Pisces zodiac sign mascot. Powerful talisman: a stone for a Pisces woman What amulet does a fish have?

Pisces is the most mysterious, but energetically vulnerable sign of the Zodiac circle. Therefore, natural helpers-minerals are of particular importance to him. Properly selected stones for Pisces will share their strength, and the person will become a healthy, self-confident optimist.

What should be the stones for Pisces?

Astrominerologists have found that each Zodiac constellation has an ally in the kingdom of minerals. They also established that the element of man must correspond to the element of stone.

The best stones for Pisces as a Water sign are translucent or opaque (moonstone, aventurine, pearl, topaz, aquamarine).

You can use gems of a friendly element. For Water it is Earth. These include lapis lazuli, turquoise, heliotrope, cacholong, coral, and others.

Fish stones

Zero compatibility between water minerals and fire minerals. Talismans in such a combination are useless, since the energies of the elements will destroy each other.

The main stones of Pisces are pearls, opal, selenite, cacholong.

Pisces is the only sign in the Zodiac circle with which pearls are friends.

Caution is required when using “air” minerals: together with water stones in jewelry, they create vibrations that are uncomfortable for sensitive natures.

Select by date of birth (decade)

Astrologers suggest choosing a stone talisman based on your date of birth.

February 21 – March 1

These romantic people are patronized by Saturn. Minerals suitable for Pisces of this decade are energetically powerful: aventurine, amethyst, jasper, selenite, tiger's eye. The stones will reduce the degree of daydreaming in Pisces and help them look at things pragmatically. Leave speculative problems alone, paying attention to everyday life.

Stones suitable for Pisces by date of birth

March 2 – 11

Powerful Jupiter takes care of those born in the second decade. Their souls are wide open, but with an admixture of vanity. They need to wear golden hairy quartz, heliotrope, pearls, coral, light opal.

Light opal

Having guessed with the option by date of birth, they realize the desire to be recognized by others.

March 12 – 20

The curator of the final ten days of Pisces is militant Mars. People born on these days are purposeful, cheerful, and sociable. But these are perfectionists, sometimes placing increased demands on themselves and those around them. They value earthly joys and achieve them. The best Pisces stones of this period are alexandrite, aquamarine, sapphire, peridot, emerald, tourmaline.

Gems that fit the canons of astrology will allow you to achieve results without regard to other people's opinions. Creative people can more easily overcome mood swings with them.

Depending on year of birth

You can choose a gemstone according to the Eastern horoscope:

  • Rat. Pomegranate will soften the owner’s harsh disposition and make him more lenient towards people. Along the way, it will add strength for great achievements.

  • Bull. The tiger's eye will become a strong support and protection in problematic situations. It will help develop intuition in order to avoid mistakes and correctly interpret dubious signs.
  • Tiger. Amethyst will become a tool in the implementation of creative ideas or projects. The person will become financially independent.
  • Rabbit (Cat). Pearls will be an amulet against curses, the evil eye, damage, and a talisman throughout life. The owner will first think, then act (and not vice versa), choose expressions.
Gold earrings with pearls
  • The Dragon. Peridot is best suited for your horoscope. It will make the owner a confident, respectable, more sociable person.

Gold ring with peridot
  • Snake. Peridot will make you believe in yourself and your external attractiveness, look at the world more confidently, and be kinder to people.

  • Horse. Excess emotions neutralize aquamarine. Jewelry with a gem is especially necessary for people who are prone to panic if something doesn’t go according to plan.
  • Goat. Decoration with pomegranate will smooth out the roughness of character, nourish the owner energetically, and add optimism.

  • Monkey. Opal will tell you how to realize your dream. It will bring calm to a soul burning with righteous anger. It will help reason prevail and choose a new vector of life.

  • Rooster. The Rooster's excessive boastfulness will be reduced by aquamarine. The gem will force you to control yourself, maintaining composure in a force majeure situation.

  • Dog. An accessory or a pearl bead will be an amulet and an amulet at the same time. The mineral will make the owner invulnerable to negativity and wean him from the tendency to gossip or slander.

  • Pig. Moonstone will add strength and relieve fatigue or tension. The person will become an optimist.

You can use the power of talismans in jewelry or individual crystals. But they must be natural.

Pisces Women Stones

Astrology for the Pisces woman recommends the following gems as allies:

  • Cacholong. Stone number one. A rare beautiful species (other name is pearl agate) is needed by a lady of any age, social or family status. It will help those in doubt make decisions, trust people, and can protect them from tears and disappointments. The hostess is not threatened with betrayal or reasons for jealousy. She will begin to believe in herself more. Suitable for a teenage girl.

  • Aquamarine. A must for anyone who doubts their personal attractiveness. Will add confidence, courage, independence. The owner of the stone will easily achieve goals and calmly respond to problems. The gem will warn of potential danger or illness with turbidity.

  • Selenite(Moonstone). Heals the soul and body (especially the female sphere). Will awaken natural femininity and fragility in the “iron lady”. In order for the union to be strong and long, they “organize” a gift of jewelry with a mineral from the other half. If you need to find it, use a “lunar” accessory.

In addition to these “three pillars”, there are other stones that are appropriate for Pisces women.

The talisman of older women is amethyst. The gem will help a woman be healthy physically and emotionally.

Emerald stone suits Pisces women well. This is the boss lady's best ally. It will attract business success, financial abundance and family well-being.

Sapphire is considered energetically strong, therefore it is acceptable only for a self-sufficient Pisces woman.

Pisces stones for men

Stones suitable for a Pisces man are pearls, aquamarine, amethyst:

  • A mineral of good luck that guarantees a positive outcome and financial abundance. Protects people of mental work or businessmen. He will teach you to take care of your loved ones without neglecting your personal interests.

  • Aquamarine. Necessary for people working on themselves: it will sharpen intuition, establish a channel of communication with Higher powers. Will teach you to neutralize intriguers or envious people. Inhumans will be made more open and sociable.

  • Amethyst. It will become a “battery” for the body, especially a depleted one. It will tell you how to use your inner potential to develop harmoniously, believe in yourself, and understand the world around you. A mosaic of talents and abilities will form a single puzzle. Necessary for those who are unable to cope with emotions or alcohol addiction. Heals the body as a whole.

Other gems intended for Pisces have a narrower specialization.

Sapphire is indispensable for health, as it protects against diseases, especially those related to the nerves; inspires a feeling of joy and positivity.

With tourmaline you can achieve success in the field of creativity.

Coral is a stone that brings good luck to financiers: it helps to concentrate, make the right decision, establish relationships with partners, and implement a project.

Individual talismans and amulets

People born under the constellation Pisces are favorably influenced by Neptune and Jupiter.

They have several patrons in the mineral world. Since the sign is energetically weakened, stone talismans or amulets, on the contrary, are strong in this regard:

  • Aquamarine. It will teach you to really evaluate people and help only those who deserve it, while at the same time not forgetting about yourself. Pisces will become bolder, more assertive, and will force others to respect themselves.

  • Amethyst. The properties of the stone are indispensable for everyone who is powerless to say goodbye to alcoholism or drug addiction. Helps when called “on the carpet”. Silver is a “magnet” for money, establishes business connections, and attracts lucrative contracts. It is of particular importance for ladies who want to become mothers.

Pisces money stones are pearls, coral, amethyst, jasper.

  • Jet. A strong assistant to truth-seekers and a protector of the weak, makes Pisces cautious and restrained. Increases resistance to adversity.

  • Heliodor. A semi-precious stone associated with the Sun will pull you out of despondency and melancholy. It will make you self-sufficient, respected people, teach you to love and value yourself. It will serve as a social elevator.

  • Hematite. An ideal attribute of rebels who decided to swim against the tide. It will give you direction and give you energy and courage. However, a person will evaluate himself realistically and make only feasible promises.

  • Coral. Awakens intuition, stops doubts, suspiciousness or self-flagellation. Any decoration (except for dark red inserts) will bring love and money to the owner. Corals also help with travel and travel (but not business).
  • Opal. A stone valuable for Pisces, who prioritize family values ​​and the love sphere. Dreamy natures will receive protection from envious people, creative people will increase their potential, scientists will work more efficiently. The gem will nourish you physically and emotionally.

  • Selenite. A mysteriously flickering moonstone will wean you from worrying or panicking over little things and from watching your words. It will bring prophetic or pleasant dreams and will be soothing around the clock. This is a barometer of tender feelings: as love fades, it dims. The new moon allows you to start life over again, discarding empty dreams and unrealistic plans.

  • Chrysolite. It will reveal a person’s best qualities, show personal beauty, adding charisma.
  • Jasper. An earth mineral (except dark red) will bring dreamers back to reality.

Jewelry with turquoise, lapis lazuli, and sapphire are suitable options for achieving creative or business heights. They also attract wealth.

Connection with chakras and metals

For the chakras associated with the sign of Pisces, blue-blue or indigo minerals are beneficial.

Lapis lazuli, blue aventurine, and amethyst stones are used in manipulations with the sixth, Brow chakra (Ajna). Pearls, topaz, selenite - from the seventh, the Crown (Sahasrara).

Metal of Pisces – silver. This is a universal natural amulet against the evil eye, diseases and troubles. Guarantees success in all areas of life, especially personal.

What stones should not be worn by a sign?

Pisces are energetically weak; natural minerals of the opposite sign of Virgo in the Zodiac circle are dangerous for them.

They will “pull out” all their strength on the physical and mental plane.

Pisces are not suitable for stones of dark or red shades: they create uncertainty, causing hopeless depression.

This applies to jewelry with corals (if you want, you can choose a green, blue-blue or olive variety) and jasper. It serves only a person who unconditionally trusts it, therefore it is contraindicated as a talisman stone for freedom-loving creative people.

The following gems require caution::

  • opal needed only by those who know exactly what they want from life and how to achieve it;
  • onyx– delicate Pisces do not perceive these almost universal stones according to the signs of the Zodiac; the energy of gems makes the outcome of any of their projects negative;
  • will not plot emerald, but you need to wear it occasionally, at critical moments (for example, when there are problems in the love sphere).

However, the number one banned mineral is carnelian.

He makes a fanatical hard worker out of a person, which for weak Pisces is fraught with nervous and physical exhaustion. They will lose confidence in themselves at the slightest shock. The stone will complicate contacts with family and friends, creating an impenetrable cocoon of emptiness around the owner. Jewelry with red stones will make you aggressive.

Features of using stones

Talisman stones for the sign of Pisces will work if the jewelry is worn correctly:

  • Professional success and self-confidence will be provided to men by silver cufflinks or a tie clip;
  • a woman on a date should wear beads or earrings with a moonstone;
  • since the energy of the Zodiac sign Pisces circulates in the area of ​​the feet, it is better to decorate the ankle: a jewelry talisman consists of fish figures on an elegant chain;
  • Only jewelry made from one type of stone is suitable for Pisces; a combination of several is unacceptable: the chaotic energy of gems will provoke mental disorders and diseases;
  • stones-amulets or amulets are not displayed so that bad energy does not transfer to them; It is better to wear such things under clothes.

Suspicious, insecure, or prone to mood swings, Pisces require remarkable dedication from the stone chosen according to their zodiac sign.

Periodically they are sent to rest in a box. If it is wooden, it is better to choose Pisces talisman wood as the material: willow, birch, linden, elderberry or pine.

A talisman for any Zodiac Sign, including the Pisces sign - you can choose:

  • intuitively, it feels like
  • or consciously– using knowledge about the tasks and qualities of this Sign.

In the first case, you can handle it yourself, but to make an informed choice of a talisman you need the knowledge that you will receive from this article.

Character and qualities

Rybok's main task– remind any person with whom he finds himself in the same situations – about eternal values. About the existence of higher dimensions, about God and the divine in ourselves, about the fact that our life is not limited to the visible and visible.

This is not a difficult task, just a very delicate one. Such experiences can give a person the strength to live and develop, restore self-confidence and evolution.

To accomplish this task, Pisces are given excellent positive traits:

  • rich inner world, which contains a huge potential for love, emotional reserves, understanding, pity, etc.;
  • internal plasticity and sensitivity, which allows you to feel the energies of the surrounding world and higher vibrations;
  • ability to influence with their states on other people - Pisces directly broadcast their ideas and emotional states to the outside;
  • sacrifice, help and charitable attitude towards those who are worse off - role of rescuer very close to them.

Pisces are also characterized by internal problems, which reduce their effectiveness:

  • them it's difficult to define yourself, find your inner core and your place in the outside world;
  • can drown in the ocean of your unconscious, hide in dreams, memories, illusions, self-deception, etc., without fulfilling one’s life task;
  • they know how to be manipulators and often they themselves fall into the clutches of scammers, succumbing to illusions;
  • they need periodic escape from reality, on the run from the world– often this is associated with bad habits (alcohol, drugs, sects, etc.)

Taking into account these pros and cons, talismans of the Pisces sign are selected in order to enhance their positive qualities and help solve internal problems.

Symbols of the Zodiac Sign Pisces

Ocean- as the element of water, the source of internal wealth and emotional strength of this Sign. Images of the oceans, in all its variants, can support the internal states of Pisces. Good for both home and professional environments.

Well– a water source of vital deep forces, helps Pisces to strengthen their own axis and rebuild their inner core. A symbol of inner purity and depth, the space where the living water of their Spirit is stored.

Snail, spiral– time expansion and convolution. Helps to tune in to the hidden sources of life, to progressive development: spiral after spiral, higher and wider, or vice versa, deeper and closer to the truth.

- as a symbol of the Soul, Psyche, which is our more eternal refuge than the body. Helps Pisces feel like a guest in this world and relate to what is happening more easily.

- such an image or symbol reminds of the possibility of a person receiving help from unknown spheres. Provides an opportunity to contact neighboring highly developed civilizations - through the subconscious, to receive information and support.

A good collective symbol that sets relationships on a high note.

Mermaid– reflects the ability of Pisces to emotionally seduce, tempt other people, partners, immerse them in illusions, drag them into certain traps and addictions. The symbol is insidious, it is recommended to use it carefully.

Ship– an excellent talisman that helps in spiritual practices, especially in flights for information, dreams and telepathy. The ship symbolizes the awareness of traveling through the seas of one’s own memory, the ocean of the unconscious, for the sake of self-knowledge, collecting inner treasures.

Trident(Trident of Poseidon) - the sign of Neptune, the planet of Pisces, is the sign of the third power - spiritual. Helps to reveal the secrets of one’s own subconscious, to unpack one’s own and others’ internal complexes, blocks, and resources.

The trident can be used as a professional symbol, logo, for example, for psychologists, regressologists, and various esotericists.

Pisces sign colors

Violet, lilac, lavender color– as the colors of mysterious, high vibration spheres, tunes in to mysticism, the perception of magic in the most ordinary events and situations. With this color it is easier for Pisces to live in our world.

Matte green– a color that helps with the expression of one’s deepest emotions – through softness, sympathy, emotional envelopment.

These colors in combination psychologically correspond to the inner rebellion of developed Pisces, reflect the polyphony of the inner world, the fullness and diversity of feelings.

Stones mascots of the Zodiac Sign Pisces

Pisces are suitable for stones of those colors that are psychologically close to them, and those that are in one way or another connected with the water element.

Amethyst– a stone that strengthens and supports the energy of the higher spheres and their connection with man. The stone is indicated for those Pisces who want to develop and grow spiritually. It tunes a person to wisdom and getting rid of bad habits and addictions.

This stone can give Pisces confidence in their own abilities, in their own attractiveness.

With amethyst, the quality of meditation increases, the subtle body becomes stronger and receives additional protection from the field of this stone.

Amethysts are also used in ordinary worldly affairs - to cleanse space, attract good luck, in trade transactions - so as not to fall for the bait of scammers.

Alexandrite– a stone that helps a person specify his goals and desires, which is important for Pisces, who often find it difficult to decide on this. With such a talisman you become more confident in yourself, you make decisions faster and easier.

This stone changes color, which is akin to the mutable sign of Pisces, which improves the mood of the person who wears alexandrite. It also helps restore vital energy - exactly the color (of the chakra) that you need now.

Alexandrites support a person’s interests, help to receive and assimilate information, meet the right people, and live more accurately and clearly.

Alexandrite is unlikely to be suitable for constant wear by Pisces; it is necessary for important and responsible moments in life, when you need to be in the best shape and psychological composure.

Aquamarine(a variety of beryl) emphasizes all the positive properties of the representative of the zodiac sign Pisces - an ideal talisman. Both in color and in the magical properties of the stone.

The colors and clarity of aquamarine change depending on a person's mood, which can be an indicator for Pisces who are prone to self-deception.

Aquamarine can make its wearer stronger and more resilient, as it matches the energy of Pisces and adds stability to them.

It sets up a connection with information, this applies to both receiving and giving. If you are shy and unsure of yourself, use aquamarine, it will be easier to speak. Emotions will have less influence on your perception and your conclusions, it will be easier to explain and negotiate.

Emerald - a stone that reduces the influence of negative tendencies of Pisces.

The stone is famous for its ability to balance the influence of the emotional sphere and intellectual qualities. For those who are too emotional, it adds clarity of mind and prudence. For those who are too dry and rational, it opens their hearts and makes them more sensitive.

Sentimentality and susceptibility to emotions, which completely rule the state of a typical Pisces, are complemented by emerald with clarity of mind and insight.

Pearl- a product of the water element, therefore the energy of these stones is close to the sign of Pisces. Pearls have a good effect on the feelings and emotions of Pisces. It emphasizes and naturally accompanies their softness and warmth. Pearl jewelry encourages femininity, good relationships with a partner, and a happy family life.

Opal– the stone is good for those who want to develop their creative abilities.

People of art born under the sign of Pisces, with the help of this stone, will be able to express themselves more easily, splash out deep emotions from their inner world, turning them into their own works.

Moon rock– will help representatives of the water sign Pisces express their emotions more easily and not worry about whether they will understand them or not, whether they will support them or vice versa. With a moonstone you can calmly express yourself, emotions become more dynamic and vibrant, because the Moon is the fastest celestial body.

For women, moonstone helps adjust the hormonal system to lunar cycles, which has a positive effect on overall health - physical and mental.

Corals– works of the underwater world are perfect for water signs. Coral talismans strengthen a person’s character if he himself is ready for this. They help transform the quantity of life experience into its quality. With coral, Pisces can more easily form practical wisdom, it is easier for them to express themselves and realize themselves.

Corals are good for a person busy with information, spending a lot of time in thought, and facilitate written work.

Rauchtopaz or smoky quartz - a stone for restless representatives of the Pisces sign will simply be a savior. It helps cope with fears, addictions, panic attacks, and obsessive states.

It is good to use during periods of depression, deep feelings, it takes you away from depressive thoughts and feelings, restores self-confidence, and gradually returns you from the dark side to the Light.

There are 12 signs and each has its own characteristics that differ from each other. Each of them is influenced by certain planets, hence their different character. In this article we will consider everything related to the sign Fish.

Characteristics of the zodiac sign Pisces

Pisces is a mystery sign. People who relate to him feel well the emotions and mood of the people around them. The main feature of these people is self-sacrifice and compassion. Sometimes they are so immersed in themselves that even when difficult situations arise, they cannot react quickly.

It is often impossible to understand Pisces, and sometimes they themselves cannot understand themselves. Very often they just go with the flow of life. People of this sign are very contradictory. By the way, Pisces are often very smart, capable and talented people, but even with such qualities, they do not always have a clear goal in life that needs to be achieved.

Very often they even stop growing and developing in terms of knowledge and skills. Pisces have a positive attitude towards material wealth and recognition, but they do not always strive for it.

But nonetheless people with this sign can improve themselves, but this is not available to everyone. Because this is very difficult work on yourself.

Pisces don't arrive in the same mood. It happens that a person first arrives in an optimistic mood, and then it abruptly changes to depression or apathy, and after some time the desire to live returns.

Pisces always help the people around them, and this desire never leaves them. If the stone is chosen correctly, it will help smooth out negative qualities and, on the contrary, reveal more positive qualities.

Let's look at what negative and positive qualities this sign has.

Positive qualities include:

  • The desire to make life easier.
  • Softness.
  • Creative inclinations.
  • Very sociable.
  • Non-conflict.
  • Hospitality.

The negative ones include:

  • Indecisiveness.
  • Uncertain attitude towards needs.
  • Dependent.
  • Trusting.
  • Depressed.

Stones for Pisces by date of birth

Stones for Pisces by date of birth:

  • People belonging to the first ten days, from February 21 to March 1 dreamy and romantic, they need change. For them, Saturn is their patron. Such people require stones with great strength, such as:
    • aventurine;
    • amethyst;
  • Those born in the second decade, from March 2-11, honest and open people. They are under the influence of Jupiter, this planet opens in them recognition of their merits and glory. To achieve these qualities you need the following stones:
    • hairy;
    • pearl;
    • heliotrope;
    • coral;
  • People belonging to the third decade, namely from March 12-20, are under the influence of Mars. These people are sociable, cheerful, but can be capricious. They count on many blessings in life, and they definitely achieve them. Useful stones for them are:
    • diamond;
    • tourmaline;
    • alexandrid;
    • aquamarine;
    • sapphire;
    • emerald.

Stones for Pisces men

Stones for Pisces women

Both men and women need to choose talismans very carefully. Then he will give his healing and magical properties to his owner.

For girls who were born under this sign, you need to choose the following stones:

  • Pearl. Usually pearls are not worth buying, it is better if they are given as a gift. He will be a good mascot. With its help, you can normalize your emotional state and find happiness and good luck. It is a stone of love for Pisces women; it is often given by the groom to the bride during an engagement.
  • Aquamarine. It is best used by people who cannot control their emotional state and find inner harmony. It also has a beneficial effect on study and work, and helps to concentrate.
  • Chrysolite Suitable for girls who lead an active lifestyle and play sports. It protects against injuries that are inevitable with such a rhythm of life.
  • Moon rock. For Pisces girls who are creative, it is better to use a moonstone as a talisman. With its help you can achieve success and make your emotional state more stable. It will also help you find true love.

The best stones for Pisces women:

  • Emerald. Emerald is necessary for a woman if she holds a leadership position. It will bring success, material wealth, and will also help maintain stability in the family.
  • Sapphire. Sapphire has very great power and therefore should be used very carefully as a talisman. The owner of a sapphire must be strong, then it will bring good luck in her endeavors and success. He doesn't like weak people.
  • Amethyst. Amethyst will be a good talisman for an older woman. It will help maintain health and normalize emotional state. He is a symbol of goodness and peace.
  • Aquamarine. Aquamarine is a symbol of honesty, wisdom, and kindness. It will be a good talisman and will have a beneficial effect on your emotional state.

Girls who dream of love should wear a moonstone as a talisman; it will help in finding a soul mate.

Charms for Pisces

The stones that people choose as talismans should have a beneficial effect on the human condition. As a rule, talismans are not boasted about or displayed, but are simply worn under clothing and hidden from prying eyes.

So, amulets for Pisces:

  • Opal is a talisman for Pisces. This stone will help improve family relationships and give happiness and love. Dreamy people also need to have an opal amulet with them; it also protects against ill-wishers and envy. It gives strength and increases resistance to psychological and physical stress. Opal has an effect on mental processes.
  • Another stone that is used as a talisman is jet. It will protect against damage and the evil eye, and help overcome difficulties. People who wear this talisman become wise.
  • If a person lacks optimism and joy, then you need to use a talisman with heliodor. It improves mood, relieves depression, and reveals new talents in Pisces. With its help, you can increase your self-esteem and status in society.
  • If a person is very nervous all the time, then it is necessary to wear a talisman with a moonstone. It will lift your spirits, relieve anxiety and panic, and get rid of bad dreams.
  • Amulet with jasper will bring dreamers back to reality and help in gaining new knowledge.
  1. Coral as a talisman will give Pisces confidence, composure, and increase intuition. It also has a positive effect on the mental state, attracts love and material resources.
  2. Pisces are recommended to use hematite as a talisman; if changes are coming in life, it will give strength and energy to overcome them. He will also be able to help you choose the right solution. Impact, highlighted here.

How to wear stones correctly for Pisces?

In order for the stone to have beneficial effects for a person, it is very important to wear it correctly. Therefore, if a man born under the zodiac sign of Pisces wants to achieve success in his work, then he should use jewelry with pearls, and these could be cufflinks, but in a beautiful frame.

For Pisces, a combination of several stones is not allowed, because they can put very strong pressure on the body. But he may not be able to stand it, mental disorders and illnesses may begin. Only one stone will give all its positive properties.

If a woman or girl is going on a date, then you need to wear decoration with moonstone. These can be the following products: beads, watches, earrings.

With the help of this stone you can reveal femininity. The man will show special interest, because the lady will be relaxed, it will be very interesting to talk with her, she will feel calm.

Will serve as a talisman for travelers coral. It will help you discover interesting places and give you strength and energy for your trip. But you just don’t need to take it on a work trip. In this case, it will interfere with concentration.

Stones that are contraindicated for Pisces

The following stones are contraindicated for Pisces:

The main thing is to choose the right gemstones for fish, which will serve as a talisman, and wear them correctly, and use their properties. Because a stone that has a positive effect on a person can cause harm if used incorrectly.

Everyone has at least once been interested in their zodiac sign, some are very seriously interested in astrology. And this is understandable, everyone wants to plunge a little into the future, learn about magical talismans that will help your sign. In this article we will talk about Pisces, about men and women who bear this sign. Let's learn about the features of the sign, what kind of talisman the fish have.

Let's talk briefly about the zodiac sign itself. The element of this sign is water. Therefore, when choosing talismans, clothes, cosmetics, you need to choose a color scheme that will contain blue, greenish, turquoise, violet, purple, aqua, or muted tones of these colors.

It is recommended that fish live in a warm, humid climate so that they are close to a body of water. There is an opinion that fish are prone to frequent alcohol consumption. Danger for fish comes from communication with people, inability to control oneself, and unpredictable and unexpected situations. So fish, develop your weaknesses.

For Pisces, lucky days are Monday, Thursday and Friday, and unlucky days are Wednesday.

In general, Pisces is a very dreamy, receptive butt sign. Pisces often like to aggravate their situation; they try to appear weaker and more vulnerable than they really are. Among the fish there are weak, easily influenced individuals, and there are also hardworking and purposeful ones.

If we talk about representatives of different genders. Pisces men rarely take initiatives and take any steps; they are used to going with the flow. And Pisces women are distinguished by a very soft character and sentimentality. They love children very much, they are attentive and kind to them.

About talismans

Why do we need a talisman? This is a kind of amulet, it protects its wearer from the influence of people, from diseases, gives him strength and has a magical effect on its owner. The talisman brings good luck in business and relationships. A magical item is unique and it affects only one person and a specific situation. Therefore, you cannot wear another person’s talismans.

For fish, talismans associated with their element are suitable. These can be fish, they bring wealth and abundance. You will get a wonderful effect from a goldfish, which can be worn on a long gold or silver chain. The astrological symbol of the sign is considered to be, so women can wear a chain with fish on their ankle. This is both a good talisman and an accessory.

An image of a jellyfish, coral, pearl or shell can bring luck to Pisces. In general, everything related to the sea and ocean. A shell talisman placed in the solar plexus area will help against bad things; it will protect against the evil eye and slander.

There is an opinion that if you put the hair of a person you like in a shell talisman overnight, you can find out his attitude towards you. If the hair is far from the shell in the morning, then this is not your person, but if it remains in place, then the person will treat you positively.

A symbol of fish can be a musical instrument or its imitation. Tibetan symbols are also perfect - a cornucopia, a Yin-Yang talisman, and Chinese coins.

Knots and daffodils are considered talismans for fish. The node will act as a protector and help you find the truth, and the narcissist will bring good luck. You can choose a daffodil as a pendant or purchase a live flower.

You can choose any talisman, but if it has a rounded shape, you will get more effect. It is also recommended to choose colors that suit your sign for the object that protects you. And if it has 6, 7, 11 parts, it will also bring good luck, because these are lucky numbers for fish. If you are not sure that a particular stone, color, or item will suit you, it is better not to buy it, listen to your intuition.

Fish stone

  • First of all, moonstone, another name for selenite, is suitable. It has a pale silver-blue, lilac, milky color. The stone will help cope with anxiety, get rid of causeless fears, help alleviate attacks for patients with epilepsy, and stabilize the functioning of the genitourinary system. The stone has the ability to attract love and relieve loneliness. It makes its owner more patient and resistant to stress, reveals creativity and awakens inspiration.
  • Aquamarine stone is a variety of beryl and ranges in color from green to blue. Aquamarine will help the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems, normalize sleep, and relieve headaches. The talisman promotes the development of intuition, makes the owner more decisive and self-confident. Aquamarine is a very fair stone, it does not allow one to step over morality, and refuses to give its properties to greedy and selfish people.

  • Pearls attract love and passion. In addition, it will help you find a friend and soul mate. Pearl expects decisiveness from you, it guides you, helps you make a choice.
  • Sapphire indicates that it belongs to the Pisces sign by its color. Helps to avoid excessive energy consumption, because fish are very good-natured and open. Sapphire will protect you from depression and melancholy, improve memory, and keep you calm in any situation. The stone helps you become focused, because Pisces often have their head in the clouds.
  • Amethyst brings. The stone brings peace to your soul and surroundings, calms you down. It is a symbol of faith and eternal love.

Talisman for the coming year

According to the horoscope, in 2015 the amethyst stone became the talisman for Pisces. It is especially suitable for bearers of the sign who are engaged in mental work. It attracts romance and love, neutralizes negative energy.

The new year is coming soon. The symbol of this year will be the monkey. In the coming year, the talisman of fish will be the aquamarine stone. He will give mutual understanding, prudence in actions, and bring love and fidelity to the house. In the year of the monkey, the stone will become irreplaceable for highly impressionable people and travelers.

The talisman will be a good gift, both for yourself and for your friends. Perhaps someone didn’t know what to give their fish friends in the New Year. An excellent gift would be aquamarine jewelry, figurines, and accessories. I hope this information will help you make a choice.

I hasten to please the Pisces, the coming year will bring a lot of new things into your life, many changes for the better. You just need to stay positive and set yourself up for positive emotions.

We invite you to watch a video about the sign of Pisces, it contains a short description and talismans of the sign.

Astrologers advise Pisces to wear amulets that can bring them closer to the real world and take off their rose-colored glasses. Stones suitable for representatives of the Pisces constellation include jet, opal, pearl, moonstone and coral.

Jet protects Pisces from damage and the evil eye, protects against negative energy and helps restore vitality. This stone also endows its owner with wisdom and insight.

Opal is a symbol of happiness, luck and love. This amulet enhances intuition and drives away dark thoughts and anxiety. It protects Pisces from the negative influence of people around them, drives out fear and uncertainty, and regulates their state of mind. This stone is recommended to be worn by those Pisces who have dedicated their lives to art. Opal bestows inspiration, fills life with meaning and gives its owner vital energy.

Pearls protect Pisces from rash and adventurous decisions, protect them from ill-wishers and envious people, and give their owner lightness and optimism. This stone is recommended for Pisces who are engaged in business. Pearls will contribute to making the right decision and will guide its owner towards profit and money.

Moonstone has a beneficial effect on the mental and physical state of Pisces. Representatives of this constellation are constantly subject to stress and anxiety. Moonstone promotes relaxation of the whole body, expels bad thoughts, gives harmony and calm.

Coral has magical properties and gives its owner intuition, the ability to predict the future and see prophetic dreams. This stone is suitable for those Pisces who often fall into a stupor when making an important decision. Coral will give you self-confidence, help you choose the right path and will become an indispensable assistant in work in which Pisces demonstrate their intellectual abilities.

The shell is considered a talisman for Pisces. In general, all marine paraphernalia can bring good luck to people of this zodiac sign. Pisces are amazing people who attract good luck. Even when they no longer hope for a good outcome of events, Fortune lends them a helping hand. Having secured the support of a talisman, it will be even easier for representatives of this zodiac sign. A talisman in the form of a shell, an anchor or a sea knot can bring even more luck to them.

Each zodiac sign has its own color. The color purple suits Pisces. It symbolizes hidden desire, mystery, fantasy, dreams. This color completely coincides with the internal state of the soul of Pisces. Violet defines sensitivity, vulnerability, spirituality and impressionability in the character of people of this constellation. You need to be careful with this color. It is not recommended in excess quantities in clothing, at home and at work, as it can cause a melancholic mood. Useful article? Then be sure to put

23.05.2013 11:55

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