Fear zone cold story walkthrough

We are talking about an ordinary stalker named Cold. He organized the study of the Zone in the Swamp location. Due to the huge release, the presence in this territory became impossible, in this regard, the Cold went to Cordon.

There he finds himself at a base for newcomers. He had to work for Sidorovich, a local merchant. Subsequently, he becomes his closest friend. Then they trade together. Then a large outburst occurs in the Zone, and a fierce winter sets in. Many stalkers die from severe cold weather. Two years later, stalkers ask Sidor for help Clear sky... They need to leave the territory of Cordon. Chill, who knows the area perfectly, agrees to help them. After entering the Swamp, Cold was asked to lead the group on the newly built base, he agrees and begins to establish trade relations with stalkers. Stalking is becoming very popular. But no one has yet managed to penetrate the center of the Zone, until in 2012 the Shooter solved the mystery of the emitter capable of destroying the human intellect. After disabling the Brain Burner, stalkers went to the very center of the Zone to study it and search for artifacts. Upon arrival in the Zone of the stalker Degtyarev, well-known to Cold, they unite and go in search of the two.

Name: S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Call of Pripyat - FeaR Zone - Cold Story
Year of release of the original game: 02 October 2009
Year of release of the mod: March 17, 2014
Genre: Action (Shooter) / 3D / 1st Person
Developer: FZM Team
Publisher: GSC World Publishing
Platform: PC
Interface language: Russian
Voice language: Russian
Edition type: Pirate
Game version: 1.6.02
Tablet: Sewn in
The size: 4.07 GB (+ 3% recovery)

System requirements:
Operating system: Windows® XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.8 GHz
Video card: with 1024 MB video memory
Sound Device: DirectX Compatible
Hard disk space: 8 GB

Mod features

1) By popular demand from the players, the old story was left.
2) Added new quests (Read the dialogs carefully, since there is no exact location of the item or NPC yet).
3) Added a new location - Red Forest. Anomalies, stalker bases, monsters, personal boxes and sleeping places appeared on it.
4) A lot of work has been done on the graphics. Created from scratch weather, all textures that can fall into the field of view of the GG have been changed to winter (within reason).
5) New groupings have appeared at all locations: Dawn, Seekers, Clear Sky, Sin, Tigers, Merchants.
6) Added new artifacts, about 50.
7) New caches are waiting for you in all locations. There are those that are easy to find, but there is nothing particularly valuable in them, and there are those that are hard to find, but after finding you will be pleasantly surprised.
Cool Added new types of weapons, there are about 60 of them, all of them
can be upgraded by technicians.
9) Added a huge amount of new armor. Also can be upgraded by technicians.
10) New items are waiting for their purchase from merchants, such as:
Wine, cognac, new sausage and much more.
11) New types of medicines.
12) Added new visuals for NPCs.
13) Added old carved monsters: kink, rat and 5 types of zombies.
14) Almost all the sounds that the GG can hear have been changed,
added dynamic music to the menu (3 songs). Guitar songs were replaced.
15) New, old NPCs have been added new dialogues.
16) You can borrow money from Beard.
17) You can exchange objects with stalkers.
18) New merchants have been added to all locations.
19) Added a sleeping bag.
20) A new HUD has been added (if you don't like it, write to Discussions).

1. Install the game
2. Play

Free download for computer S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Call of Pripyat - FeaR Zone - History of Cold (GSC World Publishing)

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We recommend downloading the game S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Call of Pripyat - FeaR Zone - History of Cold (GSC World Publishing) via torrent free to your computer in one click without registration. Select the Russian version of the game in the table and click on the green button. Remember, the more the number of uploading and downloading, the faster the download speed. Keep in mind that torrenting requires a torrent client such as uTorrent. If you do not have such software yet, install it, or simply download the game from the file hosting service directly.

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FeaR Zone: Story of Cold

Developers: FZM Team
Platform: Call of Pripyat 1.6.02
Release date: March 17, 2014

The author of the idea and the head of the team: [email protected]
Authors of plots for quests: [email protected], Vitaly Stalker
Chief artist: Vitaly Stalker
Dialogue programming: Nikita Charikov
Literary editor: Nikita Krasov
Testing: Evgeny Bosenko

A certain Cold was a simple stalker, he studied the phenomena of the Zone on the so-called location of the Swamp by stalkers, but after a large release in the Swamp it became impossible to find and therefore Cold went to Cordon. When Chill came to Cordon, he went to the recruits base. Some stalkers who came to the Zone worked for Sidorovich, a local merchant, and this is what happened with Cold. After a long work for Sidorovich, Kholod became his best friend and Sidor began to trust him completely. After some time, Sidorovich offered Kholod to engage in trade, and he immediately agreed. Meanwhile, a powerful release occurs in the Zone, after which a nuclear winter comes. Most of the stalkers die from the cold. After 2 years they came to Sidor unknown stalkers, they called themselves Clear Sky. They were looking for a person who knows these places and all the exits and loopholes from the Cordon. By that time, Cold knew Cordon like the back of his hand and decided to lead them to the Swamp. After coming to the Swamp, Lebedev gave the order for Clear Sky to build a base, and offered Kholod to become a member of the group, he agreed and began to develop trade between stalkers. Stalkers passing by the base necessarily went for a glass to Cold. Despite the cordons located along the perimeter, stalking is gaining momentum. But only the outskirts of the Zone have been explored: attempts to penetrate to its center end in failure. In 2012, a stalker nicknamed Shooter solved the riddle of the Brain Burner - a powerful emitter capable of destroying the human mind - and turned it off. After that, stalkers massively rushed to the center of the Zone: some were looking for the legendary Klondike artifacts, others - the no less legendary Wishmaster. Degtyarev, a former stalker, is sent to the Zone to clarify the failure of Operation Farvator. Cold and was familiar with it since the foundation of the Zone. Degtyarev tells why he came here again. After a long conversation, the stalkers decide to continue their journey together.

1) By popular demand from the players, the old story was left.
2) Added new quests.
3) Added a new location - Red Forest. Anomalies, stalker bases, monsters, personal boxes and sleeping places appeared on it.
4) A lot of work has been done on the graphics. Created from scratch weather, all textures that can fall into the field of view of the GG have been changed to winter (within reason).
5) New groupings have appeared at all locations: Dawn, Seekers, Clear Sky, Sin, Tigers, Merchants.
6) Added new artifacts, about 50.
7) New caches are waiting for you in all locations. There are those that are easy to find, but there is nothing particularly valuable in them, and there are those that are hard to find, but after finding you will be pleasantly surprised.
8) Added new types of weapons, there are about 60 of them, all of them
can be upgraded by technicians.
9) Added a huge amount of new armor. Also can be upgraded by technicians.
10) New items are waiting for their purchase from merchants, such as:
Wine, cognac, new sausage and much more.
11) New types of medicines.
12) Added new visuals for NPCs.
13) Added old carved monsters: kink, rat and 5 types of zombies.
14) Almost all the sounds that the GG can hear have been changed,
added dynamic music to the menu (3 songs). Guitar songs were replaced.
15) New, old NPCs have been added new dialogues.
16) You can borrow money from Beard.
17) You can exchange objects with stalkers.
18) New merchants have been added to all locations.
19) Added a sleeping bag.
20) A new HUD has been added (if you don't like it, write to Discussions).

I want to say a huge thank you to the authors from whom we took the developments:
WoDU - for NPC visuals and some textures.
Forgotten_land - for visuals of NPCs and weapons.
AtmosFear 3 - for the texture of the sky.
Cold blood for the asphalt texture and for the terrain texture. You guys respect and respect!
DragonForce_Mod - for new suits and some types of weapons.
G.L.A.D.I.A.T.O.R.II Alliance Time - for sniper rifle"SVD"
I also wanted to say a huge thank you to the authors of majordolgar and hakim for their excellent visuals of weapons and NPCs.

How do I install the mod?
First you need a clean Call of Pripyat version 1.6.02. After downloading Fear Zone mod: Cold Story, extract the archive. Open the FZM folder and in it we see the gamedata folder, copy it and paste it into the game folder.
After installing the mod on your computer, you need to install a fix, without which the game will crash.
How to install a fix?
Just like the installation of the mod itself, only when you copy, you will be given a message " Copy and replace "? Yes, copy and replace files.

Release date of the original game: October 02, 2009
Mod release date: March 17, 2014
Genre: action
Developer: FZM Team
Publisher: GSC World Publishing
Version: v1.6.02
Mod version: 0.1
Platform: PC
Interface: Russian
Voice: Russian
Tablet: not required

Description: A certain Cold was a simple stalker, he studied the phenomena of the Zone on the so-called location of the Swamp by stalkers, but after a large release in the Swamp it became impossible to find and therefore Cold went to Cordon. When Chill came to Cordon, he went to the recruits base. Some stalkers who came to the Zone worked for Sidorovich, a local merchant, and this is what happened with Cold. After a long work for Sidorovich, Kholod became his best friend and Sidor began to trust him completely. After some time, Sidorovich offered Kholod to engage in trade, and he immediately agreed. Meanwhile, a powerful release occurs in the Zone, after which a nuclear winter comes. a considerable part of stalkers die from the cold. After 2 years, unknown stalkers came to Sidor, they called themselves Clear Sky. They were looking for a person who knows these places and all the exits and loopholes from the Cordon. By that time, Cold knew Cordon like the back of his hand and decided to lead them to the Swamp. After coming to the Swamp, Lebedev gave the order for Clear Sky to build a base, and offered Kholod to become a member of the group, he agreed and began to develop trade between stalkers. Stalkers passing by the base necessarily went for a glass to Cold. Despite the cordons located along the perimeter, stalking is gaining momentum. But only the outskirts of the Zone have been explored: attempts to penetrate to its center end in failure. In 2012, a stalker nicknamed Shooter solved the riddle of the Brain Burner - a powerful emitter capable of destroying the human mind - and turned it off. After that, stalkers massively rushed to the center of the Zone: some were looking for the legendary Klondike artifacts, others - the no less legendary Wishmaster. Degtyarev, a former stalker, is sent to the Zone to clarify the failure of Operation Farvator. Cold and was familiar with it since the foundation of the Zone. Degtyarev tells why he came here again. After a long conversation, the stalkers decide to continue their journey together.

System requirements:
Operating System (OC): Windows XP (sp3) / Vista (sp2) / Seven (sp1), 64-bit OC recommended
Processor (CPU): Intel Core 2 Duo 2.6 GHz, Intel Core i7-920 2.66 GHz recommended
Memory (RAM): 4 Gb, 6 Gb recommended for Vista / Seven x64
Video adapter (VGA): ATI Radeon HD7750 / NVIDIA GeForce GTX640 DirectX 9.0 -compatible, 1024 Mb
HDD(HDD): 7.88 Gb free space

1) By popular demand from the players, the old story was left.
2) Added new quests (Read the dialogs carefully, since there is no exact location of the item or NPC yet).
3) Added a new location - Red Forest. Anomalies, stalker bases, monsters, personal boxes and sleeping places appeared on it.
4) A lot of work has been done on the graphics. Created from scratch weather, all textures that can fall into the field of view of the GG have been changed to winter (within reason).
5) New groupings have appeared at all locations: Dawn, Seekers, Clear Sky, Sin, Tigers, Merchants.
6) Added new artifacts, about 50.
7) New caches are waiting for you in all locations. There are those that are easy to find, but there is nothing particularly valuable in them, and there are those that are hard to find, but after finding you will be pleasantly surprised.
8) Added new types of weapons, there are about 60 of them, all of them
can be upgraded by technicians.
9) Added a huge amount of new armor. Also can be upgraded by technicians.
10) New items are waiting for their purchase from merchants, such as:
Wine, cognac, new sausage and much more.
11) New types of medicines.
12) Added new visuals for NPCs.
13) Added old carved monsters: kink, rat and 5 types of zombies.
14) Almost all the sounds that the GG can hear have been changed,
added dynamic music to the menu (3 songs). Guitar songs were replaced.
15) New, old NPCs have been added new dialogues.
16) You can borrow money from Beard.
17) You can exchange objects with stalkers.
18) New merchants have been added to all locations.
19) Added a sleeping bag.
20) A new HUD has been added (if you don't like it, write to Discussions).
If you want to learn more about the changes in the mod, then here's a link to it: https://yadi.sk/d/2Hf4DtnpKhAGg

Separate thanks
I want to say a huge thank you to the authors from whom we took the developments:
WoDU - for NPC visuals and some textures.
Forgotten_land - for visuals of NPCs and weapons.
AtmosFear 3 - for the texture of the sky.
Cold blood for the asphalt texture and for the terrain texture. You guys respect and respect!
DragonForce_Mod - for new suits and some types of weapons.
G.L.A.D.I.A.T.O.R.II Alliance Time - for the SVD sniper rifle
I also wanted to say a huge thank you to the authors of majordolgar and hakim for their excellent visuals of weapons and NPCs.

Run "S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat - FeaR Zone.exe"

FeaR Zone: Story of Cold

Developers: FZM Team
Platform: Call of Pripyat 1.6.02
Release date: March 17, 2014


The author of the idea and the head of the team: [email protected]
Authors of plots for quests: [email protected], Vitaly Stalker
Chief artist: Vitaly Stalker
Dialogue programming: Nikita Charikov
Literary editor: Nikita Krasov
Testing: Evgeny Bosenko

A little about the plot

A certain Cold was a simple stalker, he studied the phenomena of the Zone at the so-called location of the Swamp by stalkers, but after a large release in the Swamp it became impossible to find and therefore Cold went to Cordon. When Chill came to Cordon, he went to the recruits base. Some stalkers who came to the Zone worked for Sidorovich, a local merchant, and this is what happened with Cold. After a long work for Sidorovich, Kholod became his best friend and Sidor began to trust him completely. After some time, Sidorovich offered Kholod to engage in trade, and he immediately agreed. Meanwhile, a powerful release occurs in the Zone, after which a nuclear winter comes. Most of the stalkers die from the cold. After 2 years, unknown stalkers came to Sidor, they called themselves Clear Sky. They were looking for a person who knows these places and all the exits and loopholes from the Cordon. By that time, Cold knew Cordon like the back of his hand and decided to lead them to the Swamp. After coming to the Swamp, Lebedev gave the order for Clear Sky to build a base, and offered Kholod to become a member of the group, he agreed and began to develop trade between stalkers. Stalkers passing by the base necessarily went for a glass to Cold. Despite the cordons located along the perimeter, stalking is gaining momentum. But only the outskirts of the Zone have been explored: attempts to penetrate to its center end in failure. In 2012, a stalker nicknamed Shooter solved the riddle of the Brain Burner - a powerful emitter capable of destroying the human mind - and turned it off. After that, stalkers massively rushed to the center of the Zone: some were looking for the legendary Klondike artifacts, others - the no less legendary Wishmaster. Degtyarev, a former stalker, is sent to the Zone to clarify the failure of Operation Farvator. Cold and was familiar with it since the foundation of the Zone. Degtyarev tells why he came here again. After a long conversation, the stalkers decide to continue their journey together.


1) By popular demand from the players, the old story was left.
2) Added new quests (Read the dialogs carefully, since there is no exact location of the item or NPC yet).
3) Added a new location - Red Forest. Anomalies, stalker bases, monsters, personal boxes and sleeping places appeared on it.
4) A lot of work has been done on the graphics. Created from scratch weather, all textures that can fall into the field of view of the GG have been changed to winter (within reason).
5) New groupings have appeared at all locations: Dawn, Seekers, Clear Sky, Sin, Tigers, Merchants.
6) Added new artifacts, about 50.
7) New caches are waiting for you in all locations. There are those that are easy to find, but there is nothing particularly valuable in them, and there are those that are hard to find, but after finding you will be pleasantly surprised.
8) Added new types of weapons, there are about 60 of them, all of them
can be upgraded by technicians.
9) Added a huge amount of new armor. Also can be upgraded by technicians.
10) New items are waiting for their purchase from merchants, such as:
Wine, cognac, new sausage and much more.
11) New types of medicines.
12) Added new visuals for NPCs.
13) Added old carved monsters: kink, rat and 5 types of zombies.
14) Almost all the sounds that the GG can hear have been changed,
added dynamic music to the menu (3 songs). Guitar songs were replaced.
15) New, old NPCs have been added new dialogues.
16) You can borrow money from Beard.
17) You can exchange objects with stalkers.
18) New merchants have been added to all locations.
19) Added a sleeping bag.
20) A new HUD has been added (if you don't like it, write to Discussions).
If you want to learn more about the changes in the mod, then here's a link to it - Link

Separate thanks

I want to say a huge thank you to the authors from whom we took the developments:
WoDU - for NPC visuals and some textures.
Forgotten_land - for visuals of NPCs and weapons.
AtmosFear 3 - for the texture of the sky.
Cold blood for the asphalt texture and for the terrain texture. You guys respect and respect!
DragonForce_Mod - for new suits and some types of weapons.
G.L.A.D.I.A.T.O.R.II Alliance Time - for the SVD sniper rifle
I also wanted to say a huge thank you to the authors of majordolgar and hakim for their excellent visuals of weapons and NPCs.

How do I install the mod?

First you need a clean Call of Pripyat version 1.6.02. After downloading the Fear Zone mod: Cold Story, extract the archive. Open the FZM folder and in it we see the gamedata folder, copy it and paste it into the game folder.
After installing the mod on your computer, you need to install two fixes, without which the game will crash.
How to install the first fix?
In the same way as the installation of the mod itself, only when you copy, you will receive a message "Copy and replace"? Yes, copy and replace files. After you have installed the first fix, you need to install the second one.
How to install the second fix?
Download the second fix, extract the archive. After extracting, you need to copy the gamedata folder from the Fix folder for FZM # 2 and copy it to the folder with the installed mod. When you copy, you get a copy and replace message? Yes, copy and replace files. Sorry for the inconvenience.

second fix link (it fixes errors in dialogues, quests, errors with the weather and crashes that were noticed for Lately.) - Link

Watch the video - FeaR Zone: The Story of Cold