School failures. Underachievement. Reasons for school failure. §3. When school failures occur

There are such means to eliminate the didactic causes of academic failure.

1. Pedagogical prevention- search for optimal pedagogical systems, including the use of active methods and forms of teaching, new pedagogical technologies, problem-based and programmed learning, computerization. For this purpose, Yu. Babansky proposed the concept of optimizing the educational process. In the USA they are moving along the path of automation, individualization, and psychologization of learning.

2. Pedagogical diagnostics- systematic monitoring and evaluation of learning results, timely identification of gaps. For this, there are diagnostic methods: conversations between the teacher and students, parents, observation of a difficult student with recording of data in the teacher’s diary, conducting tests, analyzing the results, summarizing them in the form of tables according to the types of mistakes made. Yu. Babansky proposed a pedagogical council - a council of teachers to analyze and solve the didactic and pedagogical problems of lagging students.

3. Educational therapy- measures to eliminate educational gaps. In domestic schools these are additional classes, in the West they are leveling groups. The advantages of the latter are that

classes there are conducted based on the results of serious diagnostics, with the selection of group and individual training tools. They are taught by special teachers, and attendance at classes is mandatory.

4. Educational influence. Since academic failures are most often associated with poor upbringing, individual planned educational work should be carried out with unsuccessful students, which includes work with the student’s family, it is part of the socio-pedagogical, psychological work with difficult students.

Assimilation and testing tasks

1. Complete the sentences.

Knowledge control has the following types: current, ... , ... . Control methods include observation, ..., ..., didactic..., method... work. See text 16.1.

2. Define the concepts: knowledge test, didactic test, knowledge assessment, academic failure, pedagogical neglect. See text 16.

3. List the reasons for failure in studies.

4. Name and characterize the means of overcoming academic failure: - pedagogical prevention,

Educational therapy,

- .......................... . See text 16.2.3.

Words to insert: periodic, final; oral, written control, tests, practical; pedagogical diagnostics, educational impact.




17.1. Principles of educational policy

The education system is understood as a set of educational programs and standards, a network of educational institutions and governing bodies, as well as a set of principles that determine the functioning of the system. The nature of the education system in any state is determined by the socio-economic, political system, cultural, historical, and national characteristics of the country.

Society's requirements for education are expressed in the system of principles of state educational policy. Currently, the following principles apply in the Russian Federation:

The humanistic nature of education, the priority of universal human values, the right of the individual to free development;

Unity of federal education with the right to the uniqueness of education of national and regional cultures;

accessibility of education and adaptability of the education system to the needs of students;

the secular nature of education in government institutions;

freedom and pluralism in education;

Democratic, state-public nature of management, independence of educational institutions. See RF Law on Education, Art. 2.

These principles determine the main directions, priorities of educational policy and, consequently, the nature of education and educational institutions in the country.

17.2. Educational institutions

An educational institution is an institution that conducts the educational process according to a specific educational program (about the program see text 10.3.2). There are the following types of educational institutions.

Preschool: nursery, kindergarten.

General education, with levels (primary, basic, general secondary): schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, etc.

Professional (primary, secondary, higher): schools, technical schools, colleges, institutes, universities, academies, etc.

Special (correctional) for teaching children with developmental disabilities: schools for the visually impaired, the deaf, etc.

Institutions of additional education: music, art schools, centers, clubs, courses, etc.

Institutions for orphans and children without parental care: boarding schools, orphanages.

Other institutions: courses, institutes for advanced training, retraining, etc.

According to organizational and legal forms, educational institutions can be state, municipal, non-state (private, public and religious organizations).

Citizens can use different forms of education: in an educational institution, with or without separation from work, family education, external studies.

17.3. Education authorities

Education management bodies include federal (national), republican, regional, regional, autonomous regions, municipal (local). Each level of management bodies has its own competence. In general, management is the process of making decisions, adopting laws in the field of education, planning, organizing, regulating and monitoring the activities of educational services. The most important functions of federal bodies are the development of educational programs and standards, accreditation and certification of institutions and teachers, the formation of educational infrastructure, financing, and forecasting the development of education. Let us recall that state educational standards are the mandatory minimum content of each

basic general educational and professional program with a level of mastery that ensures further education or work.

In addition, governing bodies manage the production of textbooks, teaching aids and tools, organize training and retraining of personnel for education, and ensure the development of pedagogical science.


As a result of student assessment, the problem of underachievement or academic failure of individual students arises. Underachievement is understood as a situation in which behavior and learning outcomes do not meet the educational and didactic requirements of the school. Underachievement is expressed in the fact that the student has weak reading and counting skills, poor intellectual skills of analysis, generalization, etc. Systematic underachievement leads to pedagogical neglect, which is understood as a complex of negative personality qualities that contradict the requirements of the school and society. This phenomenon is extremely undesirable and dangerous from a moral, social, and economic point of view. Those who are educationally neglected often drop out of school and join risk groups.

Research has established three groups of reasons for school failure.

1. Socioeconomic - financial poverty of the family, general unfavorable family situation, alcoholism, pedagogical illiteracy of parents. The general state of society also affects children, but the main thing is the shortcomings of family life.

2. Causes of a biopsychic nature are hereditary characteristics, abilities, character traits. It should be remembered that inclinations are inherited from parents, and abilities, hobbies, and character develop during life on the basis of inclinations. Science has proven that all babies born healthy have approximately the same 364

development opportunities, which depend on the social, family environment and upbringing.

3. Pedagogical reasons. Pedagogical neglect is most often the result of mistakes and low levels of school work. Education and the work of a teacher are a decisive factor in the development of a student. Gross mistakes of a teacher lead to psychogenies, didactogenies - mental trauma received during the learning process and sometimes requiring special psychotherapeutic intervention. Didactogeny is a gross defect in the work of a teacher.

Research also shows more specific reasons for academic failure:

A rigid, unified education system, the content of education is the same for everyone, and does not meet the needs of children;

Uniformity, stereotyping in teaching methods and forms, verbalism, intellectualism, underestimation of emotions in teaching;

Inability to set learning goals and lack of effective monitoring of results;

Neglect of student development, practicality, coaching, focus on cramming.

Conclusion: didactic, psychological, methodological incompetence of the teacher leads to failure in studies.

There are such means to eliminate the didactic causes of academic failure.

1. Pedagogical prevention - the search for optimal pedagogical systems, including the use of active methods and forms of teaching, new pedagogical technologies, problem-based and programmed learning, computerization. For this purpose, Yu. Babansky proposed the concept of optimizing the educational process. In the USA they are moving along the path of automation, individualization, and psychologization of learning.

2. Pedagogical diagnostics - systematic monitoring and assessment of learning outcomes, timely identification of gaps. To do this, there are conversations between the teacher and students, parents, observation of a difficult student with recording of data in the teacher’s diary, conducting tests, analyzing the results, summarizing them in the form of tables according to the types of mistakes made. Yu. Babansky proposed a pedagogical council of teachers to analyze and solve the didactic problems of lagging students.

3. Pedagogical therapy - measures to eliminate educational delays. In a domestic school these are additional classes. In the West there are alignment groups. Pre; the property of the latter is that classes are held there; based on the results of serious diagnostics, with the selection of groups<: повых и индивидуальных средств обучения. Их ведут спе j циальные учителя, посещение занятий обязательно. !

4. Educational influence. Since academic failures are most often associated with poor upbringing, it is not | successful students must carry out individual planned educational work, which includes work with the student’s family.

Of course, academic failure is a complex problem that has didactic, methodological, psychological, medical and socio-pedagogical aspects. Its solution must also be complex.

Questions and tasks for self-control

1. Complete the sentences.

Types of control are current, ..., .... Control methods include observation......, didactic..., method... work.

2. Define the concepts: knowledge testing, didactic test, knowledge assessment, academic failure, pedagogical neglect.

3. List the reasons for failure in studies.

4. Name and characterize the means of overcoming academic failure: sch

Pedagogical prevention, SCH

- educational therapy,

Literature for independent work

Bespalko V.P. Components of pedagogical technology. M., 1989. Ingenshmp K. Pedagogical diagnostics: Trans. with him. M., 1991. Kparsh M.V. Pedagogical technology in the educational process. M., 1989. Kynuceem Ch. Fundamentals of general didactics. M., 1986. TsetlinB. C. Preventing student failure. M., 1989.

Pedagogy. Textbook for students of pedagogical universities and pedagogical colleges / Ed. P.I. Faggot. - M: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 1998. - 640 p.

Natural instincts force us to be right there at any difficult moment in the lives of our children. But is it always worth doing this? We all want our children to be “well done”: to study well at school, go to a good college, and have a good career. But in this desire we do not distinguish where we provide help and where we provide a disservice.


  • it’s you, yes, yes, here you are, rushing to school to bring the child’s forgotten lunch or homework on the table
  • pick up a pencil and hastily finish the remaining math assignments because it’s already time for your child to go to bed
  • You whip up all those school creative assignments where you need to cut, write, glue and sew, signing them with your child’s name

But succeeding for your children is not the same as having your children succeed themselves. Failures make children strong and less susceptible, and only personal experience can teach them the correct reaction to the fact that failures occur, that the world is not ideal and how to deal with it.

Every bruise during training is minus one bruise in a real fight. The fact is that it doesn’t happen that way, that everything works out. And it is very useful for children to experience failure, but not in really important things, of course. Give them the opportunity to practice “failures”, this will teach them not to draw conclusions, correct actions and understand their emotions and manage them.

By reacting positively to failure, children should admit your mistakes(at their own request, and not under the gaze of an angry parental gaze). A ton of research has been done by various scientists on a topic known as “attribution theory.” Based on these studies, the idea was confirmed that a child who admitted to getting bad grades promises much better academic results than a child who said that his homework was eaten by a dog. The academic system is also based on this, which directly depends on the child’s ability to make mistakes, experience failures and at the same time a) be sincere and honest, admitting his mistakes, and b) learn to correct and experience them as a lesson, and not as a drama of his whole life.

In order to teach a child to cope with failures, you need, first of all, give up your own inflated demands to him.

In the textbook for all parents, “Communicate with your child. How?" Julia Gippenreiter writes about this: “It is useless to demand from a child the impossible or very difficult for which he is not yet ready. It’s better to change something outside of it, in this case, your expectations. For example, it is impossible for a five-year-old boy to stand in one place in line for a long time. All parents have expectations about what their child can or should already do and what they should not do. If expectations are too high, the result is negative parental experiences. This does not mean that we should not “raise the bar” for the child, i.e. cultivate in him a practical mind, responsibility, obedience. This must be done at any age. But the bar cannot be set too high. And the main thing is to monitor your reaction. Knowing that your child is mastering new heights and that misfires are inevitable can greatly increase your tolerance and allow you to be more relaxed about his failures.”

Next you need draw the line: where are you still a child, and where are you no longer interfering in the process of him acquiring his own experience? Again, the words of Gippenreiter: “If a child is having a hard time and is ready to accept your help, be sure to help him. In this case: 1. Take upon yourself only what he cannot do himself, leave the rest to him to do himself. 2. As your child masters new actions, gradually transfer them to him. Rules 1 and 2 do not contradict each other, but simply apply to different situations. In situations where Rule 1 applies, the child does not ask for help and even protests when it is provided. Rule 2 is used if the child either directly asks for help, or complains that he “doesn’t work out”, “doesn’t work out”, that he “doesn’t know how”, or even abandons the work he started after the first failures. Any of these manifestations is a signal that he needs help. Let's go together: it's very good to start with these words. These magic words will open the door to a child’s world of new skills, knowledge, and hobbies.”

Be an example for your children. Parents often completely protect the child from any information about life: financial, everyday, relationships with relatives, their work, creating around the child a world of always happy and problem-free dads and moms. Sometimes, on the contrary, they unnecessarily involve the child in the problems of the family, discussing some troubles in front of him, sighing sadly and with all their appearance showing dissatisfaction with the “grayness of life.” Don’t blame adult problems on your child, but don’t put on a happy face when the game is bad: be sincere and optimistic in your judgments and actions. “No, I’m definitely not going to get a master’s degree,” one talented student told the professor. “My father always complained so much and was so unhappy until he received this title... I will never agree to this in my life.”.

Cultivating a Positive Attitude- this is when a child fails a test or writes a test poorly, and instead of judging you, you will figure out the results of this work together. And, first of all, draw your child’s attention to those difficult examples that he managed to solve correctly and independently! Well, then it’s a matter of diligence in studying, which, perhaps, will not soon be marked by a good grade, but will nevertheless become more noticeable in practice.

Focus on strengths a child is the best “cure” for failure. The mission of every parent is to help their child discover his strengths, even if they lie somewhere outside the school curriculum. Imagine how you would feel if you constantly had to focus on your weaknesses throughout the workday. You would hardly feel motivated, and the same goes for children. Give them the opportunity to be successful: you can read more about this in our material “”.

  1. Introduction
  2. Chapter I. Reasons for failure in studies
  3. Chapter II. Didactic means of struggle in studies
    • Pedagogical diagnostics
    • Educational therapy
    • Indirect assistance (pedagogical prevention)
  4. Conclusion
  5. Bibliography

Text of work


The process of forming cognitive interests is a complex and lengthy process; it requires a holistic approach to the individual, taking into account educational opportunities, the reasons for the lag, the attitude towards learning, towards the teacher, the presence or absence of cognitive interests in the personality structure. It is even more difficult to form the cognitive interest of low-achieving students. Taking into account what is common and unique in the personality of adolescents, it is necessary to vary the stimulus of cognitive interest, updating any group or individual stimuli, taking into account the reasons for the lag of schoolchildren.

The purpose of this work is an attempt to consider the approaches of researchers and, taking into account our own experience, on the issue of ways to form students’ need for mastering knowledge and motives for learning. Particular attention is focused on the issue of developing cognitive interests among low-achieving students.

The objectives are:

  1. Identifying the causes of educational lag.
  2. Determining criteria for failure in history lessons.
  3. Ways to overcome academic failure.
  4. Stimulation of cognitive interests in low-achieving students.

A lot of work has been devoted to the issue of ways to overcome academic failure. This problem has been studied both in domestic literature and abroad (J. Bruner, W. Glasser). Among our researchers we can name: Zakharova A.B., Bondarenko S.M., Kalmykova Z.I., Markova A.K. and others. They all unanimously note the enormous role of the teacher in developing children’s cognitive interests as a means of overcoming academic failure.

Chapter I. Reasons for failure in studies.

Underachievement is the most acute problem in modern schools, caused by reasons, including social ones.

The reasons for school failure can be very varied and complex. These include facts such as lack of interest in studies, bad behavior at school, laziness, etc., which are called factors relatively dependent on students; poor educational atmosphere in the family, long-term illness, various shortcomings in the educational work of the school, i.e. factors relatively independent of the students.

The complex nature of the reasons for a student’s failure in school is unanimously noted by all the authors who have so far analyzed them. However, not everyone has come to a consensus regarding which of the various conditions, usually closely related to each other, play a dominant role and, ultimately, predetermine the school success of students. However, researchers tend to see the main reason for failure in the poor socio-economic living conditions of students. Others believed that the root of evil should be sought rather in defects in the biopsychic “preparedness” of students. Finally, still others saw the main reason in the imperfect functioning of the school.

Ch. Kupisevich, summarizing the findings of the researchers, characterized these groups of reasons:

  1. Socio-economic – financial insecurity of the family, general unfavorable situation in the family, alcoholism, pedagogical illiteracy of parents. The general state of society also affects children, but the main thing is the shortcomings of family life.
  2. The causes of a biopsychic nature are hereditary characteristics, abilities, and character traits. It should be remembered that inclinations are inherited from parents, and abilities, hobbies, and character develop during life on the basis of inclinations. Science has proven that all babies born healthy have approximately the same opportunities for development, which depends on the social, family environment and upbringing.
  3. Pedagogical reasons. Pedagogical neglect is most often the result of mistakes and low levels of school work. Education and the work of a teacher are a decisive factor in the development of a student. Gross mistakes of a teacher lead to psychogenies, didactogenies - mental trauma received during the learning process and sometimes requiring special psychotherapeutic intervention. Didactogeny is a rough defect in the work of a teacher.

Research also shows more specific reasons for academic failure:

  • a rigid, unified education system, the content of education is the same for everyone, and does not satisfy the needs of children;
  • uniformity, stereotyping in teaching methods and forms, verbalism, intellectualism, underestimation of emotions in teaching;
  • inability to set learning goals and lack of effective monitoring of results;
  • neglect of student development, practicality, coaching, focus on cramming.

Conclusion: didactic, psychological, methodological incompetence of the teacher leads to failure in studies. But didactic reasons for school failures usually appear along with other reasons and mutually determine each other.

In addition, some researchers tend to assess the impact of the same set of causes differently depending, for example, on the age of the students.

Because The presented work is of large volume, then the continuation of the work (Chapter II, Conclusion and References) is presented in

The purpose of our research is to find out what school failures are, what causes them, and whether they can be avoided. Research objectives: Collect theoretical information on the topic; Interview students in grades 3-5 and teachers at Miinal School; Analyze the results obtained and draw conclusions; Give recommendations on how to avoid childhood failures. Research methods: Analysis of theoretical information; Survey and questionnaire.

Subject of research: school failures and attitudes towards them. Object of study: students of grades 3-5 and teachers of the municipal educational institution "Miinalskaya Secondary School". Research hypothesis: For students in grades 3-5 and grades of the municipal educational institution “Miinalskaya Secondary School”, school failures and underachievement are one and the same thing; More than half of the schoolchildren surveyed at our educational institution constantly face failures at school.

What are school failures? Explanatory dictionaries give the following definition of failure: “Failure is the absence of luck, failure, failure” (Ushakov). For a modern child, one of the most important failures is failure at school. Such children are ridiculed by their classmates, their teachers dislike them, and their parents scold them.

Why do children study so poorly? Some fall behind because they are afraid, others because they are bored, and others are simply overwhelmed by the workload. There is another very important aspect of learning where almost all children fail: few manage to develop even a tiny part of the gigantic learning ability with which they were born and which they used to great extent in the first two or three years of their lives. Since academic failure is a fairly common phenomenon in modern schools, we consider the chosen topic to be particularly relevant.

Types of school failures (according to A.K. Dusavitsky) Knowledge type; Personality type; Behavioral type. School failure is a complex phenomenon, that is, in its pure form, school failure is extremely rare. Most children who experience school failure can quite often have all 3 of these components.

To find out what school failures are and whether they can be avoided, we conducted a survey among students in grades 3-5 and teachers at Miinal School. survey During the survey we received the following results results

To the question “Do you often encounter failures at school?” 50% of respondents in these classes responded that they often fail, 25% do not experience failure in school, and 25% of respondents experience academic failure from time to time. It is positive that 100% of respondents believe that academic failures can be avoided.

Survey of high school students (grades 10-11) 44% of the total number of respondents participated in the survey; 50% of high school students believe that school failures are problems with friends and classmates; 31.25% of class students do not associate their failures with school at all; And only 18.75% of high school students in our school believe that school failure is failure. As you can see, these results are very different from the opinions of students in grades 3-5. Most likely, this is due to the fact that for high school students what is more important is not their studies, but their relationships with peers. 56.25% of high school students rarely experience failure in school. And 43.75% of students experience failure in school from time to time. It should be noted that none of the high school students surveyed said that they did not encounter failures at school at all. While this answer was given by 25% of students in grades 3-5.

Attitude to school failures Schoolchildren in grades 3-5 Students in grades Parents (according to students) Teachers 60% of schoolchildren are very worried about failures and try to correct them; 40% of the students surveyed do not care about failures in their studies; 68.75% of high school students feel their failures painfully; 31.25% of failures are not a concern at all. This figure is lower than that of students in grades 3-5; apparently, high school students are more conscious. 90% of parents support their child when he faces failure; 10% of parents punish schoolchildren for bad grades; 100% of the teachers surveyed experience the failures of their students and try to help them, support them, and prevent failures.

Survey of teachers It is interesting that only 25% of teachers believe that school failure is failure. 50% of respondents believe that a student’s failure is their inability to adapt; 25% of respondents believe that a student’s failure is conflicts with parents and teachers, inability to establish contact; 25% of respondents believe that a student’s failure is conflicts with parents and teachers, inability to establish contact;

It is encouraging that 100% of the teachers surveyed experience the failures of their students and try to help, support, and prevent failures. It is interesting that while the overwhelming majority (100 and 87.5%) of the schoolchildren surveyed blame themselves for their failures, adults name the following reasons: Problems in the family (25%) Society as a whole (62.5%) Both children and adults (12.5%)

Conclusions The majority (75%) of students in grades 3-5 attribute their school failures to low grades, and the majority of high school students (87.5%) to problems with friends and classmates. The majority (75%) of students in grades 3-5 attribute their school failures to low grades, and the majority of high school students (87.5%) to problems with friends and classmates. The vast majority blame themselves for their failures at school. Almost all respondents believe that failures at school can be avoided. 100% of teachers and 90% of parents are ready to support students and help them avoid failure. Failures can be avoided if: Be more attentive, persistent, control yourself; Build good relationships with classmates and teachers; Don't be shy to ask for help.

List of used literature: Izosimova N. School without losers. – Progress., - M., 1991. Dusavitsky A.K. – Formula of interest. // School psychologist. // September 1, 28/5 2002 Holt J. Reasons for childhood failures. – St. Petersburg, Crystal 1996