Secrets of the Moon. What are they hiding from us? Riddles of the moon - latest data Riddles and secrets of the moon of Mars in our galaxy

The Moon is man's closest companion in moving through space and the only celestial body that we have had the opportunity to visit. However, despite its relative proximity and familiarity, our satellite continues to hold many interesting secrets. From its scientific oddity to the many ways it affects our lives, the Moon is a mystery that's definitely worth a closer look.

Despite being a dead lump of rock with very little geological activity, the Moon is still prone to shaking. These earthquake-like effects are called moonquakes, and there are four different types of them. The first three types are deep earthquakes, vibrations from meteorite influences and thermal earthquakes caused by the heat of the sun - they are relatively safe. The fourth, however, can be quite unpleasant. These “minor” tremors can reach up to 5.5 on the Richter scale and last up to 10 minutes. According to NASA, these earthquakes cause the Moon to ring like a bell. The scary thing is that we have no real explanation for what causes them. Earthquakes are usually caused by the movement of tectonic plates, but the Moon does not have active plate tectonics, so there is no clear understanding of the causes of this activity.

Twin planet

Most people think that the Moon should be classified as a planet because it is too large to be a "true" moon. At one-quarter the size of Earth, it is the largest moon relative to its planet in our solar system. Pluto has a moon called Charon, which is half its diameter in size, but since Pluto is not a planet, its moon does not count. Because of its large size, the Moon does not actually orbit the Earth. Instead, the Earth and Moon orbit around a point between them. This point is called the barycenter, and the illusion that the Moon orbits the Earth comes from the fact that the barycenter is currently located in the Earth's crust. The fact that the barycenter remains in the Earth is pretty much the only reason why the Earth and Moon are not classified as twins, but as a planet and its satellite. However, this may change in the future.

Lunar trash

Everyone knows that man has been to the moon, but not everyone knows that he considered the place as a picnic area. Over time, astronauts who visited the Moon left behind a certain amount of debris. It is believed that there are 181,437 kilograms of man-made materials lying around the Moon. Don't worry, the astronauts didn't intentionally litter the place or throw wrappers and banana peels everywhere. Most of that debris is debris from various experiments, space probes and lunar rovers. Today, some of the trash is still functional. There is also some actual trash, such as astronaut waste containers.

The moon is like a cemetery

Eugene Schumacher, a renowned astronomer and geologist, was something of a legend in his field. He conducted scientific research into cosmic influences and came up with the methods by which the Apollo astronauts had previously explored the Moon. Schumacher also wanted to be an astronaut, but was unable to due to a minor medical problem. Throughout his life this remained his greatest disappointment. However, he continued to dream that one day he would visit the moon. When he died, NASA fulfilled his most precious wish and sent his ashes to the Moon with the Lunar Prospector in 1998. His ashes remain there, scattered among the lunar dust.

Lunar anomalies

Some images taken by various instruments show some very strange things on the surface of the Moon. Many of these images appear to show man-made structures, from a canister-like tiny shard, to a towering pyramid that could be at least 1.6 kilometers high. According to supernatural theorists, there is even a large castle that floats high above the surface of the moon. All this supposedly points to an advanced civilization that lived on the Moon and created complex structures. NASA never really bothered to debunk these strange theories. Maybe because these images showing “life signs” were almost certainly fabricated by conspiracy theorists.

Moon dust

One of the most surprising dangers of the Moon is lunar dust. As everyone knows, sand is mined everywhere, even on Earth, but on the Moon it is completely dangerous. Moon dust is similar to flour, but it is also extremely rough. Thanks to this texture and the low gravity of the Moon, it clings to absolutely everything. NASA has experienced numerous problems caused by lunar dust. It destroyed the boots of the astronauts almost completely, and also covered their shields on their spacesuits. The dust seeped through space suits and caused “moon fever” in some astronauts who inhaled it. Prolonged exposure could even cause air locks that disabled space suits. It is worth adding that the smell of moon dust is similar to lit gunpowder.

Low Gravity

Despite the fact that the gravity on the Moon is six times less than on Earth, walking on its surface is quite difficult. Buzz Aldrin called the Moon an extremely difficult environment to move around. The space suits were clumsy, and their boots sank 15 centimeters into lunar dust. Despite the low gravity, human inertia (resistance to changes in movement) is high on the Moon, so it is difficult to move quickly or change direction. If the astronauts wanted to go any faster, they would have to do awkward, kangaroo-like jumps. This presents another challenge because the landscape is full of craters and other hazards. However, plots on the Moon are actively being sold

Origin of the Moon

How did the Moon appear? The short answer is we really don't know. However, science is able to put forward several assumptions. There are five main theories about the origin of the Moon. The Split Theory states that the Moon used to be part of our planet, which was split apart at some very early point in Earth's history. The Capture Theory says that the Moon was simply wandering around the universe until our gravitational field caught it. Other theories say that our satellite was compressed by a group of asteroids, or the remnants of a collision between Earth and an unknown planet the size of Mars. Currently, the most likely candidate for the origin story of the Moon is the Ring Theory, which is better known as the Giant Influence Theory. According to this version, the protoplanet (planet that is being formed) Theia collided with the Earth. The resulting cloud of debris was eventually compressed into the Moon.

Moon and sleep

The effects of the Moon on the Earth and vice versa clearly exist. However, the effects on humans remain a source of ongoing debate. Many believe that the full moon causes the strangest behavior in people, even though science has not been able to offer definitive proof. But there is a very good chance that the moon could disrupt our sleep cycle. According to a volunteer-based experiment conducted by the University of Basel in Switzerland, the phases of the moon influence and disrupt human sleep cycles in a clearly measurable way. The worst sleep usually occurs during the full moon. This discovery could very accurately explain the whole theory of madness during the full moon.

Moon shadows

When Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin first set foot on the Moon, they quickly made a dramatic discovery: the Moon's shadows were much darker than those on Earth due to a lack of atmosphere. Everything that the sun did not directly shine on was pitch black. As soon as their foot stepped into the shadow, they could no longer see it, despite the fact that the sun was sparkling in the sky. Moon shadows harmed many of the Apollo missions. Some astronauts were unable to perform their maintenance tasks because their own hands blocked what they were doing. There was also the illusion of landing on a steep slope due to the shadow created by the device, although in fact the surface was perfectly flat.

Secrets of the Moon

The Moon is the only celestial body in the solar system on which man has set foot. This satellite of our planet is under the constant “sight” of telescopes, it is studied from Earth and from space, but, according to scientists, our knowledge about the Moon has not increased much over the past forty years and the number of mysteries surrounding this planet has not decreased, but on the contrary, increases.

After the end of the American Apollo program, they began to slowly forget about the Moon - astronautics rushed to other areas. Meanwhile, “left to its own devices,” the Moon more and more often presented scientists with unsolvable mysteries. The greatest confusion was caused by the case of the Clementine robotic probe, launched in January 1994, a joint brainchild of NASA and the now safely deceased military program SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative), better known as the Star Wars program. The purpose of the probe's mission was to test advanced technological developments, in particular new super-sensitive measuring instruments. Clementine photographed the surface of the Moon from an altitude of 400 kilometers, and then moved towards the asteroid 1620 Geographos. And the photographs sent by the probe to Earth caused a storm of surprise in the scientific community: at the bottom of several craters located in the southern hemisphere of the Moon, there is probably... frozen water!

It was a sensation - after all, the Moon was traditionally considered a dead body. The conditions of the Moon seemed to completely exclude the very possibility of ice formation. The fact is that the lunar day is 28 times longer than the earth’s. During this period, the entire surface of our satellite is illuminated by the Sun during the lunar day, and there is no atmosphere on the Moon and the surface temperature can reach 122 degrees Celsius. Where does ice form here? But photographs taken by Clementine indicate that ice may persist in places where the sun's rays cannot reach, such as at the bottom of some deep craters. In the southern hemisphere of the Moon there is a huge crater with a diameter of 2,500 kilometers and a depth of 12 kilometers, and the bottom of this huge basin is dotted with smaller depressions. It was in these depressions that traces of what scientists are inclined to consider ice were discovered...

But where does water come from on the Moon? It is believed that it could have landed on the Moon along with meteorites that have been bombarding the surface of the Earth’s satellite for billions of years. Some of the ice had evaporated a long time ago, while others could have been preserved at the bottom of the craters.

But hypothetical water on the Moon is only one of the mysteries of this planet. NASA experts have formulated five main mysteries of the Moon, which science will work to unravel in the coming years: How did the Moon become a satellite of the Earth? What is the history of the Moon? When and how did craters appear on the Moon? What is the history of the Moon's atmosphere? What mysteries of the solar system are associated with the Moon?

As you can see, these mysteries are mainly related to the past of the Moon. What can we say about the future of this earthly satellite?

...People, houses, trees, entire rocks, as if torn from their place by an unprecedentedly strong hurricane, fell, collapsed, scattered into dust, sweeping away everything in their path. And although the planet itself survived, in a few moments there was not a single living creature left on it, which nature had carefully nurtured for millions of years before...

No one will be able to resist this global cataclysm, no matter what technical means of protection he uses. In the face of catastrophe, even the horrors described in the Apocalypse fade, and every day brings earthlings closer to it. And this threat comes from... the Moon, the satellite of our planet.

The influence of the Moon on the life of mankind has been studied by traditional and non-traditional sciences. We are accustomed to considering the Moon as a natural satellite of the Earth, which, in essence, has nothing to do with our destinies. This is a small, desert planet, whose surface is furrowed with craters and which passively circles around the Earth, obeying the law of gravity. How can she threaten us?

The Moon is 384 thousand kilometers away from the Earth and has a diameter of 3476 kilometers, which is four times less than the diameter of the Earth. But not only the Earth attracts the Moon, but also the Moon, in accordance with all the laws of physics, attracts the Earth. It turns out that the Moon circles around us, and we circle around it, and both planets are inextricably connected. And although the presence of the Moon is a necessary condition for keeping the Earth as part of the solar system, the price for this “service” is the inevitable murder of all life on Earth, which this dwarf planet will someday commit. And the murder weapon will be... the insignificant gravitational force of the Moon!

When the Moon floats above our heads in the night sky, it attracts everything that falls into its gravitational field. And the most striking manifestation of this is the ebb and flow of the ocean. The moon attracts huge masses of water to itself, and then the tide ebbs. And when the Moon, circling in orbit, moves away from the Earth and “releases” the ocean from its gravitational field, a tide occurs. And so on, in a circle. But what seems to us to be the natural movement of water is, in essence, the movement of the Earth. After all, when the Moon “holds” the heaving ocean in its field, the Earth continues to rotate around its axis, so it is not the water that moves towards the continents, but, on the contrary, the continents towards the water. And every time the Moon “pulls” our oceans toward itself, the Earth, rotating, is forced to overcome the force of friction of the water mountains “standing on end” on its surface. And with each such effort, the Earth loses its speed of rotation around its axis and will never regain its previous speed...

The Earth received its rotational impulse from the gravitational field of space four or five billion years ago, when the planets of the Solar System were just forming from wildly rotating clouds of hot gas and cosmic dust. Over the elapsed time, the Earth has already significantly reduced the speed of rotation that it acquired in the first phase of its development. And every loss of energy is irreplaceable! The slowdown in the Earth's rotation caused by the Moon is 0.00164 seconds every day, and this slowdown has been going on for several billion years. For our planet, which is rotating more and more slowly around its axis, this braking begins to pose an increasingly greater threat.

When dinosaurs lived on Earth 200 million years ago, the Earth's year was 385 days—after all, the Earth's orbital time around the Sun changes much more slowly—but the day was shorter, amounting to 23 hours. But 400 million years ago, when the first plants were just colonizing the earth’s land, the year was 405 days, and the day lasted 21 hours and 30 minutes. And the older the Earth gets, the longer the day becomes. The Earth, slowed down by the Moon, rotates more and more slowly around its axis.

Today, every day is approaching that fateful hour when our satellite will finally “press on the brake.” To understand how it will look, remember your feelings when the driver of a crowded bus rushing at full speed suddenly presses the brake pedal and everyone on the bus falls into a heap... Is it possible that anything or anyone will be able to resist the onslaught of the disrupted sudden braking from the place of mountains and oceans...

The moon traditionally occupies one of the central places in esotericism. Some clairvoyants who, when going into the astral plane, manage to visit the Moon, claim that it is the short distance from the Moon to the Earth that allows us to see our deceased loved ones in our dreams. They also claim that this planet very often “attacks” us on full moon days, when the Moon has the greatest gravitational force, and lunar vampirism can bring even the strongest organism to death. Such cases have occurred repeatedly. In most cases, the Moon overtook its victims during sleep, at a time when all the protective functions of the body were reduced to a minimum. During the full moon, headaches and sleepwalking are common. Therefore, during the full moon, evening walks should be avoided, and while sleeping, windows should be tightly closed with curtains so that moonlight does not penetrate the room. It is also recommended on such nights to place some kind of energy shield next to the bed, even just a glass of water.

According to most esoteric teachings, the Moon will be the next planet on which life will develop, but not in physical, but in spiritual (mental) form. The moon is still only “preparing” for this role; it must concentrate as much energy as possible. One of the main sources of this energy is the Earth and the processes of life and death occurring on it. During a person’s life, the Moon controls his actions and actions. The inspirations of the Moon are in many ways the motivation for events on Earth. Even in ordinary situations, we are not always able to free ourselves from its influence. The inspirations of the Moon are capable of awakening the basest actions in a person, prompting him to murder and theft, and at the same time they can push a person to a heroic act, force him to sacrifice himself for the sake of others. Even ordinary everyday activities are largely carried out under the influence of the Moon.

“Okay,” you say, “but if a person performs all his actions under the influence of the Moon, then where is the person himself? Where is the human personality, where is its free will?

A legitimate question. If a person manages to develop sufficient strength of spirit and will, if he devotes his earthly life to spiritual self-improvement, he manages to partially or completely free himself from the power of the Moon, and in this case, after death, he can avoid the notorious ordeals. If a person’s soul was subject to passions throughout his entire earthly life, if a person lived floating like a chip with the flow, then...

At the moment of death, a known energetic substance, traditionally called the soul, leaves the physical body of a person. This energy is attracted by the Moon like a huge electromagnet. Souls that come to this planet retain some of the knowledge and memory accumulated during the years of physical life. And since, like it or not, these souls belonged to the inhabitants of the Earth and are burdened with those earthly vices to which they were partial during life, on the Moon they are forced to enter into a cycle of development of their spiritual powers incomparably longer than earthly life. This is a very difficult process, but since the soul did not do this during its life on Earth, it will have to go through this path on the Moon - in more difficult conditions. At the same time, the soul remains on the Moon in an unchanged form of existence, from which there are no other options for exit (on Earth, the exit from material life is called death) except through the path of spiritual development. This is purgatory - a quarantine form of existence before further wanderings of the soul across the vastness of the Universe...

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Back in the 1960s, Mikhail Vasin and Alexander Shcherbakov from the USSR Academy of Sciences put forward the hypothesis that in reality our satellite was created artificially.
This hypothesis has eight main postulates, popularly called “riddles,” which analyze some of the most surprising aspects about the satellite.
Is the Moon an artificial satellite? The first mystery of the Moon: artificial Moon or cosmic exchange

In fact, the orbit of motion and the size of the moon's satellite are physically almost impossible. If this were natural, one could argue that this is an extremely strange “whim” of the cosmos. This is due to the fact that the size of the Moon is equal to a quarter of the size of the Earth, and the ratio of the sizes of the satellite and the planet is always many times smaller. The distance from the Moon to the Earth is such that the sizes of the Sun and Moon are visually the same. This allows us to observe such a rare phenomenon as a total solar eclipse, when the Moon completely covers the Sun. The same mathematical impossibility applies to the masses of both celestial bodies. If the Moon were a body that at a certain moment was attracted by the Earth and acquired a natural orbit, then it would be expected that this orbit should be elliptical. Instead, it is strikingly round.
The second mystery of the Moon: the incredible curvature of the Moon's surface

The incredible curvature that the Moon's surface exhibits is inexplicable. The moon is not a round body. The results of geological studies lead to the conclusion that this planetoid is actually a hollow ball. Although it is such, scientists still cannot explain how the Moon can have such a strange structure without being destroyed. One explanation offered by the above-mentioned scientists is that the lunar crust was made of a solid titanium frame. Indeed, the lunar crust and rocks have been shown to have extraordinary levels of titanium. According to Russian scientists Vasin and Shcherbakov, the thickness of the titanium layer is 30 km.
The third mystery of the Moon: lunar craters

The explanation for the presence of a huge number of meteorite craters on the surface of the Moon is widely known - the absence of an atmosphere. Most cosmic bodies that try to penetrate Earth encounter kilometers of atmosphere on their way, and it all ends with the “aggressor” disintegrating. The Moon does not have the ability to protect its surface from the scars left by all the meteorites crashing into it - craters of all sizes. What remains unexplained is the shallow depth to which the aforementioned bodies were able to penetrate. It really looks as if a layer of extremely durable material prevented meteorites from penetrating into the center of the satellite. Even craters with a diameter of 150 kilometers do not exceed 4 kilometers deep into the Moon. This feature is inexplicable from the point of view of normal observations that there should be craters at least 50 km deep.
The fourth mystery of the Moon: “lunar seas”

How were the so-called “lunar seas” formed? These gigantic areas of solid lava, which originate from the interior of the Moon, could easily be explained if the Moon were a hot planet with a liquid interior, where they could arise from meteorite impacts. But physically, it is much more likely that the Moon, judging by its size, has always been a cold body. Another mystery is the location of the “lunar seas”. Why are 80% of them on the visible side of the Moon?
The fifth mystery of the Moon: mascons

The gravitational attraction on the surface of the Moon is not uniform. This effect had already been noted by the crew of Apollo VIII when it flew around the lunar sea zones. Mascones (from "Mass Concentration" - mass concentration) are places where a substance of greater density or quantity is believed to exist. This phenomenon is closely related to the lunar seas, since the mascons are located under them.
The sixth mystery of the Moon: geographic asymmetry

A rather shocking fact in science, which still cannot be explained, is the geographic asymmetry of the surface of the Moon. The famous "dark" side of the Moon has many more craters, mountains and relief features. In addition, as we already mentioned, most of the seas, on the contrary, are on the side that we can see.
The seventh mystery of the Moon: the low density of the Moon

The density of our satellite is 60% of the density of the Earth. This fact, together with various studies, proves that the Moon is a hollow object. Moreover, several scientists have ventured to suggest that the above-mentioned cavity is artificial. In fact, given the surface layers that have been identified, scientists argue that the Moon appears to be like a planet that was formed "in reverse," and some have used this to argue for the "artificial casting" theory.
The Eighth Mystery of the Moon: Origin

In the last century, for a long time, three theories of the origin of the Moon were conventionally accepted. Currently, most of the scientific community has accepted the hypothesis of the artificial origin of the lunar planetoid as no less valid than others.
One theory suggests that the Moon is a fragment of the Earth. But the enormous differences in the nature of these two bodies make this theory practically untenable.
Another theory is that this celestial body formed at the same time as the Earth, from the same cloud of cosmic gas. But the previous conclusion is also valid in relation to this judgment, since the Earth and the Moon should have at least a similar structure.
The third theory suggests that, while wandering through space, the Moon fell into the earth's gravity, which caught and turned it into its “captive”. The big flaw in this explanation is that the Moon's orbit is essentially circular and cyclical. In such a phenomenon (when the satellite is “caught” by the planet), the orbit would be sufficiently distant from the center or, at least, would be some kind of ellipsoid.
The fourth assumption is the most incredible of all, but, in any case, it can explain the various anomalies that are associated with the Earth's satellite, since if the Moon were constructed by intelligent beings, then the physical laws to which it is subject would not be equally applicable to other celestial bodies.
The mysteries of the Moon put forward by scientists Vasin and Shcherbakov are only some real physical assessments of the Moon's anomalies. In addition, there are many other video, photographic evidence and studies that give confidence to those who think about the possibility that our “natural” satellite is not one.
Recently, a controversial video appeared on the Internet, which will be interesting within the framework of the topic under consideration:
Video description:
This video was made from Germany and was filmed over 4 days starting on July 7, 2014. It is clearly visible how “waves”, or rather a stripe, “runs” across the surface of the Moon, and this is similar to how the image of the lunar surface that we see from Earth is updated.
No matter how crazy it may sound, precisely such stripes have been noticed more than once when filming with various video cameras and telescopes. I think anyone with a video camera with a good zoom will be able to see the same thing.
And how, may I ask you, can I explain this? In my opinion, several explanations are possible, and adherents of the generally accepted picture of the world will not like all of them.
1. There is no Moon in the Earth’s orbit at all, but only a flat projection (hologram) creating the appearance of its presence. Moreover, this projection is quite primitive technically, judging by the fact that its creators were forced to create a flat projection and that is why the moon is turned to us on one side. This is simply saving resources to maintain the visible part of the Moon.
2. In the Earth’s orbit there is indeed a certain object whose dimensions correspond to the “Moon” visible to us from the Earth, but in fact, what we see is only a hologram - a camouflage created on top of the object. This, by the way, explains why no one flies to the “Moon”. I think all the states that sent their vehicles to the “Moon” know very well that under the guise of what we see from Earth, there is something completely different there.
These versions are supported by those facts that have long been surprising for their illogicality:
- Why humanity sends spacecraft into deep space, but completely ignores the planet closest to us.
- Why are all the photographs of the moon transmitted by earthly satellites of such disgusting quality?
- Why can’t astronomers, having advanced telescopes, take pictures of the lunar surface with a quality comparable at least to pictures from Mars or from earthly satellites. Why do satellites fly in Earth orbit that are capable of taking a photograph of a surface on which a car license plate is visible, while lunar satellites photograph the surface in such a resolution that one cannot dare to call it a photograph.
In addition, we present two fragments from RenTV films on the theme of the Moon. The reputation of this channel is known to everyone, but the information provided is useful for analyzing the arguments proposed above.

With a diameter of about 3,476 kilometers, the Moon is a quarter the size of Earth, and its territory is the subject of many fascinating theories. Soil samples obtained during lunar expeditions revealed the content of brass, mica, uranium 236 and neptunium 237, giving rise to a splendor of fascinating mysteries.

In the eyes of numerous hypotheses, the Moon as an astronomical object appears to be one of the most mysterious bodies in the system. Our satellite is rightfully considered a strange astronomical body due to numerous physical properties that scientists are not yet able to explain.

The uniqueness of the Moon also lies in the fact that it is incomparable with any other satellites discovered near neighboring planets to date. In fact, our moon is so unique that Robert Jastrow (an American astronomer and planetary physicist and former leading NASA scientist) called the Moon the “Rosetta Stone of the Planets.” — By the way, the astronomer was skeptical about the idea of ​​UFOs due to the lack of physical evidence supporting this hypothesis.

For a better idea of ​​the uniqueness (or strangeness) of the Earth's satellite, just hear a quote from Robin Brett, a NASA scientist who once heartily declared: It seems easier to explain the non-existence of the Moon than its existence!

Lunar anomalies.

Who won't let us go to the moon? Why was the US lunar program, in which they invested an astronomical sum, curtailed? Why did they suddenly start talking about the achievements of American astronauts from different points of view?

There is no clear answer to these questions. Among numerous versions and arguments, supporters point out that the Moon is an inhabited celestial body!

In fact, astronomers have repeatedly observed mysterious objects on the lunar disk, the origin of which cannot be explained. Strange flights of celestial bodies, whose motion trajectories do not allow them to be confidently classified as space debris. It is difficult to classify them as wandering cosmic bodies, since they do not have a clearly directed trajectory of motion. Many unidentified individuals behave as if they are under the control of a pilot.

In other words, according to ufologists, this is nothing more than from distant worlds and galaxies, and our satellite is a special base created for the maintenance of space technology.

Consequently, if you believe in the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence and analyze a number of facts, then it is quite likely that the “Lunar Program” was curtailed for more fundamental and serious reasons than they told the whole society.

It is not difficult to guess that if humanity has not yet encountered representatives of other, more developed civilizations, then the proposed base on the Moon is simply hidden from human sight. However, these are just guesses and another version, because... The scientific community does not provide confirmation of the existence of intelligent beings in our galaxy.

Why is the Moon a strange object?

The moon rotates in a stunning orbit not found anywhere else in the solar system. Not a single satellite of the visible planets behaves in an appropriate manner. This is a unique phenomenon for the Moon, because all other satellites orbit the equator of their planets. The Moon rotates in Earth's orbit according to its own rules, denying the accepted laws of the system.

Surprisingly, the Moon maintains a precisely specified altitude, course and speed, which allows the satellite to properly function (interact) with our planet. Some researchers are confident that if the Moon is perceived as an object of natural origin (according to generally accepted teaching), then it cannot be located at all in the place where we see it.

The Moon contains copper, mica, uranium 236 and neptunium 237 - these products have never been found produced by natural conditions. The incredible lies in the following: uranium 236 is a radioactive product of nuclear waste contained in spent and regenerated uranium.

The discovery of neptunium 237, a radioactive element in nuclear reactors and a participant in the production of plutonium, is extremely intriguing. Such facts speak about the activity of intelligent beings, completely excluding the natural factor, the researchers are sure.

The mysterious lunar characteristics led Mikhail Vasin and Alexander Shcherbakov of the USSR Academy of Sciences to write a paper about the satellite in the 1970s entitled “Is the Moon the Creation of an Alien Intelligence?” Almost half a century has passed since its publication, but despite research expeditions to the Moon, we are still no closer to understanding the mystery of the origin of the Earth’s satellite.

In addition, Harold Urey, Nobel Prize winner in chemistry, adds: I am terribly surprised by the lunar samples with titanium delivered by astronauts. In fact, the soil samples are unimaginably mind-blowing because scientists could not really explain the presence of finds on the satellite.

The Hollow Moon Theory.

Could the Moon be an artificial structure? Research shows that the Moon is most likely a hollow object, ufologists say. Developing the hypothesis, researchers suggest the incredible: the Moon represents a tool for terraforming the living conditions of planet Earth. An ancient project to engineer the Earth was launched by a powerful alien civilization.

Under a protective layer of regolith, the Moon has a hard shell made of high-strength materials such as titanium, for example. Uranium, mica, neptunium, copper, and finally, these are definitely products that no one expected to find on the Moon. Meanwhile, this is just construction debris from the creation of a space station, where radioactive elements are “waste” from its working activities. Speaking of garbage, there are now more than 180,000 kg of garbage on the Moon that people have left there.

The version of the Moon with a hollow “pocket” inside looks absurd at first glance. However, due to the large number of anomalies, researchers are convinced that the night star is not just hollow inside, but is a product of extraterrestrial engineering, built tens of hundreds of years ago.

In 1969, NASA crash-landed a probe onto the lunar surface to determine the satellite's response to impact. The effect they saw amazed the experimenters themselves: a powerful moonquake engulfed the entire satellite! Scientists were stunned when the moon rang like a bell for more than an hour. Ken Johnson, head of NASA's information department then noted: The moon not only rang like a bell, but was all “dangling”...

A small experiment with big results provoked the formation of countless hypotheses about the true origin of the Moon. In one version, the Moon does not have an internal natural core, which is partially confirmed by the average density of the Moon of 3.34 g/cm3, indicating a light body. For example, the average density of the Earth is 5.5 g/cm3.

The basic idea of ​​the origin of the Moon is based on a fantastic story: supposedly the Earth’s satellite was brought here by aliens who were not just conducting exploration work in space, but also preparing the planets for biological life.

The theory resonates with such things as ancient records of life before the moon people, a period of time when the Earth did not have a satellite. This also includes the version with the Ecumenical Flood. They say that the Moon that suddenly appeared caused a gigantic tidal wave, which is why the Earth could not calm down for almost two months, and in general, this seems to be true.

During the flyby of the Moon by spacecraft, it was found that its gravitational field is very uneven. Scientists P. Müller and V. Sjögren discovered pronounced positive gravity anomalies over large lunar seas. They tried to connect such a strange phenomenon with the existence of excess masses in these seas, which they called mascons (“mask” in short - concentration of mass).

The term "mascons" is difficult to find in the dictionary. Just a few decades ago there was no such concept at all. So, what are mascons?

Hypothesis one. Mascons are iron-nickel bodies that flew from space and “buried” into the lunar soil. Müller and Sjogren suggested that the bodies that formed these seas had an iron-nickel composition. But the hypothesis is very artificial, since the possibility of the formation of large iron-nickel satellites in a near-Earth swarm is extremely unlikely.

Hypothesis two. Mascones are strata of sedimentary rocks on the site of ancient seas. The idea that mascons consist of components of fallen bodies is rejected by J. Gilvary (USA). He believes that the masses of the bodies that formed the seas are an order of magnitude smaller than the masses of the Mascons. Gilvary is trying to explain the properties of mascons, starting from his long-standing idea that the seas on the Moon were once real water formations, similar to those on Earth.

In the early era of the Moon's existence, a large amount of volatile substances and water was released from its depths. Water covered the low parts of the lunar surface with a two-kilometer layer. By this time, giant craters already existed. The bottom of the craters was raised by the pressure of the underlying layers, and did not sag further, since, according to Gilvary, the initially heated Moon managed to cool down, restoring its strength.

“As you can now see, there are a large number of questions regarding the Moon, and the presence of water on the satellite in the past is not the most intriguing of them. Another thing is more interesting - can we call the Moon “our natural satellite of the Earth”?

The only satellite of our planet to this day remains quite closed for research, although it is nearby. The flight time to the Moon takes several days, which is insignificant compared to the time required to reach Mars or Venus. But, despite this, humanity has not sent expeditions there for forty years. Even the fact that since the time of Neil Armstrong’s landing, technology has evolved significantly, so far there are no plans to land, much less establish, a settlement on the Moon. Probably everyone has seen these famous shots of the lunar walk and have been arguing for years about whether it even happened? Skeptics, as you know, put forward the version that all this was filmed in a film studio, but nevertheless, after this flight, Neil Armstrong was removed from the space program due to violation of the order.

What if the plot of the movie "Men in Black" is not so fantastic? The constant secrecy of information regarding UFOs suggests that some world governments still know much more than they actually do. Some volunteer researchers are sometimes lucky and they pick up certain radio signals with their home radio equipment, supposedly coming from the Moon, and in encrypted form, that is, this information is intended for someone specifically. A special feature of these radio broadcasts is that they periodically change frequencies, which means this is carried out purposefully and by intelligent beings, but by whom exactly?

In a word, everything suggests that the conversations being held about the need to create a lunar base are nothing more than decoration and, in fact, it already exists and has even been exploited for a long time not for scientific purposes, but on a real industrial scale. We never see the other side of our satellite, which is something the founders of the base could have taken advantage of. At the same time, some regular activity there still makes itself felt in the form of flashes and arrivals of strange round objects, previously mistaken for meteorites. They appear with enviable regularity, and many amateur astronomers could observe how these objects decline along the same trajectory, but if this can somehow be explained, then what does their rise towards outer space mean?

The story of the American landing on the Moon still has a lot of blank spots and has already acquired legends, but most sensible researchers are still confident that the landing really took place. According to evidence only recently opened to the general public by former NASA employees, it became clear that the members of the expedition did not just ride on the lunar rover and plant an American flag on the surface. Behind the camera lens there was something more interesting and immediately classified, which actually served as the reason for Neil Armstrong’s removal from further flights. Today, when the “secret” classification has been removed, facts have begun to leak into the media that astronauts met alien inhabitants on the Moon. This encounter was not the one usually described when UFOs are spotted on Earth. Arriving earthlings discovered on the lunar surface something like a spaceport with a large number of spaceships and developed infrastructure. Having reported to the Control Center on Earth about what they had seen, they received orders to remain inside the ship, and as a result, seven hours of precious time were lost. As experts note, in conditions where vital resources are extremely limited, spending so much time observing from the window is simply unacceptable.

As you know, Neil Armstrong violated the order and walked on the surface of the Moon, for which he was subsequently suspended. The origin of the famous video footage about the American expedition on the Moon is also interesting, because it is well known that the broadcast was carried out live, and with an unencoded signal. First of all, this was done with the aim of conveying information to observers from the Soviet Union, who were also receiving at their bases. Experts believe that in fact, the astronauts took with them into space a videotape with a recording that was actually mounted in the film pavilion, and the actual footage is still classified. The constant activity of UFOs on the surface of the Moon, even the one that is turned towards our planet, can still be detected today. The already familiar cigar-shaped and round devices are not uncommon there, and yet it really seems as if our satellite was created artificially.

After the first samples of lunar soil arrived on Earth and scientists examined them, they had more questions than answers. The fact is that the previously interpreted version of the origin of the Moon provided for the origin of this cosmic body from the Earth itself. Probably, during the process of formation, a piece broke off from the planet, which was still in a gaseous state, which subsequently took shape and became its natural satellite. It was only after analyzing the samples that it turned out that the Moon is younger than the Earth, and its composition is somewhat different, although logically, its lithosphere should be identical to the Earth’s. All these facts indicate only one thing - the satellite appeared artificially, similar to how artificial communication satellites are put into orbit.

Interestingly, ancient sources do not mention at all that there was a Moon. Thus, we can conclude that some higher intelligence simply created a cosmic body and artificially placed it in Earth’s orbit, it is possible that even during the existence of ancient civilizations. Some experts are inclined to believe that the mentioned global flood and the extinction of dinosaurs were precisely provoked by such large-scale interplanetary rearrangements.

The features of the Moon stand out especially well against the background of the natural satellites of other planets in our system. Scientists drew an analogy with the satellites of Mars - Phobos and Deimos, which have an identical structure to their planet. Analyzes have proven this; in addition, the behavior of satellites is always natural. They rotate at the same speed, and approach or move away from the planet in accordance with their cycle. The surfaces of the satellites do not have a perfectly round profile, which also indicates their natural origin as a result of the solidification of cosmic matter. The profile of the Moon is perfectly round, which also contradicts the generally accepted theory of the origin of planets.

The project to build a transit space station on the Moon, from which launches could be carried out to explore other planets of the solar system, is remembered less and less today. Just five years ago, this possibility was vigorously discussed with the participation of all countries participating in space programs. It seems as if someone has deliberately pushed both the topic and the project into the background and wants to divert public attention to something else. In principle, it worked. And only enthusiasts continue to explore photographs of the Moon published by NASA on the official website. It’s as if someone doesn’t want the station to be built, or it has actually already been built.

An equally interesting situation arises with satellite images of the lunar surface, and, indeed, with any others. As you know, the agency posts them on its website for public access. It is also no secret that all primary photographs are carefully processed and examined by intelligence services and agency specialists before they are made available to the general public. Sometimes they still miss some points and the keen eye of researchers immediately finds the screaming truth, which is diligently denied by all official structures. After inconvenient facts are made public and the public's attention is drawn, official photographs miraculously disappear from NASA's website. According to the organization’s charter, all photographic materials that are not on its official website are not recognized as original, and therefore have no legal force.

There is an opinion that the Moon has long been used as a transit station for alien ships making intergalactic space jumps. This is also supported by the fact that there are quite a few anomalous zones on Earth near which UFO activity has been observed. Rising from under the ocean waters in the area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle or tectonic faults, they always head towards the Moon, similar to how medieval sailing ships went to the light of a lighthouse. Most likely, after landing there, they continue on their routes in our galaxy and, naturally, the construction of a base by earthlings is not at all included in their plans.

It is still very early to talk about official progress in lunar exploration, since several decades have passed since the last landing and today no one is going to equip a new expedition. All attempts by enthusiastic researchers are constantly blocked, and in some cases people even disappear, so solving the Moon becomes a hazardous matter. Perhaps in the future we will still learn a lot of interesting things about our satellite, and it is possible that pushing flights will turn out to be not at all as expensive as they say.

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