The constellation Ophiuchus is not a zodiac sign. How to determine if you are an Ophiuchus by your zodiac sign. Horoscope for Ophiuchus by date of birth

In the thirties of the last century, 88 constellations were approved. They formed 12, then 13 signs included in the horoscope. It was in those days that astrologers began to use the 13th sign in their work. This is explained by the fact that it is the mysterious new Ophiuchus that is surrounded by a halo of mystery.


The date of birth was determined by the location of the constellation in the firmament. If a person's date of birth falls between November 30 and December 17, then it should be attributed to a new sign. Officially, he is not included in the horoscope, but has a huge influence on him.

Characteristics of the sign

Ophiuchus is an exceptional personality and has an amazing horoscope. They can easily disappear from the life of any person and burn all bridges behind them. Ophiuchus is afraid to look back and think about the past, to the place where he will meet misunderstanding and condemnation.

The insidious 13th sign does not forgive insults and will go to the end until it implements its revenge plan. You shouldn't harm him. Ophiuchus is a dangerous symbol. He is a kind of energy vampire who can take energy. After communicating with him, a person feels tired, depressed, emptied.

Ophiuchus is prudent and has a sharp mind. This sign can bring failure and trouble into the life of another person.

The other side of the 13th sign is a trail of mystery and inexplicable phenomena. It can also become the center of universal joy and happiness. It is these traits that attract people to him who want to be with him and are drawn to him.


Ophiuchus is located between and Sagittarius. He can find his destiny in any field of activity that is suitable for each of these signs. Ophiuchus easily master any profession. But they have one feature, from birth they have a natural gift for healing and extrasensory perception. And it is in the 13th sign, more than in others, that the unique gift of telepathy manifests itself.


Ophiuchus is very freedom-loving, representatives of this sign do not like to obey anyone. They strive for the unknown and love to travel, this is the way and meaning of life for them.

Ophiuchus is a chameleon, by any means he achieves his goal. They easily find a common language with others, at the right time they become those whom they want to see in them. All this is done for yourself, beloved. It is difficult for him to refuse, and he uses it.

> Zodiac sign Ophiuchus: woman

To be born under Ophiuchus is already a guarantee of a non-standard fate and an interesting life. But to be a woman and at the same time a part of this zodiac horoscope is even more rare. Since the sign carries a symbol of struggle over oneself and changes, the influence of the zodiac is very significant. Such a woman walks an individual path, created to serve all mankind. In her habits - to put other people's needs above their own. It is important that the more difficult the situation, the harder the zodiac tries.

Her fate is impossible to predict, as she changes it several times. These are mysterious representatives who can give you happiness or grief, always be there or disappear without saying goodbye.

Ophiuchus: characteristic behavior

In principle, this is a good person with innate talents and skills. But the only problem is that Ophiuchus at one moment can transform into a completely alien personality. Such women are characterized by rudeness, stubbornness, cynicism and cruelty. True, this does not mean that these qualities are in sight 24 hours a day.

The zodiac lives with two halves, which reflect the good and the evil. That is why behavior is so difficult to predict. Unpredictability is her motto. Only the stars will help to understand which side will prevail. Get ready for dramatic and unexpected transformations. Here you are talking sweetly, she laughs and enjoys life. A few minutes pass, and you see a cold and reasonable young lady, strictly appreciating your presence. But the mood also depends on the partner with whom she spends time. For example, a constant Sagittarius always inspires calm and warmth.

In dealing with them, strangeness is noticed. Usually simple and positive in conversation, they hide a deep abyss in the soul. Therefore, it is difficult for men to penetrate into their hearts. They prefer loneliness, rather than a noisy company, easily part with familiar things, do not have a special attachment to animals.

Career and compatibility with other characters

Since it covers the periods of Sagittarius and Scorpio, it is endowed with the qualities of both in the work. But there is another way. The fact is that the zodiac has psychic and healing abilities and can build his career in this field. Most often they even have a gift for telepathy.

Ophiuchus is recognizable by her appearance, since she is the most similar to Sagittarius. Her athletic build will round out with age. Zodiac in love It's naked passion. In search of pleasure, he can change partners, achieving complete harmony. She is devoted and ready to give all of herself for a soul mate, but only while she is deeply in love. Over time, this feeling fades, and the woman tries to find him again. No tricks can stop the sign if it decides to leave.

Regarding compatibility, Ophiuchus is attracted to its sign. She will understand that they have a lot in common and that you can build a strong family on this. Happiness will come with Virgo (a good and faithful companion), Capricorn (caring and hardworking) and Aries (fun and carefree).

marriage and stone by sign

Despite sign compatibility, It is difficult for Ophiuchus to create a family nest. Even if everything goes well, some event will happen that destroys the relationship. And then the sign rebuilds everything from scratch again. Sometimes Ophiuchus understands that the family is standing in the way of his desired work or realization. They are not worried about the feelings of loved ones, and therefore will leave. To avoid this outcome, you need to diversify the joint pastime. Going to parties, hobbies and meeting friends will help.

Description of the sign impossible without a talisman. Agate stone relieves her of fears, nightmares and unnecessary anxiety. Thanks to zircon, Ophiuchus gains mental and physical strength. Beryl is a powerful protector, and turquoise helps in achieving goals.

Despite the variability of nature, she becomes a wonderful mother. She is ready to sit for hours next to the child and give him all her attention. Her wisdom is aimed at revealing their potential and talents. Thanks to such care, they realize themselves in adulthood. The only thing that the baby may not like is her exactingness. But the results of such education pay off.

Recently, more and more often the main news of all media is a scientific discovery in astrology - the 13th sign of the zodiac "Ophiuchus". A message about this discovery appeared on the science portal NASA Space Place. The authors stated that for 3000 years since the founding of the calendar, the planet Earth has changed its position in relation to the zodiac constellations. And in general, in their opinion, the system of signs of the Zodiac, numbering only 12 constellations, has long outlived its usefulness, since it was invented in ancient times in Babylon, when there were no such technical possibilities as now, to reliably state anything. However, as historians are convinced, the ancient Babylonians knew about the existence of the Ophiuchus constellation, they simply did not give it a separate place in the table of zodiac signs for the reason that it is multidimensional and associated with the constellations Scorpio and Sagittarius. In addition, the inclusion of the Ophiuchus sign in the horoscope would violate the whole harmony of the sequence of constellations corresponding to 12 months in a year.

Note that this attempt by American scientists to introduce Ophiuchus as the 13th sign of the zodiac is not the first. In 2011, they also announced the need to revise the modern zodiac system, but to no avail. Despite this, for 5 years now astrologers have been studying in detail the issue of the likelihood of introducing a new zodiac sign, and it must be said that opinions among them are divided. There is a group of scientists who are categorically against any changes. They explain their point of view by the fact that "Ophiuchus" is an invisible constellation that cannot be singled out as a separate sign, it can only be taken into account when compiling horoscopes as the 13th house in which the Sun is located for two weeks, covering the last week of November and the first week December. Therefore, the role of the Ophiuchus constellation in astrology can be considered controversial. But in case it is really officially recognized as a new sign of the zodiac, we will tell you about its meaning and characteristics.

Zodiac sign Ophiuchus: meaning and dates

The constellation Ophiuchus is depicted on the star map as a man entwined with a snake. According to ancient legends, this man is the god of healing Asclepius, who cured people from deadly diseases with snake venom. It can be found between two zodiac signs - "Scorpio" and "Sagittarius". Consequently, the dates of the standard-bearer fall on some dates in November and December, namely, for the period from November 30 to December 17 (14 days in total). In accordance with these changes, the dates of other zodiacs have changed somewhat:

Constellation Capricorn from January 19 to February 15;
Aquarius - from February 16 to March 11;
Pisces - from March 12 to April 18;
Aries - from April 19 to May 13;
Taurus - from May 14 to June 19;
Gemini - from June 20 to July 20;
Rakov - from July 21 to August 9;
Lviv - from August 10 to September 15;
Dev - from September 16 to October 30;
Libra - from October 31 to November 22;
Scorpions - from November 23 to November 29;
Ophiuchus - from November 30 to December 17;
Streltsov - from December 18 to January 18.

Characteristics of the zodiac sign "Ophiuchus"

Since the constellation of Ophiuchus is special, then people born on the days of his patronage are endowed with a special mission. Astrologers say that life is not easy for the owners of the Ophiuchus zodiac sign, because they often have to sacrifice themselves and their interests for the benefit of other people. It is among the Ophiuchus people that you need to look for psychics, healers. It is easy to recognize superpowers in such people, since they have a special mark on their body (usually on the back, stomach or lower back) - moles located in the shape of the letter "Y". These moles are the same size, not red or raised. In appearance, they resemble ordinary small spots on the skin.

In fact, Ophiuchus are "servants of people." That is why it is believed that those born on the dates of Ophiuchus (from November 30 to December 17) are the lucky ones who, after leaving for the other world, will be guaranteed to open the Gates to Paradise. In addition, the characteristics of Ophiuchus, as the 13th sign of the zodiac, include selflessness and giftedness. Ophiuchus people are the doers of great deeds on planet Earth and fighters who throughout their lives fight with their dark and light sides. And the side that, as a result of this struggle, will win, such Ophiuchus will be a man. That is why when dealing with Ophiuchus, you need to be extremely careful. You have to conduct a conversation either with the embodiment of the greatest evil, or with a heavenly angel. By linking your fate with a person born on the dates of Ophiuchus, you risk either spoiling it, or vice versa. This is the peculiarity of the Ophiuchus zodiac sign - it brings happiness to one, and pain and disappointment to others.

Those who, according to the horoscope Ophiuchus, are constantly on the road and do not live in one place for a long time. They meet a lot of people of different statuses in life. With each of them, Ophiuchus manages to build relationships - either friendly, or hostile, or romantic. Of course, you should not make an enemy in the face of Ophiuchus, because those who are Ophiuchus according to the horoscope are very vindictive. If you offend them, they will harm you all their lives.

Ophiuchus are fearless and risky people. They can be considered people born in a shirt, because out of all situations that are life-threatening, Ophiuchus manages to get out without a single scratch. In addition, people born on the dates of Ophiuchus are lovers of entertainment and pleasure. They know how to relax and enjoy life well. Astrologers say that the 13th sign of the zodiac Ophiuchus is also special because only love can conquer it. If a person who was born under the auspices of the Ophiuchus fell in love, being evil, he can be reincarnated as kind and bright, or vice versa.

Ophiuchus women have special characteristics. Astrologers claim that they are very cunning by nature and vindictive. They have a highly developed intuition, they are characterized by excessive suspicion, they constantly look for lies and always find them, so it is impossible to deceive them. However, Ophiuchus women have one important positive trait. In a relationship, they are faithful, and for their loved one they can become a true friend.

What zodiac signs are Ophiuchus compatible with?

The most likely to build a happy relationship with Ophiuchus is Cancer, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius and Pisces. Scorpions have less chance. Astrologers say that there can be a marriage of convenience between Ophiuchus and Scorpio. The rest of the signs of the Zodiac with Ophiuchus will be either bored or scared.

Stones that suit Ophiuchus

  1. Gagat is a stone that will save the Ophiuchus from doubts about anything and nightmares;
  2. Zircon gives Ophiuchus physical and spiritual strength;
  3. Beryl is the best amulet for people born under the constellation Ophiuchus;
  4. Almandine - heals their soul and body;
  5. Turquoise helps to achieve your goals as soon as possible;
  6. Sapphire gives Ophiuchus wisdom and foresight;
  7. Serpentine is the amulet of all those born on the dates of Ophiuchus.

Famous people who, according to the horoscope, are Ophiuchus

If you count the calendar according to 13 zodiac constellations, then you can calculate which of the celebrities of history and modernity was born under the constellation Ophiuchus. Knowing their names and the main characteristic of the 13th sign of the zodiac Ophiuchus, we can already determine whether these people have completed the mission that Ophiuchus endowed them with.

Among the celebrities who, according to the horoscope, are Ophiuchus:

  • Soichiro Honda was born on November 17th. He founded the company of the same name, is a well-known Japanese engineer and industrialist.
  • Danny DeVito - also born on November 17, became one of the most popular American movie actors.
  • Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre was born on November 18th. Considered one of the founders of photography.
  • Eldar Ryazanov was born on November 18th. He entered the history of Russian cinema as a talented film director, screenwriter, playwright and poet.
  • Mikhail Lomonosov was born on November 19. Everyone knows his name from the school bench. He went down in history as a Russian natural scientist of world significance.
  • Indira Gandhi was born on November 19th. She made a significant contribution to the political development of India as the Prime Minister of this country at the end of the 20th century.
  • Calvin Klein - born November 19 - is a famous American trendsetter. His name has become a world famous brand.
  • Maya Plisetskaya was born on November 20. Outstanding prima ballet of the Bolshoi Theater of the USSR.
  • Voltaire - born November 21 - a classic of French literature.
  • Vladimir Dal was born on November 22. He is the author of the famous Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language.
  • Dale Carnegie was born on November 24th. Renowned American psychologist.
  • Alexander Maslyakov was born on November 24th. Famous Russian TV presenter KVN.
  • Bruce Lee was born on November 27th. Popular film actor and reformer in the field of Chinese martial arts.
  • Boris Grebenshchikov was born on November 27th. Famous Russian musician.
  • Yulia Tymoshenko was born on November 27th. Well-known Ukrainian politician.

From this small list, we see that all the people represented in it are talented artists or politicians who have already fulfilled their main purpose, if we assume that they are Ophiuchus according to the horoscope.

Anastasia Gridina

In recent years, the 13th sign of the zodiac, namely Ophiuchus, has become known even to those who are indifferent to horoscopes and astrology. This happened thanks to numerous TV projects and open disputes of astrologers on the official recognition of Ophiuchus as a new sign of the zodiac. Nevertheless, the matter does not go further than talk, and in order to understand whether this version has a chance of success, let's take a look at history.

When he appeared

Ophiuchus has become a new constellation only for those who have not heard of it before. In fact, it was known about him in ancient times, but in this case, why did they talk about the 13th sign of the zodiac right now?

The fact is that at a time when the zodiac system was still being formed by ancient scientists, the concept of constellations meant asterisms, that is, easily distinguishable groups of stars that received independent names. From this we can conclude that the signs of the zodiac are tied to the constellations only conditionally.

In the first half of the last century, the IAU (International Astronomical Union) gave the concept of "constellation" a new definition. Now this word means a section of the celestial sphere between lines drawn along celestial parallels and meridians. There are only 88 constellations, and the official scheme of their boundaries was determined in 1931. At this time, it turned out that the line of the ecliptic (the circle of the celestial sphere along which the Sun moves) partially crosses the section of the sky on which the constellation Ophiuchus is located.

There is no direct connection between the present time and the appearance of a new zodiac sign.

What will happen next

The opinions of astrologers are divided into two main versions, and each of them sounds more than convincing:

  • Version number 1. Ophiuchus should be officially recognized as the 13th sign of the zodiac. In addition, the boundaries of the remaining signs must be revised due to the displacement of the planet's axis. In other words, modern astrologers work in a non-existent coordinate system;
  • Version number 2. There will still be 12 signs of the zodiac. The ecliptic is divided into 12 sectors, each of which has 30 degrees. In each of the sectors there is one constellation, which is associated with a certain image, as a result of which it got its name. In other words, the sign of the zodiac is determined not by the constellation, but by the ratio of the date and location of the planet at the time of the birth of a person.

As you can see, there is no clarity, and there are many more questions than answers. If you believe the first version, it turns out that the boundaries of the existing signs of the zodiac are shifting in the opposite direction. This means that only a tiny number of people will have their “own” zodiac sign, while the rest will shift towards the previous zodiac sign.

There are few who want to agree with this, because people who are fond of astrology find in themselves character traits attributed to their sign. Anyone who has considered himself Aries all his life sees the “offer” to suddenly become Pisces as absurd - after all, these signs of the zodiac, like most other neighboring ones, have nothing in common at all! However, whether this is so or not, everyone will decide for himself. And we will continue the conversation on the topic of changes, and try to imagine what will happen if Ophiuchus is officially recognized.

New boundaries of zodiac signs

Here it is, the new horoscope, taking into account all 13 signs of the zodiac:

  • Capricorn: January 19 - February 15;
  • Aquarius: February 16 - March 11;
  • Fish: March 12 - April 18;
  • Aries: April 19 - May 13;
  • Calf: May 14 - June 19;
  • Twins: June 20 - July 20;
  • Cancer: July 21 - August 9;
  • A lion: August 10 - September 15;
  • Virgo: September 16 - October 30;
  • Scales: October 31 - November 22;
  • Scorpion: November 23 - 29;
  • Ophiuchus: November 30 - December 17;
  • Sagittarius: December 18 - January 18.

As you can see, the balance has gone somewhere. If in the old system the time period attributed to each sign of the zodiac was about 30 days, now we are talking about completely different numbers and dates. Some signs have increased the duration of their influence on the character of newborns, while others, on the contrary, have significantly reduced.

Characteristics of Ophiuchus

The most mystical sign of the zodiac used to be Scorpio, but now it is Ophiuchus. It is believed that people born at this time are able to change several destinies throughout just one life. They are miraculously reborn, radically changing hobbies, environment and lifestyle in general. They seem to attract mysterious and inexplicable phenomena to themselves, which they themselves do not care about at all.

Ophiuchus also has borrowed character traits from another neighboring sign - Sagittarius. These people do not experience a sense of fear, even when danger breathes down their backs. They are attracted to dubious adventures, hitchhiking, the company of random people, and everything else that contradicts the concept of a quiet life and home comfort.

From relationships with the opposite sex, Ophiuchus expects pleasure and strong emotions. He is able to move mountains for the sake of a loved one, and literally appear out of nowhere at the moment when he especially needs him. Having completed his "mission", Ophiuchus is able to disappear just as quickly. He is where he is needed, it is important for him to feel useful, therefore, strange as it sounds, if everything is fine with you, Ophiuchus will not stay around for a long time. If this is a woman, her image is associated with a mysterious and kind fairy, if a man, then this is someone like a prophet, next to whom you can feel safe and learn a new meaning of being.

American scientists from NASA recalled the existence of another zodiac sign, the 13th in a row - Ophiuchus, which is located in the zodiac circle between Scorpio and Sagittarius. A message published on the educational portal of the space agency says that the need to introduce a new sign is due to a change in the position of stars in the modern sky in relation to their placement in the days of ancient astronomers.

Scientists claim that the familiar structure of the Zodiac was created in ancient Babylon. Moreover, even then it was known about the 13th sign, however, due to the fact that in the calendar based on the phases of the moon, the year was divided into 12 months, for convenience, they decided to use only 12 signs of the Zodiac. And they gradually forgot about Ophiuchus.

Ophiuchus 13th sign of the zodiac: from what to what date?

Astronomers have calculated that the Sun passes along the ecliptic through the constellation Ophiuchus from November 30 to December 18, and the sign looks like the Latin letter U, crossed out by a wavy line. Note that in the case of the introduction of a new sign, the dates of the "old" signs of the Zodiac will change.

13 signs of the Zodiac, dates of birth, table (new dates of the signs of the Zodiac with Ophiuchus):

  • Capricorn: January 20 - February 16
  • Aquarius: February 16 - March 11
  • Pisces: March 11 - April 18
  • Aries: April 18 - May 13
  • Taurus: May 13 - June 21
  • Gemini: June 21 - July 20
  • Cancer: July 20 - August 10
  • Leo: August 10 - September 16
  • Virgo: September 16 - October 30
  • Libra: October 30 - November 23
  • Scorpio: November 23 - November 29
  • Ophiuchus: November 29 - December 17
  • Sagittarius: December 17 - January 20.

Hercules and Ophiuchus. 1602

Ophiuchus 13th sign of the Zodiac, characteristic:

The symbol of this sign is a snake, but the snake is not simple, but biting its own tail. The mission of people born under the sign of Ophiuchus is selfless service to people, because they are less busy with their own problems than with those of others. The true Ophiuchus does not follow a blindly predetermined fate, but boldly steps over it and acts in his own way. And difficulties only inflame Ophiuchus, forcing him to take on overcoming them with tripled energy.

The partners of a person born under the sign of Ophiuchus will have a hard time - after all, he can disappear forever from the life of a loved one, without even leaving a message. And sometimes he simply cannot be recognized - Ophiuchus, like his symbol (snake), can completely shed his old skin and be reborn beyond recognition. They can bring both immense joy and soul-destroying grief to their loved ones.

Ophiuchus themselves cannot be called positive people, because the thought “why live, because you still die anyway?” relentlessly pursues them. As a result, a high percentage of suicides among Ophiuchus people. But at the same time, even after the darkest period of life, they can be reborn like a Phoenix bird from the ashes, striking those around them with immense fun and the ability to live “to the fullest”. And in terms of craving for adventure, they have no equal among representatives of other signs of the Zodiac.

At the same time, scientists do not exclude the appearance of the 14th sign of the zodiac - Whale in the future. This sign was first talked about back in the 1970s.

Photo: NASA