What is electronic document management? A complete definition of the concept, functions, pros and cons of electronic document management. Electronic document management system - what is it and why is it needed? Modern workflow

Our society is only on the way to introducing electronic document management systems everywhere at all enterprises.

This is because so far most of the enterprises cannot do this for a simple reason - the lack of experience in using electronic documentation.

SED Docsvision

Docsvision EDMS as a process automation tool beyond the workflow


ELMA EDMS is implemented as part of several ECM+, Projects+, ELMA CRM+ packages, which are selected according to user requirements. There is even a package with KPIs.

The peculiarity of the interface is its adjustment to the user's role with the help of built-in design tools.

It implements accelerated access to reference data and automation of a number of processes, in particular, the processing of documentation from various sources.

As for data search, there is a search procedure by details. The search result can be generated into a report, and templates can be generated from search queries.

For operations with BP, a special subsystem has been allocated that allows you to plan replacement, set up tasks, manage and simulate BP.

The security block supports a number of authorization methods, clearly delineates user rights for the type of access to objects.

Additionally, an EDS is used, and the number of active users can be determined programmatically.

This SED also has its downsides. For example, there is no local mail. There are restrictions on creating and assigning tasks, and registration from office applications is not implemented.

In addition, there are no built-in tools for viewing attachments, only typical queries are executed, and there is no automatic search for duplicates.

What tasks does 1C solve: Document management 8

What tasks does 1C solve: Document management 8: office work; storage and retrieval of information; business processes; document routing; working time accounting.

Working with documentation takes the lion's share of the time and resources of any organization, because papers accompany all stages of entrepreneurial activity. The streamlining of document management processes immediately dramatically raises the efficiency of management and accounting, the shortcomings of the document circulation system create many problems for businesses.

Automation has affected this side of entrepreneurship as well.

  • Consider the features of the creation and functioning of a single organizational system at the enterprise that ensures the movement of documents in electronic form,
  • discuss how to choose the most suitable system,
  • Let's get acquainted with the most popular SED.

The essence of EDMS systems

Document flow- a term that characterizes all processes in an enterprise related to the fixation of various acts in the form of documentation:

  • initial writing or receipt;
  • registration;
  • ensuring the execution of relevant actions under the document;
  • control over execution;
  • accounting;
  • archiving;
  • storage;
  • reuse;
  • inquiry;
  • mailing.

REFERENCE! Document management also includes the process of organizing all the above activities. It is important to distinguish between document management and office work: the latter concept is broader, it refers to the entire business industry associated with documentation, and includes the former.

For a long time, the workflow process was carried out exclusively in paper form, but modern technologies make it possible to automate this system and switch to a completely paperless version or significantly reduce the flow of documentation on paper.

There are several options for naming such an automated electronic documentation system:

  • EDMS - electronic document management system;
  • EDDD - electronic document management and office work system;
  • CAD - office automation system;
  • SEDO - electronic document management system;
  • SADO is a document management system.

The most commonly used is the abbreviation SED.

A mandatory component of the SED is the use of electronic signature– an identifier of an electronic document that guarantees its authenticity (acts as a personal visa on a paper document).

Advantages of implementing an EDMS

The most obvious advantage of using electronic document management in an enterprise is the ability to happily avoid many of the problems that are almost inevitable with the traditional paper form of office work. These include:

  • errors due to the human factor;
  • loss of the required document;
  • time spent looking for the necessary paper;
  • problems with sending, delivering and receiving documentation;
  • difficulties in making duplicates if necessary;
  • additional actions related to the storage, archiving and destruction of accumulated papers;
  • office supplies costs;
  • lower degree of protection from counterfeiting and possible harm, etc.

The positive qualities of the EDMS, which dramatically affect the efficiency of business processes, follow from the principles of using this system.

  1. Unique identification- in electronic form, a document is registered once, after which it can be easily automatically identified.
  2. Parallel Operations- in electronic form, you can interact with several documents almost simultaneously, which increases efficiency and reduces time costs.
  3. Unity of the documentary base- all documents are brought together in a consistent system, as a result of which they are not duplicated or lost.
  4. Easy search- the automatic identification system allows you to quickly find the desired document with a minimum of initial data.
  5. Possibility of attaching- one or more files can be attached to any document in electronic form, which allows you to provide it with the necessary attachments and attributes.
  6. Advanced reporting- the electronic form allows you to group documents according to the necessary grounds, which allows you to control all stages of the movement of documentation and provide complete and reliable accounting for the necessary factors.
  7. Flexible adaptation- electronic document management is easy to quickly adapt to any production needs.

NOTE! To provide all the noted advantages of the EDMS, the personnel working with the documentation will need to retrain and master new skills.

What are SED

A software product designed to perform workflow automation functions differs in the set of functions embedded in it.

  1. Universal EDMS(they are also called “package” or “boxed” - standardized systems that provide basic office work functions. Their distinguishing features:
    • relatively small functionality;
    • inadequacy to the specifics of the company;
    • accessibility and ease of installation and implementation;
    • the cheapest in terms of cost.
  2. ATTENTION! When introducing a universal EDMS at an enterprise, the employer will have to purchase a license for new workplaces being introduced.

  3. EDMS of individual development- systems manufactured specifically to meet the needs of a particular customer. These products are characterized by:
    • maximum personification;
    • additional expenses for retraining of employees and purchase of equipment;
    • high price;
    • takes more time to develop, install and implement.
  4. Combined EDMS– on the basis of the universal platform, additional individual add-ons are introduced. Installing such a system allows you to solve the following tasks:
    • fully suited to meet the needs of the organization;
    • development, installation and commissioning costs are reduced;
    • basic modules allow you to quickly master the system and train personnel;
    • can interact with other software products;
    • the customer receives full rights to the software product.

Depending on the configuration, the capabilities of a particular EDMS provide automation of various areas of production activity, which can be combined in different ways:

  1. Office work.
  2. General circulation of documents.
  3. Contract management.
  4. Archiving.
  5. Project management.
  6. Special Documentation.
  7. Interaction with incoming documentation.

How to choose the right EDMS

To choose the best option for automating the organization's workflow from a fairly wide range of products on the market, you need to know what parameters you should pay attention to.

The key factors in the selection are the following points characteristic of the organization:

  • readiness to replace paper documentation with its electronic counterpart (“maturity” of the workflow);
  • goals for the implementation of the EDMS;
  • the possibility of further development;
  • resources allocated for implementation (time and money).

Let's look at each factor in more detail:

  1. Maturity of the original workflow. The better the paper workflow is organized in the company, the easier it is to implement the EDMS, since it will immediately remove all the difficulties, providing in return the benefits of more efficient office work. Relatively small time and financial costs will be required to install the system and train personnel. At lower levels of workflow organization, you will first have to spend energy on formalizing the main document management processes, and then converting them into electronic form.
  2. Implementation goals. The choice is determined by the set of functions that this or that EDMS will provide. In each case, the leadership decides whether the basic characteristics will be enough or whether personalization is required.
  3. reserves. When automation is required for already formalized processes, there is a high probability of their specificity. The development of the organization provides for changes in the workflow, which the system should be potentially capable of. Therefore, with the development reserves laid down, the implemented EDMS should be as flexible as possible.
  4. Resources. Value, expressed in time and money, is ultimately the investment component. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account not only the price of the software and its installation, but also how much it will cost to own this system. Additional costs may be funds for the “upgrade” of an already functioning EDMS, retraining of employees, etc.

A brief overview of several popular EDMS

About 20 different EDMS are currently used in the modern Russian market. Let's analyze the most commonly used of them, which have successfully proven themselves in improving the efficiency of enterprise management.

  1. "Practice". In 2012, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications introduced this system as the main one for document management, it has about 4 thousand clients. The system is used by the majority of state institutions in Moscow. This program can be used in cloud or server version. The cost of a subscription fee for an organization is relatively low, for each additional user an additional payment is made.
  2. "Naumen DMS"- development based on NauDoc (in the recent past, one of the most popular EDMS), but in an improved and supplemented version. It is part of a broader business process management system.
  3. Directum- a system that emphasizes the principles of collective interaction. It contains convenient mechanisms for creating databases for documentation, organizing conferences, interviews, meetings, etc.
  4. "CompanyMedia" On the contrary, it provides maximum personalization. With the help of this EDMS it is easy to create personal workplaces and ensure their functioning.
  5. "Case"- the leading product, which occupies almost half of the EDMS market in the Russian Federation, which is used by the Central Bank, Sberbank, Rostelecom and other large organizations.

Basic concepts of electronic document management

Basic principles of electronic document management

  • One-time registration of a document, which makes it possible to uniquely identify a document in any installation of this system.
  • The possibility of parallel execution of operations, which allows to reduce the time of movement of documents and increase the efficiency of their execution
  • Continuity of document movement, which makes it possible to identify the person responsible for the execution of the document (task) at each moment in the life of the document (process).
  • A single (or coordinated distributed) database of documentary information, which makes it possible to exclude the possibility of duplicating documents.
  • Efficiently organized document search system that allows you to find a document with minimal information about it.
  • An advanced reporting system for various statuses and attributes of documents, which allows you to control the movement of documents through document management processes and make management decisions based on data from reports.

Russian electronic document management systems

Proprietary EDMS

SED paid from the budget

  • EDMS for organizations participating in the budget process is provided by the Federal Treasury


see also

  • ECM (business) - Enterprise information resource management systems


  • Just about electronic document management, business processes and interaction. Blogs. Discussions.
  • Selection of enterprise management automation systems according to criteria

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what "SED" is in other dictionaries:

    SED- SEDO electronic document management system tech. SED consolidated economic department of fin. EDMS "Electronic Democracy" system http://e democratia.ru/ …

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    The electronic document management system is an automated multi-user system that accompanies the process of managing the work of an organization in order to ensure the performance of its functions. Dictionary of business terms. Akademik.ru. 2001 ... Glossary of business terms

    EDMS GO UR- The system of electronic document management of state bodies of the Udmurt Republic, Udmurtia Source: http://www.cnews.ru/news/line/index.shtml?2013/12/20/554261 ... Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations

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    SEDO Chancellor Type Workflow automation system, SEDO Developer IBA, Minsk Website www.kancler.by www.iba.by This term has other meanings, see Chancellor. Chancellor ... Wikipedia

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    - - an electronic document management system developed by the specialists of the Ukrainian company "Bankomsvyaz", which is designed to build a complete system for managing business processes of processing documents and monitoring their implementation. AO ... ... Wikipedia

    Type of EDMS, Corporate Information System Developer OAO Industrial Information Systems Written on ... Wikipedia

    LanDocs is a software platform for building corporate content management systems and electronic document management (ECM / EDMS). Own development of the LANIT company. LanDocs Type ECM, Document Management System, EDMS Developer ... ... Wikipedia


  • Modern technologies of office work and document flow No. 9 (45) 2014, Not available. "Modern technologies of office work and document flow" - a magazine for heads of office departments. You will learn how to effectively implement and optimize electronic ...

In today's business environment, work efficiency largely depends on the efficiency and speed of information management. Reliability of information storage and easy access for those who need it is the key to successful collaboration. Electronic document management systems can solve this problem, significantly increasing the efficiency and quality of the joint activities of employees.

Electronic document management systems(Electronic Document Management System) is an interconnected system of organizational, technical and software for managing various types of documents and information. These systems allow you to manage documents throughout the entire life cycle: from creation to destruction.

The management of documentation, information, various kinds of data and records is one of the complex processes in the work of an organization. Electronic document management systems make it possible to automate this process. Automation of the workflow process helps the organization to significantly increase the speed of work, reduce the losses associated with information exchange, and improve the quality of the management system as a whole.

Benefits of an electronic document management system

Employees of any organization are forced to spend a lot of time searching for and processing the necessary documents and information. As a rule, the volume of such information only increases every day. Manual search and processing of documents becomes the source of many problems in the organization. The use of an electronic document management system has a significant impact on the quality of work. These systems provide a number of advantages over manual processing.

The main advantages of the electronic document management system include:

  • reduction in access time to information- electronic document management allows you to avoid the paper movement of documents. Any document can be sent by e-mail or through the means of communication of the electronic document management system.
  • reduction of duplication of documents and information- in the electronic document management system, one copy of the document can be available to all authorized users, including users outside the organization.
  • simplification of data access- electronic document management systems allow you to access the necessary data through the means of searching and exporting data directly from business systems (such as CRM or ERP systems).
  • document and data storage optimization– a single data warehouse reduces the need to store multiple copies of documents. The means of accessing and indexing documents that use electronic document management systems allow users to instantly access the necessary documents and other information.
  • business process automation- electronic document management systems involve the implementation of a given document processing process. Based on actions with documents, business applications can be automatically updated, new documents can be created, and communication with internal and external users can be established.
  • improving the quality of customer service c - due to quick access to the necessary information, customers can quickly receive answers to their requests.
  • improving discipline and quality of work- electronic document management systems set strict rules and procedures for the work of employees. The system will not allow employees to violate these rules. All documents are stored in the system, have the necessary identification and order of movement. Employees will not be able to change the state of the document without performing the specified actions.
  • information reuse- due to electronic processing and storage of information, it becomes possible to reuse the data entered into the system. For example, when filling out standard forms or compiling reports.
  • data quality improvement- in electronic document management systems, many forms and documents are filled out automatically, which reduces the risk of errors. In addition, this reduces the number of repeated checks of documents and their adjustments.
  • increasing the safety of documents and information– Due to the means of access control, it is possible to strictly control the access of employees to information and documents. The presence of a single database allows archiving and restoring information in a short period of time.

The structure of the electronic document management system can be considered from the point of view of the software and hardware complex and from the point of view of the functions performed.

From the point of view of the software and hardware complex, the electronic document management system consists of a set of hardware and software components: servers, workstations, software, network equipment, and additional equipment designed to perform specific system functions.

The server is designed to perform the necessary operations with documents and information. The server can be either dedicated or virtual, depending on the system vendor and the technologies used. Also, the database of the document management system can be placed on the server.

Workstations provide user interaction with the document management system. Each workstation has its own set of document and data management functions.

The software implements the necessary set of actions for document management and is the basis of the electronic document management system. The software of the electronic document management system, as a rule, includes a functional part, an administrative part and an interface part. The functional part is designed to manage and process information. The administrator part provides the necessary system settings. The interface part performs the presentation of information and data in a form accessible to end users.

Optional equipment necessary for the implementation of various specific functions of the electronic document management system. Such equipment may include information input and output devices, information encoding and encryption systems, etc.

Network equipment is necessary for the joint work of system users and the interaction of various components of the electronic document management system.

From the point of view of the functions performed, the structure of the electronic document management system includes modules that implement the following actions: data entry, indexing, document processing, access control, document routing, system integration, storage.

  • data entry module required to enter the initial information into the electronic document management system. This information can come from various sources: paper documents, scanners, mail, online forms, etc. This module provides for the receipt and initial processing of data.
  • indexing module. It provides registration and systematization of data. With its help, the electronic document management system can organize the storage and search of the necessary documents in accordance with the needs of users.
  • document processing module. After entering the data into the system, they must be processed and stored for further work. This module ensures the distribution of information and documents according to the specified rules.
  • access control module. This module ensures the distribution of information and documents to users. Each user of the system can work only with the set of documents that he needs.
  • routing module necessary for the organization of work with documents. This module defines the rules for the movement and processing of documents. To create routes for the movement of documents, workflow processes must first be defined.
  • system integration module. As a rule, electronic document management systems work in conjunction with other management systems (for example, CRM, ERP, OLAP systems). The system integration module provides data transfer between such systems.
  • document and data storage module. This module implements the functionality of a document database. Due to this module, storage, archiving, restoration, backup of documents is provided.

Types of electronic document management systems

Electronic document management systems may differ in the types of technologies used, the degree of integration and scope.

Depending on the applied work technologies, four types of electronic document management systems can be distinguished:

  • client-server systems. In this type of system, the main modules for managing documentation and data are hosted on a dedicated server. The client part is an interface for user interaction with the system. The advantage of this type of systems is their speed and reliability.
  • database-based systems. These systems are usually integrated with databases such as SQL or Oracle. All information is stored in these databases. Separate modules are used to process information. The advantage of such systems is the ability to store a large amount of information.
  • web-based systems. These systems provide work based on remote access to the server. The advantage of this technology is the ability to opt out of client applications. Access to the document management system from user workstations can be carried out through web browsers.
  • systems based on "cloud" technologies. These systems are similar in essence to systems with web technologies. The only difference is that the server of the hosting provider is used as the server of the electronic document management system.

Depending on the degree of integration, electronic document management systems can be divided into the following types:

  • universal electronic document management systems(EDMS systems). These are independent document management systems, fully designed to automate the process of document management. As a rule, such systems use client-server technology.
  • group work management systems. These systems provide distributed work with documents and data of a group of users. Their main purpose is to ensure collaboration. Therefore, group work management systems have much less functionality than EDMS systems.
  • built-in modules as part of information management systems. All ERP systems have such modules. These modules also have limited functionality (in comparison with EDMS systems) and, as a rule, without the introduction of the basic functionality of ERP systems do not work.

Another area in which electronic document management systems can be structured is the scope. There are electronic document management systems that are focused on special types of documentation or areas of activity. For example, PDM systems, software development support systems, HelpDesk-type systems, medical records support systems, etc.

The implementation of an electronic document management system includes several stages that the organization must perform on its own, regardless of the participation of the system supplier. These milestones include a set of logically related activities and activities that will allow the organization to evaluate the project as a whole and increase the likelihood of successful completion of the project.

The general scheme of the stages of implementation of the electronic document management system is shown in the figure.

The main stages of implementing an electronic document management system include:

Stage 1. Definition of basic processes and procedures.

The purpose of this stage is to clearly define the composition of existing document management processes and documentation processing procedures. This requires a detailed analysis of existing processes and procedures.

During this stage, you need to:

  • define top-level processes;
  • determine the detailed composition of the processes;
  • define business goals for workflow processes;
  • define technical goals for workflow processes.

Stage 2. Determining the requirements for workflow processes.

At this stage, it is determined what changes need to be made to the workflow processes so that they work efficiently and can be automated.

At this stage it is necessary:

  • conduct a technological assessment of document management processes;
  • define business requirements for processes;
  • prepare process maps “as it should be”;
  • establish measurable characteristics of processes;
  • formulate technical requirements for document management processes and prepare terms of reference .

Sample documents:

The Inbound Mail Management process map represents one of the document management sub-processes.

The management of incoming correspondence governs the procedure for accepting, checking, registering and managing the organization's incoming documentation. The process map describes in detail the procedure for employees when working with incoming documentation. The provisions of this process map can be used to develop document routing during the implementation of an organization's electronic document management system.

The Outbound Mail Management process map represents part of the document management process.

Outgoing mail management regulates the procedure for employees to prepare and send documents to external recipients. The process map describes in detail the work of employees in managing outgoing correspondence. The provisions of this process map can be used to develop document routing during the implementation of an organization's electronic document management system.

The document includes 9 pages.

TOR for the "Document Management" subsystem is an example of a Terms of Reference for automating the management of the document management process.

This document is an example of a real Terms of Reference, on the basis of which a workflow automation system for an industrial enterprise was selected and implemented.

The document includes 17 pages. Document format - Microsoft Word 2002. Compatible with all versions of MS Word. The document allows editing and making changes.

Stage 3. Formation of criteria for choosing an electronic document management system.

Based on the data of the first and second stages, it is necessary to formulate a set of criteria for choosing an electronic document management system. The criteria for choosing an electronic document management system will largely determine the scope of further work and the procedure for organizing interaction with the system supplier.

At this stage it is necessary:

  • classify existing documents by type;
  • evaluate existing forms of documents;
  • determine the composition of the data that will be transferred to electronic form;
  • define user interface requirements;
  • make a set of criteria for choosing an electronic document management system.

Stage 4. Choosing an electronic document management system.

This stage allows the organization to determine the main technologies on the basis of which the electronic document management system will work, select the appropriate system and determine the service provider for the implementation of the electronic document management system.

At this stage it is necessary:

  • determine the composition of the functions of the document management system;
  • determine the type of workflow system that best suits the needs of the organization;
  • to form a list of possible suppliers of the electronic document management system;
  • choose a provider of electronic document management system.

Stage 5. Project management for the implementation of an electronic document management system.

After selecting the supplier of the electronic document management system, it is necessary to develop an implementation plan. This stage can take quite a long time, but planning time can significantly reduce the time to implement the system. The plan may be developed in conjunction with the service provider.

The project management plan should include the following activities:

  • system functionality design;
  • system implementation;
  • testing and evaluation of the system;
  • pilot operation of the system;
  • system development and tuning.

Stage 6. System documentation.

This step can be performed in parallel with the previous step. The purpose of this stage is to create certain organizational rules that will ensure the stable operation of the electronic document management system.

At this stage it is necessary:

  • conduct staff training;
  • develop procedures and regulations for user interaction;
  • develop guidelines for working with the system.

Criteria for choosing an electronic document management system

The criteria for choosing an electronic document management system largely depend on the needs and capabilities of the organization. The detailed composition of the criteria should be determined directly on the basis of the business goals and technical goals of the workflow processes.

In addition to detailed criteria, the organization should also use generalized criteria that are associated with the types of electronic document management systems and the technologies used.

These broad criteria include:

  • "maturity" of the electronic document management system. It is necessary to assess the level of "maturity" of the chosen system. Such an assessment will make it possible to understand how long the system has been on the market, how many organizations use this system, and whether there are updates to the system. If the system is new, and has just entered the market, then there is a high probability of errors in the system. This can lead to problems during the operation of the electronic document management system.
  • compliance with industry standards. Different types of activities have their own standards that directly or indirectly affect the document flow of the organization. When choosing a system, it is necessary to pay attention to how the requirements of these standards are taken into account in the electronic document management system.
  • alignment with goals and critical success factors. When choosing a system, it is necessary to take into account the degree of compliance with the goals of the organization. It is important that the system meets the goals and key requirements of the organization as much as possible. If the system does not meet the requirements, then it is necessary to change the choice of the system, but not change the key requirements and goals. An organization can change some of the requirements for a specific workflow system, but only if these requirements are not critical for the organization's processes.
  • technical support level. This criterion relates to the choice of an electronic document management system supplier. It is necessary to assess the level of technical support of the system, both during implementation and during operation of the system.
  • system scalability. This selection criterion is important from the point of view of expanding the activities of the organization. As the volume of work increases and the user base of the system expands, it should allow the organization to scale solutions.
  • availability of system documentation. In addition to user documentation, it may be important for an organization to have access to documentation for administering or changing system settings.
  • system protection. When choosing an electronic document management system, it is necessary to pay attention to the security measures applied in the system. An organization may have its own requirements for data security and privacy policies. The system you choose should allow you to configure access to information and documents in accordance with the organization's security policy.
  • system fault tolerance. For some organizations, the downtime of the electronic document management system can be a critical factor. When choosing a system, you need to pay attention to how long it may take to restore the system to a minimum working configuration.
  • cost of ownership. When choosing a system, it is necessary to take into account the total cost of system ownership: the cost of purchasing licenses, the cost of administration, the cost of expanding the system, the cost of technical support and updates, the cost of hardware, etc.

These criteria include the most general aspects of choosing an electronic document management system. To develop a complete set of criteria, it is necessary to involve many departments of the organization: management, legal service, IT department, technical specialists, document management specialists, etc.

Currently, the exchange of documents between business entities and individuals is gradually moving from paper to electronic. The electronic document management system has a number of advantages over plain paper - it saves time and increases the efficiency of decisions. EDMS can be built both within a company and between different companies via the Internet.

Electronic document management is a system of processes for processing documents in electronic form. Most modern accounting and personnel programs are able to generate electronic documents in a standard format established at the legislative level. But in order for such a document to have legal weight, it must be signed by both parties with an electronic signature.

Electronic document management can be divided into two large types - the exchange of documents within the company or between different companies via communication channels. It is allowed to combine these two systems into one global one.

The use of electronic document management within the company requires the purchase of the necessary software package (EDI platform), as well as equipment for its operation (network equipment, server, etc.).

In order to exchange documents between two companies, an electronic document management operator is needed. It guarantees the delivery of messages, controls the format of sent documents, requires certification of work with data by an electronic signature, and stores an archive of documents.

Attention! One of these services is . Documents received through it are legally significant if they have a mark from the EPC of both parties to the document flow.

Advantages and disadvantages of EDI

Main advantages

Electronic document management has undeniable advantages over paper:

  • Organizing paperwork - the system will not allow you to assign the same number to different documents, since this will happen in order and automatically;
  • Tracking the position of each document - at any time you can find out exactly who is working with the document. The employee will not be able to spoil or lose it. A document deleted accidentally or on purpose can still be restored;
  • Acceleration of document processing - if the company's departments are scattered across several buildings, then a paper document must be personally carried there for approval. With EDI, the necessary document reaches the employee in a fraction of a second;
  • Convenient work with versions - when editing, the system saves each version. If necessary, you can track who and when made changes to the document;
  • Round-the-clock remote access - if necessary, access to the EDI system can be arranged via the Internet from any computer in the world. An employee can work with documents while on a business trip, on vacation or on sick leave;
  • Work scheduling - by specifying the creation date and due date, you can plan the execution of incoming documents according to the queue;
  • Search for documents - you can search in the general database of documents by keywords and expressions;
  • Paper saving - there is no need to print all the documents in the required quantity.

Main disadvantages

Despite the obvious advantages, EDI systems also have disadvantages that can stop a company from implementing it.

These include:

  • It is necessary to spend money on the purchase of the system, which, depending on the number of users, can be up to 100 thousand rubles;
  • After the purchase, it takes a long time to install, implement and debug;
  • It is necessary to conduct training for all users who will be involved in it;
  • Ensuring the security of the system - access control between users, issuing the necessary electronic signatures, protection against intrusion from the outside;
  • The staff of the company must have an administrator who will monitor the functioning of the system, perform service actions, and resolve user issues;
  • In order to preserve information, it is necessary to back up the database with documents;
  • If partner firms do not have an EDI, both an electronic and a paper system must be ensured.

Functionality of electronic document management

Any workflow system should provide a set of actions:

  • Work with any kind of documents - create them, draw up, process, register, control their implementation, coordinate, etc.;
  • Organize workflow flows - define routes within the company, restrict access between individual users, provide the ability to work with one document to several people at once;
  • Organize an archive of documents with the possibility of their search, storage.

Attention! Electronic document management should provide the same ability to work with documents as traditional paper.

Large advanced systems provide opportunities for:

  • Registration of all passing documents - incoming, outgoing, internal, with their further redirection to the head;
  • Ensure a uniform procedure for working with documents in each division of the company;
  • Work with the document both individually and collectively;
  • Exchange documents between departments and specific employees;
  • Limit access to documents;
  • Use standard forms for all documents;
  • Control that approval, execution and other work with the document will be completed on time;
  • Generate reporting - analytical, statistical, etc.;
  • Organize archival storage with fixing the date and time of access to them by users.

Is it possible to combine paper document management with electronic?

After the transition to electronic document management in an organization, at first it will still not be possible to completely abandon paper documents.

This can happen for several reasons:

  • Not all contractors use EDI;
  • The company already has a lot of paper documents in the archive.

However, there are fundamental differences in working with electronic and paper documents. For example, a paper document needs to be printed and brought to the head for signature, while an electronic one is signed in the system itself. Paper accounting documents sent to a counterparty may be lost in the mail during shipment, while electronic ones reach the addressee.

The main difference between working with two types of documents is their storage. Electronic documents immediately enter the system, where all users can work with them. For paper documents, an archive should still be organized where they will be stored in an orderly manner. At the same time, after entering the company, the paper document must be scanned, and this scanned copy must be uploaded to the system for further work.

Attention! Thus, work within the company should still be carried out only in electronic form. If a paper document arrives, then only those who receive it or sign it see it. At the same time, working with an electronic copy allows you to protect the original from almost any loss, and allows several users to work with it at once.

What are the ED programs?

There are many document management systems on the market, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. The most common systems:

System Peculiarities Price
Case One of the largest EDI programs. Great functionality, simplicity and ease of use. From 11 to 13.5 thousand rubles. for one job
Logics Can be used in companies of any size, easy to learn, flexible customization From 4900 to 5900 per seat.
Euphrates Considered the most advanced of the systems, the package includes its own database system, light and pleasant design From 5,000 rubles per workplace when deployed on an organization's server, from 10,000 rubles. when placed on the developer's equipment.
1C:Archive Full integration with any 1C products, the ability to store any files - text, graphics, video and audio. From 12 to 57 thousand rubles. for the entire program.
DIRECTUM The optimal system for small and medium-sized enterprises, you can combine electronic documents with paper ones. From 7 thousand rubles. up to 2 million rubles for a license
OPTIMA-WorkFlow A new system that is just starting to develop actively. There are several features unique to this system. From 55 to 75 thousand rubles. for a license.

Interaction of an electronic document with other programs

Taking its place in the electronic environment of the organization, the EDI system should freely support other business applications that are already operating in it during operation. For example, it is necessary to freely process accounting documents - invoices, acts, invoices, powers of attorney, etc.

In addition, the electronic document management system must work with everyone in a consistent manner, and operate with the same data. Therefore, it is necessary that the system be able to support directories used in the electronic environment and be able to update the data in them.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the work with external data - e-mail, trading platforms, etc.

When choosing an EDI, it is necessary to pay attention to the possibility of its interaction with other means and data sources available in the enterprise. Usually, popular, and therefore actively developing systems, incorporate many modules for the most popular programs - 1C, Parus, Oracle and many others.

For example, the electronic document management of the 1C program can allow you to generate, receive and send electronic accounting documents directly from it, while confirming them with a qualified signature.