Log boxes, etc. Words with roots "lag" - "lie": examples and spelling rules. Examples of words with the root lie

Lesson objectives:

1) study the spelling of the root -log-/-lie-, know the conditions (rules) for using a given root and be able to apply them in practice;

2) develop the ability to use words with a given root and write them correctly;

3) instill love and interest in the native language.

Required material:

table, dictation text.


I. Explanation of new material.

Guys, how to write the word correctly? put it? WITH O or A fundamentally? Spelling of the root - -lag-/-false- will be the topic of our lesson.

1) Observations from writing on the board.

– Draw a conclusion when writing a – o fundamentally -lag-/-false-.

Conclusion: before G is written A, before and is written O.

– Maybe you noticed some other peculiarity in the spelling o – a in the roots -lag-/-log?

Conclusion: If A stands behind the root, we write at the root too A.

2) Working with the textbook: reading the rules.

II. Consolidation of the studied material.

Exercise 1. From given verbs using a suffix -eni- form nouns.

Explain -...

Suggest - …

Assume - …

Place -...

Add up -...

Attach -...

REMEMBER!!! Root -lag-/-false- not used without a prefix, so there are no words lay down, lie down etc., you need to say: I put the book on the table, put the pencil case in my bag and so on.

Task 2. Formulate a topic that unites these phrases. Indicate the spelling pattern you are studying, try to compose (orally) a short story using the written word combinations.

Make a guess; discuss the situation; settle down to rest; suggest a route; put things away; location of rooms; invoice attached; put things away.

Task 3. Write down the sentence and construct its diagram. Sort out the verb settled down.

The guys sat around the fire and happily ate sandwiches with vegetables.

Task 4. Self-dictation. Among the words with roots -lag-/-false- There are terms that you use in mathematics and Russian lessons. Write them down from memory.

(Components, addition; adjective, sentence, statement.)

Task 5. Replace phrases with phraseological units, including words with roots -lag-/-false-.

Speak sincerely, frankly - ... hand on heart. (Put it down)

Do nothing, idle - sit... hands. (Folded)

Stop armed resistance, surrender -… a weapon. (Fold)

To die in battle -... your head. (Fold)

Stop fighting, act –… hands. (Fold)

Task 6. Find the fourth odd one:

1) addition, position, set aside, false;

2) assumption, addition, term, state.

III. Summarizing.(The teacher reads the text, the children write down the words using the spelling studied in the lesson.)

Guard! I have an unenviable position: today we are writing a summary! The text must be presented in detail. Arrange all parts in accordance with the plan. I can’t rely on my friend, because I was positioned right in front of the teacher. And the teacher reads sentence by sentence. Relying on my knowledge, I diligently present everything. A well-written text is the key to success. I can’t put off work: they’ll give me a bad grade and my parents will be called. And they will start a battle at home, so I will have to go to a state of siege.

Kaluga region

In the section on the question, please help me with words with the root lag lie in nouns given by the author SunnyDream the best answer is Put, arrangement, assume, set out, propose, believe, set out, adjective, put, assumption, impose, lay out, enclose.

Answer from Andrey Kurykin[master]
How can I help you? if there is a suffix A behind the root then LAG, if not then LOG...more specifically =DD

Answer from BayisiyaKonovalova[guru]
The spelling of the alternating vowels -O- and -A- in the roots -lag- and -lozh- depends on the consonant following the vowel. If the vowel is followed by the letter -zh-, then the vowel should be written -o-. Otherwise, you must write -a-. Thus, there are only two roots:
The roots -lazh- and -log- do not exist in the Russian language (except for the exception word polog).

Answer from IMeXaHuK[guru]
lag and lie depend on the subsequent consonant vowel (if after the vowel G then there will be A, if Z then O)
There can be no talk of any suffixes, learn Russian
Examples: position, sentence, adjective, hostage, etc.

Answer from Arina Abrashkina[newbie]
attach, adjective, add up, believe, subjunctive, addendum, urgent, put in, impose, impose, impose, offer,
Sentence, position, addition, laying down, application, put, attach, report, shift, folded, bed, hollow, urgent, turn-down, lie, enclose
plant, grow, germinate, overgrow, vegetation, age, grow, grow, overgrow, grow together, grow
Thickets, shoots, sprout, teenager, dew, overgrown, undergrowth, outgrowth, tall, piglet, grown, grown, adult, sprout, grow up

Learning the Russian language is one of the main points of the school educational program. For almost the entire eleven years, students work to improve their oral and written speech. However, this is always difficult for several reasons. Firstly, it is quite difficult to learn your native language. The subconscious dictates the following thing: “Since it’s my native language, it means, by default, I always speak correctly.” Which sometimes turns out to be far from the case. The second reason may be the reluctance and outright laziness of the student. In any case, the most common mistakes are incorrect placement of stress, unacceptable use of words, and in written speech various grammatical, punctuation and

In this article we will analyze the most common errors associated with the use of word forms, which mostly depend on the root. We will do this by considering the basics with alternating -lag-, -false-. Examples of errors in words with such roots occur every day.

What is a root

A word consists of so-called morphemes - parts of a word. These include prefix, root, suffix, ending and postfix. The root is an obligatory morpheme. A word may contain neither a prefix nor a suffix and may have one (in fact, it does not have one), such as, for example, the word “mother”. There are two types of roots: permanent and alternating. In the first case, the form of the root remains unchanged when the word is declined by case. In the second case, when the form of the word changes, the morpheme itself changes. This happens because the words have a common meaning, but the usage itself differs according to grammatical rules. A striking example would be words with the root -lag-, -false-. We use them every day in our speaking and writing.

Why do roots change?

As mentioned above, roots in words can change when the word is declined by case. Why is this happening? For example, the alternation of the roots -lag-, -lozh- is explained by the rules of the Russian language. If you try to more accurately analyze the reason for the modification of the main morpheme, then it is not difficult to find out that the reason lies in a wide variety of cognate words. In other words, in Russian speech there are too many words that have different forms, but similar meanings. As an example, consider words ending in -lag-, -lozh-. In the most common version, these morphemes are used in the word “put” or similar ones. The word means the union of any objects in one place or into one whole.

The word “to add” is the same root for it. When pronouncing it, the first thing that comes to mind is the composition of some works. For example, “to make legends.” Nevertheless, despite the differences that seem at first, the words are actually similar in meaning. Both of them denote the combination of objects (in the first case, something material, in the second, the addition of letters into syllables, and so on). In general, for the roots -lozh-, -lag- the rule is clearly defined, but more on that a little later.

Roots with alternation

At school, during Russian language lessons, in the word formation section, a section such as the following is studied in some detail. The reason for this is that schoolchildren make many mistakes when using them. Among the most recognizable roots are -rost-, -rast-, -gor-, -gar-, as well as the roots -lag-, -lozh-. Examples can be given for an infinitely long time, because there will definitely be such words, one of the forms of which will have a modified root.

It would seem that if you know how words are pronounced, then there should be no problems with writing these morphemes. Unfortunately, it is not. In some cases, you have to turn to reference books that contain material on the use of roots.


As in the entire school curriculum, there are rules in the Russian language. They are in all sections, from spelling to punctuation. Morphemics was no exception. Since in the article we are considering exactly the roots -lag-, -false-, the rule will be formulated specifically for them. For most other alternating pairs there is a wealth of information in the secondary literature. It is important to note that the Russian language is one of those few subjects where the formulation of the rules is not required to be memorized. The most important thing is to understand the meaning and be able to apply knowledge in practice. However, the rules are formulated for all situations except the obvious ones.

Rule for -lag-, -false-

In Russian, the spelling -lag-, -lozh- is determined by an unambiguous rule. Its formulation is as follows: if the unstressed word is before the letter “g”, then “a” is written. If there is a letter “zh”, you should write “o”. The rule is quite simple and easy to remember, if only because you can hear words and roots alternating -lag-, -false-. Examples are also obvious: attach, lay down, attach, add up, and so on.

The rule, like everything in life, has an exception, but we’ll talk about it a little later. So, you should firmly remember this rule in order to be confident in the use of the word.

Features of using the root

You probably already noticed that all the examples given were used with prefixes. This is the main feature. -false- are not used without a prefix morpheme. Some people forget about this feature, resulting in words that are unacceptable for use. The only exception is the word "to lie down". In all other cases, in words with -lozh-, -lag- the rule states that prefixes must be used. Particular attention should be paid to this feature, since this is what many people often forget about. The use of these roots alternating without prefixes is the most common mistake in oral speech. I think everyone has heard at least once the words “lay down” and so on. This use is unacceptable. To denote this action, the substitute word “put” and its word forms should be used.

Root exceptions with striping

It was discussed above how the rule for -lag-, -false- is formulated. Examples were given, but exceptions were mentioned. There is one such word - this is “canopy”. Here, as we see, there is an “o” before the letter “g”. It should be noted that the letter under stress is not in the root, and there is a prefix po-. That is, all conditions are met, except for the main thing - using the letter in accordance with the rule.

What is a "canopy"? In explanatory dictionaries the following meaning is given: a curtain that blocks a bed. Nowadays, such a piece of furniture can only be found in villages, from which we can conclude that the word was used in ancient times, when similar spelling rules had not yet been developed.

Basic mistakes with using roots

As mentioned above, not only students, but also many residents of our entire country have difficulty coping with the task of correct pronunciation and compliance with basic grammar rules. Words are distorted, their style is violated, and any rules of pronunciation are not taken into account. Thus, our roots -lag-, -lozh- are most “afraid” of being used without prefixes. Unfortunately, this is the rule that many people neglect. You can often hear such “word forms” as “lay down”, “lies down” and so on. Among other things, the stress in these “words” is also placed incorrectly - on the vowel of the root. It should be remembered that it is unacceptable to use them in this way under any circumstances. If you want to put something, then you can also “put it”, that is, use a synonym, the use of which is permissible. Another such incident can be considered the word “plant”.

Although it is officially acceptable, there is a more correct form for it - “to plant.” The first type was used quite often in the past, which is perhaps why there is still a place for it in our speech.

How to avoid mistakes

Many people ask about how to speak correctly. The answer is quite simple: you need to read as many books as possible. The human brain is designed in such a way that it grasps unfamiliar things and “stores” them first in operational and then in long-term memory. In other words, after reading a book with a certain number of new words, they will gradually “settle” in memory. Consolidation will occur automatically, since human psychology is mostly built on imitation. Subconsciously, the brain will “wedge” new words into your speech, due to which the words will gradually enter the lexicon and remain there forever. When it comes to writing, the visual memorization mechanism will work - the word will be written by itself. In oral speech, in order to avoid such blunders as were described above, the advice is similar. Another, albeit controversial, piece of advice would be to correct those around you. Surely there are people around you who use certain words incorrectly. By correcting them, you will not only remind yourself of the correct pronunciation, but also help others.


The article discussed the rules for using the roots -lag-, -lozh-, and examples of words that contain them. It should also be said that Russian is the most difficult language in the whole world. No other linguistic formation has such a complex system of connecting words by cases, numbers, and genders. That is why it is impossible to know everything down to the smallest detail. This is not required. A self-respecting person, among other things, is distinguished by the ability to speak competently and coherently. In order to learn this, it is not necessary to sit for days with dictionaries and textbooks - such an approach will not give positive results. It is enough to regularly read books and communicate in a language that will help you stay in shape. If you want to learn how to speak a literary language, you can attend linguistic courses - this will be very good practice in improving your language.

Letters A – O in the roots -LAG- – - LOG-, -RAST- (-RASH-) – -ROS-

Letters A – O in the roots -LAG- – - FALSE-

Fundamentally -lag--false- a letter is written in an unstressed position A, if the root is followed by a suffix -A- :

at l A G A telial

from l A G A t

With l A G A t

Letter O written if behind the root no suffix A :

from l O and tion

at l O and it

By l O and tion

Letters A – O in the roots -RAST-(-RASH-) – - ROS-

Fundamentally -rast- (-rasch-)-grew- letter A written before st , sch :

WHO R A st

R A st activity

You R A sch to live

Letter O written before With :

You R O With shiy

behind R O With whether

By R O With whether

Exception words!

R O st OK

R O st sheepman

R O st ov

R O st islav

from R A With l


Alternating vowel in the root it is forbidden

check with stress! Here we apply the rule:

In a word vyr O With at the root we write a vowel O ,

because at the root with alternating

vowel letter O written before

consonant With .


It is necessary to distinguish the root -grew- with alternating vowel O from homonymous root -grew- with an unstressed vowel, verified by stress .

Words with an alternating vowel at the root:

behind R O With shiy, you R O With .

Words with an unstressed vowel verified by stress:

R O With A ( ro ʹ With s), R O With Inca ( ro ʹ With s).

Insert the missing letters

to express, to express, to live, to assume, sentence, adjective, p..stock,

grown..shr., grow..shr..s.

From l A G ah, from l O and it, prefer l A G ah, before l O and tion, with l A G atelier, R O st OK,

You R O With shiy, you R A sch ive, from R A With l.

Divide the words into two groups: 1) roots with an alternating vowel; 2) roots with an unstressed vowel, verified by stress

overgrown, sprout, dewdrop, grown,

dewy, shoots, dew, thickets.

Roots with an unstressed vowel. verified by stress:

Roots with alternating vowel :

Ros Inca, grew up true, grew up A.

By grew up shiy, height ok you grew up whether, by grew up l,

behind grew up whether.

Find the “extra” word in each row

Statement, attach, believe, put, vegetation.

Statement, attach, believe, put, vegetation .

position, sprout, grown, position,

Position, sprout , grew up, position,

state, sprouted, age.

Technological lesson map

Subject Russian language

Class 5


Spelling of roots -lag-, -false-

Lesson type

A lesson in “discovering” new knowledge

Planned results (PUR)

Subject: Know about the alternation of vowels e-i in roots; learn to choose a vowel in the spelling a-o in the roots -lag-, -lozh-. Understand that alternating roots cause difficulties because they are invisible behind the prefixes; use a dictionary to determine the meaning of a word.


1. Cognitive: master the techniques of selecting and systematizing material; analyze, compare, establish similarities and differences, group.

2. Regulatory: look for ways to solve a learning task and complete it independently; correlate the goals and results of their activities; determine the degree of success of the work.

3. Communication: build a coherent monologue statement; present the results of your activities and the activities of the group.

Personal: form adequate self-esteem ; sustainable motivation for learning, instilling interest in cognitive activity.

Basic Concepts

Alternation, root

Problems to be solved

What is the direct meaning of the word? What is the figurative meaning of the word based on? What is a metaphor? What is personification?

Activity component of the lesson

Be able to:

Find the spelling;

Learn to use the vowel selection algorithm

Use an explanatory dictionary.

Forms of training

Individual, frontal, group.

Teaching methods

According to the source of “knowledge transfer”: verbal, visual.

According to the degree of activity of students’ cognitive activity: problematic.

Teaching Techniques

Frontal survey, group work, individual assignments.

Emotional and value component of the lesson

Introduction to works of fiction.


EOR: presentation, computer, projector.

Paper: cards with tasks, cards for the reflection stage, textbook.

Lesson steps

Teacher activities

Student activities


Organizing time

Emotional, psychological and motivational preparation of students to master the material being studied.

Greets students and checks their readiness for the lesson. Creates a favorable psychological mood for work. Hello guys!

“We have been given possession of the richest, most accurate, powerful and truly magical Russian language.” Paustovsky K. G.

Greet the teachers and check their readiness for the lesson.

1. Motivation (self-determination) for educational activities

Purpose of the stage: inclusion of students in educational activities, creation of conditions for the emergence of internal readiness for inclusion in activities.

Organization of the educational process at stage 1

- Insert letters in pencil into the text

Guard! I have the unenviable position: today we are writing an exposition! The text must be presented in detail. Place all parts in accordance with the plan. I can’t rely on my friend, because I was positioned right in front of the teacher. And the teacher reads sentence by sentence. Relying on my knowledge, I diligently explain everything. A well-written text is the key to success. I can’t cancel my work: they’ll give me a bad mark and my parents will be called. And they will start a battle at home, so I will have to go to a state of siege.

Formulate answers to the teacher's questions.

Slide 1

2. Updating knowledge and recording difficulties in activities

Organization of the educational process at stage 2

-- What letters did you put in? Does everyone have the same letter in the same word? Why did this happen? What do we need to do?

Answer the teacher's questions.

3. Identifying the location and cause of the difficulty

Purpose of the stage: record the task that caused the difficulty, identify the places and causes of the difficulties in order to understand what exactly the lack of knowledge and skills is.

Organization of the educational process at stage 3

So, what is our goal for today's lesson? Lesson topic? (formulate, write down)

Choose words with the same root. Select the root in them. Why do related words have different root spellings? (alternation occurs)

Explain, add up, offer, propose, addend, set out, add up.

Write these words in two columns - with the letter A and with the letter O, highlighting the root


Explain Suggest

Lay out lay out

Offer Fold

Think: on what condition does the spelling of the vowel in these roots depend? (From the final consonantal root.)

Compare your thoughts with the rule in the textbook. How right were we? P.101 The roots –lag--, -lozh- are variants of one root.

Students discuss the situation.

Students formulate the topic of the lesson.

Slide 2-4

4. Construction of a project for getting out of a difficulty

Purpose of the stage: setting goals for educational activities and, on this basis, an action plan to achieve the goals.

Organization of the educational process at stage 4

To find answers to these questions,d Let's make an action plan. What will be the first step? Second? Third?

-Guys, let's make a diagram to make it easier to remember the rule. (Children recite the steps of the algorithm).

select the root; emphasize the root consonant:

at the root lag \ lie before F we write O. before G we write A) –

What are the similarities between the rules on the spelling of roots -lag- //-lozh- (the spelling of unstressed vowels of the root depends on the subsequent consonants)

Where can you find out the lexical meaning of words? (In the explanatory dictionary). Let's turn to the explanatory dictionary. What is the lexical meaning of the word?

(Individual task - find and read the meaning in S.I. Ozhegov’s dictionary.)

- Canopy - the word entered the Russian language from folk dialect vocabulary.

The meaning of the word canopy - you will find it at home in the dictionary.

The main thing to remember:

Never use a test word when writing words with alternating vowels in the root!

Now let’s compare our conclusions with the conclusions of the textbook. Match up?

Students discuss, analyze, plan ways to achieve goals

Students create an action plan.

Slide 5-7

5. Implementation of the completed project

Now let's get back to the letter. Let's arrange the letters correctly, checking the algorithm. Draw a conclusion about the alternation of vowels in the roots - lag-, -lozh-.

They draw a conclusion.

Analyze, compare and summarize.

Slide 8

Physical education minute

I see that you have already stayed too long, let’s have some physical education with you.
1. If the root is the main significant part of the word, then stand up.+
2. If the ending forms different forms of the same word, then clap.+
3. If nouns have 3 declensions, a soft sign is written after the sibilants at the end of the word, then shake your head.+
4. If the word ball has a soft sign at the end, then jump.-

Doing exercises

6. Primary consolidation with pronunciation in external speech

Purpose of the stage: speaking and consolidating new knowledge; identifying gaps in the primary understanding of the studied material; carrying out correction.

Organization of the educational process at stage 6

. Find the fourth odd one:

1) addition, position, set aside, false;

2) assumption, addition, summand, state

Students work and make presentations.

Slide 9-10

7. Independent work with self-test according to the standard

U Students independently perform tasks of a new type and self-test them, step by step comparing them with the standard.

Organization of the educational process at stage 7

Replace the phrases with phraseological units, including words with roots -lag-/-lozh-.

Speak sincerely, frankly - ... hand on heart. (Put it down)

Do nothing, idle - sit... hands. (Folded)

Stop armed resistance, surrender -… a weapon. (Fold)

To die in battle -... your head. (Fold)

Stop fighting, act –… hands. (Fold)

When checking the exercise, students note mistakes and give themselves a grade on a point scale. Errors are analyzed and corrected.

8. Incorporation of knowledge and repetition into the system

Purpose of the stage: repeat and reinforce

Organization of the educational process at stage 8

From these verbs, use the suffix -eni- to form nouns.

Explain -...

Suggest - …

Assume - …

Place -...

Add up -...

Attach -...

Fill out the table, work in pairs

9. Reflection on learning activities in the lesson

Purpose of the stage: record new content, evaluate your own activities.

Organization of the educational process at stage 9

What goals did we set for the lesson? Have you achieved them? Prove it.

What difficulties did you have?

What helped us overcome them?

Exercise self-control and evaluate their work. Carry out self-assessment of their own educational activities, correlate the goal and the result. Discuss the forms of work in the lesson and the difficulties encountered.

Information about homework, instructions on how to complete it

    Compose a dictionary dictation based on the studied spelling. Graphically indicate the spelling.

    Compose a coherent text “I expressed my thought” using supporting words: add, insert, assume, suggest, shift, etc.

Write down the task.