Navka-Zhulin-Basharov: novels and the history of betrayal. Interesting facts from the life of Tatyana Navka Marat Basharov Navka

Celebrates 41st birthday. She brought our country many prestigious awards, including Olympic gold. Graceful, slender, feminine and very sexy - she was like that at 18 and remains so now. In honor of the figure skater’s birthday, we have collected interesting facts from her life.

Tatyana Navka was born in the city Dnepropetrovsk (Ukraine) in the family of economist Raisa Anatolyevna and engineer Alexander Petrovich.

Navka first stepped on the ice when she was five years old. The father of the future champion was involved in sports himself in his youth, so he supported his daughter’s passion for figure skating.

Tatyana has a younger sister, Natalya. She is busy with her family and is far from show business.

Tatyana has dual citizenship: Russia and the USA.

Like many athletes, Tatyana Navka at one time believed in omens. She always skated onto the ice with her left foot. And during the competition I wore the same clothes. True, she got rid of the last superstition at the Olympics, making sure that the washed clothes did not in any way affect the result of the competition.

At the first major competitions, Tatyana represented Belarus. At first she performed in tandem with Samvel Gezalyan, then with Nikolai Morozov, but Navka received the most awards and world recognition while skating with Roman Kostomarov(39) and playing for the Russian national team. With him, Tatyana won Olympic gold.

In 1993, she met the former world figure skating champion Alexander Zhulin(52). Soon Zhulin became the coach of the Navka-Kostomarov pair. An affair began between him and Tatyana.

Seven years after they met, Tatyana and Alexander got married, despite the 12-year age difference.

The daughter of figure skaters, Alexandra, was born in one of the US clinics. And just two weeks after giving birth, Tatyana Navka returned to the ice.

Despite the fact that Tatyana ended her professional career in 2006, she appeared at all kinds of ice shows. In 2009, Navka took part in a popular project "Glacial period. The best", where a famous actor became her partner Marat Basharov (41).

Rumors appeared in the press that Navka and Marat, who was married at that time, began an affair. The lovers denied everything, since both were not free, but later they stopped hiding their feelings. It never came to the wedding. Rumor has it that Basharov's addiction to alcohol is to blame.

14 years of marriage between Zhulin and Navka ended in divorce. Their daughter decided to devote herself to a musical career. Alexandra performs under a pseudonym Alexia, and her songs are already playing on the radio.

Resisting the charm and sexuality of Tatyana Navka is a real feat for a man. Lovelace also experienced this himself (28). The fatal blonde and the singer met in the project Ilya Averbukh(42)"Ice and Fire" and became one of the show's brightest couples. Rumors about an affair immediately spread, but the artists themselves insisted that they were connected only by friendship.

On August 1, the wedding of the press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov and the famous figure skater Tatyana Navka took place in the most luxurious hotel in Sochi.

However, the stormy romance between Tatiana and Marat did not end with the wedding ceremony. Without waiting for a marriage proposal from the flighty handsome man, Navka broke off relations with him, since the loving and unmarried Alexei Vorobyov, who was 13 years younger than the figure skater, had already appeared on her life’s path.

After six months of the relationship, Tatyana began to be incredibly jealous of her lover and throw hysterics at him, so Alexei Vorobyov packed his things and quickly ran away from his friend.

But then in 2010 there was a fatal meeting between Navka and Peskov. Four years later their daughter was born. After 18 years of marriage, Dmitry divorced his wife, who bore him three children, and married Tatyana.

The editors of the site remind you: 40-year-old Tatyana Navka has a 15-year-old daughter, Alexandra, from her first marriage and a one-year-old Nadenka.
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When Channel One launched the Stars on Ice project in 2006, the organizers planned to attract the attention of TV viewers and young people to figure skating. However, no one expected that the ice would become a place of heated battles, high-profile divorces and whirlwind romances. Olympic champion Tatyana Navka and theater and film actor Marat Basharov did not escape this fate.

The beginning of the novel between Tatiana Navka and Marat Basharov

When actor Basharov was invited to participate in figure skating competitions on the central television channel of Russia, he was married to Elizaveta Krutsko, who converted to Islam for her husband’s sake. Basharov’s partner was the bright and temperamental Tatyana Navka, who was also married to the project’s coach, Alexander Zhulin.

The figure skater and Olympic champion was not used to losing and immediately set her partner up only for victory. The couple prepared many original and bright numbers and were best remembered by television viewers. As a result, they became leaders, took first place 6 times, 3 times second and 2 times third according to the results of all competition days, and also became competition winners.

At first, both participants in the project strongly denied their connection outside the skating rink, but they were repeatedly spotted leaving hotels together. And if Zhulin did not fight for the marriage, then Marat Basharov’s wife tried to maintain the marital relationship. Basharov had repeatedly violated marital fidelity before and was seen in affairs with young actresses, but always returned to his wife.

The life together of figure skater Navka and actor Basharov

The actor’s and the skater’s partners in the project began to notice that the couple began to live together during the show. According to them, Marat Basharov moved things to Tatyana’s Moscow apartment. He was seen several times in the morning leaving her. Project participants noted that Basharov literally carried his beloved in his arms. He showered her with flowers, bought her expensive gifts, jewelry, and showered her with compliments.

The couple looked happy, the skater’s eyes were burning with the fire of love, and everything was moving towards the wedding. However, few believed in the prospect of an alliance. First of all, because Basharov has already become famous for his adventures and instability. And secondly, Navka’s marriage to Zhulin did not look shaky.

The separation of Marat Basharov and Tatyana Navka

The couple's happiness did not last long. According to one version, due to the temperament of the popular Tatar actor, quarrels and scandals constantly arose between them. After them, Basharov was repeatedly seen in bars, where he drank and walked until the morning. Navka, who was used to a traditional family, did not like this behavior of her partner and it all ended with one fine day she put the suitcase with Basharov’s things out the door.

Problems with alcohol once even disrupted the filming of the final of the project, and Tatyana had to dance with Roman Kostomarov. Then it was announced to everyone that Basharov could not take part due to an injury, but Marat himself confirmed that he had celebrated a friend’s birthday the day before and the next morning he was simply physically unable to dance due to a hangover.

Another reason why the couple broke off the connection was allegedly Basharov’s family, which was against the heterodox Navka. They doubted that Tatyana, like Marat’s wife Elizabeth, would convert to Islam. But living in sin is not accepted in the Basharov family. After the breakup, the couple refused to comment on the relationship.

Once again, Navka and Basharov had to meet on the same project, when Marat hosted “Ice Age”, and Tatyana, together with Alexei Vorobyov, participated in the project. Then a whirlwind romance arose between Tatiana and the sexy singer and relations with Marat deteriorated even further.

Sports and show business stars have learned to trade love

It’s not for nothing that they say: everything secret someday becomes clear. No matter how hard Tatyana NAVKA and Marat BASHAROV tried to hide their love affair, nothing worked out for them. The ex-wife of the famous actor Elizaveta KRUTSKO handed over a couple, and handed them over with giblets.

For almost two years, Lisa lied to everyone. She said that everything was great with Marat, there were no problems in the family. And then suddenly she opened up. Lisa admitted that she began to suspect her husband of treason back in the fall of 2006, during the filming of the first ice show, where Basharov skated together with Tatiana Navka, Olympic champion in figure skating. Krutsko saw: something was happening to her adored husband, he was gradually moving away. Once Marat left his mobile phone at home, his wife couldn’t stand it and looked at the menu: who he calls most often, who he receives text messages from. One unfamiliar number seemed very suspicious to her. And then, some time later, when Lisa was sitting in a cafe, she received a call from... Navka. Basharov’s wife could not stand it and said:

Tanya, I know that my husband has another woman, and imagine, you are calling from her number. After such words, the figure skater, taken aback by surprise, immediately hung up.

That's what backfired

Let's not burn bridges, let's wait. And you decide for yourself with whom it is better for you to live.

Basharov was torn on two fronts. I came home and thought about the beautiful Navka. And in the end the wife could not stand it. The last time Basharov and Krutsko appeared in public was in the summer of 2008, at the Kinotavr festival in Sochi. After some time they separated.

However, Marat and Lisa lived together for eight years without signing. She wanted to get married, for the sake of her beloved man she even converted to Islam and gave birth to his daughter, who was named Amelie. She wanted to, but he didn’t want to go to the registry office. It’s curious that at one time (Krutsko kept silent about this) Basharov stole Lisa from the poet Georges Rumyantsev, who, by the way, also acted in films. Marat and Georges knew each other, some even considered them friends. But it so happened that one day some thugs attacked Rumyantsev, stabbed him in the throat with a knife, and the guy miraculously survived. By that time, he had already been officially married to Lisa, who worked in an advertising agency, for three years. His mother-in-law, a doctor by profession, advised Georges to undergo treatment in Orenburg, saying that they had the best neurosurgeons in the country. As a result, the naive poet left Moscow - and became disabled. His right arm was paralyzed. Alas, there were no good neurosurgeons in Orenburg. When Georges returned to Moscow, his wife was already having an affair with Basharov.

And in fact, why did she need a disabled person with a pension of 2.5 thousand rubles? After all, such prospects opened up for the young and talented Basharov!

Maybe God has now punished Mrs. Krutsko for that action?

Boomerang for Zhulin

The second injured party in the current story is Navka’s husband Alexander Zhulin. A famous figure skater in the past, and now a successful coach. For those who are not in the know, let me remind you: it was Zhulin who brought the dancing couple Tatiana Navka - Roman Kostomarov to gold medals at the Winter Olympics in Turin. It is curious that, according to Alexander himself, he once tried to ride together with his wife. Did not work out. Zhulin is only five centimeters taller than Navka, and for a dancing couple this is too little - they looked somewhat strange on the ice. Yes, and they quarreled during training. And then Alexander realized that Tatyana needed another partner, younger and taller. The choice fell on Kostomarov, who at that moment was skating with Anna Semenovich. The choice turned out to be correct.

However, we are not talking about Roma now, but about Sasha. He's such a good guy, he'll be worse than Basharov. (Before his affair with Navka, Marat tried to court another famous figure skater - Maria Butyrskaya, but their relationship did not last long, about three months.) During his stormy youth, Alexander Zhulin could be in love with two girls at the same time. And being married! He married a real beauty - a figure skater Maya Usova, who was his dance duet partner. Maya came to Moscow from another city, and a compassionate partner invited her to rent a corner in his apartment. She agreed. Because I fell in love. Unfortunately for her, Maya loved Zhulin much more than he loved her. When a man quickly wins over a woman, then, as a rule, he quickly loses interest in her.

Already married to Usova, he secretly gave an engagement ring to a 20-year-old girl, Oksana Grischuk, secretly from his wife. The same one who would later become a two-time Olympic champion in ice dancing (paired with Evgeny Platov). He gave a ring with the condition that Oksana give up figure skating for the sake of their passionate love! Zhulin saw that Grischuk was a very talented athlete, and, keeping the Olympics in Lillehammer in mind, he simply wanted to take her out of the game (more precisely, the Grischuk-Platov pair).

The naive young girl was about to hang up her skates, when suddenly in the middle of the night she received a call from America... Maya Usova. And, sobbing into the phone, she said that her legal husband Alexander Zhulin had his eye on Tatyana Navka. Yes, he put it that way that she, Usova, has no doubts: they are already sleeping together! Can you imagine what poor Grischuk experienced after that?! She took real revenge on Zhulin. She turned him away, returned to the sport and, contrary to all forecasts, beat her former lover-deceiver in Lillehammer. The duet Usov - Zhulin, considered the main favorite, ended up only second at the Olympics.

I’ll add that before this whole story, Navka was an unknown aspiring athlete (she is 12 years younger than Zhulin). And Maya Usova, a sweet, trusting figure skater, sometimes confided her feminine secrets to her. I found someone to trust! When Navka took her husband away from her, the losing rival asked: - Tanya, how could you? - What? “Everyone fights for their own happiness,” Navka answered calmly.

Having already become the husband of Tatyana Navka, Zhulin suddenly remembered Grischuk. They began an affair again. Tatyana had to use all her feminine charms, resourcefulness and intelligence so that Zhulin would stay with her. She even named her daughter after him - Sasha.

By the way, according to Oksana Grischuk, the famous champion also went on dates with young Zhulin Katya Gordeeva, who at that time was already married to Sergei Grinkov.

« Black period»

Everyone says that the projects “Stars on Ice” and “Ice Age” are very successful. That's probably true. Viewers are watching, Channel One's rating is growing. But thanks to these wonderful projects, dramatic changes have occurred in many star families. Chief producer and program director Ilya Averbukh broke up with Irina Lobacheva. The wife of another coach, Zhulina, cheated on him with Basharov. Navka has not yet officially divorced her husband, but she is already living with someone else.

Winner of "Ice Age" 2007 Roman Kostomarov divorced Yulia Lautova and switched to another skater - Oksana Domnina. Olympic champion Evgeni Plushenko(he was the host of “Stars on Ice”) broke up with his wife with a scandal Maria Ermak and now calls himself the producer's fiance Yana Rudkovskaya. She, in turn, created an even bigger scandal when she left Victor Baturin. Anastasia Zavorotnyuk abandoned her husband and, in transit through Sergei Zhigunov, fell into the arms of a figure skater with an American passport - Petra Chernysheva. And how many fleeting romances there were between the participants of the ice show over these three years! For example, in lovers Alexey Yagudin visited first "manufacturer" Vika Daineko and then her colleague Sasha Savelyeva. And Lesha abandoned both of them! It is no coincidence that one famous figure skating specialist once said on the sidelines of the Sports Palace, where the program was being filmed:

Yes, this is not the “Ice Age, but the Bleak Age!”

They lie for free. But the truth is for money

Anyway, that's enough. After all, even a no brainer that in order to promote a television project, some love stories were simply sucked out of thin air and thrown into the press. The product must be sold. And our respected stars of show business and sports have already learned to sell not only their talent, but also their intimate revelations. They say that Irina Lobacheva told the piquant details of her breakup with Averbukh (they were published in one illustrated magazine) for a very tidy sum.

Do you think Lisa Krutsko gave her interview for free? No matter how it is! She's an advertising agent, she's used to selling everything. By the way, even now Lisa remains Basharov’s agent. And without any hesitation she suggested to the journalist:

If you want Marat himself to tell you about the divorce and about Navka, then please. It will cost 20 thousand euros. Basharova’s agent, who is also his abandoned wife, did not agree to 15 thousand. What should we call all this? By the way, even after the scandalous revelations of Liza Krutsko, Tatyana Navka took a strong defense. On the air of one of the radio stations, in response to a direct question: “Is it true that Marat Basharov left his wife for you?” - the eminent sportswoman answered: - No, it’s not true. Meanwhile, it is known that she celebrated the New Year with Marat, and then flew away with him and her daughter to ski in Switzerland.

Last summer, Navka, according to her, vacationed in Italy. But then - with my daughter and my husband. Apparently, this was the last attempt on the part of Tanya and Sasha to save the family. It didn't work out. Even on the set of Ice Age, they tried to pretend that everything was still fine with them. But Zhulin’s eyes were too sad. Even when his charges received “sixes.” Agent Lisa Krutsko lied for almost two years. I wonder when Navka will split? Is it really only when she is paid 20 thousand euros for the truth?

By the way

According to unofficial data, one glossy magazine paid more than 200 thousand USD for an interview and an exclusive photo shoot with Nastya Zavorotnyuk and Peter Chernyshev.

In show business, important events are constantly happening. As for the personal lives of stars, this is perhaps the most interesting topic. And now in show business news one of the news is being brightly covered, which concerns the personal life of Marat Basharov and Tatyana Navka. One of the most romantic couples recently broke up: now Navka and Basharov live apart. This wonderful couple was liked, if not by everyone, then by many. The Internet is simply overflowing with photographs of a smiling Marat hugging Tatyana, whose eyes are glowing with happiness. They were a wonderful, romantic couple. What prevented their happiness?

Reason for separation

Now the former lovers live separately from each other - this news shocked everyone. An interesting question comes up about why Navka and Basharov broke up. There are many scenarios for their separation. Some say that it was all due to their great love for each other, which, oddly enough, contributed to the fading of their feelings. After all, it’s true that the loving Marat at the beginning of their relationship literally kissed Tatyana, as they say, “from head to toe.” And according to psychologists, you can’t be so passionate about your significant other, as this can get boring over time, and then lead to the separation of the couple. Others say that Tatyana broke off relations with Basharov because of his frequent drinking. And someone says that Tatyana, being not a Muslim, simply was not approved by his family. No one knows which of all these versions is true, since Tatyana herself refuses to talk about the breakup. Someone is sure that Tatyana and Marat were simply not suitable for each other, since Basharov is a very sexy and hot man, but in Tatyana these qualities are not very visible.

Romance of Tatiana and Marat

It is worth recalling the Ice Age program, in which Basharov and Navka took part. The romance between Tatiana and Marat began here. It was a beautiful story of great love. They lived together in the figure skater’s Moscow apartment. Basharov carried his beloved in his arms almost every day, kissed her, and gave her expensive gifts. But the couple's happiness did not last so long. Basharov’s wild lifestyle began to strain Tatyana. Navka and Basharov often quarreled and made loud noises. This ended with Marat being thrown out the door along with his suitcases. He went to the bar and sat there until the morning. There were, of course, reconciliations, again carefree evenings together, then again scandals and a bar. It seemed as if this chain of events would never end. But everything happened unexpectedly - Navka and Basharov broke up. Many friends and acquaintances of the couple guessed about the possibility of such an ending to this romance, and yet they were very surprised by this event.

glacial period

As is already known, Tatyana and Marat participated in the Ice Age program. Navka and Basharov skated as a pair. Many said that this is the most amazing, most romantic couple of the project. How wonderfully everything worked out for them! They seemed to be riding in the same breath, understanding each other only by their glances. This was not just a duet, these were the favorites of the program. The couple was idolized not only by the audience, but also by the jury. By the way, Navka and Basharov won this enchanting show.

Wedding rumors

Rumors about the upcoming event spread very quickly, which surprised their friends, because the couple was extremely scandalous. It was rumored that both Marat and Tatyana filed divorces from their spouses. The wedding ceremony of the stormy couple was planned for the autumn season. The famous actor and no less famous figure skater had to overcome many difficulties on the way to their happiness. After all, Tatyana was not of the Muslim faith, and for Marat’s family it was taboo. His family was categorically against the upcoming marriage and was ready to accept an exclusively Muslim woman. Nevertheless, the long-awaited wedding did not take place, which the former lovers do not regret at all.

Show "Ice and Fire"

After the breakup, Navka and Basharov met on a new television show - “Ice and Fire”. Marat was invited to it as a presenter, and Tatyana as a participant. At that time, Navka was skating together with Alexei Vorobyov, a very attractive man. The program participant did not hide her feelings for her new partner. And there was some controversy about this. Some believed that she just wanted to annoy Basharov and take revenge on him. And others said that real passion was boiling between them, and the birth of a new romance was not far off. In any case, it was clear that Marat’s presence greatly strained Tatyana, just as Tatyana’s presence was not easy for Marat.

Current attitude towards each other

After the breakup, Tatyana and Marat prefer to avoid talking about their turbulent past. Both believe that this affair was a big mistake in their lives. If they happen to meet somewhere, they pretend not to notice each other. However, some believe that everything could be returned, that their romance requires continuation, and that both of them really regret the end of their beautiful love story. But so far neither Tatyana nor Marat have taken a single step towards each other. Who knows what is going on in these hot hearts? It is quite possible that there are still some feelings left there.

What will happen next - only time will tell. Maybe they will come to their senses and realize that parting is not an option. It is quite possible that the relationship will resume. Or maybe they have already forgotten each other forever, and will never even establish friendly relations.