Were werewolves real? About whether werewolves exist, how they transform, and why they kill people. Where do werewolves come from?

Our world is complex and diverse, and human capabilities for perceiving this world are quite limited. Therefore, it is not surprising that humanity periodically has questions regarding certain phenomena and events. So, for example, for several centuries people have been trying to figure out whether they really exist. It is difficult to answer this question unequivocally due to the fact that there is a contradiction between what scientists say about this and what life stories exist on this topic.

Werewolves - do they exist in real life?

The following points will help clarify the situation on this issue:

  1. Although there is not a single photo or video evidence on the question of whether werewolves exist or is it fantasy, many eyewitness accounts have been recorded who are sure that they have encountered these strange creatures in their lives. At the same time, people claim that they saw or even suffered from a creature that looks like a huge wolf, a fox or an unprecedented beast. Sometimes this strange creature was seen by several people at the same time, which excludes the case.
  2. Scientists refute the assumption that the main character of these stories is a werewolf. Many scientists of various directions who study this issue are inclined to believe that eyewitnesses encountered not a werewolf, but a Bigfoot, about whom there is also no consensus.
  3. Psychiatrists are also taking part in the study regarding whether werewolves exist in our time. Scientists of this direction suggest that werewolves are people suffering from a disease such as lycanthropy. At the same time, the sick person feels like an animal, sees signs of an animal on himself and behaves accordingly. The cause of this disease can be mental illness, drug use and hallucinogenic drugs.

Stories about mysterious otherworldly creatures, man-animals, are found in the mythology of many peoples of the world. Scientists argue about the existence of werewolves; they have many hypotheses and explanations. Find out the truth about these creatures. What do they look like and can you see them wearing them today?

Mention of werewolves in folklore of different nations

Most world cultures have knowledge of people turning into animals. These stories are similar. The methods of accepting bestial strength are also the same. Such facts allow us to seriously think about whether there are werewolves.

A list of legendary warriors from historical sources will shed light on this question:

  • The ancient Scandinavians had warrior castes. Famous – berserkers, with bear power. They went into battle without armor and did not feel pain, made an animal roar and were considered uncontrollable and problematic in peaceful life. There are legends about ulfhednars - “wolf heads”; they were similar to classic European werewolves.
  • In Rus' there were legends about werewolves. It was believed that witches and sorcerers could turn into wild animals. Animal form is a curse. Urban legends about how human clothing was discovered under a wolf's skin are still found today, especially in Siberia.
  • The Aztecs had jaguar warriors, they dressed in animal skins of killed animals. So they adopted their agility and lethality.
  • Werewolf occupies an important place in the beliefs of North American Indians. Every person has a certain animal, and the ability to take shape totem beast– a high degree of unity with him.
  • And Japanese legends turn to werewolves. They contain creatures with human and animal appearance. These include kitsune- fox girls. Or tanuki- humanoid raccoons with hypertrophied genitals, promising good luck.
  • Indonesian legends testify to the ability to transform into local inhabitants of nature, mainly tigers.

Some nationalities believe that any person consumed by internal contradictions and grief can turn into an animal.

In many cases, werewolves are associated with military craft, witchcraft or curses. It is believed that such demihumans are also characterized by aggressiveness in human form. There is a connection between such magical creatures and the Moon and its cycles.

Werewolves do not appear in the form of animals in all sources. There are three points of view on how werewolf manifests itself.

  • In the first case - a classic complete transformation into a beast. Beliefs in Rus' indicate the need for magical rituals for this - jump over knives stuck into tree stumps. This is what sorcerers did to turn into a wolf or other animal. If the blades are pulled out, the werewolf will not take on human form. When transformed, such a wild animal gains the abilities of an animal - acute vision, a phenomenal sense of smell, and retains human ingenuity, intelligence and cunning.
  • Another view views werewolves as monsters with human and animal characteristics.
  • The third approach considers werewolf not as a full-fledged physical transformation, but a change in the state of consciousness. A person remains himself outwardly, but his metabolism accelerates, his feelings become sharper, and his behavior takes on animal traits.

Legends describe these situations in various contexts. Perhaps these are only degrees of depth in the unification of human and animal principles, present in the world and existing in parallel.

There is a scientific explanation for the phenomenon of werewolf. Scientists paid attention to this issue in the ancient period. At that time, imitating the habits of animals was considered a sign of melancholy. It meant a depressed and apathetic state. They treated with bloodletting, wine and sedatives.

Three sisters with lycanthropy: Savita, 23, Monish, 19 and 15-year-old Savitri

Now lycanthropy is an official disease; it is included in the list of mental disorders according to international classifiers. Imitating animal habits and walking on four limbs are classified as schizophrenic disorders. With excessive aggression and loss of conscious behavior. Clinical medicine contains repeated references to such cases.

Manifestations of lycanthropy coincide with the phases of the moon. This makes a logical explanation for the phenomenon of werewolves and the full moon. And it confirms that they exist at least in the form of unfortunate sick people. After attacks and seizures, victims have no memory of their behavior. Therefore, a logical scientific explanation is deduced for why in the Middle Ages people were found naked in unexpected places. In those days, such facts were taken as direct confirmation of conversion into a wild animal.

outrages Beast of Gevaudan - It is a documented historical fact that werewolves existed in real life. He attracted the attention of King Louis XV. The Gevaudan Werewolf terrorized France from 1760 to 1767. According to various sources, he killed from 100 to 300 people. The devout hunter Jean Chastel was able to destroy the beast; he tracked it for many years. For the murder, two silver bullets consecrated in the church were needed.

And now there is evidence of werewolves and video evidence. In 2010, Jane McNeilly was walking her dog in the park in Scotland. She noticed a giant fox. Frozen with fear, the girl could not do anything, but the beast did not touch her and walked away.

Considering the popularity of stories about mystical creatures, the enormous attention of mass culture, the interest in them, as well as in them, is understandable. Many people want to find a werewolf. Or become a beast yourself. Beware - in most stories, werewolfism is not a gift, but a curse.

For a long time, humanity has believed in mythological creatures. Whether werewolves exist or is just a myth has been debated for centuries. Changelings appear in the mythology of different countries of the world: they are described as creatures of the human race who can transform into animals or various objects. The myth of the existence of a werewolf in ancient times describes more than one literary work belonging to different countries of the world.

The Possibility of Werewolves

Writer N.V. Gogol in his work “May Night” gives an example of the reincarnation of a witch into a black cat. Describing how the lady is visited at night by a cat, which attacks, scratches and bites the girl, who, in order to protect herself, cuts off the cat’s paw. The next day, Panna notices her stepmother missing an arm, which is evidence of her witchcraft.

The myth of ancient Rome about the she-wolf who saved the future rulers of the empire, Romulus and Remus, from death also provides confirmation of the existence of werewolves in real life. Otherwise, how is it possible to believe in the real salvation of human children by a predatory beast?

Egyptian legends say that all people are ruled by a pantheon of werewolf gods. The gods have the appearance of people, only their heads are changed to those of birds or animals. Mortal man was allowed to approach the gods, provided he had unique abilities.

Legends of the ancient Slavs tell that in Rus' young girls were often visited by evil spirits. They came at night and stood near the maiden’s resting place, taking the form of a handsome young man.

Werewolf reincarnation

Do werewolves really exist: to understand that a person has the ability to transform, it is enough to meet him in the form of an animal and inflict injury. Legends say that abilities come after being bitten by a werewolf. The following symptoms appear:

  • convulsive contraction of facial muscles;
  • unnatural body metamorphoses;
  • fear of water;
  • intolerance to daylight.

If you believe the myths, then for a person to take the form of a werewolf, he only needs to do a somersault back, doing a somersault. Sorcerers and magicians who transform into various animals to spy on enemies or harm people use other methods of transformation.

  1. The sorcerer must jump backwards over his head, somersaulting over a rotten stump.
  2. Turn your head back over 12 knives inserted into the forest soil.

Legend says that if you remove at least one knife or burn the stump through which the magician turned into an animal, he will remain in animal form forever.

Werewolf Appearance

Do werewolves really exist or is it just imagination and belief in fairy tales, but different countries give their own description of a werewolf. Werewolfism is the ability of a person or animal to transform into another animal or plant. Every culture has its own werewolves, which look like foxes, wolves, cats, raccoons, etc.

For our ethnic group, the image of a wolf, called Volkolak or Werewolf, is more acceptable. The appearance of the beast resembles that of a wolf, and its body structure and ability to walk upright resembles that of a human. Werewolves are tall, muscular, and densely covered with fur. They have super strength, sense of smell and agility.

If you believe the myths, the werewolf does not have absolute immortality. But he has the physical ability to quickly regenerate, which allows him not to age and heal wounds.

Lycanthropy concept

Reality suggests that there is not only a mythical and fairy-tale point of view on the origin of werewolves, but also a scientific one, which leads to the conclusion that werewolfism is a severe mental disorder.

People with schizophrenia who suffer from multiple personality disorder may believe that they are reincarnated as animals or evil creatures. Some patients in psychiatric clinics were observed to exhibit behavior that was uncharacteristic of humans and more reminiscent of an animal one. Night visits to the cemetery and wandering between burial sites were noted. Such patients have symptoms:

  • dryness in the oral cavity, which leads to cracking of the lips;
  • pale or gray skin, which is associated with lack of sleep;
  • eyes - sunken, dull.

The disease in which a person is reincarnated into a beast is called lycanthropy. In Ancient Greece it was treated with bloodletting. They also used special nutrition and prescribed sweet baths. To improve the patient's condition, drugs containing opium were recommended.

Based on historical data, Emperor Justin II, who ruled Byzantium, suffered from a mental illness, the manifestations of which were aggressive behavior: he behaved like an animal, making strange sounds.

A British researcher named Illis studied more than 100 cases of lycanthropy from historical sources and illustrative examples. The scientist’s conclusion was unequivocal - there are no werewolves in real life, all the reported behavioral reactions of people who were considered werewolves are explainable from a scientific point of view. The behavior of a sick person is always unpredictable, especially if he is convinced that he is capable of transforming into an animal. Usually the personality experiences degradation or simply dullness, which leads to a complete loss of the ability to adequately think and behave in society.

Werewolves these days

In real life, there is a lot of evidence that during the full moon, incredible things can happen to people, including werewolfism. It has long been noted that the full moon has an extremely negative effect on people with mental disorders who show excessive emotionality.

An example of werewolf behavior during the new moon occurred with a British resident, John Golluham. Over the course of a couple of years, the man began to experience attacks of werewolf behavior during the new moon, which his wife noticed. One day, according to Mrs. Gollum, her husband turned into a fanged monster and tried to kill her. Having reported her husband’s behavior to the police station, the woman waited for rescuers. The police team that arrived at the scene was amazed not only by the man’s animal behavior, but also by his super strength. The werewolf scattered an entire police team like a deck of cards, and he himself jumped out of the window from the room.

It is noteworthy that they managed to catch John only in the morning and forcefully inject him with a huge dose of a tranquilizer. Waking up after a long sleep, the man could not believe what was happening, much less remember what he had done. This makes you believe that werewolves exist.

Attacks on livestock and people

Trouble also happened to residents of the Philippines, who began to notice the loss of livestock. It soon became clear that the animals were all located near the houses, or rather, all that was left of them. The strange creature drank all the blood and ate the entrails without touching the carcass.

A woman from the state of Rio Grande Do Sul complained to authorities about a brutal attack on her person. At the time of treatment, the girl was all scratched, bruised and bruised. According to the woman, she was attacked by a creature that resembled a wolf or a dog, but it walked on straight legs.

In August 2010, a case was recorded with a truck driver. Moving along the forest area, he noticed something huge on the road; when he came close, he was horrified. In the middle of the road lay a deer carcass, which was being eaten by a large wolf standing on its hind legs.

Englishwoman D. McNeilly encountered a werewolf while walking with her dog in 2010. He ran straight at them and wanted to tear the dog apart, but when he saw the owner, he stopped and looked at the girl for a long time, then broke down and ran away. The creature looked like a wolf, but was the size of a huge bear.


Legends and myths of ancient countries include a huge number of mythical creatures, but werewolves exist in reality, and there is evidence of eyewitnesses. Although scientists boldly refute the existence of werewolves, arguing that people have psychological disorders caused by lycanthropy, many witnesses cast doubt on the veracity of these explanations.

The werewolf is a mythical creature that existed in the legends of almost every nation.

This term refers to a person, spirit or demon who can transform into any animal and vice versa. Although it is generally accepted that werewolves in most cases take the form of wolves.

In this case, the transformation can occur either at the request of a person or become a consequence of certain factors: changing moon cycles, the smell of blood, the howling of animals, and so on.

What kind of monsters are these?

Initially, werewolves were people who were able to transform into various creatures, and even inanimate objects, with the help of magic and witchcraft. In most cases they were portrayed as some kind of monsters.

For example, among the Greeks, a werewolf was a skinny sorcerer with a donkey's head and a monkey's tail. Such “shifters” walk the streets on winter nights and scare people. But after the blessing of water, held on the feast of Epiphany, the world is cleared of these monsters until the next winter.

Different peoples have their own ideas about what animals a werewolf turns into. This could be a leopard, lion, fox, bear and even a seal, like the “silks” in Celtic mythology.

But still, for most people, a werewolf is associated with a wolf. Such a creature has many names: lycanthrope, werewolf, werewolf, mardagail, viltaki.

It was believed that the transformation from man to beast occurs in different ways. If the werewolf is a sorcerer, then he could “put on” the animal’s skin at any time at will. At the same time, he retained his mind and thought logically in any situation.

If a person was bitten by a monster or a curse was placed on him, then he could transform at any time without his desire.

In most cases, the transformation occurred during the full moon, but it could be provoked not only by the light of the night luminary, but also by the smell of blood or the howl of another monster.

The transformation process itself is quite painful and at this moment the “changeling” is most vulnerable.

After conversion, the man could not control his instincts, and killed everything living in his path, while he did not remember anything about his “tricks.”

The appeal of werewolves

These monsters have many advantages over ordinary people. First of all, they are strong, resilient and fast, just like the animals they turn into. In addition, these monsters have other abilities:

  • Tissue regeneration. It is believed that werewolves regenerate cells very quickly. Thanks to this feature, creatures do not age and are not susceptible to any diseases.
  • Immortality. It is almost impossible to kill a werewolf, and the only danger for them is silver, and in those cases when the monster is wounded directly in the heart or brain.
  • Cunning and knowledge. These monsters are dangerous because, even while in animal skin, they do not become stupid, and can use all the knowledge and skills that they had in human form. Monsters can easily outwit hunters, see the trap from afar and bypass all traps on their way to the victim.

These skills make werewolves excellent killing machines. And if you consider that the “changelings” in the legends had increased bloodthirstiness and mercilessness, then it becomes clear why people felt horror and at the same time respect for these creatures.

How to become a werewolf

There are many legends about how to learn to turn into an animal. According to legend, you can become a werewolf in the following ways:

Apply a special magic spell;

Being bitten or scratched by a werewolf;

Take a sip of water from a wolf's trail, or drink from a pond used by a pack of animals;

Born on Christmas Eve;

Eat the brain or flesh of a wolf;

Wear clothes made from animal skin;

In addition, it was believed that the children of werewolves were able to transform into animals from birth.

At the same time, people who become “changelings” after a bite or curse can be healed. But only if they can withstand hunger and do not taste human flesh. Then you can perform a cleansing ritual and save the person.

If a werewolf tastes human flesh, then his soul is cursed, and he will be forced to wear the “animal skin” until his death.

In the mythology of many peoples, it is believed that a curse can be lifted by killing the monster that bit the person. In this case, all the victims of the werewolf become normal people again.

Myths about werewolves

Why did the wolf become a symbol of werewolves?

For many hundreds of years, this animal remained quite fantastic. And, despite the fact that his habits were quite studied, people did not stop endowing the wolf with incredible “devilish” intelligence and intelligence.

It was believed that the beast could hypnotize a person and he would lose all will to resist and lose the “power of speech.”

The first legend about turning into a wolf appeared in the times of Ancient Greece.

One day Zeus decided to visit King Lykaon in the guise of a simple wanderer. But the cruel ruler ordered to kill the traveler in order to find out whether he was a man or a god. As punishment, Zeus destroyed the king's palace and turned him into a wolf for the rest of his life.

This is how the term “lycanthropy” appeared, meaning the transformation of a person into a beast.

But before, wolves were, albeit fantastic, quite revered animals.

Many warriors chose this beast as their totem.

According to legend, a man with the “soul” of a wolf had endurance, strength and speed, as well as intelligence, which made him invincible in any battle.

History contains many references to tribes living in different parts of the planet who considered themselves werewolves.

For example, the Balts had a caste of warriors who were servants of the wolf god.

Before each fight, these “werewolves” performed a special ritual, which included taking narcotic substances, henbane to be specific.

Under the influence of the plant, the warriors saw hallucinations about their transformation into wolves, and in “animal form” they went into battle.

With the widespread spread of Christianity, all wolf cults began to be considered pagan, and they were mercilessly fought against.

The early founding fathers of the church denied any possibility of the existence of any werewolves or lycanthropes. But a little later, Christian preachers changed their minds.

Medieval persecution

Later legends about werewolves appeared in the 14th century.

In one of the medieval cities there was a massive attack of dogs on domestic animals. Having found the pack, the townspeople discovered in it a wolf who supposedly knows how to turn into a human. Later, the werewolf himself was “identified” - one of the residents was accused of lycanthropy.

Under torture, the man “confessed” to turning into a wolf and committed several murders. He was, of course, executed, but the story received loud publicity. Soon all the towns and villages were talking about werewolves.

These rumors were strongly supported by the Inquisition, which happily began looking not only for witches, but also for “changelings.” Many people confessed under torture to their ability to turn into animals. And the number of werewolves burned at the stake is in the hundreds, if not thousands.

The most famous case of a werewolf trial was the trial of Gilles Garnier, which took place in the 16th century.

According to investigators, the defendant met the devil in the forest and sold his soul to him.

In return, Garnier received a potion that gave him the ability to turn into a wolf.

One way or another, this “werewolf” really killed a lot of people.

He raped women and children, gnawed off the genitals of the dead and did many other terrible things.

In 1621, after the publication of the book “The Anatomy of Melancholy”, written by the scientist and priest Robert Barton, attitudes towards werewolves changed.

His theory was also confirmed by the fact that in those days medicines for many diseases were created on the basis of tinctures of opium and belladonna.

These plants are known hallucinogens, and it is not surprising that many patients "became werewolves" after treatment with such drugs.

Scientific point of view

Many drawings from the Stone Age have been found that depict hybrids of humans and animals. Our ancestors often depicted a mixture of man and beast: deer, horse, cat, bird, fish. In addition, statues of demihumans were often created.

The oldest figurine of a human-cat hybrid was discovered in Germany, and its age is about 32 thousand years.

But where could the image of werewolves come from?

First of all, such “monsters” could appear as a result of physiological disorders in the body of a person.

For example, there is a disease called “ congenital hypertrichosis».

This disease, which causes hair to grow on the body, face and upper limbs, could change a person's appearance and make him look like an animal.

And since people used to be prone to superstitions, they could endow “lycanthropy” with everyone who was sick with this disease.

Another ailment due to which a person could “become a werewolf” is porphyrin disease.

This disease not only provokes increased hair growth, but also makes visible other manifestations that coincide with myths about werewolves.

Patients develop photophobia, in addition, their skin changes color, facial features are distorted, and the flesh separates from the nails, making them look like claws.

In most cases, patients also have psychological disorders that make them more aggressive. And the inappropriate behavior of patients, coupled with physical changes, could well be the reason for the emergence of myths about lycanthropy.

Werewolf in art

Despite the popularity of werewolves, they failed to take root in literature.

Still from the film “An American Werewolf in London”

But the situation changed dramatically with the advent of cinema.

The werewolf first appeared on the big screen back in 1913 and since then has taken a leading position among all “cinema monsters.” He was able to move even his eternal literary enemy - the vampire.

In 1981, the werewolf received an Oscar in the category for best makeup. We are talking about the film “An American Werewolf in London”.

Despite the fact that the plot of the film is quite banal, the external “natural” appearance of the main character made an indelible impression on the audience.

In addition, the special effects of the picture were amazing, because the fur, fangs and wolf’s muzzle grew “right before our eyes.”

Since that time, werewolves have repeatedly appeared in various films and blockbusters, and each time these monsters ensured the film's commercial success.

With the development of technology, werewolves have occupied another niche in modern art, namely, they have become favorite characters in computer games.

You can try yourself as a werewolf in such famous RPGs as Diablo II, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, World of Warcraft: Cataclysm, Werewolf: the last warrior and many others.

As it turns out, the legends about the “children of the night” that are so attractive to fans of the gothic genre have a very real basis. There really are people in the world whose teeth resemble animal fangs, their skin cannot stand the rays of the sun, their toenails and fingernails resemble animal claws, and garlic can cause a severe allergic reaction. Only these unfortunate people do not live as carefree and joyfully as they seem in science fiction novels and films.


Of course, we are not talking about young people who selflessly play at being vampires: they wear a sharpened “ank” sign on their chests, follow the “wear only black” rule, implant fangs into themselves, apply appropriate makeup, and sometimes, while in a narcotic stupor, attack on harmless old women. By the way, there is a known incident that occurred in the Kaliningrad region, when a guy killed two old men for the sake of conducting a vampire ritual. And the most terrible incident occurred four years ago in the UK: in order to gain immortality, a teenager stabbed his neighbor, drank her blood and tore out her heart.

Tales about spirits and the living dead who absorb human blood under the cover of darkness exist among many peoples. In legends, vampires are presented as half-decayed monsters: evil, soulless and not very smart. However, over time, this established image underwent a serious transformation. Today, a vampire is a collective image of a mysterious seducer who has retained its distinctive features: fangs, thirst for blood, fear of the sun, aversion to garlic, the cross and silver. For tens of centuries, vampires remained only a legend that could neither be refuted nor recognized. However, in 1963, British scientist Lee Illis presented unexpected results of his research. The doctor proved that werewolves and vampires exist! These are people who suffer from porphyria.

This very rare genetic pathology manifests itself in the fact that the human body simply refuses to produce red blood cells. As a result, a deficiency of iron and oxygen occurs in the blood, and under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, hemoglobin disintegrates. In other words, if the victim of the disease is exposed to direct sunlight, she begins to have a severe allergic reaction: ulcers, blisters appear, and even death is possible. In the final stages of porphyria, a person experiences deformation of tendons and cartilage. The patient's skin becomes very dry, fingers curl, gums become exposed, and psychological abnormalities are observed. If in a healthy person garlic stimulates the production of blood cells, then in a porphyritic it causes an exacerbation of symptoms. Putting all this together, we get a classic portrait of a vampire. And if we add here the information that previously they tried to treat people suffering from porphyria with fresh blood, the portrait will be completely completed.


Incredibly, werewolves also exist! However, as in the first case, they do not exist in the classical understanding of this phenomenon. It turns out that the transformation into a werewolf is caused by some mysterious disease, which in ancient times affected entire settlements, turning people into wild animals. According to the records, these patients had all the symptoms of lycanthropy (a form of insanity in which a person feels like a wolf).

Werewolves have been known since the founding of Rome. During this time, they acquired a mass of terrible legends and stories. It was believed that any person bitten by a werewolf could become infected with this strange disease. Symptoms of the disease worsened at night with the onset of the full moon. It was during this period that infected people allegedly turned into animals with wild, bloodthirsty habits.

For centuries, philosophers and other scientific minds have debated whether werewolves really exist. Many reputable experts are of the opinion that true werewolves, capable of actually transforming from a person into a beast, do not exist. Patients with lycanthropy suffer from psychological disorders, which is why they may feel like a beast and behave like a beast, but physiologically they are not a beast. However, despite these facts, many today still believe in the existence of bloodsuckers and wild werewolves.