Is it possible to take pictures of yourself in the mirror? Signs and superstitions about photography


If you put a photo of a person in a bad place, he may get sick. This is an old popular one, so you don’t need to distribute your photos left and right. There are many magical rituals that are associated with photographs. Sometimes, even just crumpling a photo of an enemy and saying a couple of phrases is enough to cast a spell on a person.

Don't keep photos in your wallet. The energy of money and the energy of photographs do not combine in any way. It is not recommended to mix them, otherwise this may negatively affect the health and financial well-being of the person whose image caring relatives carry in their wallet.

Photographs in cemeteries are a separate issue. Now it has become fashionable to go to some famous one and take pictures against the backdrop of a monument to your favorite artist, writer or singer. This absolutely cannot be done. Even if you adored the work of this person during his lifetime. Dead energy emanates from cemetery monuments. In general, there is no need to walk through cemeteries unless absolutely necessary, not to mention taking pictures of yourself against the backdrop of tombstones.

Video on the topic


  • Where and how not to take photos

Due to the frequent appearance of photographs of the cemetery on the Internet, questions arise as to how safe it is. There are various reasons why photographing people in a cemetery is not recommended: omens, ethical standards, and even the possibility of encountering the paranormal.


First of all, taking photographs may insult the memory of the people buried here and their loved ones. Publication of such photographs on the Internet and other publications is permitted only with the permission of relatives, with some exceptions (an unknown person, a national monument, a mass grave, etc.). Therefore, if you take a photo of yourself against the background of someone else, you may encounter sharp negativity from relatives.

Filming in a cemetery is also unethical for various reasons. It is believed that in this place the deceased find their final rest and should not be disturbed. In addition to taking photographs, it is not recommended to run in the cemetery, talk and laugh loudly, touch monuments, etc., therefore, by photographing yourself in this place, you are violating public order.

It is popularly believed that even people’s souls are in active interaction with those living today. Taking photographs can anger those in them, and they in turn will interfere with the lives of the people disturbed by them, causing illness, loss of strength, failure and even death. There is also a belief that the soul of the deceased captured in the photograph will then move to the house of the person who took it, and this will cause various paranormal phenomena. However, there is no evidence of this.

Some scientists believe that after this there is a strong release of negative energy into the surrounding space, which persists for 40 days or more. It is not recommended for particularly impressionable people to be near the deceased. It is for this reason that some people present at the funeral feel ill. At the same time, a recently installed tombstone can also be a source of negative energy that will “permeate” the photographs. If you photographed yourself in a cemetery, it is possible that you will subsequently be haunted by illnesses and other troubles in life.

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It is believed that a photograph stores a piece of the soul of the person depicted in it. Using a photograph you can damage and even heal a person. Photographs have powerful energy, and some shots can even bring trouble to a person.


You cannot take pictures if you are sick or upset. Such a photograph retains negative energy and can harm you in the future. In all photographs you should literally radiate positivity. Subsequently, looking at such pictures, you will experience only positive emotions.

You should not take pictures next to people you dislike. Take pictures only with those people who have positive emotions towards you. A photo hugging your enemy can cause energetic damage to you.

You also can’t set up a photo gallery at home. It is unknown with what intentions this or that person came to you. Sometimes even an unkind glance at a photograph is enough to put the evil eye on the person depicted in it.

In the age of incredible technical achievements and scientific discoveries, photography no longer seems like some kind of magic, an incredible sacrament that can harm the human soul. The technology for producing mirrors and the physical properties of the reflective surface are also known to every schoolchild. However, the combination of these phenomena still causes an incomprehensible attack of superstition in many.

One part of humanity enthusiastically takes photos of their own image in the mirror. Another community is equally insistent that such a habit can lead to dire consequences for the model. What kind of troubles can come from photographing reflections?

Where did “mirror” superstitions come from?

The answer to this question lies in the centuries-old history of mirrors. Initially, the appearance of a polished surface capable of reproducing the appearance of a person looking at it inspired superstitious horror among ordinary people. It was firmly associated with the ability to penetrate into other dimensions, which sorcerers and magicians actively used when conducting their mysterious rituals.

Later, ordinary people also learned to use mirrors in various fortune-telling, believing that they lifted the veil of the future. In everyday life, the reflecting plane was treated with superstitious reverence, not only because of its high cost. It is still believed that shiny glass is a portal to another dimension: either the afterlife, where the souls of ancestors exist, or an unknown space filled with incomprehensible and therefore potentially dangerous entities. In addition, there is an opinion that any glossy surface has the ability to accumulate and return both positive and negative.

What does a photo shoot of one’s own reflection promise to a person?

Immediately after the advent of cameras, esotericists began to assert in unison that each photograph steals a piece of a person’s soul, which remains imprisoned in a photo card. When photographing a reflection, you aggravate the harm done to the energetic aura by capturing mystical entities hiding in the looking glass next to your own soul. Why is such a neighborhood dangerous? There are several opinions on this matter, so choose for yourself the one that is closest to your perception of the world.

  • The imprinted particle of the soul becomes more vulnerable than the part that remains with you. Therefore, it is much easier to damage you or the evil eye through a photo. It is worth considering that in the captured reflection a piece of your essence is multiplied many times over, and therefore a negative impact on it will cause much more harm.
  • It is no secret that mirrors accumulate not only positive, but also negative emotions that they have “seen” during their existence. The process of photography, as it were, pulls them out of the looking-glass world, and you are exposed to a powerful charge of negative energy, which cannot pass without leaving a mark on a person’s mental and physical health. Even the photograph itself, taken in this way, will “work” like a real energy vampire, gradually having an increasingly negative impact on your well-being.
  • Another side effect of careless photography is attracting spirits from the other world to your home. The camera lens shows them the way, and after a while you begin to feel a foreign presence in the house. Attentive and not always friendly entities watch you around the clock. In addition, sometimes for fun, and sometimes with bad intentions, they can begin to create incomprehensible, unnerving and even dangerous situations, which will definitely not add comfort to your home.

If, through carelessness or ignorance, you still photographed your face in a mirror image, then do not print the photo, and once printed, do not store it for a long time. In this case, negative consequences can be minimized or avoided altogether.

Why not take a camera and a mirror and experiment with facial expressions and eye expressions, while changing poses? What could be easier if you suddenly need a photo for your resume, portfolio, friends or relatives. And a photo in the mirror will seem original and more romantic to many. But, as with many other things related to the use of a mirror, superstition can prevent us from doing so. It turns out that not only, but it is also not recommended to photograph your reflection in it. What explains this?

Mysticism, and nothing more!

From a mystical point of view, when a person takes a photograph of either himself or someone or something in a mirror, he can “pull out” from its field, which stores a certain amount of information, something completely unexpected and at the same time unwanted. We know that the largest number of silhouettes of ghosts, plasmoids (moving whitish balls) and other unknown phenomena were recorded in photographs or video frames taken at the cemetery. The second place in terms of the presence of inexplicable signs and silhouettes in the frame is taken by photographs taken in the mirror. In both cases, photographers captured entities living in the other world. But the problem is not at all that something or someone got into the frame. The essence of what is happening is that a person, taking a photograph, captures himself forever in the mirror. And the photo, reading all the information stored in the mirror, links the person being photographed with it forever.

What has the mirror managed to see in its “life”?

In this case, nothing terrible will happen if the mirror, from the moment of its creation, has witnessed only joyful events and “seen” happy people. Things will be different if it reflected quarrels, tears, crimes and grievances. The energy of events stored in the memory of the mirror, superimposed on a person’s energy, has an invisible influence on the course of his life.

Mirror is the shortest path to the energy information field of the Earth

One can argue with this point of view. A mirror, in addition to acting as a repository of information for the phenomena displayed in it, is the most accessible means by which one can penetrate the energy-information field of the planet. Therefore, a person, in the appropriate state of consciousness, can not only count the “personal memory” of the mirror, but also attract new energies to it and to himself. And this also affects the energy of the person photographing himself in the mirror at that moment.

Where can you expect danger to come into your home?

For many centuries, magicians, shamans and sorcerers, peering into mirrors, tried to find answers to many questions. At the same time, they unanimously asserted that they see images in the mirrors that an ordinary person cannot see.

For many peoples, mirrors not so long ago were the personification of an evil demon. Therefore, people tried not to look at them again, afraid from there, from the unknown looking glass, they would bring danger to their home. Representatives of some nations reacted to the door in approximately the same way, claiming that. Perhaps the awkwardness and discomfort that we sometimes experience when standing in front of a mirror was passed down to us genetically from frightened ancestors?

Should I keep a “mirror” photo?

Many people have heard more than once that if you save a photo taken in the mirror, it will attract misfortune to your home. In the years since it became fashionable to take photographs with a mirror at weddings, neither pro nor con has been confirmed. Like other married people, there is a certain percentage of divorces among them, and many happy, strong families. At the same time, of course, wedding photos were stored in almost all cases.

To believe superstitions or not is a personal matter for everyone. But no one should completely rely on them. Can a saved “mirror” photograph interfere with the happiness of serious, understanding, hardworking, kind and loving people?

Those who want to dispel prejudices regarding mirrors need only remember that these are ordinary tools created to reflect something. And they consist of simple glass covered with amalgam and dark paint. And no mysticism!

Probably each of you, dear visitors of the website portal, has a personal account on a social network. The most important component of the page is the avatar (in plain English, the main photo).

Today you can see avatars of all kinds, but one of the most popular are photographs - reflections in the mirror. The girls try their best to make their lips look like a bow, wink their eyes, and take sexy poses, dreaming that their main photo will get as many “likes” as possible. However, few modern young ladies know that there is a belief according to which it is forbidden to photograph oneself in the mirror.

Let's try to figure out where this belief came from.. To do this, you need to dig a little into history, namely during the Middle Ages, when the first mirrors appeared. Of course, there were no cameras then, and mirrors were noticeably different from modern models, and yet, already at that time it was concluded that mirrors have magical powers. Somewhat later, witches and sorcerers began to use mirror surfaces in magical rituals, and many superstitions and beliefs associated with this item appeared.

It has been proven that our soul is reflected in the mirror, which is why it is impossible for a sleeping person to be reflected in the mirror, for the same reason it is not recommended to photograph your reflection. It is believed that in the mirror our soul is exposed and becomes defenseless; this kind of photograph can easily be damaged.

According to the second version, why you can’t take pictures of yourself in the mirror, illnesses, failures and much more can stick to you from behind the looking glass, i.e. everything that is stored in the memory of the mirror surface. And believe me, we have listed only the most favorable things that can be stored in the memory of mirrors; ancient mirrors store much more terrible emotions and pictures.

Many believe that by taking a photograph of your reflection in the mirror, you can open a portal (and it is believed that the sound of the shutter being released is the very opening button) between your negative sides (hatred, envy, pride, aggression, anger, etc.), which As a result, they may go to you. Don’t be surprised if those around you tell you one day that isn’t the most beautiful day that you have changed., while not changing for the better.

Of course, to some, the superstition regarding the prohibition of taking photographs in the mirror may seem nonsense. This is not surprising, because today you can find so many photographs of this kind on the Internet and, mind you, nothing happened to the personalities depicted on them (although this may be a misleading idea). Whether you believe what is said or not is your own business. However, if until now you did not know that such a ban exists, and you took several similar photos, and now you do not want to feel their negative impact on your life, we advise you to get rid of these photos. If you don’t want to say goodbye to the photo, then you can keep it for yourself, but then please don't show it to anyone, even to the closest people, those who, as you think, cannot cause you any harm. Only in this case can you be sure that misfortune will pass you by and a white streak will come in your life.

Why not take a camera and a mirror and experiment with facial expressions and eye expressions, while changing poses? What could be easier if you suddenly need a photo for your resume, portfolio, friends or relatives. And a photo in the mirror will seem original and more romantic to many. But, as with many other things related to the use of a mirror, superstition can prevent us from doing so. It turns out that not only should you not sleep in front of a mirror, but it is also not recommended to photograph your reflection in it. What explains this?

Mysticism, and nothing more!

From a mystical point of view, when a person takes a photograph of either himself or someone or something in a mirror, he can “pull out” from its field, which stores a certain amount of information, something completely unexpected and at the same time unwanted. We know that the largest number of silhouettes of ghosts, plasmoids (moving whitish balls) and other unknown phenomena were recorded in photographs or video frames taken at the cemetery. The second place in terms of the presence of inexplicable signs and silhouettes in the frame is taken by photographs taken in the mirror. In both cases, photographers captured entities living in the other world. But the problem is not at all that something or someone got into the frame. The essence of what is happening is that a person, taking a photograph, captures himself forever in the mirror. And the photo, reading all the information stored in the mirror, links the person being photographed with it forever.

What has the mirror managed to see in its “life”?

In this case, nothing terrible will happen if the mirror, from the moment of its creation, has witnessed only joyful events and “seen” happy people. Things will be different if it reflected quarrels, tears, crimes and grievances. The energy of events stored in the memory of the mirror, superimposed on a person’s energy, has an invisible influence on the course of his life.

Mirror is the shortest path to the energy information field of the Earth

One can argue with this point of view. A mirror, in addition to acting as a repository of information for the phenomena displayed in it, is the most accessible means by which one can penetrate the energy-information field of the planet. Therefore, a person, in the appropriate state of consciousness, can not only count the “personal memory” of the mirror, but also attract new energies to it and to himself. And this also affects the energy of the person photographing himself in the mirror at that moment.

Where can you expect danger to come into your home?

For many centuries, magicians, shamans and sorcerers, peering into mirrors, tried to find answers to many questions. At the same time, they unanimously asserted that they see images in the mirrors that an ordinary person cannot see.

For many peoples, mirrors not so long ago were the personification of an evil demon. Therefore, people tried not to look at them again, afraid from there, from the unknown looking glass, they would bring danger to their home. Representatives of some nations reacted to the door in approximately the same way, arguing that one should not sleep with one’s feet facing the door. Perhaps the awkwardness and discomfort that we sometimes experience when standing in front of a mirror was passed down to us genetically from frightened ancestors?

Should I keep a “mirror” photo?

Many people have heard more than once that if you save a photo taken in the mirror, it will attract misfortune to your home. In the years since it became fashionable to take photographs with a mirror at weddings, neither pro nor con has been confirmed. Like other married people, there is a certain percentage of divorces among them, and many happy, strong families. At the same time, of course, wedding photos were stored in almost all cases.

To believe superstitions or not is a personal matter for everyone. But no one should completely rely on them. Can a saved “mirror” photograph interfere with the happiness of serious, understanding, hardworking, kind and loving people?

Those who want to dispel prejudices regarding mirrors need only remember that these are ordinary tools created to reflect something. And they consist of simple glass covered with amalgam and dark paint. And no mysticism!