Which of the Tatar khanov led their army during a hike on Russia? Tatar army who headed the Tatar army

Feats, achievements and fate from the veryest to the twentieth century

By the Day of Defender of the Fatherland, it was customary to remember the heroes of past years and talk about military traditions. The famous names of Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Pozharsky, Alexander Suvorova, Mikhail Kutuzov and George Zhukov do not need a special idea. Another thing is the commander, military organizers and heroes of wars representing the Tatar people (as well as people who influence the formation of the Tatars). "Real Time" amounted to their top 25, having made it so that this list reflects complex turns and contradictions of history, not silent about those figures whose position does not fit in someone's picture of the world.

The origins of Tatar Military art

  • Mod ED (234-174 BC)

"Sunny has quick and bold warriors who appear like a whirlpool and disappear like lightning; They graze cattle, which is their occupation, and simultaneously hunt, shooting from wooden and horny bows. Having chasing the wild animals and looking for good grass, they do not have a permanent residence, and therefore they are difficult to get to the hands and curb. If now allow the border districts to abandon the processing of the Earth and weaving for a long time, then we will only help barbarians in their constant lesson and create a favorable position for them. That's why I say that it is more profitable for Syunna not to attack, "such words Chinese Sanovnik Han Anh convinced the emperor U-di not to quarrel with the Northern neighbor. It was in 134 to AD. From the Empire Syunna (Hunna) takes the beginning of a series of kaganates and empires, as a result of the change of which the Tatar people were also formed in the north of the Eurasian continent. The founder and ruler of the Hongnah Empire - Mod E. was a real problem for the powerful emperors of China, which, with all the benefits, could not do anything with a steppe opponent. He first united under the united power of the peoples of the Great Steppe and forced the Middle State to speak with him on an equal footing. Some historians believe that the title "Genghis", taken by the founder of the Mongolian Empire Temudzhin, is the title "Shanui", which was wearing a fashion.

  • Kubrat (VII century)

In the VII century, they overlook the historical ancestors of the modern Volga-Ural Tatars - Bulgars. The tribal association Great Bulgaria in the Northern Black Sea region is headed by Khan Kubrat. To survive the era of the great resettlement of peoples, Kubrat had to lead permanent wars with Avar Kaganat and the Byzantine Empire. He managed to conclude a union with the last. Only after the death of its founder, the Great Bulgaria disintegrates. Bulgars begin to settle in different countries, and one of their parts comes to the Volga. The monument of the power of Kubrat became the Pereshchensky treasure found in 1912. Among finds the sword presumably belonging to the ruler.

  • Genghis Khan (1162-1227)

The identity of this commander has a global importance because he created the largest empire of antiquity and the Middle Ages. Our list will not be full without it, because tactics, strategy, organization, intelligence, methods of communication and armament of the Hinghis Khan army continued their lives in the Golden Horde and Tatar states arising after its decay. The martial art of the Tatar power influenced the army of Moscow Rus.

Photo Maxim Platonov

When history and heroic epos went hand in hand

  • Tohtamysh (1342-1406)

In Russian historiography, this Khan is famous for the seizure of Moscow on August 26, 1382. Many copies are broken around the question, why, having defeated Mama, Prince Dmitry Donskoy so easily capitulated to Tuchtamiam. However, the history of Khan, naturally, much wider than this episode. He spent his youth in emigration at the courtyard of Tamerlane. In 1380, finally defeating the dictator Mamia, united the Golden Horde. The most powerful of the descendants of Genghis Khan, challenged Tamerlane. Making several successful trips to Iran and Central Asia, but then luck turned away from it. In the battles on Condurce on June 18, 1391 and on Tamerlan, on April 15, 1395, the defeat from Tamerlan was defeated, after which the Golden Horde was subjected to a planned defeat. The last years of life held as an exile fighting for the throne. He died in Siberia, fighting with the troops of Ideghea.

  • Idegei (1352-1419)

The hero of the forbidden in Stalin of the Tatar epic was a real politician and a talented commander. He was not a descendant of Genghis Khan, but was the last one who could retain different parts of the Golden Horde as part of a single state. He began like approximate Takhtamysh, but then organized an unsuccessful conspiracy and ran to Tamerlan in Samarkand. He participated in the battle of Condurce on the side of Tamerlana, and after the battle separated from the winner and disappeared with his army in the steppes. In 1396, Tamerlan, finally raving the Horde, goes to his possessions. Then Igeey and his army become the most powerful force in the ruined country. On August 12, 1399, Igery won a brilliant victory over the troops of the Lithuanian Prince Vitovt and Takhtamysh in the battle on the Vorskla River. For almost 20 years, the Empire rules for the Empire, it takes laws that limit slavery and contributes to the spread of Islam among nomads. The Board hinders the permanent wars with the children of Tokhtamysh, in one of which the old commander died.

  • Ulu-Mohammed (mind 1445)

During the collapse of the Golden Horde, the average Volga region became an isna, where different political formations were measured by the forces. The warring Horde Khans used the Bulgarian ulus as a bridgehead for the struggle for power in Saraj. The old towns were ruined with Novgorod and Vyatskiye's parats. Russian princes walked here long before Ivan the Terrible. All this ended when Khan Ulu-Mohammed came to the midnight Volga. Having lighted in the struggle for power to other chingizis, he was forced to wander. On December 5, 1437, under the Bellev Ulu-Mohammed, it was possible to defeat the superior forces of Russian princes Dmitry Shemyaki and Dmitry Red. After that, Khan is approved on the Middle Volga, initiating the beginning of the strong Kazan Khanty.

Photo Maxim Platonov

  • Sahib-Gire (1501-1551)

In 1521, after 20, the overnight years of the Moscow Protectorate, Kazan Khanate restored complete independence. This is due to the focus on the throne of Khan Sahib Girea from the Crimean Gireev Dynasty. A twenty-year-old Khan had a war with a powerful neighbor who saw Casimovsky Khan Shaha-Ali at the Kazan throne. Under the command of Sahib-Hire, the Crimean-Kazan army reached Kolomna, where he met with the army of Crimean Khan Mehmed-Gurya, and the United Army almost approached Moscow. This forced the Grand Duke Vasily III to change the tactics and start an offensive on Kazan, using pre-prepared forps. So on the Sura River, Vasilsursk appeared - the prototype of Sviyazhsk. In 1524, under pressure from the circumstances of Sahib-Gary, was forced to leave Kazan, leaving the throne nephew Safa-Gireu. In 1532, he becomes Crimean Khan and conducts greater military reform. The army, organized on the goldside base, is upgraded to the Ottoman Lad. Crimean Tatars appear infantry armed with firearms, and artillery.

  • Chura Narykov (mind 1546)

Chura Narykov is an interesting example of a politician and a military leader who is at the same time a chief-battery of the National Epos "Chura Batyr". The same combination was at the more famous Igee. Each of these two images lives a rich life, but there is a lot of common. And the real Karachi Bek Chur of Narykov from historical sources, and the legendary Chura-Batyr was successful soldiers and great patriots. The historic church during the Kazan-Moscow war in the 1530s acted at the head of the Big Tatar and Mari troops in the Galician and Kostroma limits. At the same time, he was in opposition to the ruling Crimean dynasty in Kazan and advocated more constructive relations with strong Moscow. In 1546, after the overthrow, Khan Safa Hire was entered into the government and supported the compromise candidacy of Khan Shaha-Ali from Casimov. After the return of Safa-Hires to the throne was executed. The legendary Chura-Batyr himself was originally from the Crimea, but he considered Shah-Ali his state truck. Just like a real prototype, he fought a lot with Moscow and was invincible until the enemy came up with oppose the hero of his own son. During the battle with the son of Chura-Batyr sinks in the waters of the idle, leaving Kazan defenseless.

  • Kuchma (mind.1601)

Khan Kuchum is well known as an antagonist Ermak, but his image is lost somewhere in the time among the Tatar troops in Surikov's painting. As if he was part of the "Natural Chaos", which should be conquered by the Russian weapon. In fact, the history of the Kuchum is much more similar to the universal story "Returns of the King". The representative of the Genghis Dynasty of Shibanids, who ruled into Siberia until the end of the XV century, he returned to the land of the ancestors and selected power from the kind of Taibugid, who ruled almost 70 years, from the point of view of Chingizid, illegally. As legal khan, he does not recognize the vassal dependence on the Moscow Grand Duke, with recently the reign of himself by the king. This is exactly the basis of the conflict. The war of the Kuchum against the Cossacks Ermak did not end in 1581 by the checkout. Resistance lasted for another 20 years and was worth the life of Ermac.

Photo Mikhail Kozlovsky

In the service of the Russian state

  • Hudai-kul (mind 1523)

After the decay of the Golden Horde, many Tatar aristocrats went to the service a great prince of Moscow. Often they received high ranks, commanded the military compounds and made a considerable contribution to the formation of Russia. The fate of the Kazan Tsarevich Khudai Kula, who became Peter Ibrahimovich in Moscow and married the sister of Vasily III Evdokia. He was the son of Kazan Khan Ibrahim and one of his wives of Fatima. Paradoxically, but the children of Fatima, led by Khan Ilham (Ali), were irreconcilable in Moscow, unlike the children of Queen Nur-Sultan. It cost them the throne in Kazan and references to the north in Belozero. Becoming a part of the Higher Moscow Aristocracy, Khudai-kul participated in wars with the Grand Durability Lithuanian and commanded the big regiment in 1510, when the Pskov land was joined to Moscow. Genghisid was the best friend of Vasily III and, since the prince had no children for a long time, he even considered him as a possible heir. Kazan Tsarevich is buried in the Arkhangelsk Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin, next to other builders of the Russian state.

  • Bayush Rippleev (end of the XVI century - beginning of the XVII century)

During the Troubles, the early XVII century, when the Moscow Rus actually ceased to exist as a single state, many areas of the country have completed raids from the Nogai Horde. Territory with the Tatar population is no exception. In 1612, the Nogai committed another raid for Alatyrasski County with a militant ethnic composition, where Tatars-Mishari, and Mordva-Erzy, and Chuvashi lived. But instead of easy, fashionable steppe warriors waited for an unpleasant surprise. Murza Bayush Rippleev gathered "Alatyra Murz and Mordwo and all sorts of servants" and broke the Nogai in the battle at the Puna River. For this, the Government of Prince Pozharski complained to his princely title. In the documents of the time of the Ripples are called "Mordovsk Murzami", and "Tatars" who profess the "Basurman faith" (i.e. Islam), which is why everyone considers hero for their own.

  • Iskhak Islyamov (1865-1929)

The main merit of this Tatar sea officer can be seen on the map of Russia - this is the archipelago of the land of Franz Joseph, which Islyamov announced on August 29, 1914 to the Russian territory. Uninhabited Arctic islands opened and called Austrians in honor of their emperor. In 1913, the first Russian expedition to the North Pole under the leadership of Georgy Sedov was disappeared in the area. In search of the steam schooner "Gerta" under the command of Islyamov went. The Sedovets on the Earth Franz Joseph could not be caught: Having been hollowing and buried his captain, they had already set off home. In view of the first World War I, where Austria was an opponent of Russia, the Russian tricolor raised Ozlyamov over Cape Flora. Ishac Islyamov is the most high-ranking of the Russian Empire of Tatar origin from the maritime ranks. He was delivered to the title of Lieutenant General Hydrographers. Born in Kronstadt, in the family of the Maritime Unter-Officer Ibrahim Islyamov, who is allegedly occurred from the village of Aybash of the High-Ukrainian District. Ishak Ibrahimovich was a student of Admiral Makarov, participated in maritime studies in the north, the Far East and Caspian, participated in the Russian-Japanese war. After the revolution, he supported White and emigrated to Turkey. Cape Islyamova is in Vladivostok on Russian Island.

On defending faith ancestors

  • Kul Sharif (mind 1552)

Often in history, it happens that when politicians and military cannot protect society, spiritual authorities come to the fore. So it was in the turmoil time of Russia, when the generator of patriotic sentiments made a led from Kazan Patriarch Hermogen. So it was during the years of Sunset of Kazan Khanate. While various aristocratic parties of the intrigue, they made coups and negotiated with external players, the guarantor of local interests was the head of the Islamic clergy Kul Sharif. It was he who was the first person in the government at the last Khan Yadigar-Muhammeda, who took place from Astrakhan, had spent many years in Russian service, and, therefore, did not have such an authority among the Kazan, as an Islamic scientist. In 1552, many Tatar Feodals refused to defend their state, looking for benefits. Kul Sharif, guided by the protection of faith, went to the end and fell in battle with his shakards. "In recent years, the Kazan kingdom has been a scientist named Kaza Sheriff Coull. When the Russians precipitated Kazan, he fought a lot and finally the dead on his madrasa finally was struck by a spear, "Shigabuty Martzhany wrote about him.

Kul Sharif. Photo by kazan-kremlin.ru.

  • Seit Yagafarov (second halfXVIIin.)

In the XVII-XVIII centuries, Muslims of the Volga region and the Urals had to defend not only their land, but also their religion from the government's policy to address all subjects to Christianity. A bright episode of the resistance of Muslims was Seitovskoye uprising of 1681-1684, which covered the territory of modern Bashkiria and the eastern regions of Tatarstan. The reason was the royal decree, according to which the Muslim aristocracy was deprived of Votchin and places. The authorities began to force Tatars and Bashkir to baptism, which violated the conditions for the entry of Bashkir lands to Russia. The uprising was headed by Seit Yagafarov, who was proclaimed by Khan under the name of Safar. The rebels were kept in the siege of Ufa and Menzelinsk, attacked Samara. The government went on concessions and declared an amnesty, after which the part of the rebels folded the weapon. But Yagafarov continued resistance in alliance with Kalmyks. A disturbed confessional balance on time was restored.

  • BatyrSh (1710-1762)

Muslim theologian and Imam Gabdulla Galiyev on nicknamed Batyrsh, defended Islam in the period when persecution of Muslims in the Russian Empire reached their peak. In 1755-1756, he headed a large armed uprising in Bashkiria. Once in prison, he did not stop the struggle and wrote in the name of the Empress Elizabeth Petrovna Message "Tahrinka", which was the manifesto of the religious and civil rights Tatars and Bashkir. He died in the Shlisselburg fortress while trying to escape when he managed to get an ax in the shaped hands. Despite the defeat of the uprising of 1755-1756, its result was the gradual transition of the Russian Empire to the policies of violence.

On different sides of the barricades and front line

  • Ilyas Alkin (1895-1937)

Military and political organizer who wanted Tatars to play an independent role in the cataclysms of the beginning of the 20th century. Born in the Tatar noble family. His father was a deputy of the State Duma, and grandfather - Head of Police in Kazan. Like many young people of the beginning of the 20th century, were passionate about socialist ideas. He consisted in the Mensheviks party, and then the Socialist Republic. In 1915, he was called up to the army. After the February Revolution, he initiated the creation of the Muslim military units and, despite the young age, was elected chairman of the All-Russian Muslim Military Council (Harbi Shuro). The October Revolution did not accept. In early 1918, he was the Chief Worker of the 2nd All-Russian Muslim Congress in Kazan, where the proclamation of the state of the Idel-Ural was preparing. At this time, in the Tatar part of Kazan, parallel to the Bolsheviks of the structure of power, called the "Zabular Republic". After the elimination of the "Zabular Republic" and arrest participated in the Civil War in the Bashkir troops. First, on the side of the whites, and then together with the Bashkir case passed on to the side of Soviet power. Repeatedly arrested and was shot in the year of Big Terror.

  • Yakub Chanashev (1892-1987)

The Military Biography of Lieutenanta Chanyshev General is the history of the Red and Soviet Army, which lived by Tatarin. He took place from the notable Tatar race of Canyev's princes, in 1913 he was called into the army and artillers held the first world war. With the beginning of the revolution, I supported the Muslim military organization Harbi Shuro, but then for the whole life tied his fate with the Bolshevik Party. He participated in the October battles in Kazan and in the defeat of the "Zabular Republic", personally arrested her leader Ilyas Alkina. Then there was a civil war against Kolchak and the fight against bass quality in Central Asia. A personnel red officer has not passed a wave of repression. However, having spent under the investigation of a year and a half, Chanyshev was released. Great Patriotic War met under Kharkov in 1942 and finished in Reichstag, where he left his signature. Having retired, he took an active part in Tatar public life. Fought for the rehabilitation of the name of Ismail Gasprinsky and the return of Moscow Asadullayev's Tatar community.

Yakub Chanyshev. Photo Archive.gov.tatarstan.ru.

  • Yakub Yuzfovich (1872-1929)

Polish-Lithuanian Tatars are an ethnic group living in Poland, Lithuania and Belarus. It will not be an exaggeration to say that in the environment of this nation, the military traditions of the Golden Horde were held the longest. Their ancestors came to the Grand Duchy Lithuanian yet with Khan Tuchtamiam and became part of the Polish gentry. From this people, a prominent military leader of the Russian Imperial Army and White Movement General Lieutenant Yakov (Yakub) Yuzafovich was published. He was born in Belarusian Grodno, he studied at the Polotsk Cadet Corps and the Mikhailovsky Artillery School in St. Petersburg. In the Russian-Japanese war, for the difference in battles under Mukden, the Order of St. Anne 3rd degree receives. The first world war is a promising officer begins at the expense of the Supreme Commander, but the paper career was not the descendant of warrant orders. A month later, he was transferred from the bet to the post of headquarters of the Caucasian Native Equestrian Division, which, under his banners, united immigrants from different peoples of the Caucasus and wore the unofficial name "Wild Division". In the battles, repeatedly risked life and was injured. In the civil war, Yuzfovich is the nearest colleague and the right hand of Baron Peter Wrangel. Fights with the Bolsheviks in the Caucasus, near Kiev, under the eagle and in the Crimea. After the defeat of the White Army lived in emigration.

In the fire of the greatest war of mankind

  • Alexander Sailors (1924-1943)

Shakiryan Yunusovich Muhamedyanov - so, according to one of the versions, the name of the Red Armyman Alexander Matrosov, who was closed on February 27, 1943 by his body, the Ambrasor of the German machine gun and the price of life helped his comrades to fulfill the combat task. In the fate of Matrosova-Muhamedyanova, the life path of the whole generation of the time of destruction was reflected. He was a sleepwear (it was at that time that he took the name with whom he entered the story), sat in the colony, took the start of the war as a personal challenge, asked to the front and died hero.

  • Gani Safiullin (1905-1973)

Honored Soviet warlord was born in order, in the village of Old Chishet, studied in the madrasa - a typical biography of many Tatar boys of the beginning of the 20th century. But the civil war, hunger and destruction made adjustments to this fate. Life has brought Ghani to the Kazakh steppes, and from there to the Cossack regiment. Once in the Red Army, Safiullin struggled with Basmachs in Central Asia, guarded strategic facilities, but a starry hour, where he showed his teamic talent, became a war with Nazi Germany. His combat journey went through Smolensk battle, an unsuccessful offensive under Kharkov in 1942, Stalingrad battle. In September 1943, 25 Guards Rifle Corps under the command of Safiulina forced Dnipro. Reflecting the numerous opponent's counterattacks, the fighters of the Tatar commander expanded the bridgehead on the right bank of the river to 25 km wide and 15 km deep. A month later he was assigned the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. In 1945, he was appointed to command 57 Guards Rifle Corps. From under Prague, the hull was transferred to the Far East at the defeat of the Japanese Kwantung Army. After entering the reserve, Lieutenant General Safiullin lived in Kazan.

  • Maguba Syrtelanova (1912-1971)

Airplane-Biplane U-2, despite the nickname "Cacoborrian", was a formidable weapon in the mountains of the Great Patriotic War and consisted of the 46th Guards Taman Women's Aviation Regiment of Night Bombers. Practically silent aircraft appeared suddenly and applied to the enemy with the colossal damage, for which the Germans called the flyers on the "shelters" of night witches. Maguba Syrtelanova "fell ill" by aviation long before the war, learned in flight school and constantly improved skill. In the summer of 1941, she was called to sanitary aviation, but she tried to get into the 46th regiment. Soon the guard of the senior lieutenant and the deputy commander of the squadron. During the war, Syrtelanov made 780 combat departures and dropped 84 tons of bombs. Other flyers admired punctuality and reliability of their combat girlfriend. He graduated from war in heaven over defeated Germany. In 1946, Syrovanova assigned the title Hero of the Soviet Union. The post-war years former "Night Witch" lived in Kazan.

Flight book Maguba Syrovna

  • Mahmut Gareev (born 1923)

The Great Patriotic War became the first test for the well-deserved Soviet warlord, the general of the army of Makhmut Gareev. I studied only five months in the Tashkent Infantry School, Gareeev asks for the front and in 1942 he hits the sadly famous Rzhev direction. I managed to survive, but got wounded, despite which he continued to command. As with many fighters, the war of Gareev did not end in Europe, but continued in the Far East. Then, in the service recorder, the position of the military adviser in the United Arab Republic (which included Egypt and Syria), work under the President of Afghanistan Najibulle after the conclusion from the country of Soviet troops. But the main vocation of the whole life is military science, where the theory is supported by his own combat experience.

  • Gainan Kurmashev (1919-1944)

The name of Gainan Kurmashev is in the shadow of the poet hero Musa Jalil, meanwhile he was the head of the underground cell in the Volga-Tatar Legion, and the death sentences of the Organization of the Nazis were entitled "Kormashev and Ten others." A future hero was born in the north of Kazakhstan in Aktyubinsk. Learn how to go to the Mari Republic in Parabiginsky Pedagogical Technical School. Parakhinsky district is the territory of the Compact residence of Tatars and even for some time he was officially called the Tatar district. In Paragage, he worked as a teacher, but returned to Kazakhstan in 1937, so as not to get under the car repression for the Kulatsky origin. Participated in the Soviet-Finnish war. In 1942, fulfilling the intelligence task in the enemy, captured. Having entered into the legion created by the Germans, organized a subversive work, as a result of which the 825th Tatar battalion moved to the side of the Belarusian partisans. After the disclosure of the Organization of KazNen, along with other underground agers on August 25, 1944.

  • Musa Jalil (1906-1944)

The life path of Jalil's Musa is the path of the poet, a soldier and a fighter for freedom, rightfully makes it the most recognizable Tatar hero of the stormy twentieth century. His military poetry from the "Moabite Tetradi" know better "Igee" and "Chury-Batyr". He, of course, the brightest member of the underground group in the Volga-Tatar Legion and the voice of all prisoners of war, whose quiet heroism did not fit into the official Stalinist understanding of the war. Jalil is clearer and closer to a modern person than the epic heroes of the past, but his lines sometimes sound like medieval dastans.

Photo Dmitry Zagnov

Again in the campaign

  • Marat Ahmetshin (1980-2016)

Palmyra became the ideological scene of the Syrian war. The militants from the prohibited in Russia, Daish arranged demonstration executions in the ancient amphitheater. In response to the barbaric methods of terrorists on May 5, 2016 against the background of the surviving treasures of the world architectural heritage orchestra under the control of Valery Gergiev gave a symphony concert. And on June 3, 2016, a deadly wounded officer was found under Palmic, who kept a grenade in his hand without checks. Earth burned around. This officer was a 35-year-old captain Marat Akhmetshin, whose family remained in Kazan. It is known that that day he remained alone with two hundred militants and fought to the last. Akhmetshin - military in the third generation. He graduated from the Kazan Artillery School. He served in Kabardino-Balkaria and at the military base in Armenia, was in the zone of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict. In 2010, after disbanding, the part quit to the reserve, but recovered in the army for six months to death. Buried by the Tatar Warrior of Russia in the village of Atabaevo on Kame. For his feat, he was awarded the title of Hero of Russia.

Mark Shishkin.

The history of naval art

Kulikovskaya battle

Supreme Ruler Gold Horde Mother It was struck by the defeat of his troops on the river, the army was broken, the rich "Russian Ulus" was lost.

Mamai I decided to restore the "right" of the Golden Horde on this "ulus" and raise the shaded authority of Tatar "invincibility", undermined the victory of the Russians on the river is now. Preparing for a new campaign to Moscow, he combined everything tatar army Under his leadership, and once opposed to this orders. He then called for the assistance of the Tatar army of mercenaries - Turkic-Mongolian tribes because of the Caspian Sea, Circassians from the Caucasus and Genoesers from the Crimea. Thus, Mamay gathered a huge army that achieved 300 thousand people. Finally, he attracted to his side lithuanian Prince Yagailo who was afraid of the elevation of Moscow. Ryazan Prince Oleg. Also expressed his humility Mama and promised together with the Lithuanian prince to act on the side of the Tatars against Moscow.

Summer 1380 Mamai At the head of the thousandth army made a campaign against Moscow for the purpose of its final defeat and submission to the Golden Horde. The robber motto of Tatar Hallerance was reading: "Fatabase slaves stopping! Yes, there will be ashes of their hands, weights (villages) and church Christian! Enrich Russian gold. "

Crossing your troops through the Volga, Mamay led them to the upper reaches of Don, where it was supposed to connect with the troops of Yagailo and Oleg.

When moscow Prince Dimitri Ivanovich He received the news of Moma on Russia, he became vigorously for the preparation of the defeat of the Tatars. In all the principalities, he sent the messengers with the order, so that all the princes immediately with their troops went to Moscow. The Russian people, having a burning hatred of the Tataram - enslave, was hotly responded to the patriotic call of the Moscow Prince. Not only the princes with their squadows, but also the peasants and the townspeople, who accounted for the majority of Russian troops in Moscow. Thus, in an exceptionally short term, the Moscow prince managed to collect an army of 150 thousand people.

Dimitri Ivanovich convened in Moscow military Council from Princes and Voevod who offered his plan of defeat Tatars . According to this plan, the Russian troops had to meet the enemy, seize the initiative into their own hands and, not allowing the connections of the enemy forces, to break it in parts. The Council approved the Plan of Prince Dimitria and set the collection of troops in Kolomna.

By the end of July, most Russian troops were already focused in Kolomna. Here Dimitri Ivanovich produced a view of his troops. Then he allocated a strong reconnaissance detachment led by experienced dogs Rodion Rzhevsky, Andrei hairy and Vasily's impasse and sent him to the upper reaches of Don. The task of the intelligence detachment included the definition of the enemy forces and the direction of his movement. Without receiving a long time from this detachment, Dimitri Ivanovich sent the second reconnaissance detachment for the same purpose.

On the way to Don, the second detachment met Vasily deadlock, returned to Kolomna with the captured "language". The twentieth showed that Mamay slowly moved to Don, waiting for the Lithuanian and Ryazan princes to him. The connection of opponents was to happen on September 1 near the mouth of the river is not safe, don's tributary.

Having received this information, Dimitri Ivanovich convened the Military Council, who decided to immediately start the movement of Russian troops to the Don to defeat the main forces of Maama to the approach to him of the rest of the opponents.

On August 26, the Russian troops came out of Kolomna and moved by the left shore of the Oka River to South-West. Two days later, they reached the mouth of the flap (the inflow of the Oka), where the 28th crossed the right bank of the Oka and went straight to the south. Such a route fully complied with the political and strategic considerations of the Moscow Prince, who did not want to make the transition to Don through the land of Ryazan Prince Oleg.

Dimitri Ivanovich knew that Oleg betrayed the interests of his freedom-loving people by Tatars-enslave, so she sought his transition to the Don to make secret and unexpected for the prince's traitor. Oleg was convinced that the Moscow Prince would not decide to oppose Maama and during the hike of Tatars to Moscow "will run away in distant places." He wrote about this then by Mama, hoping to receive the ownership of the Moscow Prince from him.

On September 5, the advanced equestrian squads went out to the mouth of the Ustva, where all other troops approached in two days. According to intelligence, Mamai stood in three transitions from the hardest, in Kuzmin Gati, where I was expected by Lithuanian and Ryazan squads. As soon as Mamay learned about the arrival of the Russians on the Don, he decided to prevent them from crossing the left bank. But it was too late.

On September 7, Dimitri Ivanovich convened the Military Council to discuss the issue of transition through Don. The formulation of this issue on the military council was not random, because the part of the princes and the governor expressed himself against the transition to Don. They were not confident in the victory over the enemy, quantitatively superior to the Russian army, which, with a forced retreat, could not get away from the Tatar, having behind the water barrier - don. To prone their fluctuating military commanders to the transition through Don, Dimitri Ivanovich said: "Caverny friends and brothers! Know that I didn't come here to find or protect the Don on Oleg and Yagaylo to the Don, but to save your Russian land from the captivity and ruin. Honest death is better than shameful life. It was better not to perform against the Tatars than, speaking and not doing anything, go back. Today we will go for the Don and there or we will defeat the whole Russian people from death, or lay our head for our homeland. "

The speech of Dimitri Ivanovich on the military advice in defense of offensive actions in order to destroy the living force of the enemy responded to the desire of the Russian people and its armed forces to end with the Tatars-enslave. The decision of the Council on the transition through Don had also an extremely important strategic value that it gave the opportunity to Russian to keep the initiative in their hands and beat opponents in parts.

On the night of September 8, the Russian army crossed the Don, and in the morning under the cover of the fog lined up in combat order. The latter corresponded to the established situation and tactical features of Tatar hostilities. Dimitri Ivanovich knew that the main power of Maama's enormous troops was strongly crushing flank strikes. Therefore, to defeat the enemy, it was necessary to deprive him of this maneuver and force to go to the front strike. A decisive role in achieving this goal was played by the choice of the position of the fight and the skillful construction of combat order.

The position occupied by Russian troops for a decisive battle with the Tatars was located on the Kuliki field. It was limited to three sides by the rivers and don and don, having steep and cloudy shores in many places. The eastern and western parts of the field were crossed by the ravines, along which the don - Kurtz and the resin and the tributary tributaries were touched - the middle and lower dubbak. Behind the River Small was a big and thick green Dubrava. Thus, the flanks of Russian troops were reliably protected by natural obstacles, which largely limited the actions of the tatar of the cavalry. Five regiments and a common reserve of Russian troops were built in combat patterns on a sticker field. Ahead stood watchtower , and after him at some distance advanced Polk under the team of Voevod Dimitrius and Vladimir Vsevolodovich, whose members entered hiking Raint Veljaminov. Behind him was large Polk. consisting mainly of infantry. This regiment was the basis of all combat order. At the head of the Big Regiment, Dimitri Ivanovich and Moscow Governors were stood. Right from the Big Regiment was located regiment of the right hand under the team of Mikula Vasilyev and Princes Andrei Olgersovich and Seeds Ivanovich. Regiment of the left hand He headed by Princes Belozerski was to the left of a large shelf at the River Small. These two shelves consisted of equestrian and walking friends. Behind a large regiment was located private reserve Corona. Behind the left flank of combat order, in the green dubrava was covered strong outline regiment (general reserve) which consisted of selected cavalry under the command of Prince Serpukhovsky and Barin Bobrot Volyn. To observe the Lithuanian prince was sent intelligence squad.

That the location of the Russian troops on the Kulik field fully corresponded to the plan of Dimitry Donskoy - decisive battle to destroy the enemy.

Based on the established situation on the sticker field, Mamay was forced to abandon his favorite way of attacking flanks and take the frontal battle, extremely unprofitable for him. In the center of the combat order of his troops, Mamai put the infantry consisting of mercenaries, on the flanks - Connection.

From 12 o'clock in the afternoon, the Tatar army went on rapprochement. According to the custom of that time, the battle began warriors. Russian Bogatyr Alexander Peresvet entered into martial arts with tatar Bogatira Temir-Murz. The heroes allowed the horses to jump towards each other. The blow to those who collided in the duel of the Bogatyr was so strong that both enemy fell dead.

The collision of the warmers was a signal to the beginning of the battle. The bulk of the Tatar with a wild cry rushed to an advanced regiment, who boldly entered them into battle. In the forefront, Dimigriy Ivanovich, who pulled him back even before the battle. His presence inspired warriors; Together with them, he fought to death.

The Russians courageously chosen the onslaught of the abandoned Horde of Maama, and almost all the warriors of the watchdog and the advanced regiments fell dead by brave. Only a small group of Russian warriors together with Dimitri Ivanovich retreated to a large shelf. The terrible battle between the main forces of opponents began. Having calculated on its numerical superiority. Mamai tried to break through the Russian combat order center to destroy them in parts. Straighten all the forces, the big regiment kept his position. The enemy attack was chop. Then the Tatars hit their cone on the regiment of the right hand, which was successfully discouraged by this Natisk. Then Tatar Connection rushed to the left flank, and the regiment of the left hand was divided; Having retreated to the river, he illuminated a large regiment flank. Having covered the left flank of the Russian troops, Tatars began to enter the rear of a large shelf, at the same time enhance the attack from the front. But this entry of the enemy put the flank and the rear of his cavalry under the impudent shelf, hidden in a green oak and patiently waiting for the right moment to apply a crushing strike.

"... our hour came. Dare, brothers and friends! " - appealed Bobrock To the troops of an appeal regiment and gave an order to decisively attack the enemy.

The selected squad of an appeal regiment, all the time rushed into battle, rapidly flew to the Tatar Connection and caused her a terrible defeat. A confusion occurred from such an unexpected and stunning strike in the ranks of the enemy, and he began to retreat in a panic, pursued by all Russian troops. Panic was so strong that Mama could no longer restore the combat order of his troops. He also, distraught from fear, fled from the battlefield.

Russians pursued Tatars for 50 km and stopped only on the shores river red sword . The whole huge Maama Tomow was taken by Russians.

The enemy in the Kulikov battle was lost over 150 thousand people, Russians - about 40 thousand.

Lithuanian Prince Yagailo, who went to the connection with Mama, during the battle was in one transition from Kulika Fields. Having learned about the defeat of the Tatars, he hurried his troops in Lithuania. Following Yagaylo fled to Lithuania and Ryazan Prince Oleg. His modificial plan did not find support from the people. The population of the Ryazan Principality, which suffered from devastating Tatar raids, was on the side of the Moscow Prince Dimitri Ivanovich and so much sympathized with his victory over Maama Hordes.

In honor of this victory, Moscow Prince Dimitri Ivanovich was named by Don.


The historical meaning of the Kulikov battle is that it laid the beginning of Rus's liberation from Tatar yoke and contributed to the association, centralization and strengthening of the Russian state.

The Kulikovsky battle showed the indisputable superiority of Russian military art over the military art of Tatars.

Dimitri Ivanovich Donskoy was an outstanding political and military leader of the Russian people.

As a statesman, he successfully solved the most important political task of uniting Russian lands around Moscow. He understood that the struggle against the Tatars, as the most powerful and dangerous enemy, demanded unification of the entire Russian people.

As a commander Dimitri Donskoy showed high samples of martial art. His strategy, as well as the strategy of Alexander Nevsky, was active. The liberation goals of the war were attracted to the side of Prince Dimitrius the people who supported his decisive actions against the Tatars. Dimitri Donors' troops were inspired by the great goal of the liberation struggle against foreign yoke, which determined the high level and progressive nature of military art in the fight against the Tatars.

For the strategy, Dimitri Donsky was characteristic focusing the fixed forces and means in the decisive direction . So, in the Kulikov field against Maima, he focused on all the forces, and against the Lithuanian prince Yagaylo is a small intelligence squad.

Tactics Dimitry Donskoy wore an active, offensive nature. The offensive in order to destroy the living force of the enemy was a characteristic feature of the editorial art of Dimitri Don.

The great importance of Dimitri Donskoy attached to intelligence, reserves, as well as the interaction of all parts of combat order, harassment and destroy the broken enemy.

The Kulikovsky battle is a major historical victory of Russian military art over the military art of Tatars, who were considered "invincible."

The Soviet people honor the names of their great ancestors, carefully keeps and develops their military inheritance-rich fell. The courageous image of them serves as a symbol of justice in the struggle against foreign enslavers and inspires the people for heroic cases in the name of freedom and independence of the socialist homeland.

Huge importance for the development of military and naval art had the invention of the powder and the introduction of firearms. For the first time firearms applied the Chinese. There is information that in China, the guns arrived by stone nuclei were used in 610 BC. e. There is also a case of use by the Chinese guns in 1232 during the defense of the Canfing Fu from the Mongols.

From the Chinese, gunpowder moved to the Arabs, and from Arabs to European peoples.

In Russia, the Moscow Prince Dimitri Ivanovich Donskoy was launched in Russia. In 1382, Muscovites for the first time in the history of wars in Russia were used against the Tatars of the guns installed on the walls of the Kremlin.

The appearance of firearms in Russia was of great importance for the development of Russian martial arts; It also contributed to the centralization and strengthening of the Moscow state.

Engels noted: "To get firearms, we needed industry and money, and those and others owned the townspeople. The firearm was therefore from the very beginning of the weapon of cities and a towering monarchy, which in their struggle against the feudal nobility relied on the cities. "

from his horse ... "Who among the first Kiev princes
according to the legend, so finished his life?




2. "Our land is great
space and rich in bread, but there is no state dispensation in it. Go to
we will pronounce and manage "- so wrote ...

metropolitan Illarion


3. First Stone Temple
in Russia it was called ...

Sofia Cathedral in Kiev

Sofia Cathedral in Novgorod

Tenty Church in Kiev

Church of the Intercession

4. Are the following

The fresco is a drawing with water colors on raw plaster.

The construction of the first Christian temples in Russia was led by Varana Masters

true only a;

true only b;

both judgments are true;

both judgments are incorrect.

5. Are the following

Vladimir was the son of Svyatoslav from his supervisor of Olga Malushi, meanwhile
as Yaropolk and Oleg came from the legitimate wives of Svyatoslav.

Vladimir Holy's last wife was Rogned, who gave him Boris and Gleb.

true only a;

true only b;

both judgments are true;

both judgments are incorrect.

6. Are the following

the first saints of the Russian Orthodox church were Boris and Gleb.

true only a;

true only b;

both judgments are true;

both judgments are incorrect.

7. What event
happened before the rest?

murder Igor Drevlyans;

hiking Svyatoslav Igorevich;

camping of Oleg Tsargrad;

olga reform.

8. What term is




9. What term is
generalizing for everyone else?




10. Which is
literary works appeared earlier than others?

"The Tale of Bygone Years" of Nestor's Chronicler;

"The word about the law and grace" Metropolitan Illarion;

"Weaching Children" Vladimir Monomakh;

"Walking Iguman Daniel."

11. Who is
vladimir-Suzdal Princes took Kiev with battle and exposed the city of terrible

Andrey Bogolyubsky;

Yury Dolgoruky;

Alexander Nevskiy;

Vsevolod is a big nest.

12. Are the following
judgments about the Novgorod Republic?

In the breaks between the convening of the Went, the top authority was the Council of Lord,
consisting of selected at the vessels of the landing, a thousandth, archbishop,

Prince not only did not manage state affairs, but did not have the right to own
property in Novgorod.

true only a;

true only b;

both judgments are true;

both judgments are incorrect.

13. Are the following statements about Tatar

A. After the fall of Ryazan fight
against the enemy was headed by the Voivode Evpathy Kolovrat.

B. None
from Russian cities could not hold out against the Mongols more than 10 days.

A) Vero
only a;

B) Vero
only b;

C) Verny
both judgments;

D) both
judgments are incorrect.

14. Which of Tatar Khanov headed their army
during the campaign on Russia?

Genghis Khan;


15. Metropolitan Kirill said: "My children,
know that the SUZDALS Earth has already gone! " About the death of which prince was so

A) Andrey

B) Yuri Dolgoruky;

Alexander Nevskiy;

D) Vsevolod big

Fill in the pass in the Tatya Table Table on Rus. Date Event 1235. The Council of Mongolian Khanov decided

start a campaign on Russia. The army led grandson _____________

Mongols defeated ____________________.

Mongols submitted to their polovtsy and began preparation for the campaign on Russia.

December 1237

The siege and the capture of Mongol - Tatars __________________________________________________

January 1238g.

Taking Mongolo - Tatars Kolomna and ______________________

The siege and the capture of Mongolo - Tatars Vladimir

Battle on the river __________________________ Russian troops led by Grand Duke Vladimir ________________ and Mongolo - Tatar troops. The defeat of the Russian troops and the death of the Grand Duke.

March 1238

Siege and taking a shopping center _____________________. The return of the Mongolian troops, which did not reach 100 wool until ________________________________, in the southern steppes.

Open 50 - Day siege Mongolo - Tatars of a small Russian city __________________________________

Summer 1238g.

Baty's exhausted detachments rested in the Dutyon steppes.

Autumn 1238g.

Invasion of Batiu detachments to Ryazan Earth. Defeat the cities


Invasion of Batya in the Earth of South Rus. Burning cities __________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Siege and taking monogulo - Tatars ______________________


Imagine that in the XII century, during a brief truce between the Crusaders and Muslims, the Knight-Tepaplan invited to the joint lion's hunting of noble

muslim warrior from the troops of Salah-Ad-Din (Saladina). Describe their conversation during the hunt and feast in which everyone would explain the justice of their business and would predict the future outcome of the opposition!

Task: Find the error in the text and specify them. Ivan Isaevich Bolotnikov led folk engaging. He was first a merchant, possessed

an unrecognizable mind and military talent. Promised the peasants and the holopas of the will. And people went to him and walked. The rebels headed with their leader to the capital. By Moscow, their army was united with the nobility of the rebel army. In the abstract hour, the rebel was inflicted a strong blow: the nobles, headed by Lyapunov and Pashkov, moved to the side of the Shuisian. Installation has changed dramatically, and in December 1605 G. retreated to Kaluga. But it was not the end of the victory yet. But they did not shift the development of events. The bowl of the scales was inclined in favor of government troops. The time of one of the battles of Bolotniki was captured and was executed, and the rebels diverged home.

Rus under Mongol-Tatar Igship existed extremely humiliating. It was completely subordinate and politically and economically. Therefore, the end of the Mongol-Tatar yoke in Russia, the standing date on the River Ugra - 1480 is perceived as the most important event in our history. Although Russia has become politically independent, but the payment of Dani in a smaller size continued up to Petrovsky times. The complete end of the Mongol-Tatar yoke - a year of the 1700th, when Peter the Great abolished the payments to Crimean Khanam.

Mongolian army

In the XII century, Mongolian nomads united under the rule of the cruel and cunning ruler Techuchin. All interference to unlimited power, he mercilessly suppressed and created a unique army, which won the victory. He, creating a great empire, was named his aware of Genghis Khan.

Conquering Eastern Asia, Mongol's troops reached the Caucasus and Crimea. They destroyed Alan and Polovtsy. The remains of the Polovtsy turned for help to Russia.

The first meeting

20 or 30 thousand were soldiers in the Mongolian army, not defined. They led the jab and subcent. They stopped at the Dnieper. And at that time, Khanyan persuaded the Galich Prince Mstislava removed against the invasion of a terrible cavalry. Mustislav Kiev and Mstislav Chernigov joined him. According to different sources, the general Russian army counted from 10 to 100 thousand people. The military council took place on the shores of the river river. The single plan was not developed. Speakeled one. He was supported only by the rest of the Polovtsy, but during the battle they fled. Without supporting Galician princes should still have to fight with the attacks on their fortified camp Mongols.

Three days lasted battle. Only the cunning and promise did not capture the Mongola entered the camp. But the words did not hold down. Russian governors and Prince Mongols were alive and covered with boards and sat on them and began to send a victory, enjoying the moans of dying. So in the flour killed Kiev prince and his environment. It was 1223 year. Mongols, without going into details, went back to Asia. Thirteen years later they will return. And all these years in Russia there was a fierce gnawing between princes. She completely undermined the strength of the southwestern principalities.


Grandson of Genghishana Bati with a huge half-million army, won in the east and Polovetsky lands in the south, went to Russian principalities in December 1237. His tactic was not to give a big battle, but in an attack on some detachments, breaking all one one. Approaching the southern borders of the Ryazan Principality, Tatars ultimitively demanded tribute from him: the tenth of the horses, people and princes. In Ryazan, almost three thousand soldiers were gained. They sent for help in Vladimir, but the help did not come. After six days, the siege Ryazan was taken.

Residents were destroyed, the city was destroyed. It was the beginning. The end of the Mongol-Tatar yoke will occur in two hundred forty-harder years. The next was Kolomna. There, the Russian army was almost all interrupted. Moscow lies in the ash region. But before that, someone who dreamed of returning to his native places, buried on the treasure of silver jewelry. He was found by chance when a construction was carried out in the Kremlin in the 90s of the XX century. The next was Vladimir. Mongols did not spare no women nor children and destroyed the city. Then Pal Torzhok. But spring fell, and, having afraid, the Mongols moved to the south. Northern swampy Russia did not interest them. But on the way, the defeated tiny Kozelsk began. For almost two months, the city violently resisted. But the Mongols came reinforcement with trumpet cars, and the city was taken. All defending themselves cut out and left from the town of Stone on the stone. So, the whole northeastern Russia was lying in ruins by 1238. And who may have doubts about whether the Mongol-Tatar Igo in Russia was? From a brief description it follows that there were wonderful good neighborly relations, right?

Southwestern Rus

She came the turn in 1239. Pereyaslavl, Chernihiv Principality, Kiev, Vladimir-Volynsky, Galich - everything is defeated, not to mention the cities of smaller and villages and villages. And how far is the end of the Mongol-Tatar yoke! How much horror and destruction brought its beginning. Mongols reached Dalmatia and Croatia. Western Europe trembled.

However, the news from the distant Mongolia forced the invaders to turn back. And they did not have enough strength on the re-trial. Europe was saved. But our homeland, lying in the ruins, who expired blood, did not know when the end of the Mongol-Tatar yoke comes.

Rus under the IGG.

Who suffered most of the invasion of the Mongols? Peasants? Yes, the Mongols did not spare them. But they could hide in the forests. Townspeople? Sure. There were 74 cities in Russia, and 49 of them were destroyed by Batym, and 14 never recovered. Craftsmen turned into slaves and exported. There was no contingency skill in crafts, and the craft was declining. They have learned pouring utensils from glass, cook glass for the manufacture of windows, has not become multicolor ceramics and decorations with sefoded enamel. Bricklayers and cutters disappeared, and the construction of stone has been suspended for 50 years. But heard all had to be the one who with a weapon in the hands reflected the attack, - feudal and vigilantes. Of the 12 Ryazan princes, three remained three, out of 3 Rostov - one, out of 9 Suzdal - 4. And no one has calculated losses in squads. And there were no less. Professionals in military service changed other people who are accustomed that they are wrapped. So the princes became all the full power. This process is subsequently when the end of the Mongol-Tatar yoke will come, they will deepen and lead to an unlimited monarch authority.

Russian princes and golden hordes

After 1242, Russia fell under the full political and economic oppression of the Ordans. In order for the prince to inherit his throne by law, he had to go with gifts to the "free king", as our princes of Khanov called, in the capital of the horde. Being there was quite a long time. Khan slowly considered the lowest requests. The whole procedure turned into a chain of humiliation, and after long reflection, sometimes Multi-month, Khan gave a "label", that is, permission to the reign. So, one of our princes, having arrived at the Bat, called the cooler to keep his possessions.

Be sure to stipulate the tribute to be paid by the principality. At any time, Khan could call the prince in the Horde and even execute in it objectionable. The Ordans led a special policy with princes, diligently blowing them with a distinction. The disunity of the princes and their principalities was on the hand of Mongols. Horde herself gradually became a colossusion on clay legs. In it, centrifugal sentiment was intensified. But it will be significantly later. And at the beginning of her unity tight. After the death of Alexander Nevsky, his sons, Lyuto hate each other and fiercely fighting for the Vladimir throne. Conditionally, the reign in Vladimir gave the prince seniority over everyone else. In addition, decent land of land with those who brings money to the treasury. And for the Grand Diction, Vladimirsky in the Horde flared up between the princes of the struggle, was that and to death. That's how I lived Russia under the Mongol-Tatar ig. The troops of the Ordans in it practically did not stand. But when unsulpent, punitive troops could always come and start cutting and burn everything.

Walking in Moscow

The bloody distribution of Russian princes among themselves led to the fact that the period from 1275 to 1300 on Russia came 15 times the Mongolian troops came. From the gravestics, many principalities came out weakened, of whom people flew into calmer places. Such a quiet principality turned out to be a small Moscow. It went to the youngest Daniel. He reigned from 15 years and led a cautious policy, trying not to quarrel with the neighbors, for it was too weak. And the Horde did not pay close attention to him. Thus, a impetus was given to the development of trade and enrichment in this lot.

It was joined by immigrants from troubled seats. Daniel eventually managed to attach Kolomna and Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, increasing his principality. His sons after his death continued a relatively quiet politics of the Father. Only the princes of Tver saw in them potential rivals and tried, struggling for the Grand Diction in Vladimir, spoil Moscow relations with the Horde. This hatred reached the point that when the Moscow Prince and Prince Tverskova were simultaneously caused by the Orda, Dmitry Tverskaya Zagolol Yuri Moskovsky. For such a self-government he was executed by the Ordans.

Ivan Kalita and "Silence Great"

The fourth son of Prince Daniel seemed to have no chance of the Moscow throne. But his older brothers died, and he began to pronounce in Moscow. The will of the fate was also the Grand Duke Vladimir. During him and his sons stopped the raids of the Mongols into Russian lands. Games Moscow and people in it. Growing cities, their population increased. In Northeast Russia, the whole generation has grown, which stopped trembling at the mention of Mongols. It was closer to the end of the Mongol-Tatar yoke in Russia.

Dmitry Donskoy

Moscow by the birth of Prince Dmitry Ivanovich in 1350 already turns into a center for the political, cultural and religious life of the northeast. Grandson Ivan Kalita lived a short, 39 years old, but a bright life. He spent her in battles, but now it is important to stop at the Great Battle of Mama, which took place in 1380 on the River Meeting. By this time, Prince Dmitry defeated the punitive Mongolian detachment between Ryazan and Kolomna. Mamay began to prepare a new campaign on Russia. Dmitry, having learned about this, in turn began to collect strength to revel. Not all the princes responded to his call. The prince had to appeal for help from Sergia Radonezh to collect a folk militia. And having received the blessing of the holy elder and two inok, he at the end of the summer gathered a militia and moved towards the huge army of Maama.

On September 8, a great battle took place at dawn. Dmitry fought in the forefront, was injured, he was found with difficulty. But the Mongols were broken and fled. Dmitry returned to the victory. But the time has come, when the end of the Mongol-Tatar yoke in Russia will come. History says that under the IGA will be held another hundred years.

Strengthening Russia

Moscow became the center of the association of Russian lands, but not all princes agreed to take this fact. Dmitry's son, Vasily I, Rules for a long time, 36 years old, and relatively calmly. He defended Russian lands from Lithuanians' encroachment, joined the Suzdal and the Horde weaker, and was considered less and less with her. Vasily for his life only twice visited the Horde. But inside Russia there was no unity. Without end, flashed meters. Even at the wedding of Prince Vasily II broke out a scandal. On one of the guests was a gold belt Dmitry Donskoy. When the bride recognized this, he publicly threw him, causing an insult. But the belt was not just jewel. He was a symbol of great power. During the reign of Vasily II (1425-1453) feudal wars were walking. The Moscow Prince was captured, blinded, bowed all the face and all the subsequent life he wore a bandage on his face and received the nickname "Dark". However, this volitional prince was released, and his co-program was the minor Ivan, who after the death of his father will be the liberator of the country and will receive the nickname great.

End of Tatar-Mongolian Iga in Russia

In 1462, the legal ruler Ivan III entered into the Moscow throne, which will become a converter and reformer. He cautiously and carefully united Russian lands. He joined Tver, Rostov, Yaroslavl, Perm and even the stroke Novgorod recognized him with his state truck. He made the coat of arms of the two-headed Byzantine eagle, began to build the Kremlin. That is what we know him. From 1476, Ivan III stopped paying the horde tribute. Beautiful, but false legend tells how it happened. Having accepted the Ordan Embassy, \u200b\u200bthe Grand Duke met Basma and sent warning to Horde, which will happen to them, if they do not leave his country alone. Enraged Han Ahmed, collecting a big army, moved to Moscow, wishing her to shy for disobedience. Approximately 150 km from Moscow near the river Ugra on the Kaluga lands in the fall opposite the two troops. Russian headed the son of Vasily, Ivan young.

Ivan III returned to Moscow and began to carry out supplies for the army - food, fodder. So there were troops opposite each other, until the early winter came up with nonsense and did not buried all the plans of Ahmed. Mongols turned around and went to the Horde, recognizing defeat. So bloodlessly occurred the end of the Mongol-Tatar yoke. Date it - 1480 - a great event in our history.

The value of falling iga

For a long time having suspended the political, economic and cultural development of Russia, IHO deployed the country on the backyard of European history. When Renaissance began in Western Europe and bloomed the Renaissance in all areas, when the national self-awareness of the peoples was developing, when the countries of the rich and bloomed trade sent a ship fleet in search of new lands, there was darkness in Russia. Columbus already opened America in 1492. For Europeans, the earth has grown rapidly. For us, the end of the Mongol-Tatar yoke in Russia marked the opportunity to exit the narrow medieval framework, change the laws, to reform in the army, to build cities and master new lands. And if briefly, Russia gained independence and began to be called Russia.

Golden Horde (also Ulus Juchi - Country of Juci, or Turk. Ulu ulus - The Great Country, the Grand State) is a medieval multinational state on the lands of Central Eurasia, which united in its composition many different tribes, peoples and countries.

In 1224-1266 was located as part of the Mongol Empire.

By the middle of the XV century, the Golden Horde broke up into several independent hanses; Its central part, nominally continued to be considered the Verkhovna - a big horde, ceased existence at the beginning of the XVI century.

Name and borders

Name "Golden Horde" It was first used in 1566 in the historical and publicistic essay of the Kazan Story, when the very united state no longer existed. Before that time in all Russian sources the word " Horde»Used without adjective Golden" Since the XIX century, the term firmly fixed in historiography and is used to designate Ulus Juchi as a whole or (depending on the context) of its western part of the capital in Saraj.

In the fact that the Goldenopa and Eastern (Arab-Persian) sources did not have a single name. It was usually indicated by the term " ulus.", With the addition of any epithet ( "Ulug Ulus") or the ruler name ( "Ulus Burke"), and not necessarily acting, but also reigning earlier (" Uzbek, dominated Berke countries», « ambassadors Tukhtyshkhan, the sovereign of the land of Uzbek"). Along with this, the old geographical term was often used in Arab-Persian sources. Chehane and-Kipchak . Word " horde"In the same sources, I marked a bet (mobile camp) of the ruler (examples of its use in the value" Country "begin to meet only from the XV century). Combination " golden Horde"(PERS. اردوی زرین, Urdu-I zarrin) in the meaning" golden charter»It is found in the description of the Arab traveler in relation to the residence of Khan Uzbek.

In Russian chronicles, the word "Orda" usually meant the army. Its use as the name of the country becomes constant from the turn of the XIII-XIV centuries, until that time, the term "Tatars" was used as the name. In Western European sources, the names were distributed " country Komuna», « Mound" or " power Tatars», « earth Tatars», « Tataria" The Chinese called Mongols " tatars"(TAR-TAR).

In modern languages, which are connected by the Odean Old Tartar, the Golden Orda is referred to: Oluj Yurt / Yort (Big House, Motherland), Oluj Ulus / Oly (Big Country / District, Senior District), Doshti Kypchak (Steppe Kipchakov), etc. Also, if the capital city is called Bash Cala (the main city), then the mobile rate is called Altyn Urda (Golden Center, Tent, Stanitsa).

The borders of the Horde Arab historian Al-Omari, who lived in the first half of the XIV century, determined like this:


Batu Khan, medieval Chinese drawing

Education Ulus Juchi (Golden Horde)

After the death of Mengou Timur, a political crisis has begun in the country associated with the name of the damner of the foot. Nogai, one of the descendants of Genghis Khan, held a post of becolebeck for Mengu-Timur, the second value in the state. His personal ulus was in the West of the Golden Horde (near the Danube). Nogai set as a goal of the formation of his own state and during the reign of Tula-Mengu (1282-1287) and Tula-Buoga (1287-1291), he managed to subordinate to his power a huge territory on the Danube, Dnestra, Uzeau (Dnieper).

With direct support of the foot on the Saradian throne, Tachta was planted (1291-1312). At first, the new ruler listened to his patron, but soon, relying on the steppe aristocracy, spoke out against him. A long struggle ended in 1299 by the defeat of the foot, and the unity of the Golden Horde was again restored.

Golden Horde flourished

Fragments of the language decor of the Chingizid Palace. Golden Horde, Saray Batu. Ceramics, supervised painting, mosaic, gilding. Selitreal settlement. Excavations of the 1980s. GIM

"Great Jam"

From 1359 to 1380, more than 25 khans changed at the Goldenopinsky throne, and many uluses tried to become independent. This time in Russian sources was called "Great Jam".

During the life of Khan Janibek (no later than 1357) in Ulus Shiban, his Khan Ming Timur was proclaimed. And the murder in 1359 Khan Berdibequet (Son Janibeka) laid the end of the batupy dynasty, which was the reason for the emergence of a wide variety of applicants for the Saradian throne from among the representatives of the eastern branches of Juchides. Using the instability of the central government, a number of hordes for a while following the Ulus Shiban found his own khans.

The rights to the Orthodox throne of the self-prisoner were immediately subjected to doubt the son-in-law and at the same time the Bekstybeck killed by Khan by the Dolnik Mama. As a result, Mamay, who had the grandson of Isatu, the influential emir of the time of Khan Uzbek, created an independent ulus in the western part of the horde, up to the right bank of the Volga. Not being a Genghisid, Mamay did not have rights to the title of Khan, so he was limited to the post of becolebek with the puppets from the genus Batum.

Khana from the ulus Shiban, the descendants of Ming Timur, tried to fix in the barn. You really could not really succeed, the rulers changed with kaleidoscopic speed. The fate of the Khanov largely depended on the favor of the merchant top of the cities of the Volga region, which was not interested in the strong Hangehog.

According to the example, the Maoy other descendants of Emirov also showed a desire for independence. Tengiz Bug, also the grandson of Isat, tried to create an independent ulus on Syrdarya. The rebels against Tengiz-Bugs in 1360 and who killed his Juchis continued his separatist politics, proclaiming a Khan from his environment.

Salchen, the third grandson of the same Isat and at the same time grandson Khan Janibek, captured Haji-Tarkhan. Hussein-Sufi, son of Emir Nangudaya and grandson Khan Uzbek, in 1361 created an independent ulus in Khorezm. In 1362, Lithuanian Prince Olgerd captured the land in the Dnieper basin.

Smoot in Golden Horde ended after Genghisid Tokhtamysh, with the support of Emir Tamerlane from Maverannahra in 1377-1380, first captured the uluses on Syrdarya, defeating the Sons of Urus-Khan, and then the throne in Saraj, when Mamai joined the direct conflict with the Moscow Principality (Defeat on the other (1378)). Tohtamysh in 1380 defeated the remnants of troops on the river Kulkalka collected by Mama after defeat in the Kulikovsky battle.

The Board of Tokhtamysh

In the board of Tokhtamysh (1380-1395), the troubles and the central government began to control the entire main territory of the Golden Horde. In 1382, Khan made a campaign to Moscow and achieved the recovery of Dani's payment. After strengthening its position, Tohtamysh spoke against the Central Asian ruler of Tamerlane, with which the Union relations previously supported. As a result, a number of devastating hikes 1391-1396 Tamerlan broke troops to Tokhtamysh, captured and destroyed the Volga cities, including Saraj-Berk, plundered the cities of Crimea and others. The Golden Horde was punished, from which she could no longer be able to recover.

Disintegration of the golden horde

From the sixties of the XIV century, from the time of the Great Jam, there were important political changes in the life of the Golden Horde. The gradual collapse of the state began. The rulers of remote parts of the ulus acquired the actual autonomy, in particular, in 1361 he gained independence of the Olus of Orda-Ejegen. However, before the 1390s, the Golden Horde remained more or less than a single state, but with a defeat in the war with Tamerlane and the ruin of economic centers, the decay process was beginning to be accelerated from the 1420s.

At the beginning of the 1420s, Siberian Khanate was formed, in 1428 - Uzbek Khanate, then Kazan (1438), Crimean (1441) Khanate, Nogai Horde (1440s) and Kazakh Khanate (1465) arose. After the death of Kichi-Mohammed, the Golden Horde ceased to exist as a single state.

The main among the Juche states continued to be considered a big horde. In 1480, Ahmat, Khan Large Horde, tried to achieve obedience from Ivan III, but this attempt ended unsuccessfully, and Russia finally freed himself from the Tatar-Mongolian yoke. At the beginning of 1481, Ahmat was killed when an attack on his bid of the Siberian and Nogai Connection. With his children, at the beginning of the XVI century, a large horde ceased to exist.

State Device and Administrative Decision

According to the traditional device of nomadic states, Ulus Juchi after 1242 was divided into two wings: the right (Western) and left (Eastern). The older was considered the right wing, which represented a Ulus Batu. The West at Mongols was marked with white, so Ulus Batu was called the White Ord (AK Horde). The right wing covered the territory of Western Kazakhstan, the Volga region, the North Caucasus, the Don and Dnieper Steppes, Crimea. The center was Saray Batu.

Wings, in turn, were shared on the uluses, which other Sons of Juciow owned. Originally such uluses were about 14. Carpini's plan, who traveled to the East in 1246-1247, allocates the following leaders in the Horde, indicating Kochev's places: Kremusu on the West Bank of Dnieper, Mausi on East, Cartan, married to Batu's sister, in the Don steppes, Batu himself on the Volga and two Thousands of two shores of Jaica (River Ural). Burke owned the lands in the North Caucasus, but in 1254 Batu took these holdings to himself, ordered Berke to move to the east of the Volga.

At first, the ulus division was distinguished by instability: possessions could be transmitted to other persons and change their borders. At the beginning of the XIV century, Khan Uzbek carried out a major administrative and territorial reform, on which the right wing of Ulus Djuci was divided into 4 major uluses: Sarai, Khorezm, Crimea and Cheta-I-Kypchak, headed by the appointed Khan and Ulusbeki. The main ulusbek was becolebek. The following by the meaning of the sovereign was a Vizier. Two other positions occupied especially noble or any distinct dignitaries. These four areas were divided into 70 minor possessions (Tumenes), led by the Dathers.

The uluses were divided into smaller possessions, also called uluses. The latter were various administrative and territorial units, which depended on the rank of the owner (Dolnik, thousandth, and a hundred, and a decompress).

The capital of the Golden Horde at Bathu was the city of Saray-Batu (near modern Astrakhan); In the first half of the XIV century, the capital was transferred to Saraj-Berke (founded by Khan Burke (1255-1266) near modern Volgograd). With Khan, Uzbek, Saraj-Berk renamed the Sarah al-Jedd.


The overwhelming part of the Ordane troops was the cavalry used in battle the traditional tactics of combat the mobile honeymills of archers. Her kernel was the heavy detachments, consisted of known, the basis of which was the guard of the Ordane ruler. In addition to the Goldenopa Warriors, Khana was gained in the army of soldiers from among the conquered peoples, as well as mercenaries from the Volga region, Crimea and the North Caucasus. The main weapons of the Ordia warriors was the complex onion of the eastern type, which the Ordans used with great skill. And spears were widespread, used by the Ordans during a massive spear strike, which followed the first blow to arrows. From the blade weapons were the most popular were the Balashi and Sabli. A shock-crushing weapon was also common: Bulava, six-edges, shells, cloves, brushes.

Among the Ordane warriors, laminar and laminar metal shells were common, from the XIV century - Kolchugi and ring-lamellar armor. The most common armor was Hatangu-Degel, reinforced from the inside with metal plates (ip). Despite this, the Ordans continued to use lamellar shells. We used Mongols and brigant-type armor. Received the spread of the grain, necklaces, eyed and ledges. Swords almost everywhere were displaced by sabers. From the end of the XIV century, guns appear. Ordane warriors began to use field fortifications, in particular, large machine shields - chapara. In the field battle, they also used some military-technical means, in particular, crossbows.


In the Golden Horde, the ethnogenesis of the Volga, Crimean, Siberian Tatars took place. The Turkic population of the Eastern Wing of the Golden Horde constituted the basis of modern Kazakhs, Karakalpakov and Nogai.

Cities and Trade

On the lands from the Danube to the Irtysh, 110 city centers with the material culture of Eastern appearance were recorded, the flourishing of which came on the first half of the XIV century. The total number of goldside cities, apparently, approached 150. The major centers mainly caravan trade were the cities of Saray-Batu, Saraj-Berk, Events, Bulgar, Haji-Tarkhan, Beldjamen, Kazan, Juteau, Majar, Mokhus, Azak ( Azov), Urgench, etc.

Genoese trading colonies in the Crimea (Captain of Gosti) and at the mouth of the Don were used by the Horde for trading with cloth, fabrics and linen canvas, weapons, female decorations, jewelry, precious stones, spices, incense, furs, leather, honey, wax, salt, grain , forest, fish, caviar, olive oil and slaves.

From the Crimean shopping cities, trade routes began, leading both southern Europe and in Central Asia, India and China. Trading routes leading to Central Asia and Iran passed along the Volga. Through Volgodonskaya Pling there was a connection with Don and through it with the Azov and Black Sea.

External and domestic trade relations were provided by the money produced by the golden hordes: silver dirhems, copper pools and sides.


In the first period, the rulers of the Golden Horde recognized the primacy of the Great Caan of the Mongol Empire.


  1. Mengu-Timur (1269-1282), the first Khan Golden Horde, independent of the Mongolian Empire
  2. Tuda Mengu (1282-1287)
  3. Tula Bug (1287-1291)
  4. Tochta (1291-1312)
  5. Uzbek Khan (1313-1341)
  6. Tynibeks (1341-1342)
  7. Janibek (1342-1357)
  8. Berdibek (1357-1359), the last representative of the genus Batu
  9. Kulp (August 1359-January 1360), the impostor, issued himself for the son of Janibek
  10. Naururu-Khan (January-June 1360), the impostor, issued himself for the son of Janibek
  11. Hizr Khan (June 1360- August 1361), First Representative of the Orda-Ejegen
  12. Timur-Khoja Khan (August-September 1361)
  13. Ordreame (September-October 1361), first representative of the genus Tuka Timur
  14. Kildibek (October 1361-September 1362), impostor, betrayed himself for the son of Janibek
  15. Murad Khan (September 1362-autumn 1364)
  16. Mir Pub (autumn 1364-September 1365), First Representative of Chiban
  17. Aziz Sheikh (September 1365-1367)
  18. Abdullah Khan (1367-1368)
  19. Hasan Khan (1368-1369)
  20. Abdullah-Khan (1369-1370)
  21. Mohammed Bulak Khan (1370-1372), with the regen of Tulunbek Hanum
  22. Urus-Khan (1372-1374)
  23. Cherkess-Khan (1374-beginning 1375)
  24. Mohammed Bulak Khan (beginning 1375-June 1375)
  25. Urus-Khan (June-July 1375)
  26. Mohammed Bulak Khan (July 1375-end 1375)
  27. Kaganbeck (Aibek Khan) (end 1375-1377)
  28. Arabesha (Kara Khan) (1377-1380)
  29. Tohtamysh (1380-1395)
  30. Timur Kutlug (1395-1399)
  31. Schadibek (1399-1407)
  32. Pousin-Khan (1407-1411)
  33. Timur Khan (1411-1412)
  34. Jalal Ad-Ding Han (1412-1413)
  35. Kerimberda (1413-1414)
  36. Chop (1414-1416)
  37. Jabbar Berdy (1416-1417)
  38. Dervish Khan (1417-1419)
  39. Ulu Muhammed (1419-1423)
  40. Barak Khan (1423-1426)
  41. Ulu Muhammed (1426-1427)
  42. Barak Khan (1427-1428)
  43. Ulu Muhammed (1428-1432)
  44. Kichi-Mohammed (1432-1459)


see also


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