to wait long to taste your favorite drink. Before upcoming holidays and family events, when you want to please your guests with something homemade, quick homemade cognac is what you need. To prepare you need:

  • Moonshine – 1 liter.
  • Bay leaf – 2 pieces.
  • Granulated sugar - 3 tablespoons.
  • Black tea – 0.5 teaspoon.
  • Soda – 1 pinch.
  • Vanillin – 1 pinch.

This cognac is prepared by boiling. To do this, it is best to use an enamel pan in which all the ingredients are placed. The mixture is heated to 75 degrees over low heat. After this, the liquid is poured into a jar for so-called settling. You can add a little coffee to the drink, about a third of a tablespoon, to enhance the taste. Cognac must be aged for at least three days, after which it is filtered and tasted. This way you will get a tasty and quick drink that is worthy of being served at the table.

Citrus homemade cognac from moonshine

In real moonshine, citrus notes are formed naturally, from the contact of alcohol with the wooden walls of the barrel. The lemon-orange taste of moonshine cognac is achieved through additional ingredients. Due to the right combination, the homemade drink is as close as possible to the original. To prepare it you need:

  • Moonshine - 4 liters.
  • Black tea – 4 tablespoons.
  • Orange zest from one fruit.
  • Granulated sugar - 2 tablespoons.
  • Peppercorns – 4 pieces.
  • Cloves – 1 teaspoon.
  • Cinnamon stick – 2 pieces.
  • Bay leaf – 2 pieces.
  • Vanillin – 1 pinch.

Instead of orange, any other citrus with clean, undamaged zest will do. If you use lemon, you will need a smaller amount, about half the fruit. It must be carefully cut off in layers without touching the lower white part. The zest, along with tea and spices, is placed on the bottom of the container and filled with prepared moonshine and all ingredients are mixed. Close the jar with a lid and leave in a dark place at room temperature for a couple of weeks.

After time, the liquid is filtered to get rid of solids and sediment. For the last stage, caramel is prepared. You need to take granulated sugar and heat it until the color changes to brown. The finished caramel is mixed with moonshine until completely dissolved, and the liquid is infused for another couple of days. During this time, the taste will finally stabilize due to sugar and open up. After this, the cognac can be poured into a convenient storage container and begin tasting.

Nut cognac from moonshine

Making nut cognac at home is an opportunity not only to enjoy a wonderful tincture, but also to get positive health effects. Walnut partitions contain useful elements. The main one is iodine. If there is a shortage of it, such a tincture, when consumed in small quantities for health purposes, will be an excellent prevention of diseases of the thyroid gland and the endocrine system as a whole. To prepare this cognac you will need:

  • Moonshine – 2 liters.
  • Walnut partitions – 10 pieces.
  • Pine nuts – 1 tablespoon.
  • Black tea – 2 tablespoons.
  • Carnation buds – 7 pieces.
  • Melissa – 1 whisper.
  • Citrus zest - 1 slice.
  • Honey – 2 tablespoons.

For the base it is best to use. This way the drink will taste as close as possible to cognac. Nuts and partitions are filled with alcohol and infused for a couple of days. After this, the remaining ingredients of spices and seasonings are added to them, and this mixture is kept for another month in a dark room at room temperature. During this time, the jar needs to be shaken every 2 to 3 days.

The finished infusion is filtered using gauze folded several times or thick cotton cloth. This will separate the solid part of the mixture and the resulting precipitate. The finished drink undergoes final aging for one week, after which you can begin tasting. This homemade cognac increases mental activity, improves immunity and saturates the human body with useful elements.

Coffee cognac from moonshine at home

Making cognac from moonshine with coffee is very simple. Such a drink, due to its ingredient, will receive an additional invigorating property and acquire a pleasant velvety aroma. This type of cognac should not be treated to guests at night, as it is unlikely that you will be able to fall asleep after it. To prepare it you will need:

  • Moonshine – 1 liter.
  • Coffee – 2 tablespoons.
  • Carnation buds – 6 pieces.
  • Granulated sugar - 3 tablespoons.
  • Nutmeg – 1 whisper.
  • Vanilla – 1 pinch.

All ingredients, except granulated sugar, are placed in a container for infusion and filled with alcohol. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and infused in a hermetically sealed container for three weeks. The room should be dark, not exposed to direct sunlight, and the temperature should not exceed 25 degrees. During this time, the drink must be constantly shaken. Thus, all flavoring additives are evenly distributed and saturate the alcohol.

At the end of the process, sugar caramel is prepared and mixed with moonshine until completely dissolved. The resulting cognac is infused for another week until the flavor bouquet is fully revealed.

Cognac from moonshine with prunes

Often alcohol is prepared based on various dried fruits. All of them, and prunes in particular, have a deep, rich taste and a rich bouquet that is transferred to the drink. In addition, this cognac also receives the effects on the body that belong to this dried fruit. Therefore, you need to be careful in use, not forgetting its laxative effect. To prepare this cognac at home you need:

  • Moonshine – 1 liter.
  • Prunes – 5 pieces.
  • Oak bark – 1 tablespoon.
  • Carnation in buds - 2 - 3 pieces.
  • Nutmeg – 1 pinch.
  • Lemon juice – 1 teaspoon.
  • Granulated sugar – 1 tablespoon.

You can purchase oak bark at any pharmacy or prepare it yourself in advance by going to the forest to get it. To get a smoky flavor, you can dry the bark a little in the oven or use dried prunes. In the original recipe, this characteristic is acquired by firing the inner surface of the barrels.

The bark is pre-soaked in boiling water for 20 minutes. After this, it is dried in the open air, without thermal heating. All ingredients except sugar are placed in a prepared container and filled with grape or any other fruit moonshine. The mixture is thoroughly shaken, sealed with a lid and sent to a dark room for three weeks.

When the drink is ready, caramel is made from granulated sugar, which is mixed with cognac, which is pre-filtered through a thick cloth. The tincture is aged for an additional week until the taste characteristics are fully realized. The resulting drink will acquire a fruity-smoky aroma and an exquisite rich aftertaste.

Eastern recipe

The East is associated primarily with herbs and spices. This region always abounds in bright, rich flavors and aromas. This is reflected in cognac prepared according to an oriental recipe. Of course, its composition cannot do without several spices that will add additional sharpness and richness. To prepare this drink you will need:

  • Moonshine - 3 liters.
  • Carnation buds – 15 pieces.
  • Coffee – 3 tablespoons.
  • Cinnamon – 1 teaspoon.
  • Granulated sugar - 3 tablespoons.
  • Vanilla – 1 pinch.

Coffee and sugar are mixed and combined with the remaining ingredients. Half a liter is poured into the spices and the liquid is shaken. The rest of the alcohol is added only after the granulated sugar has completely dissolved. The entire mixture is infused in a hermetically sealed container without access to direct sunlight. Exposure time is no more than three weeks. After this, the prepared cognac is filtered, separated from the sediment and cloves, and bottled for further storage and tasting.

This drink has sharp notes in taste, but does not lose its cognac character and similarity to the original. This recipe has a characteristic feature - a high content of cloves, which in no case should be excluded. If you remove it, then it will be a completely different recipe with excellent taste characteristics.

Recipe "Siberian"

Cognac with this name is prepared from ingredients characteristic of a given territory. Siberia is primarily associated with forests, cold and cedars. Therefore, the recipe contains pine nuts, and the drink acquires their characteristic notes. For preparation you will need:

  • Moonshine - 3 liters.
  • Oak bark - 3 tablespoons.
  • Pine nuts or their shells – 100 grams.

Oak bark is poured with boiling water and kept for an hour. The resulting infusion is filtered and mixed with the remaining ingredients. The mixture is aged for 2-3 weeks in a dark, not hot room. During this entire time, the bottle is constantly shaken. After which the cognac is filtered and bottled into containers for storage.

By following all the rules of preparation, the ratio of ingredients and the recipe, you can get cognac that is no worse, and maybe even better than store-bought. This drink will become popular at all holidays and family celebrations.

A source of pride for the French, cognac has caught the fancy of the whole world, in some countries it has become a household name, and the recipe contains its own nuances in preparation. A similar drink is made anywhere in the world where white grape varieties are grown (what cognac is made from), but the name of the French masterpiece is more loved and firmly rooted. Using old recipes for cognac and cognac liqueurs, masters prepare homemade cognac. It’s worth taking a closer look at what recipes for making cognac at home are used by amateur winemakers, and how to get closer in taste to the original drink.

Making cognac from grapes at home

The general technology for preparing the drink will tell you how to make cognac at home. The cognac recipe contains technical white grape varieties. The most common in Russia is Rkatsiteli and its varietal varieties. It is distinguished by thin skin, juicy pulp, large cluster, good acidity, as well as a special aroma of aromatic herbs and citrus fruits. Muscat varieties are also good. And if you want to create your own “author’s” cognac, you can use any grapes grown in your own garden or dacha. However, varieties with a high content of tannins: Saperavi, Cabernet and Kakhet will not work, as they will give the drink an undesirable degree of hardness. The grapes must be fully ripe, with sufficient sugar.

The technology used to prepare real cognac (briefly):

  1. October harvest of ripe white grapes (Ugny Blanc / Colombard / Semillon / Folle Blanche - varieties are arranged in descending order of popularity of use). Cognac can be varietal (one grape variety is used) or blended (several varieties are used).
  2. Squeezing berries using pneumatic presses with crushing the seeds.
  3. Juice fermentation (2-3 weeks), without adding sugar, during which young dry wine is prepared with a strength of 10 degrees.
  4. Double distillation (distillation of dry wine into alcohol). It takes place in Charente stills (alambics) with a heating lid (hood), which has an outlet pipe, an additional container for heating the supplied wine and a cooling coil. Such a useful apparatus, along with the name “alambik,” was borrowed by the French from the Arabs in the Middle Ages, during the colonization of Arab countries, and was later brought to perfection.
  5. Aging of the resulting cognac spirit in handmade oak barrels from Limousin/Tronsay old oak (named after the forest). Before filling, the barrels are fired. This softens the wood, and the oak releases tannins faster. Young wine absorbs color and aroma. The drink “ages” for from two to seventy years in special cognac cellars. With air humidity from 40% to 60%, evaporation occurs better, and the future cognac gets rid of water, retaining alcohol. And with a humidity of 90%-100%, almost no evaporation occurs. In some cognac houses, barrels are moved around the cellars to achieve optimal strength.
  6. Filling into glass containers after the planned holding time and storage until required. The strength of the drink is from 40 degrees.

This is how classic cognac is prepared. If possible, you can try to get as close to these conditions as possible. In the absence of one, a good cognac drink will be obtained with minor deviations. And by improvising, home distillers generally work wonders.

You will need:

  • Ripe grapes: 30 kg;
  • Granulated sugar: 2.5 kg (in case the grapes did not have time to ripen due to bad weather);
  • Pure (filtered) water: 4 l;
  • Prepared oak pegs (thickness - 5-10 mm; length - according to the height of the container). It is placed in containers at the rate of 15-20 pegs per three liters of grape alcohol.

Proportions are calculated based on the weight of the berries. If everything is prepared, proceed to the first stage.

Fermentation of grape raw materials

Cognac production begins with dry white wine. Quality depends on well-prepared wine materials.

  1. Preparing berries.

Unwashed grapes are picked from the bunches, placed in a deep bowl, and crushed well with the seeds. The berries are not washed, since natural yeast (microorganisms that live on the skin of all fruits) is washed off from the surface. After washing off such bacteria, you will have to add baker's yeast to start fermentation, which is not advisable. The dirt is wiped off with a dry cloth, the dust is not touched.

  1. Adding sugar.

Experts do not recommend adding it, but without it there will be no fermentation process. In France, grape terraces are located towards the rising sun, warm up well during the day, and weather conditions allow grapes to ripen in the sun until October. Such climatic conditions are not everywhere and, in general, grapes do not have time to ripen by the beginning of frost. Sugar is added precisely in such cases in the form of lukewarm invert syrup. You can simply stir the sugar and water well, but in this case the process of dissolving the sugar will be slower. If the acid content is not critical, following the steps in this recipe, you should avoid sugar.

  1. Preparation of wort.

The dishes are covered with gauze/thin cloth and left in a dark, warm place. The wine begins to “play” and pulp appears. It needs to be stirred periodically.

  1. Wort filtering.

If the rules are followed, fermentation begins after three days. A large amount of foam with a wine smell will indicate the need for filtration. To do this, use gauze/sieve. The liquid is filtered from the pulp and the remaining grape “cake” is squeezed out.

  1. Pouring into containers.

The resulting mash is poured into a glass bottle for fermentation. Leave in a warm, dark place at a temperature of 25-30 degrees. Close with a water seal (a special nylon cap on the cylinder) or use an inflatable ball/rubber glove, which is carefully pierced in one place to allow air to escape.

  1. Fermentation.

Lasts from three to eight weeks. If the water seal stops “gurgling”, the ball or glove is deflated, it means that the mash has stopped foaming, and sediment has appeared at the bottom of the bottle.

  1. Final filtration.

Straining through cheesecloth/filter cloth is carried out as many times as necessary to get rid of sediment.

Young dry wine with a strength of 10-12 degrees is ready, but if the goal is to make cognac, move on to the next stage.


Preparation of cognac in the second stage requires double distillation. Both young and aged wines are suitable for distillation. The apparatus used is an alambic or a moonshine still. In design, these two devices are practically no different. You can buy both on the open market.

  1. The filtered and strained wine is poured into a distillation cube. The first distillation takes place at maximum power and is not divided into fractions. At the same time, you can save the time of heating the yeast and reduce the appearance of harmful impurities. It is important to carry out the first distillation quickly. After reaching the strength values ​​below 25 degrees (use an alcohol meter), the selection is stopped.
  2. The strength of the alcohol obtained together with the fraction is measured and diluted with clean (filtered) water to a strength of 10 degrees. In this case, moonshine is poured into water, and not vice versa.
  3. During the second distillation (minimum power), the first portion is taken: 15% of the total volume and poured out. The so-called "head". Next, the “clean” body is selected until the strength is reduced to 45 degrees. The remainder is taken at maximum power. Below this strength threshold, the so-called “tails” remain, which contain a large amount of fusel oils that are harmful to health.

Making high-quality cognac at home requires careful preparation and patience. To obtain a better result, you can distill the resulting product again by diluting it with clean (filtered) water to 20 degrees and following the recommendations of the second distillation.


The best infusion will be in oak barrels. These are sold at markets, fairs in manufacturers' stores and can be easily ordered online. A convenient, simple and cheap way is to infuse it with oak chips, bark or pegs.

Cognac can be prepared from grape alcohol obtained by distillation by pouring the product into glass containers with oak pegs. The drink is pre-diluted to the desired strength, or remains in its original form. The prepared pegs are kept in boiling water for 10 minutes, then in cold water for 20 minutes and placed in clean glass jars. Closed jars are left in a cool place, such as a basement/cellar, for a period of at least 6 months.


The cognac drink can be imitated. It's quick and doesn't require much time or effort. Recipes for cognac, which is prepared “in a hurry,” are varied. Everyone is interested in knowing how to quickly make imitation cognac yourself and surprise guests with a delicious drink. Production is not complicated. It is prepared by mixing various ingredients.

Vodka on oak bark

Making cognac at home is a great way to get an elegant and noble drink. Homemade cognac allows for improvisation with ingredients and infusion times.

Preparation method 1:

  • 2 liters of vodka/diluted alcohol/grape moonshine;
  • 4 tsp. spoons of oak bark (pharmaceutical);

The bark is poured with vodka, left for two weeks, then filtered.

  • 2.5 l. vodka/diluted alcohol/grape moonshine;
  • 1 tsp. a spoonful of large-leaf black tea;
  • 1 tsp. spoon of vanilla sugar;
  • 5 pieces. dry clove buds;
  • Citric acid on the tip of the tea. spoons.

Mix everything except citric acid and add vodka. Add acid and stir. Leave for three days, strain. In this recipe oak was replaced with tea. It will give the drink a beautiful color, aroma and add soft tannins and tannins.

Coffee cognac recipe at home

If you don’t have oak pegs, wood chips, bark or powder in stock, it’s also possible to make cognac at home. Ground coffee is used for this noble drink.

You will need for cooking:

  • 3 tsp. spoons of ground coffee;
  • 1/2 cup water;
  • 1 liter of vodka/diluted alcohol/grape moonshine.

Coffee is stirred in boiling water and left for a day. Pour into a container, add vodka/alcohol/moonshine. The mixture is infused for 25 days. After filtering, add sugar/berry syrup if desired. The drink turns out soft with the aroma of coffee and berries.

Homemade cognac with orange zest

Making homemade cognac allows the addition of fruit. For preparation use:

  • 1.5 liters of vodka/diluted alcohol/grape moonshine;
  • 0.5 table. spoon of sugar;
  • 0.5 tbsp. ground cinnamon;
  • ½ orange zest;
  • 2 pcs. dry clove buds;
  • Vanillin at the tip of the tea. spoons;
  • 1/2 table. a spoonful of black loose leaf tea;

The tea used is of good quality, without additives.

The zest is grated. Place everything in a dry, clean jar, pour in vodka/alcohol/moonshine. Stir, cover with a lid and darken. Strain the tincture after three weeks using gauze/filter cloth. The drink is ready. Any amateur winemaker knows how to make homemade cognac, tasty and healthy with fruit.

How to make cognac at home from prunes

Strong fruit drinks are popular not only among gourmets. A recipe will help you figure out how to make fruit cognac.

  • 2 liters of vodka/diluted alcohol/grape moonshine;
  • 5 pieces. dried prunes;
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice;
  • 1 tablespoon of oak bark (pharmaceutical);
  • 3 pcs. dry clove buds;
  • 1 tablespoon sugar;
  • nutmeg on the tip of a teaspoon.

This tincture tones and has beneficial properties. The homemade plum cognac recipe is widespread and easy to use.

Oak bark is poured with hot boiling water for 10 minutes. Place everything except sugar in a dry, clean jar and pour it in. Cover with a lid and leave in a dark place for three weeks. Sugar is melted in a frying pan until it becomes viscous, and before it has cooled completely, the “caramel” is added to the drink. After three days, filter and serve.

Express recipe for homemade cognac

Any housewife will take note of a quick recipe for making homemade cognac.

You will need:

  • 1.5 l of vodka/diluted alcohol/grape moonshine;
  • 3 table. spoons of sugar for caramel;
  • Strong brew (1 tablespoon of large-leaf black tea per 100 g of boiling water);
  • vanillin on the tip of the tea. spoons.

The brew is filtered, seasoned with caramel and vanilla, and placed in a dry, clean container. Pour vodka/alcohol/moonshine and stir. Filter through gauze/filter cloth. Pour into a decanter and serve.

There are many recipes for making cognac drink. Each home distiller has his own “signature”, the main ingredients of which are desire, imagination and good mood.

According to this recipe, you can make cognac from either well-filtered cognac.

You will need:

3 liters of vodka or high-quality homemade moonshine;

10 pieces. carnations;

6 pcs. prunes;

100 g sugar;

2 tbsp dry tea leaves;

Vanillin packet.

Place all ingredients in a glass jar and fill with vodka (moonshine). Shake the liquid and put it in a dark place for three days. Once a day, the cognac must be shaken thoroughly. After three days, strain the cognac and bottle the finished drink.

Making homemade cognac using oak bark

This homemade one is somewhat more complicated than the previous one, as it requires more ingredients.

You will need the following products:

1 liter of vodka;

3 tsp granulated sugar;

300-400 g of a mixture of raisins, rose hips and dried apples.

1 tsp lemon juice;

2 tbsp oak bark;

Ginger and vanilla on the tip of a knife.

Pour vodka into a 3-liter jar. Place the oak bark in a gauze bag and tie it tightly. Add all the necessary ingredients and mix thoroughly. Close the jar with a nylon lid and place it in a dark place for 10 days. Shake the liquid in the jar every five days. After 10 days, strain the homemade cognac on oak bark and bottle it.

Recipe for homemade cognac with spices

This recipe will appeal to lovers of “pepper” in drinks. Preparing cognac with spices is just as easy as preparing drinks according to previous recipes.

You will need:

3 liters of vodka;

1 tbsp. dry tea leaves (it is better to take the highest grade);

5 bay leaves;

5 black peppercorns;

Half a red pepper;

1 tbsp. dried lemon balm;

3 tbsp. Sahara;

Vanillin on the tip of a knife.

Place all the spices in a jar and fill with vodka. Infuse the cognac for 10 days in a dark, cool place, then strain the drink, squeeze out what is left in the jar, and strain everything again through cheesecloth. At this point, the preparation of homemade cognac is completed; you can pour it into bottles and seal it.

Connoisseurs of high-quality strong drinks enjoy making cognac from moonshine. The advantage of this alcohol is that it is prepared at home according to a traditional recipe. However, there are many other variations that even the most avid gourmets will appreciate. Let's look at them in order so that everyone can choose the ideal option for themselves.

The best homemade cognac recipes from moonshine

Before you make delicious homemade cognac from moonshine, which won’t give you a headache in the morning, consider all the recipes.

No. 1. Cognac from moonshine: “classic”

  • walnut partitions - 1 zmen
  • vanilla - 1 pinch
  • carnations in stars - 6 pcs.
  • granulated sugar - 20 gr.
  • potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) - on the tip of a knife
  • cumin - 1 tbsp. l.
  • moonshine - 3 l.
  • black tea (dry, loose leaf) - 1 tbsp. l.
  • lemon - 1 pinch

Making cognac using this recipe at home is quite simple. The drink is made from moonshine.

1. Choose a transparent glass container. Pour moonshine into it and add potassium permanganate. Add the partitions with cloves and tea here.

2. After mixing thoroughly, add cumin with lemon, vanilla and granulated sugar. Allow the crystals to dissolve and then seal the bottle.

3. Shake it, put it in the dark and keep it at a temperature not lower than room temperature. Do not allow regime changes, otherwise fermentation will not proceed correctly.

4. After 5 days, filter the cognac from the moonshine. At home, a cotton-gauze filter is used for this purpose. The recipe is simple, but if you increase the exposure time, the taste will become brighter.

No. 2. Quick recipe for homemade cognac

  • raw (50 degrees) - 1 l.
  • soda - 1 pinch
  • laurel - 2 pcs.
  • vanillin - 1 pinch
  • black tea - 0.5 tsp.
  • sugar - 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • allspice peas - 2 pcs.

For those who want to know how to make cognac from moonshine in 3 days, we suggest using this recipe. At home everything is quite easy.

1. Prepare a fireproof container for cooking. Add raw meat into it, set the stove to the minimum power, and bring it to 75 degrees over low heat.

2. Remove from the burner and mix in all other ingredients according to the list.

3. To improve taste, it is allowed to add ground coffee beans (no more than 0.5 tsp).

4. Pour the composition into a glass container, place it in the dark and leave for three days. After filtering through a cotton-gauze filter, taste.

No. 3. Cognac from moonshine on oak chips

  • cumin - 1 pinch
  • carnations in buds - 6 pcs.
  • moonshine - 2 l.
  • coriander beans - 6-8 pcs.
  • oak chips - 45 gr.
  • peppercorns (allspice) - 4 pcs.
  • vanillin - 1 pinch

Cognac made from moonshine, infused with oak chips, at home turns out to be spicy and as close as possible to the real recipe.

1. Place the wood chips on a heat-resistant tray, place in a preheated oven and cook until golden brown. The more you fry the wood chips, the richer the cognac you will end up with.

2. Pour the wood chips into a glass container, add all the other ingredients and seal the container. Shake, leave in the dark, monitor the temperature (it should not rise above room temperature).

3. Duration of aging varies between 20-90 days. Every three days the contents need to be shaken. After 3 weeks you can try a little. If the taste suits you, filter the drink through folded cheesecloth.

4. To give the cognac a caramel aftertaste, add burnt granulated sugar and leave for another week. If this is not necessary, then taste the resulting drink.

No. 4. Cognac "Koktebel" from moonshine

  • vanilla in pods - 2 pcs.
  • grape moonshine (45 degrees) - 6 l.
  • caraway seeds - 1 tbsp. l.
  • peppercorns (allspice) - 10 pcs.
  • walnut partitions - 5 tbsp. l.
  • sweet raisins - 1 kg.
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • carnation buds - 12 pcs.
  • lemon - 1 tsp. topless

Crimean cognac made from moonshine does not need additional advertising. There is an easy recipe for making it at home.

1. Mix together the bulk ingredients according to the list. Transfer them to the infusion bottle. Add moonshine and close. Shake the container.

2. Choose a room with a temperature just below room temperature. Leave the contents to age for a whole month.

3. Shake once every three days. After a month, pass the cognac through a gauze cloth, first folding it into 5 layers.

4. Pour the drink into an oak barrel, seal it and wait another 60 days. Rotate the barrel every 3 days. Next, filter and finally bottle.

No. 5. Latgale cognac made from moonshine

  • carnations with stars - 8 pcs.
  • oak bark (soaked and steamed) - 4 tbsp. l.
  • grape moonshine (50 degrees) - 6 l.
  • freshly ground nutmeg - 1 pinch
  • granulated sugar - 120 gr.
  • coriander - 5 pcs.
  • vanilla bean - 1 pc.

Cognac from Latgalian moonshine can be made at home without any problems. The recipe is simple.

1. In 100 ml. moonshine dissolve granulated sugar. Then mix the liquid into the main volume.

2. Pour all the ingredients into a glass container of a suitable size and fill with the workpiece. Shake thoroughly and cover with a tight lid. Store for half a month in a cool and dark place.

3. Using a gauze cloth, strain the mixture 2 times. Pour the cognac into portioned bottles. Seal and cellar for 4-6 months (longer if possible). Taste it.

No. 6. Homemade cognac with prunes

  • natural freshly ground coffee - 1 tsp.
  • prunes - 6 pcs.
  • moonshine - 2 l.
  • black leaf tea - 2 tsp.
  • raisins - 6 pcs.
  • oak bark (ready) - 1 tbsp. l.
  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • allspice peas - 2 pcs.
  • coriander beans - 5 pcs.
  • vanillin, cinnamon - 1 pinch each
  • clove - 5 stars

Homemade cognac from moonshine is often prepared with prunes. All the recipes are simple, including this one.

1. Melt sugar in a frying pan and pour in a little water to make caramel. Place the remaining ingredients in a stainless steel container. Pour in the moonshine, cover with a lid.

2. Place on the stove and set the heat to medium. Warm up the components to 75 degrees. It is strictly forbidden to bring the composition to a boil.

3. Then mix caramel into the main mass. Turn off the stove. Leave the workpiece to cool to room temperature. Filter and bottle, close tightly.

4. Tasting can be done literally the next day, but it is better to let the strong drink brew longer.

No. 7. Coffee cognac from moonshine

  • cinnamon - 1 stick
  • granulated sugar - 2 tsp.
  • freshly ground coffee - 3 tsp.
  • moonshine - 1 l.
  • carnations in buds - 3 pcs.
  • vanillin, nutmeg - 1 pinch each

Cognac made from moonshine is very tasty at home. Consider another unusual recipe.

1. Place all dry ingredients, except sugar, in a suitable container, pour in the moonshine. Stir thoroughly and cover with a lid. Send to a dark place to infuse. Wait 3 weeks.

2. After the specified period has passed, prepare caramel from sugar. Filter the finished tincture through a multi-layer gauze cloth. Stir in caramel.

3. Pour the preparation into a glass container and seal. Leave to infuse for 1 week at room temperature. Avoid exposure to sunlight.

No. 8. Cedar cognac from moonshine

  • moonshine (45 degrees) - 3 l.
  • oak bark (ready) - 2 tbsp. l.
  • pine nuts - 1 kg.

Making homemade cognac with pine nuts from moonshine is not particularly difficult. Follow the instructions.

1. Place the bark in a suitable glass container. Add nuts and pour in moonshine. Shake slightly and seal. Send to a dark place for 1 month.

2. Shake the contents of the container every day. After a specified period of time, filter through multi-layer gauze cloth. Bottle and seal. Taste after 2-3 months.

No. 9. Nut cognac from moonshine

  • orange zest - from 1 fruit
  • partitions - with 10 walnuts
  • grape moonshine - 2 l.
  • pine nuts - 1 tbsp. l.
  • black pepper - 2 peas
  • carnations in buds - 6 pcs.
  • black leaf tea - 2 tsp.
  • ground St. John's wort and lemon balm - 1 pinch each
  • liquid honey - 2 tbsp. l.

Nut cognac from moonshine is easily made at home using this recipe.

1. Throw nuts and partitions into moonshine. Leave to infuse for 3 days. Then add herbs and spices and stir.

2. Seal and place in the utility room for 1 month. Shake the contents three times a week.

3. Filter through cheesecloth and add honey. Leave the strong drink for another 1 week. The cognac is ready for tasting.

No. 10. Citrus cognac from moonshine

  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • moonshine - 2 l.
  • orange zest - from half the fruit
  • black leaf tea - 2 tsp.
  • allspice - 4 peas
  • cinnamon stick - 1 pc.
  • carnations in buds - 6 pcs.
  • vanillin - 1 pinch
  • laurel - 1 pc.

Making citrus cognac from moonshine will not raise any additional questions. At home, follow the instructions.

1. In a common glass container, combine the zest, spices and tea. Pour in the moonshine. Seal and leave for half a month in the dark. Then make caramel from sugar.

2. Filter the tincture according to the standard scheme. Enter caramel. Shake the liquid and seal.

3. Leave for 5 days. Pour into portioned bottles and you can taste them.

Cognac from moonshine is made at home in various variations, we recommend trying them all. In addition, there is a classic recipe. Rest assured, you will get really high-quality alcohol with interesting flavor notes.