Musical rhythmic games for 4 4. Musical rhythmic games for children of senior preschool age. “glashenka teaches you to dance”

Card index of musical and rhythmic games for older preschoolers


Target: develop rhythmic perception and musical memory.

Progress of the game:

Children stand one after another and place their hands on the shoulders of the person in front.

The leader (last in the chain) taps the rhythm to the next child. And he passes the rhythm on to the next one. The last participant (standing in front of everyone) “conveys” the rhythm by clapping his hands.

  1. "LET'S START DANCING" music M. Sosnina

Target: develop a sense of rhythm, the ability to coordinate singing with movement.

Progress of the game:

Musicians, have fun! Rhythmic claps to lose

Don't spare the drums!

One two Three!

Three, two, one! The thumb greets the index, middle, ring and

in reverse order.

Let's start dancing! "Spring"

Let's start dancing! Stomp to the rhythm of the music

Gather together, dancers,

Hippos and elephants,

Zebras, hedgehogs, raccoons - “Spring”

Everyone who wants to dance,

Everyone who wants to dance! Stomp to the rhythm of the music, at the end there are 2 short claps.


Target: development of coordination of movements, the ability to move to the beat of music.

Progress of the game:

I.p. standing in a circle, arms along the body, legs together, perform movements in accordance with the text

Hand your right hand forward, and then back,

And then go ahead again and shake it a little.

We dance Boogie-Woogie (twist in place)

Turning in a circle (turning around yourself)

And clap our hands like this (clap-clap)

Boogie-Woogie, Okay! (children go to the center of the circle)

Boogie-Woogie, Okay! (children come from the center of the circle)


Target: development of imagination, improvisation, and the ability to move to the beat of music.

Progress of the game:

Children are divided into three groups. They are given three pieces to listen to: a waltz, a polka, a march. Participants in the game must come up with dance moves to their melody and demonstrate the dance.

The guys must take into account the rhythm and tempo of the dance.

5. "TRAP" music J. Haydn

Target: Hear the end of a musical phrase. Convey the rhythmic pattern of the melody with words and clapping. Develop endurance in children, continue to teach easy running.

Progress of the game: A “trap” is selected. He stands facing the wall, the rest of the children are at the opposite wall facing him.

Measure 1-4 - Children quietly run up to the trap

Beat 5-8-Clap their hands and say: “One, two, three, one, two, three! Well, hurry up and catch us!”

The children run away and the trap catches up.

Guidelines: Make sure that children run up to the “trap” easily, rhythmically, as close as possible, without fear of being caught.

6. “GAME WITH BELLS” music Yu. Rozhavskoy

Target: Expressively convey the character of the music with movements: run lightly, rhythmically, ring a bell. React accurately to the end of music. Show endurance and will.

Progress of the game: Children stand in a circle, holding a bell in their right hand. In the center of the circle is the teacher.

Measure 1-8 - children run to the right in a circle, the teacher to the left. At the end of the music, they turn to face the circle.

Measures 9-12 - bells ring.

Measures 13-16 - they spin around, and when the music ends, they place the bell on the floor.

Bars 17-24 repeat the movements of bars 1-8. With the last chord the bell is quickly struck. Whoever is left without a bell becomes the leader.

Guidelines: The game can be used at a New Year's party, like a game with Santa Claus.

7. "HARES AND FOX" music M. Kraseva

Target: develop the ability to reproduce rhythmic patterns, attention, dexterity.

Progress of the game: children - “hares” stand in a semicircle. A fox is “sleeping” in the distance.

Measure 1-2 - the hares clap their paws into a rhythmic pattern on the right and left.

Beat 3-4 - jump on two legs three times.

Measure 5-8 - repeat movements.

Beats 11-12 - they rise and look at the fox.

Measures 13-16 - repetition of movements 1-4 measures.

Beat 17 - stroke the right ear twice.

Beat 18 - stroke the left ear twice.

Measure 19-20 - twirl the tails.

Measure 21-22 - they jump.

Measures 23-24 - they are spinning.

Measures 25-31 - the hares approach the fox with rhythmic jumps (to the rhythm of the music).

Beat 32 - the fox jumps up and catches up with the hares.

8. “CAROUSEL” any folk melody with acceleration

Target: develop the rhythm of movements and the ability to combine them with the pronunciation of words, respond to the acceleration and deceleration of the pace of reading poetry.

Progress of the game: Children stand around the carousel at arm's length. At a signal, children raise their ribbons, turn one after another, and walk in a circle. The movements are accompanied by reading a poem:

Barely, barely, barely slow walking

The carousels are spinning

And then, then, then, walking with acceleration

Everybody run, run, run

Let's run, let's run, running on toes to the rhythm of the words

Let's run, let's run...

Hush, hush, don't rush, the movements slow down and

Stop the carousel, the children stop,

One-two, turn to face the center,

One-two, let go of the tape

So the game is over.

9. "GOAT" music “Polka” by I. Sats

Target: teach the distribution of attention with a change in the tasks of the players, teach all children to rhythmically perform stomping and shaking their heads.

Progress of the game: Children are divided into two subgroups. For the 1st part, one subgroup performs a stamp with one foot, showing how “the goat knocks its hoof”; another subgroup shakes its head from top to bottom, imitating a goat shaking its beard. Before the game, children repeat the words:

The goat is angry, the goat is silent,

He clatters his hooves.

He shakes his beard,

He won't find any cabbage.

  1. 10 . "MUSICAL CUBES" music M. Gogoleva

Target: development in children of a sense of rhythm and visual attention, the ability to distribute hand movements over the entire musical phrase.

Progress of the game: For each child there are 4 cubes on the table.

Measure 1-4 - The child places cube on cube to the music from right to left with his right hand and says the words:

We put it on without further ado!

A child is trying to build a tower. I took it on “one”, put it on “two”.

Measure 5-8 - shifts the cubes from left to right with the left hand and says the words:

Cube upon cube, cube upon cube,

The house will be ready soon!

11. “FUNNY SPOONS” r.n.p. “Let me go and come out.”

Progress of the game: Children sit on chairs and perform movements with spoons to a Russian folk song

Music A:

1st phrase - knock the spoons on the right with quarter notes.

2nd phrase - knock the spoons on the left with quarter notes.

Music B:

Music A:

1st phrase - knock with eighth notes on the right leg from bottom to top.

2nd phrase - knock with eighth notes on the left leg from bottom to top.

Music B:

1st phrase - plate movement in quarters.

2nd phrase - claps (two eighth notes - on the right, two eighth notes - on the left, 2 quarter claps in front of you).

Music A:

1st phrase - they knock spoons from left to right in eighth notes.

2nd phrase - they knock the spoons from right to left with eighth notes.

Music B:

1st phrase - two claps in front of you with quarters, once on your knees, once in front of you.

2nd phrase - two claps in front of you with quarters, once on your knees, once in front of you.

  1. "JORY BELL"

Target: form a feeling of speech and musical sentences.

Progress of the game: The music director sings odd phrases with words, and children sing even phrases with onomatopoeia, playing along on the bells.

1.Merry bell -

Ding - ding - ding.

Laughs and cackles -

Ding - ding - ding.

  1. He sang in winter, barely audible -

Ding - ding - ding.

But the sun came out again -

Ding - ding - ding.

  1. And sonorous drops -

Ding - ding - ding.

In response they sang to him -

Ding - ding - ding.


Target: develop children’s ability to clearly pronounce the text by performing its rhythmic pattern.

Progress of the game:

A cheerful dog was walking, chiki, briki, woof!

And the geese ran after her, raising their heads.

And behind them - a piglet, chicks, Bricks, oink!

Chicky, Bricky, repeat what I say!

  1. "MERRY BUILDERS" music. G. Vikharevoy

Target: develop the rhythm of movements and the ability to combine them with the pronunciation of words.

Progress of the game: Children stand in a circle or scattered facing the teacher.

Listen carefully and follow the text.

The saw started working - they “saw” while holding an imaginary saw handle in their hands

And things went well for us

We saw, we saw and we eat

And we don’t get tired at all.

When they lose, they spin around like a stomp

Chopping, chopping with an ax - “splitting wood” while holding an imaginary ax

Small firewood

They will build a house for the birds

Our kids.

Hammers, knock, knock, knock - fist on fist

Hammering nails

We are building a house for the birds

We help the birds.

Birds, it's time for you - they wave their hands above, calling the birds

Celebrate housewarming

Come visit us here

You will have fun

Losing - they run in a circle, flapping their wings, pretending to be birds


Target: coordination of movements, imagination, sense of dance space.

Progress of the game: All children are divided into pairs and triplets (larger groups if desired), and then, to the same music, the groups each prepare their own dance on a common theme (for example, the dance of the sunrise, sea surf, clouds, stars, fire, fountain).

The children sit as if in an auditorium, and then each team takes turns showing their dance.


Target: encouragement to emancipate, identify emotions, develop dance skills.

Progress of the game: Everyone stands in a circle, one child comes to the center. Children must invent and create an atmosphere of dance for those standing in the center of the circle without music. For example - rain, fire or gust of wind. (The circle can clap, click, stomp, blow, hum, howl, spin, jump, etc. in a certain rhythm.)

The task of the one who remains in the circle is to feel and convey in the dance the state of space that is given to him.

  1. "TRAP" p. n. m.“I was going up the hill”

Target: teach children to synchronously perform movements to music or singing, act together, simultaneously marking the end of the chorus or the first part of the music with a common movement, develop speed of reactions, dexterity; to cultivate the courage and activity of each child, as well as the ability to lose with dignity, not to be offended, but to practice further.

Progress of the game: 4-5 people stand in a circle, holding a rope with both hands, the ends of which are connected, the rest of the children behind the circle.

At the start, the children must simultaneously lift the rope up. And then for each beat they either lower the rope down or raise it up. This continues until the end of the 1st part of the music or chorus. At the end the rope should be at the top.

At the 2nd part of the music or at the chorus, the rest of the children turn behind the leader and run after him like a “snake” through all the “gates”. At the end of the music, “the trap slams shut” - the children lower the rope down. Whoever gets caught stands in a circle and grabs the rope with both hands. The game continues until almost all the children are caught.

  1. 18 . "BELLS AND BELLS"

Target: develop auditory attention and sense of rhythm.

Progress of the game: Children stand along the lines, hands down. We depict a large bell - clap overhead for “one”, for “two” - pause. Small bells - hands forward, clapping “one-two”, pause.

Variants of “bells” sounding near the right ear or left ear.



Progress of the game:

Children stand in pairs facing each other.

Measures 1 - 2. Clap your hands twice and your partner’s hands three times and sing “One, two, good afternoon.”

Beats 3 - 4. Children standing facing the center of the circle run across to the other partner at a side gallop.

The movements are repeated until the end of the 1st part (with repetition).


Target: Development of creative abilities, imagination, ability to think quickly and outside the box.

Progress of the game:

Children perform any movements to the music. The musical director says the words: the sea worries once, the sea worries two, the sea worries three - and names any adjective - funny, big, etc. the figure freezes in place!


The participants of the game, holding hands, form a circle. The driver becomes inside him. Slowly moving to the right or left in a circle, the players sing a song in which the name of the driver is mentioned:

We walk in circles, one after another.

Hey guys, don't yawn!

Everything that Kolya (Sasha, Ira or others) will show us,

Let's repeat it together!

The circle stops, and the driver shows some movements (jumps like a frog, rotates his arms, spins in place, or takes some funny pose). All players must exactly repeat his movements. After this, the driver approaches one of the guys in the circle and bows low. The one who is bowed becomes the leader.

The game is repeated, the round dance moves in the other direction.

  1. "STORK AND FROGS" b. n. p "Yanka"

Target: Improving jumping movement as you move forward.

Progress of the game:

The little frogs are jumping and jumping - baby frogs jump on two legs in any direction

Skok-skok, skok-skok.

The lively guys are jumping -

Jump on a hummock, under a leaf.

The stork went out into the swamp - the frogs perform “springs”, the stork walks around

Take a walk, take a walk.

Hide quickly, little frogs, - the little frogs crouch and don’t move.

So that I can’t find you! , - the stork walks between them, touching the moving ones with his hand


Target: Development of the ability to concentrate attention, sense of rhythm.

Progress of the game:

Children sit in a circle, one child is wearing a hat. When the music starts to sound, the child takes off the hat from the person sitting in front and puts it on himself, the person sitting behind him takes off his hat and puts it on himself, that is, they pass the hat in a circle, taking turns taking it off the neighbor’s head and putting it on themselves.

24. “FIND YOUR PLACE” music. T. Lomova “Learning to dance”

Target: consolidate the scattered formation, form motor skills of various dance steps, develop a sense of rhythm.

Progress of the game: children stand in a scattered position, free from each other. Original position: legs together, hands on the belt. To the music, children form a circle and move in a given direction. movement: jumping, galloping, walking with high knee bend, walking on heels, round dance step, etc. At the end of the music, children must find their place as quickly as possible and stand in their original position position: legs together, hands on the waist. The game continues 4-5 times.

25. “INVITATION” to music. F. Schubert "Ecosaise"

Target: consolidate jumps, side gallop, develop a sense of rhythm, cultivate a polite attitude towards each other.

How to play: Children stand in a circle, facing the center. Original position: 6 pos. legs, hands on the belt. A presenter is selected. To polka music (2/4 size) the leader moves along the outer circle with hops or a side gallop and selects the next leader and approaches him in the inner circle "invites" (nod head) and takes his place, and the new leader continues the game.

Task 2. Develop a schedule of rhythmic gymnastics classes for three months for children of any age category.

Musical and rhythmic activity is one of the central components of aesthetic education and plays a huge role in the comprehensive development of the child, which is determined by the specifics of dance art and the specifics of childhood.

Music and choreography are an important factor in the aesthetic impact on children. The connection between music and gesture, music and movement is characteristic and organic to the child’s nature. Musical and rhythmic activity is not only a pleasant pastime for a child, but also a huge process in which the child develops emotionally.

Choreography is the most beautiful of arts, forcing a person to experience a whole range of feelings and emotions. The Swiss composer and teacher Emile Jacques-Dalcroze, who created the system of musical-rhythmic education, argued that through communication with music and dance, children learn about the world and themselves, and dancing helps to reveal themselves emotionally in musical play, in creativity, in independent activity , cultivate attention, will, communication skills. Movements to music create a positive mood, which helps improve posture, coordination of arm and leg movements, and ease of running and jumping.

Children who dance are distinguished not only by their posture, but also by their neatness and neatness, elegance and good manners.

A sense of responsibility, so necessary in life, moves children involved in choreography forward. You cannot fail, be late, fail to learn, fail to complete, or fail to improve because others are dependent on you.

Thus, if a child has a developed sense of rhythm, an ear for music, if he is mobile, emotional and artistic, loves music, and most importantly, has a desire, then choreography classes are simply necessary for him.

Schedule of rhythmic gymnastics classes for the senior group

(September October November)

  1. Purpose of the lesson: training and development of the musculoskeletal system, developing a culture of movement and coordination skills, nurturing musicality and a sense of rhythm.
  2. Tasks:
  3. Teach children to switch from one movement to another at a moderate and fast pace in accordance with

music, development of a sense of rhythm, coordination of movements.

  1. Learn to change lanes from a circle and back again.
  2. Improve the ability to perform figurative movements.
  3. Develop visual memory, observation, muscle strength, flexibility, endurance, coordination.
  4. To develop the ability to understand the mood and character of music, to increase the emotional mood of children.
  5. Cultivate willpower and independence.
  1. What is gained as a result of classes:
  2. Physical endurance and development of the musculoskeletal system increase.
  3. Posture, joint flexibility, endurance, plasticity, and coordination of movements improve.
  4. The sense of rhythm, visual memory, musicality, and coordination of movements with music are improved.
  5. Development of the respiratory, circulatory, cardiovascular and nervous systems of the body.
  6. The skills of emotional and independent expression of movements to music are formed.
  1. Rhythmic gymnastics lesson plan

The rhythm lesson includes the following sections:

  1. Warm-up (warm-up)

Warm-up provides warming up of the body, preparing it for the main physical activity. The introductory part consists of exercises that directly affect the child’s entire body. These are movements of a dynamic nature: walking, running, jumping, exercises to correct the arch of the foot, general developmental exercises.

  1. Main part(exercises in the starting position standing).

Consistent “working” of the muscles of the neck, arms, arms of the body, legs.

At the beginning of the main part, exercises of a different nature follow: exercises for the neck muscles - bending and turning the head, exercises with the shoulders together and alternately, raising the arms up and to the sides. The next series of exercises is loading. Intensive exercises are offered here: various bends, body swings, lunges, squats. They are selected in such a way as to evenly “load” all parts of the body. This series of exercises moves at a fast pace.

  1. Running and jumping

The main part ends with dance and running exercises. It takes place at an intense pace, with one exercise quickly followed by another. Then 1-2 breathing exercises are provided, allowing you to rest a little and restore your strength.

  1. Parterre. Exercises in starting positions sitting and lying down. -(comprehensive training of all muscle groups)

This is followed by a parterre series of starting positions lying and sitting. This group of exercises is designed to develop spinal flexibility, strengthen the back and abdominal muscles, and leg muscles. It is recommended to perform all exercises at a moderate pace, as they require the most energy. The complex ends with breathing, relaxation, and flexibility exercises performed at a slow pace. Flexibility exercises are very effective at the end of the complex, since well-warmed muscles are the most elastic.

  1. Final .

Recovery, relaxation exercises.

Rhythmic gymnastics ends with relaxation exercises. The purpose of which is to provide maximum rest for children in a short period of time. These can be exercises from starting positions standing, sitting, lying down. They contribute to the rapid recovery of the body and prepare it for further activities.


Musical accompaniment


1. Walking in place

2. "Mice"

3. "Giants and Dwarves"

4. Running in circles

5. Snake running

6. Find your place.

March F. Nadienko

March of F. Nadienko - part 2

D. Lvov-Kompaneets

Czech polka

Main part

1. Head exercises

I.p. - feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the waist.

Head movement: turns right, left, tilts right, left, up, down. (hereinafter head movements “in a square”)

2. Shoulder exercises- up down. One shoulder “ran away”, the other “caught up”. Later, circular movements of the shoulders are added to “put on and take off the blouse”

3. Exercises for the core and arms

1 - lean forward, to the side, arms to the sides.

i.p. (do not lower your head down).

2- Arms - “ropes” (dangling freely); arms to the sides - “sticks” - tense your muscles.

Later, various movements are added: “clock”,

4. "Tails" hip movements to the right, left

5. " Releve» - lifting onto half toes.

On “one-two” - rise on your toes, on “three-four” lower

6. « Demi plie» - small squats.

For “one-two”, half-squat in 6 and 1 positions, “three-four” - straighten up, pull your knees in.

6. " Step from behind a pillar"

I.p. - legs together, hands down.

1 - step to the side (look out from behind the pillar), hands on knees.

2. - i.p. stand straight.

7. “Repetitions” - repeating movements after the teacher to develop attention and reaction speed.

Polka “Anna” by J. Strauss, arranged.

Latvian folk melody

Waltz by P. Tchaikovsky

“Children's Polka” - A. Zhilinsky

“Polka” by Yu. Chichkova

“The Mill” by T. Lomova

“Letka-enka” - R. Lehtinen

Any rhythmic music without words

Running and jumping

1. Jump legs apart, legs together.

2.Running in place, springy step

3. Breathing exercise “Breeze”

"Oh, the hoop broke"

“Step and Run” - E. Telicheyeva

“Autumn Breeze” by Grechaninov

1. "Needle-iron"

I. p. - sitting on the floor. The legs are straight together, the toes are extended - “needles”.

At “one” - shorten the foot - “iron”, two-three-four - pause. At “one” - stretch out your toes - “needles”, two-three-four - pause.

2. "Glass Legs"

IP - lying down, hands behind your head.

On “one-two-three-four” slowly raise the legs, on the next count, lower them, trying not to “break” the legs.

3. "Frog"

IP - sitting on the floor, try to reach the floor with your knees.

We jump like frogs, pushing off with both feet.

4. "Ball"

I. p. - sitting with his arms around his knees. Bend back and return to i.p. Do not unclasp your hands

"Polyanka" r.n.m

"Waltz" - L. Delibes

“The Good Bug” - A. Spadavecchia

"From Under the Oak" r.n.m

Final part (relaxation)

Exercise “Autumn Leaves”

“Waltz” - A. Griboyedova

Vasilenko Olga Mikhailovna,

Rhythmic teacher,

MAOU "Gymnasium No. 8", Angarsk

Musical and rhythmic games for schoolchildren

These musical and rhythmic games will be useful to rhythm and music teachers, choreographers working with children's groups of primary education.

Emile Jacques-Dalcroze (the founder of rhythm) proved that it is possible to translate musical rhythm into plastic movements of the human body, understanding that the rhythm of music is closely related to the motor, muscular reactivity of a person. Dalcroze formulated the purpose of his system as follows: “The purpose of rhythm is to lead its followers to the point that at the end of their studies they could say not so much “I know” as “I feel”, and above all create in them an irresistible desire to express themselves, that can be done after developing their emotional abilities and their creative imagination.”

Music literacy needs to be explained in an accessible way, so that it is interesting for gifted children and understandable for those who do not study music. Children learn musical time signatures by jumping over a rope that moves according to a given musical time signature. I propose to learn the duration of pauses through the musical game “morozko”, after which, apply and consolidate the acquired knowledge in a dance etude. We study such a topic as: “Introductory and closing chords” in the games: “station” and “snowballs”. The “musical phrase” is very clearly perceived through games such as “pass the ball” or “toy store”; a lighter version of these games helps to learn the strong and weak beats of the beat. Children love to play the musical game “butterfly spiders” and “locomotive”, and the teacher, meanwhile, explains the dynamic shades in the music and the musical tempo.


Goal: through the game, to let students feel the “musical phrase”, its beginning and end.

"Ball" 1st grade

Children stand in a circle, one in the middle with a ball.

On “one” - the ball is thrown to any of the children

On “two” - the ball is returned to the leader

On “three” - the ball is thrown clockwise to the next

On “four” - the child passes the ball to his neighbor on the left

On “five” - the child with the ball extends his arms with the ball (teases the one in the center)

At "six" - presses the ball towards himself

At “seven, eight” they change places. End of sentence.

The game continues from the beginning. If the same children go to the center, you need to add one person, then everyone will visit the center. The game can be complicated, including two or three balls. The main thing is to introduce children to synchronicity.

“Toy store” 1-2 grades.

Children are invited to come up with any shapes (toys, animals). The poses should be stable, not lying down, since at the beginning of the phrase (at “one time”) you need to take the first step. The teacher appoints a “buyer” (if there are many children in the class, then several). Task for the “buyer”: you can only take six steps around the “toy store”, on the count of “seven” he touches the figure he has chosen, on the count of “eight” he stands next to the chosen figure, repeating it exactly. The child who was touched (bought) becomes a “buyer” and on the count of “one” begins his steps through the “toy store”.

The musical tempo can be moderate for steps or fast for jumps. The teacher can complicate the task by offering to move in different ways (penguins, foxes, bears, old men, etc.)

"Conductor" 3rd grade

To start playing, you need to learn a four-quarter rhythmic pattern.

“one two three pause” - four times. - Claps or three jumps in place.

“one two three four” - four steps forward

“one” - “two” - (half) - two long claps

“one two three four” - four steps back

“one” - (whole) - one long clap.

After the children remember the rhythm, we divide them into four teams. The role of the conductor is played by the teacher, then by anyone interested. The essence of the exercise is for the teams to carefully follow the conductor’s hands and perform the learned rhythm only by the command indicated by the conductor. The “conductor” has a lot of options; you can change performers for each phrase, or several phrases per team.

Topic: Improvisation on a given topic.

Goal: compose a “polka” excerpt and dance it in a ready-made dance etude.

"Troika" 3rd grade

Children line up in threes in a circle. The teacher explains how to move in a circle while maintaining “threes” (those who take shorter steps in the inner circle, longer ones in the outer circle). A moderate tempo polka is good for this exercise.

Introduction: hands on the belt, legs 6th position.

(1-2 eights) We perform six jumps in a circle and three stomps in place - 2 times. At the end of 2 “eights”, the outermost of the three turn to face their central one.

(3-4 eights) the outer children perform six claps and three taps - 2 times, and the central child performs any “polka” movements according to the musical phrase and tempo. At the end of 4 "eights", the central one changes at will either with the one on his right or with the one on his left. After the change has occurred, another child becomes central and the game is repeated.

"Repeat after me"

We divide the children into two equal teams. We line them up along the edges of the hall.

Introduction – children stand with their hands on their belts, feet in 6th position.

1 “figure eight” - the first children come out from both sides to the middle of the hall (jumps, polka step)

2 “eight” – the one on the right shows movements for one musical phrase

3 “eight” - the one on the left repeats the same movements

4 "eight" - they turn to their teams, who must repeat the same movements with a wave of their hand.

Then the exercise is repeated, at 1 “eight” those who stood second go to the center, and the first go to their team and stand last. When the entire right column had been in the place of the one who came up with the movements, it was the turn of those on the left to come up with the movements. You can divide them into girls and boys and give the exercise a competitive moment, taking into account the quality of the movements performed and the synchronization of execution.

Theme: MUSICAL SCALE. 4th grade.

Purpose: To give students the concept of musical sizes and to feel their differences.

At the preparatory stage, the teacher suggests conducting, and then clapping two quarters, three quarters, four quarters. We discuss their similarities and differences. During the discussion, we find out that the beginning is “one”, there is always a strong beat, and then the slices are added accordingly. We invite you to come up with your own rhythmic pattern. If the rhythmic pattern is created correctly, the class repeats it several times.

After this we move on to the practical part. Using two jump ropes. Jump ropes are stretched on the floor parallel to each other, at shoulder distance. Always on the first beat(s), the ropes will be connected, and the remaining slices will remain open. Thus, students must calculate their jumps so as not to step on the jump ropes.

Example of "two quarters": starts inside the ropes, feet together.

“one” - jump legs apart, “two” - jump on one leg, or two together.

Three-quarters example: Starts inside the ropes, feet together.

“one” - jump legs apart, “two” - jump on one leg, “three” on the other.

Four-quarter example: Starts inside the ropes, feet together.

“one” - jump legs apart, “two” - jump on one leg, “three” on the other, “four” jump legs together, you can add half a revolution or a full revolution inside the jump ropes.

For a given rhythm, you can come up with a lot of combinations, even including an element of gymnastics.

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Most of the movements on which musical games and dances are based are basic movements (walking, running, jumping, skipping). They improve both in music classes and in physical education classes. Without teaching children how to step and run correctly, without strengthening the muscles of their legs and core in physical education classes, children will not be able to move well and expressively to upbeat, marching and other music. The ability to teach a child to convey the character of a piece of music and its figurative content through the plasticity of movements to music (rhythm) directly helps in physical education work, for example, in rhythmic gymnastics classes.

In classes with very young children (three or four years old), it is necessary to take into account that they do not yet know how to perceive music, how to link their movements with it, which are characterized by sharpness, impetuosity, and poor coordination. The teacher must take all this into account. At this age, the child reacts to everything very vividly, craves new information and perceives it on the fly. It is no secret that the closest form of activity for children is play. And, if a game or exercise is supplemented with simple poetry, it brings doubly satisfaction. Simple metrization of words organizes attention, causes increased interest in what is happening, enhances imaginative thinking, trains memory, develops a sense of rhythm, an ear for music and taste (if accompanied by music). At the same time, the ability to move correctly and beautifully is developed, strengthening various muscle groups.

We bring to your attention a number of exercises, games, rhythmic warm-ups and musical and rhythmic compositions, which, we hope, will help in the work of music education teachers and physical education and rhythmic gymnastics teachers in children's educational institutions.

May the lives of our children be surrounded by beauty and health.

Exercise – game “Legs – palms”

(for the little ones)

Note: If the children are very small, then the words “right, left” can be replaced with “one, the other.”

“Red horse”

(Musical and rhythmic game for little ones. You can perform it to the music of the song “Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden”).

Physical education for kids

“Exercises with leaves”

Note: The teacher pronounces the words, and he also distributes the leaves one at a time in each hand. Or, if the children are large, he selects 1-2 children to distribute the leaves using a counting rhyme:

Autumn is coming to us again
Distributes leaves to children:
A piece in each palm,
Put 'em on the track
Play with the leaves
Then give it back in the fall.


(Rhythmic composition for children of senior and preparatory groups of preschool educational institutions. Designed to develop a sense of rhythm, intelligence, and coordination of movements).

Note: the teacher pronounces the text clearly, slowly, so that the children have time to figure out and coordinate their movements.

Winter fun games



Option 1 – for kids

Option 2 – for senior and preparatory groups

“Game with Santa Claus”

(For senior and preparatory groups)

Note: Can be used outdoors in winter. For playing in the hall

You can use small balls or fake snowballs.

Musical and rhythmic games for preschool children.

Completed by: Ufimtseva Margarita

Belovo, 2014

Musical rhythm games

Game "Track"

Target: teach preschoolers to convey a simple rhythmic pattern on a children's musical instrument.

Progress of the game : children choose musical instruments (tambourine, hammer, drum) and sit in a circle. In the center of the circle is the leader (teacher or child).

Leading. I'm walking down the path (marching)

Children. They perform the rhythm of the verse on their instruments, emphasizing the downbeat.

And my legs are walking.

And then, andthen (runs in place)

Everybody run, run, run.

Jump and jump through the puddles.

Jump-jump, jump-jump (jumping from foot to foot).

And now to the tubercle,

Stop (stomp)

I'm tired of standing

I’d rather dance (perform simple movements: foot on toe, on heel, picker, etc.).

Game "Hunters"

Target: teach children to convey the rhythm and tempo of a poem in movement, highlighting the strong beat.

Progress of the game: children march, performing movements according to the content of the poem.

Leading. We're lion hunters, right?

Children. Yes! (They march.)

Leading. We're not afraid of anything, are we?

Children. No!

Leading. And we have a gun in our hands!

Children: Bang bang! (The foot is placed on the heel, as if taking aim.)

Leading. And a damask sword! (They march.)

Children. One-two. (Imitate swinging a sword.)

Leading. We're walking down the street

Left, right, left, right!

We invite everyone to hunt.

Left, right, left, right! (They march.)

Leading. Stop! There is a river in front of us.

Wide, deep,

We will cross the river. (Imitate swimming style.)

Let's swim crawl and breaststroke.

Leading. Stop! There is a forest in front of us.

Trees to the sky

Swamp on the way

How to go there?

From bump to bump

Jump, jump, jump!

From bump to bump

Chav, chav, chav, chav. (They jump from foot to foot.)

Leading. Stop! Cave on the way

Usenter it?

Children. Nothing in sight.

Don't hear anyone!

Ay, ay, ay, ay,

Ay, ah, ah, ah. (They throw up their hands in bewilderment.)

We entered the cave

And who did they find there? (They walk slowly, on their toes, and stop.)

And in the cave the lion sleeps

And snores loudly

Hr-hr-hr! (Imitate snoring, making leaks.)

Suddenly the lion woke up

Yes, how he growls: Rrrr! (Growl.)

And every hunter will tremble. (Trembling.)

We got scared! Oh oh! (Shakes their head.)

And quickly run home! (They run.)

Leading. We ran home

Very tired. (Wipes forehead with hand.)

That's how hunters are!

Game "Let's take a walk"

Target: development of movements, movement and rearrangement in space in accordance with the rhythm and tempo of the music.

Progress of the game: children move around the hall for music lessons in different directions.

Leading. Let's take a walk, let's take a walk

In my kindergarten...

Children. Let's take a walk, let's take a walk

ANDWe'll find a friend.(They find a mate - a friend.)

Bye! (They step back two steps and wave goodbye.)

Clap clap! (Stop in front of each other and clap twice .)

Hello! (They approach each other again and greet each other.)

Bye!(Make two claps, step back two steps and wave goodbye.)

When repeating the game, the child finds a new friend. You can offer different options for the game: walk in pairs, line up in a circle (possibly line up based on the first letter of the name), etc.

Game "I'm coming to you"

Target: moving and rearranging in space in accordance with the rhythm and tempo of the music.

Educator. Good all around

Children.(They walk freely around the room.)

The sun is shining on us.(They find a partner, stand opposite each other and clap.)

I smile to all my friends.

Children.(Those standing in pairs join hands and clapping.)

(Couples line up in a common circle and make three claps and, holding hands, walk in a circle.)

Educator. Hello, dear little friend!

Join me in a circle!

Good all around

The sun is shining on us

I smile

To all my friends.

Game "Musical hedgehog"

(modified version of games by E. I. Yudina)

Target: the child’s reproduction of a rhythmic pattern using clapping or children’s musical instruments (drum, tambourine).

Educator. Have you ever met musical hedgehogs? For example, those who play the drum? But the Moldovan poet Georgiy Vier had to! Listen to how he portrayed such a hedgehog (reads a poem):

A hedgehog walks with a drum.

Boom Boom Boom!

The hedgehog plays all day long:

Boom Boom Boom!

With a drum behind my shoulders...

Boom Boom Boom!

A hedgehog wandered into the garden by accident.

Boom Boom Boom!

He loved apples very much.

Boom Boom Boom!

He forgot the drum in the garden.

Boom Boom Boom!

At night the apples were picked:

Boom Boom Boom!

And they hit the ground:

Boom Boom Boom!

Oh, how the bunnies got cold feet!

Boom Boom Boom!

We didn’t close our eyes until dawn!

Boom Boom Boom!

Funny poem, isn't it? Now we will arrange an interesting game. What words are repeated all the time in poetry? How many drum beats represent these words? Let's try to accompany this poem with clapping. We must do this at the same time, because the hedgehog only had one drum. Now we will take out toy drums and, to the words “boom-boom-boom,” we will perform three hits with two sticks - right, left, right, like this. (Children perform the appropriate movements as the teacher reads the poem.)

Now let's play differently. Mark in the verses the place where “apples fell at night” - how can this be voiced, otherwise, when the apples fall, their sound is not like the beat of a drum? (Children offer to sound the fall of apples with soft claps; a tambourine, etc. The game is repeated with musical accompaniment.)

Game "Bear"

Target: the child's voicing of poetic lines.

Progress of the game: The teacher invites the children to help the bear cub get home, and to make it more fun for him to walk, you need to make this path sound.


The bear spanked along the path:


And he clapped his hands:


And then, and then,

He ran quickly:


He's over the bumps, stomp, stomp, stomp!

I reached the house - Stop!

(Children perform the appropriate movements while standing.)


The bear walked happily:

Top! Top! Top! Top!

And then he ran:

Tops-tops, tops-tops!

Suddenly he tripped and fell: Bang!

He shook himself off and said: Wow!

I took a step and: Oh! Oh! Oh!

And grumbling, he hobbled home.

Game "Walk"

Target: fixing note durations, developing a sense of rhythm.

Game material: musical instruments according to the number of players (mallets, drum, tambourine, xylophone, metallophone, bell, musical cymbals).

Progress of the game: Adult: “Now, guys, we will go for a walk with you, but it will be an unusual walk, we will walk, musical instruments will help us with this.

Here we are going down the stairs (slow hammer strikes on the table), and now we have gone out into the street. The bright sun was shining, we were happy, we ran (frequent hits on the drum or maybe hammers on the table). We were walking and having fun, but suddenly a cloud appeared, the wind blew, thunder struck, lightning flashed, and it began to rain. At first these were rare drops, and then a frequent heavy downpour began (the rhythm accelerates, children can knock on a drum, tambourine, hammer on a metallophone, hit cymbals, use a bell to convey rare drops of rain; all instruments are used to convey the state of the weather; rare drops of rain and Children convey heavy, frequent rainfall in a certain rhythm, as a result of which their knowledge of the durations of notes is consolidated."

Adult: “The guys got scared by this weather and ran home” (fast and rhythmic beats again).

The game gradually became more complex, the children, with the help of an adult, came up with new events that took place during the “walk”, and each time the rhythmic patterns became more varied and complex.

Game “Teach the nesting dolls to dance”

Target: Teach children to convey a simple rhythmic pattern and consolidate the lyrics of previously learned songs.

Game material: large and small nesting dolls.

Progress of the game: An adult has a large matryoshka doll in his hands, while children have small ones.

“The big matryoshka teaches the little ones to dance,” says the adult. First, he taps a simple rhythmic pattern on the table. Children repeat. Melodies of songs and dances familiar to children were used as rhythmic patterns: “Magpie”, “Andrew the Sparrow”, “Chicky-Chickalochki”, familiar songs learned earlier. If at first the children repeated after the adults, then they themselves began to come up with simple rhythmic patterns, or the adult began, and the children finished. Examples of rhythmic patterns were very diverse.

“Shadow-Shadow” Children know this song well. To improve the development of children's rhythmic sense, the following tasks were used in a playful form: - the song is sung together with the children in order to consolidate the text - the children simultaneously sing and clap their hands quietly, marking the rhythmic pattern with their claps. - singing in roles: the adult is the author, and the children are the heroes (fox, hare, 2 hedgehogs, fleas, bear, goat). Each child misses his role. - singing in roles, but the role is performed with palms. It is explained to the children that the little voice is “hidden” and the palms “sing in its place.” - the entire song from beginning to end is sung with palms - when the rhythm of the song is well mastered, you can lay it out in short and long strips or durations.

Game "Tangle"

Target: nurturing a sense of belonging to a group, a sense of security in the team, a sense of unity. Cohesion, the ability to act in concert.

Materials: a ball of strong thread.

Progress of the game: The teacher and children stand in a circle. The teacher sings a song and wraps the thumb of his right hand. Then he passes the ball to the next child, calling him by name in a song, etc.
When the song ends, all the children and the teacher are connected by a thread. The ball must return to the teacher, having completed a full circle. Then, at the same time, everyone carefully removes the thread from their fingers and places it on the table. The children's attention is drawn to the fact that the thread has not broken, and the guys in the group will always be just as strong friends. In conclusion, you can ask the children to remember proverbs and sayings about friendship.

Game "Trap"

The game takes place to the Russian folk melody “I went to the hill” or other music with a bipartite meter, which begins over the beat.

Target: teach children to synchronously perform movements to music or singing, act together, simultaneously marking the end of the chorus or the first part of the music with a common movement, develop speed of reactions and dexterity; to cultivate the courage and activity of each child, as well as the ability to lose with dignity, not to be offended, but to practice further.

Progress of the game: 4-5 people stand in a circle, holding a rope with both hands, the ends of which are connected.
At the start, the children must simultaneously lift the rope up. And then for each beat they either lower the rope down or raise it up. This continues until the end of the 1st part of the music or chorus. At the end the rope should be at the top!

At the 2nd part of the music or at the chorus, the rest of the children turn behind the leader and run after him like a “snake” through all the “gates”.

At the end of the music, “the trap slams shut” - the children lower the rope down. Whoever gets caught stands in a circle and grabs the rope with both hands. The game continues until almost all the children are caught, who can be praised for their dexterity or invited to make a “lap of honor” around a rope placed on the floor to the applause of all the children.

Game "One, two, three, four, five"

Target: teach children to act alone and together with others; develop children's organizational skills; develop children’s attention, their spatial orientation, and speed of reactions; practice counting and basic movements.

Progress of the game : To the music, children move around the room in different directions, using energetic walking, running, jumping, depending on the nature of the music. When the music ends, the teacher calls out the first number. Children should line up in pairs, threes, etc., in accordance with the named number, standing in a circle or line and raising their hands up.

Card index of musical and rhythmic games for older preschoolers


Target: develop rhythmic perception and musical memory.

Progress of the game:

Children stand one after another and place their hands on the shoulders of the person in front.

The leader (last in the chain) taps the rhythm to the next child. And he passes the rhythm on to the next one. The last participant (standing in front of everyone) “conveys” the rhythm by clapping his hands.

  1. "LET'S START DANCING" music M. Sosnina

Target: develop a sense of rhythm, the ability to coordinate singing with movement.

Progress of the game:

Musicians, have fun! Rhythmic claps to lose

Don't spare the drums!

One two Three!

Three, two, one! The thumb greets the index, middle, ring and

in reverse order.

Let's start dancing! "Spring"

Let's start dancing! Stomp to the rhythm of the music

Gather together, dancers,

Hippos and elephants,

Zebras, hedgehogs, raccoons - “Spring”

Everyone who wants to dance,

Everyone who wants to dance! Stomp to the rhythm of the music, at the end there are 2 short claps.


Target: development of coordination of movements, the ability to move to the beat of music.

Progress of the game:

I.p. standing in a circle, arms along the body, legs together, perform movements in accordance with the text

Hand your right hand forward, and then back,

And then go ahead again and shake it a little.

We dance Boogie-Woogie (twist in place)

Turning in a circle (turning around yourself)

And clap our hands like this (clap-clap)

Boogie-Woogie, Okay! (children go to the center of the circle)

Boogie-Woogie, Okay! (children come from the center of the circle)


Target: development of imagination, improvisation, and the ability to move to the beat of music.

Progress of the game:

Children are divided into three groups. They are given three pieces to listen to: a waltz, a polka, a march. Participants in the game must come up with dance moves to their melody and demonstrate the dance.

The guys must take into account the rhythm and tempo of the dance.

5. "TRAP" music J. Haydn

Target: Hear the end of a musical phrase. Convey the rhythmic pattern of the melody with words and clapping. Develop endurance in children, continue to teach easy running.

Progress of the game: A “trap” is selected. He stands facing the wall, the rest of the children are at the opposite wall facing him.

Measure 1-4 - Children quietly run up to the trap

Beat 5-8-Clap their hands and say: “One, two, three, one, two, three! Well, hurry up and catch us!”

The children run away and the trap catches up.

Guidelines: Make sure that children run up to the “trap” easily, rhythmically, as close as possible, without fear of being caught.

6. “GAME WITH BELLS” music Yu. Rozhavskoy

Target: Expressively convey the character of the music with movements: run lightly, rhythmically, ring a bell. React accurately to the end of music. Show endurance and will.

Progress of the game: Children stand in a circle, holding a bell in their right hand. In the center of the circle is the teacher.

Measure 1-8 - children run to the right in a circle, the teacher to the left. At the end of the music, they turn to face the circle.

Measures 9-12 - bells ring.

Measures 13-16 - they spin around, and when the music ends, they place the bell on the floor.

Bars 17-24 repeat the movements of bars 1-8. With the last chord the bell is quickly struck. Whoever is left without a bell becomes the leader.

Guidelines: The game can be used at a New Year's party, like a game with Santa Claus.

7. "HARES AND FOX" music M. Kraseva

Target: develop the ability to reproduce rhythmic patterns, attention, dexterity.

Progress of the game: children - “hares” stand in a semicircle. A fox is “sleeping” in the distance.

Measure 1-2 - the hares clap their paws into a rhythmic pattern on the right and left.

Beat 3-4 - jump on two legs three times.

Measure 5-8 - repeat movements.

Beats 11-12 - they rise and look at the fox.

Measures 13-16 - repetition of movements 1-4 measures.

Beat 17 - stroke the right ear twice.

Beat 18 - stroke the left ear twice.

Measure 19-20 - twirl the tails.

Measure 21-22 - they jump.

Measures 23-24 - they are spinning.

Measures 25-31 - the hares approach the fox with rhythmic jumps (to the rhythm of the music).

Beat 32 - the fox jumps up and catches up with the hares.

8. “CAROUSEL” any folk melody with acceleration

Target: develop the rhythm of movements and the ability to combine them with the pronunciation of words, respond to the acceleration and deceleration of the pace of reading poetry.

Progress of the game: Children stand around the carousel at arm's length. At a signal, children raise their ribbons, turn one after another, and walk in a circle. The movements are accompanied by reading a poem:

Barely, barely, barely slow walking

The carousels are spinning

And then, then, then, walking with acceleration

Everybody run, run, run

Let's run, let's run, running on toes to the rhythm of the words

Let's run, let's run...

Hush, hush, don't rush, the movements slow down and

Stop the carousel, the children stop,

One-two, turn to face the center,

One-two, let go of the tape

So the game is over.

9. "GOAT" music “Polka” by I. Sats

Target: teach the distribution of attention with a change in the tasks of the players, teach all children to rhythmically perform stomping and shaking their heads.

Progress of the game: Children are divided into two subgroups. For the 1st part, one subgroup performs a stamp with one foot, showing how “the goat knocks its hoof”; another subgroup shakes its head from top to bottom, imitating a goat shaking its beard. Before the game, children repeat the words:

The goat is angry, the goat is silent,

He clatters his hooves.

He shakes his beard,

He won't find any cabbage.

  1. 10 . "MUSICAL CUBES" music M. Gogoleva

Target: development in children of a sense of rhythm and visual attention, the ability to distribute hand movements over the entire musical phrase.

Progress of the game: For each child there are 4 cubes on the table.

Measure 1-4 - The child places cube on cube to the music from right to left with his right hand and says the words:

We put it on without further ado!

A child is trying to build a tower. I took it on “one”, put it on “two”.

Measure 5-8 - shifts the cubes from left to right with the left hand and says the words:

Cube upon cube, cube upon cube,

The house will be ready soon!

11. “FUNNY SPOONS” r.n.p. “Let me go and come out.”

Progress of the game: Children sit on chairs and perform movements with spoons to a Russian folk song

Music A:

1st phrase - knock the spoons on the right with quarter notes.

2nd phrase - knock the spoons on the left with quarter notes.

Music B:

Music A:

1st phrase - knock with eighth notes on the right leg from bottom to top.

2nd phrase - knock with eighth notes on the left leg from bottom to top.

Music B:

1st phrase - plate movement in quarters.

2nd phrase - claps (two eighth notes - on the right, two eighth notes - on the left, 2 quarter claps in front of you).

Music A:

1st phrase - they knock spoons from left to right in eighth notes.

2nd phrase - they knock the spoons from right to left with eighth notes.

Music B:

1st phrase - two claps in front of you with quarters, once on your knees, once in front of you.

2nd phrase - two claps in front of you with quarters, once on your knees, once in front of you.

  1. "JORY BELL"

Target: form a feeling of speech and musical sentences.

Progress of the game: The music director sings odd phrases with words, and children sing even phrases with onomatopoeia, playing along on the bells.

1.Merry bell -

Ding - ding - ding.

Laughs and cackles -

Ding - ding - ding.

  1. He sang in winter, barely audible -

Ding - ding - ding.

But the sun came out again -

Ding - ding - ding.

  1. And sonorous drops -

Ding - ding - ding.

In response they sang to him -

Ding - ding - ding.


Target: develop children’s ability to clearly pronounce the text by performing its rhythmic pattern.

Progress of the game:

A cheerful dog was walking, chiki, briki, woof!

And the geese ran after her, raising their heads.

And behind them - a piglet, chicks, Bricks, oink!

Chicky, Bricky, repeat what I say!

  1. "MERRY BUILDERS" music. G. Vikharevoy

Target: develop the rhythm of movements and the ability to combine them with the pronunciation of words.

Progress of the game: Children stand in a circle or scattered facing the teacher.

Listen carefully and follow the text.

The saw started working - they “saw” while holding an imaginary saw handle in their hands

And things went well for us

We saw, we saw and we eat

And we don’t get tired at all.

When they lose, they spin around like a stomp

Chopping, chopping with an ax - “splitting wood” while holding an imaginary ax

Small firewood

They will build a house for the birds

Our kids.

Hammers, knock, knock, knock - fist on fist

Hammering nails

We are building a house for the birds

We help the birds.

Birds, it's time for you - they wave their hands above, calling the birds

Celebrate housewarming

Come visit us here

You will have fun

Losing - they run in a circle, flapping their wings, pretending to be birds


Target: coordination of movements, imagination, sense of dance space.

Progress of the game: All children are divided into pairs and triplets (larger groups if desired), and then, to the same music, the groups each prepare their own dance on a common theme (for example, the dance of the sunrise, sea surf, clouds, stars, fire, fountain).

The children sit as if in an auditorium, and then each team takes turns showing their dance.


Target: encouragement to emancipate, identify emotions, develop dance skills.

Progress of the game: Everyone stands in a circle, one child comes to the center. Children must invent and create an atmosphere of dance for those standing in the center of the circle without music. For example - rain, fire or gust of wind. (The circle can clap, click, stomp, blow, hum, howl, spin, jump, etc. in a certain rhythm.)

The task of the one who remains in the circle is to feel and convey in the dance the state of space that is given to him.

  1. "TRAP" p. n. m.“I was going up the hill”

Target: teach children to synchronously perform movements to music or singing, act together, simultaneously marking the end of the chorus or the first part of the music with a common movement, develop speed of reactions, dexterity; to cultivate the courage and activity of each child, as well as the ability to lose with dignity, not to be offended, but to practice further.

Progress of the game: 4-5 people stand in a circle, holding a rope with both hands, the ends of which are connected, the rest of the children behind the circle.

At the start, the children must simultaneously lift the rope up. And then for each beat they either lower the rope down or raise it up. This continues until the end of the 1st part of the music or chorus. At the end the rope should be at the top.

At the 2nd part of the music or at the chorus, the rest of the children turn behind the leader and run after him like a “snake” through all the “gates”. At the end of the music, “the trap slams shut” - the children lower the rope down. Whoever gets caught stands in a circle and grabs the rope with both hands. The game continues until almost all the children are caught.

  1. 18 . "BELLS AND BELLS"

Target: develop auditory attention and sense of rhythm.

Progress of the game: Children stand along the lines, hands down. We depict a large bell - clap overhead for “one”, for “two” - pause. Small bells - hands forward, clapping “one-two”, pause.

Variants of “bells” sounding near the right ear or left ear.



Progress of the game:

Children stand in pairs facing each other.

Measures 1 - 2. Clap your hands twice and your partner’s hands three times and sing “One, two, good afternoon.”

Beats 3 - 4. Children standing facing the center of the circle run across to the other partner at a side gallop.

The movements are repeated until the end of the 1st part (with repetition).


Target: Development of creative abilities, imagination, ability to think quickly and outside the box.

Progress of the game:

Children perform any movements to the music. The musical director says the words: the sea worries once, the sea worries two, the sea worries three - and names any adjective - funny, big, etc. the figure freezes in place!


The participants of the game, holding hands, form a circle. The driver becomes inside him. Slowly moving to the right or left in a circle, the players sing a song in which the name of the driver is mentioned:

We walk in circles, one after another.

Hey guys, don't yawn!

Everything that Kolya (Sasha, Ira or others) will show us,

Let's repeat it together!

The circle stops, and the driver shows some movements (jumps like a frog, rotates his arms, spins in place, or takes some funny pose). All players must exactly repeat his movements. After this, the driver approaches one of the guys in the circle and bows low. The one who is bowed becomes the leader.

The game is repeated, the round dance moves in the other direction.

  1. "STORK AND FROGS" b. n. p "Yanka"

Target: Improving jumping movement as you move forward.

Progress of the game:

The little frogs are jumping and jumping - baby frogs jump on two legs in any direction

Skok-skok, skok-skok.

The lively guys are jumping -

Jump on a hummock, under a leaf.

The stork went out into the swamp - the frogs perform “springs”, the stork walks around

Take a walk, take a walk.

Hide quickly, little frogs, - the little frogs crouch and don’t move.

So that I can’t find you! , - the stork walks between them, touching the moving ones with his hand


Target: Development of the ability to concentrate attention, sense of rhythm.

Progress of the game:

Children sit in a circle, one child is wearing a hat. When the music starts to sound, the child takes off the hat from the person sitting in front and puts it on himself, the person sitting behind him takes off his hat and puts it on himself, that is, they pass the hat in a circle, taking turns taking it off the neighbor’s head and putting it on themselves.

24. “FIND YOUR PLACE” music. T. Lomova “Learning to dance”

Target: consolidate the scattered formation, form motor skills of various dance steps, develop a sense of rhythm.

Progress of the game: children stand in a scattered position, free from each other. Original position: legs together, hands on the belt. To the music, children form a circle and move in a given direction. movement: jumping, galloping, walking with high knee bend, walking on heels, round dance step, etc. At the end of the music, children must find their place as quickly as possible and stand in their original position position: legs together, hands on the waist. The game continues 4-5 times.

25. “INVITATION” to music. F. Schubert "Ecosaise"

Target: consolidate jumps, side gallop, develop a sense of rhythm, cultivate a polite attitude towards each other.

How to play: Children stand in a circle, facing the center. Original position: 6 pos. legs, hands on the belt. A presenter is selected. To polka music (2/4 size) the leader moves along the outer circle with hops or a side gallop and selects the next leader and approaches him in the inner circle "invites" (nod head) and takes his place, and the new leader continues the game.

Task 2. Develop a schedule of rhythmic gymnastics classes for three months for children of any age category.

Musical and rhythmic activity is one of the central components of aesthetic education and plays a huge role in the comprehensive development of the child, which is determined by the specifics of dance art and the specifics of childhood.

Music and choreography are an important factor in the aesthetic impact on children. The connection between music and gesture, music and movement is characteristic and organic to the child’s nature. Musical and rhythmic activity is not only a pleasant pastime for a child, but also a huge process in which the child develops emotionally.

Choreography is the most beautiful of arts, forcing a person to experience a whole range of feelings and emotions. The Swiss composer and teacher Emile Jacques-Dalcroze, who created the system of musical-rhythmic education, argued that through communication with music and dance, children learn about the world and themselves, and dancing helps to reveal themselves emotionally in musical play, in creativity, in independent activity , cultivate attention, will, communication skills. Movements to music create a positive mood, which helps improve posture, coordination of arm and leg movements, and ease of running and jumping.

Children who dance are distinguished not only by their posture, but also by their neatness and neatness, elegance and good manners.

A sense of responsibility, so necessary in life, moves children involved in choreography forward. You cannot fail, be late, fail to learn, fail to complete, or fail to improve because others are dependent on you.

Thus, if a child has a developed sense of rhythm, an ear for music, if he is mobile, emotional and artistic, loves music, and most importantly, has a desire, then choreography classes are simply necessary for him.

Schedule of rhythmic gymnastics classes for the senior group

(September October November)

  1. Purpose of the lesson: training and development of the musculoskeletal system, developing a culture of movement and coordination skills, nurturing musicality and a sense of rhythm.
  2. Tasks:
  3. Teach children to switch from one movement to another at a moderate and fast pace in accordance with

music, development of a sense of rhythm, coordination of movements.

  1. Learn to change lanes from a circle and back again.
  2. Improve the ability to perform figurative movements.
  3. Develop visual memory, observation, muscle strength, flexibility, endurance, coordination.
  4. To develop the ability to understand the mood and character of music, to increase the emotional mood of children.
  5. Cultivate willpower and independence.
  1. What is gained as a result of classes:
  2. Physical endurance and development of the musculoskeletal system increase.
  3. Posture, joint flexibility, endurance, plasticity, and coordination of movements improve.
  4. The sense of rhythm, visual memory, musicality, and coordination of movements with music are improved.
  5. Development of the respiratory, circulatory, cardiovascular and nervous systems of the body.
  6. The skills of emotional and independent expression of movements to music are formed.
  1. Rhythmic gymnastics lesson plan

The rhythm lesson includes the following sections:

  1. Warm-up (warm-up)

Warm-up provides warming up of the body, preparing it for the main physical activity. The introductory part consists of exercises that directly affect the child’s entire body. These are movements of a dynamic nature: walking, running, jumping, exercises to correct the arch of the foot, general developmental exercises.

  1. Main part(exercises in the starting position standing).

Consistent “working” of the muscles of the neck, arms, arms of the body, legs.

At the beginning of the main part, exercises of a different nature follow: exercises for the neck muscles - bending and turning the head, exercises with the shoulders together and alternately, raising the arms up and to the sides. The next series of exercises is loading. Intensive exercises are offered here: various bends, body swings, lunges, squats. They are selected in such a way as to evenly “load” all parts of the body. This series of exercises moves at a fast pace.

  1. Running and jumping

The main part ends with dance and running exercises. It takes place at an intense pace, with one exercise quickly followed by another. Then 1-2 breathing exercises are provided, allowing you to rest a little and restore your strength.

  1. Parterre. Exercises in starting positions sitting and lying down. -(comprehensive training of all muscle groups)

This is followed by a parterre series of starting positions lying and sitting. This group of exercises is designed to develop spinal flexibility, strengthen the back and abdominal muscles, and leg muscles. It is recommended to perform all exercises at a moderate pace, as they require the most energy. The complex ends with breathing, relaxation, and flexibility exercises performed at a slow pace. Flexibility exercises are very effective at the end of the complex, since well-warmed muscles are the most elastic.

  1. Final .

Recovery, relaxation exercises.

Rhythmic gymnastics ends with relaxation exercises. The purpose of which is to provide maximum rest for children in a short period of time. These can be exercises from starting positions standing, sitting, lying down. They contribute to the rapid recovery of the body and prepare it for further activities.


Musical accompaniment


1. Walking in place

2. "Mice"

3. "Giants and Dwarves"

4. Running in circles

5. Snake running

6. Find your place.

March F. Nadienko

March of F. Nadienko - part 2

D. Lvov-Kompaneets

Czech polka

Main part

1. Head exercises

I.p. - feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the waist.

Head movement: turns right, left, tilts right, left, up, down. (hereinafter head movements “in a square”)

2. Shoulder exercises- up down. One shoulder “ran away”, the other “caught up”. Later, circular movements of the shoulders are added to “put on and take off the blouse”

3. Exercises for the core and arms

1 - lean forward, to the side, arms to the sides.

i.p. (do not lower your head down).

2- Arms - “ropes” (dangling freely); arms to the sides - “sticks” - tense your muscles.

Later, various movements are added: “clock”,

4. "Tails" hip movements to the right, left

5. " Releve» - lifting onto half toes.

On “one-two” - rise on your toes, on “three-four” lower

6. « Demi plie» - small squats.

For “one-two”, half-squat in 6 and 1 positions, “three-four” - straighten up, pull your knees in.

6. " Step from behind a pillar"

I.p. - legs together, hands down.

1 - step to the side (look out from behind the pillar), hands on knees.

2. - i.p. stand straight.

7. “Repetitions” - repeating movements after the teacher to develop attention and reaction speed.

Polka “Anna” by J. Strauss, arranged.

Latvian folk melody

Waltz by P. Tchaikovsky

“Children's Polka” - A. Zhilinsky

“Polka” by Yu. Chichkova

“The Mill” by T. Lomova

“Letka-enka” - R. Lehtinen

Any rhythmic music without words

Running and jumping

1. Jump legs apart, legs together.

2.Running in place, springy step

3. Breathing exercise “Breeze”

"Oh, the hoop broke"

“Step and Run” - E. Telicheyeva

“Autumn Breeze” by Grechaninov

1. "Needle-iron"

I. p. - sitting on the floor. The legs are straight together, the toes are extended - “needles”.

At “one” - shorten the foot - “iron”, two-three-four - pause. At “one” - stretch out your toes - “needles”, two-three-four - pause.

2. "Glass Legs"

IP - lying down, hands behind your head.

On “one-two-three-four” slowly raise the legs, on the next count, lower them, trying not to “break” the legs.

3. "Frog"

IP - sitting on the floor, try to reach the floor with your knees.

We jump like frogs, pushing off with both feet.

4. "Ball"

I. p. - sitting with his arms around his knees. Bend back and return to i.p. Do not unclasp your hands

"Polyanka" r.n.m

"Waltz" - L. Delibes

“The Good Bug” - A. Spadavecchia

"From Under the Oak" r.n.m

Final part (relaxation)

Exercise “Autumn Leaves”

“Waltz” - A. Griboyedova