The curse of the Romanov family Marina Mnishek. The curse of the German princesses in the Romanov family. Revenge from the grave

Is there a generational curse? Looking back at the centuries-old history of mankind, we can say with confidence that yes, it exists. There are a great many facts confirming this. But how is it possible to influence the destinies of entire generations, what mechanisms are involved?

Here it should be noted that each person has his own energy information field. What is it? A clot of energy in which certain information is stored, or rather, a program according to which every living organism develops and lives. If you make adjustments to this program or, in more modern terms, infect it with a virus, then it will begin to produce completely different results.

This is where accidents, sudden deaths, serious illnesses and failures in personal life occur. It is as if a person finds himself in a vicious circle and cannot get out of it. Yes, this is impossible in the presence of a virus. Only by removing it can you free yourself from the terrible curse.

As a rule, a virus acts as a negative clot of energy. It is conveyed through emotionally charged words. They have a certain energy, and if they follow each other in a clear sequence, they acquire incredible power. This set of words is called spell, and the virus generated by them can be designated as spell.

Spells are divided into two types. The first type can be called household. Two people quarreled, and one angrily shouted to the other: “Damn you!” There may be no consequences at all. It all depends on the emotional state of the curser and his internal energy. If it is powerful enough, then the person being cursed may experience a short-term negative consequence. But in most cases such a surge of emotions cannot impose a generational curse. True, there are exceptions, and we will see this below.

It’s another matter when a sorcerer casts special spells. In this case, a clear set of words generates a huge surge of energy. It deals a crushing blow to the victim. And she falls under a terrible spell. Moreover, subsequent generations up to the 5th generation are also subject to it. Spells can also act selectively. They have the power to negatively influence people’s homes, a certain area, or close relatives.

Sometimes spells are cast on burial sites. Let us remember the grave of Timur Tamerlane. He protected his burial with a very strong spell. As soon as people opened the grave of this great conqueror, the Great Patriotic War began. It is unlikely that such things happen as a result of coincidences.

In the homes of damned people, a destructive virus is trying to destroy everything. Flowers begin to wither, pets begin to wither, and then it’s people’s turn. They develop illnesses, problems arise in their personal lives, and a series of continuous failures occurs in financial affairs. And there is no end in sight to all these troubles. A viral program covers up everything positive and useful, and the output is only negative. Hereditary alcoholism or a severe hereditary disease may occur. Only by completely destroying the energy of the information field does the virus cease to exist, since there is nothing left to destroy.

It is very difficult to remove the curse. It all depends on the strength of the sorcerer who cast it. The damnedest person cannot do this. Therefore, specialists are invited. But the magician who undertakes this takes a very big risk. After all, he not only destroys the virus, but takes it for himself. This is negative energy, and, as you know, it cannot disappear anywhere, but is only capable of moving into a different state. So the magician must dispose of it so that it does not cause him any harm.

And one more thing that needs to be noted is something very important. The damned man is constantly losing energy. In order to somehow replenish it, he becomes an energetic vampire. Therefore, it begins to negatively influence others. Living next to such a person means constantly being deprived of your vital energy. And this depletes the body, wears it out, and it all ends in death.

Therefore, being around such people is extremely dangerous. There is no need to listen to them and respond to their complaints. This may sound cruel, but the damned person thus transfers some of his misfortunes to complete strangers. Thus, he eases his own fate and aggravates the fate of others. You should always remember this.

Ancestral curses of royal dynasties

Let's look at the generational curse using the example of 2 reigning dynasties. Let's start with the most powerful and numerous Habsburg dynasty. They received their famous name from an ancient castle built in the 11th century on the lands of Switzerland. It was called Habichtsburg, which means “falcon castle”.

One of its first owners was Duke Werner von Habsburg. He seduced a young girl, vowing that he would marry her. But the nobleman deceived the unfortunate woman, since he was already engaged to the daughter of a nobleman.

The girl became pregnant, and everything could open up. In this case, there would be a terrible scandal, and the Duke would be considered a dishonest person. He could either flee the country or throw himself on the sword. It is quite natural that Werner was not happy with this scenario. Therefore, he decided to destroy all traces of his voluptuous crime.

The girl was captured and imprisoned. They chained her to the wall and waited for her to die of hunger and thirst. In this nightmare, the unfortunate woman gave birth to a child and, slowly dying along with him, cursed the duke and his entire family.

Representatives of the Habsburg dynasty

Meanwhile, the culprit of the terrible crime played a magnificent wedding and went hunting with his wife. The dogs picked up the wild boar, and it rushed away from them. Duke Werner von Habsburg found himself on his way. A huge seasoned beast weighing more than 300 kg tore the villain with its fangs. With his stomach torn and entrails spilling out, the Duke fell to the ground and died in terrible agony. And at that very moment, the unfortunate girl died in the dungeon, clutching a dead child to her chest.

But the spell cast on the Habsburg family was not satisfied with one death. For 900 long years this dynasty reigned in Europe. And all this time she was accompanied by murders, tragedies and crimes. But we will not list all these horrors, since there are a huge number of them. Let's go straight to the 19th century and visit Mexico. The brother of the Austrian Emperor, Archduke Maximilian, arrived there in 1864. Here he founded a new branch of the famous dynasty.

But her power over the country lasted only 3 years. The Mexican people rebelled, Maximilian was arrested and executed by a military tribunal. His wife Carlotta went crazy and died in a mental hospital.

Another Habsburg, namely Archduke Ferdinand, was shot dead in Sarajevo in 1914. At the same time, his wife was killed. The assassination attempt became the formal reason for the outbreak of the First World War. It claimed millions of lives and destroyed the Habsburg dynasty forever. With this, the generational curse exhausted itself and ended.

Romanov Dynasty

Well, we will continue and consider the fate of the Romanov dynasty. History took it 300 years, and the beginning of the misfortunes was laid by Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, who ruled in the 17th century. Under this sovereign there was a popular revolt. The archers pacified him and, by the will of the king, buried the wife of one of the most ardent rebels in the ground up to her neck. They buried her not alone, but together with a small child. The unfortunates were left to die, and the young woman, experiencing terrible torment, cursed the king and all his descendants.

The spell cast on the Romanov family immediately began to work. From his first wife, Maria Miloslavskaya, the autocrat had 5 sons. Tsarevich Dmitry died almost immediately after the crime committed, then it was Simeon’s turn. Tsarevich Alexei did not live to see 16 years of age. Fyodor Alekseevich turned out to be weak-minded, childless and sickly. But Tsarevich Ivan became co-ruler of Peter I, but also turned out to be sick and weak-minded. He died at the age of 30. None of the king's seven daughters married.

Misfortunes also accompanied the reformer Peter. He had four children from Lopukhina and seven from Ekaterina. Eight of them died at a young age. And the only heir, Alexei, was executed by order of the formidable king.

Autocrat Peter II, who was the son of Tsarevich Alexei, sat on the throne for 3 years and passed away at the age of 15 on his wedding day. And the great-grandson of Ivan Alekseevich, Emperor Ivan VI, became king as a baby after the death of Empress Anna Ivanovna. He “ruled” the country for only a year and was overthrown in a palace coup. Elizaveta Petrovna came to power and sent the 2-year-old autocrat to prison for eternal imprisonment. The poor guy served 20 years and then was killed.

Emperor Peter III reigned for only a year and was deposed by his wife Catherine II. The poor man was strangled by guards officers, and Catherine's son Pavel was killed as a result of a palace coup. His son and future Emperor Alexander I was involved in this conspiracy.

Representatives of the House of Romanov Nicholas II and his wife

The fate of the latter is full of mysteries and mysticism. He reigned for 24 years and died unexpectedly in Taganrog at the age of 47. After this, rumors spread that the emperor did not die at all, but reincarnated as the elder Fyodor Kozmich and took refuge in Siberia. Whether this is true or not is still unknown.

A terrible death befell the autocrat Alexander II. He was killed by Narodnaya Volya terrorists. And the last of the Romanov dynasty, Nicholas II, was brutally shot by the Bolsheviks in Yekaterinburg in 1918.

You can, of course, not believe in a generational curse. But the above facts cannot be ignored. And they point to a natural chain of tragic events. People are tortured, strangled, poisoned for a reason. This clearly reveals a terrible spell cast over several generations. However, everyone is free to draw their own conclusions, and no one is forced to believe in anything. But, in any case, it is better to be warned than to be blissfully unaware. Maybe this will save someone from the machinations of the black forces that exist next to us, regardless of whether we believe in them or not.

Many people, according to psychics, have a family curse. This is the name of a certain energetic influence of otherworldly forces on the human body.

This is the punishment for murder. The payback is not easy. The curse of the family means death in real life, either from an accident or from an incurable disease. But the worst thing is that the killer inevitably dooms his family to degeneration. His descendants become seriously ill, become drunkards, go crazy, and commit suicide.


Count Fyodor Ivanovich Tolstoy fully felt the curse of the family. The Count was an unsurpassed adventurer, a desperate gambler and a duelist. The last “hobby” became fatal for his family.

Fyodor Ivanovich had 12 children. 11 of them (exactly as many people as the count killed in duels) died in childhood. And as the children died, he crossed out the names of the people he killed in his notebook.

Crossing out the last name, the count said: “Well, thank God, at least my curly-haired gypsy will be alive.” This was his last child - daughter Praskovya Fedorovna, who lived to a ripe old age.

Contemporaries, who knew well the traditions of the Russian nobility, were almost without surprise at the high infant mortality rate in the family of Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy.

Once the son of Peter I, Tsarevich Alexei, who died in prison, before his death he cursed all the descendants of Count Peter Tolstoy, who played a significant role in his imprisonment, to the 25th generation. That is why, according to researchers, in each generation of the extensive Tolstoy family, many babies died and, along with outstanding people, quite a few weak-minded and simply insane offspring were born.
Experts never tire of arguing about the mystery of the death of Vladimir Mayakovsky. What was it? Coincidence of circumstances or fateful destiny?

In the family of his grandfather - a descendant of the Zaporozhye Cossack Konstantin Mayakovsky - there were five children: two sons and three daughters.

Both sons - Mikhail and Vladimir, the poet's father - died in the same year: the first from illness, the second from blood poisoning caused by an accidental prick of a finger. Mikhail left no offspring, and Vladimir, who had three sons, lost the first in infancy, the second at the age of three, and the third, as everyone knows, died at the age of 37! And since Vladimir Mayakovsky only had an illegitimate daughter who bore a different surname, with the death of the poet the possibility of the continued existence of the Mayakovsky surname itself disappeared.

“More and more people do not believe natural science and try to explain the misfortunes that have befallen them with supernatural causes,” says Harvard theologian Dr. Sudbeck. - This faith ultimately leads to the fact that the curses come true.

If a person convinces himself that he is terminally ill, then he actually becomes ill. Freud called this the “neurosis of fate” - when its inexorable blows are constantly repeated.”
You can agree with the respected theologian and Freud’s postulates, but you can also argue...


Evil fate began to haunt the Romanov family since the reign of its second representative, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. The beginning of all the misfortunes, as historians believe, was an episode that occurred during one of the popular riots.

During the pacification of the rebellion, the Tsar's archers buried the wife of the main rebel with her child up to her neck in the ground and left her to die a painful death. The young wife, dying, cursed Tsar Alexei, whom she hated, and all his descendants.

The curse was not long in coming: of the three sons - heirs to the throne from Alexei's first wife Maria Miloslavskaya - two died almost immediately after the curse was pronounced, and the third - Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich - turned out to be weak-minded, sickly and childless. The fourth Miloslavsky, Ivan, co-ruler of Peter the Great, was as weak-minded as his older brother, and died at the age of 30.

The misfortune that marked the reign of Peter is well known: of his four children from Evdokia Lopukhina and seven from Catherine, eight died very young.

Emperor Peter II reigned for only three years and died of smallpox as a 15-year-old youth on his wedding day.
Elizabeth Petrovna's successor, Peter III, reigned for only a year, was overthrown by his wife Catherine II and strangled by officers loyal to her. His son, Pavel Petrovich, was also killed as a result of a palace coup in which his son and heir to the throne, Alexander, took part. This latter, having become Emperor Alexander I, was also terribly punished by fate, which did not spare either his two legitimate children or his illegitimate daughter from Maria Antonovna Naryshkina.

When the son of Nicholas I, the future Tsar Alexander II, was born, his mother, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, ordered that the holy fool Fyodor, known throughout Moscow, be asked: what awaits the newborn?
“He will be mighty, glorious and strong. He will be one of the greatest sovereigns in the world and yet (here the holy fool’s face was distorted with horror) he will die in red boots!”

Then everyone laughed at this strange expression “he will die in red boots.” No one, of course, could even imagine that in 1881 a terrorist bomb would tear apart the lower part of Alexander II’s body and his half-severed legs would be covered in blood...

Alexander's grandson - the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II - lost his throne as a result of the 1917 revolution and a year later he and his entire family were shot by security officers in Yekaterinburg.


According to occult historians, all the misfortunes that befell the royal house of the Habsburgs at the end of the 19th century are also the result of a heavy curse imposed on the entire family. How many deaths at once - first the death of Emperor Maximilian in Mexico, then the madness of his wife Charlotte, the death of the heir to the throne Rudolph, the murder of Empress Elizabeth, the unknown death of Archduke Johann Salvator and many attempts on the life of Emperor Franz Joseph, who
The last moment was saved only by providence.

...The Habsburgs got their name from an ancient feudal castle built in the 11th century in the Swiss district of Aargau and then called Habichteburg, that is, Falcon Castle. One of its first owners, Count Werner von Habsburg, seduced a girl from a neighboring town, vowing that he would certainly marry her.
When a poor girl, the daughter of an ordinary artisan, became pregnant and the situation became fraught with scandal, the count, without thinking twice, ordered her, who was already in the process of giving birth, to be taken to an underground prison, chained to the wall and starved to death.

Having given birth to a child and dying with him in a dungeon, the girl cursed her killer and his entire family, wishing that people would always remember him as the cause of misfortune. The curse soon came true. While participating in a boar hunt with his young wife, Count Werner was mortally wounded by a wild boar.

The power of the curse subsided for a while and made itself felt again in the 19th century. One of the last Habsburgs, Archduke Maximilian, brother of the Austro-Hungarian Emperor Franz Joseph, arrived in Mexico City in 1864 as the founder of the new imperial Habsburg line, ruled for only three years, after which the Mexicans rebelled. Maximilian was tried by a military tribunal and was shot.

Soon, Franz Joseph's son, Crown Prince Rudolf, departed for another world: he committed suicide. Then, under mysterious circumstances, the emperor's wife, whom he loved passionately, was killed.
The heir to the throne, Archduke Ferdinand, as is known from history textbooks, was shot dead along with his wife in 1914 in Sarajevo.

Well, the last time the curse that weighed on the Habsburg family made itself felt 15 years after the Sarajevo events. In April 1929, Viennese police were forced to break down the door of an apartment from which came the acrid smell of lamp gas. Three corpses were found in the room, in which law enforcement officials identified the great-great-grandson of Emperor Franz Joseph, his mother Elena Resch and his grandmother. All three, as the investigation showed, committed suicide...


Marina Mniszek [The incredible story of the adventurer and warlock] Polonska Jadwiga

Chapter 16. The curse of the Romanov family

Marianna was happy. Nearby was Ivan Zarutsky, whom Dmitry disliked so much. And she often thought that her first husband, looking from heaven at her and Zarutsky, regretted that he was going to execute the Cossack chieftain.

– What are you thinking about, Marina? – Zarutsky hugged her and kissed her on the cheek.

– That we have one last attempt left, otherwise we will have to flee to distant countries.

- Which ones? – the chieftain was surprised.

- Maybe to England. Or maybe to Spanish India.

- Where did you get this from?

- Pozharsky is recruiting a militia, Ivan. And if he takes Moscow, then there will be no place for us in Russia.

– And if he doesn’t take it, then again there will be no place for us in Russia.

Marina looked seriously at the chieftain.

- It's time to raise the people.

– Recognize Vanya as Dmitry’s legal heir.

Zarutsky thought about it.

- So, so... But who, besides me, recognizes him?

- Trubetskoy.

– Trubetskoy, as he admits, will refuse, Marina.

– Let him admit it first, and then we’ll see.

“Well, okay,” answered the chieftain. – We can’t really run to India... Although we can go to Persia - it’s closer. – Zarutsky laughed.

But Marianne was not amused. Little son Ivan was growing up. He was already three years old, and people didn’t call him anything other than “little clan.”

People are tired of the turmoil, of the Poles, Cossacks, militias and robbers. The people increasingly wanted to choose a single Russian Tsar. And fate again gave her a chance to ascend the throne.

If the nobility recognizes her son as a legitimate heir, then she, as a crowned queen, will be able to calmly return to Moscow. And then not only Russians, but also many Polish ones will roll their heads. She was sure that it would not be difficult for Trubetskoy to give and renege on his own word.

And so it happened. Less than a month had passed since Trubetskoy and Zarutsky announced on the main square of Kaluga that they recognized the baby Ivan Dmitrievich as the rightful heir to the Russian kingdom. After this, messengers were sent to all large cities with this news. And, of course, the secret troublemakers who talked about Marianne’s son as a miracle child and a true anointed one of God.

But this act cost Marianne dearly. Before that, Prince Pozharsky did not see her as a rival. And he even intended to give her one of the regions after the establishment of order in Russia, but the claim to the throne greatly frightened him.

Two weeks later, Marianna fled from Kaluga to Ryazan. Pozharsky's troops completely defeated the Cossack army.

- To Astrakhan.

- And from there?

- To hell with the horns.

Zarutsky got up from the table and went out into the street. The weather was clear and the boy was playing in the yard with the yard children.

The chieftain watched with pity for a long time at the blond child, who was probably going to die soon.

“Marina,” he said, hearing her steps behind him.

- Let's go to this India of yours.

– We need to take the money from Kolomna.

“Then get ready, dear, tomorrow we’re going to Astrakhan.” And then we’ll see how the Lord wills it.

They sailed along the Yaik to Bear Island.

– Are there really a lot of bears there? - asked the boy.

- Oh-ho-ho! How many more,” Zarutsky answered. - Entire squads of bears!

- With halberds?! – Marianne laughed.

Behind was Astrakhan. Ahead, if we manage to break away from the archers, is the Urals. There, free people could shelter them for a while. And then, when everything calms down, it would be possible to return to Kolomna under false names, find the chests and sail along the Baltic somewhere away from Russia and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

- Ataman! - shouted the Cossack at the steering oar.

Zarutsky turned around and saw four large boats behind him, with fifty oarsmen.

He looked at Marianne, and she understood everything.

Taking her son in her arms, Marianne, ready for anything, began to read a prayer in Latin.

- Well, give the baby some water! - she shouted.

It was terribly hot - July. They were right next to Moscow.

Some woman approached the cage in which she was being taken to the city and handed Ivan an apple and a jug of milk.

- Thank you! – Marianna thanked her.

From hunger, heat and a long journey under the scorching sun, she was already beginning to lose her mind.

With trembling hands, she tilted the jug, and the boy took a few sips.

- Why are you torturing the kid?

The crowd began to get angry.

“Ask the Romanovs,” answered the guard.

“The Romanovs...” people grumbled. – First, the sovereign’s children are executed, and then the Romanovs are blamed.

Marianna looked forward, where Zarutsky was sitting in a cage.

He lost a lot of weight and had a beard. At almost every stop he was beaten in front of Marianna and his son.

“We've finally arrived. I won’t see him suffer anymore,” she thought and burst into tears.

She and her son were placed in a large cell. At first, they took me for interrogation every day. But a month later, realizing that Marianne would not ask for mercy for the child from the Romanovs, they left her alone.

Marianne sat and watched as large snowflakes slowly fell behind the bars. The executioners have just taken little Vanya away for execution.

She stood on the table, placed a stool on top, took a silk cord in her hand, and climbed up to the window itself. Opening it, she tied the string to the grate with a tight knot and began tying the loop. Suddenly, a black shadow flew onto the bars!

Marianne recoiled and fell onto the stone floor. The shadow flew away, letting in the sunlight. But a second later she closed almost the entire tiny window of the camera again.

There was a rustling sound, and Marianna saw a raven squeezing through the bars.

“Corvus,” she rejoiced. “At that moment it seemed to her that the friend of her youth and beloved teacher was alive, and had come to her to console her.

But after a moment, she realized that this was self-deception. The only thing that remained unclear was how the raven managed to find her. She looked in fear as the large bird struggled to squeeze through the square gap in the bars. Finally, the raven jumped to the floor and approached Marianne. Slightly tilting his head to the side, he opened his mouth and, as in childhood, when he wanted to repeat someone’s words, he said: “Gov-vor-ri.”

- Yes. – Marianne smiled, once again being captured by the joyful memories of her childhood. But out of the corner of my eye I noticed my son’s tiny boot.

“Tell them,” she whispered. – Tell them all and loudly!

Raven listened to her carefully.

- I curse you! I curse the entire Romanov family! All your kings will be killed like my son! I curse you! Not one of you will die of your own death! I curse you!

The raven spread its huge wings and flew up onto the windowsill.

A few seconds later he disappeared outside the window.

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Appendix 3. Family tree of the family

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What people was the progenitor of the Romanov family from?

The ancestor of the Romanov dynasty is considered to be the boyar Andrei Kobyla at the court of Ivan Kalita and his son Simeon the Proud. We know virtually nothing about his life and origins. The chronicles mention him only once: in 1347 he was sent to Tver for the bride of Grand Duke Simeon the Proud, daughter of Prince Alexander Mikhailovich of Tver.

Finding himself during the unification of the Russian state with a new center in Moscow in the service of the Moscow branch of the princely dynasty, he thus chose the “golden ticket” for himself and his family. Genealogists mention his numerous descendants, who became the ancestors of many noble Russian families: Semyon Stallion (Lodygins, Konovnitsyns), Alexander Elka (Kolychevs), Gavriil Gavsha (Bobrykins), Childless Vasily Vantey and Fyodor Koshka - the ancestor of the Romanovs, Sheremetevs, Yakovlevs, Goltyaevs and Bezzubtsev. But the origins of the Mare himself remain a mystery. According to the Romanov family legend, he traced his ancestry back to the Prussian kings.

When a gap is formed in genealogies, it provides an opportunity for their falsification. In the case of noble families, this is usually done with the aim of either legitimizing their power or achieving extra privileges. As in this case. The blank spot in the Romanov genealogies was filled in the 17th century under Peter I by the first Russian king of arms Stepan Andreevich Kolychev. The new history corresponded to the “Prussian legend”, fashionable even under the Rurikovichs, which was aimed at confirming the position of Moscow as the successor of Byzantium. Since Rurik’s Varangian origin did not fit into this ideology, the founder of the princely dynasty became the 14th descendant of a certain Prus, the ruler of ancient Prussia, a relative of Emperor Augustus himself. Following them, the Romanovs “rewrote” their history.

A family legend, subsequently recorded in the “General Arms of Arms of the Noble Families of the All-Russian Empire,” says that in 305 AD, the Prussian king Pruteno gave the kingdom to his brother Veidewut, and he himself became the high priest of his pagan tribe in the city of Romanov, where the evergreen sacred oak tree grew.

Before his death, Veidevuth divided his kingdom among his twelve sons. One of them was Nedron, whose family owned part of modern Lithuania (Samogit lands). His descendants were the brothers Russingen and Glanda Kambila, who were baptized in 1280, and in 1283 Kambila came to Rus' to serve the Moscow prince Daniil Alexandrovich. After baptism, he began to be called Mare.

Russian Seven


Different peoples, large and small social groups, have different attitudes towards power. Since ancient times, the Russian people's attitude towards power has been colored in religious and moral tones. There was a raid by the Polovtsians - the Lord allowed it for sins, Batu Khan came to Rus' - they angered God with their deeds and thoughts, princely civil strife or unrest - God's providence for sins, etc.

From here followed a simple conclusion for both the peasants and the king: live according to the commandments of Christ, follow the customs and traditions of the church, lead a worthy lifestyle, do not let sins and temptations overcome you - and your days will be long, and your memory will be good. And vice versa, if you constantly violate the commandments of the Lord, do not follow the rituals and traditions of the Church, behave immorally and immorally, give yourself the opportunity to seduce and seduce yourself - your earthly days will be shortened, and your name will be forgotten, and if your sins are great, the people will curse you and your family.

Moral education in Holy Rus' was based on biblical traditions and principles, so they were afraid of curses. If someone curses someone, then they are in for trouble: the death of livestock, the crops perish, children die while still babies or the Lord does not give them at all, you yourself begin to get sick. Examples from life only strengthened people's belief in damnation as “the judgment of God and the punishing finger.” This judgment is quick and inevitable, harsh and fair, neither the peasant nor the tsar can hide from it; Ivan the Terrible sinned and was punished, Boris Godunov sinned and was punished, people sinned and were punished by the Bloody Troubles - with such ideas about morality and power, the Russian Orthodox people entered the terrible 17th century.

The election of Mikhail Romanov as Tsar by the Zemsky Sobor in 1613 was greeted in the country with jubilation and celebrations. People thanked the Almighty for admonition and guidance on the true path. In the popular imagination, the elected king was the embodiment of spiritual purity, a pillar of the Church of Christ and a worthy successor to the royal throne of the Rurikovichs.

The reign of Mikhail Romanov became a time of revival of the Russian national state and the strengthening of ancient Orthodox church traditions, a period of healing wounds and increasing wealth. However, the hope that his son and heir, Alexey, would continue his father’s endeavors did not materialize.

There is no point in retelling the repercussions of the Great Schism, which shook the very foundations of the state and the Church of Christ. Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, seduced by the eastern hierarchs of the church and other “soul catchers” with the chimera of creating a huge empire with its capital in Constantinople, fell into heresy and forced his satraps to reform the Russian Ancient Orthodox Church with fire and sword according to a far-fetched and absolutely worthless model. It was the king who ordered to change His name, the form and content of the prayers dedicated to Him, ordered to forget the Creed and His essence, for which he was cursed with his descendants to the thirteenth generation. Those who remained faithful to Old Orthodoxy cursed the Romanov family, hoping for heavenly punishment, everywhere - orally and in writing, on porches and squares, in cities and villages, under torture and at the stake, in Holy Rus' and beyond.

Tsar Alexei himself died shortly after the capture of the Solovetsky Monastery, one of the last strongholds of piety and holiness in Russia. His death was painful and occurred on January 29, 1676. Exactly twenty years later, on January 29, 1696, his son Ivan would die, and on January 28, 1725, Peter the Great would pass away, and on January 28, 1919, within the Peter and Paul Fortress, the Bolsheviks would shoot a whole group of princes of the Romanov dynasty. Is this a coincidence or the Providence of God?

Or here's another one. It is known that on July 17, 1667, the Nikonian Council condemned and anathematized the teachers of Ancient Orthodoxy Avvakum, Lazarus, Epiphanius, Theodore and Nicephorus. On July 17, 1918, the last Emperor Nicholas II with his family and household members were shot by the Bolsheviks in Yekaterinburg. The next day, but already in Alapaevsk, another group of Romanovs was shot. The Bolsheviks and foreigners were a punishment to the royal house for all their obvious and secret sins.

Those with the name “Alexey” in the Romanov family were also plagued by all sorts of misfortunes. The son of Alexei Mikhailovich himself, who showed great promise, died as a 16-year-old boy. The son of Peter the Great was killed by his own father. Alexei Antonovich, brother of Ivan VI, died a childless idiot in complete obscurity. Grand Duke Alexei Alexandrovich, who glorified his family with exorbitant embezzlement and the complete failure of the Russian-Japanese campaign, did not leave any legitimate offspring; his son Alexei Alekseevich, Count Belevsky-Zhukovsky, was born in 1932 from A.V. Zhukovskaya, the daughter of the great Russian poet. shot by Georgian Bolsheviks in Tbilisi. Prince Alexei Mikhailovich died at the age of 20 from tuberculosis, and Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich shared the fate of the royal family in Yekaterinburg.

Now living in California, Alexey Andreevich - 10th generation from the damned Tsar Alexei - celebrated his 50th anniversary this year, he has his own construction business, is married, but childless. Alex Mikhailovich R.-Ilyinsky, 11 years old, who lives with his mother in Florida, is 10 years old. His father is married to someone else. Woe to him who bears a cursed name in the Romanov family.

It is known for certain that the emperors Peter III and Ivan VI, Paul I and Alexander II, Nicholas II and the failed Emperor Michael suffered violent deaths; the death of many crowned persons still causes controversy and rumors. With the fall of the monarchy and the royal house, it seemed that misfortunes were supposed to recede from this family. If there were any, voluntary or involuntary, sins of the Romanovs against the Russian people and state, then they probably atoned for their guilt with the blood shed during the years of the revolution.

The middle of the 20th century passed relatively calmly for the family scattered throughout the world; the situation has changed in our days, when the question of the prospects for the restoration of the monarchy in Russia and the restoration of the House of Romanov to the still speculative throne arose again. The presence of a real contender, Grand Duke Vladimir Kirillovich, gave the situation a particularly spicy character. However, fate was willing to intervene in this issue and mix up all the calculations and cards of Russian and foreign political strategists - the Grand Duke, who had endured a difficult flight from France to the USA, suddenly died in front of the assembled public. This was in 1993, six months before the execution of the Russian Supreme Council.

After the sudden death of Vladimir Kirillovich, the “Union of Descendants of the Romanov Family,” headed by Prince Nikolai Romanovich, loomed on the monarchical horizon. A historian by training, he actively began to organize and conduct various charitable and cultural events abroad and in Russia. A lot of interviews in the media, information on the Internet, a loving wife, children, grandchildren. Shortly before arriving at the reburial ceremony for the remains of the royal family in 1998, his eldest grandson Enzo Conzolo commits suicide.

About 50 descendants of the once royal family are present at the ceremony, among them young Makena Komisar, granddaughter of US Marine Colonel Paul R.-Ilinsky and cousin of the above-mentioned Alex. Four years later she will die in a terrible car accident.

Mikhail Fedorovich from France is not at the mentioned event. According to the official version, he did not believe in the authenticity of the remains of the royal family. In fact, he is busy with his young wife Maria, whom he took from his son, also Mikhail. The son, meanwhile, is defeated and forced to retire; Three years later, the elderly father will receive news from Bombay that the unlucky Michel has suddenly died.

The curse of the Polish adventuress, imprisoned by order of the Tsar, destroyed the entire ruling house. The Romanovs ruled Russia for 300 years, but literally within a year they lost power and were almost completely exterminated. Of course, revolutions are rarely bloodless, but history has never known a case when in such a short period of time a dynasty perished almost entirely, leaving not a single legitimate contender for the throne.

Cruel time

It turns out that a terrible curse was hanging over the Romanov family. He was summoned to the heads of the Russian tsars by Marina Mnishek, the daughter of a Polish adventurer and the wife of the first two False Dmitrievs. And, by the way, the crowned Russian queen, imprisoned in the Kremlin tower and committed suicide out of despair.

Marina, one might say, got involved in Russian history by accident. But a meeting with the fugitive monk Grishka Otrepyev - False Dmitry I - led her to coronation in May 1606. A week later, the Polish garrison in Moscow was massacred in one night, the impostor was killed, and Marina herself miraculously escaped without being recognized by the people of Prince Shuisky.

Together with her father, she was simply exiled to Yaroslavl, which at that time was very humane. Shuisky, who reigned in 1608, even allowed her to leave for Poland on the condition that she would not be called the Russian queen. But the convoy was captured by supporters of False Dmitry II, who was camped in Tushino. It is not clear why, but Marina recognized the Tushinsky thief as her miraculously escaped husband.

What followed was a series of intrigues, a struggle for the Moscow throne, an escape from False Dmitry and a return to him, but in Kaluga. Here, in December 1610, Marina’s second husband was killed. And very soon she gave birth to a son from him, named Ivan.

Marina and her son ended up in the camp of the Cossack ataman Zarutsky. Ivan was recognized as heir to the throne by some boyars, and even entire cities. But soon Marina’s luck ran out. She had to flee to Astrakhan, and then to Yaik, where local Cossacks forced her to surrender to the tsarist commanders and sent her to Moscow. It was the summer of 1614, and a year before that, the election of Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov as Tsar was announced in the Ipatiev Monastery.

Marina and her son were imprisoned. She was formally the crowned Russian Tsarina, and the law forbade her execution. If Marina was recognized as an impostor, then she should have been extradited to her homeland as a Polish subject.

However, the unfortunate child, now called only Ivashka-Vorenok, was a Russian subject. But children in Rus' had never been executed before. But an exception was made for Ivan, having secured the consent of the Church.

They took Marina’s son by deception, assuring him that the Tsar would not take revenge on the child. The executioner carried him in his arms to Lobnaya Square, where, in front of a small crowd of people, they tried to hang him. But the rope turned out to be too thick and could not tighten around the boy’s thin neck. Muscovites said that a few hours later the December frost completed the matter.

Upon learning of her son's death, Marina cursed the entire Romanov family. She shouted that now in this family, fathers, children, wives and husbands will kill each other, everyone will suffer like an unfortunate boy, none of the Romanovs will bring happiness to their country, and this dynasty will end its reign in the same way as it began, - infanticide. Marina stopped eating, and then smashed her head on the stone walls of the dungeon.

Shadow of the Hanged Man

The first Romanovs did not attach any significance to this legend. You never know who is cursed by criminals in prison. For example, Mikhail’s illness and death were attributed to an unknown illness.

While the girls in Mikhail’s family were born quite strong, two boys died in early childhood, and Alexey was born weak. Throughout his reign, he was plagued by internal unrest and wars, although the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich can be considered relatively successful. He died when he was even younger than his father - at 46 years old from a sudden heart attack.

Everything was bad with Alexey’s children too. Boys continued to die or were born sick. For example, Alexey Alekseevich died at the age of 15 from no one knows why, Fyodor barely lived to be twenty, and Ivan by the age of 29 was a paralyzed wreck. Only Peter lived to adulthood in more or less good health. It was he who first drew attention to family karma.

In 1715, Prince Alexander Bekovich-Cherkassky brought a blind old man to St. Petersburg from a campaign in Khiva. He supposedly could, by laying hands on a person, find out his fate. The elder was brought to the king, and he said:

A little boy. Hanged. His shadow is behind you.

A little later, there were rumors at court that a certain visiting alchemist had offered to accept the title of emperor to Peter, claiming that this would help deceive the dark forces feeding the ancient curse.

But Peter had to taste all its consequences in full. All the boys born to the tsar in two marriages died young, not counting Alexei. And Peter himself ordered his execution. And the emperor died in terrible agony.

There was no happiness in the Romanov house further. The grandson of Peter the Great, Peter II, died of smallpox at the age of 14, barely ascending to the throne. John Antonovich was overthrown by Elizabeth while still an infant, imprisoned in Shlisselburg and killed in prison by guards. Another grandson of Peter - Peter III - was overthrown by Catherine II and killed. By the way, her curse seemed to spare her. But she was not Romanova by blood.

Vain warnings

Already Peter III was actually Holstein-Gottorp, and not Romanov, but the curse also haunted Michael’s descendants in the female line. Pavel Petrovich, perhaps the most mysterious and mystical figure on the Russian throne, fully experienced this. His youth was filled not only with games with a “pocket army”. The heir loved mysterious stories, dark prophecies and stories about family secrets.

One day he learned about a monk named Abel, who, among other things, predicted the death of Catherine the Great. The Empress laughed and ordered the monk to be imprisoned in Shlisselburg, but the prophecy unexpectedly came true day after day. Paul ascended the throne and ordered Abel to be brought to him. He heard many prophecies and wrote down those concerning the future of Russia.

The emperor locked them in a separate casket, which he ordered to be opened exactly 100 years after his death. By the way, Pavel heard the prediction of his fate, and as it turned out later, it was accurate. Abel also spoke about the terrible curse hanging over the royal family. Perhaps Paul's accession to the rank of Master of the Order of Malta was an attempt to protect himself from evil forces. If so, then, as we know, it failed.

Alexander Pavlovich, who was accused of almost complicity in the murder of his father, at first showed no signs of interest in ancient legends. But after returning from the Foreign Campaign, he surrounded himself with mystics and delved into philosophizing. Baroness Kirdener and Ekaterina Tatarinova openly talked about the Romanov curse and discussed the most fantastic options for getting rid of it.

Eventually they and others like them were removed from the court at the insistence of the church hierarchy. But, according to rumors, in 1825, Alexander, left alone for a long time with his fears and remorse, could not stand it. He faked his death and hid from the world under the name of Elder Fyodor Kuzmich.

But Alexander’s departure from the world did not save the dynasty from the curse. Nicholas I, who took over the country at the pinnacle of world power, brought it to a shameful defeat in the Crimean War. He died in terrible agony, if not physical, but moral. His son Alexander II was completely killed by terrorists. The ending of the life of Alexander III cannot be called happy. In his youth he was a healthy and physically extremely strong person, but he literally burned out within a month when he went to Crimea for treatment. He was not even 50 years old.

The Emperor Who Knew His Fate

Finally, the last emperor from the Romanov family, Nicholas II, ascended the throne. Soon after the coronation, he had to be in England, where he learned from the Prince of Wales about the Kabbalist and soothsayer Cairo (Luis Hamon). The heir to the British crown, once talking with Cairo, asked the dates of birth of some familiar people to predict their future. About Nicholas, Hamon said that this man “will face bloody wars, the misfortunes of his country and will be violently killed along with his family.”

The young emperor wished to meet with Kairo incognito. He later recalled that he had drawn up a personal horoscope for the visitor, but in any case, 1918 threatened him with disaster. And the reason was... some event in the past, almost 300 years before. In 1907 they met again, already in St. Petersburg. Now Hamon understood that he was talking to the Russian Tsar, but his predictions were even darker. He compiled horoscopes for Nikolai’s relatives, but promised never to reveal their contents.

Back in 1901, the emperor and his wife opened the casket of Paul I with the predictions of Abel. They did not say what exactly they found there, but since then Nikolai, according to eyewitnesses, became somehow distant. He reacted sluggishly to the most acute events, showed himself to be a fatalist and often said that before 1918 he was not afraid of anything for himself, but was praying for the salvation of Russia. And after the second meeting with Kairo, these sentiments in the emperor intensified. Many courtiers, after the tragic events of 1918, recalled that Nicholas seemed to know his fate.