Line of fate. Life line (continued) Palmistry connecting the line of life and fate

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Until the age of 23, a person does not have a line of Fate, which indicates that the person has not decided on his purpose in life and is under the yoke of his family, which guides all his actions. The further appearance of the line of Fate on the Mount of Venus indicates that he is beginning to make attempts to break away and get away from the influence of his family. The period from 23 to 24 years will become a turning point in his future life, where the main task of a person will be to gain material independence from his family (tangent to the line of Fate No. 3), which, by the way, he will achieve at the age of 24 (the line of Fate comes out from the hill Venus and changes its direction, cutting through the line of Life). Having gained financial independence from his relatives, a person at the age of 24 will change his job to a calmer one, but with less money, where he will work until he is 26 years old (tangent to the line of Fate No. 2). Unstable earnings and periodic temporary lack of money will force a person to change his job again at 26 years old to a more stable one, where he will work until he is 35 years old (tangent to the line of Fate No. 1). Being a responsible and executive employee who will show himself on the positive side during his professional career, he will be noted by his superiors, where at the age of 35 he will be promoted, which will allow him to best realize his ambitions and ambitious plans. In the period from 35 to 62 years, a person will work in senior positions, supervising his subordinates, thanks to which he will increase his material and social status (tangent to the line of Fate No. 4). After entering a well-deserved retirement, a person who is accustomed to working hard throughout his entire adult life will continue to work until he is 78 years old (tangent to the line of Fate No. 1). During the last part of his life, a person will find an active occupation for the soul and will be engaged in raising his grandchildren, where he will pass on his rich life experience to members of his family (tangent to fate line No. 2). This example is also very significant in that a person himself, with his own hands and the right attitude to work, will build a successful career for himself and will provide for his family throughout his life, and also by the end of his life will ensure a decent old age in the circle of his loved ones.

Branches from the line of Fate. Any branch from the line of Fate upward speaks of a desire to change your life for the better. By the nature and direction of the branches going up from the line of Fate, the time is determined when a person makes the greatest efforts to achieve his goals, or the time when other people, interfering with a person’s destiny, influence its course and further development.

The branches going up from the line of Fate are the volitional efforts and efforts of a person on the path to achieving certain life goals. A person who has branches on his line of Fate strives to achieve success and realize his potential in matters that are determined by the hills on the palms, towards which one or another branch is directed. The branches flowing into the line of Fate from below are called lines of Influence in palmistry and show the influence and impact of other people on a person’s destiny, so they will be discussed in great detail in the next section of the book. The consequences of the efforts made in life and the influence of other people on a person’s destiny can be judged by the nature of the line of Fate after the branches. This topic will partially overlap with the previous topic, except that it evaluates not the direction of the line of Fate to a certain hill in the palm, but the branches that the line of Fate itself gives directly, to which an imaginary tangent line is applied directed to this or that another hill.

In total, palmistry distinguishes five types of branches from the line of Fate, which are directed to the hills of Jupiter, Saturn, Upper Mars, Mercury and Apollo.

A branch from the line of Fate, directed towards the Mount of Jupiter, as shown in Figure 2.26, branch No. 1 and in Figure 2.27, indicates satisfied vanity, the realization of ambitions and success, which brings satisfaction, peace of mind and material advancement. Such a person will strive with all his might to achieve recognition, thanks to which he strives to occupy a high social position; he is purposeful, active and motivated for success, thanks to which he will be able to survive in intense competition and win victories that are so necessary for him in the struggle for his place in the sun. The only problem for people with such a branch will be the problem of moral choice between good and evil, that is, between how to earn recognition for themselves: in an honest and righteous way or by deception and going over the heads, which will depend on parental upbringing and moral human principles. On a woman’s hand, such a branch means the time of birth of a child, thanks to which maternal ambitions are realized, and as a result, responsibilities for raising him are added.

A branch from the line of Fate, directed towards the Mount of Saturn, as shown in Figure 2.26, branch No. 2, is determined by the tangent applied to this branch. Such a branch from the main line indicates the emergence of additional income or a new type of activity, as a result of which a person, combining both directions, will increase his material wealth without striving for public recognition. For such a person, stability in the affairs he will be involved in is very important, which will result in success, recognition and satisfaction from what he has achieved.

A branch from the line of Fate, directed towards the hill of Upper Mars, as shown in Figure 2.26, branch No. 3, is a sign of a long and unpleasant struggle for success, which will be achieved as a result of a person using the strengths of his character. A person with such a branch in life is not given anything for nothing, so he will be forced to constantly make his way through life and use his irrepressible temperament, assertiveness, masculinity and will to win to achieve his goals.

A branch from the line of Fate, directed towards the Mount of Mercury, as shown in Figure 2.26, branch No. 4 and in Figure 2.28, indicates obtaining the necessary funds as a result of hard work and perseverance. The priorities of such a person are money and financial stability, since only they will give him the opportunity to freely choose his future and build his own destiny. Therefore, having discovered such a branch in the hands of a person, it is necessary to recommend that he learn how to properly conduct business and, if possible, establish good relations with the powers that be. With a successful combination of this, a person will be able to become a skillful leader and a tough businessman, and thanks to his persuasiveness, eloquence and excellent oratorical abilities, he will be able to charm and force both his colleagues and those around him to obey him.

A branch from the line of Fate, directed towards the Mount of Apollo, as shown in Figure 2.26, branch No. 5, indicates success in the arts or public relations. A branch of this type is an exceptional indicator that most of a person’s desires, ambitions and idealistic aspirations will come true, but only as a result of long and painstaking work on oneself. This branch may also indicate a person’s hobby, which will not be aimed at enrichment through its further development and implementation, but will symbolize an activity for the soul, the result of which will be recognition of a person’s talents, as well as fame and success in the chosen field of activity. Such a person will bring his individuality, creative note and artistic approach into his life, professional activities, and hobbies.

Connections of the line of Fate with other lines. Connections of the line of Fate with the main and minor lines in the palm indicate the transfer of part of the energy of these lines to the line of Saturn, which feeds it with energy from the line connected to it, which is directed with redoubled force by a person to realize his ambitions and helps in moving up the career ladder. To better understand the mutual connection of the lines, it is necessary to remember what each line on the palm is responsible for individually. The most controversial connection of the line of Fate is its connection with the line of Life, which, on the one hand, ties a person to the family and gives a person help from relatives in difficult moments of life, and on the other hand, limits a person’s freedom, gives internal constraint and dependence on external circumstances. Connecting with the line of the Sun brings a person good luck, with the line of Mercury - indicates help in a career through connections and friends, with the line of the Head - calls for paying great attention to professional activities, and with the line of the Heart - indicates attachments that will help in advancing to career heights throughout a person's life.

The line of Fate connects with the line of Life, as shown in Figure 2.29, on a good hand indicates the help of close relatives in a person’s career, thanks to which the person becomes a professional in the chosen field, and if, even after disconnecting from the Life line, the Fate line becomes strong and deep, then in addition he gets a chance build a good career. On a bad hand, such a connection of lines indicates the opposite, and indicates circumstances that are not subject to the will of a person and are called upon to work off karma for bad deeds committed in past lives. With such a connection, it is clear that the line of Fate changes its vertical direction and, as it were, is attracted to the line of Life, which clearly shows and testifies that fate has gone into the service of life. Life means circumstances, including family ones, which are usually very difficult, and which cannot be changed in a given time period. A person feels like a toy in the “hands” of fate and no matter what he does, no matter what he undertakes in order to correct the situation for the better, nothing works out for him, until the moment when the Life line “let go” of the Fate line . During such periods, a person begins to forcibly work off karmic debts and search for his karmic destiny, which often proceeds very dramatically and painfully.

But this combination of lines also has nuances that are associated with the double flow of time along the lines. You already know that time flows along the line of Fate from bottom to top, and along the line of Life, on the contrary, from top to bottom, which, when both lines attract each other, marks two negative age periods in a person’s life. As an example, Figure 2.29 shows the connection of the line of Fate with the line of Life and the age points of this connection are placed. As can be seen from the example, the line of Fate went into service to the line of Life in the time interval from 22 to 26 years, when counting along the line of Fate, and the Life line, accordingly, will come into service to the line of Fate from 41 to 53 years, when counting along the line of Life. Thus, with double counting of time, four symmetrical points are calculated, which for our example correspond to: 22 years old - the age of 53 years, and 26 years old corresponds to 41 years of life of this person. Therefore, this combination of lines shows the two most negative periods of a person’s life, which will be controlled in one period by life itself, giving a difficult time of family problems and troubles, and in the second period the “villain” fate will lead the person, forcing him to work out his karmic destiny very harshly . But the biggest paradox is that the line of Fate can be in “slavery” not only in these time intervals for a total of 16 years, but 31 years - starting at 22 and freed only at 53 years. As for the fate of the man whose hand is shown in the photographs, at the age of 22 he went to prison for theft until he was 26 years old, after being released some time, he had another long “sentence” of 8 years for robbery, and at 41 a year again he found himself behind bars for a long term. As can be seen from this example, the negative karma of the past is worked out in this person quite harshly and it followed the most long-term scenario, which should end only at 53 years old.

The line of Fate flows into the line of the Heart, and they go together to the Mount of Jupiter, as represented in Figure 2.30, indicates that the highest ambitions and ambitions of a person will be achieved through spiritual attachments. Such a person will put his whole soul into his work, since he will consider it the work of his whole life, and he will be supported along this path by people whom, by the will of his fate, he will encounter in life.

The Line of Fate merges into the Line of the Head, as shown in Figure 2.31, indicates that a career will be built independently, thanks to the person’s mental abilities. People with this combination of lines are, as a rule, workaholics who, between family and work, always choose a career and go ahead to achieve their goals, no matter what. Since the line of Fate, merging into the line of the Head, does not continue its course, further dating of professional activity is based on the line of Life, Head or further sections of the line of Fate, which, if present, will be located above the line of the Head.

It is very important that this combination when analyzing lines is not confused with the stopping of the line of Fate on the line of the Head, which has fundamentally different interpretations and is determined visually, while the line of Fate should create the impression of a line joining the line of the Head, and not being stopped by it.

The line of Fate connects with the line of Apollo, as shown in Figure 2.32, indicates career success and recognition. When considering this combination, it is necessary to take into account the nuances of the Apollo line, when it comes into contact with the line of Fate, which will indicate how a person will achieve a high social position as a result of his professional activity. If the line of Apollo, before joining the line of Fate, becomes thinner compared to its end on the hill of Apollo, then success will first come to the person, which will help him take a high position and make a brilliant career. With the reverse combination, when the section of the Apollo line flowing from the line of Fate is thicker than its ending on the hill of Apollo (Figure 2.32), then success will come to such a person only after he has proven himself in his career thanks to his business qualities of character. The point of divergence of the two lines is a marker of the age at which a successful career began, which in the example we are considering corresponds to the age of 27 years.

The line of Fate connects with the line of Mercury, as shown in Figure 2.33, indicates the help of friends and acquaintances in career advancement. As in the previous case, it is necessary to evaluate the section of the Mercury line merging into the line of Fate. If the flowing section of the line is thinner compared to the end of the line on the Mount of Mercury, then success and money will come to a person only after the help of acquaintances and friends, as a result of their patronage. With the reverse combination of lines from the point from which the Mercury line emanates, successful professional activity will begin, thanks to which a person will “grow” throughout his activity the necessary connections and necessary acquaintances, which will further contribute to success in life.

Breaks and displacements of the line of Fate. Breaks in the line of Fate are always changes that indicate the end of the existing way of life and the beginning of a new period of activity. A change in direction, character, or shift in the line indicates periods of revision of one’s worldview regarding career activities and the search for a new path for one’s further development. Particularly fateful are the transformations of the line that are observed after crossing other palm lines or comets. An interrupted line of Fate indicates uncertainty and obstacles in a person’s life path, which can be facilitated by both external circumstances and internal discomfort, giving rise to a sharp change in the way of thinking and lifestyle. The loss of a goal in life, one’s own “I” and disagreement with oneself are indicated precisely by breaks in the line of Fate, which can completely disappear from a person’s palm and thereby restore the integrity of the main line only under one condition: if the owner of such a hand can find his life path , which will fully correspond to the karmic destiny of a person.

Breaks in the line of Fate are divided into open (Figure 2.34) and compensated (Figure 2.35), which in turn can shift either towards Jupiter or Apollo.

An open gap on the line of Fate, shown in Figures 2.34 and 2.34-1, can be involved at several levels in a person’s destiny and always has negative interpretations, indicating radical changes and transformations in life. In the area of ​​health, an open gap on the line of Fate indicates a long illness or weakened period, leading to a stop or loss of activity, especially if there are certain disturbances on the main lines of the hand - Head, Heart and Life. In the area of ​​feelings and ideas, it speaks of the negative influence of other people who destroy the fate of the owner of the hand and may indicate divorce, especially if a branch goes down from the Heart line to the Head line. At the level of activity - indicate a stop in further development, loss of oneself and the search for one’s purpose; at the level of social and financial status, an open gap leaves everything as it is, without changing either the current financial situation or social status. At the security level, it forces you to work off karmic debts associated with getting into life-threatening situations, which are especially scary in the absence of supporting lines near the Fate line and the presence of special negative signs on the Life line.

Compensated break in the line of Fate, shown in Figure 2.35 and Figures 2.36, is most often found on a person’s hands and, as in the case described above, also indicates changes in life, but unlike the previous example, these changes will be prepared by the person himself. By the beginning of a new line, its displacement and character, one can assess what result a person will achieve after the changes in life he himself has planned, as well as whether he will improve his material and social position in society. If two lines of Fate overlap each other, then the changes in fate are insignificant and, as a rule, were thought out and prepared in advance. The secondary line that bridges the gap weakens its negative impact on a person’s fate.

When analyzing the flow of the line of Fate, it is necessary to take into account its displacement to one side of the palm, as shown in Figure 2.35, which is divided into material (the side that is closer to the thumb, indicated by line No. 1) and idealistic (the opposite side, indicated by line No. 2) .

If, after a break, the line of Fate shifts towards the thumb or Mount of Jupiter, as shown by line No. 1 in Figure 2.35, then the reason for changes in a person’s life are practical, material and personal desires that are aimed at changing one’s financial situation for the better. If the course of the line of Fate after the break gravitates towards the opposite side of the palm, towards Apollo, as shown by line No. 2 in Figure 2.35, then the main changes in a person’s life will relate to ideological, intellectual and communicative aspirations, as well as changes in the spiritual sphere. People with this type of displacement after a break in the line of Fate are very susceptible to external influences and influences from outside, which may also indicate a deterioration in social life and financial situation, and sometimes indicate monetary losses.

The photographs presented above show examples of various displacements of the line of Fate with a compensated break in the line. Figure 2.36-1 shows the shift of the line of Fate towards the Mount of Jupiter, which indicates changes in the life of this person and improvements in their financial situation for the better, but which will take place only after a long move. We will talk about moving signs in more detail at the end of the book, but in this example it is indicated by a comet coming from the Mount of Venus, which breaks the main main flow of the line of Fate. A displaced section of the line of Fate towards Jupiter is an indicator of a favorable type of change, and a comet, which breaks the line of Fate in the course of its movement, is an age marker of the beginning of future changes.

Figures 2.36-2 and 2.36-3 show examples of the displacement of the line of Fate towards Apollo. Both compensated gaps, although identical in appearance, are different in their meaning and interpretation. The first break, shown in Figure 2.36-2, indicates planned changes in the girl’s life that will occur under the influence of external factors and people unfamiliar to her, and since the initial section of the Fate line at the break is connected to the secondary line, which is adjacent to the Life line, then changes will be associated with a long trip or moving to a new place of residence. Since the new section of the line, although shifted towards Apollo, is strong, deep and lasting, these changes will initially be unstable, but thanks to them the girl will be able to find her karmic destiny and realize herself in the best possible way in the professional sphere.

In the second break, which is shown in Figure 2.36-3, both sections of the Fate line overlap each other, but before the break the main Fate line becomes thinner, and the new displaced line begins as a deep and straight line, which indicates that the person will work for some time two jobs, but at the same time showing more initiative and effort in the new job. The end of the initial section of the line and the beginning of a new one in the direction of Apollo indicates that a person will ultimately choose a new direction of activity for himself, which will turn out to be an occupation for the soul, albeit less monetary and socially significant, but satisfying his internal desires and needs.

When analyzing compensated gaps, it is always necessary to carefully examine the direction of the new line of Fate after its displacement, which will indicate the nuances of further changes in career activity. So, for example, if after a compensated break the new line of Fate is directed towards the Mount of the Sun and shifted towards Jupiter immediately at the break itself, then such a combination will indicate a favorable change in career and the choice of a new job related to art or occult sciences.

Comets on the line of Fate. Any crossing of the Fate line by minor lines, or comets, has a negative impact on a person's destiny and means obstacles, opposition or trouble. There is no life without difficulties, and even without them it would be uninteresting. For people with a strong-willed character, any obstacle or opposition in life serves as an incentive to begin more active activity due to the fact that struggle only hardens them and forces them to set new tasks and even more ambitious goals than before. The actions of such people in practice always turn out to be stronger than the opposition.

For weak-willed people, accustomed to going with the flow without making much effort in life, obstacles and opposition only cause panic; they often get lost and cannot overcome the difficulties that arise along their life path without outside help. Therefore, it is necessary to warn a person about the possibility of difficult times for him, when he will have to carefully weigh his actions and when every wrong decision or action can negatively affect his future. It is also very important with what results a person emerges from the tests. A good, strong and strong line of Fate after any intersection will indicate positive changes in a person’s life and his ability to cope with emerging difficulties.

When crossing, it is also necessary to pay attention to where and what secondary line crosses the line of Fate, which will indicate those people who will bring future trouble and force them to change the direction of their activities during it. It is also necessary to correctly assess the place of intersection and the strength of the secondary line, which, on the one hand, will indicate the time of occurrence of the troubles themselves, and on the other, the strength of the future problem. So, for example, if the minor line is stronger than the line of Fate and cuts it into two parts, then you can expect serious blows and changes from fate. On the contrary, if a strong line of Fate cuts through a weak secondary line, perhaps even with its displacement, then this means temporary obstacles to which a person will not attach much importance and which he will soon forget about.

Crossings of branches from the lines of the Head and Heart will not mean obstacles, but mistakes or time to reassess values ​​and think about the meaning of life and one’s destiny.

In palmistry, comets that cross the Fate line are called decision lines. This name perfectly reflects the deep meaning of these lines and indicates extraneous negative influences on a person, which will encourage him to act and make a number of responsible decisions for the best construction of his activities.

To consider all kinds of decision lines and assimilate the material in Figure 2.37, a human hand is shown, where these lines are indicated. Based on this figure, you can trace the main career path and direction of development of this person. Each comet is dated to a corresponding age, indicating the time when a person will have the main peak of troubles, under the influence of which significant decisions will have to be made.

Decision lines begin in the middle of the palm and cut through the line of Fate at a right angle, without causing a displacement of the main line, which corresponds to a person’s age: 23, 24, 26, 27 years old, indicate a blockage of energy moving along the line of Fate and indicate obstacles that encourage a person to action that he will overcome during the time period of action of these lines. Since the lines are thin and short, and the line of Fate cuts through them without changing its direction of movement, these signs indicate a change in place of work under the influence of external factors without changing the direction of their main activity.

The decision lines begin in the middle of the palm and cut through the line of Fate at oblique angles, directed from different sides, which corresponds to the person’s ages: 23.5 and 27 years old, indicating decisions regarding one’s career activities under the influence of other people. If the decision lines cut the line of Fate at oblique angles from the line of Life, then this sign indicates that the decision will be made of one’s own free will, or under the influence of relatives. Lines cutting the line of Fate on the opposite side of the palm indicate decisions regarding your career made under pressure from outsiders, for example: work colleagues or bosses.

The Comet (line of decisions) begins from the Mount of Upper Mars and cuts through the line of Fate, without causing a displacement of the main line, at the age of 25.5 years, indicates obstacles in career that will come from persons of the same sex. On a man’s hand, such a comet will speak of targeted opposition and obstacles in a career on the part of men, and on women’s hands – on the part of women. Having discovered such lines of decisions in the hands of clients, it is necessary to advise them to be as attentive and careful as possible both to their friends and work colleagues of the same sex, at the age at which the line of decisions intersects with the line of Fate.

A comet (line of decisions) begins from the Mount of Venus and cuts through the line of Fate, without causing a displacement of the main line, at the age of 33, indicates troubles from close relatives or people of the opposite sex. Unlike the previous case, the interpretation of this comet is more ambiguous and may indicate pregnancy, which will interfere with career development, moves, deaths of close relatives, as well as a negative influence in the career of people of the opposite sex, which must be clarified by other lines and signs hands. If a comet emerging from the Mount of Venus, cutting the line of Life and Fate, goes to the Hill of Upper Mars, then such a combination of lines indicates a divorce, which was preceded by long quarrels and litigation, and which affected both the person’s life itself and influenced his professional activity.

The main difference between long lines of decisions coming from various hills and short and thin lines standing in the center of the palm is that long lines are the opposition of specific people who will interfere with a person’s success, thereby negatively affecting his destiny, and short lines – these are changes in place of work due to an unfavorable combination of circumstances.

The line of decisions abuts the line of Fate without cutting it, creating the impression of a “T-shaped intersection”, which corresponds to the age of 39, warns a person about possible troubles and obstacles in a person’s destiny, but gives the person a chance to improve his situation. Also, this line of decisions also indicates a difficult choice in favor of one place of work or another, and a person at this age is subject to doubt and moral torment, unable to make the right choice for himself.

A branch from the Heart line, going down and cutting through the Fate line, without causing a displacement of the main line, at the age of 46, indicate career obstacles that will come from your marriage partner. If, when the line of Fate is crossed by branches from the line of the Heart, the line of Fate shifts towards the Mount of Jupiter, then such obstacles will strengthen the character of the owner of the hand and bring him improvements in his material and social situation. If, on the contrary, after the branch crosses the line of the Heart, the line of Fate shifts towards the Hill of Apollo, then the new activity will bring spiritual rather than material satisfaction.

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Palmistry, which is one of the ancient esoteric teachings, which is still widespread among mystics, claims that a person’s life can be recognized by the patterns that form lines on our palms.

There are main and secondary lines. The first category includes lines that are present on the hands of every person, which are not difficult to find. The second category includes smaller and less deep lines, which not everyone has.

The main ones most often include four: the line of life, the line of fate, the line of the heart and the line of the head (mind). The lines of the heart and mind are the transverse lines on our palms. Well, the line of life and the line of fate are considered longitudinal, respectively. These are the ones that will be discussed in this article.

Your destiny along the line of life

The life line begins in the area between the finger of Venus (thumb) and the finger of Jupiter, and, encircling the Mount of Venus, goes down in the direction of the bend of the hand (sometimes it reaches the bend, sometimes not).

The life line allows you to determine not only how long a person is destined to live. It also shows how full of vital energy a person is, whether he is active or apathetic. Based on the shape and characteristics of the life line, one can determine any significant events in his life, as well as at what age they will occur.

A favorable life line should be clearly defined, smooth, without breaks, and go well around the Mount of Venus. Then it will indicate a healthy, active life without serious shocks and serious illnesses.

Age and longevity along the life line

In order to calculate a person’s life expectancy along the life line, it is necessary to step back one centimeter from the bracelet line towards the life line and put a dot at this place. This point will correspond to the age of eighty years.

Further, the entire distance from it and to the beginning of the life line is divided into eight equal segments, each of which defines an interval of 10 years. If the life line ends below the set point, it means that the person will be a long-liver.

Fate line: meaning

The line of fate is a longitudinal line that originates either at the end of the line of life (1), or at the wrist (2), or at the Mount of the Moon (a), or at the Mount of Mars (b). It stretches in the direction of the fingers, and can also end in different places: in the middle of the palm, above the line of the mind, above the line of Jupiter (heart), at the Mount of Saturn. Depending on the position of the fate line and its shape, it is interpreted differently, which we will tell you about in the article.

In the general case, this line shows how protected a person is, how much his fate protects him. Talks about his values ​​and priorities, what he consciously strives for and what kind of life he leads.

It also reflects where a person tends to go - in depth or breadth. That is, a person who tends to go deeper is one who chooses one thing in his life (for example, some activity, hobby) and studies it more and more deeply, subsequently becoming a specialist who is well versed in the chosen direction. A person who is inclined to go broad, covers a lot, but little by little; as a result, his knowledge, although versatile, is not deep.

The first type of people is characterized by a clear and clear line of fate, the second type is vaguely visible and shallow.


Despite the fact that the line of fate is considered one of the main ones, it also happens that it is not visible at all on the palm of a person. This is usually typical for people who are called “average”: they do not stand out from the crowd, do not have a pronounced individuality.

Or there is a second option for the development of fate for such people: they can become antisocial individuals: drug addicts, criminals, homeless people, alcoholics, and so on.

Age can also be calculated using the line of fate. To do this, you need to pay attention to its intersection with the head line and the heart line. In the first case, this is thirty-five years of age, in the second, fifty years of age. That is, according to the line of fate, age is counted from bottom to top, and not from top to bottom, as was the case in the case of calculation along the line of life.

Their interpretation largely depends on the position of the line of fate and the line of life. Let's look at the different types and types of these lines to deepen and expand our knowledge.

If the fate line comes out of the life line

This is a very favorable sign, which guarantees a person that he will definitely find harmony in his soul and enjoy life. Moreover, this will come at some specific point in time after a person achieves what he dreamed of. And the age of fulfillment of a cherished desire can be calculated along the life line. The age that corresponds to the beginning of the fate line will indicate that moment in life when a person will become truly happy.

If the life line turns into the fate line

This sign also favors its owner, giving him constant luck in everything he undertakes. People looking at such a person are amazed at how lucky he is.

The main thing is not to abuse this gift of fate and not to use it for selfish purposes. Otherwise, the “stock of luck” will be depleted, and then the person will face enormous difficulties on his way. This arrangement of lines also often indicates that a person will be able to succeed in the military field.

Branch from the life line to the fate line

Those who have a branch from the life line to the fate line can also rejoice - this is a good sign. This combination of main lines indicates that a person will be successful in the area that he decides to choose as the main one in his life.

If this is a careerist, then he will be recognized and respected by his colleagues, he will be able to become a real professional in his field and subsequently become a mentor, teacher in this field. If a person’s priority is family, he will be able to build a healthy relationship with his soulmate and live in a happy marriage until the end of his days.


Cross between the line of life and fate

The cross in palmistry in the vast majority of cases carries a negative meaning and warns a person about dangers, hardships, difficulties and illnesses. Sometimes he can even cross out a favorable line, thereby depriving it of the positive message that it carried.

What is the meaning of the cross located between the line of life and the line of fate? Paradoxically, in most cases this sign favors its owner.

It is characteristic of people who are driven by altruism, that is, they are capable of selfless acts towards others, and, of course, this returns to them as an even greater benefit. The profession of a doctor is perfect for such people. Well, if such a person is endowed with psychic abilities, then he will most likely become a healer.

However, this same meaning can also carry negative information, warning a person about all sorts of problems with relatives. The misunderstandings that constantly arise between him and his relatives can significantly affect his quality of life.

However, before defining the cross between the line of fate and the line of life as negative, you should also study the location of other lines - both major and minor, which can tell more about relationships with loved ones.

Branch from the line of fate to the line of life

This combination of lines indicates a person’s vulnerability and excessive sensitivity. Although he knows how to love sincerely and with all his heart, he should not go to extremes.

After all, all areas in our lives must be harmoniously balanced, and if we put exclusively love relationships in the first place, this will lead to several negative consequences at once.

Firstly, all other areas will suffer, and secondly, there will be big problems in love, since a person with such a pattern on the palm tends to become so attached to his partner that he becomes cramped and uncomfortable. Over time, the partner will begin to demand freedom to a greater extent, and then problems are inevitable. Up to a complete break in the relationship.

The line of fate enters the line of life

The entry of the fate line into the life line can be interpreted in two ways, depending on the overall picture of all lines. If the picture is favorable, this enhances all the good signs and indicates that a person can build a brilliant career, and strong family and family ties will help him in this.

Otherwise, it warns a person about the onset of retribution for the actions of the past, including past lives. The age at which karmic debts will have to be repaid will correspond to the point at which the line of fate enters the line of life.

The life line is parallel to the fate line

Parallel lines of fate and life are characteristic of self-sufficient people. They do not like to ask for help from anyone and are used to achieving goals through their own efforts. They are often quite cold in their relationships with others, so their circle of friends is quite narrow.

For men, such a pattern on the palms is considered a rather neutral sign, but for women it carries a negative connotation. Among such women there are often feminists. Those representatives of the fair sex whose lines of life and destiny are parallel should think about their feminine nature - reveal their femininity and learn to receive help and support from men.

Square between the line of fate and life

A square in the palm is most often a protective sign that does not allow problems and difficulties to develop to a large scale and mitigates the consequences of unfavorable lines or their combinations. However, this sign cannot be fully called positive. Indeed, in addition to the fact that it partially protects, it also “clipping the wings” of a person and does not allow a person to achieve what he could potentially achieve.


People who have a square in their palm are often emotionally unstable and very often create problems - both for themselves and for the people around them.

A square located between the line of fate and the line of life warns a person about the dangers that await him in everyday life. That is, there is a high probability of getting seriously injured or injured in your own home.

The line crosses the life line and the fate line

There is also a situation when there is a line on the palm that intersects the lines of life and fate. This is typical for eccentric, bright personalities who immediately stand out from the crowd and are etched in the memory of those who met them for a long time. They leave no one indifferent.

They should direct their enormous energy potential into development in those areas in which their talents, activity and restlessness are valued above all else. Usually, many different unusual ideas are rummaging around in their heads, some of which can be truly brilliant.

The charisma of such people, combined with their talent, will help them achieve great success. The main thing is to ensure that self-esteem is healthy and that one’s own importance is not overestimated, otherwise there is a high probability that the person will be “thrown off” the pedestal by ill-wishers, and then neither talent nor charisma will be able to return him to his previous state.

A split line on the palm can predict both positive and negative developments, depending on which line is being considered. If this is the line of fate, then the interpretation will be favorable.

The line of fate has a fork in versatile people who can succeed in several areas at once. In addition, the bifurcation of this line may indicate that a person has reached new levels of development, and we are talking about spiritual development.

Therefore, most often the fork is found closer to the fingers and indicates that a person is guaranteed a calm and joyful old age, the person will be able to draw conclusions from the years he has lived, and will gain wisdom, which he will pass on to his descendants.

The life line and the fate line in palmistry are considered the main threads that can tell a lot about a person’s fate. Information about signs, intersections, and symbols on these lines has been collected by palmists for many centuries.

You can learn about the vicissitudes of fate by carefully studying both palms. On the active hand of a person one can see his future, on the passive palm there is an imprint of the past.

The line of fate drawn on the palm does not change throughout life.

What will the fate line tell you?

It is rare to notice a smooth line of fate without interruptions or intersections.

Each symbol and dash indicates decisions, actions, important moments in life:

  • A clearly drawn line of fate is inherent in strong-willed, purposeful people who are accustomed from childhood to achieving their goals. The line is clearly visible among athletes and artists who have devoted their entire lives to one type of activity.
  • Numerous interruptions are a symbol of torment. It is difficult for a person to find his place, his calling in life.
  • A bifurcated line of fate indicates a person who can successfully engage in several activities at the same time.
  • The thread of fate, which originates at the wrist, is a symbol of strength of character and determination. A person can be rude and tyrannical.

What do the intersecting lines mean?

The fate line can be crossed by other important lines. In palmistry there is an interpretation of such connections:

  • If the fate line crosses the life line, this is a fairly favorable sign that can be seen by a professional palmist. People whose life line intersects with the fate line are called darlings, real lucky ones.
  • A person whose destiny line intersects the life line will easily achieve his goals. There will be no serious obstacles on his way. Luck can be noticed from childhood.
  • If the life line connects with the fate line, a person will be financially secure, he will not experience poverty or need. Depending on where the line is connected, you can indicate the age when a person will receive financial independence and prosperity.
  • Palmists interpret the connection of two lines as a symbol of fame in the future. A person can become famous. He has natural talent. Success depends on how he develops it.
  • The line of fate intersecting with the line of the head characterizes a determined person. It will not be difficult for such a person to adapt to changed circumstances. Thanks to his extraordinary mind, he will be able to find a way out of any situation. Such people are considered absolute materialists: financial well-being comes first. Some of them are very superstitious.

Independent interpretation of line intersections does not always coincide with what a professional palmist will tell you about.

The line of fate extends from the wrist to the Saturn finger, capturing the center of the palm. To be more precise, the middle is an approximate guideline. The line of fate ends between the middle and index fingers or between the middle and ring fingers. Visually, it looks like a vertical stripe that crosses the palm approximately in the middle. Palmists emphasize that not all people have this mark. More often it happens only on one hand. Often the fate line bifurcates, intersects or connects with other important signs. Before proceeding to their interpretation, it is worth considering the basic meaning of this band.

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      Fate line on the right and left hand

      Professionals note that if the fate line is found on the right palm, then it shows events that should happen throughout life. The mark on the left palm determines the potential inherent at birth. It has been noticed that for those individuals who are active and ambitious, the segment of fate is more often found on the right hand.

      • If it is in the palm of your hand:

        • Direct - the subject is good-natured and constant. But he often succumbs to the influence of others and circumstances, which prevents him from fully revealing his individuality and following his destiny.
        • Twisted is a sign of a timid individual who, in the process of development, needs to develop a sense of purpose. May indicate excessive stubbornness in character.

        A long, strong line symbolizes a person who is happy with his life and follows his destined path. In such a person, the main lines on both hands are almost the same.

        Segment on different hands

        If the segment is located on a square hand, then this is a sign of fame and happiness. The more clearly expressed the line of fate, the easier success will come. On psychic palms this segment is less pronounced and shorter in length. Indicates that the owner does not use all resources in order to reach certain heights.

        The line of fate on conical hands means that success and fame will come with a successful combination of circumstances. This person is the darling of fate and often arouses the envy of others.

        The same segment on spade-shaped palms emphasizes the versatile, developed nature. This is a man of action who does not like to think for a long time. He is original and independent. Has good physical endurance and is able to apply acquired knowledge in practice. The line of fate on such hands is a sign of ingenuity and intelligence. Their owner will achieve success through hard work.

        On mixed hands, the stripe of fate occurs most often. This emphasizes the good adaptation of the individual in a variety of areas. This feature will help him achieve recognition in several cases at the same time. In rare cases, it may mean an inability to concentrate, as energy is scattered in different areas. In this state of affairs, it is unlikely to achieve success.


        Despite the fact that the line of fate originates at the base of the palm and rushes upward to the finger of Saturn, it has various nuances, which sometimes makes it difficult to find. The hands of business people fall into this category.

        Practical palmistry believes that the line of fate can begin on the lines of life, mind, heart and on some hills. It should be borne in mind that this segment refers to the main lines, so it should be clear and stand out from the background of other secondary stripes.

        If the line of fate intersects with the line of life, then the owner of such a mark achieves high material benefits.

        No line

        This does not mean that the individual is destined to live a dull, dull life. After all, as already mentioned, not everyone has this mark. In most cases, the absence of a segment of fate emphasizes the fact that a person is versatile and is able to rotate in many areas of activity. There is an opinion about such people that they “keep their nose to the wind.”

        If a person devotes himself to a certain type of activity for a long time and achieves significant success in it, then the line of fate may appear on the right palm.

        Also, a segment of fate is missing for a person who has not yet decided on the path in his life. Many children may not find such a mark for the reason that its formation occurs at the age of 15-18 years. If, nevertheless, this segment never appears on the palm, then this indicates a person who is never confident in his words and actions.

        Start of the strip

        It may start at the bottom of the palm, closer to the wrist. Sometimes the line comes out a little higher than usual. This is a sure sign that the owner will find his way in the second half of life in adulthood. If the life line is adjacent to this mark, then this indicates that family plays a huge role in a person’s life. She will provide assistance in choosing the right path in life. In some cases, this arrangement of lines indicates a family dynasty of doctors, lawyers, and actors.

        We need to pay more attention to the place on the palm where the segment of fate breaks away from the line of life. This means a period of time when a person is freed from the influence of his family and close circle. If the line of fate originates on the wrist, then this indicates that it will be difficult for such a person to change his life, since events unfold as intended.

        A sign that a person thinks for a long time about his life purpose is the line of fate, which originates on the line of the head. This is a symbol of intelligence, which is a priority for the fortuneteller. If love dominated his life, then the line of fate in his palm would be on the segment of his heart. In this case, when making decisions of various kinds, this person would be guided more by feelings than by reason.

        The line of fate, which originates on the hill of the Moon, indicates that the individual will achieve success thanks to the public. These could be various votes, elections. Of particular importance is that fame will not be directly related to a person's talent. Success is possible only if the public comes to this opinion.

        It is considered the rarest when the segment of life begins close to the Mount of Mercury. The owner of this sign is quite eloquent and has a penchant for foreign languages. Strives for the stage and show business.

        Special Features

        The islands and gaps on the fate line are indicators of ups and downs. Indicate periods of good times and waste of time. If the segment of interest is straight and long, free from various chains and breaks, then this is an indicator that the person chose his field of activity in childhood and will remain faithful to it until retirement age.

        You can talk about success in several areas when the line of fate bifurcates. If it goes completely to the side, the individual will master a new area of ​​knowledge. But if this is a minor branch on the straight line, then the person will achieve certain success in an area that is similar to his main occupation.

        If the fate line dominates the others, then this symbolizes excessive workaholism, which negatively affects the physical and mental health of the individual.

        End of the line

        The line of fate, which rises up the palm and ends on the finger of Saturn, symbolizes a person who does not know a sense of proportion and does not find the strength to stop. Such a subject may be a singer or artist who desires recognition even after the audience's love for him has dried up. If a fateful segment ends on any hill, then this is a sign that the person will achieve recognition in the area for which the hill is responsible.

        The island of Jupiter promises such an owner bright and unusual success associated with a special purpose. He knows how to establish relationships with people of a rare mindset. It is inherent in him to unite the masses into a team and captivate everyone with a common cause. In most cases, such a person chooses a life partner with whom he has the same field of activity.

        If the line of fate ends on the Mount of Venus, then such a person will achieve success thanks to his special instinct. Many people will seek rapprochement with him, as he is able to understand other people's point of view. Flexibility of character and professionalism will help him climb the career ladder.


        Practical palmistry is inclined to believe that on a segment of fate there may be marks that indicate offspring. In reality, such signs are rare. After all, traditionally the birth of children is visible on the marriage line. In any case, it doesn’t hurt to take a close look at the fortuneteller’s palm.

        If there is a wide branch from the line of fate, then this predicts the birth of a boy. Subtle - the appearance of a girl. The number of children can be found by counting these branches.

        Broken line of fate

        Often a break on such a line predicts global changes in a person’s life: moving, illness, a sudden change of profession. The prediction carries both negative and positive meaning. To understand this, the fate line should be considered in combination with other important stripes and marks.

        If the segment of fate is interrupted, but clearly expressed, then this person has a sober mind and constancy. No matter what failures threaten him, he will come out of them with dignity, learning a life lesson from what happened. This feature indicates that such a person is worth relying on.

        Professionals advise taking a closer look at the place of the rupture. If he is visible in the middle of the line, then such an individual has a lightning-fast reaction and is prone to correct analysis. Loves relaxing with friends and family. Attracts people with their balance, but does not tolerate criticism well.

        Several breaks during a period of fate - a disposition to frequent changes of environment and image. It has been noticed that this person strives for variety, even without leaving home. For example, he often moves furniture in his home. In his personal life, the owner of such a sign is not very happy, since he often does not know what kind of life partner he needs.

        Short segment

        A distinctive feature of such a person is decency and responsibility. His extraordinary hard work helps him achieve incredible success in life. A short period of fate indicates a heightened sense of justice, but the owner is not always ready to defend such a position.

        In certain cases, the segment of fate is short due to the fact that it originates in the center of the palm and not near the wrist. This means that a person realizes his plans at a more mature age. He could not implement them in his younger years due to the influence of relatives.

        Additional characters

        The bifurcation of the line of Fate promises its owner achievement of success in several areas. If the mark is on the left palm, then the individual has been given this potential from birth. If on the right, then he will achieve everything thanks to aspiration and development.

        A fork-shaped sign located at the beginning or end of the fate line is an indicator of freedom of choice. This should be interpreted as follows: a person will find himself at a crossroads and he will have to make a fateful decision that will change his destiny. The trident symbol has a positive meaning. This is a successful combination of circumstances in which a person will be able to realize his wildest fantasies in real life.


        A favorable sign that allows its owner to fearlessly rush into the fight for a successful future. If you show persistence and put in the effort, you can achieve the result you dreamed of. A person must show determination, logic, and healthy selfishness in order to change his life for the better.

        The triangle is of great importance for people with a military profession. The sign predicts quick and unhindered career advancement. Success in military operations, if they are foreseen.


        Has a negative meaning. Such a person is destined to experience enormous difficulties. Often these are financial problems that stretch from a young age.

        If the star is located at the beginning of the fate line and the strip is not interrupted, then the subject will still improve his position. But if the stripe is interrupted and thin in quality, then this symbolizes losses, both spiritual and physical. Often means financial collapse.


        An indicator that a person is protected. From this mark it is difficult to understand who will patronize the person. Friends, relatives, and other half can act as defenders.

        It’s great if a person with a creative profession has a square on the segment of fate. The patron promotes his ward. An additional meaning of the square is inspiration, the presence of a muse. A sign of good health.

        Another interpretation is that if trouble or an accident happens to the owner of the square, he will get out of a difficult situation with minimal losses. Sometimes this is a sign that serious hardships will bypass a person.

        Palmists believe that the fate line is the rarest and most mysterious of all. She predicts both success and failure. Before fortune telling, you should take into account all the nuances in order to get the correct interpretation. Even if some negativity is predicted, you should not be upset. You should always remember that the fate line does not confirm a life event, but warns.

Many who are just starting to practice palmistry often confuse the life line and the fate line. Remember that the length of the life line does not determine the number of years allotted to a person. Thus, a short but clear life line may indicate a long life for a person, but a long but blurry one indicates a short life.

By the way, it often happens that the life line on the left hand is shorter than on the right. In this case, you need to take into account the life line on your right hand, because it speaks of that. that a person, thanks to his willpower and self-discipline, can extend his life.

A long, clear, noticeable, uninterrupted life line: large reserves of vital energy, the desire to choose a path and follow it.

Long, barely noticeable or winding life line: good physical resistance, lack of fortitude, consistency in decision-making, changes in cheerfulness and despondency.

If the life line is short, but clear and dense: endurance and physical strength, which hide fragility, weak immunity, lack of strength.

Short and barely noticeable life line: lack of energy, vigor, vitality, poor health.

The life line is broken, consists of two or three consecutive lines: two or three important stages in life or two or three very important changes.

If the line begins on the Mount of Jupiter: love of life, patronage of fate, real luck in life, happy and wealthy position, acquisition of real estate.

At first intertwined with the line of the head: strength of character, desire for neatness, orderliness, accuracy, desire to intelligently arrange your life, natural ability to maintain connections, ease of communication.

In case if the life line coincides with the head line over a long period: self-control, a person is aware of his abilities, is inclined to introspection, to rethinking himself, which serves personal development.

Starts below the head line: indecisiveness, lack of consistency in decision making, ignorance of oneself and lack of self-control, inability to learn from one’s mistakes, superficial character.

The life line begins on the hill of Mars, the hill of physical strength: the need for physical activity to give vent to one’s energy, the desire to do something, the thirst for adventure, impatience, impulsiveness, sometimes choleric and cruel character.

The life line connects with the line of luck or fate: luck, life-changing encounters, calling, innate talents, material success, sometimes fame.

Life line connects or intersects Via Lasciva(additional life line): achieving goals, satisfying desires, aspirations, but later than the desired date.

Connects or intersects with Via Laschiva, which ends at the Hill of the Sun: late success that a person achieves through perseverance and effort, the opportunity to get rich in adulthood.

It ends with a branch, one of the tips of which touches the Mount of the Moon: the need for tenderness, living in illusions, the desire to escape from reality, the opportunity to travel, some woman will have a great influence on the fate of this person.

It ends with a branch, one of the tips of which touches the Mount of Venus: increased sensuality, relationships with a partner determine all areas of this person’s life.

Intersected by small transverse lines directed upward: optimism, dynamism, large reserves of vital energy, good resistance to disease.

Intersected by transverse lines directed downward: pessimism, tendency to despondency, physical and mental exhaustion, poor health.

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