Avitaminosis Causes. Vitamin failure: species, symptoms, treatment. Blush eyes

Among the pathological conditions associated with the vitamins and their exchange in the body, the avitaminosis is distinguished - the absence of any vitamin in the body, hypovitaminosis is insufficient, and hypervitaminosis - excess and intricensication of the body with vitamins.

Full absence occurs quite rarely, in most cases the concept of "avitaminosis" and "hypovitaminosis" combine, speaking of obvious manifestations of lack of vitamins. The lack of supply of nutrients affects metabolic processes, they slow down or practically stop, since the functions of the vitamins in them are lost. Such states may be isolated into separate diseases or have a characteristic symptom complex indicating a shortage of vitamins.

Causes of Avitaminosis

Insufficiency of vitamins arises for the following reasons:

  • infectious nutrition - the absence of fresh vegetables, fruits, greens, berries in the diet;
  • destruction of vitamins as a result of improper storage or cooking;
  • violation of digestive organs - nutrients are not absorbed, or their metabolism or the process of production;
  • increased nutrient need during pregnancy, active growth, stress, excessive loads, sports activities;
  • reception of some drugs , destroying or preventing the suction of vitamins;
  • the presence of chronic diseases ;
  • alcoholism.

In the risk of development:

  • born ahead of time - due to insufficient formation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • in breastfeeding and not receiving supplies after 6 months .

Manifestations of avitaminosis

Symptoms and treatment of various types of avitaminosis differ depending on the lack of a particular substance. In women who are long sitting on strict diets, polyaavitaminosis often occurs, since many nutrient elements do not come to the body. Much more often, doctors are observed signs of avitaminosis, speaking a shortage of a certain substance.

This is how monoavitaminosis is manifested in separate vitamins.


First of all, the changes that avitaminite on the face are noticeable: dryness and peeling of the skin appears, rash and premature wrinkles are often noted. It also worsens the condition of the hair, nails and teeth. The dryness of the eyeball leads to a very characteristic symptom - a violation of twilight vision (it is often called ""). Children in children are slowed down and physical development, mental abilities fall.


The diagnosis of vitamin K insufficiency is carried out on the basis of the coagulogram and the level of promcrin, the change of which indicate the pathology of the coagulating blood system.


Medicinal preparations and methods, how to treat avitaminosis, picks up a doctor depending on the substances missing in the body.

The initial stages of avitaminosis caused due to improper nutrition are compensated due to the correction of the diet.

In addition to introducing missing dishes, it is necessary to comply with the basic rules for:

  • vegetables and fruits should not be stored in metal dishes, and when they are processed, it is recommended to use a ceramic knife ;
  • storage location should be dark and cool without access of sunlight ;
  • the greatest amount of vitamins is preserved when cooking for a pair or in the oven .

With the identified deficiency of certain vitamin, replacement therapy is prescribed. For treatment, biologically active additives (multivitamin complexes), monopreparations or injection molds can be used in absorption or absorption of substances from the gastrointestinal tract.

At avitaminosis, physiotherapy procedures are effective - irradiation with ultraviolet lamp. The course and the duration of treatment defines the doctor based on the level of deficiency of the focused element.


In order for the body fully functioned, a constant balance of nutrients is needed. As a measure to maintain the prevention of avitaminosis is carried out.

It includes:

  • proper nutrition - enrichment of the diet with vegetables and fruits, meat and dairy products, grain crops;
  • caring for preservation of vitamins in food ;
  • rejection of bad habits ;
  • sufficient stay in the fresh air , especially on sunny days;
  • treatment of accompanying pathology - chronic and infectious diseases, gliscate invasions;
  • ensuring additional flow of vitamins with loads, pregnancy ;
  • reception of vitamin and mineral complexes .

Records for the contents of the vitamins that need to be added to food for the prevention of avitaminosis are:

  • Alfalfa. Incredibly rich in Vitamin A. in Lucerne 6 times more retinol than in carrots. Lucerne is used in the form of decoctions, add fresh juice to salad or prepare.
  • Brewer's yeast. Core vitamins B1 and B2. Also, these elements are in large quantities in whole wheat, and.
  • Whole wheat overtook the remaining products in the content of vitamin B6, the daily rate can be obtained from 156 grams.
  • Seaweed lead in content B12.
  • - The main source of ascorbic acid, followed by Kiwi and, and all the famous lemon on the 6th place.
  • 5 grams corn Oil provide, slightly less than it in sunflower and olive oils ,.
  • Spinachit is incredibly rich in vitamin K and does not lose him even after freezing.

Vitamins in products can not be discovered by the eye, and the action of them is imperceptible. But with their absence, all the work of the body is disturbed, exchange processes slow down, a person loses energy and vitality. Recognize the cause of such violations is difficult, respectively, and the choice of the treatment method is possible to choose not immediately. It is much easier to prevent the development of vitamin deficiency, it is easy to eat and use biological additives.

Human organism is a unique chemical laboratory, where millions of biochemical reactions occur every second. Thanks to this, we are moving, breathing, rejoice, love and create. So that all systems work smoothly, the body needs vitamins - catalysts of vital processes. Small quantity it synthesizes independently, the rest should come with food. The absence or lack of vitamins is called avitaminosis.

Avitaminosis and hypovitaminosis - what the difference

Translated from the Latin language, the word vitamin means an organic compound, giving life. In modern nutrition, vitamins are called micronutrients.

Even in ancient times, the healers knew which product is needed for the treatment of one or another illness. Medieval treatises about the principles of nutrition laid the foundation of modern vitigious science. And today, some diseases can be cured with balanced nutrition and reception of vitamins.

Main source of vitamins for man - Products

Vitamins are low molecular weight organic compounds, divided into two groups - water-soluble and fat-soluble. The first accelerate biochemical reactions and provide normal metabolism. The second is responsible for the health and functionality of the muscle tissue and the bone system. The body does not create long-term vitamin reserves, for its full work, they must continue to act constantly, as components of the factory.

Filmologist distinguishes three pathological conditions associated with a disadvantage and excess of vitamins:

  • - the absence or critical lack of vitamins;
  • hypovitaminosis - reducing the intake or absorption of the necessary nutrients;
  • hypervitaminosis is an excessive content of vitamins in the body.

All of them are equally harmful to humans and cause reducing immunity, chronic fatigue, disease.

Increased content of one or more vitamins does not benefit the human body. Doctors call such a state into intoxication. Excess vitamins affect the general condition, skin health, causes allergies, disrupts the work of the kidneys, liver and hearts.

Avitaminosis in medical practice is a rather rare phenomenon. It is more often associated with internal reasons. The complete absence of individual vitamins or their groups is fraught with irreversible consequences and in some cases it is dangerous for life. The clinical course of avitaminosis is manifested by bright symptoms.

Hypovitaminosis is growing gradually. The body, including compensatory mechanisms, is able to live for some time under deficiency conditions. Easy vitamin failure is familiar to each of us, especially in the cold season in the absence of full-fledged food sources of vitamins.

Classification of vitinal insufficiency

The lack of vitamins reduces the production of enzymes. The drop in their activity immediately affects the metabolism. Vitamin deficiency mediated affects immunity and reproductive function. Depending on the severity of hypovitaminosis, three severity of pathology are distinguished:

  1. The first (subclinical) is not manifested by any symptoms and does not cause complaints in the patient. Diagnostics is possible only with laboratory through.
  2. The second (clinical) has lubricated symptoms confirming the residual stock of vitamins.
  3. The third (avitamin form) is manifested by pronounced symptoms of vitamin deficiency and characteristic of patients with diseases of the digestive system.

Endogenous hypos and avitaminosis develop due to impairment of nutrients, certain diseases and genetic metabolic disorders. Exogenous failure arises as a result of the impact of adverse external factors. Seasonal avitaminosis is characteristic of the inhabitants of the North and regions with a sharply continental climate.

Winter lack of vitamins is caused by more severe food, few saturated useful substances. Instead of fresh vegetables and fruits, people use canned products, where vitamins are practically destroyed. During the winter, the deficit accumulates and is poured into spring hypovitaminosis.

Spring Avitaminosis causes a decline of strength and reduced performance

The first fresh vegetables in spring are greenhouse products of long-term storage. Due to the peculiarities of growing the number of micronutrients in them is not enough. In addition, the high cost makes vegetables inaccessible to many consumers. Another reason for spring avitaminosis is a long lack of sunlight. Vitamin D deficiency is formed, and immunity is reduced.

Autumn hypovitaminosis is associated with the adaptation of the body to the cold, mood change, depressive states, returning to work and increased loads that increase the need for the body in vitamins.

Why hypovitaminosis develops

In medicine there is a classification of the causes of vitamin deficits. They are divided into five large groups. Food failure includes:

  • low content of vitamins in products;
  • incorrect cooking processing;
  • features of national cuisine, impose a ban on some products;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • the content of vitamins in poorly digestible form;
  • the presence in products or in the external environment of antivitamins (substances that destroy or do not give absorbing vitamins).

Some vitamins are produced by intestinal microflora. Its oppression during diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and some types of chemotherapy reduces the synthesis of necessary substances. Another group of reasons is the absorption and disposal of micronutrients. It is called:

States when the body requires increased flow of vitamins:

  • large physical exertion;
  • tooling the child, breastfeeding, intense growth;
  • strong stress;
  • production harm and bad ecology;
  • harsh climatic conditions;
  • accelerated elimination of vitamins from the body;
  • poisoning and infection;
  • internal pathology.

And the last group of reasons - genetic factors and congenital anomalies:

  • disorders associated with the transfer of vitamins with blood and their disposal by cells;
  • violations of the interaction of vitamins with enzymes;
  • violation of internal synthesis and strengthening the decay of vitamins.

The cause of hypovitaminosis becomes harmful habits - the use of alcohol and smoking. Vitamin D deficiency is formed in obesity and lack of sunlight. Most often, vulnerable people suffer from vitamin failure - elderly and children. The first for normal growth and the right development of all organism systems requires an increased content of nutrients. In older people, the violation of the vitamin balance is associated with age-related changes.

Symptoms lack of vitamins

How to understand which vitamins is missing in the body? Clinical symptoms have each type of deficiency. In general, the symptoms of vitamin deficiency are the same in women and men.

Women additionally may violation of the menstrual cycle, the appearance of acne is on the face and dry skin of the hands. The deficiency of vitamin D at representatives of weak gender is accompanied by the instability of the mood - from irritably to complete apathy. In men, his lack leads to a weight gain up to obesity. Suggesum of calf muscles and joint pain. As a result of the violation of Testosterone's synthesis, men decreases sexual attraction, problems with potency appear.

Table: Clinical signs of vitamin deficits

Vitamin Symptoms and signs of hypo- and avitaminosis
  • eye lesions and impairment;
  • peeling of the skin and nodular rash;
  • the appearance on the skin of the areas of coarse rough skin (mainly in the area of \u200b\u200bthe elbows, hip and knees);
  • reduction of immunity and tendency to infectious diseases;
  • gemeraralopia (chicken blindness).
  • fatigue and general malaise;
  • bloodfaction of Gomen;
  • the appearance of bruises from minor injuries;
  • weight loss;
  • lethargy, bad sleep and irritability;
  • nose bleeding.
  • nervous breakdowns, depression;
  • deterioration of the condition of the skin, nails, teeth and hair;
  • muscle weakness;
  • echoes under the eyes;
  • impairment of appetite and weight loss.
  • reduction of muscle tone, weakness;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • pARERS (numbness and tingling in the limbs);
  • pain in caviar feet;
  • impairment of the menstrual cycle;
  • sexual disorders;
  • reducing the reproductive function and difficulties of having a child;
  • debrity and accelerated skin aging;
  • acne rash, pigment stains;
  • coordination violation.
IN 1
  • insomnia;
  • constant fatigue;
  • mood change, irritability and nervousness;
  • plasticity;
  • weakness in the muscles.
AT 2
  • seborrheic dermatitis (dry, peeling and redness of the skin);
  • nail and hair fragility;
  • inflammation of the language (glossitis);
  • defeat of corneal eye.
PP (B3)
  • increasing cholesterol;
  • nervous disorders;
  • depression;
  • insomnia;
  • skin manifestations in the form and red wound spots on their hands;
  • diarrhea.
AT 5
  • parish limbs;
  • loss of hair;
  • insomnia;
  • fatigue;
  • apathy;
  • headaches.
AT 6
  • deterioration of the condition of the hair (slow growth, dryness and fragility);
  • disruption of protein and fat exchange, causing obesity;
  • drowsiness;
  • reduction of concentration and efficiency;
  • peeling skin on the face in the area of \u200b\u200bnasolabial folds, around the eyes and above the eyebrows;
  • quiliency, irritability, loss of control over emotions.
AT 9
  • inflammation of the language and oral cavity (glossite, stomatitis);
  • inflammation of the intestinal walls;
  • gastritis.
AT 12
  • reducing the level of hemoglobin due to the violation of the function of the blood formation;
  • lack of appetite and weight loss;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • convulsions and weakness of the muscles of the lower extremities;
  • poor mood and irritability;
  • park instability.
F (unsaturated fatty acids)
  • dry skin;
  • blocking of sebaceous glands;
  • allergies;
  • violation of the liver (reduction of the detoxification function);
  • diarrhea;
  • raising cholesterol.
N (biotin)
  • hair loss, the appearance of seeds;
  • dry skin;
  • snags (cracks in the corners of the lips);
  • pain in muscles;
  • inflammation of the mucous eye;
  • level up .

Photo gallery: manifestations of hypovatyminosis

Many hypovitaminosis cause inflammation of the language
The peeling of the skin of the hands is in women with a lack of vitamin D Bloodfaction of the game - a sign of reducing the level of vitamin C Seborrheic dermatitis develops with vitamin B2 deficiency Apathy and fatigue - lack of vitamin B5 Eye lesions - sign of lack of vitamin A Litness and dry hair - one of the primary signs of hypovitaminosis Rahit develops in children with vitamin D deficiency

Children's airlord

The causes of children's avitaminosis are monotonous, saturated with carbohydrates. In premature babies, he is due to the fact that they do not have time to accumulate the sufficient stock of vitamins by birth, as is happening in children who have appeared as a result of urgent delivery. The use of antibiotics for the treatment of infectious diseases depletes the intestinal microflora, which dramatically worsens the absorption of vitamins.

Children's hypovitaminosis leads to the lagging in development

Prolonged breastfeeding and later administration of dust - Another reason for the lack of vitamins in the children's body.

Breast milk contains a sufficient amount of the most necessary kids of vitamins D and only to six months. Then he must receive them with extra power.

Symptoms of avitaminosis in children:

  • lack of vitamin A manifests:
    • dry mucousness;
    • the appearance of guns;
    • lag in growth and development;
  • the shortage of group vitamins in is expressed:
    • loss of appetite and weight loss;
    • stomatitis;
    • cracks on the skin;
    • dermatitis;
    • convulsions and muscle atrophy;
  • signs of lack of vitamin D are:
    • rickets;
    • bloodfaction of adhesion and nasal bleeding;
    • later teething in infants;
    • late physical development of infants: they later begin to sit, crawl and walk;
  • reducing the level of vitamin C manifests itself:
    • destruction of teeth;
    • appearance in the language of white raid;
    • skin pallor;
    • swelling;
    • prosperity and irritability;
    • hemorrhage on the skin.

The consequences of avitaminosis

The extreme degree of exhaustion of vitamin C is called Qing. Bleeding from the nose becomes massive as a result of the destruction of blood vessels. The impairment of iron suction due to the lack or absence of ascorbic acid causes a heavy iron deficiency anemia. The gums swell and are covered with ulcers - a gangrenous gingivitis develops. Teeth fall out. Hemorrhages in the internal organs contribute to the addition of infection, and into the muscles - the formation of trophic non-healing ulcers.

Qing causes gangrenous gingivitis and dental loss

As a result of a sharp decline in the amount of vitamin D, arthrites, arthrosis, are developing. If not to fill its reserves, there is infertility in men and women, severe depression begins with small remission. It is possible to develop diabetes.

Critical lack of vitamin B1 causes a rare disease of Bury Take. It suffers from people in the regions where the basis of nutrition is white rice. There are two forms of the disease - dry and ethnic. In the first, the sensitivity of the legs is disturbed, seizures arise in the calf muscles. For the ethics, tachycardia, edema and shortness of breath are characteristic.

The heavy form of vitamin B2 deficiency during pregnancy is able to cause the development of anomalies from the fetus. In the later stages of avitaminosis, neurological disorders appear, cataracts are formed with loss of vision.

The pronounced lack of vitamin PR is called Pellagra. It is manifested by dyspeptic disorders due to lack of pancreatic enzymes and disorders of the intestinal motor function (alternation of diarrhea and constipation). The skin becomes dark brown. The growing weakness deprives a person the ability to fulfill the usual physical work, frequent dizziness and apathy are observed. Degenerative processes in the brain cause hearing impairment, view, coordination, memory.

At Pellagra, there is a characteristic skin darkening

The lack of vitamin B5 is dangerous for children - it leads to a rise in growth. Adults develop the pathology of adrenal glands, heart failure and arrhythmia.

The lack of folic acid (B9) and cyanocobalamin (B12) leads to megaloblastic anemia. Patients have shortness of breath, general weakness, heartbeat. The rapid development of anemia leads to brain ischemia. From the digestive system, there is a decrease in appetite, an increase in liver, dyspepsia. Neurological disorders are expressed in the loss of deep sensitivity, impaired motor functions, labels of legs. This form of vitamin failure is more likely to suffer elderly.

Vitamin B9 deficiency is very dangerous during pregnancy. It causes the emergence of anomalies from the fetus, violation of the formation and development of the placenta, there may be miscarriages and premature labor.


It is impossible to carry out the diagnosis independently, the listed symptoms of vitamin deficiency may accompany other diseases. The primary complaint treatment should be a therapist or pediatrician. Consultation of the gastroenterologist is assigned.

The doctor conducts a detailed external examination and, based on its results, prescribes laboratory tests - biochemistry of blood, general blood and urine tests, research on the level of vitamins in the body. Additionally, the patient is examined for the presence of pathologies that caused secondary avitaminosis.


Heavy forms of aviminities are poorly treatable. The department of gastroenterology is hospitalized precisely such patients. In other cases, treatment is carried out at home and includes:

  • diet and therapy;
  • reception of vitamin complexes;
  • therapy of the underlying disease;
  • the use of folk remedies.

Children additionally prescribe long walks in the fresh air, sunbathing, hardening.


Correction of the diet is the first to appoint a doctor. Power should be enriched with products containing deficient vitamins.

Table: content of vitamins in products

Vitamin A Vitamins Group B. Vitamin C Vitamin D. Vitamin E. Vitamin N. Vitamin F.
Cod liverBeef liverSea buckthornCod liverSunflower oilSoy.Sea fish
Beef liverSardinesShipovnikGrease herringSeedsPea rawDried fruits
CarrotMackerelBulgarian pepperMackerelCreamy margarineOat flakesNuts and seeds
GreensSeafoodCurrantKetaOrekhiDry non-fat milkSoy.
Egg yolkChicken meatKiwiMushrooms (chanterelles, currants)Olive and peanut butterWheat (soft and hard grades)Bean
CeleryChicken eggsWhite dried mushroomsChicken eggsDried apricotsChicken meatGruced wheat
Melted butterMilk productsBrussels sproutsRed caviarSea buckthornNon-fat cottage cheeseAvocado
Black and red caviarBeanDillButterAcneChicken egg proteinBlack currant
ButterSoy milkParsleyGoat milkWhite pastriesPshongOatmeal
Dried apricotsOatmealRed cabbageSolid cheesesWhite mushroomsBarley croup
BroccoliBuckwheatCauliflowerBlack caviarCod
Solid cheesesNuts and seedsCitrusYolkGreen pea
Fat creamSpinachSpinachSorrelFig
BananasCheese "Camembert"

Therapy with vitamin complexes and monopreparations

Several hypovitaminosis can not be cured by one diet. In addition to it, vitamin preparations are prescribed in the form of injections, tablets and granules. Intravenous therapy is prescribed with severe hypovitaminosis, as well as if it is caused by a absorption disorder of the necessary substances. At the initial stage of treating dosage exceed the daily rate. As the dose state facilitates drugs decrease.

Vitamin failure may be due to a shortage of one or group of vitamins. Depending on this, monopreparations or vitamin complexes are prescribed. Independent forms:

  • Thiamine;
  • Cyanocobalamin;
  • Demoton.

Vitamin complexes are selected taking into account the combination of vitamins

When prescribing complexes, the doctor takes into account the combinability of vitamins and signs the reception scheme. Often prescribed drugs:

  • Oligimit;
  • Riboflavin;
  • Beviplex;

Given that hypovitaminosis has a negative impact on the whole organism, the mineral complexes and immunomodulators of plant origin are additionally used - Echinacea, Eleutherokkok, a ginsery.

Photo Gallery: Vitamin Complexes and Monopreparations for Hypovitaminosis

Pyridoxine takes inside with the aim of preventing the lack of vitamin B6 Deoton-B are prescribed with hypo- and avitaminosis B1, B2, B6 Penta is a complex multivitamine Retinol is recommended for use in hypovitaminosis and avitaminosis A

Folk remedies

People's treatment of vitinal insufficiency is the reception of informations and decoctions of medicinal herbs, fruits and berries.

Coniferous infusions contain a whole complex of vitamins

Recipes of vitamin fees:

  1. Two tablespoons of honey stir up in 300 ml of warm water, add juice of one lemon and juice, squeezed out of 1 kg of carrots. Stir and drink 3-4 times a day.
  2. Wipe through the sieve of 700 g of black currant and mix the resulting puree with honey syrup (6 tablespoons of honey on the floor-liter water). To drink the mixture is necessary within two days.
  3. Fresh pine or firing hivers (1 kg) finely cut and fill with 5 liters of water or kvass. Insist the mixture of 18 hours and drink at will. Winter needles contains much more vitamins than summer.
  4. Fresh chewing cedar (100 g) cut, fill with a liter of boiling water, let boil and boil on a small heat for 2-3 minutes. The decoction must be broken within 1.5-2 hours. It is necessary to drink it half a glass 3-4 times a day.
  5. 500 ml of boiling water take 20 g of fruits and boil them for 10 minutes. Cover the decoction with the lid and leave it for 8 hours. The decoction is stored only two days, so it is impossible to cook it. Take half a glass three times a day. The decoction of the berries of the ridge, assembled at the end of the summer - the beginning of autumn - the best means to replenish the lack of vitamins.

Hypovitaminosis and lifestyle

Obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy food, bad habits are provoking factors for the development of hypovitaminosis. Nicotine and alcohol absorbing vitamins, so they need to be abandoned. Physical education classes, walking in the fresh air will help the body to restore the normal balance of vitamins and prevent the development of a heavy form of avitaminosis. Even overweight people need to reduce the caloric content of nutrition. Hypovitaminosis also implies a refusal of any alignment conjugation.


The prevention of hypovitaminosis is a balanced nutrition, mandatory use of fresh fruits, vegetables and greenery. In the winter and spring period on the table should be:

  • sauerkraut;
  • fresh carrot;
  • rubber branch;
  • herbal vitamin teas;
  • freshly squeezed juices;
  • natural home lemonade.

Video: What is dangerous by avitaminosis and how to solve the problem

The initial stage of hypovitaminosis is well treated and always has a favorable outcome. It is important to prevent the transition of vitamin deficiency in a difficult form, which does not always end well.

Often, rarely, who draws attention to a slight ailment, problems with digestion and sleep. So you can skip the initial signs of avitaminosis. In order to prevent such a state, you need to know how to deal with the deficit of vitamins correctly. Avitaminosis, symptoms and treatment it is important information that should be in service.

What is avitaminosis. Symptoms

Avitaminosis is called a condition in which a particular vitamin is completely absent in the body. In this case, specific diseases are observed (for example, qing), which lead to serious complications. A lighter form of vitamin deficiency is hypovitaminosis, in which a certain vitamin is not enough for a normal process of vital activity. This vitamination is quite rare. However, this term is more often found in everyday life. The main symptoms of the vitamin deficit are weakness, frequent dizziness, reduced immunity, nail fragility, dryness and hair loss. The reasons for the occurrence of such a state can be poor-quality food, diseases of the eating path organs, the reception of some specific drugs, as well as age. Special danger is hypovitaminosis without explicit signs. Such a state can be maintained for years, without issuing itself, but inflicting irreparable harm to the body.

Lack of vitamin A.

Vitamin A plays a big role for our view, bone mass, the state of the skin. He is also responsible for the possibility of eye to see objects in the dark. If this ability worsens, then we can talk about the shortage of such vitamin. The emergence of diarrhea without visible reasons, frequent respiratory diseases, problems with eyes - all this can say that A-Avitaminosis develops. Even the symptoms of the lack of such vitamin can be attributed to long healing of wounds, cuts. This is explained by the fact that the synthesis of collagen slows down in the cells. With a nonsense form, it will be enough to balance and correct the power.

Nitamin deficit group

Thiamine (B1) is actively involved in metabolic processes, plays an important role for the normal operation of the nervous system and the heart. Therefore, the main signs of insufficient amounts are nausea, irritability, deterioration of performance, loss of sleep. Vitamin B2 is responsible for metabolic processes in the skin. Thus, dermatitis, other skin diseases, hair weakness - all this suggests that there is little riboflamine in the body. Poor well-being, weakness in the whole body is due to the lack of sufficient vitamin B6. Another important symptom of its deficit - cracks, which are formed in the corners of the mouth. Vitamin, which is responsible for the normal brain operation, muscles, - B12. With its lack, the blood formation process is disturbed.

Hypovitaminosis d, e

The combination of vitamins A and D plays an important role in the fight against fractures, contributes to their rapid healing. With a small amount of vitamin D bone become fragile, more sensitive to physical exertion. In young children, it affects development and growth, the lack of provokes the development of Rakhit. The child has a dream, sweat palms. When examining, the doctor may assign additional drugs that contain this substance. One of its main sources is sunlight, so winter should not prevent outdoor walks. Vitamin E is also called vitamin youth. He takes part in the work of endocrine and reproductive systems. His insufficiency is quite rare. It may arise due to taking oral contraceptives, strong antibiotics, compliance with strict diets.

The effect of the deficit of vitamins on the skin

The fact that the body misses something, first of all affects the state of the skin, hair, nail plates. The skin begins to peel, it becomes pale, dry, loses the tone. The blush disappears from the face. Inflammatory reactions progress, angry rash appears. Another unpleasant moment that may arise due to the deficiency of vitamins A, C, E, - the appearance of dark pigment spots. In this case, it is better to contact a dermatologist. If it is often bothering herpes, perhaps lack vitamin B2. Nails are also in a deplorable position - break, go. At the state of the lips also affects avitaminosis, the symptoms on the skin of the mouth include peeling, loss of moisture, the occurrence of cracks in the corners. Infection can fall into them, develop ulcers that heal for a long time.

The development of avitaminosis in children

The body of a small child is more susceptible to environmental action. That is why all negative processes proceed much harder and have serious consequences. Often, doctors are diagnosed with avitaminosis, symptoms in children are similar to those in adults. Additionally, the deformation of bones may also be observed. With a lack of vitamin B1, problems arise with the work of the nervous system. The amount of urination decreases. In the absence of B2, the child lags behind in growth, the body weight decreases, the appetite is worse. It is important to know that the need for vitamin C in children is 2 times higher than in adults. That is why balanced nutrition is so important to avoid such a state as vitaminosis. Symptoms on their hands in children will also help pay attention to their health: affected, dry skin, often with inflammation, will tell me that it is time to turn to the doctor. Seafood, grenades, nuts, honey will be helpers in the fight against the deficit of nutrients. Sleep mode is important: during this period, the need for it is much higher. It is worth putting a baby to sleep at least an hour earlier.

A long winter comes to shift a warm time, however, a huge number of people instead of joy feel ailments, fatigue, drowsiness. It is explained by this insufficient admission of vitamins in the cold time, as most fruits, greenery and vegetables are simply absent on the table, and those that are poor on the useful substances. After the symptoms of avitaminosis and hypovitaminosis appeared, it is necessary to enrich their diet or consult with the doctor about the reception of drugs containing vitamins and other trace elements. It is not necessary in the transition period to change the system of nutrition, lose weight, because the body is in stressful state.

How to treat a state of vitamins deficiency

Many doctors know how to beworn avitaminosis: symptoms may indicate the development of completely different diseases. The main principle of treatment is to change the lifestyle to more correct. It is worth taking care of your diet, diet under a strict ban. A sufficient amount of fermented milk products, fish, fruits and vegetables will help to cope with this problem. Do not forget about exercise and regular walks, because fresh air helps to combat such a state as vitaminosis. Symptoms of a more severe condition of the body indicate that it is time to seek advice from a specialist, one catering here is not to do. It will help to choose a suitable complex of vitamins. Well, of course, it is worth limiting yourself in smoking and drinking alcohol: these substances prevent the absorption of trace elements.

Right reception of vitamins

First of all, it is worth exactly the definition of which substance is lacking in the body. It will help it to do therapist with simple analyzes. And only then it will recommend certain drugs. To independently make a decision on which complex of vitamins to use is impossible. After all, the excess of the trace element is also dangerous, intoxication of the body can develop. It should be strictly followed by instructions for use. If the treatment includes several courses, there is a break between them for three weeks. Vitamins are produced in different forms, it is important to pick up the one that is suitable for you. Swiming tablets act faster, but people with gastritis or ulcers should be avoided.

Prevention of avitaminosis and hypovitaminosis

In order to prevent deterioration in their health, integrated activities are needed. Today, the shortage of vitamin C in winter is rarely found, since there are a large number of citrus sieves on the shelves. In addition, many other in summer fruits and vegetables freeze. Juices, compotes perfectly replenish the body with vitamins. A real healing drink is a wild rhombus. No less useful and cranberries. Pumpkin is an indispensable product containing a lot of vitamin A, you can prepare from it not only a banal porridge, but also other desserts, and even delicious cream soup. It is worth holding a five-time nutrition, so the stock of the useful substances will be regularly replenished. But it is necessary to eat small portions. Special attention should be paid to fatty fish, sauer cabbage (storehouse vitamin C). Eggs, meat, cereals are also necessary in daily nutrition. A good source of vitamins and nutrients is a germing wheat. If the cracks are often bothering in the corners of the mouth, you can use beer yeast.

Avitaminosis in animals

Like people, animals also suffer from insufficient vitamins. Increasingly occurs avitaminosis in cats. Symptoms Recognize is easy: the beast becomes sluggish, sedentary, sleeps a lot, often refuses her favorite meal. Special attention should be paid to wool. It becomes dim, loses his shine, sometimes lines. Rankers can appear due to itch. Also available avitaminosis in dogs. Symptoms Similar. They can add head twitching, coordination violation. With an insufficient amount of vitamin C, there are problems with gums, bleeding and dental loss are possible. To replenish the reserve of nutrients in the diet, include egg yolk, butter, liver. For prophylaxis, fish oil use. To restore the stocks of the vitamins of the B group, give cereal products, raw meat. Regular walks in the fresh air will help the production of vitamin D. Do not be surprised, seeing how a cat or a dog eating grass. So they replenish the margin of missing trace elements. You can grow young grass on your own. Some veterinarians recommend grabbing and offer animals. You can also buy specialized food, which is additionally enriched with vitamins and minerals. But most importantly, it is better to consult with a specialist, as many of the symptoms of avitaminosis may indicate the development of more severe diseases.

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The site provides reference information solely to familiarize yourself. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation of a specialist is obligatory!

Signs of Avitaminosis A.

The main role of retinol (vitamin A) is to protect the body against the action of free radicals (molecules provoking oxidative processes in the body). With a deficiency of vitamin A, protective functions are reduced, as a result of which patients become more vulnerable to various diseases. Among the signs avitaminosiswhich occur most often, you can note the problems with the skin and mucosa, impairment, reduction of immunity.

The effects of avitaminosis and eye

The symptoms of avitaminosis A from the side of the organs of view are:
  • casting crusts in the corners of the eyes;
  • xerosis (defeat of the conjunctiva and eye cornea);
  • bito stains (spots on the eye cleaners);
  • keratomalya (softening of the cornea);
  • hemeraralopia (inability to adapt to weak lighting);
  • daltonism (inability to distinguish colors).
In the absence of the required amount of vitamin A in the body, the functionality of the tear glands is disturbed. The surface of the eye ceases to moisten, as a result of which they are not cleaned of dust. Pollution accumulates in the corners of the eye in the form of a crust and frozen mucus.

The prolonged deficit of retinol leads to the development of xerosis, in which the conjunctival is affected (fabric covering the eyes and the inner surface of the eyelids) and the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eyes. At the same time, plaques appear on the surface of the eye, which are called bito stains and can be gray or white. Subsequently, the conjunctival acquires gray, loses the shine and sensitivity. Patients experience burning, feeling of the foreign body, impairment of vision.
The next step of xerosis is keratasal, which is characterized by softening and in some cases the disintegration of the horny shell and conjunctiva. When avitaminosis in children, keratomalya is the cause of complete or partial loss of vision.

Another symptom of vitamin A deficiency is hemoralopia disease, the second name of which is chicken blindness. With this pathology, the eyes are poorly adapted to insufficient lighting, and the person begins to see worse in the dark and night time. Often, when avitaminosis, Daltonism develops, in which a person ceases to distinguish between colors.

Rash on the skin with avitaminosis a

Avitaminosis A has a negative impact on the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands. For this reason, skin covers become dry and rough. Over time, the skin begins to flaking and a nodule type rash appears on its surface. With a pronounced deficit of retinol, follicular hyperkeratosis develops. This disease is due to the growth of the horn layer and blocking the follicles of the scales of the epidermis. Externally, pathology is manifested as "goose leather", which covers large parts of the body in the area of \u200b\u200bthe elbows, knees, hips. To the touch, such skin is dense, coarse and rough.

The consequences of Avitaminos A.

Lack of vitamin A provokes pathological changes from the internal organs. The most strongly suffer from small children who have avitaminosis provokes a worsening appetite, suspension of growth and weight gain, lagging in mental development. The insufficient number of retinol leads to the fact that the production of Lizozyme enzyme is disturbed, which protects the body from bacteria. Therefore, with a deficiency of this element, a person becomes more susceptible to infections of the respiratory and digestive tract. The symptoms of the lack of retinol often perform various diseases of the urogenital system. Women can develop mastopathy (the growth of breast tissues), eryosia of the cervix. In men, the deficiency of vitamin A is manifested by the lack of sexual entraints and / or problems with the erection. Patients with avitaminosis A are included in a group of increased risk of oncological diseases.

Manifestations of avitaminosis E.

Vitamin E deficiency can manifest itself both internal and external pathologies. The disadvantage of this vitamin adversely affects the appearance of a person, its physical and mental health.

Muscular weakness with avitaminosis E

Muscle weakness is a characteristic symptom for the deficiency of tocopherol. The impaired muscle tone leads to a decrease in performance, passivity, increased fatigue. Weakness can manifest itself both in the whole body and in its individual parts. Most often the lower and upper limbs suffer. In addition to the loss of muscle tone, with a deficiency of vitamin E, patients often complain about the feeling of numbness and tingling in their hands and legs, loss of sensitivity, weakening of grabbing and other reflexes.

In the elderly, the lack of vitamin E is often manifested by strong pains in the calf muscles, which occur when walking. In the desire to reduce pain, patient with vitaminosis E change the gait, which leads to chromotype.

Influence of avitaminosis E on libido women and men

One of the symptoms of the lack of vitamin E is the deterioration of sexual life. In men, an inadequate amount of tocopherol reduces the volume and quality of semen produced. In women, Avitaminosis E brings climax and breaks the menstrual cycle. All these factors lead to a decrease in sexual attraction and various interferences of the sexual sphere.

Symptoms of avitaminosis E during pregnancy

The term tocopherol in the Greek denotes the offspring. Thus, Vitamin E was indicated at the beginning of the last century, when it was found that without it is impossible normal conception and pregnancy. This element has favorably affects ovulation and ripening egg. Tocopherol also prepares a female organism to fertilize and fix the fetus in the uterus. Therefore, one of the symptoms of Avitaminosis E is the inability of a woman to become pregnant. With the development of the deficit of the tocopherol in the process of having a child, the signs of this pathological state are already manifested from the first trimester.

Signs of avitaminosis E during pregnancy are:

  • muscle spasms;
  • strong toxicosis;
  • lag of the fetus in development;
  • risk of miscarriage .

Avitaminosis symptoms

Tocopherol is an effective antioxidant (substance that fights aging). With a lack of this element, the barrier functions of the skin deteriorate, as a result of which it is stronger than the negative impact of environmental factors. Skin covers with a tocopherol deficiency are losing their tone, become less elastic and flabby.

The lack of vitamin E adversely affects blood clotting and inhibits healing scratches and other skin damage. Also, in the absence of the required amount of tocopherol, the metabolism metabolism is disturbed. Under the influence of these factors, patients with vitaminosis e suffer acne and other rash on the skin. A frequent symptom of lack of vitamin E is the appearance of red spots on the human body. Often, due to the lack of tocopherol, anemia is developing, which is manifested by p failhood of skin.

Symptoms of avitaminosis E in hand

With the deficiency of vitamin E, the synthesis of melanin (pigment substance) increases, as a result of which pigment stains are formed on the skin. Most often, pigment skin staining is observed in the hands.

Skin dryness and peeling also belong to the symptoms of Avitaminosis E.
Skin covers are thinned and start cracking. Nail plates lose their strength and become fragile.

Coordination disorder with vitamin E shortage

A common sign of vitamin E deficiency is such a disorder as an ataxia. With this disease, the coordination of movements is disturbed. This is due to the destruction of the nervous fibers, which takes place with the defective provision of the body tocopherol. The strength in the upper and lower limbs is significantly reduced, and the patient's movement becomes inaccurate. People lose dexterity, the sequence of actions is upset, in some cases a balance may be disturbed.

Symptoms of Avitaminosis B1 (thiamine)

Vitamin B1 or thiamine is a substance that participates in many energy processes of the body, but mainly acts as an enzyme in the reactions of nervous tissue (this vitamin is called anti-ventricular). Therefore, the deficit of this vitamin is mainly reflected on the activity of the nervous system.

The symptoms of vitamin B1 avitaminosis on the side of the nervous system are:
  • increased fatigue;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • increased plasticity;
  • muscular weakness.
These symptoms are manifestations of light and moderate deficiency of vitamin B1. They arise due to the impaired energy exchange and synthesis of nucleic acids. It is known that the biological role of thiamine is to ensure the energy potential in the nervous tissue (participates in the conduct of a nervous impulse), as well as in the synthesis of deoxyribonucleic and ribonucleic acid (DNA and RNA). When in nerve cells, the failure of vitamin B1 is developing, primarily it affects the velocity of the nervous impulse and energy exchange. Clinically, this is expressed in the above symptoms, namely, in high weakness, irritability, plasticity and other symptoms of depletion of the nervous system.

The pronounced deficiency of vitamin B1 is known for the name of the illness of Bury Take.

Avitaminosis thiamine or take-take

This form of avitaminosis mainly occurs with insufficient vitamin C admission. It is found in people eating exclusively white rice. In modern society, Beri-Take disease is rare.
There are several forms of this pathology, which differ in the body systems involved in the pathological process.

Clinical forms of Bury Beri are:

  • dry shape;
  • cerebral shape;
  • wet shape.
Dry form Bury Take
This form is called even peripheral polyneuropathy, as it is characterized by the damage to the nerve endings of the lower extremities. Under the term polyneuropathy is understood as the pathological process in the nerve endings, which is accompanied by the loss of the function of the area, which is innervated by this nerve.

For the polyneuropathy, take-take is characterized by multiple, but at the same time, symmetric damage to peripheral nerves.

Complaints of patients with polyneuropathy are:

  • feeling of burning in the field of stop;
  • paresthesia (sensitivity disorders) in the lower limbs;
  • convulsions (involuntary reductions with pronounced pain syndrome) in the icy muscles;
  • weakness and fast fatigue when walking.
Also draws attention to the patient's gait with polyneuropathy - the patient comes to the outer edge of the foot and the heel, as the focus on the fingers is very painful. When examining a doctor, the calf muscles look dense, and on the touch painful. In later stages, muscle atrophy develops, in which tendon reflexes and the power in the muscles are completely lost. At the same time all types of sensitivity disappear. The final stage at Bury Burity is characterized by the development of paralysis (the total lack of movements in the limbs). The dry form of Bury Take can flow both isolated and in parallel with other forms.

Cerebral form
The cerebral form of Bury Beri is called the name of the hemorrhagic polyogenacephalitis or the Corsakov-Wernist syndrome. This pathology is also a manifestation of severe vitamin B1 insufficiency. At first, such symptoms appear as a memory disorder and violation of orientation in space. The symptoms associated with the insufficiency of cerebral circulation are joined and which are symptoms of encephalopathy.

To the symptoms of encephalopathy at Bury Bury include:

  • ophthalmoplegia - paralysis of the muscles of the eye, in which the eyeball becomes motionless (because the glazation nerves are amazed);
  • ataxia - violation of gait and coordination of movements;
  • concision confusion - Patients disoriented in time and space, and sometimes in their own personality.
The above symptoms are explained by the violation of the energy exchange and the accumulation of toxic glutamate. The activity of those enzymes in which Vitamin B1 plays the role of a coenzyme, is critical (we are talking about such enzymes as pyruvate dehydrogenase and transcetolase). Also, in the absence of vitamin B1 in brain tissues, the consumption of glucose is reduced by nervous cells. Since glucose brain tissues are the main source of energy, the energy deficit is developing. Against the background of this deficit and reduced enzyme activity, glutamate accumulates. It has a neurotoxic effect, that is, disrupts the structure and function of the nervous system. Similarly, it has a damaging effect on the cranial brain nerves, which is manifested by such symptoms as Nistagm, ophthalmoplegia. In the absence of emergency measures to provide medical care, a coma is developing and a fatal outcome is possible.

Wet form
With this form, take a cardiovascular system is affected. It is characterized by the development of cardiodestrophics (the defeat of the heart muscle) and the violation of the vascular tone. The wet form of avitaminosis B1 is manifested in two embodiments - hypodynamic and hypendynamic. In the hypodynamic version there is a low cardiac output, so its main manifestations are low blood pressure. With a hypendynamic version, cardiac output, on the contrary, increased. Therefore, the main manifestations of this form are elevated blood pressure and tachycardia (frequent heartbeat). Also, it is also characterized by the rapid development of heart failure, in which swelling appear, difficulty breathing up to the edema of the lungs.

Symptoms of Bury Beri in children

Children avitaminosis thiamine is extremely rare. As a rule, it is observed in infants about 2 to 4 months, which were born from mothers suffering from the heavy form of Bury Take. This pathology is manifested by very diverse symptoms.

The symptoms of Bury Beri in children are:

  • signs of heart failure - blue skin color, wheezes in the lungs, low heart emissions;
  • signs of damage to the nervous system - anxiety, sleep disorder, lack of tendon reflexes;
  • aphonia - a condition in which the doubling of the voice of the child is broken;
  • long absence of stool (constipation) and other disorders from the gastrointestinal system;
  • vision vision.

Signs of avitaminosis B2 (Riboflavina)

Vitamin B2 or Riboflavin participates in the regulation of the growth functions and reproduction of cells. It is involved in the basic oxidative and restorative reactions of the body, and also necessary for the formation of erythrocytes. Riboflavin is also called vitamin beauty, because it provides a healthy skin condition and its appendages (hair and nails).

To organs that are affected by the lack of riboflavin include:
  • skin and its derivatives (hair, nails);
  • mucous membranes - mucosa of language, conjunctiva;
  • eyes - sclera, cornea.

Manifestations of avitaminosis B2 on the skin

Skin manifestations in avitaminosis B2 are the earliest among all signs of avitaminosis. The skin becomes dry and peeling, cracks appear on it. The manifestations of vitamin B2 Avitaminosis is seborrheic dermatitis and awnings Haleit.

Symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis are:

  • redness of the skin;
  • peeling and dry skin;
  • accumulation in hair follicles of sebum;
  • sometimes the formation of whiskers or yellow scales.
Symptoms of dermatitis may appear anywhere, but the favorite places are the wings of the nose and ear sinks.
Angular Haylite is the damage to the skin and the simultaneously mucous membrane in the area of \u200b\u200bthe corner of the mouth. Initially, light maceration (softening) appears in the corners, which is further complicated by the appearance of cracks. In the people, these inflamed cracks are called snaps. Next, when attaching infection, the snaps can be inflamed and bleeded.

The lack of vitamin B2 can also manifest themselves with various rashes, which most often have the form of red peeling stains. Sometimes a near-gas bed can be infected. However, most often the nails themselves become brittle. Hair is also losing the shine, shake and fall out.

Inflammation of the language at avitaminosis B2

Glossite or inflammation of the vitamin B2 vitamin B2 is a very frequent symptom. At Glossis, the language swells and acquires bright red color. Language mucosa becomes dry, which provokes difficulties in the digestion process. Also, the patient makes complaints about burning, tingling and other discomfort in the language. Initially, the taste nipples of the language (whom a large set) stand out and the language acquires a clear drawing. However, over time they are atrophy, and the language becomes very smooth. In the clinic, such a phenomenon is called "polished language".
Similarly, when vitamin B avitaminosis, constant dryness of the lip mucous membrane is observed.

Eye symptoms at avitaminosis B2

The eye symptoms in the insufficiency of riboflavin manifests itself in the light, the feeling of burning and pain in the eyes. All these symptoms are associated with the development of globa, keratitis and conjunctivitis. When blefarites, the edges of the eyelids are inflated, with keratitis - the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye is affected. In severe cases of avitaminosis, there may be a cataract at which the crystal and the patient loses their eyesight. The conjunctivitis is incremental manifestation of eye symptoms. At the same time, the manifestation of the mucosa is always red and edema, and the patient is tormented by photophobes, the feeling of burning and the feeling of sand (or other foreign bodies) in the eyes.

In the later stages, when the pronounced insufficiency of vitamin B2 is developing, symptoms of the damage to the nervous system and anemic syndrome are joined. The dysfunction of the nervous system is manifested in impaired coordination of movements (ataxia), disturbed sensitivity (paresthesides) and increased tendon reflexes. Anemic syndrome is characterized by a reduced amount of red blood cells and hemoglobin. The anemia also has increased fatigue associated with oxygen deficiency, frequent heartbeat and excessive drowsiness.

Avitaminosis B2 in pregnant women

Since Vitamin B2 plays an important role in regulating the growth and updating of cells, its lack of pregnancy is accompanied by the development of heavy abnormalities in the fetus. Most often observed anomalies for the development of a skeleton, anemia in newborns, damage to the nervous system.
If Vitamin B2 Avitaminos is accompanied by other types of avitaminosis, it is also observed malformations of the heart and its vessels, anomalies of the gastrointestinal tract.

Manifestations of Avitaminosis B3 (Vitamin RR)

There are several synonyms of vitamin B3, the most popular of which is niacin, nicotinic acid, vitamin PP. This vitamin takes part in many vital reactions of the body. However, the main role is the generation of energy and normalization of the cardiovascular system (heart and blood circulation). Because in order to obtain the energy of niacin splits fats, it also has an anticholesterol action.

The symptoms of vitamin B3 avitaminosis are:

  • violation of the function of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • increased cholesterol.

Depression with a lack of vitamin RR

It is known that Vitamin B3 or Niacin is the main source of energy. When the lack of vitamin is noted, it begins to synthesize from such an amino acid as tryptophan. The biological role of tryptophan is that serotonin is produced from it. In the central nervous system, serotonin is the main stimulus. It regulates over a dream, wakefulness, our mood, concentration of attention and other important mental features. With its lack, such symptoms as insomnia appear, irritability, reduced mood. Long depression and reduced mood can go to depression. All this is supported by a reduced energy exchange in nervous cells, as a result of which the depression is further aggravated.

Thus, the deficiency of vitamin PP indirectly leads to a lack of serotonin and the development of depressive disorders.

Violation of the gastrointestinal tract with a deficiency of vitamin RR

In addition to the activating effect on the bark of the brain, niacin has a stimulating effect on the motor function of the stomach and intestines. This vitamin also stimulates the secretion of amylase and pancreas lipases. It has a vasodilatory effect, and also improves blood circulation in bowel hinges. With its lack, the intestinal motor activity is disturbed, the secretion of pancreatic enzymes is reduced and diarrhea (frequent chair) is often developing.

Increased cholesterol at avitamin RP

Since niacin is involved in the exchange of lipids and proteins, it helps to reduce the level of cholesterol and low-density lipoproteins in the blood. Therefore, it is successfully used in the complex treatment of diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis and various dislipidemias (violations of lipid metabolism). The disadvantage or complete absence of niacin leads to an increase in blood cholesterol concentration (more than 5 millimol per liter), as well as to the growth of low density lipoproteins. It is the low density lipoproteins that are a transport form of cholesterol, that is, they contribute to the development of an atherosclerotic process. Thus, avitaminosis vitamin RR provokes the development of an atherosclerotic process.
A severe degree of insufficiency of vitamin RR is called Pellagra.

Symptoms Pellagra or Avitamin RP

For this pathology, the classical triad of symptoms is characterized, which includes dermatitis, diarrhea and dementia (in the people - dementia).

Dermatitis is the inflammation of the skin, namely its upper layer - the epidermis. For dermatitis at Pellagra is characterized by rough and flap leather. This is the main manifestation of Pellagra, because from Italian, this term translates as "rough skin". Skin covers at the same time inflamed, bright red and constantly peel. These manifestations on the face, neck, shoulders, that is, in those parts of the body, which are open to the action of ultraviolet rays are especially noticeable.

Diarmen is called intestinal disorder, in which the chair is observed more than 3 times a day. In this case, the chair is liquid, unformed, with an admixture of untapped food particles. Diarians are associated with such symptoms of avitaminosis as a loss of appetite and disturbed digestion.

Dementia (dementia) is an extreme degree of damage to the nervous system at Pellagra. First, such symptoms appear as weakness, reduction of memory, confusion. Patients begin to forget the elementary things, become scattered. Then they join such symptoms as disorientation in time and in space. Elder dementia develops, which means a complete decay of mental functions. In the people, such a condition is called senile insanity.

Avitaminosis symptoms B6.

Pyridoxin takes part in many vital functions of the body. Therefore, vitamin B6 deficiency provokes many pathologies from various organs. The most vulnerable to the lack of pyridoxine are hair, skin, nervous system.

Influence of avitaminosis on hair condition

Vitamin B6 is actively involved in the processes that provide healthy hair condition. With the lack of this element, the hairpro does not receive sufficient nutrition and moisturizing, which affects the condition of the hair. The symptoms of B6 Avitaminosis is bad growth, dryness and hair liability. With prolonged deficiency of pyridoxine, hair loss begins, the intensity of which progresses. Pyridoxin regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands of the scalp. Therefore, with avitaminosis B6, the function of the sebaceous glands is violated, which leads to various pathological conditions. Frequently encountered signs of lack of vitamin B6 is dry and itching of the scalp. Many patients begins to disturb the dandruff.

Influence of avitaminosis on human weight

Pyridoxin takes part in the process of exchanging fats and proteins, ensuring the splitting of these elements and their assimilation. Also, this vitamin is involved in the metabolism of fatty unsaturated acids. Vitamin B6 acts as a diuretic (diuretic), preventing water delay in the body. The lack of vitamin B6 provokes a violation of lipid-protein metabolism and the difficult cleavage of fatty acids. As a result, the body does not consume fat nutrients, and they are transformed into a fat layer. This leads to the fact that patients with B6 deficiency often have overweight from which they cannot even get rid of diet and sports.

Blindness at avitaminosis B6

Drowsiness is one of the most common symptoms of Avitaminosis B6. The lack of vitamin B6 provokes a number of pathological processes. As a result, the patient with a lack of pyridoxine sleeps badly at night. Chronic lack of sleep leads to scattered, it is impossible to concentrate and reduce the ability to work.

The factors that provoke drowsiness are:

  • deteriorated generation of neurotransmitters (hormones transmitting nerve impulses);
  • poor-quality supply of glucose nerve cells;
  • muscular spasms during sleep.
Vitamin B6 is involved in the synthesis of neurotransmitters, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system. In addition, the lack of pyridoxine adversely affects the process of supplying glucose nerve cells. Disorders of the nervous system negatively affect the quality of sleep, which does not allow the body to recover at night and leads to drowsiness during the day.
Violate the recreation process also spasms of calf muscles at night, which are frequent phenomenon with vitamin B6 deficiency. At the same time, convulsions have a pronounced character, patients awaken in the middle of the night and can not sleep.

Manifestations of avitaminosis B6 on face

Skin lesions are part of the symptoms triad, accompanying pyridoxine deficiency. Most often, skin problems take the form of seborrheic dermatitis, the location of the localization of which is a person.

The symptoms of Avitaminosis B6, which manifest themselves on the face are:

  • peeling face (full or partial);
  • dry skin areas in the nasolabial folds;
  • peeling skin over eyebrows and around the eyes.

Symptoms of Avitaminosis B6 on the lips

Often as a symptom of Avitaminosis B6 is such a disease as Haleosis. This pathology is manifested by dystrophy (cell damage) of the skin in the field of lips. At the same time, the bumps blows and blushes, becomes painful. Perpendicular to the kime can be formed cracks. Patients complain about the feeling of burning, dryness and sow lips. Often, the kayma dystrophy is accompanied by a lip whirlpool, which violates speech and makes it difficult to eat.

Why vitaminosis B6 leads to irritability?

Vitamin B6 takes part in the development of serotonin (hormone). This substance regulates the work of the nervous system and controls the human response into stressful situations. With insufficient quantity of pyridoxine, the process of serotonin synthesis is inhibited. As a result, the patient becomes irritable, hot-tempered and loses the ability to adequately respond to conflict circumstances.

Signs of avitaminosis B12.

The deficiency of vitamin B12 or the cyanocobalamin is manifested by various impaired from the hematopoietic, nervous and gastrointestinal system (classical triad symptoms). These symptoms are explained by the fact that Vitamin B12 is involved in the synthesis of erythrocytes, choline and fatty acids necessary for the brain. Also, with a lack of cyanocobalamin in the body, a toxic methylmalonic acid is formed, which causes a toxic damage to the spinal cord side rope and the development of funicular myelosa.

Signs of vitamin B12 Avitaminosis are:

  • megaloblastic anemia;
  • damage to the nervous system;
  • defeat of the gastrointestinal tract.

Anemia at avitaminosis B12

Anemia is a decrease in the number of erythrocytes and the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood. When vitamin Vitamin B12 anemia is the most frequent manifestation.

The cause of anemia is the insufficient and poor-quality formation of blood cells, which requires this vitamin. In case of insufficiency of the cyanocobalamin, hemoblastosis develops, for which large forms of leukocytes, platelets and the rapid destruction of red blood cells are characterized. The distinctive characteristic of the B12 deficient anemia is that, together with mature red blood cells, young forms of red blood cells are reduced (which are called reticulocytes). This means that the pathological process is implemented already at the stage of formation of red blood cells. There is not only a decrease in the number of blood cells (erythrocytes, reticulocytes, platelets), but also a change in their shape. They increase in size, but at the same time, the wall becomes fragile and therefore they quickly destroy. For hemoblastosis with avitaminosis, B12 is also characterized by a decrease in the number of leukocytes and platelets.

With anemia, a person is experiencing constant headaches, dizziness, weakness and increased depletion. The reason for this is oxygen deficiency, which is always accompanied by anemia (since hemoglobin is an oxygen carrier). For B12 deficient anemia is characterized by specific coloring of the skin. So, the skin of the patient acquires the lemon color shade. This color is due to the yield from red blood cells into the bloodstream of a large number of bilirubin. It gives the skin a specific shade.

Laboratory pattern of blood at B12 deficient anemia

Defearance of intestinal at avitaminosis B12

The intestinal lesion is based on a violation of the formation of the mucous layer at the level of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract). It is known that Vitamin B12 is used as a building material in the synthesis of cells (participates in the formation of DNA and RNA). Since epithelial cells are updated faster than all other cells (the change of epithelium occurs in a month), then they are most sensitive to the lack of cyanocobalamin.

Symptoms of the lesion of the gastset with avitaminosis vitamin B12 are:

  • periodic constipation;
  • lack of appetite and, as a result, reducing body weight;
  • glossite (language inflammation), manifested by the feeling of burning and cutting.
With a deficit of B12, Gunthersky is called Gunzice. It is characterized by changing the structure of the language. This is expressed in the color change (the language becomes bright red) and smoothing its relief.

It should be noted that despite the abundance of symptoms from the gastrointestinal system, the clinical picture is often erased. The above symptoms can periodically appear and disappear or replace other symptoms. This is the reason that patients do not pay for help for help. Lost and weakness, headache, periodic nausea, as well as bad appetite do not give a bright clinical picture.

Beaming the nervous system with avitaminosis B12

The damage to the nervous system with a lack of vitamin B12 often accelerates the diagnosis of avitaminosis. Neurological syndrome with a shortage of cyanocobalamina is called a funicular myeloz. The cause of neurological symptoms is the lack of myeline in the nervous system. Vitamin B12 is involved in the reactions of myelin metabolism, which in the future forms the myelin sheath of nerve fibers. This shell provides a nervous pulse on the nerve fiber 10 times faster than for non-cellinized fibers. Therefore, at the funicular myelose, the degeneration of myelin shell occurs with the further development of motor and sensitive disorders. For this pathology, the defeat of both the rear and side pillars of the spinal cord is characterized.

Manifestations of neurological syndrome during avitaminosis B12 are:

  • emotional lability - increased irritability, reduced mood;
  • unstable gait;
  • numbness of the lower extremities;
  • stiffness in the legs;
  • severe muscular weakness;
  • convulsions (sharp muscle contractions);
  • in the later stages of the loss of deep sensitivity.

Folic acid avitaminosis symptoms (vitamin B9)

Folic acid or vitamin B9 plays an important role in the process of growth and differentiation of organism cells. Folic acid deficiency is especially dangerous for pregnant women, because it affects the formation of the fetus. That is why all pregnant to the prevention of the development of anomalies in the fetus are prescribed folic acid.
In the body, folic acid and cyanocobalamin function together. Thus, under the action of cyanocobalamin, the transition of the inactive form of folic acid into active is occurring. Next, components for DNA are synthesized from the active form of folic acid. Thus, the lack of vitamin B12 is almost always accompanied by a vitamin B 9 deficiency, because it is necessary for the transition of folic acid into an active form. Because of this joint functioning of vitamins, the lack of folic acid is manifested by B12 symptoms similar to vitaminosis.

Anemia with folic acid deficiency

Anemia with folic acid deficiency is called megaloblastic. It is characterized by the emergence of large forms of erythrocytes (macrocytes) of an incorrect oval form. Also revealed basophil graininess in red blood cells and hypersegmentation of kernels in leukocytes. This picture is specified precisely for megaloblastic anemia and is not found at other types.

The reason for the development of anemia with a lack of folic acid is a violation of the synthesis of DNA and, as a result, the abnormal mitosis (cell division as a way to reproduce them). As a result of this, in the bone marrow there is a delay and ripening of red blood cells, and their further reproduction (as the construction material is not enough for this). Thus, the blood formation process itself is disturbed, which concerns not only erythrocytes, but also other blood cells.

Blood Painting with Folic Acid flight

Laboratory sign


Hyperchromic anemia

  • hemoglobin less than 120;
  • color indicator more than 1.05.


Leukocytes less than 4 x 10 ninth


Platelets less than 180 x 10 ninth


Reticulocytes ( young uniforms of red blood cells) Less than 2 percent.


In the blood smear there are cells of various sizes.


The presence of erythrocytes of various shapes, for example, male-shaped or pear-shaped.

Leukocyte hypersegmentation

Leukocytes with several nuclei segments are detected.


The presence of megaloblasts. Megaloblasts are called large-scale erythrocyte precursors with slow maturation of the kernel, with normal cytoplasm.

Defeat of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract) with folic acid deficiency

The abnormal mitosis (cell division) occurs not only at the bone marrow level, but also at the level of other systems. Thus, the appearance of gigantic epithelial cells at the level of the gastrointestinal mucosa leads to the development of inflammatory processes.

To inflammatory phenomena with folic acid deficiency belongs:

  • stomatitis - inflammation of the oral mucosa, which is accompanied by severe pain syndrome;
  • glossite - inflammation of the mucous membrane, which manifests itself with a feeling of burning and cutting in the language;
  • gastritis - inflammatory damage to the gastric mucosa, for which pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach, nausea, vomiting;
  • enteritis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the small intestine, is accompanied by a stool disorder.

Folic acid deficiency in pregnant women

Folic acid avitaminosis has the dramatic all. This vitamin takes a decisive solution in the development of the fetus at an early stage of pregnancy (it is in the first trimester). It participates in the formation of the nervous tube, blood formation processes and in the formation of the placenta itself.

The consequences of folic acid deficiency in pregnant women are:

  • anomalies of the development of the nervous system, which are most often incompatible with life - cerebral hernia, hydrocephalus ("brain"), anencephalia;
  • anomalies of the formation and attachment of the placenta;
  • abnormal vessels, which leads to the interruption of pregnancy;
  • premature childbirth and, as a result, the birth of premature babies;
  • delay mental development and mental disorders in children.
In pregnant women themselves, folic acid deficiency is accompanied by the development of megaloblastic anemia, with all the ensuing consequences. The main danger seems to have anemia for pregnant women are chronic oxygen deficiency in the fetus. Since the main function of hemoglobin, which decreases with anemia, is the transport of oxygen, then when it decreases, oxygen failure or hypoxia develops. Chronic hypoxia is also the cause of multiple fruit anomalies and the development of children's encephalopathy. The delay in the development of the fetus is found in every fourth woman who suffers from anemia. Also, anemia during pregnancy is dangerous in an increased risk of uterine bleeding (because megaloblastic anemia is accompanied by a decrease in platelets). The threat of abortion of pregnancy under anemia is found at 30 - 40 percent cases, the premature palarier of the placenta is 25 percent. Also, childbirth for anemia is often complicated by bleeding and inflammatory complications in the early postpartum period.

Manifestations of Avitaminosis C (Qingi)

Vitamin C is one of the most common avitaminosis. Vitamin C or ascorbic acid regulates the most important functions of the body. In order to understand how dangerous lack of vitamin C needs to know its functions and a biological role.

The functions of ascorbic acid in the body are:

  • the function of detoxification and neutralization of superoxide radicals;
  • function of immunomodulation, due to the recovery of vitamin E and interferon;
  • contributes to the absorption of iron;
  • stimulates the synthesis of collagen;
  • participates in the formation of serotonin from tryptophan;
  • has a strengthening effect on blood vessels;
  • takes part in the formation of bile acids.
Thus, Vitamin C is involved in maintaining the work of many organs and systems. Its disadvantage is reflected in the immune, hematopoietic, nervous and gastrointestinal system of the body.
It is customary to distinguish between vitamin C and its complete absence. The lack of ascorbic acid is developing within one to three months of its deficit in the diet. The complete absence of vitamin C in the body is called Qing. This state is developing after the expiration of three - six months of ascorbic acid deficiency. At the same time there are three degrees of deficiency of vitamin C.

To the degrees, the lack of vitamin C in the body includes:

  • first degree - manifests itself with such symptoms as pain in muscles, fatigue, increase in gums in volume;
  • second degree - manifests weight loss, mental exhaustion, periodic nose bleeding;
  • third degree - It is characterized by hemorrhages to the internal organs, gingivitis of a gangrenous nature, the fraud of the teeth.

The first degree of avitaminosis with

It begins with light symptoms of indisposition and fatigue. The reason for this is anemia (reduction of blood hemoglobin) and decrease in immunity. Anemia is developing due to impaired iron absorption at the level of the gastrointestinal tract. Thus, ascorbic acid is involved in the translated iron in a bivalent. Iron, which enters the body with food and is used for hemoglobin synthesis, has a third degree of valence, but at the level of the mucous membrane is absorbed only by iron of the second valence. Vitamin C translates the trivalent iron into a divalent, thereby providing its suction. Next, gemmoglobin is synthesized from iron. When there is a lack of vitamin C, iron is not absorbed by the mucous membrane, since it remains trivalent. This leads to its lack and, as a result, to the development of anemia. Since hemoglobin is an oxygen conveyor, then when it is deficient, oxygen starvation is developing. Therefore, a person is experiencing fatigue, strong weakness, muscle pain.

The gums are slightly swell and often bleed. For the first degree of avitaminosis is also characterized by small hemorrhages. They arise due to excessive fragility of vessels and increased permeability of the vascular wall. Ascorbic acid plays a major role in increasing the tone and resistance of blood vessels. With its deficiency, blood vessels become brittle and fragile, so any blow provokes the formation of hematomas and hemorrhages.

The second degree of avitaminosis with

With the second degree of vitamin avitaminosis with a person begins to lose weight. It develops pronounced anemia, resulting in massive damage to vessels. Abundant nasal bleeding appear, the skin of patients acquires a dark color. The gums become swollen and blue shade, are also covered with small yazens. Teeth begins to catch. Also, for the second degree of avitaminosis, mental exhaustion is characterized, in which patients become irritable, sluggish and poorly sleep.

The third degree of avitaminosis with

For the third degree of avitaminosis with patients are in very serious condition. Extensive hemorrhages in the muscles are developing, internal organs, which entails various complications. On the lower limbs due to the hematoma infection, trophic ulcers appear. Gingivitis acquires a gangrenous character - the gums constantly bleed, swell, and also covered with ulcerations. All this leads to the fact that the teeth are at all begin to fall out.

Numerous hemorrhages in the internal organs are often complicated by the addition of infection. Therefore, the mortality at this stage due to sepsis is very high.

Symptoms of Cingles

Qing or grief is manifested by various symptoms. At the initial stage, it is characterized by common symptoms manifested in the form of weakness, fatigue and pain in the legs. Subsequently, weakness, apathy, drowsiness joins these manifestations. However, specific symptoms for zing are frequent hemorrhages and gum damage.

The gums become a bluish shade, swell and easily traumatized when cleaning the teeth. The lean fabric becomes loose, and the teeth begin to fumble. Over time, the fixation of the teeth in the jaw weakens so much that the teeth begin to fall out.

Due to the disturbed synthesis of collagen, the vascular wall becomes very breaking. This entails frequent hemorrhage and the formation of hematomas (blood clusters). These hematomas can be formed in the internal organs, in the skin, in the indinction space. If the hematoma is localized between the bone and the periosteum (most often it happens on the lower limb), it provokes the strongest pain. This symptom is often observed when vitamin C avitaminosis in children.

Hemorrhage in the skin can be in the form of small rash (at the initial stage) or in the form of dark red spots (ecchimosis). With the development of large hemorrhages, the skin can be torn under them. So, circulation ulcers are formed. The violation of the integrity of the vessels in the internal organs is accompanied by nose, gastric, intestinal, renal bleeding. Qing is always accompanied by anemia, physical and mental exhaustion.

Symptoms of avitaminosis in children

Children most often occur in vitamin D and S. Avitaminosis. The most severe consequences accompanied by vitamin d deficiency. So, in small children, it leads to damage to the bone apparatus and the nervous system.

Causes of Avitaminosis D.

The deficiency of vitamin D is a common pathology, the occurrence of which the climatic conditions, the characteristics of the ration or some diseases contribute to the occurrence of climatic conditions.

Factors that lead to avitaminosis D are:

  • overweight;
  • shortage of sunlight;
  • vegetarian power supply system;
  • deterioration of absorption (digestibility) of vitamin;
  • bad recycling of vitamin in active form;
  • reception of drugs that violate the metabolism of vitamin.
Most people whose weight index exceeds 30 (the rule varies from 18, 5 to 25), suffer from vitamin D. The deficiency is developing because the adipose tissue in large quantities absorbs this vitamin.

Shortage of sunlight
One of the forms of vitamin D (cholecalciferol) is synthesized in the body under the influence of sun rays. Therefore, residents of the northern regions often lack this element. Also the shortage of this vitamin suffer from people who spend a large amount of time in the premises where sunlight does not penetrate. Significantly reduces the production of cholecalciferol when using sunscreen, as they do not allow the skin to absorb ultraviolet. The synthesis of vitamin D melanin (natural pigment of the skin) is inhibited, so people with a dark touch of leather are more at risk of developing avitaminosis.

Vegetarian power system
Vitamin D is represented in two forms (cholecalciferol and ergocalciferol) and each of them is contained in animal products. Therefore, people who adhere to a strict vegetarian diet and refuse fish, liver, eggs are subject to this pathology.

Vitamin absorption deterioration
In the presence of some diseases of the body's ability to absorb vitamin D from food significantly decrease. The inflammatory processes of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract) worsen the suction functions of the mucous membrane, which leads to the deficiency of this element. Avitaminosis D is often found in patients with crown disease (inflammatory lesion of the gastrointestinal departments), cystic fibrosis (pathology of organs that distinguishes mucus, including intestines).

Bad recycling of vitamin in active form
In order for vitamin D to be learned by the body, he must go into an active form. The processing process occurs in the liver, then in the kidneys. Therefore, with the deterioration of the functionality of these bodies, the deficit of this vitamin may develop. Most are most susceptible to avitaminosis D because of its poor-quality transformation, people in old age.

Reception of drugs violating vitamin metabolism
To the drug group that inhibit vitamin D metabolism includes antacts (means for lowering the acidity of gastric juice). Reduce the quality of the assimilation of this vitamin medication designed to combat elevated cholesterol. Mineral and synthetic laxatives worsen.

Signs of vitamin D avitaminosis in children

In children, the lack of vitamin D affects the state of the bone and nervous system. The first signs of the disease are manifested at the age of 2 - 3 months. The child becomes irritable, fusive, sleeps badly. There is an increased susceptibility to external stimuli - it is frightened by loud sounds, flashes of light. First of all, the kid sleeps badly, he barely falls asleep, and falling asleep, often wakes up. Sleep is very superficial and intermittent. During sleep, the child's parents notice that he begins to sweat. Especially this sweating is noticeable on the scalp, in the nape area. The child begins to rub the head of the pillow, which leads to the sites of baldness in this area.

The muscles of the child become sluggish, and muscle hypotonus develops. It is worth noting that for children of this age, on the contrary, a high muscle tone (hypertonus) is characteristic. Therefore, when the physiological hyperton is replaced by the hypotoneous, it is immediately noticeable. Children become sedentary and apathetic.

The main effect of vitamin D deficiency has on the structure of bones. Thus, when avitaminosis D, bone structures softening and resorption of bone elements occurs. This phenomenon is called osteomation. It is caused by a violation of phosphorous calcium exchange, which takes place with a lack of vitamin D. It is known that the biological effect of vitamin is to ensure the suction of calcium and phosphorus at the bowel level. After suction of these trace elements, they are transported by blood plasma to bone structures. Under the influence of the pararathgamon, the saturation of calcium and phosphorus of bones occurs. However, with a lack of vitamin this does not occur. Therefore, vitamin D avitamination is accompanied by a disturbed phosphorus-calcium exchange.

The bone structure of the child becomes soft and, first of all, it is noticeable on the bones of the skull. The skulls of the skulls become compatible, and also a delay in the closure of a large springs. Later develops the curvature of the bones of the hands, legs and spine. Appears as a symptom as "Rachitical Rosges". Rotations are called thickening, which are formed at the junction of the cartilage and bone part of the rib arc. Also what the parents pay attention is to delay the appearance of the first teeth, the development of Rahita.

Before use, you must consult with a specialist.

Avitaminosis - This is a disease developing in the absence of vitamins in the body. If there is not enough single vitamin - it is monoavitaminosis, if several are polyavitaminosis. According to doctors, in the spring, about 85% of people suffer from polyavitaminosis.

Why arises avitaminosis?

The main source of vitamins and trace elements is vegetable food. We consume it most of all in the summer and until the middle of the autumn. During this period, the body makes reserves that are enough for about four months. At the end of winter, they are exhausted, since the diet lacks vegetation food, and in vegetables and fruits at this time, the number of vitamins is significantly reduced. Therefore, a shortage of vitamins arises in the human body. Most of all it feels those who have problems with the liver.

Also, people who are poorly and irregularly fed are poorly, which leads to problems with the liver, which cannot create the necessary reserves of vitamins and trace elements.

Avitaminosis Causes

  • Violation of the flow of vitamins with food with improper nutrition, insufficient or low-quality nutrition.
  • Violation of digestion processes or disruption of organs related directly to digestion.
  • Admission to the body of antivitamins, such as drugs used in the treatment of increased blood coagulation.
  • Features of children's metabolism
  • Features of metabolism in older people

Symptoms of avitaminosis

  • peeling of skin cover;
  • nail fragility;
  • hair loss;
  • from the smallest blow or touching on the body there are bruises;
  • aggravation of chronic diseases (herpes recurrences and fungal infections);
  • frequent colds, after which a person is difficult and is restored for a long time;
  • constant feeling of fatigue, apathy, irritation, drowsiness;
  • pale sluggish leather, prone to dryness and irritation;
  • reduced concentration of attention, memory deterioration, scattered;
  • during the cleaning of the teeth, the bleeding gums;
  • the cracked corners of the lips - neither the creams or lipstick do not help.

What to do with avitaminosis

  • The bleeding gums - not enough vitamin C. Use citrus fruits, apples, onions, garlic, parsley, sauer cabbage, cranberry, drink from rosehip.
  • Donimize cracks in the corners of the mouth, dry lips? This is a signal about the lack of vitamin B2. Use yogurt, milk, cheese, beer yeast ,.
  • Feeling weakness, are you sick? Nausea provokes a lack of vitamins B1, B6. Use beans, peas, nuts, meat, liver, fish, yolk, milk.
  • With muscular weakness, vitamin E will help (butter, wheat sprouts, nuts, eggs, sunflower seeds, rich and pumpkin oils).
  • Do you have depression, are you annoyed? Then the very necessary vitamins of group B, especially B1, B5, B6, B12. There are many in the whale, fish, nuts, legumes, liver, eggs, milk.
  • Anemia, intestinal problems, stomach disorders - will save folic acid (vitamin B9), which is a lot in green leaf vegetables, yeast, and vitamins B12, RR, A (calves liver, mackerel, bird, nuts, beer yeast).
  • Irritability, insomnia testify to the lack of vitamins B3, B6, PR (YESHE as much as possible porridge, especially the porridge with the content of pearl croup, lean meat, liver, yeast).
  • Do you dandruff, dry hair, brittle? Urgently replenish the organism by biotin (vitamin H), vitamin A, B6 (egg yolk, walnuts, butter, carrots, liver, sea buckthorn).

Some diseases:

  • qing - in the absence of vitamin C
  • bERI BERE - Vitamin B1
  • rahit - Vitamin D
  • pellagra - Vitamin PP

Activities to prevent avitaminosis

Currently, rarely who feels the lack of vitamin C, because in winter you can buy tangerines, oranges, lemons, kiwi, other fruits in which there is a lot of enough. - In apples, pears, vegetables (cabbage, potatoes, beets, and the like), it also has. True, from the middle of winter, the content of this vitamin in vegetables and fruits is slightly reduced. Therefore, during this period, it will be frozen berries, fruits, vegetables. If they are correctly frozen, then 95% of vitamins are preserved on the content in fresh raw materials.

Vitamin reserves for the winter should be frozen in small portions: pulled out of the freezer - and immediately used, since vitamin C is very quickly oxidized. The more time passes from the moment of defrosting to use, the less vitamins remain.

Juices, compotes from dried fruits, kislets, morse, roshovenika is also wonderfully enriched with vitamins, minerals and biologically active substances. Currently, it is worth paying attention to cranberries - an inexhaustible source of vitamins and minerals. By the way, it is very simple to prepare it for the winter: whole (not crumpled, not broken) berries to fold into the jar, pour cold water and roll in a lid, you can even plastic.

Neither sterilize nor add sugar is not necessary - the skin of cranberries contains so strong natural preservatives that it can be stored in a cool place for 10 years and not to deteriate.

Properly prepared decoction of Robrovenik will replenish the body not only with vitamin C, but also vitamins A and E. But it is not worth sharing berries in a thermos, as you used to do, because overnight vitamin C collapses, so you will drink acidified water. Berries should be crushed, pour water and put a saucepan on a small fire for 10-20 minutes. Then strain through several layers of gauze to get rid of the villi, and drink.

In the winter-spring period it is necessary to support the immunity of the body, for which Vitamin A. is most in carrots and pumpkin. It is best to use them with butter or sour cream, since vitamin A is fat soluble. Prepare dishes from them need in such quantities to immediately eat. Vegetable soups, borshes, vinaigrette should be in the menu daily. Vitamin A much in sea buckthorn oil. It can be added to salads.

Veils are very important for the body vitamins B - most of them are produced in the intestine, if we use thermally processed vegetables, fruits, cereals. The vitamins of the group in during thermal processing are not oxidized and are not destroyed. Therefore, vegetables should be cooked on low heat (omit in boiling water), stew, cook for a couple, bake, but not fry.

It is impossible to replenish the body with vitamins if you do not eat five or six times a day in small portions. - Since only if the food comes with a small amount of fat, the liver can fully function, performing its numerous extremely important functions.

By the way, the common spring exacerbations of gastritis and other gastrointestinal diseases are very often associated with the activation of pathogenic microflora against the background of weakening immunity due to the disadvantage of vitamins and trace elements.

In order not to feel a microelement deficit, nutritionists advise to diversify the diet. Harmful adhere to the monoda, consuming one or only a few products.
If your diet contains a variety of food and you will adhere to the power rules, then the avitaminosis you are not afraid.