The most mysterious deaths of stars. The most terrible deaths in history: list, description and interesting facts. Death by animals

Each of us has heard more than once stories about people who said goodbye to life in an outrageously ridiculous way. Judging by the facts that caused the death of the unfortunate people, we can conclude that they were terrible bad luck, and in some cases, pathological stupidity, due to which they died. But not only mere mortals have the honor of being awarded the Darwin Award. It turns out that a considerable number of historical and well-known personalities died under absurd circumstances, which was the reason for their mention in our article.

Stanislav Leshchinsky

At the age of 88, he died from burns after falling asleep in a chair in front of a fireplace. His clothes caught fire from a spark from the fireplace.

Pietro Aretino

The Italian playwright and satirist of the Renaissance Pietro Aretino heard a bawdy joke while drinking, burst out laughing, fell and crushed his skull (according to another version, he died laughing from a broken heart)

Sigurd the Mighty

In 892, Sigurd the Mighty tied the severed head of a defeated enemy to his saddle. On the way, the teeth dug into Sigurd's leg, and soon the wound became infected. Mighty Sigurd died from it

George Plantagenet

George Plantagenet, 1st Duke of Clarence was sentenced to drowning in a barrel of wine.

Sir Arthur Aston

In 1649, Sir Arthur Aston was beaten to death with his own wooden leg

Adolf Fredrik, King of Sweden

The king died on February 12, 1771 in Stockholm from a stroke that occurred after an overly hearty lunch

Marcus Garvey

Marcus Garvey died of a stroke after reading an offensive obituary in a newspaper.

Alan Spacey

Alan Spacey - British racing driver, died while racing in the Belgian Grand Prix. Alan was hit in the face by a bird, after which he lost control and crashed

Julien Auffray de la Mettrier

Ate too much at a party held in his honor

John Kendrick

He was hit by a cannonball during a fireworks display in his honor.

Governor Morris

Sticking a piece of whale bone into the urethra to clean it out

Jim Creighton

Swung a baseball bat so hard he ruptured his bladder.

Lawyer Clement Vallandigham

Accidentally shot himself at a hearing while demonstrating to the judge how your client's alleged victim could have killed himself.

Grigory Rasputin

Was poisoned, shot in the head, shot three more times, bludgeoned, castrated and thrown into the river to finally die

Alexander I of Greece

Got beaten by a monkey

Martha Mansfield

Burned in her own dress from an unsuccessfully lit match

JG Perry-Thomas

He was decapitated by a sports car's broken drive chain.

Isadora Duncan

Broke her neck with a long scarf wrapped around a car wheel

Leslie Harvey

Killed during a performance as a result of a microphone short circuit

Gary Hoy

He threw himself out the window, trying to show that the installed glass could not be broken. It should be noted that the glass did not break, but flew out of the frames

Untimely death is always a tragedy. And when this happens to famous people, it becomes known to the general public and is remembered for a long time - especially if the circumstances of the death were unusual.

Marvin Gaye: legendary musician killed by his own father
He was called the prince of soul and rhythm and blues. His relationship with his father was always very tense and they constantly quarreled. It ended with Marvin, defending his mother, attacking his father, who grabbed the pistol his son had given him and fired twice. Marvin Gaye died in 1984, one day shy of his 44th birthday.

Sharon Tate: brutally murdered nine months pregnant
The murder of Sharon Tate and four other friends who were staying in her home with Roman Polanski shocked the whole world. Sharon was nine months pregnant, her and Polanski's first child. The tragedy occurred on August 9, 1969. The killers - members of the Charles Manson gang - broke into the house and killed everyone who was there, and Sharon - with special, savage cruelty.

James Dean: love of speed
Actor James Dean was a shining star who, alas, faded too quickly. He died on September 30, 1955 in a car accident, crashing at high speed. Dean has always loved speed, racing cars and everything that goes with it.

Marilyn Monroe: Depression and Unclaimed Love
Marilyn Monroe was an icon of beauty and sexuality in the 60s, and her early and tragic death, shrouded in mysterious rumors, turned Monroe into a sex symbol for many years to come. Unsuccessful marriages, short-term affairs with the powers that be, dissatisfaction with oneself, depression and the desire to take revenge on those who used and threw her away... Marilyn died on August 5, 1962 from an overdose of sleeping pills. She was 36 years old.

John F. Kennedy: Assassinated President
John Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963 at the age of 46, in one of the most famous incidents in American history. Kennedy was riding in the presidential motorcade with his wife Jacqueline, greeting the people who loved him - and suddenly received several bullets. One entered through the back and came out in the throat area. The second one literally smashed his skull.

John Lennon: killed by a psychopath who dreamed of becoming famous
Lennon was shot by a fan who first loved him, then hated him and eventually decided to kill him - and at the same time become famous. This happened on December 8, 1980. Lennon and his wife Yoko Ono were returning from the recording studio to their apartment in Manhattan. As soon as they approached the house, shots were fired. Mark David Chapman shot the musician four times in the back. While Lennon was bleeding and his wife was screaming for help, the killer stood there and read Salinger's story "The Catcher in the Rye." Pictured left is Lennon signing Chapman's autograph just hours before the murder.

Whitney Houston: a bad heart and too much cocaine
Whitney was a singer with a great voice and enormous popularity. However, drug addiction quickly forced her to descend from the top of the musical Olympus. On February 9, 2012, she made her last public appearance, singing "Jesus Loves Me" with Kelly Price. On February 11, Whitney was found unconscious in a bathtub at the Beverly Hilton Hotel. It was not possible to revive her. She had taken so many drugs that even if she was drowning, her brain would hardly be able to process it.

Tupac Shakur: Deadly Gangsta Rap
Tupac Shakur was one of the most famous rappers of all time. And his music would have been enough to make him a star, and his death at 25 made him a true legend. The rapper was driving from a performance in a nightclub when a car passed him and shots were fired from it. The musician received four bullets - two in the chest, one in the arm and one in the leg. He was taken to the hospital, where the only thing he managed to say to the doctors was the words “Fuck you.” Tupac Shakur died six days later, on September 13, 1996, due to massive internal bleeding.

Michael Jackson: When doctors offer you eternal sleep
When the news of Michael Jackson's death broke, the Internet broke with grief. He had a lot of fans all over the world, and this is true. Jackson suffered from insomnia and asked his personal doctor to prescribe him more and more “milk”, i.e. drugs for sleep. The good doctor prescribed so much that Michael stopped breathing. This happened on June 25, 2009.

Gianni Versace: shot by serial killer
Versace was killed a stone's throw from his Miami Beach mansion. He was returning from a nearby cafe, where he had gone to get fresh morning newspapers. Usually this was done by his assistant, but that morning Versachi was in a great mood and decided to take a walk himself. The walk, alas, ended with him bleeding to death on the steps of his own house. Serial killer Andrew Cunanan shot the fashion designer twice and then calmly walked away. A week later he shot himself with the same pistol.

Princess Diana: car accident
On August 31, 1997, Diana, by that time already divorced from Charles, was traveling with her lover Dodi Al-Fayed and his bodyguard Trevor Rhys-Jones. They were returning from dinner at the Ritz Hotel in Paris. The driver, Henri Paul, was driving and the car was being chased by paparazzi, as was later reported. It was also reported that the driver was drunk and lost control. The accident was terrible; only the bodyguard survived, receiving serious injuries. Diana was taken to the hospital, but she could not be saved.

Nicole Brown Simpson: did he do it or didn't he?
Nicole Brown was a simple waitress in a restaurant, and then married the famous football player, superstar O. J. Simpson. Her life changed dramatically. Little did she know that 17 years later the love of her life would be accused of her murder. On June 13, 1994, 35-year-old Nicole was found murdered next to the body of Ron Goldman, her friend. She was stabbed with a knife in such a way that it was clear that the killer acted in rage. The football player husband was arrested and put on trial, but during the judicial investigation so many mistakes were made that cunning lawyers managed to actually acquit him. This process was called the process of the century.

Kurt Cobain: forgive, love and goodbye
Chronic bronchitis, undiagnosed severe stomach pain and an addiction to almost every type of drug available - Kurt Cobain was very fast on a train going nowhere. He loved music, but did not love himself - and it is unlikely that anything could save him. His wife, Courtney Love, wanted to get him into treatment for his severe heroin addiction because things had gone too far. And first Kurt agreed to go to the clinic for detox. But then he simply ran away from there. His body was found on April 8, 1994, three days after he shot himself in the face with a gun. There was a suicide note nearby.

Heath Ledger: when the desire to get into the role overshadows everything else
In an interview, Heath Ledger admitted that the role in “The Dark Knight” was not easy for him - he literally lost peace and sleep. The actor slept only two hours a night and insisted that his body was tired, but his mind was clearer than ever. No one suspected then that his sleep problems would be exacerbated by respiratory problems. How do we usually solve such problems? We swallow pills - for this, for that... for everything, in general. In January 2008, Heath Ledger was found unconscious in bed and the emergency room was urgently called, but it was too late. An autopsy showed that there was a real cocktail of potent drugs in his blood.

Paul Walker: Too fast, too furious and ultimately dead
Paul Walker is the star of the Fast and the Furious film series (original title: Fast and Furious). Fate played a cruel joke on him and he died in a car accident. This happened on November 30, 2013. Walker was traveling with friend Roger Rodas from a charity event in support of victims of Typhoon Yolanda. The Porsche Carrera GT crashed into a lamppost and two trees before catching fire. And the people inside were trapped. Rodas died from multiple injuries before the fire could reach him. And Paul Walker, also severely injured, was still alive, and the fire finished him off. The bodies were burned beyond recognition. The autopsy showed no traces of drugs or alcohol, and an inspection of the vehicle revealed no technical problems. Presumably, the cause of the accident was too much speed. Paul Walker once said: "If speed ever kills me, don't cry, because at that moment I was smiling." Well, let's hope so, Paul...

Death, whatever it may be - tragic, terrible, mysterious or from old age, cannot go unnoticed. And the most mysterious deaths in the world, which happened to famous people and not at all due to old age, especially excite the minds. After all, many celebrities died quite young. And therefore the reasons for this torment us to this day. Which famous person ended his life mysteriously? Let's figure this out.

The famous actress died at the age of 43 (in 1981). This death is shrouded in darkness, and so far the police have not been able to find out all the circumstances of the actress’s death. Natalie spent her last day of life with her husband and his friend on a yacht. In addition to this trio, there was also a captain on the ship, according to whom the actress’s husband was jealous of her friend, after which a quarrel broke out between the couple. The captain, hearing the noise and screams, decided to find out what was the matter. But he ran into Natalie’s husband, who said that she had sailed away on a boat. But everyone knew that after filming the film, when Wood almost drowned, her fear of water was very great. In addition, some eyewitnesses to the incident said they heard cries for help. Therefore, the police assumed that there was a quarrel between the spouses, and then Wood fell overboard. When Wood's body was found, she was wearing a jacket and nightgown and showed signs of beatings. The husband of the deceased said that after the quarrel he went to bed, so he does not know what happened to his wife.

The main version of the actress’s death was an accident due to an overdose of alcohol. However, the role of Natalie Wood’s wife in this complicated case was also not ignored. But despite the fact that he was under suspicion, he said that he would help the investigation with all his might. 30 years have passed since this one of the most mysterious deaths in the world. The police decided to resume the investigation, but so far nothing new has been learned.

And this film star, considered a model of beauty and sexuality in the 50s, became the object of the most mysterious death in the world. The actress died in 1962. It is officially believed that Monroe's death was due to an overdose of barbiturates. However, there are many people who consider this complete nonsense - there is a version that the beauty could have become unnecessary to the Kennedy brothers, with whom she had a relationship. Therefore, Monroe could be “removed” so that she would not become a reason for tarnishing the reputation of respectable politicians.

Among the most mysterious deaths in the world is the death of 32-year-old Bruce Lee, who was a famous martial artist. An athletic, healthy man who had perfected his body - how could he die from a headache remedy? His death in 1973 shocked many, because one of the strongest men on Earth had passed away. According to the first version, which was put forward after the death of the legendary master, he died from a brain tumor. There were further suggestions that he took drugs and died from an overdose. The disappearance of the death certificate added even more mystery to this case. The official version is death from an allergic manifestation to a headache medicine. Of course, many disagreed with this, suggesting that Lee was killed by members of a gangster group that he once crossed.

The charming Princess Diana also died under rather mysterious circumstances in a car accident. There are many conjectures and secrets associated with this case. The official version says that a driver who lost control was to blame for the death of Lady Diana, but many believe that the death of the princess was beneficial to the British monarchy. There were rumors that Diana was “in a position” with her friend Dodi Fayeda, which could cast a considerable shadow on the monarchy. The royal family would hardly have tolerated a break with Charles, much less the birth of this child. Therefore, there is a version that the princess’s death was faked.

Another mysterious one is the death of singer Viktor Tsoi. Fans are still making assumptions about his death. The road accident happened when Tsoi was at the peak of his popularity. How it all happened has not yet been established - all that is known is that the singer died in a car accident. The lack of braking distance gave investigators the opportunity to assume that Tsoi either fell asleep at the wheel or suffered cardiac arrest.

There is a lot of speculation regarding the causes of the death of the lead singer of the group Nirvana, which happened in 1994. He was found shot to death and allegedly had a suicide note on him. Since there were no witnesses, the police did not investigate for long - the official version is that the singer committed suicide.

But his wife (Courtney Love) was blamed for the singer’s death. At that time there were many disagreements between them. Also, drugs were found in Cobain’s body in such a dose that could cause death, but a person would hardly be able to shoot himself with a shotgun in such a state.

This infamous actress and Playboy model has died at the age of 39. Moreover, the causes of death are quite vague and surrounded by a lot of speculation. We can say that her 20-year-old son died from a drug overdose right in the actress’s arms. Many speculate that Smith may have committed suicide after this incident. But after autopsying the body, doctors found signs of pneumonia. There are many versions regarding Smith's death - tuberculosis, unsuccessful facelift, alcoholism and, as a result, suicide.

James Dean

The death of this actor and racing driver can truly be called the most mysterious in the world. Even the events that occur after Dean’s death are shocking and make you think about the presence of some kind of curse. Dean died at the age of 24 - in September 1955, he was driving his brand new Porsche 550 Spider (the actor nicknamed the car “Little Bastard”) along with mechanic Rolf Wütherich to the races. Moving along the highway, his car collided head-on with the Ford of student Donald Thornspeed, who later claimed that he did not notice Dean’s car. The actor died in this accident, and his mechanic was seriously injured.

“Miracles” with Dean’s car began immediately after its acquisition. 7 days before the actor’s death, his friend said that Dean would die if he touched this car. 3 days before the accident, Dean’s friend asked him not to drive, sensing trouble. But the actor did not pay any attention to his friends’ warnings. And after the actor’s death, a film was released in which there were many racing scenes in which the main characters died under mysterious circumstances. The same fate awaited all subsequent owners of the “Little Bastard” (they either died or became disabled. When the car was restored (in 1960), it disappeared somewhere, and to this day it is unknown where it is.

The famous rapper died at the age of 25 - shot by unknown assailants who fired at his car. Once the singer managed to survive after being wounded, but this time he was unlucky. Shakur's killer has not been found and many mysteries revolve around this death. Many even believe that the singer is alive - he allegedly simply faked his death.

No less mysterious is the death of the king of rock and roll, who died in his bathroom. The investigation was unable to put all the available evidence into one whole, and therefore today there are many rumors about Presley’s death. It is known that at the end of his life the musician took a considerable amount of medications, an overdose of which could lead to Presley’s death. But there are people who believe that he faked his death and lived somewhere on the border with Canada, and allegedly his death occurred not in 1977, but in the 90s.

In this post I will tell you about the most mysterious deaths of Russian celebrities who died under strange and inexplicable circumstances. I advise you to read it; further you will learn a lot of interesting information.

Vasily Shukshin

His last year of life was very successful... Sergei Bondarchuk offered Shukshin the role of Lopakhin in the film “They Fought for the Motherland.” Filming began in August 1974 on the Don. By the beginning of October, Shukshin had almost completely completed the role; he only had to star in the last episode. On October 4 he was supposed to return to Moscow...

On October 1, Shukshin felt well. He called home from the post office in Moscow, went to the bathhouse, and watched the USSR-Canada hockey match on TV until late at night with everyone else. At the end of it they separated. At about nine in the morning Burkov went out into the corridor with the intention of waking up Shukshin. He recalls: “I knocked on Shukshin’s door. The door was not locked. But I didn’t go in. I was scared of something. I called out to him. It was time for him to get up for filming. He didn’t answer. Well, I think, let him sleep...”
From Burkov’s recollections: “I walked down the corridor and ran into Gubenko. “Nikolai,” I asked, “look at Vasya, he’s going to be filming soon, but for some reason he’s not getting up.” He came in. He started shaking him by the shoulder, the hand seemed lifeless, he touched the pulse, but there was none. Shukshin died in his sleep. “From heart failure,” the doctors said."

There is a version that on that fateful night a murder occurred on the ship “Danube”. After all, Vasily Makarovich never complained about his heart. Before filming, Shukshin underwent examination at the “Kremlin hospital”. According to the testimony of some members of the film crew, a day or two before the actor’s death, a stranger appeared on the set where the film “They Fought for the Motherland” was filmed. And no one knew where he came from and for what purpose he hung around there. And he disappeared immediately after the death of Vasily Makarovich.

Zoya Fedorova

On December 11, 1981, 71-year-old actress Zoya Fedorova was shot in the back of the head in her three-room apartment No. 243, building 4/2 on Kutuzovsky Prospekt. The murder has still not been solved. Among his possible motives are the actress’s alleged involvement in secret KGB operations (there were rumors about the KGB’s involvement in the murder) and her connection with the so-called “diamond mafia,” which consisted mainly of relatives of high-ranking Soviet officials and was engaged in the purchase and resale of jewelry and antiques.

Victor Tsoi

On August 15, 1990, at 12:15 p.m., at 35 km of the Soka-Talsi highway (Latvia), a dark blue Moskvich-2141 car collided with an Ikarus-280 regular bus. The driver of the Moskvich was the famous musician, leader of the Kino group Viktor Tsoi.

Official version: “the car was moving along the highway at a speed of at least 130 km/h, the driver Viktor Robertovich Tsoi lost control. V.R. Tsoi’s death occurred instantly...”
From the case materials:
"Ikarus-250" drifted off the road into the small river Teitupe, behind the bridge... The driver J. K. Fibiks, who works at the Tallinn branch of Latselkhoztehnika, escaped with minor bruises and fright. Before that, he took a tourist group to the airport and was returning back.
The new "Moskvich-2141" Y6832 MM was thrown 18 meters towards the bridge by a powerful blow. Only the rear bumper remained intact. Upon examination, it is noticeable that the impact on the car occurred from left to right, front to back. Apparently, the front bumper of the Ikarus went over the hood of the Moskvich straight into the cabin. The steering wheel is bent on the driver's side, the seats are knocked down, and the front panel is broken. The hood flew off, everything else was crushed."

A forensic medical examination showed that no alcohol was found in the blood of the deceased. Death occurred as a result of an accident from multiple injuries to the body. A criminal case was not initiated “due to the lack of corpus delicti in the actions of the drivers.” And, therefore, forensic, investigative and other examinations were not carried out.

Mike Naumenko

In August 1991, Mike Naumenko, the leader of the Zoo group, was found dead in his room in a communal apartment on Razyezzhaya Street: the cause of his death was a fracture of the base of the skull. Doctors determined that death occurred on August 27, 1991 from a cerebral hemorrhage.
The circumstances of his death remain largely mysterious. As rock journalist N. Kharitonov wrote: “With Tsoi, at least, everything was clear - if not in essence, then in form - how it all happened. Mike... simply disappeared, leaving no traces.”

The drummer of the Zoo group, Valery Kirilov, expressed a different point of view: according to him, Mike Naumenko really died from a cerebral hemorrhage, but it did not occur due to natural causes, but due to a fracture of the base of the skull as a result of a brutal blow dealt to him in the yard in time of robbery. This is evidenced by the loss of Mike Naumenko’s personal belongings.
There is also testimony from one teenager who allegedly saw Mike being lifted from the ground in the yard. After the attack, Mike did not die on the spot, but managed to go up to his home, but there he became completely weak and lay unconscious for a long time, unnoticed by anyone in the communal apartment. When his loved ones finally found him and called an ambulance, it was already too late.
Alexey Rybin, producer of the album of songs by Mike Naumenko “Park of the MIKE period,” had his own version: “Alcohol is to blame, of course. The night before his death, Vasin drank heavily. Mike was bad, in a very serious condition, with a black face. "In this state, falling with the back of your head on the asphalt is easier than a lung. Mike received a fracture of the base of the skull - a typical alcoholic death, when a person in a deep intoxication falls on his back."

Igor Talkov

Igor Talkov was killed on October 6, 1991. It all happened in the St. Petersburg Yubileiny Sports Palace: the singer was shot right outside the dressing room as a result of a brawl with his concert director Valery Shlyafman and Igor Malakhov. The second possible suspect in the singer’s murder, Shlyafman, now lives in Israel. The criminal investigation into Talkov’s death was suspended several years ago, but was not closed.

During the investigation into Talkov's murder, his administrator Valery Shlyafman became one of the main suspects along with Aziza's bodyguard Igor Malakhov, who started the shootout on October 6, 1991. After a series of examinations, the investigation came to the conclusion that the last, fatal shot was fired from Shlyafman’s pistol.
The funeral of the legendary musician, who died at the peak of his fame, was crowded. The burial site is to this day a place of pilgrimage for connoisseurs of his work, and much mystical is associated with the grave itself, as with Talkov’s life.

Igor Sorin

According to the official version, Igor Sorin, the ex-soloist of the group "Ivanushki-International", jumped from the sixth floor balcony of the Cosmos studio. At 7.10 am Igor was taken to the 71st city hospital. Doctors found a fracture of the first and fifth cervical vertebrae, bruised kidneys, complete paralysis of the lower body, and partial paralysis of the arms. The decision was made to operate. The operation was successful, but the artist’s heart could not stand it, and on September 4, the artist died.

Meanwhile, in July 2013, Andrei Grigoriev-Appolonov told in an interview with Evgeny Dodolev (Moscow-24 channel) that in fact there was a manslaughter: Igor’s neck was accidentally broken and then thrown out of the window to hide the circumstances of his death . Grigoriev-Apollonov clarified that he visited Sorin in the hospital - he was still conscious. “He had no bruises. Will you fall from the seventh floor without bruises?” continued “red-haired Ivanushka.” “Some karateka just broke his neck.” In this regard, on August 29, 2013, State Duma deputy Nadezhda Shkolkina sent a request to the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Yu. Chaika with a request to conduct an investigation into the circumstances of the death of the former lead singer of the group “Ivanushki - International” Igor Sorin.

Mikhail Krug

On the night of June 30 to July 1, 2002, Krug’s house in the village of Mamulino (Tver microdistrict) was attacked. In addition to the singer, there were four more people in the house - his wife, mother-in-law and children. The door of the three-story house was open.
Two unknown intruders entered the third floor of the house approximately between 23:00 and 0:15, where they found Krug's mother-in-law and attacked her, causing her bodily harm. Mikhail Krug and his wife Irina came running to the woman’s screams. The criminals opened fire with pistols. Irina managed to hide with her neighbors, and Mikhail received two severe gunshot wounds, after which he lost consciousness for a while. The criminals fled the crime scene. Having come to his senses, Krug managed to get to the house of neighbor Vadim Rusakov, where his wife was hiding. Rusakov took him to Tver City Hospital No. 6. Meanwhile, the police and ambulance were called and found his wounded mother-in-law in Krug’s house. The children of the Circle were not harmed, as they were sleeping when the crime was committed. Mikhail Krug himself, despite the efforts of doctors, died on the morning of July 1.

The farewell funeral service took place on July 3 at 10 a.m. at the Tver Drama Theater. The funeral was attended by Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Alexander Semchev, Efrem Amiramov, Katya Ogonyok, the Zhemchuzhny brothers, Vika Tsyganova, many leaders of the Tver region, including its governor, Vladimir Platov. The funeral procession of cars stretched for several kilometers. After the funeral service in the Resurrection Cathedral in Tver, Krug was buried in the Dmitrovo-Cherkassky cemetery.
Various versions of the murder were built. For example, producer Vadim Tsyganov suggested that this could be an attempted robbery. Shortly before the murder, Krug recorded an album under the working title “Tverichanka” (later released under the name “Confession”), for which he was supposed to receive a fee any day. This version was rejected by those who believed that Krug was sincerely respected in criminal circles, but it was this version that was the most popular at the beginning of the investigation. According to another version, Krug became the victim of a planned, and possibly contracted, murder.

Murat Nasyrov

According to the official version, Murat Nasyrov committed suicide. The prosecutor's office completed the investigation into the singer's death and, having found no evidence confirming the violent nature of his death, closed the case. On January 19, 2007, the singer jumped from the fifth floor, wearing a camera around his neck and clutching his own portrait to his chest.

The singer’s relatives stated: “For us, Murat’s death is still a mystery. But we know for sure: he definitely did not intend to die. But they could have pushed him to this!...
“Murat could have been poisoned,” says the singer’s brother. - This is our family's assumption. Three hours before the incident, he was sitting in a group, everyone was drinking a cocktail. Murat also drank. Then he left, and the girl Kristina from the company felt bad after the cocktail, she doesn’t even remember what happened to her next... And Murat came home...
From his brother’s story: “They show that Murat called Baglan Sadvakasov’s close friend from home: “Zhanna, everything is fine.” Do you know that he called from Natasha’s cell phone (the singer’s wife - approx.), which was at home? But Natasha herself was not at home When those events happened to Murat that he allegedly had an attack and wanted to commit suicide, they said that his daughter allegedly sent a message to her mother on her cell phone, but it turns out that she had a cell phone at home!”
“He was going to go somewhere. What happened, why did he dress so nicely? And then, where is that camera that they are all talking about?.. And then the fact itself: who saw that Murat fell from the window? The real reason is hard find out. Murat took everything with him. But I am convinced: there was no suicide or accident."

Roman Trakhtenberg

The death of the famous showman, successful television and radio host Roman Trakhtenberg struck all his colleagues, close friends and the public. Roman Trakhtenberg was 41 years old, he said about himself that he had never been sick. On November 20, 2009, during a live broadcast of the “Trakhty-Bakhty” program on Mayak, he suddenly became ill. His co-host Lena Batinova recalls: “When some song was on the air, Roma said: “Batinova, I feel bad...” I took him to the window so that he could get some fresh air. The editors called an ambulance, but she didn’t I didn’t have time to take Roma to the hospital.”
According to the official conclusion of specialists, Trachtenberg died due to acute cardiovascular failure and coronary heart disease, and he also had liver problems. Experts explained that the causes of death were obvious: Trachtenberg had a weak heart. An average dose of alcohol was found in Roman’s blood; there were no traces of drugs.
Before his death, Roman often spoke on air about constant dreams in which he invariably died. Just a few hours before the tragedy, in his last live broadcast, he pathetically noted: “I want to die on stage...”.

Vladimir Turchinsky

Vladimir Turchinsky died on December 16, 2009 in his country house in the village of Pashukovo, Noginsk district. According to experts, Turchinsky’s death occurred as a result of acute coronary insufficiency. Upon the death of Vladimir Turchinsky, investigators checked the medical institutions where he was observed for the last six months of his life. One of the clinics that was checked first was a hospital in the Begovaya area, where Dynamite performed a blood purification procedure.
His friends said: “Volodya was supposed to stay in the clinic for 24 hours after the transfusion, but instead he immediately went home to spend the night. And the cardiac arrest began in a dream: if it had happened during the day or in the hospital, the person could still have been saved. he was mad... All because of this rejuvenation"

Vladislav Galkin

On February 27, 2010, at about 14:00, Vladislav Galkin was found dead in a Moscow apartment. The day before, the actor’s father sounded the alarm, telling a family friend that Vladislav had not been in touch for more than a day. Friends arrived at the actor’s apartment, but no one answered the doorbell. The rescue team was called and opened the apartment door at 14:07. According to varying reports, the actor’s body was found in bed, or on the floor, he was lying face down.

During the initial external examination of the body, no signs of violent death were found. An examination showed that the actor died approximately two to three days before the discovery of the body, and the cause of death was named acute heart failure with cardiac arrest. The death certificate lists the cause as “cardiomyopathy (sudden cardiac arrest).”
In the program “Man and the Law,” Vladislav Galkin’s father, actor Boris Galkin, provided facts on the basis of which one can make an assumption about deliberate murder. So, on February 19, Vladislav Galkin withdrew $136,000 from the bank, which he intended to spend on renovations in an apartment purchased after separating from his wife. According to his father, the actor kept money at home (which the alleged customers and perpetrators of the crime might have known about); in addition, SMS messages containing threats were sent to Galkin Jr.’s phone, and a few days after the visit to the bank, bruises appeared on the actor’s face.
According to Boris Galkin, abrasions and bruises were visible on the body of the already dead actor and during the initial medical examination immediately after the discovery of the corpse. The amount indicated by Galkin Sr. was not found during the search of the apartment. The father was also embarrassed by the presence of a bottle of cognac and a packet of tomato juice in the room next to the body: after Vladislav was diagnosed with pancreatitis, he stopped drinking alcohol and went on a diet. Boris Galkin’s version is also supported by a family friend, doctor Mikhail Zakharov, who suggests that the characteristic bruises and hemorrhage indicate death as a result of strangulation

Alexander Belyavsky

On September 8, 2012, in the center of Moscow, People's Artist Alexander Belyavsky died by jumping out of the window of his apartment. The performer of the role of Fox in the Soviet TV series “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed” died on the spot as a result of hitting the ground, law enforcement agencies reported.
According to preliminary data, the 80-year-old actor jumped out of a window on the landing between the fifth and sixth floors of a residential building. At the same time, he lived on the second floor and, after suffering a stroke, had difficulty moving. The actor's eldest daughter Nadezhda claims that even if he could climb the stairs to the fifth floor on his own, it is unlikely that he could climb onto the windowsill. She is absolutely sure that her father’s death was a tragic accident. He could have fallen out of the window due to heart problems.

Andrei Panin

On March 7, 2013, Andrei Panin was found dead in an apartment on Balaklavsky Avenue. The cause of death was initially listed as an accident. The actor was found lying on the floor in his apartment, and experts initially believed that he fell from his own height and hit his head.
However, some time later, forensic experts came to the conclusion that the artist was severely beaten before his death. The actor suffered multiple fractures of the vault and base of the skull, a severe brain contusion, abrasions on his knuckles and bruises on his knees. Strange sounds and groans were also heard by neighbors who did not pay due attention to them.

“They beat me with hard, blunt objects. Wooden legs from stools and chairs. And also with bottles,” experts say. They said that in Panin’s wounds they found glass shards that got there during the blows. Panin also had at least three serious wounds on his head.
A close friend of the artist, Boris Polunin, stated that at the time Panin’s body was found, the entire apartment was covered in blood. “There was blood in all the rooms,” he said. According to him, Andrei Panin was found in the kitchen, while the balcony was closed and supported by a kitchen table and chairs.
Investigators have opened a criminal case into the death of actor Andrei Panin in Moscow. The case was initiated under Part 4, Article 111 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (causing grievous bodily harm resulting in the death of the victim through negligence).

In contact with

Modern celebrities are under constant surveillance by the press, which, in turn, spreads rumors about them and makes scandals out of nothing. If a star is photographed with a stranger, then they are certainly having an affair. If they look untidy, this is a sign of illness or drug or alcohol addiction. The annoying media cannot calm down even after their death. So, below is a list of the ten most mysterious celebrity deaths.

Brittany Murphy

At the end of 2009, actress Brittany Murphy died in her home from a heart attack. The official autopsy report ruled that the actress's death was natural and caused by illness, namely aggravated anemia due to pneumonia. Just three months later, Murphy's husband Simon also passed away. According to the medical examination, the cause of his death was the same as that of his wife, although there is an opinion that drugs were to blame.
In 2012, a controversial documentary was released in which Murphy's friend, Julia Davis, talks about her conspiracy theory against the actress. A former employee of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Davis claims that the organization used various methods to intimidate the actress because she knew too much about illegal immigration near the Mexican border. American journalist Alex Ben also said that a certain Simon Mojack threatened him and kept his house under constant surveillance. There is also information that a few days before Brittany's death, her husband spoke with Simon. The madness doesn't end there! The documentary's director, Asifa Akbar, claims that he and his family were targeted by the National Security Agency. Murphy's father believes that she was poisoned, and her mother is more skeptical about everything, calling all the accusations "window dressing" and "an attempt to profit from the death of her daughter."

In 2013, the world was shocked by a tragic car accident in which famous actor Paul Walker died. Walker and his friend Roger Rodas were driving through Santa Clarita in a Porsche GT, while Rodas was driving at a high enough speed that he lost control and crashed into a tree. The car caught fire from the impact and both died before the ambulance arrived. Many Internet users found a catch in this tragedy. Recently, Paul has been raising funds to help those affected by Typhoon Haiyan and may have discovered some secret hidden in the activities of charitable organizations. According to the second version, “dirty money” was laundered under the guise of charity, which Walker later learned about. Someone made changes to the design of the car in such a way that at a certain speed the grip and steering control are lost.

The death of beloved star Robin Williams is one of the saddest Hollywood tragedies in recent history. The man who made the whole world laugh and left it on August 11, 2014. The initial cause of death was suffocation, there were also theories about suicide, and a theory about murder spread on the Internet. It is also known that the actor’s body was cremated a day after his death, and his ashes were scattered over the San Francisco Bay. Why was there such a rush?

In the 1990s, the Welsh alternative rock band Manic Street Preachers were one of the cult bands in the UK, with guitarist Richie Edwards especially famous. He is often described as one of rock's greatest lyricists. Edwards was a bright guy since childhood and always dreamed of playing in a band; this dream soon came true. In 1994, for inappropriate behavior and addiction to alcohol, he was placed in a psychiatric hospital. Less than a year later, life returned to normal. On February 1, 1995, he was supposed to fly to America for the presentation of his band's latest album, but did not show up for the flight. He was last seen leaving a hotel in London late at night. Two weeks later, his car was found abandoned on a bridge. He was officially declared dead in 2008. In 1998, British newspapers started rumors that Edwards was alive, citing as evidence the testimony of a barmaid in the Canary Islands who claimed to have seen a customer who looked exactly like him, and that when his name was addressed, he ran away . It was also said that he was spotted in India in the company of hippies. Perhaps Richie Edwards is alive and well, just still hiding from everyone.

Many believe that the secret services were constantly trying to kill Bob Marley. Journalist Alex Constantine claims that the US government first tried to kill Marley in November 1976. At the time, Jamaica was under martial law, which followed outbreaks of pre-election unrest and violent expressions of discontent. Hoping to calm the situation, Prime Minister Michael Manley asked Bob Marley to organize a free concert in early December. A week before the concert, a group of men entered Marley's house and opened fire. Marley and his wife were seriously wounded, but no one saw the raiders. The public understood that the attack was politically motivated and likely motivated by consent to the concert. But according to Konstantin, the attack was actually organized by the CIA, and they weren't going to stop there. Just before the concert, a pair of shoes was delivered for Marley as a gift. After the concert, a copper wire was removed from Bob's leg, which allegedly got there by accident. After some time, doctors discovered cancerous growths in the tissues on this leg. Perhaps it was caused by toxins and it was no coincidence that the piece of wire ended up there. Marley died on May 11, 1981.

The most common rumor is that Lisa Lopez, nicknamed “Left Eye,” had a premonition of her death. Lopez was a member of the group TLC and a popular female rapper. She was a very energetic and prominent star, so the world was greatly shocked by her death in 2002. In the last days of her life, the singer looked worried and told her loved ones about a bad feeling. In early 2002, she decided to make a documentary in Honduras. One day during filming, Lopez was driving along the highway with her friends when suddenly a little boy ran out onto the road and was run over by the wheels. It was impossible to avoid the incident. The child died in the hospital. What was striking was the fact that the dead boy had the last name Lopez and the same shoe size as Lisa. The accident in which Left Eye died was captured on camera and included in a 2007 documentary.

Conspiracy, black magic, a cursed car, an evil spirit - all these are versions of the death of the cult actor James Dean in 1955. It is believed that Dean received warnings several days before his death. The first warning is the random words of stuntman Bill Hickman about driving too fast. But James just laughed at the warning and rushed off again. Dean later met up with Hickman, photographer Sandy Rothes at a gas station, and a couple of racing buddies who were complaining about the high number of speeding tickets that constituted the second warning. On September 30, 1955, James Dean, along with mechanic Rolf Wütherich, drove a sports Porsche 550 Spyder to Salinas, where Dean's car was being prepared for the upcoming races. On the way, a policeman stopped them and warned them to slow down - that was the last thing. The accident occurred near the city of Holame in California, two cars collided almost head-on. Rolf Wütherich suffered moderate injuries. James Dean died on the way to the hospital without regaining consciousness. There are rumors that there was something mystical about this death. Many claim that Dean's ghost comes to the scene of the accident every year on September 30th.

On February 3, 1959, a tragedy occurred that claimed the lives of three musicians and a pilot. They took off from Iowa (Clear Air) and the plane crashed shortly after takeoff. This happened in the midst of a bus tour. The musicians were exhausted due to constant travel, since the distance between the cities was quite large.
Investigators, having learned that the pilot did not have the necessary qualifications to fly the plane independently, declared the cause of the disaster to be pilot error. But the airline's owners deny this conclusion, citing falsification of facts and claiming that the reason was different. Eight weeks later, not far from the crash site, a farmer found a gun. This gave rise to another version - the pilot could have been shot. In 2007, Richardson's son requested a retrial to confirm or refute this theory. He was also in doubt because Richardson's body was found a considerable distance from the wreckage. The Big Bopper may have survived the crash, but never received help. But the investigation did not find any evidence of this. The younger Richardson died in 2013 at the age of 54.
In March 2015, the case was reviewed again and some facts about mechanical damage were confirmed, which casts doubt on the pilot's original accusations of negligence.

Amy Winehouse achieved enormous fame in a short time thanks to the soulful hits Rehab and Back To Black. Amy was born and died in London, her death occurred at the age of 27, which inspired some mystical overtones. At this time, she was trying to cope with drug and alcohol addiction. In 2008, Amy said she knew she was destined to die young. Amy joined the famous “Club 27” - stars who died at the age of 27, including Jimi Hendrix and Kurt Cobain. Many see the curse and do not believe that “Club 27” is just a coincidence and an explainable confluence of facts. But there is no doubt that since the death of Kurt Cobain in 1994, Amy has become the most shocking representative of this sinister club.

Whitney Houston

Some believe that Whitney Houston's death was connected to a conspiracy or had a mystical connection with the devil. The singer was found dead in February 2012 in a Bevely Hills hotel room on the eve of the 54th Grammy Awards. Whitney Houston's death came as a shock to many, but some were not particularly surprised by the cause. According to the official version, she choked on water (the body was found in the bathroom), losing consciousness after an overdose of cocaine. Shortly before her death, the singer made a statement about her victory over addiction. What was the reason to take up the old one? The detective's notes stated that injuries indicating a struggle and resistance were found on the singer's body. But there was not enough evidence to prove it was a murder and the case was closed. Some believe that the death was timed to coincide with an Illuminati ritual, although it is unclear on what basis this conclusion was made.

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