The most powerful mantras of the moon. The moon mantra will help you cleanse yourself of negativity and relax. The moon mantra is very powerful and works wonders.

If the person pronouncing the mantra is at the initial stage, then the energy generated by him is too small and practically does not produce results, so often people gather together and form a powerful flow of energy, and the more of them, the more amazing the effect of the mantra can be.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future.

Moon mantra is very powerful magic

The Moon is the legendary satellite of the Earth. This night star has been looked at with hope and fear for thousands of years; secrets and innermost dreams are confided to it. In many cultures, a golden disk surrounded by stars was originally considered the face of a powerful Goddess who was prayed for help. Practitioners are convinced that the Moon mantra is very powerful, effective and efficient.

Who is the ritual suitable for and how does it help?

The moon is the main patroness of women. Emotional stability, creative success, and wealth in personal spheres (from building a strong love union to implementing the function of childbearing) can depend on its influence. A correctly pronounced Moon mantra is very powerful - it works miracles, fills a person with harmony, brings recovery to the weak and happiness to the desperate.

Unfortunately, the rulers of the night are always two-faced - they often patronize demonic entities and witchcraft. In order not to interest dark forces, it is necessary, before communicating with Higher powers, to bring oneself into a state of peace, letting go of emotions and feelings “to float freely.” If it works, the Moon will literally “suck out” all the accumulated negativity, creating a favorable energetic background for success and achievement.

Mantras for the waning moon will be especially useful for getting rid of bad habits (for example, in the treatment of alcoholism), as well as in the fight against excess weight. A growing month is a symbol of profit; this period is favorable for requests for material well-being, career take-off, starting a family, and childbearing.

The most effective lunar mantra

Inexplicable stagnation in business, depression, illness - these troubles can be overcome if you regularly repeat the sacred text:

  • “Aum - Sri - Gaya - Adi - Chandraya - Aya - Namah”!

This universal mantra is usually recited on the full moon throughout the year. Sacred words help to harmonize a person’s inner world and the space around him. The result is an improvement in the quality of life, achieving what you want.

The maximum effect can be achieved if you follow the special rules of communication with the night deity:

  • meditate while looking at the Moon, raising your hands to it (palms turned to the sky, open);
  • At the same time, it is advisable to stand directly on the ground, feeling its firmament with your feet;
  • say your prayer one hundred and eight times in a row, trying to imagine how the moonlight flows down your hands and fills your body.

It is necessary to take into account that some days are better suited for certain practices than others. Depending on the calendar, the mantras of lunar days can be aimed at achieving specific results. For example, the fourth or twelfth day is successful for attracting

Mantra for the Moon Goddess to gain abundance

There is also a special mantra dedicated to the Moon Goddess. They say that if you read this mantra for 12 full moons, you will become fabulously rich, your health will be strong and good luck will accompany you in everything.
The presence of failures is due to the presence of demonic energy in the human body and in the things surrounding him.
The state of affairs can only be changed by expelling demonic energy and attracting maternal energy. To do this, you need to choose the time of the full moon and go outside. Feet should rest on the ground, arms extended with palms facing the Moon.
We pronounce the mantra AUM SRI GAYA ADI CHANDRA AYA NAMAH for 12 minutes. By the end of 12 minutes the body will be buzzing.
Repeat this for 12 full moons. On the thirteenth, a flow of money will fall on you. There will be good luck in all matters. The body will get healthier. But it’s difficult to endure 12 full moons. There will be nightmares, unusual phenomena and reluctance to perform the ritual. These unfavorable forces do not want to be driven out. But if you get to the end, everything works out. In principle, a steady increase in wealth begins after the third full moon. After 12 full moons, we continue to do this every full moon. If you miss one, you have to start all over again.

Another version of this ritual

They start doing it on the full moon. To work, you need to understand the following points. The Moon Goddess is a hypostasis (expansion, incarnation) of the Mother of the Worlds herself, to whom everything material belongs. If a person has a lot of energies of the Mother of the Worlds, then he is happy (healthy, rich, joyful). If it does not have these energies, then vice versa. If a person does not have the energies of the Great Mother, then this means that karmic knots, negative magical influences, as well as mistakes and delusions interfere with this. When turning to the Mother of the Worlds, the process of expelling negativity and untying the knots must go through, which can take up to three months until the first results appear.
On one of the days of the full moon, you need to go out to a deserted place and stretch out your arms with your palms facing the Moon. Start reading the mantra
Read the mantra until you feel the rays of the Moon enter your hands, fill your entire body, and your body begins to buzz like a swarm of bees. The session must take at least 5 minutes (there is no maximum limit).
Then, for three months we repeat this operation weekly. It doesn’t matter what day of the week, but once a week - for any phase of the moon. If it’s cloudy, we mentally imagine the Moon behind the clouds and still carry out the operation. So three months (12 weeks).
This ritual can also be difficult to perform. The forces of poverty and misery will not want to leave you so easily. You need to be persistent if you really want to be rich.
A significant improvement in the financial situation will begin to be observed in the 13th week. From the 13th week we switch to another regime - read the mantra once a month, for at least 5 minutes, on the full moon. And so on for the rest of my life. If you missed one of the full moons, the process must begin again - that is, three months, weekly, etc.).

Lunar mantras are an ancient tool that has been used for thousands of years to harmonize all spheres of life.

Thanks to the powerful vibrations that arise when reading sacred texts, a charge of energy is formed that has a positive effect on the human body. The energy flow eradicates negative emotions, bad habits, sins, that is, it cleanses the physical and spiritual body of “dirt,” filling it with light that attracts all kinds of benefits.

Material energy has 2 “faces” - favorable and demonic. The prevailing black energy “decorates” life with illnesses, poverty, and failures. Very powerful Moon mantras are used to cleanse the soul and body of demons.

Correct reading of sacred texts

A strong Moon mantra works wonders, as the ancient text, which Buddhist gurus deciphered not so long ago, can paint life with the bright colors of love, health, prosperity, prosperity, success and happiness.


Another powerful mantra of the Moon is in demand, giving abundance and expelling black forces.


Ancient texts require respect and serious consideration.

  1. Wait until the full moon and go outside at midnight.
  2. Stretch your hands towards the brightly shining moon and recite the sacred texts.
  3. Repeat the mantras until you feel a loud buzzing sound. You should get the impression that a swarm of bees is buzzing in your soul and body.
  4. Say the words for 10-15 minutes.
  5. Perform the ritual for 12 weeks. Don't skip reading the texts. Every time you are going to perform a ritual, you will have to fight the temptation to give up everything. But under no circumstances should this be allowed, otherwise the demons will continue to hinder your happiness.
  6. After achieving the result, you need to contact the Moon once a month.

The ritual is difficult, demonic forces will resist in every possible way, sending fears, weakness, and nightmares. But having passed all the tests, incredible miracles will burst into life in the 13th week:

  • Illnesses will leave body and soul;
  • There will be luck, success, prosperity;
  • The house will become a full cup;
  • Single people will find their soul mate, and married people will reach the highest point of pleasure, mutual understanding, euphoria and love.

The secret of the Moon's mantras is simple: the “spell” enhances the impact of vibrations on the body, expelling evil forces, attracting good ones, responsible for the influx of abundance into life.

Mantras to the Moon Goddess

Kung - rono - ama - nilo - ta - wong

It is recommended to read this mantra on a full moon, in a secluded place where the moonlight falls. It is necessary to stretch out your hands towards the Moon and repeat the mantra for at least 5 minutes. It is best to do this until you feel as if the light of the moon is filling your entire body. Repeat this exercise every week for 3 months, regardless of the phase of the moon. In cloudy weather, when the Moon is hidden by clouds, it is necessary to imagine it in the direction where it should be.

Aum – sri – gaya – adi – chandra – aya – namah

This mantra should be recited for 12 minutes during 12 full moons. After the third lesson you will notice changes in your life. After completing the practice, luck will accompany you in many ways, and money will flow like a river.

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As long as the Earth has existed, it has been accompanied by its faithful companion, the mysterious, sad Moon. For thousands of years, representatives of different nations sang about it in songs, feared and admired it. Hundreds of scientific papers have been written about it, human feet have walked over it, but even in the 21st century, it attracts the eyes and minds of mankind. There is something in it that is calling, alluring, something that allows you to establish contact between the omnipresent mind, the subconscious and higher energy forces. That is why yoga offers the most effective women's mantra. It’s not for nothing that they say about her: “The Moon mantra works wonders.” It's time to find out why it is so valued in yoga philosophy.

Purpose of the mantra

Mantra, liberation of the mind, reasoning - different words, but the same meaning. Why should you clear your mind? Of course, from the negative. It doesn't matter what times we live in. The universe is controlled by the mind. What message we send into space is the answer we receive. If you manage to free your mind from negative energy and expel the demonic entity, then love, harmony and satisfaction will always come in return. The only effective way to do this today is to read a mantra. A kind of vibrating sound signal that allows you to influence the subconscious and energy of a person. Just as a musician tunes an instrument to play divine music, so a person tunes his physical body, energy chakras, and consciousness to receive higher wisdom.

The purpose of the lunar mantra is to attract mental harmony, intellectual development, and financial well-being into your life. The moon determines a person’s mental state, his emotional experiences and feelings, and clarity of mind. Words directed to her enhance the energy of the mother of the worlds. According to the boomerang rule, this energy returns to the one who sent it.

Mantras directed to the Moon

In full moon mantras, as in all others, words are the immediate object of all meditation. The degree of stimulation of a person’s potential forces, calming and harmonizing the mind and subconscious depends on how accurately the tonality of sounds is reproduced.

Seed (Buja) mantra (text)


begins with a syllable. According to yoga philosophy, the whole world begins with this syllable. Therefore, such messages are better than others in clearing the consciousness and revealing the aura.

Mantras of the Moon Goddess



performed on a full moon. That's when you start reading the first one. Then repeat this procedure for 12 full moons.

The second one begins to be read on the full moon, but then is repeated daily for 12 weeks. From the 13th week we read once a month on the full moon. In addition to purification and harmonization, these messages are aimed at improving well-being. Especially the second one.

The following lunar mantra is aimed at establishing harmony and balance. Strengthening intellectual capabilities.


Rules for reading the lunar mantra

Lunar standing on the ground, feeling the power of the Earth with their feet. The hands, as conductors of the moon's rays, are directed with open palms towards the night body. With your body you conditionally connect the Earth and the Moon. As you pronounce the words 108 times, try to dissolve in the magical vibration of the lines. Get your thoughts out of your head. Abstract yourself from your surroundings. Just you and the sounds.

Don't forget that your voice should vibrate. It is vibration that drives away bad energy. Read the mantra that suits you best at this stage. Master the purity of performance. Reading the mantra is directed towards the night luminary, but you do not have to look at the Moon. If it’s easier for someone to relax and concentrate with their eyes closed, do so. Try to imagine the Earth’s satellite and establish a strong invisible connection with it. Imagine how the moonlight fills you with radiance, penetrating through your fingertips, taking away all the demonic energy from your body, disappearing under your feet. Bad energy disappears, but the light remains with you.

If you have the strength and patience to resist the dark forces, you will be able to comprehend how the Moon mantra works wonders. The main one will be the achievement of your goals and true purification on the path to perfection.