Line of life and health. Palmistry: health line on the hand (photo with interpretation). Other names for the health line

Skeptics are very critical of fortune telling. They believe that the lines with which our palm is dotted are in no way connected with the events occurring in life. But in special moments, when it is impossible to obtain the necessary information from usual sources, even the most skeptical person is ready to turn to predictors and fortune-tellers. In this case, the most “talking” one is the health line on the hand.

Palmistry - science or quackery?

Opponents of palmistry and its fans are engaged in endless debate about how true it is to classify it as a serious science. This can be discussed for many years, but no one will deny that palmistry, which has been around for several thousand years, can reveal the secrets of human destiny simply and without unnecessary manipulation.

Even ancient people knew that our palms are different from each other. They began to notice that each person has their own patterns on their hands, which can change throughout their lives. The first written mention of palmistry appeared in 2000 BC; the Persians and Jews were considered the best experts in hand reading. Although the name of the science was given by the Hellenes, because in translation from Greek palmistry means “fortune telling by hand.”

For many years, palmistry was classified as an occult science and was treated with slight disdain. But over time, scientists have proven that the lines on a baby’s hand, like fingerprints, are formed in the womb and are purely individual. In addition, it is known that serious life changes immediately change the pattern on the palms - lines appear and disappear, and on some, special signs appear.

Now palmistry has not yet entered the category of officially recognized sciences in our state, but it is not considered quackery either. The lines on the palms are studied very seriously, and in many countries of the world even institutes have been created where they teach palmistry, and at the end of the course they issue a state diploma.

Major milestones in the development of palmistry

Archaeologists have found drawings depicting a human palm in caves where ancient people lived. Moreover, the drawings were made with great precision; it seems that the authors were interested precisely in the lines that they studied.

Palmistry gained great popularity in the East. In India, Japan and China, palmistry is still treated with great respect and elevated to the category of serious sciences. Moreover, over time, not a single statement made by hand by eastern experts has been refuted. This proves that palmistry has the right to life, and can tell a person the right approach to solving the problem that has arisen.

In ancient Rome, many of a person’s inclinations and vices were determined by their hand. This was quite common, and many medical treatises of the time included chapters describing the lines on a person's palms.

Since the sixteenth century, palmistry has become widespread in Europe. Some universities have created entire courses dedicated to the study of this amazing science. European scientists of the nineteenth century made a great contribution to the development of palmistry. They spent many hours of their lives studying the lines on the hands of thousands of people. All observations were carefully recorded, and later they became the basis for writing serious scientific works.

The most famous palmists in Europe, whose fame has survived to this day, were De Barolle and Darpentigny. They were the first to determine that every person, changing his destiny, also changes the mass of lines on his hand. This became direct proof of the theory that not all events in life are predetermined, and everyone is responsible for how their life is built.

basics of palmistry

It is impossible to fully study all the signs and lines on the palms. But over many millennia, a certain scheme has emerged in palmistry, according to which specialists can find out the most important things about a person. This information is encrypted in the main lines, which currently include seven main directions:

  • life line;
  • heart line;
  • head or mind line;
  • line of fate in the palm;
  • health line on the hand;
  • line of affection;
  • money line

Based on the direction, depth and shape of these drawings, a professional palmist can tell almost everything about a person. Moreover, it is not enough to know where the line is; its intersection with other drawings and the presence of all sorts of small signs on the palm, which in some cases can tell even more than the line itself, is of great importance.

Health line on the hand: palmistry reveals the secrets of longevity

If you can earn money and attract good luck, then health is one of those life categories that are very easy to lose forever. It is not surprising that many people want to know in advance about the dangers that await them at different stages. According to the observations of palmists, the disease can be completely prevented if you know about it several years in advance. In this case, the health line on the hand will definitely change. An experienced specialist can use it to tell you not only about the physical, but also about the spiritual health of a person. And also warn about things to avoid if you plan to live happily ever after.

The health line on the hand runs from the Mount of Mercury, located under the little finger, to the base of the palm. Most often, it is an intermittent and winding line that constantly intersects with other significant directions.

The health line on the hand reveals all the secrets of the state of the internal organs; it is easy to predict the disposition to some dangerous diseases. By the way the line runs on the hand, one can tell about the level of stress in the human body. After all, all this directly affects health.

On which hand should you look at the health line?

The basics of palmistry predetermine that the events of the past are reflected on a person’s left hand, and the present and future - on the right. Therefore, a reasonable question arises about where to look at the health line. After all, today's condition often stems from the past, and future health problems clearly have their origins in the present. How to be in this case?

Remember that it does not matter where the health line is viewed - on the left hand or on the right, in any case the data will be more relevant to today. Everything that happens in the human body is immediately reflected in the health line. And an experienced palmist, having traced its intersections with other lines, can suggest dangerous moments when it would be a good idea to take care of your health.

Why take pictures of your palms?

It happens that a novice palm reader has difficulty understanding what the heart line or health line looks like on the hand. A photo of the palm taken from several angles will in this case help to study the hand in sufficient detail. In most cases, specialists begin their work by deciphering their own palms, and only then begin to “read” the hands of strangers.

If you come across a clear health line on your hand, a photo with a transcript may not be needed. But at the very beginning of their activities, palmists use a card index in order to always be able to check with already “read” hands. In addition, data from such a database can be useful when a person contacts the same palmist several times. In this way, changes in fate are easily traced, which are reflected in the drawings on the palm. So don't be afraid if your palm is photographed. Perhaps this data will be very useful to you when you analyze how the health line on your hand has changed. The meaning of the photos taken earlier will be the most striking confirmation of the changes that have occurred in your life.

What should the health line look like?

Ideally, the health line on the hand should go clearly vertical to the base of the palm and have an intermittent flow. This suggests that the person does not have serious problems, and serious illnesses will not await him in the future.

The lucky few do not have a health line on their hand at all. This is a very good sign. Its absence means that you are faced with an absolutely favorable prognosis for the future. An equally good sign is an absolutely straight line of health that has no breaks. A person with such a pattern need not worry about his physical and mental state at all; he will always be healthy and cheerful.

But, unfortunately, such lines are very rare. The majority have many different diseases that can be “read” along their health line. Let's look at the most common combinations of intersections of patterns on a person's palm.

Health line on the hand: basic meanings

Even an inexperienced palmist can cope with memorizing general values ​​by which a person’s health can be determined. So, a winding line indicates diseases of the digestive tract. If your pattern on the palm represents a fusion in some places of the lines of health, mind and heart, then you have a fairly high predisposition to brain diseases.

A line divided at the end means great ability in science, you should spend time studying. There may be an important discovery to be made. It is very bad if the health line intersects with the life line. This should force you to take urgent measures to improve your body's health. The palmist should look at what age this intersection is assigned and give you recommendations that can be decisive and even save your life.

Warts on the life line are a dangerous sign; they can reveal serious inflammatory processes that occur in the body in a sluggish form.

The most dangerous signs

If there is a big gap in the line, then you need to carefully analyze your life. Most likely, some event from the past haunts you and affects your state of mind. Such torment will most likely lead to a serious chronic disease, which will be impossible to cure.

Another dangerous sign that foretells trouble is a short health line. It means that a person’s life will end prematurely as a result of a serious illness. It is difficult to say whether it is possible to change what was destined. In this case, it is best to contact trusted specialists in the field of palmistry.

“Reading” fate from a person’s hand no longer looks like something supernatural, because this does not require any magical abilities. Palmists achieve results through long and painstaking work, so they are confident in the information they receive from the intricacies of the lines on the palm.

The health line on the hand originates next to the life line, opposite the middle of the wrist. It ends near the little finger, on the hill of Mercury. It is not detected in everyone.

The absence of a health branch is a good sign; you will not have serious illnesses until old age.

After all, this line in the palm speaks of problems. If you identify a deep and pronounced line, you shouldn’t panic either. We ourselves adjust our lives; by changing habits, many ailments can be avoided.

General information

Palmistry also calls the health line the line of Mercury or the liver. Based on its structure, presence or absence, general conclusions can be drawn about the state of human health. Here are the main characteristics of the trait:

  • There is no Mercury line on the palm - good and good health
  • A clear and deep trait - poor resistance to disease, weak immunity, fatigue
  • A weak, barely noticeable line in the photo and in reality – low resistance to stress, soreness
  • Deep line merges with the branch of the mind - risk of brain disease
  • Wavy – prone to diseases of the digestive system.

Throughout life, the intensity of the health branch may change, sometimes it disappears completely, sometimes it appears and becomes more clear. This reflects the importance of external factors for a person. If he takes care of his health and does not have bad habits, the body renews itself and diseases recede. When the liver line appears on the hand, it means the owner did not take care of himself and indulged in excesses. Perhaps he developed a disease associated with infection, oncology, or injury.

Features of the flow

The health trait in the palm can take place in different ways, this is important in determining its influences. It intersects with other lines, is interrupted, has branches, and sometimes dashes are located parallel to it. Here are the main options for flow and interactions with other lines:

  • The health line leaves the branch of life, merges or runs parallel
  • The Mercury line is in contact with the line of the mind or heart
  • Is interrupted or consists of separate segments
  • The trait has branches
  • Separate dashes are visible parallel to the line.

Interaction with the life line

When the health line originates from the life line, this is an unfavorable sign. A person will face health problems that he cannot cope with on his own.

Perhaps illnesses have haunted him since childhood, because of this he depends on his parents and loved ones. When a branch goes from the line of Mercury to the branch of life, this is a cry for help. At a certain age, a person will get sick and will need outside help.

Interaction with the lines of the mind and heart

When the health line merges on the hand or intersects with the line of the head, while being deep and clear, it means that the owner is in danger of a brain disease (inflammation, tumor, serious injury). The beginning of the Mercury branch from the line of the mind is also an unfavorable sign. Such people suffer from nervous diseases, they are unstable to stress, emotional, and often break down.

A line talking about health, career, success, change of residence, immigration... Palmistry


What matters is the expression of the branch of the mind. If it is clear, then the person is in control of the situation. A weak and blurred head line is a sign of weakness and possible mental disorders. Fusion with the heart trait increases the risk of heart disease. When the health line just crosses a branch, it means there is a chance to cope with the pathology if you treat it in time. Branches towards the branches of the heart or mind indicate a tendency to certain pathologies.

Breaks and parallel lines

A break in the health branch is a good sign. This means that its owner will be able to overcome the disease at some point in his life. It is good if after the rupture the line appears in the area of ​​the Mount of Mercury. This sign indicates good health in old age.

If the line is interrupted along its entire length, then there will be health problems, but each time the disease will be overcome. A broken line running parallel to the branch of Mercury closer to the outer edge of the palm promises happiness. If there are many lines, they are located on both sides, a person will have many helpers in life who will not leave him alone with his problems.

Signs on the health line

The life line on the hand can be marked with one sign or another. Some are considered beneficial, others enhance negative influences. Here are the characteristics of the main marks and symbols:

  • A line crossing the Mercury line is a disease
  • Rupture – liver disease
  • Chain – diseases of the lungs and the entire respiratory system
  • The cross is a dangerous disease that threatens life
  • Square – protection, promises a speedy recovery
  • Dots and specks – problems with the nervous system, frequent headaches, irritability
  • Star - threat of infertility, impotence, difficult childbirth
  • Parallel grooves – relapses of the disease
  • Triangle - rest assured, health problems will be solved
  • The trident at the end is a lucky sign promising victory over a serious illness
  • Island – chronic pathologies of internal organs.

Signs on the hand may appear or disappear. They strongly depend on external influences and a person’s lifestyle. If an unfavorable sign appears, you should carefully reconsider your habits, listen to your own body, and get examined by a doctor. A favorable sign is also not a signal for passivity. If you are sick, you need to be treated. Palmistry only warns of an illness, but without proper therapy it will not be possible to cope with it.

It is important to determine the age at which danger lurks. Palmistry considers the beginning of a line to be a conventional point above the middle part of the wrist. It ends on the hill of Mercury. It is divided into 15 conventional parts. Each part corresponds to five years. The definition can be simplified. The upper part is childhood and youth, the middle (between the lines of the head and heart) is mature years, the lower (near the branches of life) is old age. The line on the left hand indicates karmic influence, on the right - it is a reflection of the person’s personal efforts, more changeable.

additional information

The Mercury line is responsible not only for physical health. It says a lot about a person’s mental balance. If he lives in harmony with himself, there will most likely be no line on his palm. People who managed to cope with psychological problems have an interrupted branch. They often have signs in the form of a triangle, square or trident.

According to the health line on the hand, certain features of a person’s character and twists of fate are judged. Here are the interesting facts that the dash tells about:

  • The line of health crashes into the Mount of Mercury - commercial talents. With weak development of the tubercle, a person becomes greedy, with strong development, a talented and intelligent financier, a misanthrope.
  • The split at the end is ability and success in science.
  • A well-defined branch is a sign of oratorical talents and an inventive streak
  • An expressive ending on the Mount of Mercury is a calm and prosperous old age.

The health line on the hand is a warning, not a final determination of fate. It in no way puts a judgment on a person's life. Much depends on his mental makeup. After all, it is known that calm and happy people get sick less often than those who are constantly nervous, irritated, and worry for a long time because of failures. There have been cases when, after fortune telling, the line on the hand disappeared. The man reconsidered his life, corrected mistakes, and his illnesses receded.

Basics of corrective palmistry. How to change fate along the lines of the hand Kibardin Gennady Mikhailovich

Health Line

Health Line

The Health Line, or hepatic, crosses the palm diagonally, starting at the Life Line and ending next to the Heart Line. This may seem strange to you, but the luckiest ones are those on whose hands there is no hepatic line. Such people have incredibly good health; even in winter they never catch a cold. The absence of hepatitis indicates a healthy physique and that the person rarely experiences stress.

If the Health line is still present in the palm, then ideally it should be as clear and even as possible. In this case, it indicates that a person cares about his physical fitness and carefully monitors his health.

A clear and long line of Health, starting inside the Life line and ending on the Mount of Mercury (the hillock under the little finger), can be regarded as a symbol of longevity (Figure 127).

A person with such a line will carefully monitor his health if the need arises, and will easily outlive most of his contemporaries.

If the structure of the Health line is inconsistent, this indicates that the person has periodic health problems. These problems are not necessarily caused by any specific disease. A person may simply feel weak from time to time.

If there are islands on the Health line or it is pale and weakly expressed, this indicates quite serious health problems. In most cases, the time of onset of the disease can be determined by the Life line.

Rice. 127. Health Line

Islets indicate diseases of the digestive system. Breaks in the Health line indicate periods of illness. The Health Line, consisting of a chain of small consecutive dash lines, also indicates a lack of stamina and vital energy and general weakness of the body.

A star on the Health line, especially when it is located in close proximity to the Mind line, indicates infertility or complications during childbirth.

A square on the Health line is a protective sign, the influence of which extends over a designated period of time. This is a favorable and happy sign, indicating a complete recovery after a serious illness.

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Health line on the hand, or Mercury line- one of the most important. It should be interpreted especially carefully in order to, if necessary, adjust your lifestyle or prevent the development of a particular disease. In addition, the health line can tell about a person’s oratory abilities and mental agility.

How to find the line of Mercury?

The health line on the hand starts at the place where the hand passes the wrist, then goes towards the edge of the palm, and ends at the tubercle of Mercury (located at the base of the little finger). It is interesting that the worse this line is visible on the hand, the better, that is, a weakly manifested or completely absent Mercury line indicates good health of a person.

Health line on the hand: interpretation

When considering the health line on the hand, you need to pay attention to how it is located in relation to other main lines.

The most negative sign is crossing or merging of the health line with the life line(arched line from the inner edge of the palm to the wrist). This indicates a weakness of the body and the possibility of developing serious diseases, as well as a tendency to bad habits. In this case, you need to pay special attention to your health and undergo regular examinations to prevent the onset of the disease.

When the Mercury line does not touch the life line, it means that such a person has an irritable, easily excitable character, but dangerous diseases are excluded in his life.

If the health line originates from the heart line(runs from the edge of the palm to approximately the base of the index finger), which means heart disease is possible. Such a person is characterized by increased nervous excitability. The health line is not on the segment between the lines of the head and the heart - for a certain period of life a person will not have any health problems at all.

When the health line on the hand is clearly visible only to the line of the mind (runs from the beginning of the life line towards the edge of the palm), and is not visible below, this is a sign that in the middle of life a person will overcome the inclinations identified in him in his early years (for example, frequent colds, etc.)

If, on the contrary - the health line is clearly visible only after the mind line(head), which means there is a risk of developing a nervous disease in connection with the mental activity in which a person is engaged. In this case, it is recommended to change your occupation or diversify it with active physical activity.

Take a closer look at your health line. If you see thin satellite link running parallel from the edge of the palm is a good sign, indicating a happy life.

Mercury line shape

In addition to the connection of this line with others, it is important to take into account its very shape. If the health line on the hand consists of segments, this is a sign that a person has several diseases, probably related to the digestive tract. Also, a broken line indicates problems in business. If the segments of the health line directed towards the life line, diseases can be associated with the nervous system, nervous breakdowns are possible.

The health line is crossed by small lines - the likelihood of accidents. If the line bifurcates in the wrist area, then serious health problems await a person in old age.

Wavy line of health- predisposition to diseases caused by stress and nervous strain.

Triangle of luck

When a triangle formed by the lines of health, mind (head) and life is clearly visible in the palm of your hand, this is a sign of special luck. A person marked with such a triangle is a real lucky person, a favorite of Fortune. He is lucky in a variety of areas, the Universe favors him throughout his life.

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In this article you will learn what the health line on your hand means and see a photo with an explanation. - an ancient science, thanks to which you can determine a person’s fate, the main milestones of his life, simply by studying his palms.

Not everyone has a health line. Its absence is considered a favorable sign. This means that a person should not have any serious diseases during his life.

Look at your hands - the health line is located close to the life line, starting from the middle of the palm and ending with the Mount of Mercury. If you discover this trait in yourself, it means that you will have to face serious illnesses throughout your life.

But this is not a reason to be upset - you can learn what you need to do to avoid similar problems in the future.

Here are some nuances that are important to know:

  • If there is no health line, you can be calm: serious illnesses will bypass
  • If it is expressed clearly enough, the person has weak immunity. He gets tired quickly and is susceptible to seasonal diseases. This indicates a lack of vital energy: it must be constantly replenished
  • If there are lines of Mercury, but they are weakly expressed and they are not so easy to see, there are problems with the psycho-emotional state. A person does not know how to withstand stress and experience negative emotions correctly.
  • If the line is not straight, but tortuous, problems with the digestive tract are likely - this is a weak point of the body

It is noteworthy that throughout a person’s life, the health line can transform. Either the abyss completely, or, on the contrary, become more pronounced. This directly depends on how much a person cares about himself, whether he has bad habits, and whether he monitors his well-being.

How to decrypt

To decipher the meaning of the health line, you need to look at how it is located in relation to the others.

For example:

  • If it practically merges into one with the life line, this is an unfavorable sign. Human health is at risk, it must be carefully monitored so that there are no serious problems
  • There are problems if the lines of health and life run parallel or start from the same point. This means that a person can become seriously ill during childhood. How strong his health will be in the future will depend on his parents.
  • When the health line is located very close to the mind line, there is a possibility of brain diseases. This could be some kind of serious injury or inflammation, in severe cases a malignant tumor. To solve the problem, you need to learn to cope with stress and work through negative emotions

Do not panic if palmistry analysis gives an unfavorable prediction. You have the power to change everything and avoid big problems.

Signs and traits of the health line

The health line can be clear, even and pronounced, or it can be dotted with some small signs. This should also be taken into account when analyzing.

The characteristics of the various marks and symbols are as follows:

  • If there are many small lines, this indicates some kind of chronic, protracted illness that will manifest itself at the appropriate stage of life
  • If the health line is interrupted, then the weak point of the body is the liver. Problems with alcohol are likely, food addictions may occur
  • If the lines form a chain, then the problem area is the respiratory system and lungs. A person can smoke a lot, work in hazardous industries. These factors must be eliminated from life
  • Crosses are a serious illness that poses a serious threat to life. It is important to detect and treat it in time
  • Squares - a person is under the protection of Higher powers, nothing will threaten his health at the corresponding time period of life
  • Points - due to constant stress and many negative emotions, severe headaches can occur; the weak point of the body is the nervous system
  • The star is associated with the reproductive system, so there may be problems with conceiving and bearing healthy children. Infertility is possible
  • - nothing will threaten health, the person has a very strong immune system
  • Islets - pathological diseases associated with the functioning of internal organs

Problems can be avoided by eliminating the causes of possible problems. Palmists believe that it is necessary to work primarily with the psychosomatics of diseases. That is, to eliminate negative emotions, which, accumulating in the subtle body, gradually pass into the physical, provoking illness.

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